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Circadian rhythms in photosynthesis were defined in field populations of phytoplankton. Measurements of carbon-dioxide fixation rates demonstrated that a diurnal periodicity of photosynthesis in samples incubated under natural light-dark (LD) cycles also were observed to continue in similar samples which had been photoadapted to constant dim light (LL) for 48 h. These changes in photosynthetic rates preceded sunset and sunrise, had daily amplitudes that ranged from 1.5 to 2.0, appeared to be independent of light-intensity, and displayed maxima about midday, while rates of dark fixation of carbon dioxide and the photosynthetic pigment content per cell were constant over the circadian cycle. Similar rhythmicity also was detected in room-temperature (22°C) chlorophyll a fluorescence yield, in both the obsence and presence of the photosynthesis inhibitor DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea]. However, the magnitude and timing of the fluorescence rhythm maxima seem to depend on wavelengths monitored and, in part, on the measuring technique used. Also, the circadian changes in the fluorescence intensity were abolished at low temperature (-60°C), and the shape of the emission spectra of chlorophyll fluorescence of cells in LD and LL did not change over time. The significance of the fluorescence rhythms with regard to chlorophyll a determinations and photosynthetic rates is discussed. It was concluded that there was sufficient similarity between circadian rhythms of photosynthesis in natural phytoplankton populations and in laboratory cultures of dinoflagellates to suggest that the mechanism of regulation may be the same for both of them.  相似文献   

Based on direct monitoring of feeding and growth under field conditions and frequent measurements of respiration and energy content in the laboratory, annual energy budgets were derived for Polinices duplicatus feeding on Mya arenaria at Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts. The gross growth efficiency (Pg/C) of P. duplicatus was high (35%) and varied inversely with snail size. The proportion of ingested energy expended on respiration (R/C) was modest (44%) and varied directly with snail size and inversely with temperature. The energetic efficiencies of P. duplicatus agreed with the few results available for othe predatory molluscs and differed from most results available for herbivorous and detritivorous molluscs.  相似文献   

Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve isolated from Narragansett Bay, USA, was incubated at 3 light intensities (ca. 0.008, 0.040 and 0.075 ly min-1) under a 12 h light: 12 h dark (12L:12D) photoperiod at 2°, 10° and 20°C. Cellular chlorophyll a increased at intensities less than ca. 0.040 ly min-1; increases occured within one photoperiod at temperatures above 10°C. Cellular carbohydrate increased with light intensity at all temperatures; increases during the photophase were due to net production of the dilute acid-soluble fraction. Cellular protein increased during the photoperiod at 10° and 20°C; there was little difference in cellular protein among all cultures after one photoperiod. The rate at which cellular chlorophyll a increased in response to a decrease in light suggests that diel variation in cellular chlorophyll a is temperature-dependent in S. costatum. Protein: carbohydrate ratios ranged from ca. 0.5 to 2.0 over a diel cycle; ratios increased at lower intensities and higher temperatures. The diel range in protein:carbohydrate ratios equals that in cultures developing nitrogen deficiency; thus, use of this ratio as an index to phytoplankton physiological state must account for diel light effects.  相似文献   

The relationship between in vivo light absorption efficiency of whole cells and in vitro absorption efficiency of algal pigments has been examined experimentally in the marine diatom Thalassiosira sp. In vitro absorption spectra were obtained for cells disrupted by either ultrasonic treatment or high-pressure shearing stress in a low-temperature (-40°C) pressure cell. A dimensionless measure of the magnitude of the package effect (Q a *), calculated from the ratio of whole-cell to disrupted-cell absorption, ranged from about 0.5 at the blue absorption peak of chlorophyll a (λ=435 nm) to 0.7 at the red chlorophyll a peak (λ=670 nm) to 1.0 at the absorption minimum (λ=600 nm). Cell diameter was found to be an inappropriate measure of size for assessing the magnitude of the package effect. Instead, the effective optical diameter for calculation of intracellular self-shading was found to be less than the cell diameter. This observation is consistent with the fact that most algal pigments are contained within chloroplasts, and that chloroplast volume is necessarily smaller than cell volume.  相似文献   

The pattern of microdistribution of 4 species of marine copepods in a small inlet was investigated, based on water samples of 20 l collected successively with a plankton pump. The distribution of each species in a limited area seemed to be related to the hydrographic conditions to some extent; on the other hand, a pattern of non-random and contagions distributions was also clearly indicated. The aggregation of organisms has considerable ecological significance in measurement of the zooplankton production in the sea and the feeding of fish larvae.  相似文献   

L. E. Brand 《Marine Biology》1982,69(3):253-262
The diel periodicities of in-vivo chlorophyll fluorescence and DCMU-enhanced chlorophyll fluorescence of 47 marine phytoplankton species were examined for 2 d in a 14 h L:10 h D light: dark cycle and then in continous light for another 2 to 3 d. Almost all phytoplankton species exhibit a more rapid increase in in-vivo fluorescence and DCMU-enhanced fluorescence during the light phase than during the dark phase. About one-half of the species examined exhibited persistent diel rhythms in continous light, indicating the operation of a biological clock. No phylogenetic or habitat related trends as to which species exhibited persistent rhythms were apparent. Of the phyla of eukaryotic phytoplankton adequately examined, none lacked biological clocks. Contrary to past hypotheses, some phytoplankton species maintain a persistent diel rhythm in a constant environment while reproducing at a rate greater than one division per day.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a and numbers of live pelagic diatoms were recorded from sediment depth profiles at 11 stations in the oligotrophic Øresund, Denmark, in late-June. Extraction efficiency of chlorophyll a analysed fluorometrically did not differ significantly between paired samples of frozen-thawed and fresh sediment. The depth profiles of chlorophyll a could be explained by a diagenetic model involving two different chlorophyll pools: one reactive pool declining exponentially with core depth, and one non-reactive pool, of about 1 µg Chl ml-1 wet sediment, being constant with depth. The number of live diatoms, quantified by the dilution-extinction method, and expressed in terms of most probable number (MPN), declined from an average of about 300,000 g-1 in the surface sediment to zero values at a depth of 13 cm. The number of live cells was significantly correlated with the sediment chlorophyll a, and the profiles of live cells as well as reactive chlorophyll followed the same exponential decline with core depth, suggesting that the main source of chlorophyll in the sediment was live pelagic diatoms. Taxonomic composition of diatoms in the sediment, dominated by the pelagic genera Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira and Skeletonema, matched the species composition in the water column 3 months earlier during the spring bloom. Regular recordings of the phytoplankton community in the water column showed that only these specific bloom species could be the source of the sediment content of diatoms and chlorophyll a. Further, the ratios between live cells and chlorophyll a were similar in the sediment and in the spring bloom. A conservative estimate of depth-integrated pools of diatoms in the sediment suggested that about 44% of the total phytoplankton biomass during the spring bloom was still present as live cells in the sediment after 3 months. This indicates that the spring bloom input to the sediment is not degraded immediately by the benthic fauna.  相似文献   

A 24 h continuous study of hydrological parameters and zooplanktonic populations was carried out in Marseilles' Vieux-Port, a semi-closed area supposed to be a fairly homogeneous body of water. Sampling was performed in spring 1980 with a pump system. Samples were taken every 30 min over a period of 24 h, during which time only slight temperature variations were recorded (min.=14.5°C, max.=15.1°C); salinities were high and fairly stable (min.=37.49, max.=37.63%.). It can thus be assumed that the water was homogeneous. Concentrations of suspended particulate matter were high and fairly stable (x = 11.8 mg 1-1). In most samples, nitrate levels were fairly low (x = 0.84 g-at 1-1); conversely, phosphate contents fluctuated greatly (min.=0.24 g-at 1-1, max.=2.24 g-at 1-1). As a result of these fluctuating nutrient-salt values, the N:P ratios were often unbalanced (between 0.5 and 2.0). Detergent values were low (often less than 0.2 ppm). Zooplanktonic populations were made up of a few eurybiotic species, the most thriving of which were the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides and the copepod Acartia clausi. These two species perform nychthemeral migrations towards the surface: P. polyphemoides during the day and A. clausi at night. As a result of these opposite patterns of migrations, the planktonic biomass remained fairly stable near the surface. There were also some meroplanktonic species (especially cirripede larvae) and a small number of other copepods present. This study revealed a regular hydrological and faunal cycle with a return to initial conditions at the end of the 24 h period.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - We report novel results of a numerical experiment designed for examining the basin-scale hydrodynamics that control the mass, momentum, and energy distribution in a...  相似文献   

An annual pigment budget was constructed for Dabob Bay, Washington (USA) by comparing the downward vertical loss of phytoplankton pigments (chlorophyll and pheopigments) to the production of chlorophyll within the euphotic zone. The vertical flux of pigments was measured with sediment traps deployed at intervals of 1 to 6 wk over a 2.5 yr period yielding 763 d of trap exposure (28 November 1978–16 June 1981). The production rate of chlorophyll was calculated from measurements of algal specific growth rates, chlorophyll (chl) crops, primary production (as carbon) and appropriate C: chl ratios. Sixty one to 77% of the annual chlorophyll production was accounted for by the vertical flux of pheopigments resulting from herbivorous zooplankton grazing (macrozooplankton). Algal sinking, represented by downward chlorophyll flux, accounted for only 5 to 6% of the annual chlorophyll production. The remaining fraction of chlorophyll production was estimated to be consumed by small herbivores (microzooplankton), whose fecal material contributes to the suspended pool of pheopigments found in the euphotic zone. The suspended pheopigments are continuously removed by photodegradation. In Dabob Bay, the major process controlling phytoplankton abundance is zooplankton grazing and it appears that the ultimate fate of most phytoplankton is to be consumed by herbivores.  相似文献   

Standing crops and the vertical distribution of four groups of ciliates, autotrophic naked ciliates (ANC), heterotrophic naked ciliates (HNC ), mixotrophic naked ciliates (MNC) and loricated ciliates (LC ), were analysed in relation to phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the western Pacific. Data were gathered from the upper 60 to 200 m of water in the subarctic North Pacific in spring, in the subtropical North Pacific in spring, in Toyama Bay in summer, off eastern Australia in spring and off Sanriku in spring and fall. Of the four groups, the standing crop of HNC (cells l−1) showed the highest correlation to phytoplankton chloro- phyll a [CHL, μg l−1; r=0.66, n=365 (HNC=490 ×CHL 0.653)]. Depths of the maximum layers of HNC and MNC were usually shallower than that of chlorophyll a, while those of ANC and LC occurred frequently beneath the chlorophyll maximum layer. This indicates that these four ciliate groups are substantially different from each other, and that each group holds a different ecological position in the marine microbial food web. Received: 27 October 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1998  相似文献   

Diet and respiration of the small planktonic marine copepod Oithona nana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The functional responses of Oithona nana (Giesbr.) to various phytoplankton and zooplankton food species are described. The food species were divided into three size categories, the seasonal abundances of which were measured in Loch Turnaig, a Scottish sea loch in 1977. The seasonal variations in feeding rates in the sea for each size class were derived. The seasonal variation in respiration rate of O. nana was measured, and metabolic requirements were claculated as between 6 and 40% of the food material estimated as being eaten. O. nana differs from other common copepods in having a wide food-particle size spectrum and a low metabolic rate. It is suggested that these adaptations constitute the strategy whereby O. nana maintains its population levels throughout the year.  相似文献   

D. H. Brown 《Marine Biology》1972,12(4):309-315
As lichens are sensitive monitors of environmental pollution and are known to be affected by marine pollutants, a study was made of the effect of Kuwait crude oil and a solvent emulsifier (BP 1002) on the metabolism of the marine lichen Lichina pygmaea (Lightf.) C. Ag. Photosynthesis in the presence of NaH14CO3 enabled an investigation to be made of the effect of these pollutants on the total 14C-fixation and the pattern of 14C-fixation. Oil was shown to be substantially less inhibitory than the emulsifier to the total 14C fixed. The emulsifier, but not the oil, induced loss of labelled material from the lichen. No change was observed in the influence of oil or undiluted emulsifier after ageing. Combination of the emulsifier with either oil or sea water resulted in a decreased inhibitory effect, which was further reduced on ageing the mixture. It was concluded that the inhibitory component of the emulsifier was the surfactant and not the solvent.  相似文献   

Changes in human behavior are a precursor to measurable impacts of no-take marine reserves. We investigated changes in recreational fishing site selection in response to the 2005 announcement of enforcement in a marine reserve in the Gulf of California, Mexico. We used a novel data set of daily self-reported boating destinations from emergency rescue logbooks for a recreational angling community from 2000 to 2008. Because the reserve system has no experimental control, we modeled the data two ways to test for robustness to model specification. We tested for changes in human fishing behavior with regression and fit a fleet-level discrete choice model to project a. counterfactual scenario. The counterfactual is the statistically constructed ex post expectation of the human behavior we would have observed if the reserve never existed. We included month and year fixed effects in our models to account for seasonal and interannual fluctuations in fishing behavior and catch rates. We detected a decrease in reserve use compared to the counterfactual, indicating that the reserve rapidly experienced a decrease in visitation. However, the reserve's effect to reduce trips diminished with time. These results indicate that the reserve is unlikely to meet its ecological goals without institutional changes that enhance compliance. This illustrates the value of human use data to understanding the processes underlying marine reserve function. We suggest that managers should consider human use with the same frequency, rigor, and tools as they do fishery stocks. Marine reserves directly affect people, and understanding human behavioral responses to marine reserves is an important step in marine reserve management.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of chlorophyll in three coral species carrying invertebrate symbionts was determined using spectral imaging techniques. From each pixel of the image, full fluorescence spectral data was obtained as well as comparative ratios of fluorescence. The multipixel fluorescence map and the relative-intensity fluorescence ratios demonstrated a high concentration of chlorophyll a next to the pits of Cryptochirus coralliodytes in Favites halicora. Spectral similarity maps of Goniastrea retiformis infested with Lithophaga lessepsiana and of Millepora dichotoma infested with Savignium milleporum revealed relatively higher chlorophyll concentrations in these two corals next to the symbionts. We hypothesize that the invertebrate symbionts fertilize their immediate surroundings with their excreta, enhancing algal growth. The spectral analysis system used in this study made it possible to distinguish such changes by spatial quantitation of the fluorescence emitted from small surface areas.  相似文献   

工业化高速发展时期广州市的碳收支变化初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解我国发达城市在工业化高速发展进程中CO2的收支状况,以广州市为研究对象,首次估算了其从1990年到2003年每年的净固碳量和释碳量,并分析了其变化趋势。研究结果表明,这13年间广州市的净固碳量与总释碳量年均增长率分别为0.93%与7.16%;到2003年,其净固碳量为2.57Mt,而其总释碳量已达到22.79Mt,其中约70%的释碳量源于化石燃料的燃烧。工业化高速发展时期也是释碳量日益高于净固碳量的时期,两者之间差距的逐步加大,已经使得广州市目前的碳收支状况发展到了极不平衡的程度。而逐年递增的人口和以化石燃料为主的能源消费是造成广州市碳收支严重失衡的主要原因。  相似文献   

海水混合和层化对叶绿素a垂直分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据长江口海区、近岸浅水区、黄海冷水团海区和水深超过200m的陆架区等四个区域的定点调查获得的数据,分析了温度、盐度与叶绿素a垂直分布的相互关系。结果表明,长江口海区,陆源径流与海水混合不充分,表层营养盐含量较高,表层叶绿素a含量高于中下水层。近岸浅水区的苏北近岸海水垂向没有温跃层和盐跃层,叶绿素a的垂向分布也均匀,东海西部沿岸出现逆温跃层和逆盐跃层,海水垂直混合不充分,叶绿素a含量(6.72mg/m^3)在10m深水域最高。黄海冷水团海区海水的垂直混合不充分,叶绿素a的垂直变化显著,高值区出现在温跃层下方(4.37mg/m^3)。水深超过200m的陆架区,温度的阶梯状结构、营养盐跃层、光照等因素共同导致整个水层叶绿素a含量普遍较低。同时,结合历史资料分析认为,海水的混合、温度和盐度的层化将影响营养盐的浓度和分布,从而影响海水中叶绿素a的垂直分布。  相似文献   

根据浙江省丽水市 1 986— 2 0 0 2年酸雨监测数据 ,对该市酸雨污染的现状特征及成因进行了分析。结果表明 ,丽水市酸雨污染严重 ,并呈逐年加重的趋势。冬、春季酸雨率高 ,降水 pH值低 ;降水的主要离子SO42 -与NO-3比值逐年下降 ,说明大气污染有从煤烟型转为煤烟型与机动车尾气混合型的趋势 ;煤耗量、地型地貌特点、低空逆温层频率、地面弱风频率对酸雨率和降水 pH值有明显的影响。  相似文献   

在调查和分析太湖流域湖泊滩地资源特征和开发利用状况的基础上,着重探讨了滩地围垦对流域生态环境的影响,并提出今后开发利用滩地资源的方向和对策。  相似文献   

Using solar energy as a source of illumination, photosynthesis in 11 species of marine plankton algae was studied as a function of light intensity. From the photosynthesis-light curve for each organism, the saturation points (I k ) in different organisms were determined. Among the diatoms and flagellates, the highest I k (saturation point) values were found in Rhizosolenia styliformis and Dinophysis miles respectively. When the organisms were exposed to a portion of the visible spectrum starting from 700 m, the photosynthesis was found to be related to the radiant energy. The missing portions of the spectrum produced no significant change in the rate of photosynthesis. The photosynthetic response shown by the different organisms was strikingly similar, which signifies that, despite the qualitative dissimilarities which the organisms may possess in their pigment composition, they are capable of much chromatic adaptation.  相似文献   

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