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In 1980 the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) was passed to instigate the cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. CERCLA necessitated the development of a set of criteria for estimating the severity of the contamination at these sites, the potential impact on human health and the environment, and establishing appropriate cleanup levels for the contaminated media. The risk assessment (RA) format was developed to meet these challenges. Though RAs vary dramatically in their scope, emphasis, and regulatory application, there are two primary objectives common to all RAs: (1) to evaluate potential risks to human health and the environment posed by the release of hazardous substances and (2) to evaluate and establish safe cleanup levels based primarily on the number and type of potential receptors, the toxicity and mobility of the contaminants, and the types of exposure pathways present. Achieving these objectives may be a relatively simple task or an extremely complex and difficult one depending on the type of material released and our understanding of its behavior in the environment, the site conditions, and the governing regulations. This article presents an approach for establishing acceptable cleanup levels for subsurface soils and illustrates the application of this approach to three different regulated sites.  相似文献   

 This paper deals with the present scenario of hazardous waste management practices in Thailand, and gives some insights into future prospects. Industrialization in Thailand has systematically increased the generation of hazardous waste. The total hazardous waste generated in 2001 was 1.65 million tons. It is estimated that over 300 million kg/year of hazardous waste is generated from nonindustrial, community sources (e.g., batteries, fluorescent lamps, cleansing chemicals, pesticides). No special facilities are available for handling these wastes. There are neither well-established systems for separation, storage, collection, and transportation, nor the effective enforcement of regulations related to hazardous wastes management generated from industrial or nonindustrial sectors. Therefore, because of a lack of treatment and disposal facilities, these wastes find their way into municipal wastewaters, public landfills, nearby dump sites, or waterways, raising serious environmental concern. Furthermore, Thailand does not have an integrated regulatory framework regarding the monitoring and management of hazardous materials and wastes. In addition to the absence of a national definition of hazardous wastes, limited funding has caused significant impediments to the effective management of hazardous waste. Thus, current waste management practices in Thailand present significant potential hazards to humans and the environment. The challenging issues of hazardous waste management in Thailand are not only related to a scarcity of financial resources (required for treatment and disposal facilities), but also to the fact that there has been no development of appropriate technology following the principles of waste minimization and sustainable development. A holistic approach to achieving effective hazardous waste management that integrates the efforts of all sectors, government, private, and community, is needed for the betterment of human health and the environment. Received: February 26, 2001 / Accepted: October 11, 2002  相似文献   

Many public agencies and private entities are faced with assessing the risks to humans from contamination on their lands. The United States Department of Energy (US DOE) and Department of Defense are responsible for large holdings of contaminated land and face a long‐term and costly challenge to assure sustainable protectiveness. With increasing interest in the conversion of brownfields to productive uses, many former industrial properties must also be assessed to determine compatible future land uses. In the United States, many cleanup plans or actions are based on the Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility, Compensation, and Liability Act, which provides important but incomplete coverage of these issues, although many applications have tried to involve stakeholders at multiple steps. Where there is the potential for exposure to workers, the public, and the environment from either cleanup or leaving residual contamination in place, there is a need for a more comprehensive approach to evaluate and balance the present and future risk(s) from existing contamination, from remediation actions, as well as from postremediation residual contamination. This article focuses on the US DOE, the agency with the largest hazardous waste remediation task in the world. Presented is a framework extending from preliminary assessment, risk assessment and balancing, epidemiology, monitoring, communication, and stakeholder involvement useful for assessing risk to workers and site neighbors. Provided are examples of those who eat fish, meat, or fruit from contaminated habitats. The US DOE's contaminated sites are unique in a number of ways: (1) huge physical footprint size, (2) types of waste (mixed radiation/chemical), and (3) quantities of waste. Proposed future land uses provide goals for remediation, but since some contamination is of a type or magnitude that cannot be cleaned up with existing technology, this in turn constrains future land use options, requiring an iterative approach. The risk approaches must fit a range of future land uses and end‐states from leave‐in‐place to complete cleanup. This will include not only traditional risk methodologies, but also the assessment and surveillance necessary for stewards for long‐term monitoring of risk from historic and future exposure to maintain sustainable protectiveness. Because of the distinctiveness of DOE sites, application of the methodologies developed here to other waste site situations requires site‐specific evaluation © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Technology development has brought beneficial changes in the functions of smartphones but has the potential to impact the environment due to the high generation of waste smartphones. Thus, this study evaluates and compares environmental impact potentials from metals in waste smartphones to figure out the effect of smartphone model replacements on hazardous waste, resource depletion, and toxicity potentials. The total threshold limit concentration (TTLC) analysis is used to determine whether the waste smartphones would be classified as hazardous waste, and the life-cycle impact assessment methods are used to evaluate resource depletion, cancer, non-cancer, and ecotoxicity potentials. The TTLC results showed that the smartphone technology development did not reduce hazardous waste potentials. The life-cycle impact assessment results showed that the technology development overall reduced resource depletion potential but increased toxicity potential. In addition, priority metals contributing to the potentials were identified to effectively manage their environmental impacts. This study can provide fundamental information for smartphone manufacturers, waste smartphone recyclers and disposers, and e-waste policymakers to circulate resources and to prevent environmental pollutions from hazardous and toxic materials.  相似文献   

Corporations often become potentially responsible parties (PRPs) at hazardous waste sites because of their past transportation or disposal of hazardous substances at such sites. Determining a PRP's potential liability for the assessment and cleanup of hazardous waste sites is a challenging effort and often results in disputes among other PRPs regarding appropriate allocation of response action costs to each party. Further, public companies have an obligation to report probable and reasonably estimable costs under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for environmental liabilities at their current or prior hazardous waste sites. The first step in such an evaluation is to determine whether or not a PRP can extricate themselves from any association with the subject site or, alternatively, demonstrate de minimis status. This article describes the methods by which PRPs can extricate themselves from liability associated with response action costs at contaminated sites, including: evaluating a PRP's prior settlements or indemnifications with other PRPs; identifying insurance coverage or other financial assurance instruments for the disposal facility; and examining applicable statutes of limitations against when a PRP received notification from the regulatory agency. The article also presents a case study discussing how a PRP with a portfolio of 72 hazardous waste disposal sites was able to extricate itself from the majority of these sites, resulting in only four sites where the PRP was determined to be a PRP and where an associated allocable share was assigned. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cost estimates are frequently developed to evaluate hazardous‐waste‐site cleanup options in support of a site investigation, remedy selection decision, or assessment of environmental liabilities. The accuracy of the cost estimate depends largely on the quality of the information available at the time it is prepared. This article presents a practical guide to developing a cleanup cost estimate. It includes information on how to document assumptions, use the latest technical resources, and perform basic adjustments to account for uncertainty and the time value of money. The content is based upon a recent guidance document issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers entitled A Guide to Developing and Documenting Cost Estimates during the Feasibility Study (USEPA, 2000). © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was enacted in 1976. The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984 specify “corrective action” requirements for protecting human health and the environment from environmental contamination at active hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. RCRA and its corrective action requirements are designed to prevent the creation of new Superfund sites by regulating and remediating active facilities. The RCRA corrective action process has four basic components: the facility assessment, facility investigation, corrective measures study, and corrective measures implementation. This article presents an overview of the RCRA corrective action process and presents four case studies from three U.S. EPA regions.  相似文献   

Applications of risk assessment techniques to hazardous waste management are briefly discussed in terms of selecting appropriate waste management technologies, assessing operating sites, setting priorities for clean up of problem sites, determining the appropriate level of clean up and planning new facilities. A specific case history involving risk assessment for the siting of a waste management facility in the Province of Ontario, Canada is described in more detail. Risk estimates are provided for exposure via inhalation and ingestion of potentially contaminated local water, crops, meat and milk. The predicted risk are compared to risks of death from selected voluntary and involuntary exposures.  相似文献   

Hazardous waste remediation technologies are rapidly evolving, and it is a challenge for environmental consultants and those working in the government and public sectors to remain current with those technologies. Fortunately, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through a variety of programs and initiatives, has been a leader in providing information on hazardous waste remediation technologies. This article provides an overview of EPA remediation programs and guides the reader through valuable EPA information sources including publications, databases, and on-line services.  相似文献   

The results of a quantitative study to assess the extent and degree of non-regulated hazardous waste present in municipal solid waste generated in King County, Washington State, U.S.A., are reported. A major objective of the study was to ascertain the health and environmental impacts of non-regulated hazardous waste within the County's collection, transport, and disposal systems and to formulate policies for managing non-regulated hazardous waste within the context of the County's solid waste management master plan. The study sampled municipal waste disposed at seven transfer stations in the County for the purpose of identifying the types and concentrations of non-regulated hazardous waste. Subsequent to the field sampling work and the conduct of the laboratory analyses, a risk assessment was performed to determine the types and degree of risk associated with the levels of non-regulated hazardous waste found in the waste stream. The assessment included the areas of occupational health and safety, of public health, and of environmental impact.  相似文献   

The planning and design of regional hazardous waste management system (RHWMS) involves selection of treatment and disposal facilities, allocation of hazardous wastes and waste residues from generator to the treatment and disposal sites and selection of the transportation routes. An improved formulation based upon multi-objective integer programming approach is presented to arrive at the optimal configuration of RHWMS components. This formulation addresses important practical issues like unique characteristics of the hazardous wastes reflecting on waste–waste and waste–technology compatibility. A utility function approach is presented to integrate both cost and risk related objectives. An illustrative case example is presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the improved formulation as a tool which can be used by environmental planning agencies in regional planning for hazardous waste management.  相似文献   

Although open-path Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Toxic Organic Compendium Method since 1996, it has been underutilized as a means to assess exposure to gaseous contaminants during the remediation of hazardous waste sites. This might be considered surprising in light of the many benefits that proper application of this technology can offer. In this article, we provide an overview of the technology and the principle of operation, describe the nature of the data generated, discuss the benefits associated with the technology's use in site clean-up, present emission-rate estimation techniques, and examine the reasons why it has not gained more support over the years. Finally, we present a case study in which the technology was used to drive an 11-month emergency removal action under the direction of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

Today's hazardous waste engineering practice is based on the premise that the current technologies for conducting hazardous waste remediation are sufficient to solve most problems. The premise is false: Except for simple sites, the current practice cannot deliver answers with the required accuracy and precision. This article describes the huge uncertainties present in complex hazardous waste remediation efforts. It also discusses the “observational” method, which originated in the geotechnical engineering field, as a means of coping with these uncertainties during site characterization and remediation. The article includes case-study examples illustrating the use of the observational method at hazardous waste sites.  相似文献   

Allocating costs for hazardous waste site cleanup among potentially responsible parties is unique to the specific circumstances, history, and data for the site. As such, distinct technical approaches are often needed considering the Gore and Torres factors to develop an overall allocation. These factors include both technical and nontechnical considerations that the trier of fact must weigh to arrive at the overall allocation. This article reviews the legal and technical framework in allocating cleanup costs at hazardous waste sites and presents several case histories illustrating the integration of fact, science and law in the final allocation.  相似文献   

Environmental risk assessment is generally based on the comparison of the exposure concentration of a chemical with the sensitivity of the ecosystems for this chemical. The exposure to this chemical is often assumed to be constant and continuous, while in reality exposure is more likely to be variable and/or intermittent. Several approaches have been developed to account for the influence of exposure time on environmental effects. Time-to-event modelling is the most recent approach to include time in environmental risk assessment. This approach is applied in the DREAM model (Dose Related Effects Assessment Model), which is used to assess the environmental impact of produced water discharges in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Remediation of refinery wastes is regulated by three major federal environmental statutes: the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); other statutes apply, but to a lesser degree. During the past two years, RCRA's rules have effectively outlawed the passive biological treatment of primary refinery waste sludges in waste ponds and lagoons, even though the law recommends active biological treatment as the second stage in the waste treatment train. RCRA's land disposal restrictions may also outlaw land farming treatment for the bottom sludges involved in crude oil storage. Since 1980, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency listed an initial group of five waste streams as hazardous, the agency has listed two more waste streams and twenty-five organic constituents, several found in petroleum wastes. Now it is about to list fourteen more petroleum refining wastes and is studying the addition of fifteen more waste streams. Treatment standards and restrictions have also been promulgated. This article explores the biotreatment techniques and technologies that are still available to petroleum and environmental engineers.  相似文献   

Waste from traditional markets in Indonesia is the second largest stream of municipal solid waste after household waste. It has a higher organic fraction and may have greater potential to be managed on a business scale compared to household wastes. The attributed reason is that in general the wastes generated from traditional markets are more uniform, more concentrated and less hazardous than waste from other sources. This paper presents the results of environmental and economic assessments to compare the options available for traditional market waste disposal in Indonesia. The options compared were composting in labour intensive plants, composting in a centralised plant that utilised a simple wheel loader, centralised biogas production and landfill for electricity production. The current open dumping practice was included as the baseline case. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was used for environmental analysis. All options compared have lower environmental impacts than the current practice of open dumping. The biogas production option has the lowest environmental impacts. A cost-benefit analysis, which considered greenhouse gas savings, was used for the economic assessment. It was found that composting at a centralised plant is the most economically feasible option under the present Indonesian conditions. The approach reported in this study could be applied for 'a pre-feasibility first cut comparison' that includes environmental aspects in a decision-making framework for developing countries even though European emission factors were used.  相似文献   

Environmental assessment consists of scientific studies to define contamination at a potential release site or sites and to evaluate the risk posed to human health and the environment. These studies are performed within a prescribed regulatory framework. There is a high degree of uncertainty associated with preparing cost and schedule estimates for activities such as site characterization, risk assessment, and evaluation of remediation alternatives. This article describes the approach that Sandia National Laboratories is using to meet the challenge of estimating the assessment phase of its Environmental Restoration Project. Emphasis is placed on lessons learned, with examples given to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

废塑料再生产业园的规划及环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
檀笑  温勇  蔡彬  陈晨 《化工环保》2014,34(2):165-169
论述了我国废塑料再生行业存在的问题和废塑料再生产业园的规划特点。探讨了产业园的合理选址、系统规划布局、同步环境影响评价在废塑料再生产业园建设中的重要性,介绍了环境影响分析和园区清洁生产与循环经济等内容。指出建立废塑料再生产业园,必须通过合理规划布局并及时开展环境影响评价工作,这是保护环境、防控污染的有效措施。  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded research on destruction and removal efficiencies (DREs) at eight hazardous waste incinerators. This research appeared to show that DREs of 99.99% could not be achieved at low waste feed principal hazardous organic constituent (POHC) concentrations. During the mid 1980s and 1990s however, testing at Superfund sites has indicated that DREs of 99.9999% or greater can be achieved at low waste feed POHC concentrations. This paper will summarize testing which includes 32 test runs at five Superfund sites and the EPA's incineration research facility. The tests include POHC concentrations from 6552 parts per million down to 28 parts per million at typical DREs of 6–9 s or greater.  相似文献   

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