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为探究我国空管安全文化现状,设计了一种评价量表。在安全文化定义、国内外相关文献及安全相关规章的理论指导下,结合专家咨询与实地调研,从安全文化建设和安全文化养成两个维度建立符合我国空管安全文化特点的关键元素集,从而编制初始安全文化量表。然后通过随机抽样方法,对20个空管单位展开测试,利用SPSS 19. 0对测试结果进行项目分析以确保题项的合理性、探索性因子分析以保证量表结构效度、信度分析以确保量表的可信度,剔除无效题项后,最终确立了正式量表。正式量表的信效度能够达到要求,可以对空管单位的安全文化进行有效测量。  相似文献   

在文献检索和访谈的基础上,提出有关编制适用于我国小学生水域安全调研的知信行(KAP)问卷的理论构想。以此为基础,编制小学生水域安全知信行初始问卷。经初测(N=495)和正式测量(N=2 554),运用探索性因素分析方法筛选条目,用克朗巴赫法评价同质性信度,据内容效度比评价内容效度,用探索性和验证性因素分析方法评价结构效度。问卷包含4个维度(水域安全知识、技能、态度和高危行为)共39个条目。问卷的信效度检验结果表明,问卷的因素结构、同质性信度、内容效度和结构效度均达到心理测量学的要求。小学生水域安全知信行问卷具有较为满意的信、效度,较好地反映了问卷设计的理论构想。  相似文献   

电力技工《安全意识相关因素量表》的编制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了弄清影响电力技工安全意识的相关因素,编制具有标准化指标的安全意识相关因素量表,在深度访谈、开放式问卷调查和参与式观察基础上提出主体认知、团队氛围、工作态度、学习与激励、责任与危险想象和经历体验等6个与安全意识相关的因素,并编制量表,经试测和大规模抽样调查,在数据统计的基础上,对量表进行标准化。探索性因素分析所析因子与理论构想吻合,验证性因素分析TLI和CFI值为0.98,模型拟合较好。再测信度高为0.986(P<0.001),a系数为0.818。该量表科学有效,可用于实际评估电力技工的安全意识。  相似文献   

人不安全行为的心理测量与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析人不安全行为心理测量与一般心理测量的区别;阐述人不安全行为心理测量量表的编制依据和具体的编制方法;给出了人不安全行为心理测量的初步施测量表,即包括8个分量表的总计750条指标项目。在确定施测范围、选取测量对象的基础上,实施对人不安全行为初步施测量表的心理测量,通过对初试量表测定数据的统计与分析,从750条指标项目中约减择取152条重要性程度较大的指标,组成人不安全行为心理测量的综合量表。通过对综合心理测试量表的现场施测,结果表明:该综合量表具有较高的信度和效度,可满足人不安全行为心理测量的要求。  相似文献   

为探究公交驾驶员的驾驶愤怒诱因,基于原始驾驶愤怒量表和客运驾驶员驾驶愤怒量表,经过访谈设计公交驾驶员驾驶愤怒量表,并在广东省内回收210份有效数据;通过项目分析、探索性因素分析和信效度分析修订量表;通过皮尔逊相关分析和独立样本t检验初步分析调查数据。结果表明:修订后的量表有较好的信效度,由23个题项组成,包括利己行为、缓慢驾驶、交通阻碍、违规驾驶和无礼行为等5个因子,其中利己行为平均得分最高;近2年发生过交通事故与因违章被处罚过的驾驶员缓慢驾驶得分显著较高;除缓慢驾驶外的所有因子得分与公交驾龄显著正相关;利己行为和无礼行为得分两者与每天平均工作时长显著正相关。  相似文献   

为评估煤矿的安全管理行为水平,依据行为安全理论,分析组织行为及个体行为的影响因素,建立煤矿安全管理行为评估方法。构建煤矿安全管理组织行为评估指标体系,用改进的层次分析法(IAHP)确定其指标权重;设计矿工个体不安全行为评估量表,并通过项目分析和因子分析的方法筛选量表题项,得到包括个体内在因素、组织内部因素和外部环境因素3个分量表的正式量表。结果表明:煤矿组织行为评估指标中安全责任落实、安全文化建设、安全法规遵守和安全资金投入的权重较大;所设计矿工个体行为评估量表有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

安全氛围测量量表研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
旨在编制利于企业使用的安全氛围测量量表(SCSS),提出SCSS的编制原则和程序,确定安全氛围10维度框架和26个层面构成,并归纳分析事故原因,编写具体项目。初步确定288个项目内容,经归类合并和预试分析等,编制成92个项目的SCSS量表。通过某煤矿180名样本员工试验,分析信度、效度和层面划分的合理性,验证了所设计量表的有效性。该量表编制突出了原创性和互动性,能够成为进行安全氛围研究的有效工具。  相似文献   

为提升我国居民应急素养,在文献分析、专家咨询基础上构建包含公共卫生、自然灾害、事故灾难和社会安全4类突发事件为维度的居民应急素养测量量表,运用Kruscal-wallis H秩检验和logistic回归分析讨论我国居民应急素养的差异及影响因素;根据调查结果提出提升居民应急素养的对策建议。结果显示:该量表信效度较好;我国居民应急素养处于中等偏上水平,不同区域、性别、年龄段、学历、城乡类型居民在不同维度上表现出一定的差异;女性、西部地区、≤20岁年龄段、身体素质较好、能主动学习应急知识、比较关注突发事件报道等居民应急素养较高。研究建议,通过完善顶层设计、强化政策引导,激发应急意识、培育安全文化,创新科普方式、提升学习效果以提升居民应急素养。  相似文献   

员工不安全行为意向的影响因子研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为探究员工不安全行为意向的主要前因变量,基于计划行为理论(TPB),结合矿山企业安全管理实际,编制了包含21个项目的不安全行为意向量表。通过对240名煤矿一线作业人员进行调查和探索性因子分析(EFA),形成不安全行为意向的正式量表和探索性因子结构模型;再对7个煤矿735名一线作业人员进行调查并进行验证性因子研究(CFA)。结果表明:编制修订的不安全行为意向量表信度、效度较高;员工不安全行为意向受不安全行为态度、班组安全氛围、行为风险认知偏差等3个因子的影响;企业应从行为态度改变、班组安全氛围构建、行为风险认知偏差校正等方面,干预员工不安全行为意向,控制不安全行为的发生。  相似文献   

为了预防战训损伤,利用消防员运动性疲劳监测量表,研究评价消防员训练疲劳。通过基层消防救援队伍量表数据的统计分析,探讨量表的题目编制,包括题目区分度分析和辨别力分析,检验量表的信效度,进而构建量表的参考常模,评价消防员疲劳等级及类型。研究结果表明:量表题目及结构符合标准,根据量表得分确定消防员是否疲劳,并将消防员疲劳划分为轻度疲劳、过度疲劳2个等级,以及应激过度主导和恢复不足主导2个类别,从而有效监测消防员战训情况,提高消防救援队伍战斗力。  相似文献   

安全生产标准化评审是根据一定的安全生产标准化评审目标和标准,通过系统地收集信息和科学分析,对企业安全生产标准化工作做出价值判断的过程。为了科学评估评审偏差和统一评审尺度,基于信效度理论,提出在评审单位和评审组织单位进行安全生产标准化元评估时,应用评审者信度和效标关联效度,研究安全生产标准化评审的可靠程度和有效程度;并以危险化学品从业单位安全生产标准化评审为例,从信效度的分析方法选择、信效度的计算和信效度的可接受度,全面探究信效度在安全生产标准化元评估中的实现方式。结果表明,应用信效度方法分析安全生产标准化评审的优势和不足,可以为安全生产标准化评审结果的客观评价提供依据。  相似文献   

油田班组安全文化建设评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为推动油田班组安全文化建设的持续改进,需要建立科学合理的评价体系,来评价油田的班组安全文化建设现状。针对油田班组安全文化建设的评价指标体系研究有待进一步深化并与现场实际相结合、验证。本文分析了油田班组安全文化建设的结构层次关系,以SMART准则为依据,结合行业标准,采用对初选指标逐阶分层的方法逐步重构出针对油田班组安全文化建设的评价指标体系,并进一步进行了效度、信度、相关性检验,验证其指标体系的有效性。最后将评价指标体系应用于华北油田第一采油厂的班组安全文化建设评价实践,有效区分出不同班组的安全文化水平,证明了该指标体系的有效性和科学性。  相似文献   

The literature has recognised that implementing a safety management system is the most efficient way of allocating resources for safety, since it not only improves working conditions, but also positively influences employees’ attitudes and behaviours with regards safety, consequently improving the safety climate. The safety climate and the safety management system are considered basic components of the firm's safety culture in various models. However, the literature has focused more on measuring the safety climate, while few studies have correctly tested the psychometric properties of the instruments used to measure how advanced the firm's safety management system is. This paper reviews the most important works on safety management, with the aim of developing a measurement scale operationalising the safety management system concept, and subsequently calculating its reliability and validity. For this purpose, exploratory factor analyses and confirmatory factor analyses are conducted, using structural equation models, on a sample of 455 Spanish companies. This scale provides organisations with a tool for evaluating their situation with regards safety management, as well as guidance about which areas they must improve if they wish to reduce occupational accidents.  相似文献   

安全氛围是近年来安全领域关注的重要概念,对安全氛围的测量是其定量研究的基础。首先对国内外学者的研究成果进行了梳理,在此基础上,通过访谈获取的第一手资料,采用质性研究方法得到建筑施工企业安全氛围的初始量表。最后,通过412份有效问卷的定量分析确定了建筑施工企业安全氛围最终维度及测量量表,验证了量表的信度与效度。研究结果表明:建筑施工企业安全氛围具有二阶维度结构:管理者关注、监督者态度、工友行为影响、安全意识、安全沟通与参与,其中管理者关注包括管理者态度、安全规程、安全培训、工作环境4个子维度。  相似文献   

IntroductionGroup safety climate is a leading indicator of safety performance in high reliability organizations. Zohar and Luria (2005) developed a Group Safety Climate scale (ZGSC) and found it to have a single factor.MethodThe ZGSC scale was used as a basis in this study with the researchers rewording almost half of the items on this scale, changing the referents from the leader to the group, and trying to validate a two-factor scale. The sample was composed of 566 employees in 50 groups from a Spanish nuclear power plant. Item analysis, reliability, correlations, aggregation indexes and CFA were performed.ResultsResults revealed that the construct was shared by each unit, and our reworded Group Safety Climate (GSC) scale showed a one-factor structure and correlated to organizational safety climate, formalized procedures, safety behavior, and time pressure.“Impact on IndustryThis validation of the one-factor structure of the Zohar and Luria (2005) scale could strengthen and spread this scale and measure group safety climate more effectively.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Given the lack of a consistent factor structure of safety climate, this study tested the stability of a factor structure of a safety climate scale developed through an extensive literature review using confirmatory factor analytic approach and cross-validation. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of 722 U.S. grain industry workers participated in the questionnaire survey. RESULTS: The safety climate scale developed through the generation of an item pool based on a table of specifications, subsequent scientific item reduction procedures, reviews from experts, and pilot test yielded adequate reliabilities for each dimension. Each item showed proper discriminative power based on both internal and external criteria. Criterion validity was manifested by the significant positive correlation of the scale with five criteria. Evidence of construct validity was provided by both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Both calibration and validation samples supported a consistent factor structure. Management commitment and supervisor support were found to influence other dimensions of safety climate. DISCUSSION: This study provides an insight into the primary reason why previous attempts have failed to find a consistent factor structure of safety climate: No specification of the influence of management commitment and supervisor support on other dimensions of safety in their models. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings of this study provide a framework upon which accident prevention efforts can be effectively organized and underscore the importance of management commitment and supervisor support as they affect employee safety perceptions.  相似文献   

Introduction: The construction sector is leading in the number of accidents and fatalities; risk perception is the key to driving these numbers. Previous construction safety studies on risk perception quantification have not considered affective risk perception of construction workers or conducted comprehensive reliability and validity testing. Thus, this study aims to fill this need by developing a psychometrically sound instrument – the Construction Worker Risk Perception (CoWoRP) Scale – to assess the risk perception of construction workers. Method: Four phases of scale development, namely, item development, factor analysis, reliability assessment, and validity assessment were conducted with the collection and testing of data from a group (n = 469) of voluntary construction workers in Hong Kong. Results: The CoWoRP Scale with 13 items was shown to have acceptable test–retest reliability, internal consistency reliability, as well as content, convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity. Also, the CoWoRP Scale was affirmed to have three dimensions of worker risk perception, namely risk perception – probability, risk perception – severity, risk perception – worry and unsafe. These three dimensions of worker risk perception were negatively correlated with their risk-taking behavior. Conclusions: The CoWoRP Scale is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the risk perception of construction workers and is expected to facilitate the construction safety studies that take risk perception of construction workers into account. Practical applications: The CoWoRP Scale could serve as an aptitude test to identify the characteristics of construction workers most likely to perceive lower risk in risky work situations. In turn, this information could help safety management provide safety training programs to those workers to enhance their risk perception and thereby minimizing their risk-taking behavior, reducing unnecessary training costs, and improving the construction safety performance.  相似文献   

Although major hazard industries have no legal obligations to demonstrate a good safety culture, it is an increasingly important factor for risk-based inspections. This paper describes the development and evaluation of a relatively simple method for external indicative assessment of the process safety culture in major hazard industries. As a first step, a tool was developed. Second, the tool was successfully tested in a workshop with major hazard inspectors. After this ‘proof of concept’ and a few adaptations to improve the tool, quantitative evaluation and validation were carried out with a representative sample of major hazard inspectors in the Netherlands. In this stage, the tool comprised 30 questions, of which 19 sufficiently frequent valid responses were given for the validity test. The evaluations demonstrate that without specific preparations, inspection teams can use the tool to discriminate between plants with poor or good safety cultures. That is sufficient for ranking as additional input for risk-based inspection strategies. The resulting indicative ‘scores’ for safety culture correlate meaningfully with the quality of process safety management systems and the number of (legal) non-compliances, which were identified by the inspection team at the same occasion. The use of the tool can be further improved by training inspectors, making minor adaptations of the inspection process, and broadening the scope of a few questions. It is expected that external assessments of safety culture will become increasingly important not only for inspectorates, but also for a range of other external stakeholders.  相似文献   

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