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Groundwater was being remediated with pump and treat technology at a facility where the groundwater was contaminated with commonly used degreaser solvents. Hydraulic conductivity of the heterogeneous residuum was beneficiated by applying pneumatic fracturing technology. The remedial system was controlled and monitored by a sophisticated remote telemetry system. A case history follows.  相似文献   

Different points of view have emerged concerning how to best consider and address the largely unexamined ancillary environmental impacts, and more particularly the social and economic impacts, of remediation activities. These views are generally categorized as “green remediation” and “sustainable remediation.” This article dissects the commonalities and differences between “green” and “sustainable” remediation approaches. Several key obstacles to the broader implementation of sustainable remediation practices are identified. Similarities identified among the two concepts offer a common ground and areas of collaboration. The objective of this article is to support maturation of the remediation industry by addressing the opposition to and supporting the implementation of sustainable remediation practices, including offering recommendations for a path forward. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Thermoselect High Temperature Recycling process has been developed in order to make available a thermal waste treatment technology avoiding major problems as known from traditional techniques like landfills or ashes, filter dust and emission producing processes. It combines slow degassing with fixed bed oxygen blown gasification and mineral and metal residue melting in a closed loop system. Municipal, industrial and other kinds of waste are compacted to less than one fifth of their original volume by means of an armored hydraulic press, and then periodically pushed into an indirectly heated degasification channel. As the waste plugs are pushed down the channel in an oxygen-free environment, waste humidity is evaporated and the organic components in the refuse are partially degasified and to a certain extent converted into a carbon-like product as the temperature increases. This flaky product and the enclosed inorganic components such as metals and minerals are continuously fed into a high-temperature reactor (HTR). Pure oxygen is added in controlled quantities and reacts with the material following exothermic oxidisation reactions. Due to overall under-stoichiometric conditions, gasification products form a combustible synthesis gas. The heat of reaction leading to temperatures up to about 2000°C in the core of the lower HTR section acts to also smelt the metal and mineral components of the waste. Chlorinated hydrocarbons such as dioxins and furans are reliably destroyed along with other organic compounds in the gaseous and the liquid phase. Material conversion equilibria are assured due to high temperatures and sufficient residence times. The synthesis gas is purified before use as combustible or primary material. After long term operation of the industrial scale demonstration plant in northern Italy, recent orders of differently sized Thermoselect plants can be announced and are illustrated on the basis of three cases out of five [with Herten 225,000 Mg/a and Berlin 300,000 Mg/a] in Germany: (1) Karlsruhe plant, 3 lines, 225,000 Mg/a, under construction; (2) Ansbach plant, 1 line, 75,000 Mg/a, completely purchased in July 1997; (3) Hanau plant, 2 lines, 90,000 Mg/a, partially purchased in October 1997. The technical concepts of these projects are illustrated with special emphasis on the flexibility of tailor-made energy recovery solutions.  相似文献   

Commodore Solution Technologies, Inc. has developed an innovative total systems approach to environmental remediation that utilizes a patented chemistry called Solvated Electron Technology (SETTM). Solvated electron solutions are some of the most powerful reducing agents know. Formed by dissolving alkali and alkaline-earth metals in anhydrous liquid ammonia to produce a solution of metal cations and free electrons, solvated electron solutions are capable of providing reductants of great activity and uniqueness. They provide a highly useful mechanism for the reductive destruction of many organic molecules and are extremely effective in the dehalogenation of halogenated organic compounds. Commodore has received a nation-wide EPA operating permit for the nonthermal destruction of PCBs using this process. The SoLVTM process is a total solution approach that incorporates SETTM with pre-and post-treatments, when necessary, for environmental cleanup. It is applicable to a broad range of substrates including liquids, solids, soils, and job materials. This article presents results from several pilot, field, and commercial validation studies utilizing the SoLVTM process.  相似文献   

There has been a growing movement within the environmental industry to develop more sustainable approaches in environmental remediation. These have generally included carbon footprint analysis, life cycle assessment, and best management practices to reduce the overall net environmental, social, and economic impacts of investigation and remediation activities. One of the foundational reasons net environmental impacts are currently evaluated is to identify and, subsequently, reduce contributions to climate change, primarily greenhouse gas emissions. While this trend toward sustainability and reduction in impact to the global environment is both important and admirable, the approach to remediation design and long‐term planning now needs to evolve further to better incorporate climate resilience into sustainable remediation design and implementation: designing remediation solutions that account for the projected impacts of climate change, as well as have the capacity to adapt to changing conditions. As a global population, we are now beyond the point of being able to prevent climate change and instead need to plan for adapting to it. In remediation, the effects of climate change create both risks and opportunities which should be considered during remedial design and long‐term planning. Responsible parties may see the push for—and management of—these considerations through their internal corporate risk management. The authors of this paper propose a simple framework for climate adaptation and resilience evaluations and plan development for remediation projects. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

分别采用传统的Fe2+活化过硫酸钠(Na2S2O8)氧化和铁碳强化Na2S2O8氧化两种方法修复模拟机油污染土壤。实验结果表明:对于传统Fe2+-Na2S2O8体系,在Na2S2O8投加量为3.0%(w)、FeSO4·7H2O投加量为0.6%(w)的优化条件下,土壤中总石油烃(TPH)的去除率仅为33.12%;而对于Fe0-C-Na2S2O8体系,在Na2S2O8投加量为1.0%(w)、还原铁粉和活性炭的投加量均为0.1%(w)的优化条件下,土壤中TPH的去除率为42.99%;Fe0-C-Na2S2O8体系较Fe2+-Na2S2O8体系对土壤具有更好的修复效果,且Na2S2O8的投加量减少了2/3。此外,Fe0-C-Na2S2O8体系较Fe2+-Na2S2O8体系对土壤pH的影响小,在实际应用中可适当提高铁粉的投加量来减小Na2S2O8对土壤pH的影响。  相似文献   

Through volatilization and long distance atmospheric transport, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been redistributed throughout the global environment. Over the last 70 years, these compounds have permeated every known environmental niche including the remote polar regions of the globe. In this article, the solubility and volatility of the PCB congeners are reviewed relative to the remedial technologies that are currently in use or under consideration. The following discussion focuses primarily on the management options for PCB-contaminated, subaqueous solids that require removal, dewatering, drying, and other treatment to degrade the target contaminants and/or containment in engineered facilities including constructed islands, upland secure landfills and subaqueous pits. Environmental mobility resulting from natural and engineered processes is discussed in relation to the potential for contributing to the global loading and redistribution of PCBs. Additionally, select emerging technologies and management options are reviewed relative to their potential to produce secondary environmental impacts resulting from the soluble and/or volatile redistribution of PCBs. Based on a lack of long-term experience and the recognition that contaminants will remain unaltered for decades, technologies involving engineered containment structures should be considered temporary remedial measures until cost-competitive, destructive processing of contaminated sediments is feasible.  相似文献   

Introduction and large-scale production of synthetic halogenated organic chemicals over the last fifty years has resulted in a group of contaminants that tend to persist in the environment and resist both biotic and abiotic degradation. The low solubility of these types of contaminants, along with their toxicity and tendency to accumulate in food chains, make them particularly relevant targets for remediation activities. Among the mechanisms that result in dehalogenation of some classes of organic contaminants are stimulation of metabolic sequences through introduction of electron donor and acceptor combinations; addition of nutrients to meet the needs of dehalogenating microorganisms; possible use of engineered microorganisms; and use of enzyme systems capable of catalyzing reductive dehalogenation. The current state of research and development in the area of reductive dehalogenation is discussed along with possible technological application of relevant processes and mechanisms to remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated organics. In addition, an overview of research needs is suggested, which might be of interest for development of in-situ systems to reduce the mass of halogenated organic contaminants in soil and groundwater.  相似文献   

Cleanup levels at hazardous waste sites are typically developed based at least in pan on either generic or site-specific risk assessments. Risk assessment in its purest form should be a measure of the potential for a site to cause adverse effects and therefore should be used as the basis for cleanup. However, the process of risk assessment continues to be subject to problems, primarily related to inherent uncertainties in the exposure parameters and toxicity criteria that are the building blocks of the risk assessment. Criticism of risk assessments and risk-based decisions range from comments that the process inadequately protects human health to comments that the process is overly protective, and examples of both ends of the spectrum are readily available. Site remediation professionals should be aware of the issues related to uncertainty and understand the potential problems in order to ensure appropriate and effective site cleanup. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The U. S. Army Environmental Center (USAEC) is leading an effort to update the Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide, Third Edition under the auspices of the Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR). Its purpose is to create a comprehensive “Remediation Technologies Yellow Pages” for use by those responsible for environmental cleanup. The Guide is being produced as a multiagency cooperative effort published under the FRTR. Members of this effort include USAEC, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of the Interior (DOI), and the Interstate Technologies Regulation Cooperative (ITRC). This article provides a comprehensive look at environmental technology information provided in the electronic user-defined Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene or PCE, is one of the most difficult to treat chlorinated solvents when present in groundwater. Unfortunately, this elusive and recalcitrant compound is also the most commonly used dry cleaning solvent. As a result, releases of PCE at dry cleaning sites are somewhat common. Regenesis Bioremediation Products, of San Clemente, California, has developed Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC), which has been successfully used to promote bioremediation of PCE in groundwater. This product is directly injected into contaminated groundwater to speed up the natural attenuation of PCE through an anaerobic, natural process known as reductive dechlorination. A key benefit of HRC is its ability to slowly release hydrogen over extended periods of time. Reductive dechlorination relies on a steady source and readily available supply of electron donors as part of the degradation process. Hydrogen is one of the best electron donors available, and thus, the application of HRC significantly enhances the rate of PCE degradation. For dry cleaners, this technology can substantially reduce major design, capital, and operating costs, allowing the implementation of a low‐impact application and remediation solution. This article discusses the use of the HRC to remediate PCE contamination and presents the results of two specific HRC‐treated dry cleaner sites. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fenton process, as a pretreatment method, was found to be effective in the primary treatment of mature/medium landfill leachate. However, the main problem of the process is the large amount of produced sludge that requires an accurate feasibility evaluation for operational applications. In this study, the response surface methodology was applied for the modeling and optimization of Fenton process in three target responses, (1) overall COD removal, (2) sludge to iron ratio (SIR) and (3) organics removal to sludge ratio (ORSR), where the latter two were new self-defined responses for prediction of sludge generation and applicability assessment of the process, respectively. The effective variables included the initial pH, [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio and Fe2+ dosage. According to the statistical analysis, all the proposed models were adequate (with adjusted R2 of 0.9116–0.9512) and had considerable predictive capability (with prediction R2 up to 0.9092 and appropriate adequate precision). It was found that all the variables had significant effects on the responses, specifically by their observed role in dominant oxidation mechanism. The optimum operational conditions obtained by overlay plot, were found to be initial pH of 5.7, [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio of 17.72 and [Fe2+] of 195 mM, which led to 69% COD removal, 2.4 (l sludge/consumed mole Fe2+) of SIR and 16.5 (gCOD removed/l produced sludge) for ORSR in verification test, in accordance with models-predicted values. Finally, it was observed that [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio and Fe2+ dosage had significant influence on COD removal, while Fe2+ dosage and [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio had remarkable effects on SIR and ORSR responses, respectively.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy's (US DOE's) environmental challenges include remediation of the Hanford Site in Washington State. The site's legacy from nuclear weapons “production” activities includes approximately 80 square miles of contaminated groundwater, containing radioactive and other hazardous substances at levels above drinking water standards. In 1998, the U.S. General Accounting Office (US GAO), the auditing arm of Congress, concluded that groundwater remediation at Hanford should be integrated with a comprehensive understanding of the “vadose zone,” the soil region between the ground surface and groundwater. The US DOE's Richland Operations Office adjusted its program in response, and groundwater/vadose‐zone efforts at Hanford have continued to develop since that time. Hanford provides an example of how a federal remediation program can be influenced by reviews from the US GAO and other organizations, including the US DOE itself. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Using an innovative, two-stage process to remediate uranium-contaminated soils, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory's (LANL's) Technical Area 33 (TA-33) successively reduced 218 cubic yards of contaminated soil to approximately 30 gallons of leachate solution and resins. In the first step, the contaminated soil is separated from the clean soil using the Thermo Nuclean (a division of the Thermo NUtech company) Segmented Gate System (SGS). Contaminated soil proceeds via conveyor belt to a separate storage bin to await further processing, while uncontaminated soil is returned to its original location. From the 218 cubic yards of soil excavated from the test site at TA-33, only seven cubic yards were found to contain uranium contamination above the criterion release limit, yielding an initial waste volume reduction of 97 percent. Using the containerized vat leaching (CVL) method, a technique borrowed from the mining industry, the uranium was then removed from the reduced volume of contaminated soil. This article describes the two processes and analyzes potential cost savings based on different disposal and storage options.  相似文献   

废杂铜回收利用工艺技术现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,铜生产和消费的矛盾日益突出。废杂铜作为一种再生资源,其回收利用不仅能够缓解我国铜矿资源缺乏的现状,而且也符合国家当前节能减排和环保的要求。概述了废杂铜的回收分类和生产工艺技术现状,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Strategic and operational decisions in waste management, in particular with respect to investments in new treatment facilities, are needed due to a number of factors, including continuously increasing amounts of waste, political demands for efficient utilization of waste resources, and the decommissioning of existing waste treatment facilities. Optimization models can assist in ensuring that these investment strategies are economically feasible.Various economic optimization models for waste treatment have been developed which focus on different parameters. Models focusing on transport are one example, but models focusing on energy production have also been developed, as well as models which take into account a plant’s economies of scale, environmental impact, material recovery and social costs. Finally, models combining different criteria for the selection of waste treatment methods in multi-criteria analysis have been developed.A thorough updated review of the existing models is presented, and the main challenges and crucial parameters that need to be taken into account when assessing the economic performance of waste treatment alternatives are identified. The review article will assist both policy-makers and model-developers involved in assessing the economic performance of waste treatment alternatives.  相似文献   

Organizations that manage property that poses risks for surrounding communities need to practice stewardship. Stewardship is defined as carrying out the responsibility to manage land and facilities in a sustainable manner, while being accountable to others who have a stake in those resources. This article reviews six case studies of organizational stewardship and derives a set of five lessons learned, along with four challenges. Lessons include developing stewardship goals, good stakeholder relationships, multiple approaches to safety, and encouraging innovation and stable funding. Challenges include bureaucratic processes, burdensome regulations, organizational continuity, and inter‐organizational cooperation. These crosscutting lessons learned about how to achieve success or avoid failure in long‐term management of resources can be applied to all types of public and private agencies, including the long‐term management of environmental contamination. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is placing increased emphasis on the selection and implementation of remedies that accommodate the reasonably anticipated future use of contaminated land. These remedies result in the long‐term protection of human health and the environment. Postconstruction reuse of the land can significantly benefit communities in other ways as well. The launching of the Superfund Redevelopment Initiative in 1999 and the Return to Use Initiative in 2004 reflects an evolution in the US EPA's understanding of what actions can be taken to support the reuse of Superfund sites from discovery through long‐term stewardship. Through these initiatives, the US EPA has increased its understanding of site reuse and continues to explore and implement reuse assessment, reuse planning, and other tools effective in integrating reuse considerations with response activities throughout the remedial process. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cyclodextrin‐enhanced flushing of contaminants from the subsurface is a promising innovative remediation technology. It will become more economically viable at more sites if methods can be developed to recover and reconcentrate the cyclodextrin solution after it has been flushed through an aquifer. The goal of this study was to determine if membrane technology is capable of meeting that need. Five membranes with different material properties were tested for this purpose in the laboratory. The results of these tests indicate that there are large differences both in the efficiency of these membranes to extract hydroxpropyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (HPCD) and their stability when exposed to trichloroethylene (TCE) at concentrations near aqueous solubility. Not only does the molecular weigh cutoff (MWCO) of a membrane determine if HPCD can be retained, but crucial selection criteria are the membrane's resistance and compatibility with TCE. Of the five membrane materials tested, only two (polymer composite membrane and polysulfone) met both these requirements. The polymer composite membrane (MPF‐44) showed reliable and stable HPCD recoveries (>95 percent) even when exposed to high TCE concentrations. The polysulfone membrane showed high HPCD recoveries, 88.5 ± 0.4 percent to 97 percent ±1 percent for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes, respectively. However, membrane swelling and deterioration became a problem at high TCE concentrations (>1,000 mg/L). These problems diminished when the TCE concentration was less than 1 mg/L. Field tests demonstrated that batch mode treatment by ultrafiltration doubled the cyclodextrin concentration from 5 to 10 percent within three hours at a constant operating pressure of 13 psi. Under continuous single‐pass treatment conditions, cyclodextrin concentration also increased, although the rate of increase was much smaller than in batch mode. Overall, these tests showed that cyclodextrin recovery is possible under field conditions. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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