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Inter-plant concentration ratios (IPCR) [Bqg(-1)(137)Cs in coral atoll tree food crops/Bqg(-1)(137)Cs in leaves of native plant species whose roots share a common soil volume] can replace transfer factors (TF) to predict (137)Cs concentration in tree food crops in a contaminated area with an aged source term. The IPCR strategy has significant benefits relative to TF strategy for such purposes in the atoll ecosystem. IPCR strategy applied to specific assessments takes advantage of the fact that tree roots naturally integrate (137)Cs over large volumes of soil. Root absorption of (137)Cs replaces large-scale, expensive soil sampling schemes to reduce variability in (137)Cs concentration due to inhomogeneous radionuclide distribution. IPCR [drinking-coconut meat (DCM)/Scaevola (SCA) and Tournefortia (TOU) leaves (native trees growing on all atoll islands)] are log-normally distributed (LND) with geometric standard deviation (GSD)=1.85. TF for DCM from Enewetak, Eneu, Rongelap and Bikini Atolls are LND with GSDs of 3.5, 3.0, 2.7, and 2.1, respectively. TF GSD for Rongelap copra coconut meat is 2.5. IPCR of Pandanus fruit to SCA and TOU leaves are LND with GSD=1.7 while TF GSD is 2.1. Because IPCR variability is much lower than TF variability, relative sampling error of an IPCR field sample mean is up 6- to 10-fold lower than that of a TF sample mean if sample sizes are small (10-20). Other IPCR advantages are that plant leaf samples are collected and processed in far less time with much less effort and cost than soil samples.  相似文献   

As part of a requirement to improve the assessment of the impact of radioactive fallout on consumed agricultural products, bean plants at four development stages (seedlings, preflowering, late flowering and mature plants) were contaminated by dry deposition of (137)Cs, (85)Sr, (133)Ba and (123m)Te aerosols. The influence of two rain scenarios and of the development stage upon contamination on interception, retention, and translocation to pods was studied. Interception of the four radionuclides was almost identical and varied from 30 to 60% with increasing development stage. The most important rain parameter was the time which elapsed between contamination and the first rain. Whatever the development stage, rain washed off more cesium from the leaves when it occurred 2 days after the deposit (37% at the seedling stage, for example) rather than later on (6 days, 27%), due to rapid migration of Cs in the plant. The first rain washed off nearly 40% of Ba whatever the scenario. For later stages, Sr and Ba were more washed off by heavy weekly rains than by weak twice-a-week rains, perhaps because of the Sr/Ba-contaminated material loss associated with wash off (desquamation of cuticles). Te showed little wash off (less than 5%). Wash off decreased with an older development stage for a weak rain intensity, due to the superimposition of leaves. Heavy rains removed this shelter effect. At harvest, rain effect was no longer detectable as foliar activity was similar for both rain scenarios. Translocation factors (TF) for strontium and barium increased from 6 x 10(-3) to 1 x 10(-1) with the plant development stage upon contamination, whereas those for cesium remained almost unchanged between 2 x 10(-1) and 4 x 10(-1). Flowering is the most critical stage towards residual contamination in pods at harvest, with the exception of direct deposit on pods at the mature stage (TF values are one order of magnitude higher). TF value for Te was 6.5 x 10(-2) and was due to direct deposit. Modelling reflected the trends, through the differential values of the wash off and absorption coefficients, of what was reported for experimental results.  相似文献   

We have evaluated one of the main assumptions in the use of concentration ratios to describe the transfer of elements in the environment. The ratios examined in detail were the ‘concentration ratio’ (CR) of leaf to soil and the ‘partition coefficient’ of (Kd) of solid- to liquid-phase concentrations in soil. The ‘translocation ratio’ of berry to leaf was also computed when possible. Use of these ratios implies a linear relationship between the concentrations. Soil was experimentally contaminated to evaluate this linearity over more than a 1000-fold range in concentration. A secondary objective was to determine CR and Kd values in a long-term (2 y) outdoor study using a peat soil and a slow-growing native plant species, specifically blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium). The elements I, Se, CS, Pb and U wer chosen as environmentally important elements expected to provide a broad range in CR and Kd values. the reuslts indicated that relationships of leaf and leachate concentrations were not consistently linearly related to the total soil concentrations for each of the elements. The modelling difficulties implied by these concentration dependencies can be partially offset by including in the models the strong negative correlation between CR and Kd. The error introduced by using a mean value of the ratios for Se or U resulted in up to a ten-fold increase in variability for CR and a three-fold increase for Kd.  相似文献   

Plant species, forming important components of Arctic food chains and of interest from a monitoring perspective, were studied at 36 plots representing flood plain and terrace landscapes of the Yenisey River and Estuary from its upper delta to the gulf. (137)Cs contamination densities at the plots varied from 0.35kBq/m(2) (central delta, sandy riverside plot) to 88kBq/m(2) (the upper delta plot) indicating both global and regional sources of anthropogenic pollution. Cs-137 levels in plants were within the range expected from global fallout inputs and varied from 31 to 140Bq/kg d.w. increasing in dominant groups in the order: grasses相似文献   

The effectiveness of a set of soil- and plant-based countermeasures to reduce 137Cs and 90Sr transfer to plants was tested in natural meadows in the area affected by Chernobyl fallout. Countermeasures comprised the use of agricultural practices (disking + ploughing, liming and NPK fertilisation), addition of soil amendments and reseeding with a selection of grass species. Disking + ploughing was the most effective treatment, whereas the K fertiliser doses applied were insufficient to produce a significant increase in K concentration in soil solution. The application of some agricultural practices was economically justifiable for scenarios with a high initial transfer, such as 137Cs-contaminated organic soils. The use of soil amendments did not lead to a further decrease in transfer. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that this was because of their low radionuclide sorption properties. Finally, experiments examining the effect of plant species on radionuclide transfer showed that both transfer and biomass can depend on the plant species, indicating that those with high radionuclide root uptake should be avoided when reseeding after ploughing.  相似文献   

The transfer of natural radionuclides of the U decay series through the biosphere is important, especially for assessment of the impacts of mining and milling of U ores. The pathway from soil through plants to humans can contribute significantly to the overall dose received from these radionuclides. Element-specific concentration ratios (CRs) used to model the impact of radionuclides have been reported for U, Th and Pb but have not received the research or critical review accorded other radionuclides associated with the nuclear industry. This paper compiles and analyses many of the available data on CRs for U, Th and Pb and recommends values appropriate for environmental assessments. A brief overview of the statistical properties of CR values and the complex soil/plant processes encompassed by this ratio is also given, as well as an overview of some of the physical, chemical and biological factors likely to influence CR values.Our analysis showed that CR values decreased significantly as the corresponding soil concentrations increased. Although the variability was substantial, with ranges of 1000- to 30 000-fold, CR values did differ significantly among some soil and plant types. The overall geometric means were 0·0045, 0·0036 and 0·052 for U, Th and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   

This study aims to screen plant species native to Taiwan that could be used to eliminate (137)Cs radionuclides from contaminated soil. Four kinds of vegetables and two kinds of plants known as green manures were used for the screening. The test plants were cultivated in (137)Cs-contaminated soil and amended soil which is a mixture of the contaminated one with a horticultural soil. The plant with the highest (137)Cs transfer factor was used for further examination on the effects of K addition on the transfer of (137)Cs from the soils to the plant. Experimental results revealed that plants cultivated in the amended soil produced more biomass than those in the contaminated soil. Rape exhibited the highest production of aboveground parts, and had the highest (137)Cs transfer factor among all the tested plants. The transfer of (137)Cs to the rape grown in the soil to which 100 ppm KCl commonly used in local fertilizers had been added, were restrained. Results of this study indicated that rape, a popular green manure in Taiwan, could remedy (137)Cs-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

In the effort to predict the risks associated with contaminated soils, considerable reliance is placed on plant/soil concentration ratio (CR) values measured at sites other than the contaminated site. This inevitably results in the need to extrapolate among the many soil and plant types. There are few studies that compare CR among plant types that encompass both field and garden crops. Here, CRs for 40 elements were measured for 25 crops from farm and garden sites chosen so the grain crops were in close proximity to the gardens. Special emphasis was placed on iodine (I) because data for this element are sparse. For many elements, there were consistent trends among CRs for the various crop types, with leafy crops > root crops ≥ fruit crops ≈ seed crops. Exceptions included CR values for As, K, Se and Zn which were highest in the seed crops. The correlation of CRs from one plant type to another was evident only when there was a wide range in soil concentrations. In comparing CRs between crop types, it became apparent that the relationships differed for the rare earth elements (REE), which also had very low CR values. The CRs for root and leafy crops of REE converged to a minimum value. This was attributed to soil adhesion, despite the samples being washed, and the average soil adhesion for root crops was 500 mg soil kg−1 dry plant and for leafy crops was 5 g kg−1. Across elements, the log CR was negatively correlated with log Kd (the soil solid/liquid partition coefficient), as expected. Although, this correlation is expected, measures of correlation coefficients suitable for stochastic risk assessment are not frequently reported. The results suggest that r ≈ −0.7 would be appropriate for risk assessment.  相似文献   

Coconut trees growing on atolls of the Bikini Islands are on the margin of K deficiency because the concentration of exchangeable K in coral soil is very low, ranging from only 20 to 80 mg kg−1. When provided with additional K, coconut trees absorb large quantities of K and this uptake of K significantly alters the patterns of distribution of 137Cs within the plant. Following a single K fertilization event, mean total K in trunks of K-treated trees is 5.6 times greater than in trunks of control trees. In contrast, 137Cs concentration in trunks of K-treated and control trees is statistically the same while 137Cs is significantly lower in edible fruits of K-treated trees. Within one year after fertilization (one rainy season), K concentration in soil is back to naturally low concentrations. However, the tissue concentrations of K in treated trees stays very high internally in the trees for years while 137Cs concentration in treated trees remains very low in all tree compartments except for the trunk. Potassium fertilization did not change soil Cs availability.  相似文献   

In order to study the plant uptake and downward migration of radiostrontium and radiocesium deposited on to a flooded rice field, 85Sr and 137Cs were applied to the standing water over an acidic sandy soil in planted lysimeters. The plant uptake was quantified with the areal transfer factor (TFa, m2 kg(-1)-dry plant). Following the spiking 14 days after transplanting, the TFa values for the hulled seeds were 3.9 x 10(-4) for 85Sr and 1.4 x 10(-4) for 137Cs, whereas those for the straws were 1.3 x 10(-2) and 3.2 x 10(-4), respectively. The 137Cs TFa from the spiking at the anthesis/milky-ripe stage was several times higher than that from the earlier spiking, whereas the difference was much less in the 85Sr TFa. Such an increase in the 137Cs TFa was attributed mainly to an enhanced plant-base uptake. The addition of KCl and lime after the spiking significantly reduced the TFa values of both radionuclides. The reducing effect was greater for the later spiking. An appreciable fraction of the applied activity leached out of the lysimeter for 85Sr, whereas a negligible fraction leached for 137Cs. The leaching was remarkably increased by the KCl and lime addition for both. A conspicuous localization of 137Cs with respect to the soil surface was observed. In a batch experiment, the 137Cs concentration in the standing water decreased more rapidly than that of 85Sr, both of which were fitted to the power functions of the elapsed time. To add KCl and lime slowed such decreases to lessen the distribution coefficients (Kd) of both 85Sr and 137Cs.  相似文献   

Sediment and aquatic plants were collected annually since the early 1990s in the main French rivers, upstream of nuclear power plants. These time series were used in order to assess the parameters of a compartmental model describing the Chernobyl-derived (137)Cs flux from soil to rivers. In order to reduce the dispersal of (137)Cs measured activities in sediment samples due to the granulometric heterogeneity, a correction method was set up using sediment test-fractions artificially enriched with specific diameter particles. The method was based on (137)Cs affinity for fine particles, especially clays, and thus clay and fine silt contents of each sample was analysed. Corrected sediment data showed (1) that the method efficiently reduced the variability; and (2) that (137)Cs activities in French rivers decreased with a half-life of 4 to 6 years since 1987 (after correction by radioactive decay). A similar half-life value was obtained for aquatic plants pointing out that this half-life is related to the gradual decay of the flux from soil to rivers, not to the indicator itself. Comparing our results with similar ones published by other authors, it appeared possible that this kinetic varies with the time period over which the study is conducted, the longer the period the lower is the kinetic.  相似文献   

A large-scale hydroponic experiment was carried out in a non-controlled greenhouse. Spring wheat plants were grown to maturity at four levels of external K concentration (2, 4, 20 and 40 mgl(-1)) and one concentration of radiocaesium (8 Bqml(-1)). Concentrations of K and radiocaesium in the growth solution were closely monitored, and replenishments were made upon depletion. K effectively competed with radiocaesium in terms of root uptake. Activity concentrations of radiocaesium in plants differed significantly between the four K treatments; the activity concentration at the lowest external K concentration being 100 times higher than that at the highest K level. The relationship between radiocaesium uptake and external K level could be described by a negative power function; this showed that when the K level reached around 12 mgl(-1), further increases in the external K level resulted only in slight changes in its inhibitory effect. As a result of this inhibitory effect of potassium supply, concentrations of radiocaesium in plant tissues, grains in particular, were greatly reduced at high external K concentration. Mechanisms involved in Cs-K interaction in root uptake are also discussed.  相似文献   

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Japan resulted in the release of a large number of fission products that were transported worldwide. We study the effects of two of the most dangerous radionuclides emitted, 137Cs (half-life: 30.2 years) and 134Cs (half-life: 2.06 years), which were transported across the world constituting the global fallout (together with iodine isotopes and noble gasses) after nuclear releases. The main purpose is to provide preliminary cancer risk estimates after the Fukushima NPP accident, in terms of excess lifetime incident and death risks, prior to epidemiology, and compare them with those occurred after the Chernobyl accident. Moreover, cancer risks are presented for the local population in the form of high-resolution risk maps for 3 population classes and for both sexes. The atmospheric transport model LMDZORINCA was used to simulate the global dispersion of radiocaesium after the accident. Air and ground activity concentrations have been incorporated with monitoring data as input to the LNT-model (Linear Non-Threshold) frequently used in risk assessments of all solid cancers. Cancer risks were estimated to be small for the global population in regions outside Japan. Women are more sensitive to radiation than men, although the largest risks were recorded for infants; the risk is not depended on the sex at the age-at-exposure. Radiation risks from Fukushima were more enhanced near the plant, while the evacuation measures were crucial for its reduction. According to our estimations, 730–1700 excess cancer incidents are expected of which around 65% may be fatal, which are very close to what has been already published (see references therein). Finally, we applied the same calculations using the DDREF (Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factor), which is recommended by the ICRP, UNSCEAR and EPA as an alternative reduction factor instead of using a threshold value (which is still unknown). Excess lifetime cancer incidents were estimated to be between 360 and 850, whereas 220–520 of them will be fatal. Nevertheless, these numbers are expected to be even smaller, as the response of the Japanese official authorities to the accident was rapid. The projected cancer incidents are much lower than the casualties occurred from the earthquake itself (> 20,000) and also smaller than the accident of Chernobyl.  相似文献   

Marshes have been proposed as sites for phytoremediation of metals. The fate of metals within plant tissues is a critical issue for effectiveness of this process. In this paper we review studies that investigate the effects of plants on metals in wetlands. While most of these marsh plant species are similar in metal uptake patterns and in concentrating metals primarily in roots, some species retain more of their metal burden in below ground structures than other species, which redistribute a greater proportion of metals into above ground tissues, especially leaves. Storage in roots is most beneficial for phytostabilization of the metal contaminants, which are least available when concentrated below ground. Plants may alter the speciation of metals and may also suffer toxic effects as a result of accumulating them. Metals in leaves may be excreted through salt glands and thereby returned to the marsh environment. Metal concentrations of leaf and stem litter may become enriched in metals over time, due in part to cation adsorption or to incorporation of fine particles with adsorbed metals. Several studies suggest that metals in litter are available to deposit feeders and, thus, can enter estuarine food webs. Marshes, therefore, can be sources and well as sinks for metal contaminants. Phragmites australis, an invasive species in the northeast U.S. sequesters more metals below ground than the native Spartina alterniflora, which also releases more via leaf excretion. This information is important for the siting and use of wetlands for phytoremediation as well as for marsh restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of mycorrhizal association on plant nutrition and water supply is well-known, however, very little information exists with respect to the availability of radionuclides. We have measured the effect of controlled mycorrhizal association on the root uptake from soil and accumulation in leaves of three radionuclides. The radionuclides have contrasting chemical and biological properties: Cs is strongly adsorbed on soil, has no biological role and is a close analogue of potassium; Sr is less strongly adsorbed on soil and behaves very similarly to calcium; and Tc is very mobile in soil as pertechnetate, but immobilised when reduced to Tc(IV), it is also considered to be easily assimilated by biological systems. We found that mycorrhizal association had no effect on root-to-needle transfer of Cs, but increased root uptake and that this increase could not be explained by improved potassium nutrition. In contrast, the symbiotic relation decreased Tc soil-to-needle transfer, but this resulted from complex dynamics of root uptake and rapid immobilisation of Tc in soil. No effect of mycorrhizal association on Sr, like its stable analogue Ca, was observed. The addition of a phytotoxic metal, Cu, inhibited mycorrhizal association, thus eliminating the effects observed for non-contaminated plant-fungus couples, but had no additional effect on radionuclide dynamics.  相似文献   

An alternative method for determination of activities of natural, technogenic and fallout radionuclides in environmental samples was proposed. The method used a widely available scintillation spectrometer and was based on the decomposition of samples' γ-spectra into spectral components of separate radionuclide groups with the help of standard sources. The method was tested on water, soil and coal samples and could be successfully used in field (expedition) conditions (without liquid nitrogen for the detector cooling).  相似文献   

Evidence exists from both the literature and our own observations that plant nuclide uptake for a variety of plants and elements is a non-linear function of substrate concentration. The uptake response to increasing substrate concentration is usually in the form of a single or multi-phasic saturation curve. For some plant types and elements the uptake response may also take the form in which a threshold of soil activity is necessary before uptake is measurable. We present a generic uptake response curve and the resulting concentration ratio function determined by computer simulation. Data describing the uptake response of plants to 226Ra, 210Pb and 210Po as well as for calcium and stable lead are discussed. Functions are also presented for these elements to describe the uptake response and the concentration ratio and their mathematical forms are compared to the generic model.  相似文献   

An alternative method for determination of activities of natural, technogenic and fallout radionuclides in environmental samples was proposed. The method used a widely available scintillation spectrometer and was based on the decomposition of samples' gamma-spectra into spectral components of separate radionuclide groups with the help of standard sources. The method was tested on water, soil and coal samples and could be successfully used in field (expedition) conditions (without liquid nitrogen for the detector cooling).  相似文献   

Most biosphere and contamination assessment models are based on uniform soil conditions, since single coefficients are used to describe the transfer of contaminants to the plant. Indeed, physical and chemical characteristics and root distribution are highly variable in the soil profile. These parameters have to be considered in the formulation of a more realistic soil-plant transfer model for naturally structured soils. The impact of monolith soil structure (repacked and structured) on Zn and Mn uptake by wheat was studied in a controlled tracer application (dye and radioactive) experiment. We used Brilliant Blue and Sulforhodamine B to dye flow lines and 65Zn and 54Mn to trace soil distribution and plant uptake of surface-applied particle-reactive contaminants. Spatial variation of the soil water content during irrigation and plant growth informs indirectly about tracer and root location in the soil profile. In the structured monolith, a till pan at a depth of 30 cm limited vertical water flow and root penetration into deeper soil layers and restricted tracers to the upper third of the monolith. In the repacked monolith, roots were observed at all depths and fingering flow allowed for the fast appearance of all tracers in the outflow. These differences between the two monoliths are reflected by significantly higher 54Mn and 65Zn uptake in wheat grown on the structured monolith. The higher uptake of Mn can be modelled on the basis of radionuclide and root distribution as a function of depth and using a combination of preferential flow and rooting. The considerably higher uptake of Zn requires transfer factors which account for variable biochemical uptake as a function of location.  相似文献   

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