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Electrical resistance heating (ERH) is an in situ treatment for soil and groundwater remediation that can reduce the time to clean up volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from years to months. The technology is now mature enough to provide site owners with both performance and financial certainty in their site‐closure process. The ability of the technology to remediate soil and groundwater impacted by chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons regardless of lithology proves to be beneficial over conventional in situ technologies that are dependent on advective flow. These conventional technologies include: soil vapor recovery, air sparging, and pumpand‐treat, or the delivery of fluids to the subsurface such as chemical oxidization and bioremediation. The technology is very tolerant of subsurface heterogeneities and actually performs as well in low‐permeability silts and clay as in higher‐ permeability sands and gravels. ERH is often implemented around and under buildings and public access areas without upsetting normal business operations. ERH may also be combined with other treatment technologies to optimize and enhance their performance. This article describes how the technology was developed, how it works, and provides two case studies where ERH was used to remediate complex lithologies. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Moisture content (MC) is a crucial parameter for degradation of solid waste in landfills. Present MC measurement techniques suffer from several drawbacks. A moisture sensor for measurement of in situ moisture content of solid waste in landfills was developed. The sensor measures the electrical resistance across the granular matrix of the sensor, which in turn can be correlated to moisture content. The sensor was also equipped with a thermocouple and tubing that permits simultaneous measurement of temperature and gas sampling. The electrical conductivity of the surrounding moisture and the temperature in the matrix both affect the resistance measurements. This paper describes the results of laboratory experiments designed to select the appropriate granular media particle size, measure the influence of moisture electrical conductivity and temperature, and develop calibration relationships between measured resistance and gravimetrically determined moisture content. With a few limitations, the sensor is able to detect MC of solid waste under conditions allowing moisture movement into the sensor. The application of this technique shows promise for use in bioreactor landfills where high moisture contents are expected and desired.  相似文献   

Electrical resistance heating (ERH) has become a common method of remediation for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in unconsolidated soils, both above and below the water table. Recently, use of ERH has expanded to include treatment of contaminated sedimentary bedrock. This article describes the implementation issues for rock remediation and provides case studies of three sites remediated by ERH in Maryland, New Jersey, and Indiana. With proper design, remediation of bedrock can be as effectively completed as remediation of overburden materials. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The East Gate Disposal Yard (EGDY) at Fort Lewis is the source of a large trichloroethene (TCE) plume at this military installation. Source reduction using thermal treatment was applied using electrical resistance heating. A total of about 5,800 kg of TCE‐equivalent volatile organic compounds (VOCs; TCE and dichloroethene) was extracted during thermal treatment of the three zones selected for source reduction. Pretreatment groundwater TCE concentrations were measured up to 100 ppm. Posttreatment groundwater TCE concentrations within the treatment zones averaged less than 100 ppb. Posttreatment soil TCE concentrations decreased by over 96 percent compared to pretreatment soil concentrations. The overall contaminant flux from EGDY was reduced by an estimated 60 to 90 percent by the source reduction effort. The traditional and new techniques for site characterization and remediation performance monitoring applied at EGDY provide insight for installing, operating, monitoring, and assessing thermal treatment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new treatment process was employed to treat wastewater generated from a factory manufacturing syntan (synthetic tannin). In this treatment process, in-situ production of hypochlorous acid was achieved by the use of an aqueous sodium chloride solution for chlorine production. As the graphite anode and stainless steel cathode zones were kept unseparated, the hypochlorous acid was produced by electrolysis. The hypochlorous acid was utilized for the oxidation of organic matter present in the wastewater. The results showed that for an initial COD concentration of 10,000 mg/l, a turbidity of 277 NTU, a tannin concentration of 4000 mg/l, a temperature of 27±1°C, a current density of 42.5 mA/cm2, a sodium chloride content of 3% and an electrolysis period of 210 min showed an effluent COD concentration of 230 mg/l, a turbidity of 9 NTU, a tannin concentration below the detection limit and a temperature of 37±2°C.  相似文献   

This study evaluated pilot‐scale active caps composed of apatite, organoclay, biopolymers, and sand for the remediation of metal‐contaminated sediments. The active caps were constructed in Steel Creek, at the Savannah River Site near Aiken, South Carolina. Monitoring was conducted for 12 months. Effectiveness of the caps was based on an evaluation of contaminant bioavailability, resistance to erosion, and impacts on benthic organisms. Active caps lowered metal bioavailability in the sediment during the one‐year test period. Biopolymers reduced sediment suspension during cap construction, increased the pool of carbon, and lowered the release of metals. This field validation showed that active caps can effectively treat contaminants by changing their speciation, and that caps can be constructed to include more than one type of amendment to achieve multiple goals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Synthetic musk fragrances (SMFs) have been shown to be micropollutants in various aquatic and groundwater systems, often occurring at microgram per liter concentrations. Studies have shown that the most commonly detected SMFs in water are nitro musks and polycyclic musks. The SMFs are typically introduced into the environment in continuous streams such as from wastewater and land application of wastewater or sludge generated during wastewater treatment. Various studies for the treatment of SMFs have been undertaken for wastewater but studies for the treatment of SMFs in groundwater are limited, especially for in situ treatment. A pilot‐scale test was conducted to determine if the use of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) could effectively reduce dissolved concentrations of nitro and polycyclic synthetic musk compounds including musk xylene, musk ketone, galaxolide, and tonalide. The pilot test was carried out downgradient of a septic system in Central Canada where a series of nitrification and denitrification reactions are occurring in an unconfined aquifer. A 10‐weight percent CAC solution was injected into a series of temporary direct push injection points to target the synthetic musk plume. The plume contained galaxolide and tonalide concentrations up to 687 and 187 nanograms per liter (ng/L), respectively, while the concentrations of musk ketone and musk xylene were below the method detection limit (20 ng/L). A total of 13,950 liters of CAC solution was injected during one injection event. The pilot test results indicated that the CAC was effectively delivered to the target injection zone resulting in an increase in total organic carbon concentrations within the saturated soil greater than two orders of magnitude compared to the background concentrations. Analyses of the groundwater chemistry before and post‐injection indicated that the CAC had no detrimental impact on the groundwater quality while reducing the concentration of dissolved galaxolide and tonalide within the plume to below the method detection limits within 51 days of injection with the exception of two of the 14 wells monitored which had galaxolide and tonalide concentrations up to 78 and 35 ng/L. Within 6 months of application, the concentrations of galaxolide and tonalide had decreased to below the method detection limits. Subsequent monitoring of the groundwater quality over a one‐year period failed to detect galaxolide and tonalide, suggesting that the CAC was effective in attenuating the galaxolide and tonalide.  相似文献   

The evaluation of microbial responses to three in situ source removal remedial technologies—permanganate‐based in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), six‐phase heating (SPH), and steam injection (SI)—was performed at Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida. The investigation stemmed from concerns that treatment processes could have a variety of effects on the indigenous biological activity, including reduced biodegradation rates and a long‐term disruption of community structure with respect to the stimulation of TCE (trichloroethylene) degraders. The investigation focused on the quantity of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and its distribution to determine the immediate effect of each remedial technology on microbial abundance and community structure, and to establish how rapidly the microbial communities recovered. Comprehensive spatial and temporal PLFA screening data suggested that the technology applications did not significantly alter the site's microbial community structure. The ISCO was the only technology found to stimulate microbial abundance; however, the biomass returned to predemonstration values shortly after treatment ended. In general, no significant change in the microbial community composition was observed in the SPH or SI treatment areas, and even small changes returned to near initial conditions after the demonstrations. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A pilot‐scale test was conducted in a saline aquifer to determine if a petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) plume containing benzene (B), toluene (T), ethylbenzene (E), xylenes (X), methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE), and tert‐butyl alcohol (TBA) could be treated effectively using a sequential treatment approach that employed in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and enhanced bioremediation (EBR). Chemical oxidants, such as persulfate, have been shown to be effective in reducing dissolved concentrations of BTEX (B + T + E + X) and additives such as MTBE and TBA in a variety of geochemical environments including saline aquifers. However, the lifespan of the oxidants in saline environments tends to be short‐lived (i.e., hours to days) with their effectiveness being limited by poor delivery, inefficient consumption by nontargeted species, and back‐diffusion processes. Similarly, the addition of electron acceptors has also been shown to be effective at reducing BTEX and associated additives in saline groundwater through EBR, however EBR can be limited by various factors similar to ISCO. To minimize the limitations of both approaches, a pilot test was carried out in a saline unconfined PHC‐impacted aquifer to evaluate the performance of an engineered, combined remedy that employed both approaches in a sequence. The PHC plume had total BTEX, MTBE, and TBA concentrations of up to 4,584; 55,182; and 1,880 μg/L, respectively. The pilot test involved injecting 13,826 L of unactivated persulfate solution (19.4 weight percent (wt.%) sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) solution into a series of injection wells installed within the PHC plume. Parameters monitored over a 700‐day period included BTEX, MTBE, TBA, sulfate, and sulfate isotope concentrations in the groundwater, and carbon and hydrogen isotopes in benzene and MTBE in the groundwater. The pilot test data indicated that the BTEX, MTBE, and TBA within the PHC plume were treated over time by both chemical oxidation and sulfate reduction. The injection of the unactivated persulfate resulted in short‐term decreases in the concentrations of the BTEX compounds, MTBE, and TBA. The mean total BTEX concentration from the three monitoring wells within the pilot‐test area decreased by up to 91%, whereas MTBE and TBA mean concentrations decreased by up to 39 and 58%, respectively, over the first 50 days postinjection in which detectable concentrations of persulfate remained in groundwater. Concentrations of the BTEX compounds, MTBE, and TBA rebounded at the Day 61 marker, which corresponded to no persulfate being detected in the groundwater. Subsequent monitoring of the groundwater revealed that the concentrations of BTEX continued to decrease with time suggesting that EBR was occurring within the plume. Between Days 51 and 487, BTEX concentrations decreased an additional 84% from the concentration measured on Day 61. Mean concentrations of MTBE showed a reduction during the EBR phase of remediation of 33% while the TBA concentration appeared to decrease initially but then increased as the sulfate concentration decreased as a result of MTBE degradation. Isotope analyses of dissolved sulfate (34S and 18O), and compound‐specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of benzene and MTBE (13C and 2H) supported the conclusions that ISCO and EBR processes were occurring at different stages and locations within the plume over time.  相似文献   

We discuss the use of the Schmidt graphical method to calculate the time required to heat a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated capacitor in the vacuum thermal recycling process to the processing temperature of 400°C, and we evaluate the results of the heating time calculation by comparing the calculated values with the corresponding experimental values. The thermal conductivity and specific heat of the insulating paper and the carbonized paper in the capacitor were unknown, so we determined their values from experimental data obtained during the vacuum thermal recycling process. The capacitor element is a multilamination of aluminum foil and insulating paper, so we used an equation for a multilayer plane wall to calculate the value of the thermal conductivity. For the thermal conductivity and specific heat of the insulating paper impregnated with PCBs, we used values calculated from the mass ratios and thermal conductivities and specific heats of the individual materials. In addition, the physical properties vary according to the treatment because of the evaporation of PCBs and the carbonization of the insulating paper, so we modified the values of the thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density at the boiling point of the PCB and the carbonization point of the insulating paper before performing the calculations. Our calculated heating times were almost the same as, or were above, the experimental values, so we concluded that our method can be used as a simple calculation of the heating time.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Recycling Co resource from spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is significant for Co deficiency and environmental protection. A novel approach for...  相似文献   

The Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), Arizona State University, and Equilon Enterprises LLC are partners in an innovative Environmental Security Technology Certification Program cleanup technology demonstration designed to contain dissolved MTBE groundwater plumes. This full‐scale demonstration is being performed to test the use of an oxygenated biobarrier at Naval Base Ventura County, in Port Hueneme, California. Surprisingly, few cost‐effective in‐situ remedies are known for the cleanup of MTBE‐impacted aquifers, and remediation by engineered in‐situ biodegradation was thought to be an unlikely candidate just a few years ago. This project demonstrates that MTBE‐impacted groundwater can be remediated in‐situ through engineered aerobic biodegradation under natural‐flow conditions. With respect to economics, the installation and operation costs associated with this innovative biobarrier system are at least 50 percent lower than those of a conventional pump and treat system. Furthermore, although it has been suggested that aerobic MTBE biodegradation will not occur in mixed MTBE‐BTEX dissolved plumes, this project demonstrates otherwise. The biobarrier system discussed in this article is the largest of its kind ever implemented, spanning a dissolved MTBE plume that is over 500 feet wide. This biobarrier system has achieved an in‐situ treatment efficiency of greater than 99.9 percent for dissolved MTBE and BTEX concentrations. Perhaps of greater importance is the fact that extensive performance data has been collected, which is being used to generate best‐practice design and cost information for this biobarrier technology. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Chlorinated ethenes such as trichloroethene (TCE), cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐1,2‐DCE), and vinyl chloride along with per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been identified as chemicals of concern in groundwater; with many of the compounds being confirmed as being carcinogens or suspected carcinogens. While there are a variety of demonstrated in‐situ technologies for the treatment of chlorinated ethenes, there are limited technologies available to treat PFAS in groundwater. At a former industrial site shallow groundwater was impacted with TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride at concentrations up to 985, 258, and 54 µg/L, respectively. The groundwater also contained maximum concentrations of the following PFAS: 12,800 ng/L of perfluoropentanoic acid, 3,240 ng/L of perfluorohexanoic acid, 795 ng/L of perfluorobutanoic acid, 950 ng/L of perfluorooctanoic acid, and 2,140 ng/L of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid. Using a combination of adsorption, biotic, and abiotic degradation in situ remedial approaches, the chemicals of concern were targeted for removal from the groundwater with adsorption being utilized for PFAS whereas adsorption, chemical reduction, and anaerobic biodegradation were used for the chlorinated ethenes. Sampling of the groundwater over a 24‐month period indicated that the detected PFAS were treated to either their detection, or below the analytical detection limit over the monitoring period. Postinjection results for TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride indicated that the concentrations of the three compounds decreased by an order of magnitude within 4 months of injection, with TCE decreasing to below the analytical detection limit over the 24‐month monitoring period. Cis‐1,2‐DCE, and vinyl chloride concentrations decreased by over 99% within 8 months of injections, remaining at or below these concentrations during the 24‐month monitoring period. Analyses of Dehalococcoides, ethene, and acetylene over time suggest that microbiological and reductive dechlorination were occurring in conjunction with adsorption to attenuate the chlorinated ethenes and PFAS within the aquifer. Analysis of soil cores collected pre‐ and post‐injection, indicated that the distribution of the colloidal activated carbon was influenced by small scale heterogeneities within the aquifer. However, all aquifer samples collected within the targeted injection zone contained total organic carbon at concentrations at least one order of magnitude greater than the preinjection total organic carbon concentrations.  相似文献   

Per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been identified by many regulatory agencies as emerging contaminants of concern in a variety of media including groundwater. Currently, there are limited technologies available to treat PFAS in groundwater with the most frequently applied approach being extraction (i.e., pump and treat). While this approach can be effective in containing PFAS plumes, previous studies of pump and treat programs have met with limited remedial success. In situ treatment studies of PFAS have been limited to laboratory and a few field studies. Six pilot‐scale field studies were conducted in an unconfined sand aquifer coimpacted by petroleum hydrocarbon along with PFAS to determine if a variety of reagents could be used to attenuate dissolved phase PFAS in the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. The six reagents consisted of two chemical oxidants, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8), and four adsorbents, powdered activated carbon (PAC), colloidal activated carbon (CAC), ion‐exchange resin (IER), and biochar. The reagents were injected using direct push technology in six permeable reactive zone (PRZ) configurations. Groundwater concentrations of various PFAS entering the PRZs ranged up to 24,000 µg/L perfluoropentanoic acid, up to 6,200 µg/L pentafluorobenzoic acid, up to 16,100 µg/L perfluorohexanoic acid, up to 6,080 µg/L perfluoroheptanoic acid, up to 450 µg/L perfluorooctanoic acid, and up to 140 µg/L perfluorononanoic acid. Performance groundwater sampling within and downgradient of the PRZs occurred for up to 18 months using single and multilevel monitoring wells. Results of groundwater sampling indicated that the PFAS were not treated by either the persulfate nor the peroxide and, in some cases, the PFAS increased in concentration immediately following the injection of peroxide and persulfate. Concentrations of PFAS in groundwater sampled within the PAC, CAC, IER, and biochar PRZs immediately after the injection were determined to be less than the method detection limits. Analyses of groundwater samples over the 18‐month monitoring period, indicated that all the PRZs exhibited partial or complete breakthrough of the PFAS over the 18‐month monitoring period, except for the CAC PRZ which showed no PFAS breakthrough. Analysis of cores for the CAC, PAC, and biochar PRZs suggested that the CAC was uniformly distributed within the target injection zone, whereas the PAC and biochar showed preferential injection into a thin coarse‐sand seam. Similarly, analysis of the sand packs of monitoring wells installed before the injection of the CAC, PAC, and biochar indicated that the sand packs of the PAC and biochar preferentially accumulated the reagents compared with the reagent concentrations within the surrounding aquifer by up to 18 times.  相似文献   

In situ bioremediation was selected in the Record of Decision (ROD) as the remedial technology for a 29‐acre dilute, acidic and aerobic, chlorinated solvent plume (principally trichloroethylene [TCE] and 1,1‐dichloroethylene) for a Superfund site located in central New Jersey. Implementation of the remedy at full‐scale began in late 2010, using reductive dechlorination and bioaugmentation, and treatment has continued steadily over the last 9 years. The amendments injected include electron donor and alkaline (bicarbonate) buffer solution and, once anaerobic aquifer conditions became established, a bioaugmentation culture. Amendment injections occurred in multilevel injection wells (IWs), to maintain control over the vertical interval of amendment delivery. The areal coverage of the plume has been reduced by 59% based on the 10 µg/L TCE isocontour and the contaminant mass has been reduced by 79% through the 9 years of treatment. Lessons learned from this project include the need for bioaugmentation in the acidic aquifer and an efficient and effective manner of well construction and amendment injection using multiscreen single casing IWs and packer systems. Additional lessons learned include differences in longevity of the electron donor amendment versus the bicarbonate neutralization additive, and the need for varied amendment delivery techniques (IWs, direct injection, horizontal well installation) in selected lower permeable zones to attain treatment.  相似文献   

Environmentally sound end-of-life management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment has been realised as a top priority issue internationally, both due to the waste stream’s continuously increasing quantities, as well as its content in valuable and also hazardous materials. In an effort to manage Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), adequate infrastructure in treatment and recycling facilities is considered a prerequisite. A critical number of such plants are mandatory to be installed in order: (i) to accommodate legislative needs, (ii) decrease transportation cost, and (iii) expand reverse logistics network and cover more areas. However, WEEE recycling infrastructures require high expenditures and therefore the decision maker need to be most precautious. In this context, special care should be given on the viability of infrastructure which is heavily dependent on facilities’ location. To this end, a methodology aiming towards optimal location of Units of Treatment and Recycling is developed, taking into consideration economical together with social criteria, in an effort to interlace local acceptance and financial viability. For the decision support system’s needs, ELECTRE III is adopted as a multicriteria analysis technique. The methodology’s applicability is demonstrated with a real-world case study in Greece.  相似文献   

In Japan, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that is not covered by the recycling laws are treated as municipal solid waste. A part of common metals are recovered during the treatment; however, other metals are rarely recovered and their destinations are not clear. This study investigated the distribution ratios and substance flows of 55 metals contained in WEEE during municipal waste treatment using shredding and separation techniques at a Japanese municipal waste treatment plant. The results revealed that more than half of Cu and most of Al contained in WEEE end up in landfills or dissipate under the current municipal waste treatment system. Among the other metals contained in WEEE, at least 70% of the mass was distributed to the small-grain fraction through the shredding and separation and is to be landfilled. Most kinds of metals were concentrated several fold in the small-grain fraction through the process and therefore the small-grain fraction may be a next target for recovery of metals in terms of both metal content and amount. Separate collection and pre-sorting of small digital products can work as effective way for reducing precious metals and less common metals to be landfilled to some extent; however, much of the total masses of those metals would still end up in landfills and it is also important to consider how to recover and utilize metals contained in other WEEE such as audio/video equipment.  相似文献   

王燕  吴先威  易俊  戴捷 《化工环保》2018,38(3):251-255
采用不锈钢作阴极、镀钌铱的钛板作阳极、铁碳材料作粒子电极,构建新型三维电化学氧化体系,处理压裂返排液,并通过响应曲面法考察COD去除率和除油率的影响因素。实验结果表明:回归方程的相关系数及校正相关系数均大于0.9,回归方程的线性关系显著;返排液COD去除率和除油率影响因素的大小顺序均为电流电解时间粒子填充比,其中关键因素是电流,电解时间和粒子填充比之间的交互作用具有较大影响;在电解时间为31.8 min、电流为4.4 A、粒子填充比为61.2%的条件下,COD从606.4 mg/L降至68.5 mg/L,含油量从153.7 mg/L降至9.1 mg/L,达到GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》中的一级标准。  相似文献   

The recycling process for 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (3Y-TZP) sintered at 1450°–1550°C was examined by applying low-temperature degradation of zirconia ceramics under hydrothermal conditions. Hydrothermal treatment at a temperature from 200° to 240°C can lead to the spontaneous disintegration of 3Y-TZP sintered bodies into powdery particles. The hydrothermally obtained zirconia powder was found to consist of primary particles and aggregated particles. Detailed X-ray diffraction measurement revealed the formation of a cubic zirconia phase in the 3Y-TZP sintered bodies, which seemed to inhibit the disintegration of aggregated particles toward the primary particle level. The reclaimed 3Y-TZP powder was sintered again through a conventional powder processing route. The mechanical properties and microstructure of recycled 3Y-TZP sintered specimens were examined by comparison with those of the original 3Y-TZP sintered bodies. Dense recycled 3Y-TZP sintered at a higher temperature exhibited higher fracture toughness to some degree than the original 3Y-TZP.  相似文献   

Denitrification experiments have provided data showing the pitfalls and successes in developing a sustainable injection/extraction system in a sand and gravel aquifer. Experiments increase in complexity from continuous injection at one well to automated‐pulsed eight well injections. In both continuous and pulsed injection of organic carbon, 40 mg NO3‐N l?1 was reduced below the detection limit of < 0.1 mg NO3‐N l?1 in the denitrification zones. Under continuous injection, accumulation of bacterial exudates in the vicinity of the injection well resulted in injection well clogging within ten days. Periodic cleaning of the injection well and the adjacent gravel matrix was accomplished by using a tool developed to circulate a cleaning solution composed of 5 percent H2O2 and 0.02 percent NaOCl; but, biofouling could not be eliminated. In the later experiments, acetate became the carbon amendment because ethanol promoted more biomass development. A specialized pulse injection procedure was developed to separate nitrate from acetate‐C and was successful in alleviating the proliferation of bacterial exudates without affecting the performance of the denitrification system. Using pulsed injection, a maximum of 72 percent nitrate reduction was accomplished in the extraction well water, and denitrification was sustained for three months without clogging. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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