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Exxon Neftegas Limited, as operator of the Sakhalin-1 consortium, is developing oil and gas reserves on the continental shelf off northeast Sakhalin Island, Russia. DalMorNefteGeofizika (DMNG) on behalf of the Sakhalin-1 consortium conducted a 3-D seismic survey of the Odoptu license area during 17 August–9 September 2001. A portion of the primary feeding area of the endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is located in the vicinity of the seismic survey. This paper presents data to assess whether western gray whale bottom feeding activity, as indicated by visible mud plumes, was affected by seismic operations. The mitigation and monitoring program associated with the seismic survey included aerial surveys during 19 July–19 November 2001. These aerial surveys documented the local and regional distribution, abundance, and bottom feeding activity of western gray whales. Data on gray whale feeding activity before, during and after the seismic survey were collected, with the whales assumed to be feeding on the benthos if mud plumes were observed on the surface. The data were used to assess the influence of seismic survey and other factors (including environmental) on feeding activity of western gray whales. A stepwise multiple regression analysis failed to find a statistically significant effect (α = 0.05) of the seismic survey on frequency of occurrence of mud plumes of western gray whales used as a proxy to evaluate bottom feeding activity in Piltun feeding area. The regression indicated that transect number (a proxy for water depth, related to distance from shore) and swell height (a proxy for sea state) were the only variables that had a significant effect on frequency of whale mud plumes. It is concluded that the 2001 seismic survey had no measurable effect (α = 0.05) on bottom feeding activity of western gray whales off Sakhalin Island. M.W. Newcomer, deceased  相似文献   

In 2001–2003, >60,000 km of aerial surveys and 7,700 km of vessel surveys were conducted during June to November when critically endangered Korean–Okhotsk or western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) were present off the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia. Results of surveys in all years indicated gray whales occurred in predominantly two areas, (1) adjacent to Piltun Bay, and (2) offshore from Chayvo Bay, hereafter referred to as the Piltun and offshore feeding areas. In the Piltun feeding area, the majority of whales were observed in waters shallower than 20 m and were distributed from several hundred meters to ∼ 5 km from the shoreline. In the offshore feeding area during all years, the distribution of gray whales extended from southwest to northeast in waters 30–65 m in depth. During all years, the distribution and abundance of whales changed in both the Piltun and offshore feeding areas, and both north–south and inshore–offshore movements were documented within and between feeding seasons. The discovery of a significant number of whales feeding in the offshore area each year was a substantial finding of this study and raises questions regarding western gray whale abundance and population levels, feeding behavior and ecology, and individual site-fidelity. Fluctuations in the number of whales observed within the Piltun and offshore feeding areas and few sightings outside of these two areas indicate that gray whales move between the Piltun and offshore feeding areas during their summer–fall feeding season. Seasonal shifts in the distribution and abundance of gray whales between and within both the Piltun and offshore feeding areas are thought, in part, to be a response to seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of prey. However, the mechanism driving the movements of whales along the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island is likely very complex and influenced by a multitude of factors. *Deceased  相似文献   

Exxon Neftegas Limited, operator of the Sakhalin-1 consortium, is developing oil and gas reserves on the continental shelf off northeast Sakhalin Island, Russia. DalMorNefteGeofizika (DMNG), on behalf of the Sakhalin-1 consortium, conducted a 3-D seismic survey of the Odoptu license area during 17 August–9 September 2001. A portion of the primary known feeding area of the endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is located adjacent to the seismic block. The data presented here were collected as part of daily monitoring to determine if there was any measurable effect of the seismic survey on the distribution and abundance of western gray whales. Mitigation and monitoring program included aerial surveys conducted between 19 July and 19 November using the methodology outlined by the Southern California High Energy Seismic Survey team (HESS). These surveys provided documentation of the distribution, abundance and bottom feeding activity of western gray whales in relation to seismic survey sounds. From an operations perspective, the aerial surveys provided near real-time data on the location of whales in and outside the feeding area, and documented whether whales were displaced out of an area normally used as feeding habitat. The objectives of this study were to assess (a) temporal changes in the distribution and abundance of gray whales in relation to seismic survey, and (b) the influence of seismic survey, environmental factors, and other variables on the distribution and abundance of gray whales within their preferred feeding area adjacent to Piltun Bay. Multiple regression analysis revealed a limited redistribution of gray whales southward within the Piltun feeding area when the seismic survey was fully operational. A total of five environmental and other variables unrelated to seismic survey (date and proxies of depth, sea state and visibility) and one seismic survey-related variable (seg3d, i.e., received sound energy accumulated over 3 days) had statistically significant effects on the distribution and abundance of gray whales. The distribution of two to four gray whales observed on the surface (i.e., about five to ten whales in total) has likely been affected by the seismic survey. However, the total number of gray whales observed within the Piltun feeding area remained stable during the seismic survey. M. W. Newcomer, Deceased.  相似文献   

A 3D marine seismic survey of the Odoptu license area off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, was conducted by DalMorNefteGeofizika (DMNG) on behalf of Exxon Neftegas Limited and the Sakhalin-1 consortium during mid-August through early September 2001. The key environmental issue identified in an environmental impact assessment was protection of the critically endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus), which spends the summer–fall open water period feeding off northeast Sakhalin Island in close proximity to the seismic survey area. Seismic mitigation and monitoring guidelines and recommendations were developed and implemented to reduce impacts on the feeding activity of western gray whales. Results of the acoustic monitoring program indicated that the noise monitoring and mitigation program was successful in reducing exposure of feeding western gray whales to seismic noise.  相似文献   

A geophysical seismic survey was conducted in the summer of 2001 off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia. The area of seismic exploration was immediately adjacent to the Piltun feeding grounds of the endangered western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). This study investigates relative abundance, behavior, and movement patterns of gray whales in relation to occurrence and proximity to the seismic survey by employing scan sampling, focal follow, and theodolite tracking methodologies. These data were analyzed in relation to temporal, environmental, and seismic related variables to evaluate potential disturbance reactions of gray whales to the seismic survey. The relative numbers of whales and pods recorded from five shore-based stations were not significantly different during periods when seismic surveys were occurring compared to periods when no seismic surveys were occurring and to the post-seismic period. Univariate analyses indicated no significant statistical correlation between seismic survey variables and any of the eleven movement and behavior variables. Multiple regression analyses indicated that, after accounting for temporal and environmental variables, 6 of 11 movement and behavior variables (linearity, acceleration, mean direction, blows per surfacing, and surface-dive blow rate) were not significantly associated with seismic survey variables, and 5 of 11 variables (leg speed, reorientation rate, distance-from-shore, blow interval, and dive time) were significantly associated with seismic survey variables. In summary, after accounting for environmental variables, no correlation was found between seismic survey variables and the linearity of whale movements, changes in whale swimming speed between theodolite fixes, mean direction of whale movement, mean number of whale exhalations per minute at the surface, mean time at the surface, and mean number of exhalations per minute during a whales surface-to-dive cycle. In contrast, at higher received sound energy exposure levels, whales traveled faster, changed directions of movement less, were recorded further from shore, and stayed under water longer between respirations.  相似文献   

This work presents the vertical distributions of ozone and meteorological parameters observed with tethered ozonesondes and meteorological radiosondes in the lower atmosphere during an ozone episode on March 25–27, 2003, in Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung is a coastal industrial city with inland mountain ranges to the east. Extremely complicated ozone structures were identified that spanned day and night during the experimental period. During afternoons, the lower atmosphere was divided into two stratified air layers with substantially different ozone concentrations. On the episode day (March 26), average ozone concentration in the near-ground layer was 85 ppb and the aloft layer was 140 ppb. A very high ozone peak of 199 ppb measured aloft likely resulted from an elevated large point source. Several no-ozone air layers, distributed throughout 400–750 m, were observed to transport onshore during the nigh. As well, elevated ozone layers peaking at 60–90 ppb and 90–160 ppb were detected below and above the no-ozone air layers, respectively. These complicated ozone structures were likely formed through titration of plumes from large point sources and the circulations of sea breezes or combined sea-breeze/mountain flows in the study area.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation in ecological systems is a critical issue for monitoring (and a general understanding of ecological dynamics) yet there are very few data available, especially for riverine systems. Here, we report here on assemblage-level autocorrelation in the benthic-invertebrate assemblages of riffles in two adjacent, relatively pristine rivers in south-eastern Victoria, Australia (40-km reaches of the Wellington [surveys in summers of 1996 and 1997] and Wonnangatta Rivers [survey in summer of 1996 only], with 16 sites in each river). We found that analyses were similar if the data were resolved to family or to species level. Spatial autocorrelation was assessed by using Mantel-tests for the data partitioned into different sets of spatial separations of survey sites (e.g. 0–6 km, 6–12 km, etc.). We found strong small-scale (≤6 km) autocorrelation in the Wellington River, which is consistent with known dispersal abilities of many aquatic invertebrates. Surprisingly, there were strong negative correlations at longer distance classes for the Wellington River in one of the two summers (20–40 km) and the Wonnangatta River (12–20 km). That two largely unimpacted, adjacent rivers should have such different autocorrelation patterns suggests that impact assessment cannot assume dependence or independence of sites a priori. We discuss the implications of these results for use of “reference” sites to assess impacts at nominally affected sites.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to investigate seasonal and spatial variations of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm) and TSP (total suspended particulate matter) of an Indian Metropolis with high pollution and population density from November 2003 to November 2004. Ambient concentration measurements of PM10 and TSP were carried out at two monitoring sites of an urban region of Kolkata. Monitoring sites have been selected based on the dominant activities of the area. Meteorological parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were also collected simultaneously during the sampling period from Indian Meteorological Department, Kolkata. The 24 h average concentrations of PM10 and TSP were found in the range 68.2–280.6 μg/m3 and 139.3–580.3 μg/m3 for residential (Kasba) area, while 62.4–401.2 μg/m3 and 125.7–732.1 μg/m3 for industrial (Cossipore) area, respectively. Winter concentrations of particulate pollutants were higher than other seasons, irrespective of the monitoring sites. It indicates a longer residence time of particulates in the atmosphere during winter due to low winds and low mixing height. Spread of air pollution sources and non-uniform mixing conditions in an urban area often result in spatial variation of pollutant concentrations. The higher particulate pollution at industrial area may be attributed due to resuspension of road dust, soil dust, automobile traffic and nearby industrial emissions. Particle size analysis result shows that PM10 is about 52% of TSP at residential area and 54% at industrial area.  相似文献   

Ambient levels of carbonyl compounds and their possible sources were studied at three places in the metropolitan area of Costa Rica, including a residential, an industrial, and a commercial downtown area with high vehicular flow, during the periods of April–May and September–December 2009. Fifteen carbonyl compounds were identified in the ambient air, of which acetone was the most abundant carbonyl, followed by formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Concentrations were highest in rainy season at all sites and lower in dry season. These decreases in concentration are explained by the influences of both photochemical reactions and local meteorological conditions. The strong correlation between C1–C2 and C3 indicated a common origin for these carbonyls. The C1/C2 ratios varied between 0.49 to 1.05, values which can be considered typical of an urban area.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between some physico-chemical properties of soils and lead contamination in soil due to emission from industrial operations in Samsun province of Turkey was investigated. The extent of timely contamination was studied by comparing the obtained results with the results of the study conducted in the same region in 1998. An area of 225 km2 (15 km × 15 km), which was divided into 1000 × 1000 m grid squares (16 lines in the east and south directions), was selected within the industrial area. The total of 256 grid points was obtained and soil samples were collected from three depths (0–5, 5–15, and 15–30 cm) of each grid center in 2004. The total Pb concentrations of soil samples were determined as 65.84–527.04 μg g−1 at 0–5 cm in depth, 58.50 – 399.54 μg g−1 at 5–15 cm in depth, and 44.65–330.07 μg g−1 at 15–30 cm in depth. DTPA-extractable Pb concentrations of soils were found to be in the range of 1.52–9.03 μg g−1, 0.54–7.09 μg g−1, 0.19–6.13 μg g−1 at 0–5, 5–15, and 15–30 cm depths, respectively. There were significant relationships between both total or DTPA-extractable Pb concentrations and selected physico-chemical properties of soil. According to enrichment factor (EF) values calculated from the total Pb concentrations, 11.3% of the study area (225 km2) was enriched with Pb in high level, but 77% of the area was in significant enrichment level with Pb. The average total and DTPA-extractable Pb concentrations increased as 11 and 13%, respectively in comparison with the results of 1998.  相似文献   

The southwestern coast of India is drained by many small rivers with lengths less than 250 km and catchment areas less than 6,500 km2. These rivers are perennial and are also the major drinking water sources in the region. But, the fast pace of urbanization, industrialization, fertilizer intensive agricultural activities and rise in pilgrim tourism in the past four to five decades have imposed marked changes in water quality and solute fluxes of many of these rivers. The problems have aggravated further due to leaching of ionic constituents from the organic-rich (peaty) impervious sub-surface layers that are exposed due to channel incision resulting from indiscriminate instream mining for construction-grade sand and gravel. In this context, an attempt has been made here to evaluate the water quality and the net nutrient flux of one of the important rivers in the southwestern coast of India, the Manimala river which has a length of about 90 km and catchment area of 847 km2. The river exhibits seasonal variation in most of the water quality parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, HCO3, NO2-N, NO3-N, P \text-inorg_{\rm \text{-}inorg}, P \text-tot_{\rm \text{-}tot}, chloride, SO4, and SiO2). Except for NO3-N and SiO2, all the other parameters are generally enriched in non-monsoon (December–May) samples than that of monsoon (June–November). The flux estimation reveals that the Manimala river transports an amount of 2,308 t y − 1 of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 87 t y − 1 dissolved inorganic phosphorus, and 9246 t y − 1 of SO4, and 1984 t y − 1 K into the receiving coastal waters. These together constitute about 23% of the total dissolved fluxes transported by the Manimala river. Based on the study, a set of mitigation measures are also suggested to improve the overall water quality of small catchment rivers of the densely populated tropics in general and the south western coast in particular.  相似文献   

Ranipet industrial area is about 120 km from Chennai on Chennai-Bangalore highway and is a chronic polluted area identified by Central Pollution Control Board of India. It is one of the biggest exporting centers of tanned leather in India. The total number of industries located in and around Ranipet town are 240 tanneries along with ceramic, refractory, boiler auxiliaries plant, and chromium chemicals. Studies were carried out to find out the contamination of surface water bodies due to industrial effluents. The results reveal that the surface water in the area is highly contaminated showing very high concentrations of some of the heavy/toxic metals like Cadmium ranging from 0.2 to 401.4 μg/l (average of 51.1 μg/l), Chromium 2.4–1,308.6 (average of 247.2 μg/l), Copper 2.1–535.5 μg/l (average of 95.5 μg/l), Nickel 1.6–147.0 μg/l (average of 36.7 μg/l), Lead 6.4–2,034.4 μg/l (average of 467.8 μg/l) and Zinc 20.8–12,718.0 μg/l (average of 3,760.4 μg/l). The concentration levels of these metals are much above the permissible limits in surface water and are health hazards especially for the people working in the tannery industries. It was observed that the people in the area are seriously affected and suffering from occupational diseases such as asthma, chromium ulcers and skin diseases. Distribution of metals, their contents at different locations, and their effects on human health are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The number of sites sampled must be considered when determining the effort necessary for adequately assessing taxa richness in an ecosystem for bioassessment purposes; however, there have been few studies concerning the number of sites necessary for bioassessment of large rivers. We evaluated the effect of sample size (i.e., number of sites) necessary to collect vertebrate (fish and aquatic amphibians), macroinvertebrate, and diatom taxa from seven large rivers in Oregon and Washington, USA during the summers of 2006–2008. We used Monte Carlo simulation to determine the number of sites needed to collect 90–95% of the taxa 75–95% of the time from 20 randomly located sites on each river. The river wetted widths varied from 27.8 to 126.0 m, mean substrate size varied from 1 to 10 cm, and mainstem distances sampled varied from 87 to 254 km. We sampled vertebrates at each site (i.e., 50 times the mean wetted channel width) by nearshore-raft electrofishing. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates nearshore through the use of a 500-μm mesh kick net at 11 systematic stations. From each site composite sample, we identified a target of 500 macroinvertebrate individuals to the lowest possible taxon, usually genus. We sampled benthic diatoms nearshore at the same 11 stations from a 12-cm2 area. At each station, we sucked diatoms from soft substrate into a 60-ml syringe or brushed them off a rock and rinsed them with river water into the same jar. We counted a minimum of 600 valves at 1,000× magnification for each site. We collected 120–211 diatom taxa, 98–128 macroinvertebrate taxa, and 14–33 vertebrate species per river. To collect 90-95% of the taxa 75-95% of the time that were collected at 20 sites, it was necessary to sample 11–16 randomly distributed sites for vertebrates, 13–17 sites for macroinvertebrates, and 16–18 sites for diatoms. We conclude that 12–16 randomly distributed sites are needed for cost-efficient sampling of vertebrate richness in the main stems of our study rivers, but 20 sites markedly underestimates the species richness of benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in those rivers.  相似文献   

Seasonal aerosol samples have been collected by Andersen Hi-Vol pumping system equipped with a five stage cascade impactor and a backup filter (size range: 10–7.2 μ m, 7.2–3.0 μ m, 3.0–1.5 μ m, 1.5–0.95 μ m, 0.95–0.49 μ m, ≤0.49 μ m) in the Liwan district, Guangzhou. n-Alkanes were measured using gas chromatography and PAHs were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. The bimodal log-normal distributions of n-alkanes and semi-volatile PAHs were found, while for non-volatile PAHs that was unimodal, so much as the mode of semi-volatile PAHs was similar with that of the particles. The n-alkanes and PAHs were preferably associated with fine particles. C max (carbon number maximum) (C22–C26), CPI (carbon preference index) (1.12–1.21), U/R (unresolved to resolved components ratio) (7.42–10.7), wax% (0.9–3.12%) and the diagnostic ratios for PAHs revealed that vehicular emission was the major source of these organic compounds during the study periods, while the contribution of epicuticular waxes emitted by terrestrial plants was minor. CPI2 (values for petrogenic hydrocarbons), CPI3 (values for biogenic n-alkanes) and wax% revealed that the natural preferentially accumulated in the larger aerosol while the anthropogenic in the smaller. In addition, the different MMDs (mass median diameters) for n-alkanes and PAHs were observed in different seasons. The MMDs for n-alkanes and PAHs were higher in autumn/winter than those in spring/summer. The seasonal effect was related to the hydrocarbon content in the individual particulate fractions, showing a preferential association of n-alkanes and PAHs with larger particles in the autumn/winter season.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study of sources of variation in metal concentrations within the whole tissues of a shallow burrowing, filter-feeding intertidal clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi. Samples were collected from 12 sites in April, August, November and February in 1993–1994 in the vicinity of Otago Harbour and Peninsula, New Zealand. Total tissue trace metal concentrations (μg g−1 dry weight) were measured in individual animals for the essential metals : Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and the non-essential Cr using trace-metal clean acid-digestion and ICP-OAES techniques. Average metal concentrations were 3–60 μg g−1 for Cu, 40–118 μg g−1 for Zn, 2–12 μg g−1 for Mn, 5–35 μg g−1 for Ni and 1–44 μg g−1 for Cr. These levels decreased with body weight and differed amongst sites except for Cr in February (mid-summer). Highest concentrations occurred at sites close to a city (Dunedin) and within the central harbour region although the Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr concentrations did not correlate with the environmental gradient or season. At one coastal site, samples of both the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and cockles gave similar trends in trace metal levels. These results suggest that the cockle could be a useful trace metal biomonitor within NZ estuaries.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to compare the levels of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in samples of Dicentrarchus labrax living in the Straits of Messina with samples cultivated in cages in the Mediterranean Sea. Muscles and liver tissues sampled over the months, within the same year, were analyzed. The quantitative determination of the organochlorine compounds was performed by GC-ECD and confirmed with GC–MS. The results showed that the concentrations of DDTs in muscles and livers as such of reared sea bass were in the range 0.2–1.3 μg/kg and 9.6 –48.4 μg/kg, respectively. In wild fish the concentrations of DDTs were very much lower: 0.1 μg/kg in muscles, 5.1–9.0 μg/kg in livers. Total PCBs levels were higher in cultivated sea bass than in wild fish; the concentration ranges were 5.3–59.7 μg/kg and 74.4–267.4 μg/kg in muscle and liver of reared samples, respectively, and 1.1–1.5 μg/kg and 63.2–109.4 μg/kg in muscle and liver of wild samples, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was begun in the winter of 2000–2001 and continued through the winter of 2001–2002 to examine air quality at the Green Rock snowmobile staging area at 2,985 m elevation in the Snowy Range of Wyoming. The study was designed to evaluate the effects of winter recreation snowmobile activity on air quality at this high elevation site by measuring levels of nitrogen oxides (NO x , NO), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10 mass). Snowmobile numbers were higher weekends than weekdays, but numbers were difficult to quantify with an infrared sensor. Nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide were significantly higher weekends than weekdays. Ozone and particulate matter were not significantly different during the weekend compared to weekdays. Air quality data during the summer was also compared to the winter data. Carbon monoxide levels at the site were significantly higher during the winter than during the summer. Nitrogen oxides and particulates were significantly higher during the summer compared to winter. Nevertheless, air pollutants were well dispersed and diluted by strong winds common at the site, and it appears that snowmobile emissions did not have a significant impact on air quality at this high elevation ecosystem. Pollutant concentrations were generally low both winter and summer. In a separate study, water chemistry and snow density were measured from snow samples collected on and adjacent to a snowmobile trail. Snow on the trail was significantly denser and significantly more acidic with significantly higher concentrations of sodium, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, and sulfate than in snow off the trail. Snowmobile activity had no effect on nitrate levels in snow.  相似文献   

Fly ash samples were taken from solid waste incinerators with different feeding waste, furnace type, and air pollution control device in six cities of Zhejiang province. The solid waste incinerators there constitute one fifth of incinerators in China. Heavy metals and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were analyzed in the fly ash. Moreover, the fly ash samples were extracted by toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). The biotoxicity of the leachate was evaluated by Chlorella pyrenoidosa. High variation and contents were found for both the heavy metals and PCDD/Fs. The contents of Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Hg in the fly ash samples varied from 300 to 32,100, 62.1–1175, 1.1–57, 61.6–620, 0.4–223, 16.6–4380, 1.2–94.7, and 0.03–1.4 μg g−1 dw, respectively. The total contents of 17 PCDD/Fs varied from 0.1128 to 127.7939 μg g−1 dw, and the 2,3,7,8-TeCDD toxic equivalents (TEQ) of PCDD/Fs ranged from 0.009 to 6.177 μg g−1 dw. PCDF congeners were the main contributor to the TEQ. The leachate of the fly ash showed biotoxicity to C. pyrenoidosa. A significant correlation was found between the Cd and EC50 values. Further research is required to investigate the environmental impact of the various pollutants in the fly ash.  相似文献   

Libby, Montana is the only PM2.5 nonattainment area in the western United States with the exceptions of parts of southern California. During January through March 2005, a particulate matter (PM) sampling program was conducted within Libby’s elementary and middle schools to establish baseline indoor PM concentrations before a wood stove change-out program is implemented over the next several years. As part of this program, indoor concentrations of PM mass, organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) in five different size fractions (>2.5, 1.0–2.5, 0.5–1.0, 0.25–0.5, and <0.25 μm) were measured. Total measured PM mass concentrations were much higher inside the elementary school, with particle size fraction (>2.5, 0.5–1.0, 0.25–0.5, and <0.25 μm) concentrations between 2 and 5 times higher when compared to the middle school. The 1.0–2.5 μm fraction had the largest difference between the two sites, with elementary school concentrations nearly 10 times higher than the middle school values. The carbon component for the schools’ indoor PM was found to be predominantly composed of OC. Measured total OC and EC concentrations, as well as concentrations within individual size fractions, were an average of two to five times higher at the elementary school when compared to the middle school. For the ultrafine fraction (<0.25), EC concentrations were similar between each of the schools. Despite the differences in concentrations between the schools at the various fraction levels, the OC/EC ratio was determined to be similar.  相似文献   

An enhanced dual coil 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) derivatization method (dual coil/DNPH) allowed the quantitative determination of formaldehyde (HCHO) in ambient air. In this method, traceable HCHO was collected using a coil sampler connected in series and lacking a long sampling tube. It was then analyzed using liquid chromatography followed by UV detection of the DNPH derivatives. The method is based on the reaction of formaldehyde with DNPH to produce 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone. The detection limits (3σ) were 0.10–0.40 ppbv with a precision ranging from 0.84 to 4.09% RSD. The results of dual coil/DNPH and conventional DNPH cartridge methods were generally well correlated: HCHO (dual coil/DNPH) = 0.97 (±0.13) vs. HCHO (DNPH Cartridge) + 0.33 (±0.33), r = 0.82. The dual coil/DNPH method was used to measure gaseous HCHO in the atmosphere of Metropolitan Seoul during the summer 2000 and 2001, and in Gwangju during the fall of 2001 and 2002. The daytime mean concentration of HCHO was 4.52 (±5.69) and 3.21 (±1.27) ppbv in Metropolitan Seoul for 10–12 August 2000 and 29–31 May 2001, respectively, and 1.73 (±0.98), 3.04 (±2.25), 2.70 (±1.70), and 2.01 (±2.28) ppbv in Gwangju City during 22–27 September 2001, 17–24 October 2001, 9–13 October 2002, and 28 October to 2 November 2002, respectively. The HCHO in Seoul from 10–12 August 2000 was mainly the result of photochemical processes, while direct emissions from vehicles and long-range transport of air from China contributed during 29–31 May 2001. During 22–27 September 2001, 17–24 October 2001, and 9–13 October 2002 in Gwangju, the HCHO came primarily from photochemical processes, although some air affected by biomass burning admixed in the late afternoon. The increase in the HCHO concentration on 20 October 2001 and from 28 October to 2 November 2002 was attributed mainly to direct emissions from biomass burning in farmland near the measurement site.  相似文献   

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