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Eggs from aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis septentrionalis) nesting in Chihuahua and Veracruz, Mexico, were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and PBDEs. p,p′-DDE was the only organochlorine found in all eggs at concentrations ranging from 0.13 to 7.85 μg/g wet weight. PCBs ranged from 0.04 to 2.80 μg/g wet weight and PBDEs from 62 to 798 ng/g lipid weight. DDE concentrations in eggs were not significantly different among regions; however, PCBs were significantly greater (P = 0.015) in Tinaja Verde, Chihuahua than in the other three regions. Also, PBDEs were significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in eggs from Veracruz than in those from Chihuahua. DDE concentrations in eggs were much lower than those associated with eggshell thinning. PBDEs and PCBs were lower than those reported in raptors from industrialized countries. Overall, contaminant concentrations observed suggest no likely impact on hatching success. The PBDE concentrations are among the first to be reported in raptor species in Mexico.  相似文献   

There are few accounts of oil contamination of raptors, and it has not been considered a threat for them. However, we and our colleagues found oil-based asphalt on 55 individuals of 9 species out of 1052 raptors (5.2%) captured and examined in the spring of 1985 and 1986 during our raptor migration study at Elat, Israel. Some were extensively contaminated and probably succumbed to the effects of ingested asphalt. The birds most likely picked up the contamination while drinking water from pools with surface oil. Examples of the contamination will be described. Over 1.2 million raptors were counted passing Elat during the spring of 1985. If 5% of these were contaminated, that would be over 60,000 birds, and this does not consider the raptors that migrate along the Red Sea and do not pass near Elat, nor those that pass Elat unseen by the counters. Thus asphalt contamination could be a major problem for raptors migrating along the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Kovács A  Mammen UC  Wernham CV 《Ambio》2008,37(6):408-412
Sixty-four percent of the 56 raptor and owl species that occur in Europe have an unfavorable conservation status. As well as requiring conservation measures in their own right, raptors and owls function as useful sentinels of wider environmental "health," because they are widespread top predators, relatively easy to monitor, and sensitive to environmental changes at a range of geographical scales. At a time of global acknowledgment of an increasing speed of biodiversity loss, and new, forward-looking and related European Union biodiversity policy, there is an urgent need to improve coordination at a pan-European scale of national initiatives that seek to monitor raptor populations. Here we describe current initiatives that make a contribution to this aim, particularly the current "MEROS" program, the results of a questionnaire survey on the current state of national raptor monitoring across 22 BirdLife Partners in Europe, the challenges faced by any enhanced pan-European monitoring scheme for raptors, and some suggested pathways for efficiently tapping expertise to contribute to such an initiative.  相似文献   

Helander B  Bignert A  Asplund L 《Ambio》2008,37(6):425-431
This paper summarizes results from the monitoring of reproduction of white-tailed sea eagle in Sweden 1965-2006. Since 1989 the eagle population on the Swedish Baltic coast has been included in the National Environment Monitoring Program as an indicator species for potentially harmful chemicals. The percentage of successfully reproducing pairs and nestling brood size decreased in synchrony with rising concentrations of contaminants in the 1950s on into the 1970s. Mean productivity was 1.3 young per pair prior to 1950 and decreased to 0.3 in 1965-1985. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene (DDE) in eagle eggs decreased from a range of annual means in 1965-1974 of 600-1200 microg g(-1) (lipid weight) to 60-140 microg g(-1) in 1996-2005. Total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations averaged above 1000 microg g(-1) into the early 1980s and remained in the range of 250-500 microg g(-1) in 1996-2005. Productivity began to improve when concentrations of DDE and PCBs dropped below approximately 300 and 800 microg g(-1), respectively. Brood size remains below the pre-1950 level in one coastal region, indicating a possible impact from other contaminants. The power to detect significant trends under the program is presented and discussed: if white-tailed sea eagle reproduction had been monitored earlier during the 20th century, the negative impact of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT, source of DDE) would have been signaled as early as the 1950s in the Baltic Sea. The dramatic fall of white-tailed sea eagle reproduction under the influence of DDT and PCBs, and the subsequent rise following their ban, illustrates the usefulness of raptors like sea eagles as sentinels for environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

Background Species that are at high levels of the food web have often been used as bioindicators to evaluate the presence of persistent contaminants in ecosystems. Most of these species are long-lived, so pollutant burdens may be integrated in some complex way over time. This makes them particularly sensitive to deleterious effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Birds have been suggested as useful organisms for monitoring pollutant levels. Traditionally such studies have been carried out with raptors such as osprey (Pandion haliaetus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus), etc. In this paper we present the results of a monitoring study conducted on two raptor species, osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and red kite (Milvus milvus), inhabiting a Mediterranean island (Menorca, Spain). These two species have different feeding habits; ospreys prey on fish and red kites feed on terrestrial species. This study constitutes a good opportunity to investigate if differences in feeding habits (aquatic vs. terrestrial) influences the contaminants pattern in two species inhabiting the same area. Methods The study was conducted in a non-destructive way, using only failed eggs, to avoid the damage of the population stability. Eggs were collected during the period 1994–2000. The contaminants examined were dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs, including DDT and its main metabolite, DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including ortho PCBs (PCBs with at least one Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #28, 52, 95, 101, 123+149, 118, 114, 153, 132+105, 138, 167, 156, 157, 180, 170, 189, 194; and non ortho PCBs (PCBs with no Chlorine atom in the ortho position): #77, 126, 169 and all the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) with Chlorine atoms at the 2,3,7 and 8 position (2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs and PCDFs). The analysis of organochlorine compounds was performed using a sample treatment based on a Solid Phase Matrix Dispersion procedure. Ortho PCBs and DDTs were determined by HRGC-μECD; non ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs were determined by HRGC-HRMS. Results and Discussion The sum of the ortho PCB congeners analysed ranged from 0.94 to 15.03 μg/g wet weight (ww) for ospreys and from 1.0 to 11.2 μg/g ww for red kites. In both species, PCB congeners #153, #138 and #180 accounted about 75% to total ortho PCB concentrations. Regarding non ortho PCBs, for ospreys, concentrations ranged from 0.16 to 1.39 ng/g wet weight (ww) and for red kites from 0.12 to 0.51 ng/g ww, being congener #126 the most abundant. Concerning DDTs, concentration for ospreys ranged from 0.07 to 1.03 μg/g ww; and for red kites ranged from 0.90 to 2.10 μg/g ww, representing DDE more than 95% of the total DDTs, which proves a past use of DDT in the study area. Differences in contaminant levels between species are probably associated to feeding habits. The fish-eating species presents the highest PCB levels, whereas the terrestrial species exhibits the highest DDT levels. PCDD/Fs in ospreys were in the range 2.6–14.2 pg/g ww, while in red kites the range was slightly wider (22.2–43.2 pg/g ww), being PCDDs the major contributors in black kites. Ospreys had PCDDs similar to PCDF concentrations. PCDD/F profiles were mostly influenced by OCDD in both species. Non ortho PCBs were the major contributors to calculated Toxic Equivalent Quantity (TEQs) in both species. Conclusion In both species studied, ortho-PCBs could represent a problem of concern since 57% of the eggs exhibited levels higher than 4 μg/g ww, reported as the level that could cause reduced hatchability, embryo mortality, and deformities in birds. Recommendations and Outlook Results found in this study suggest that a more detailed study to clear up possible deleterious effects of PCBs on the bird populations studied here should be done. Section Editor: Prof. Dr. Paola Gramatica (paola.gramatica@uninsubria.it)  相似文献   


Organochlorine pesticides and heavy metal residues were determined in 54 eggs of five species of predatory birds collected at Doñana National Park (Spain) during the nesting season between 1980 and 1983. The species analyzed were the imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), the red kite (Milvus milvus), the black kite (Milvus migrans), the hobby (Falco subbuteo) and the booted eagle (Hieraetus pennatus). DDE, DDT and PCBs were detected in all samples. α‐HCH, α‐HCH, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, TDE and dichlorobenzophenone were also detected but less frequently. The DDE content of eggs decreased in the period between 1972/1976 and 1980/1983, but the PCBs contents were stable. The declines are attributed to the restrictions on the use of DDT in most countries. Mercury, lead, cadmium, copper and zinc were detected in all samples. The levels of organochlorine pesticides, PCBs and heavy metals in these Falconiforme eggs are generally below the levels known to cause direct effects on survival or reproduction of birds.  相似文献   

To determine if contaminant levels in Common Terns had changed over the last decade, we collected and analyzed eggs from four nesting colonies on the three lower Great Lakes during 1981. DDE and PCBs were detected in every egg from the four colonies. Dieldrin, mirex and trans-nonachlor were detected in more than 45% of the eggs. Seven other organochlorine contaminants (DDD, DDT, hexachlorobenzene, oxychlordane, cis-chlordane, cis-nonachlor and toxaphene) were detected in less than 25% of the eggs. Eggs from the Lake Ontario colony were generally the most heavily contaminated. Comparisons of DDE and PCB data with earlier studies of Common Terns indicated that contaminant levels in eggs from the four sampled colonies, or nearby sites, have decreased by up to 80-90% from 1969-1973 to 1981. Interspecies comparisons showed that Common Tern eggs have lower organochlorine residue levels than eggs of Caspian Terns or Herring Gulls. Dietary variation and migratory status are possible explanations for the differences in residue levels among species. Eggshell thickness, log-PCBs, and log-DDE were not significantly intercorrelated. Elevated contaminant levels in the early 1970s might be at least partly responsible for the decline of the Great Lakes Common Tern population over the past decade. Stabilization of population numbers during the early 1980s suggests that organochlorine pollution levels have been reduced to a point where they are no longer an important factor in the population dynamics of this species on the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Raptors are good sentinels of environmental contamination and there is good capability for raptor biomonitoring in Europe. Raptor biomonitoring can benefit from natural history museums (NHMs), environmental specimen banks (ESBs) and other collections (e.g. specialist raptor specimen collections). Europe’s NHMs, ESBs and other collections hold large numbers of raptor specimens and samples, covering long periods of time. These collections are potentially a valuable resource for contaminant studies over time and space. There are strong needs to monitor contaminants in the environment to support EU and national chemical management. However, data on raptor specimens in NHMs, ESBs and other collections are dispersed, few are digitised, and they are thus not easy to access. Specimen coverage is patchy in terms of species, space and time. Contaminant research with raptors would be facilitated by creating a framework to link relevant collections, digitising all collections, developing a searchable meta-database covering all existing collections, making them more visible and accessible for contaminant research. This would also help identify gaps in coverage and stimulate specimen collection to fill gaps in support of prioritised contaminant monitoring. Collections can further support raptor biomonitoring by making samples available for analysis on request.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine insecticides (OCs) were analysed in 58 Eurasian Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) unhatched eggs collected between 2004 and 2009 in Southeastern Spain. Levels of p,p′-DDE were found to be higher than in eggs laid by other European owls in the same decade, probably due to the greater agricultural activity in our study area. Compared to other European raptors, exposure to PCBs can be considered intermediate, but low to PBDEs. Land use differences and prey availability were the rationale to divide the study area in two subareas in further assessments. Temporal trends of HCB, p,p′-DDE, β-HCH, PCBs and PBDEs were significantly different in each subarea, generally increasing over time in the Southern but decreasing or remaining stable in the Northern. On the contrary, levels of cyclodienes tended to decrease in both subareas. Dietary shifts with a greater amount of birds are suggested as a cause for increasing organochlorine loads in raptors. This may explain the increasing trend in the Southern territories. However, due to the proximity of most of these nests to Cartagena, an important industrial city, increasing environmental pollution cannot be ruled out. Although average levels of the compounds analysed are below threshold levels, 17% of the samples exceeded 400 pg g−1 ww (wet weight), the LOAEC for Total TEQs. Moreover, a negative correlation between TEQ concentrations and the metabolizable fraction of PCBs (Fprob = 0.0018) was found when TEQs values were above 10 pg g−1 ww. This could be indicative of hepatic enzymes induction in the birds exposed at higher concentrations, which are mainly breeding in the Southern subarea. These females could be suffering from Ah-receptor-related toxic effects, some of which have been related to altered bird reproduction. Finally, a significant negative correlation between p,p′-DDE levels and eggshell thickness (= −0.469, < 0.001) was observed, with about 17% of eggshell thinning for eggs with p,p′-DDE levels above 100 μg g −1 lw. The persistence of this degree of thinning over a period of time has been related to population declines in other raptor species.  相似文献   

Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides (HEOD, DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and mercury (Hg) in the livers of five predatory bird species were monitored in Britain over a 28-year (1963-1990) period. Of two raptor species, sparrowhawks contained higher levels of most chemicals than did kestrels. Among three fish-eaters, herons and kingfishers contained the highest levels of DDE and HEOD, while herons and great-crested grebes contained the highest levels of PCBs and mercury. Species differences were related partly to diet and habitat. In sparrowhawks and kestrels, residues of HEOD and DDE were higher in eastern, arable districts than elsewhere, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. In the fish-eaters, similar regional differences in residue levels were apparent in herons, especially in the 1970s, but not in the other species, for which samples were smaller. Over the 28 years, most species showed significant downward trends in HEOD, DDE and Hg levels, but only two fish-eaters showed significant declines in PCB levels. The downward trends in DDE and HEOD followed successive restrictions in the use of organochlorine pesticides, and were accompanied by recoveries in the populations and breeding success of affected species. Downward trends in mercury were associated with reductions in both agricultural use and industrial emissions.  相似文献   

Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) now breed successfully in most areas of North America from which they were previously extirpated. The loss during the mid-part of the last century of many of the world's peregrine populations was largely a consequence of impaired reproduction caused by the effects of DDE on eggshell quality and embryo hatchability. Population recovery has been attributed to re-introduction efforts, coupled with regulatory restrictions on the use of organochlorine pesticides. Peregrines have not returned to breed in some areas, such as the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. That region has been extensively planted in fruit orchards which were treated annually with DDT during the early 1950s to the 1970s. Ongoing contamination of avian species, including potential peregrine prey, inhabiting orchards has been documented. In response to an initiative to release peregrines around the city of Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley, we collected potential peregrine prey species and analyzed whole bodies for chlorinated hydrocarbon residues. We used a simple bioaccumulation model to predict concentrations of DDE in peregrine eggs using concentrations in prey and estimates of dietary makeup as input. Peregrines would be expected to breed successfully only if they fed on a diet primarily of doves. Feeding on as little as 10% of other species such as starlings, robins, gulls and magpies would produce DDE concentrations in peregrine eggs greater than the threshold of 15 mg/kg. We also estimated the critical concentration of DDE in total prey to be about 0.5 mg/kg, one half of the previous most conservative criterion for peregrine prey. Concentrations of dieldrin and PCBs in peregrine prey are less than suggested critical levels.  相似文献   

Eggs of the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila (heliaca) adalberti) contained small amounts of heavy metals and organochlorine contaminants, including DDE, aldrin, dieldrin and HCHs, PCBs. Levels of organochlorine, except DDE, have decreased from 1972 to 1984. This paper reports how the structural and chemical characteristics of modern shells differ from those of older shells, unaffected by pesticides. Also, fertile and infertile recent eggs are compared. A 12.6% decrease in eggshell thickness has occurred in conjunction with a slight decrease in degree of crystallisation, but no significant changes have been found in other structural variables. The difference in chemical composition of the shell between modern and old eggs is both qualitative (presence of chlorine, potassium, magnesium and copper in recent shells) and quantitative (increase in the percentage of phosphorus and sulphur). The only clear differences between fertile and infertile eggs were a greater increase of phosphorus content and altered crystallisation in the latter. No clear relation between the amount of the mineral constituents of the shell and morphological alterations was established. The levels of contaminants in the contents seemed to be independent of the chemical alterations of the eggshell. The breeding parameters of the overall population showed no significant changes after the introduction of pesticides. However, eggshell changes have occurred in this species, which is one of the rarest birds of prey of the world, and some breeding individuals have sufficiently thin shells to suspect reduced reproductive success.  相似文献   

All the eggs, collected in Italy in 1982 and 1983, of two species of passerine birds, three gulls, four terns and the night heron, contained DDE and, with lower frequencies, other organochlorine contaminants. Organochlorines were more concentrated in the species of higher trophic level. DDE contamination showed a decreasing trend from 1978 to 1985 in one passerine, two terns and in the heron. After 1980-1982, the level of contamination was below the critical threshold beyond which reproduction is affected, eggshell thickness was only slightly or not reduced; therefore, the current impact of organochlorines on these birds is probably negligible. Detrimental effects may have occurred during the 1970s, when some of the eggs were contaminated beyond the critical threshold.  相似文献   

Little data are available on organochlorine contamination in Chinese terrestrial birds of prey. This study examined the presence of PCBs, DDTs and other organochlorine pesticides in various raptors from northern China. DDE exhibited the highest concentrations among targeted compounds. Greatest levels (23.5-1020 mg/kg lipid weight) were observed in Eurasian sparrowhawks. This may be due to their stopover in southeastern China, where high DDT and dicofol applications have been documented. Residential kestrels exhibited much lower DDE, but similar PCB and HCH concentrations. ΣTEQs and PCB-126/-77 concentration ratios exhibited significant positive correlations with ΣPCB concentrations, respectively. Similar results were also demonstrated by a meta-analysis of previously published data across avian species. Possible hepatic sequestration of coplanar PCB-77, -126, -169 and -118 was observed as liver TEQs increased in Eurasian sparrowhawks. These observations may indicate an induction of CYP1A enzymes, as a result of elevated contamination in some species.  相似文献   

The reproduction of white-tailed sea eagles was monitored in 1964-1999 in 3 differently contaminated sub-populations: Baltic Sea coast (Bp), inland central Sweden (Ip) and Lapland (Lp). 249 dead eggs from 205 clutches were obtained for analyses of DDE and PCBs and for eggshell measurements. A desiccation index (Di) value was calculated for each egg as a measure of water loss through the shell. In the highly contaminated Bp, p,p'-DDE concentrations in the eggs decreased continuously and 5-fold during the study period and PCB concentrations decreased 3-fold from the mid 1980s. The PCB pattern changed slightly over time towards more high-chlorinated congeners but the relative toxicity of the PCB mixture, expressed as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQ), remained constant and TEQ can be assumed to have decreased in a similar way as PCB over time. Productivity (P), shell thickness (St), shell index (Si) and Di increased over time in the Bp but no change in Di or productivity occurred in the Lp, where residue concentrations were 5-8 times lower. P of the Bp was not correlated to St or Si but was negatively correlated to Di, DDE and PCB. An S-shaped dose-response relationship was indicated between P and DDE. After 1988, when the PCB/DDE ratio was considerably higher than previously, PCB but not DDE concentrations were significantly higher in eggs with dead embryos as compared to undeveloped eggs, implying lethal concentrations of PCB, and a LOEL of 320 pg g-1 TEQ is suggested for embryo mortality. In a subset of 21 eggs, representing productive and unproductive females, analyzed for a selection of coplanar PCB congeners, tris(4-chlorophenyl) methanol and bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulphone, there was no evidence for a correlation between P and any of these compounds. A reduction in residue concentrations in old females did not lead to increased P or improved Di-values, indicating a remaining effect from a previous, higher exposure to contaminants. The inability to reproduce included a high rate of undeveloped eggs, indicating effects at a prezygotic stage. P showed the strongest correlation with Di, and Di was most strongly correlated to DDE. Thus, the remaining effect of previous exposure resulted in a stronger correlation to the symptom (Di) rather than to the suggested causative agent (DDE). LOEL values for depressed P were estimated at 120 micrograms g-1 DDE and 500 micrograms g-1 PCB (lipid basis). It is concluded that the major reason for depressed P during the study period was DDE, but that effects also from PCB were largely concealed by the effects from DDE.  相似文献   

Residues of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons HCB, BHC isomers, Heptachlor and -epoxide, DDE, Aldrin, Dieldrin and PCBshave been analysed in selected environmental samples soil, grass roots, pine-needles, hen's eggs and sheep's milk from Northern Greece (Xanthi). Almost all samples have shown residues in a range of 0,1 – 10 ppb except eggs and milk, which have been partially contaminated with HCB (approx. 20 ppb), DDE (approx. 40 ppb) and Dieldrin (approx. 30 – 40 ppb) related to freshweight. The contamination levels have been in the same order of magnitude as in environmental samples from Germany except PCBs, which have been accumulated in German samples tendencially higher. All residues detected have been significantly lower than the limits allowed in food stuffs.  相似文献   

The existence of 11 organochlorine compounds and five heavy metals in the liver and muscle of 57 members of 10 species of mammals, all from Do?ana National Park (Spain), has been investigated. Five organochlorine compounds have been found and the five heavy metals were present in the samples. The biomagnification of organochlorines is shown. The detected concentrations for each trophic rank seem not to influence unfavourably on the population stability of the species. The rabbit is proposed as a monitor species for future studies in pollution at Do?ana National Park.  相似文献   

Moriarty et al. (1986) used field data to conclude that DDE decreased the size or altered the shape of avian eggs; therefore, they postulated that decreased eggshell thickness was a secondary effect because, as a general rule, thickness and egg size are positively correlated. To further test this relationship, the present authors analyzed data from eggs of captive American kestrels. Falco sparverius given DDT- or DDE-contaminated or clean diets and from wild brown pelicans Pelecanus occidentalis collected both before (pre-1946) and after (post-1945) DDT was introduced into the environment. Pertinent data from other field and laboratory studies were also summarized. DDE was not related to and did not affect size, mass, or shape of eggs of the brown pelican or American kestrel; but the relationship of DDE to eggshell thinning held true. Size and shape of eggs of brown pelicans from the post-1945 era and those of kestrels, on DDT-contaminated diets showed some significant, but inconsistent, changes compared to brown pelican data from the pre-1946 era or kestrels on clean diets. In contrast, nearly all samples of eggs of experimental kestrels given DDT-contaminated diets and those of wild brown pelicans from the post-1945 era exhibited significant eggshell thinning. Pertinent experimental studies with other sensitive avian species indicated no effects of DDE on the size or shape of eggs, even though the high dietary concentrations caused extreme eggshell thinning and mortality of some adult mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in one study. These findings essentially controvert the argument that decreased eggshell thickness is a secondary effect resulting from the primary effect of DDE-induced changes in the size or shape of eggs.  相似文献   

Duke G 《Ambio》2008,37(6):397-400
This paper outlines the importance of the policy context for monitoring with and for raptors, and, conversely, of the importance of such monitoring for policy. It then outlines two key areas of European Union (EU) environmental policy most relevant to monitoring for and with raptors, namely biodiversity policy and pollution policy. For each of the policy areas, the pertinent objectives and actions of the current EU policy are identified, and their relevance for raptor monitoring is discussed. The potential contribution of raptor monitoring to the further development of these policy areas is also addressed.  相似文献   

This article summarizes results from raptor monitoring and contamination studies in Norway of the golden eagle, gyrfalcon, white-tailed sea eagle, osprey, peregrine, and merlin. Golden eagle and gyrfalcon populations have been monitored since 1990 as part of the "Monitoring Programme for Terrestrial Ecosystems" (TOV). No long-term trend in the population size or productivity of golden eagle has been shown in any of the 5 study areas. The reproductive output of gyrfalcon is monitored in 3 areas. It is positively correlated with the populations of its main prey species, the rock ptarmigan and the willow ptarmigan. The white-tailed sea eagle population has been monitored since 1974 by the Norwegian Ornithological Society, and the population is increasing. The levels of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls are low in the eggs of both the golden eagle and the gyrfalcon, but elevated levels and effects on reproduction have been indicated for a coastal subpopulation of golden eagle. The pollutant levels in white-tailed sea eagle are lower than in the Baltic population of sea eagles, and shell thinning was never severe overall, but individual eggs have contained pollutant concentrations above critical levels. The levels of pollutants in the bird-eating falcons, peregrine, and merlin were higher than in other species. New emerging pollutants, like brominated diphenylethers and perfluorinated organic compounds, could be detected in all species. By incorporating available published and unpublished data, we were able to produce time trends for pollutants and shell thickness over 4 decades.  相似文献   

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