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Recent calls for the development of ecosystem-based fisheries management compel the development of resource management tools and linkages between existing fisheries management tools and other resource tools to enable assessment and management of multiple impacts on fisheries resources. In this paper, we describe the use of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model (CBFEM), developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software, and the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model (WQM) to demonstrate how linkages between available modeling tools can be used to inform ecosystem-based natural resource management. The CBFEM was developed to provide strategic ecosystem information in support of fisheries management. The WQM was developed to assess impacts on water quality. The CBFEM was indirectly coupled with the WQM to assess the effects of water quality and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on blue crabs. The output from two WQM scenarios (1985-1994), a baseline scenario representing actual nutrient inputs and another with reduced inputs based on a tributary management strategy, was incorporated into the CBFEM. The results suggested that blue crab biomass could be enhanced under management strategies (reduced nutrient input) when the effective search rate of blue crab young-of-the-year's (YOY's) predators or the vulnerability of blue crab YOY to its predators was adjusted by SAV. Such model linkages are important for incorporating physical and biological components of ecosystems in order to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management options.  相似文献   

Steady-state, dynamic, and spatial models were constructed for the benthic system of La Rinconada Marine Reserve off northern Chile (SE Pacific coast). We examined data on biomass, P/B ratios, catches, food spectrum, consumption, and the dynamics of commercial and non-commercial populations using three theoretical frameworks: Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace. The biomass of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus and the clam Tagelus dombeii were the most relevant compartments of the studied ecosystem. Among the carnivores, the functional crab group Cancer spp. was the most relevant. The Rhodophyta was the dominant macroalga compartment of the system. The results obtained using mixed trophic impacts (MTI) showed that the predatory snail Thais chocolata propagated higher magnitudes of direct and indirect effects on the other species or functional groups. The sea star Luidia magallanica and Rhodophyta had the least effects on the remaining compartments. According to the Ecosim estimates (increasing mortality by fishing), the scallop A. purpuratus had the highest impact on the other compartments. The Ecospace model showed similar qualitative and quantitative effects for changes in biomass under three different exploitation scenarios (by subsystems and globally). Nevertheless, the greatest changes were provoked by using the top-down control and the vulnerabilities estimated by Ecosim. System recovery times were highest with increased mortality of the asteroid L. magallanica and the carnivorous snail T. chocolata, suggesting that the sea star could be considered to be a top predator with a top-down control. The FMSY estimated for the scallop A. purpuratus was close to the Fi originally entered in Ecopath, limiting the design and execution of an exploitation plan within ecologically sustainable boundaries. The situation was different (FMSY ? Fi) for the other commercial species, making possible multi-species exploitation programs. The Ecospace trophic-spatially explicit model shows a similar pattern of direct and indirect effects generated when exerting exploitation separately by subsystems. Therefore, habitat rotation of fisheries is not justified.  相似文献   

Mass balanced models yield valuable information regarding ecological function and delivery of ecosystem services, but often rely on data collected well before many species were reduced to fractions of their original abundance. Lagoonal systems, such as Great South Bay (GSB), NY, sit on the interface of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and are prone to anthropogenic stressors but proximity to land also makes the presence of data regarding historic populations and structure more likely. To quantify over a century of ecosystem change, Ecopath models were developed for GSB at each of four time periods where commercial and scientific data exist: 1880s, 1930s, 1980s and 2000s. The results indicated that the GSB has experienced a decline in ecosystem maturity, loss of top keystone predators, a decline in connectivity to the ocean though the reduction of migratory species and increasing dominance of low trophic level organisms. These changes undermine the delivery of ecosystem services, increase conflicts over limited resources and suggest that present day restoration targets fail to recognize appropriate baselines. We discuss the role of stochastic events, which result in state changes that could be defined as regime shifts, and ecosystem connectivity to the long-term stability of lagoonal systems.  相似文献   

Understanding ecosystem responses to global and local anthropogenic impacts is paramount to predicting future ecosystem states. We used an ecosystem modeling approach to investigate the independent and cumulative effects of fishing, marine protection, and ocean acidification on a coastal ecosystem. To quantify the effects of ocean acidification at the ecosystem level, we used information from the peer‐reviewed literature on the effects of ocean acidification. Using an Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem model for the Wellington south coast, including the Taputeranga Marine Reserve (MR), New Zealand, we predicted ecosystem responses under 4 scenarios: ocean acidification + fishing; ocean acidification + MR (no fishing); no ocean acidification + fishing; no ocean acidification + MR for the year 2050. Fishing had a larger effect on trophic group biomasses and trophic structure than ocean acidification, whereas the effects of ocean acidification were only large in the absence of fishing. Mortality by fishing had large, negative effects on trophic group biomasses. These effects were similar regardless of the presence of ocean acidification. Ocean acidification was predicted to indirectly benefit certain species in the MR scenario. This was because lobster (Jasus edwardsii) only recovered to 58% of the MR biomass in the ocean acidification + MR scenario, a situation that benefited the trophic groups lobsters prey on. Most trophic groups responded antagonistically to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and marine protection (46%; reduced response); however, many groups responded synergistically (33%; amplified response). Conservation and fisheries management strategies need to account for the reduced recovery potential of some exploited species under ocean acidification, nonadditive interactions of multiple factors, and indirect responses of species to ocean acidification caused by declines in calcareous predators.  相似文献   

Fishing mortality and primary production (or proxy for) were used to drive the dynamics of fish assemblages in 9 trophodynamic models of contrasting marine ecosystems. Historical trends in abundance were reconstructed by fitting model predictions to observations from stock assessments and fisheries independent survey data. The model fitting exercise derives values for otherwise unknown parameters that specify the relative strength of trophic interactions and, in some instances, a time series anomaly for changes in primary production. We measured how much better or worse were model predictions when bottom-up forcing by primary production were added to top-down forcing by fishing. Searching for cross system patterns, the relative contribution of fishing and changes in primary production, mediated through trophic interactions, are evaluated for the ecosystems as a whole and for selected similar species in different ecosystems. The analysis provides a simple qualitative way to explain which forcing factors have most influence on modeled dynamics. Both fishing and primary production forcing were required to obtain the best model fits to data. Fishing effects more strongly influenced 6 of 9 of the ecosystems, but primary production was more often found to be the main factor influencing the selected pelagic and demersal fish stock trends. Examination of sensitivity to ecological and model parameters suggests that the results are the product of complex food-web interactions rather than simple deterministic responses of the models.  相似文献   

In the context of ecosystem approach to fisheries, it is a critical issue to build management tools able to predict the possible trajectories of ecosystems under various human pressure or environmental variations, but also capable to point out influent and sensitive components.  相似文献   

The Humboldt squid is an important predator in the pelagic ecosystem of the central Gulf of California and the commercial catch of this species has increased over the past decade, probable due to a decrease of several top predators (sharks, large pelagic fish and the marine mammals) and the optimal feeding conditions in this area. Its high abundance and important position in the pelagic food web was quantified through two trophic models of the pelagic ecosystem of the central Gulf of California. Models represented conditions in 1980 and 2002, to document the decadal changes in ecosystem structure and function. The models were composed of 18 functional groups, including marine mammals, birds, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and primary producers. Model results show direct negative effects on principal prey groups such as myctophids and pelagic red crab and positive effects on sharks, marine mammals and specifically sperm whales. It thus appears that the jumbo squid has an important role in the ecosystem and plays a central part in the overall energy flow as main food item for most top predators, and due to its predation of organisms on lower tropic levels.  相似文献   

A network model of trophic interactions in a tropical reservoir in India was developed with the objective to quantify matter and energy flows between system components and to study the impact of invasive fishes on the ecosystem. Structure of flows and their distribution within and between trophic levels were analysed by aggregating single flows into combined flows for discrete trophic levels. The trophic flows primarily occurred in the first four trophic level (TL) and the food web structure in this reservoir ecosystem was characterized by the dominance of low TL organisms, with the highest TL of only 3.57 for the top predator. Highest system omnivory index (SOI) was observed for indigenous catfishes (0.422), followed by the exotic fish Mozambique Tilapia (0.402). Nile Tilapia and Pearl spots show the highest niche overlap which suggests high competition for similar resources. The mixed trophic impact routine reveals that an increase in the abundance of the African catfish would negatively impact almost all fish groups such as Indian major carps, Pearl spots, indigenous catfishes and Tilapines. The other invasive fish Mozambique Tilapia adversely affects the indigenous catfishes. The most interesting observation in this study is that the most dominant invasive fish in this reservoir, the Nile Tilapia does not negatively impact any of the fish groups. In fact it positively impacts the Indian major carps. The direct and indirect effects of predation between system components (i.e. fish, invertebrates, phytoplankton and detritus) are quantitatively described and the possible influence and role in the ecosystem's functioning of the invasive fish species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Sex pheromone communication in the nine European species of small ermine moths (Yponomeuta) is reviewed in regard to the potential role of pheromones in the speciation process. Six of the nine species studied (viz.,Y. evonymellus, Y. cagnagellus, Y. padellus, Y. irrorellus, Y. plumbellus, andY. vigintipunctatus) use a mixture of (E)-11-and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in different ratios as primary pheromone components, with combinations of tetradecyl acetate, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols of the acetates as additional pheromone components. Analysis of (Z)- to (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate ratios produced by individual females of these species demonstrated significant variation among females of all species. However, the ranges of ratios produced byY. cagnagellus, Y. irrorellus, andY. plumbellus, sharing the same host-plant species, spindle tree, did not overlap. Niche separation of all six species mentioned required consideration of at least one additional pheromone component or of temporal aspects. The remaining three species,i.e. Y. malinellus, Y. mahalebellus andY. rorellus, have pheromones that differ qualitatively.Biosynthetic routes to the pheromone components identified are proposed on the basis of fatty acid pheromone precursors found in the pheromone glands. A phylogenetic tree for the genus is constructed based on allozyme frequency data and changes in pheromone composition are superimposed on this tree. We suggest that the ancestral ermine moth pheromone is a mixture of (Z)-11- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols, and a scenario of how present-day patterns evolved is outlined. The pheromone differences among the three species using spindle tree as their host-plant might have evolved throughreproductive character displacement upon secondary contact between populations that had already diverged genetically in allopatry. Pheromone differences within the so-calledpadellus-complex (includingY. cagnagellus, Y. mahalebellus, Y. malinellus, Y. padellus, andY. rorellus) in which species might have originated sympatrically, may have evolved byreinforcing selection as these species still hybridise and produce viable offspring when confined in cages. The role of pheromones in reproductive isolation amongYponomeuta species is emphasised by (1) the function of pheromone components of some of the species as behavioural antagonists to other species, (2) the cross-attraction under experimental conditions between allochronic species with similar pheromones, and (3) the formation of hybrids in the laboratory between species that are isolated in nature by pheromone differences.  相似文献   

Rewalsar Lake, a mid-altitude, shallow and recreational water body located in the north-western Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh (India) was studied through monthly surveys in two consecutive years (March 2008 to February 2010). Forty-seven species belonging to seven groups of phytoplankton were identified from the lake. Microcystis aeruginosa and Synedra ulna exhibited a perennial habit. Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus bijugatus, Chlamydomonas reinhardi, Eudorina elegans, Navicula cuspidate, Synedra ulna, Euglena acus, Euglena oxyuris, Spirulina gomontii, Oscillatoria princeps and Arthrospira khannae were abundant, and Oscillatoria limosa and Microcystis aeruginosa were highly abundant. Twenty-one important criteria were studied, for example, temperature, free carbon dioxide, biochemical oxygen demand, total alkalinity, nitrate, silicate and phosphate, which provide an idea of the portability of water for irrigation and drinking purposes as per the permissible limits given in World Health Organization, Indian Council of Medical Research and Indian Standards Institute standards. Pearson's correlation revealed a significant relationship between physicochemical parameters and different algal groups. Both plankton and chlorophyll a showed a bimodal pattern of fluctuation. High annual mean concentrations of chlorophyll a (mg L?1) were recorded as 11.44 in 2008–09, and 11.04 in 2009–10. As per the Palmer pollution index, 13 pollution-tolerant algal species with a pollution score of 37 were observed. The Central Pollution Control Board categorised the water at Rewalsar Lake as ‘D–E’.  相似文献   

N. A. Muthiga 《Marine Biology》2006,149(3):585-593
The sea cucumber Holothuria arenacava was discovered in the Mombasa marine reserve in 1997 and described by Samyn et al. (2001). The reproductive biology of this holothurian was investigated in order to (1) characterize the reproductive pattern, (2) examine the relationship among environmental parameters including temperature, light and lunar period, and (3) examine the relationship between the reproductive pattern and feeding of this new species. The gonad index method and microscopic examination of gonads was used to analyze samples collected for a period of 13 months. H. arenacava displayed an annual reproductive cycle with gametogenesis commencing in July during the south-east monsoons, when temperature and light intensity are lowest along the Kenyan coast. Gonad growth peaked in February–March at the end of the north-east monsoons when temperatures and light reach their annual maxima along the Kenyan coast. The higher correlation between light intensity and gonad growth (r=93) than temperature (r=0.71), coupled with the fact that temperatures continued to drop for a month after gametogenesis had already commenced, suggests that light intensity and not temperature is the cue for the onset of gametogenesis in this species. Spawning was synchronized between females and males and occurred during a short period between March and May (inter-monsoonal period) when both temperature and light intensity decrease along the Kenyan coast. Male and female gonad indices showed significant variation with lunar day and no lunar periodicity was observed in this sea cucumber. The sex ratio of the population of H. arenacava was skewed towards significantly more females than males, and females were significantly larger and had larger gonads and gonad indices than males. These life history strategies including spawning during a short discrete period, more and larger females that have larger gonads (i.e., typically more fecund), and spawning just prior to the peak in phytoplankton concentrations, a time that is probably more favorable for larval development, may serve to increase the reproductive success of this sea cucumber.  相似文献   


Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) have attracted attention from the aerospace industry due to their light weight, excellent mechanical properties, and resistance to corrosion. However, CFRP composites are difficult to recycle as their recycling process must be performed under extreme conditions; end-of-life regulations do not directly address the problem with reusing these composites. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore solutions that minimize the use of CFRPs and prolong their useful life in the airline industry. To achieve this goal, this work conducted a review of the state of the art of CFRP fiber recycling, emphasizing the recycling processes, restrictions, and regulations. One solution is to develop a CFRP recycling market that would allow the sequential use of recycled materials among industries in descending order of the required structural performance of the composite.  相似文献   

In order to remain stable, dispersed social groups have to solve two fundamental problems: the coordination of movement and cohesiveness within a group and the spacing between the groups. Here, we investigate mechanisms involved in intra-group coordination and inter-group spacing using the golden brown mouse lemur, Microcebus ravelobensis, as a model for a nocturnal, solitary foraging mammal with a dispersed social system. By means of radiotelemetry and bioacoustics we studied the olfactory and vocal behaviour during nocturnal dispersal and reunion of five sleeping groups.All groups used 3–17 sleeping sites exclusively, suggesting a sleeping site-related territoriality and competition for them. The occurrence of olfactory and vocal behaviour showed an asymmetrical temporal distribution. Whereas marking behaviour was observed exclusively during dispersal, a particular call type, the trill, was used by all groups during reunions. Interestingly, these trills carried group-specific signatures.Our findings provide the first empirical evidence for nocturnal primates in a natural environment that olfactory signals represent an important mechanism to regulate the distribution of different groups in space, whereas acoustic signals control intra-group cohesion and coordination.  相似文献   

从褐菖鲉肝脏中克隆了热休克蛋白HSC70基因,利用环介导等温扩增技术(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)建立HSC70基因的定量检测方法。为检测该方法的可行性,将褐菖鲉分别暴露于石油水溶性成分(water-soluble fraction,WSF) 20、60、180 μg·L-1 1 d后,利用real-time PCR及LAMP技术同时测定褐菖鲉肝HSC70 mRNA表达量,两种方法测定结果基本一致,证实LAMP技术可用于褐菖鲉肝HSC70基因的定量。为更细致了解石油WSF影响褐菖鲉肝脏HSC70基因表达的剂量-效应关系,将褐菖鲉分别暴露于25、50、75、100、125、150、175 μg·L-1 WSF中,5天后采样,用LAMP技术定量检测HSC70 mRNA。结果表明,HSC70 mRNA表达量在50 μg·L-1浓度组即被显著诱导,在75 μg·L-1浓度下达到最大值,这说明褐菖鲉肝HSC70基因对石油污染较敏感,有潜力作为海洋石油污染的生物标志物。  相似文献   

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