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广东省坡耕地面积66.79万hm2,占耕地总面积的23.48%.是广东省旱粮、油、糖、烟、热带亚热带果树以及热作等的生产基地,在农业生产上具有举足轻重的地位.但由于大部分坡耕地是顺坡开垦,重用轻养,耕作粗放,少施肥等,以致存在土壤有机质偏低,氮、磷、钾养分贫乏,土壤酸度大,耕层浅薄,砂化严重,干旱,农作物产量低等问题。然而,坡耕地土层深厚,环境条件优越,水热充足,生产潜力大。针对坡耕地的这些状况,提出:搞好农地整治,变“三跑地”为“三保地”;用养结合,以地养地;因地制宜,合理利用;增施化学肥料,调节土壤养分等对策。  相似文献   

叶细养  汤建东 《生态环境》2003,12(2):248-249
根据农业部的布置,广东省选择佛山市高明区开展耕地地力调查与质量评价试点工作。查清了高明区耕地等级及其分布、土壤肥力状况、土壤及水源受污染的背景,建立了高明区耕地质量管理信息系统,为高明区土壤合理利用和改良、作物布局调整、肥料合理生产和正确施用、土地有偿使用、无公害优质农产品生产等提供了指导,也为今后全省各地开展该项工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

论述土肥基础与持续发展农业的基本内涵和特征;从历史的经验教训、片面发展经济的现实、地力监测的情况等方面,论证了土肥基础对持续发展农业的重要性;分析了广东省土肥基础的现状,提出了一系列加强土肥基础的对策:建立健全有关法规、有计划地扩大耕地面积、加强地力建设、改造中低产田和保护耕地环境等.  相似文献   

广东省土壤肥力监测总结广东省土壤肥料总站(广州510500)土壤肥力监测(又称地力监测)是对农业区主要耕地类型的土壤理化性状和生产力进行监测,以便了解和掌握不同的耕作措施对地力的影响及其变化规律,为合理利用土地、保护和提高地力、指导农业生产提供科学依...  相似文献   

缺资料小流域非点源磷素输出关键源区识别方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为控制水体污染,改善水质,最大效率地降低磷素污染,迫切需要寻找非点源磷素流失的关键源区。采用半定量、经验性的流域尺度磷素流失危险分级方案,通过分析确定以土地利用类型为源因子,以坡度和区域至河流的距离为迁移因子,最大限度地识别缺资料小流域非点源磷素输出关键源区,并以辽宁社河农业小流域为例,通过GIS技术探索小流域磷素流失的关键源区。结果表明,社河流域大部分区域地表径流磷素流失风险等级为低,该部分区域面积占流域总面积的80%;河流两侧大部分农田非点源磷素流失风险等级属于中,该部分区域面积占流域总面积的13%;非点源磷素输出高风险等级的区域占流域总面积的7%,主要分布在流域内坡度较大、与河流距离较近的山区旱地和丘陵旱地等区域。需要对磷素输出关键源区域加强土地管理,降低非点源磷素负荷输出。  相似文献   

我国耕地地力评价研究进展   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
耕地是农业生产最基本的资源,耕地地力的好坏直接影响到农业生产的发展。随着我国经济社会快速发展,耕地面积与质量变化对粮食安全构成了严峻挑战,受到社会各界的日益关注,对耕地地力评价的研究越来越多。文章简要回顾了近十年来,我国耕地地力评价的历程、耕地地力评价的方法和GIS技术等现代研究手段在这一领域的应用。现有研究结果表明,现代信息技术在耕地地力评价中的作用日益突出,尤其是GIS技术的应用全面提升了传统耕地调查与评价的方式和方法,不仅省时、省力,评价结果准确可靠,而且可以做到适时更新、快速统计、制图,是今后耕地质量管理技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

耕地保护具有量与质的内容,广东省近十几年来耕地锐减,仅1992—1993年两年就减少耕地16.177万hm2,且减少的大多数是良田,旱地相对增加,低肥力坡耕地比重增大,因此提高耕地质量更为重要。坡耕地水土流失严重,难以培肥,这与“三高”农业相悖。高产高质高效农业应以健全的土壤为基础;而培肥坡耕地,必先要搞好坡耕地的水土保持。因此必须总结保土培肥经验,加强对保土耕作技术的研究。  相似文献   

李忠武  曾光明  张华  杨斌  焦胜 《生态环境》2004,13(3):358-361
遥感和地理信息系统技术的发展为研究区域生态环境变化提供了有效的手段。针对红壤丘陵区这一特定区域,在地理信息系统的支持下,建立了红壤丘陵区环境信息系统数据库;同时结合特尔斐法、层次分析法及环境质量综合指数法,对红壤丘陵区的典型区域——长沙市的生态环境质量进行综合评价。研究结果表明,由于人类活动的强烈影响,长沙市环境质量状况良好以上级别的区域面积仅有827.64km^2,占总面积的7.0%;而生态环境较差的区域其面积达到6187.14km^2,占总面积的52.4%,这说明长沙市总体生态环境质量有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

1汕头市土地资源状况与问题潮汕地区历史上人多地少,农业精耕细作,是高产多熟地区.汕头市土地总面积2064.4km2,第二次土壤普查期间(1986年)耕地总面积55093、3hm2,其中水田44404hm2,旱地10689.3hm2.随着社会主义市场经济的发展和国家建设的需要,各地掀起因地开发热  相似文献   

乳源县稻田地力状况与改造中低产田的建议项若驹,黄居甲,李少灵(乳源瑶族自治县农业局,乳源512700)改革开放以来,随着农业政策的落实和技术的进步,我县粮食生产已提高到一个新水平,总产增长21.7%,单产提高42.7%.但自1983年以来,我县耕地地...  相似文献   

基于重金属污染的耕地生态承载力改进模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将耕地重金属污染引入耕地生态足迹研究中,对传统耕地生态承载力模型进行了改进,并以江苏省为例进行实证研究.结果表明,运用改进的生态承载力模型计算所得2005年江苏省人均耕地生态承载力为0.127 hm2,比传统模型计算结果0.134 hm2小;人均耕地生态赤字为0.067 hm2,比传统模型计算结果0.060 hm2大;耕地生态可持续指数为0.39,比传统模型计算结果0.41小,但2种模型计算方式下耕地利用均属于弱不可持续状态.与传统模型计算结果相比,改进模型所得结果能够反映江苏省耕地利用的实际情况,以及重金属污染对江苏耕地可持续利用所产生的负面影响.  相似文献   

官厅流域农田地表径流磷流失初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农田径流和侵蚀泥沙是磷进入官厅水库的主要非点污染源。针对该流域夏季农田暴雨径流发生的典型情景进行模拟降雨径流试验,对该流域农田地表径流泥沙和磷流失进行了初步的研究,结果表明,本降雨过程径流累积泥沙产量为30.5l~2493.34g/m^2,受雨强、坡度和作物覆盖的影响明显;径流溶解态磷(DP)中绝大部分是生物可利用性磷(DRP),径流平均DP、DRP浓度都远大于水体允许临界值0.02mg/L,对官厅水体存在直接污染危害。径流累积全磷(TP)流失达O.0439~2.0798g/m^2;估算的流域农田径流全磷(TP)流失水平达2.67kg/(hm^2.a)以上,其颗粒态占969,0以上,可能成为官厅水库浮游生物长期丰富的潜在可利用磷源。降低农田土壤速效磷水平、减少水土侵蚀,是控制库区水华季节性发生和复原库区水体富营养化状态的关键。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes from 1975 to 2014 in the central highlands of Ethiopia and traces out its impact on socioeconomic conditions of the local community in the study area. We used four time series Landsat satellite images, that is, Landsat MSS (1975), Landsat Thematic Mapper (1986), Enhanced Thematic Mapper (2000), and Landsat 8 OLI scenes (2014), to investigate the changes in LULC. In addition, individual interviews with 51 randomly selected households, discussions with focus group and key informants, and field observations were also incorporated for the study. The image classification indicated four categories of LULC classes: Natural forest, eucalyptus plantations, cropland/settlements, and grasslands. Between 1975 and 2014, cropland/settlements and eucalyptus plantations considerably increased, whereas grassland cover drastically decreased. According to the results, the area under cropland/settlements and eucalyptus plantations increased by 62 and 335%, respectively, with 74% concomitant decrease in the area of grasslands in the same period. Survey results showed that deterioration of soil fertility (41.2%) followed by shortage of land (35.3%) is the major constraint for crop production for poor farmers in the study area. However, better-off farmers ranked deterioration of soil fertility (64.7%) followed by lack of credit (17.6%) as priority constraints for crop production. Interviews mainly focused on selected women group revealed that the expansion of eucalyptus in the area greatly curbed the burdens of collecting fuel woods from long distances in the past. The availability of too many religious holidays (on average 16 days/month) directly or indirectly contributes to the current seasonal food shortages of the community. Generally, our results show that the community in the study area is beset with a host of social, economic, and institutional challenges. As a result, majority of the farming households are destitute, unable to make a livelihood from their small plot of land and live in absolute poverty. Therefore, in light of these finding, it is imperative that timely interventions by government and other development stakeholders are needed to come to grips with problems of soil fertility, land-use change, and food insecurity in the study area.  相似文献   

利用1993、2000和2004年吴江市的遥感影像,在GIS和RS支持下,通过构建土地利用转移矩阵对土地利用变化进行分析,并对其产生的生态效应进行研究。结果表明,吴江市的耕地基底向建设用地基底转化,生态系统结构的多样性和均匀度降低,景观整体形状趋于规则;生态系统功能退化,耕地的减少以及建设用地面积的增加是导致总价值减少的主导力量,而水域生态服务价值的增加是阻止其显著减少的原因;水源涵养和废物处理功能贡献度最大,超过总价值的50%;汾湖镇所占生态服务价值比重最高,分别为24.2%、25.21%2、5.13%,桃源镇所占比重最低。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Anthropogenic disturbance of landscapes surrounding wetlands is considered a factor in local and global amphibian declines. Few data exist on the effects of agricultural cultivation of wetland watersheds on amphibians, and results from previous studies are contradictory. Our objective was to test the effects of general anthropogenic land use (cultivation vs. grassland) on the demographics of seven species and three age classes of amphibians in the Southern High Plains of Texas. We partially enclosed 16 playa wetlands (4 per land use per year) with drift fences and pitfall traps and monitored relative daily abundance and diversity from 16 May to 17 October 1999 and 19 April to 18 August 2000. In general, relative abundance (i.e., average daily capture) of New Mexico and plains spadefoots (  Spea multiplicata, S. bombifrons ) was greater at cropland than grassland playas; the abundance of other species and diversity of the amphibian assemblage was not affected by land use. Also, abundance generally was greater in 1999 than 2000 for metamorph spadefoots and barred tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium ). Differences in spadefoot abundance between land-use types may have been related to low species-specific vagility, resulting in increased nestedness within disturbed landscapes and reduced abundance of a potential keystone intraguild predator in cropland playas. The yearly difference in amphibian abundance was likely related to annual precipitation, which influenced wetland hydroperiod. Agricultural cultivation surrounding wetlands is associated with the increased abundance of some amphibian species, but other demographic and fitness parameters—such as temporal demographics, body size, and diet diversity—may be negatively affected.  相似文献   

西藏中部草地及农田生态系统的退化及其机制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
蔡晓布 《生态环境》2003,12(2):203-207
西藏中部农田,特别是兼具草地与林地两大功能的草地生态系统对区域生态环境具有重要的调节和控制作用。近年来,草地及农田生态系统呈现出整体退化及日趋严重的态势,并逐步成为西藏风蚀沙化、水土流失等最为严重的地区。文章在阐述退化生态系统的内在特征及其环境效应的基础上,就草地及农田生态系统退化的发生机制进行了深入分析。  相似文献   


Long-term cropland fallowing decisions of farmers in the West Nile Province of Uganda were studied. Tabular and regression methods are used to examine the relationship between farm and household factors and seasons of net fallowing. The results show that farmers plan to decrease the rate of fallowing in the immediate future. Serious (but undocumented) problems in maintaining cropland productivity could result. Population density had a large and negative effect on net fallowing (seasons of fallowing less seasons of crops), decreasing from the current average of ?0.6 seasons to ?2.21 seasons for a doubling of population. This 268% decrease in the use of fallowing could occur in as few as 13.5 years, assuming a 3% annual population growth rate. Farms larger in size, but with no increase in per capita cropland availability, had a higher rate of net fallowing. Cashcrop production was negatively associated with net fallowing, whilst farmer age had a positive association.

The results have implications for both agricultural policy and guidance for further research on cropland fallowing. Increased cash-cropping should not be recommended unless the full economic costs of using land resources are evaluated. Much of the increased area for cash-crop production would come from fallowed land, decreasing the rate of fallowing and thus increasing the potential for soil degradation. Fallowing has long been used in the area to maintain cropland productivity. Building upon farmers current practices and improving fallowing through the use of green manures and agroforestry could prove to be more economical than the use of mineral fertilizers. Investigating why farms larger in size and those with older head-of-households were able to use fallowing more effectively may provide key information for the development of more productive fallowing technologies.  相似文献   

耕地土壤碳固存的措施与潜力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤CO2排放与土壤退化、土壤有机质(SOC)含量减少和土壤质量下降密切相关。耕地具有较大的碳固存潜力。通过采用最佳管理措施(BMPs)和进行土壤修复来提高土壤质量,能增加SOC含量和提高土壤生产力,并能部分起到减缓温室效应的作用。文章从土壤固碳的机制入手,系统总结了在耕作土壤碳固存方面的研究。从土壤侵蚀控制、退化土壤修复、保护性耕作、残落物管理,改善农作物制度等方面,论述了耕地的固碳潜力,并提出了一系列实现碳固存的措施。最后估算出耕地土壤总的固碳潜力为0.73~0.87Pg/a。研究表明,在替代性能源开发之前,耕地碳固存是一项切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

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