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Arsenic speciation in plants growing in arsenic-contaminated sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concentrations of total arsenic and of arsenic species were determined by ICPMS and HPLC-ICPMS in terrestrial plant samples. The arsenic concentration in plant samples from the contaminated sites ranged from 1.14 to 98.5 mg kg(-1) (dry mass). However, a very high value, exceeding largely this range was found in a moss sample growing in the contaminated area (1750 mg kg(-1)). Plants growing in a non-contaminated area with similar geological characteristics contained 0.06-0.58 mg As kg(-1). Plant samples from different species were selected and extracted with water, water/methanol (9+1, v/v), and water/methanol (1+1, v/v). Water/methanol (9+1, v/v) was selected as extractant for the speciation analysis for all the plant samples. The extraction efficiencies ranged from 3.0% to 41.4%, with good agreement between samples from the same plant species. Arsenite and/or arsenate were found in all the plant samples. Additionally, methylarsonate (MA), dimethylarsinate (DMA), trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) and tetramethylarsonium ion (TETRA) were also identified in several plants, and in some cases MA and DMA were the main species found. TMAO, which is usually found as a trace constituent in organisms, was also a significant arsenical in one of the studied samples, where it constituted 24% of the extracted arsenic. In the present study, the patterns of arsenic species varied with the plant species and much higher proportion of organoarsenicals was found in plants from the more contaminated sites.  相似文献   

以粉煤灰、干化污泥、粉碎花生壳、硫酸亚铁(Fe2SO4)和磷酸二氢钾(KH2PO4)为稳定剂对矿区高浓度As污染土壤进行处理,通过土壤理化性质、重金属形态和浸出浓度变化等综合评估稳定剂对高浓度砷污染土壤的稳定化处理效果。结果表明,添加稳定剂可以提高土壤pH值、有机质含量和阳离子交换量。粉煤灰、干化污泥、粉碎花生壳、硫酸亚铁对土壤中的As有较好的稳定化作用,其中硫酸亚铁对土壤中As的稳定效果最好。同时添加10%粉煤灰、10%干化污泥和1%硫酸亚铁后,土壤中可交换态As、碳酸盐结合态As、铁锰氧化物结合态As、有机结合态As含量显著降低,降幅分别为62.3%、55.2%、29.6%、58.2%,残渣态As含量增加8.1%。添加粉煤灰、干化污泥、硫酸亚铁能显著降低土壤中As的浸出浓度,而添加KH2PO4会使土壤中As浸出浓度增加,移动性增强。当同时添加10%粉煤灰、10%干化污泥、1%粉碎花生壳和1%硫酸亚铁后,As浸出浓度最低(0.93 mg·L-1),稳定效果最好,稳定化效率达到了74.8%。土壤中As的浸出浓度与可交换态As和碳酸盐结合态As呈显著正相关,与残渣态As呈显著负相关,可交换态As、碳酸盐结合态As和残渣态-As含量是影响土壤中As浸出浓度变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

A mining area affected by the abandoned exploitation of an arsenical tungsten deposit was studied in order to assess its arsenic pollution level and the feasibility of native plants for being used in phytoremediation approaches. Soil and plant samples were collected at different distances from the polluting sources and analysed for their As content and distribution. Critical soil total concentrations of As were found, with values in the range 70-5330 mg kg−1 in the uppermost layer. The plant community develops As tolerance by exclusion strategies. Of the plant species growing in the most polluted site, the shrubs Salix atrocinerea Brot. and Genista scorpius (L.) DC. exhibit the lowest bioaccumulation factor (BF) values for their aerial parts, suggesting their suitability to be used with revegetation purposes. The species Scirpus holoschoenus L. highlights for its important potential to stabilise As at root level, accumulating As contents up to 3164 mg kg−1.  相似文献   

Arsenic speciation in marine fish and shellfish from American Samoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We speciated arsenic compounds in marine fish and shellfish from two islands of the United States Territory of American Samoa in the South Pacific, and found that inorganic arsenic occurred as a minor fraction. The proportion of inorganic arsenic was generally far below the levels of prevailing assumptions typically used in human health risk assessments when only total arsenic is analysed. Fish and shellfish were collected from Tutuila and Ofu between May 2001 and March 2002 (n=383 individual specimens, with 117 composites); sites were selected based on habitat type and were representative of those frequented by local fishers. These islands have moderately developed reef fish fisheries among artisanal fishers, are far removed from any industrial or mining sources of arsenic, and presented an opportunity to study arsenic variations in marine biota from un-impacted environments. Target species were from various trophic levels and are among those frequently harvested for human consumption. We found evidence that arsenic concentrated in some marine species, but did not tend to follow classic trophic patterns for biomagnification or bioaccumulation. For the majority of samples, inorganic arsenic was less than 0.5% of total arsenic, with only a few samples in the range of 1-5%, the latter being mollusks which are recognized to have unusually high arsenic levels in general. This work supports the importance of speciation analysis for arsenic, because of the ubiquitous occurrence of arsenic in the environment, and its variable toxicity depending on chemical form.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) is highly mobilized when paddy soil is flooded, causing increased uptake of As by rice. We investigated factors controlling soil-to-solution partitioning of As under anaerobic conditions. Changes in As and iron (Fe) speciation due to flooded incubation of two paddy soils (soils A and B) were investigated by HPLC/ICP-MS and XANES. The flooded incubation resulted in a decrease in Eh, a rise in pH, and an increase in the As(III) fraction in the soil solid phase up to 80% of the total As in the soils. The solution-to-soil ratio of As(III) and As(V) (RL/S) increased with pH due to the flooded incubation. The RL/S for As(III) was higher than that for As(V), indicating that As(III) was more readily released from soil to solution than was As(V). Despite the small differences in As concentrations between the two soils, the amount of As dissolved by anaerobic incubation was lower in soil A. With the development of anaerobic conditions, Fe(II) remained in the soil solid phase as the secondary mineral siderite, and a smaller amount of Fe was dissolved from soil A than from soil B. The dissolution of Fe minerals rather than redox reaction of As(V) to As(III) explained the different dissolution amounts of As in the two paddy soils. Anaerobic incubation for 30 d after the incomplete suppression of microbial activity caused a drop in Eh. However, this decline in Eh did not induce the transformation of As(V) to As(III) in either the soil solid or solution phases, and the dissolution of As was limited. Microbial activity was necessary for the reductive reaction of As(V) to As(III) even when Eh reached the condition necessary for the dominance of As(III). Ratios of released As to Fe from the soils were decreased with incubation time during both anaerobic incubation and abiotic dissolution by sodium ascorbate, suggesting that a larger amount of As was associated with an easily soluble fraction of Fe (hydr) oxide in amorphous phase and/or smaller particles.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lead (Pb) bioaccessibility measurements have been the subject of much research in recent years, given the desire to develop a cost-effective and...  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to quantitatively estimate the distribution of arsenic with its speciation and to identify potential pathways for transformation of arsenic species from samples of water, sediments, and plants in the ecosystem affected by the Cheongog Spring, where As(V) concentration reached levels up to 0.270 mg L−1. After flowing about 100 m downstream, the arsenic level showed a marked reduction to 0.044 mg L−1 (about 84% removal) without noticeable changes in major water chemistry. The field study and laboratory hydroponic experiments with the dominant emergent plants along the creek (water dropwort and thunbergian smartweed) indicated that arsenic distribution, reduction, and speciation appear to be controlled by, (i) sorption onto stream sediments in exchangeable fractions, (ii) bioaccumulation by and possible release from emergent plants, and (iii) transformation of As(V) to As(III) and organic species through biological activities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the sorption-desorption and leaching of aminocyclopyrachlor from three Brazilian soils. The sorption-desorption of 14C-aminocyclopyrachlor was evaluated using the batch method and leaching was assessed in glass columns. The Freundlich model showed an adequate fit for the sorption-desorption of aminocyclopyrachlor. The Freundlich sorption coefficient [Kf (sorption)] ranged from 0.37 to 1.34 µmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1 and showed a significant positive correlation with the clay content of the soil, while the Kf (desorption) ranged from 3.62 to 5.36 µmol (1–1/n) L1/n kg?1. The Kf (desorption) values were higher than their respective Kf (sorption), indicating that aminocyclopyrachlor sorption is reversible, and the fate of this herbicide in the environment can be affected by leaching. Aminocyclopyrachlor was detected at all depths (0?30 cm) in all the studied soils, where leaching was influenced by soil texture. The total herbicide leaching from the sandy clay and clay soils was <0.06%, whereas, ~3% leached from the loamy sand soil. The results suggest that aminocyclopyrachlor has a high potential of leaching, based on its low sorption and high desorption capacities. Therefore, this herbicide can easily contaminate underground water resources.  相似文献   

Here, we present one of the first studies investigating the mobility, solubility and the speciation-dependent in-situ bioaccumulation of antimony (Sb) in an active Sb mining area (Xikuangshan, China). Total Sb concentrations in soils are high (527-11,798 mg kg−1), and all soils, including those taken from a paddy field and a vegetable garden, show a high bioavailable Sb fraction (6.3-748 mg kg−1), dominated by Sb(V). Elevated concentrations in native plant species (109-4029 mg kg−1) underpin this. Both chemical equilibrium studies and XANES data suggest the presence of Ca[Sb(OH)6]2, controlling Sb solubility. A very close relationship was found between the citric acid extractable Sb in plants and water or sulfate extractable Sb in soil, indicating that citric acid extractable Sb content in plants may be a better predictor for bioavailable Sb in soil than total acid digestible Sb plant content.  相似文献   

The planetary importance of microbial function requires urgently that our knowledge and our exploitation ability is extended, therefore every occasion of bioprospecting is welcome. In this work, bioprospecting is presented from the perspective of the UMBRELLA project, whose main goal was to develop an integral approach for remediation of soil influenced by mining activity, by using microorganisms in association with plants. Accordingly, this work relies on the cultivable fraction of microbial biodiversity, native to six mining sites across Europe, different for geographical, climatic and geochemical characteristics but similar for suffering from chronic stress. The comparative analysis of the soil functional diversity, resulting from the metabolic profiling at community level (BIOLOG ECOPlates) and confirmed by the multivariate analysis, separates the six soils in two clusters, identifying soils characterised by low functional diversity and low metabolic activity. The microbial biodiversity falls into four major bacterial phyla: Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, including a total of 47 genera and 99 species. In each soil, despite harsh conditions, metabolic capacity of nitrogen fixation and plant growth promotion were quite widespread, and most of the strains showed multiple resistances to heavy metals. At species-level, Shannon’s index (alpha diversity) and Sørensen's Similarity (beta diversity) indicates the sites are indeed diverse. Multivariate analysis of soil chemical factors and biodiversity identifies for each soil well-discriminating chemical factors and species, supporting the assumption that cultured biodiversity from the six mining sites presents, at phylum level, a convergence correlated to soil factors rather than to geographical factors while, at species level, reflects a remarkable local characterisation.  相似文献   

Mature Lumbricus terrestris were host soils and leaf litter were collected from a former arsenic mine in Devon, UK (Devon Great Consols), a former gold mine in Ontario, Canada (Deloro), and an uncontaminated residential garden in Nottingham, UK. Arsenic concentrations determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in soils were 16-348 mg kg−1, 6.0-239 mg kg−1 in the earthworms and 8.6 mg kg−1 in leaf litter sampled at Deloro (all dry weight). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-ICP-MS) analysis revealed arsenite (AsIII), arsenate (AsV) and five organoarsenic species; arsenobetaine (AB), methylarsonate (MAV), dimethylarsinate (DMAV), arsenosugar 1 (glycerol sugar), arsenosugar 2 (phosphate sugar), and trimethylarsineoxide (TMAO) in field-collected L. terrestris. Differences were observed in the variety of organoarsenic species present between field sites. Several organoarsenic species were observed in the leaf litter (DMAV, arsenosugar 2 and TMAO) but not AB. Depuration resulted in higher concentrations of inorganic As being detected in the earthworm whereas the concentration or variety of organoarsenic species was unchanged. Commercially sourced L. terrestris were exposed to As contaminated soil in laboratory mesocosms (1.0, 98, 183, 236, 324 and 436 mg kg−1) without leaf litter and were additionally analyzed using X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). Only inorganic AsIII and AsV was observed. It is proposed that ingestion of leaf litter and symbiotic processes in the natural soil environment are likely sources of organoarsenic compounds in field-collected L. terrestris.  相似文献   

14C-terbuthylazine was applied to three Brazilian soils in closed aerated laboratory microcosms, both under standardized and under natural Brazilian climate conditions. Volatilization from soil to air, leaching from soil to percolate water, and transport from upper to deeper soil layers were higher in sandy soil than in clay soil and in organic soil. Mineralization of 14C-terbuthylazine to 14CO2 was higher in sandy soil than in clay and organic soils under standardized climatic conditions, whereas it was higher in organic soil than in sandy soil under Brazilian summer conditions. Under natural Brazilian summer conditions, leaching as well as vertical transport within the soil were enhanced as compared to standardized climate conditions comprising lower precipitation rates; volatilization was strongly reduced under high irrigation conditions.  相似文献   

Arsenic and chromium speciation in an urban contaminated soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landrot G  Tappero R  Webb SM  Sparks DL 《Chemosphere》2012,88(10):1196-1201
The distribution and speciation of As and Cr in a contaminated soil were studied by synchrotron-based X-ray microfluorescence (μ-XRF), microfocused X-ray absorption spectroscopy (μ-XAS), and bulk extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS). The soil was taken from a park in Wilmington, DE, which had been an important center for the leather tanning industry along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, until the early 20th century. Soil concentrations of As, Cr, and Pb measured at certain locations in the park greatly exceeded the background levels of these heavy metals in the State of Delaware. Results show that Cr(III) and As(V) species are mainly present in the soil, with insignificant amounts of Cr(VI) and As(III). Micro-XRF maps show that Cr and Fe are distributed together in regions where their concentrations are diffuse, and at local spots where their concentrations are high. Iron oxides, which can reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III), are present at some of these hot spots where Cr and Fe are highly concentrated. Arsenic is mainly associated with Al in the soil, and to a minor extent with Fe. Arsenate may be sorbed to aluminum oxides, which might have transformed after a long period of time into an As-Al precipitate phase, having a structure and chemical composition similar to mansfieldite (AlAsO(4)?2H(2)O). The latter hypothesis is supported by the fact that only a small amount of As present in the soil was desorbed using the characteristic toxicity leaching procedure tests. This suggests that As is immobilized in the soil.  相似文献   

Changes in bioavailability of pyrene in three uncontaminated soils were examined under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Three soils were aerobically aged with pyrene and [(14)C]pyrene for 63 days, then incubated with water, nitrate, or sulfate under aerobic or anaerobic conditions for one year. Under aerobic conditions, microorganisms in two soils mineralized 58-82% of the added [(14)C]pyrene. The two soils amended with nitrate were seen to have enhanced aerobic mineralization rates. In one of these soils, non-extractable pyrene was seen to decrease over the course of the study due to desorption and mineralization, nitrate amendment enhanced this effect. Under anaerobic conditions, generated with a N(2):CO(2)(g) headspace, two soils with nitrate or sulfate amendment showed an increase in extractable [(14)C]pyrene at 365 days relative to inhibited controls, presumably due to microbially mediated oxidation-reduction potential and pH alteration of the soil environment. These observations in different soils incubated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions have important implications relative to the impact of microbial electron acceptors on bioavailability and transport of non-polar organic compounds in the environment suggesting that, given enough time, under the appropriate environmental conditions, non-extractable material becomes bioavailable. This information should be considered when assessing site specific exposure risks at PAH contaminated locations.  相似文献   

Trace metal speciation and bioavailability in urban soils   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Urban soils often contain concentrations of trace metals that exceed regulatory levels. However, the threat posed by trace metals to human health and the environment is thought to be dependent on their speciation in the soil solution rather than the total concentration. Three inactive railway yards in Montréal, Québec, were sampled to investigate the speciation and bioavailability of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Soil solutions were obtained by centrifuging saturated soil pastes. In the soil solutions, up to 59% of the dissolved Cd was in its free ionic form. For Cu, Pb and Zn, organic complexes were the predominant species. Over 40% of Ni was present as inorganic complexes if the solution pH exceeded 8.1. Multiple regression analyses showed that pH and total metals in soil were significantly correlated with the activities of free metal ions, except for Cd(2+), which only had a weak correlation with soil pH. Free, dissolved and total soil metals were tested for their ability to predict metal uptake by plants in the field. However, none of these metal pools were satisfactory predictors. The results indicated that in these urban soils, trace metals were mainly in stable forms and bioavailability was extremely low.  相似文献   

Jing C  Liu S  Meng X 《Chemosphere》2005,59(9):1241-1247
Arsenic leachability and speciation in cement immobilized water treatment sludge were investigated with leaching tests and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The As leachability in the sludge determined with the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) and the waste extraction test (WET) was 283 and 7490 microgl(-1), respectively. Extractions with a lower liquid to solid ratio, under anaerobic conditions, and using citric acid buffer solution dramatically increased the leachate As concentration. XANES results showed that the As(III) composition was reduced from 51.1% of the total As content in the sludge to 16.3% in the cement treated sample with 28 days of cure. When the cement treated sample was cured for two years, the As(III) composition was decreased to 7.4%. The cement treatment reduced the As leachability. The leachate As(III) and total As concentrations were of the same order of magnitude in the samples cured for 28 days as for 2yr. However, consistently lower concentrations were detected in samples with longer cure time. The results of this study improve our understanding of arsenic speciation and leachability in the cement matrix after long cure times.  相似文献   

汞是中国工业污染场地土壤中常见的重金属污染物,汞的常见形态包括单质汞、无机汞和甲基汞。比较了不同形态的汞及其化合物在物化性质、环境行为、毒性效应及致毒机制上的差异,还以美国、英国为例,探讨了针对不同形态的汞分别制定土壤环境限值的方法。最后指出,中国现有的土壤环境质量相关标准以及污染场地风险评估导则中均尚未区分汞的形态,仅给出总汞含量的限值。因此,在未来的相关标准制定中,应考虑按汞的各种形态制定不同的标准,这将更有利于客观准确评价工业污染场地土壤中汞的污染程度和环境风险。  相似文献   

An alternative, low cost method for analyzing mercury in soil, sediment and gold mining residues was developed, optimized and applied to 30 real samples. It is semiquantitative, performed using an acid extraction pretreatment step, followed by mercury reduction and collection in a detecting paper containing cuprous iodide. A complex is formed with characteristic color whose intensity is proportional to mercury concentration in the original sample. The results are reported as range of concentration and the minimum detectable is 100 ng/g. Method quality assurance was performed by comparing results obtained using the alternative method and the Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry techniques. The average results from duplicate analysis by CVAAS were 100% coincident with alternative method results. The method is applicable for screening tests and can be used in regions where a preliminary diagnosis is necessary, at programs of environmental surveillance or by scientists interested in investigating mercury geochemistry.  相似文献   

Veterinary antimicrobials are emerging environmental contaminants of concern. In this study, the sorption of enrofloxacin (ENR) onto humic acids (HAs) extracted from three Brazilian soils was evaluated. HAs were characterized by elemental analysis and solid 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The sorption of ENR onto HAs was at least 20-fold higher than onto the soils from which they were separated. Ionic and cation bridging are the primary interactions involved. The interactions driven by cation exchange are predominant on HAs, which appear to have abundant carboxylic groups and a relatively high proportion of H-bond donor moieties with carbohydrate-like structures. Interactions explained by cation bridging and/or surface complexation on HAs are facilitated by moieties containing conjugated ligands, significant content of oxygen-containing functional groups, such as phenolic-OH or lignin-like structures. HAs containing electron-donating phenolic moieties and carboxylic acid ligand groups exhibit a sorption mechanism that is primarily driven by strong metal binding, favoring the formation of ternary complexes between functional groups of the organic matter and drugs.  相似文献   

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