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Abstract: We examined six historical specimens of the endangered North Atlantic right whale ( Eubalaena glacialis ) using DNA isolated from documented baleen plates from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Sequences from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region from these samples were compared with those from a near-exhaustive survey (269 of approximately 320 individuals) of the remaining right whales in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Our results suggest that there has been only relatively modest change in maternal lineage diversity over the past century in the North Atlantic right whale population. Any significant reduction in genetic variation in the species most likely occurred prior to the late nineteenth century. One historical specimen was from the last documented female capable of propagating one of the maternal lineages in the population today; no females in the existing population have been found to carry this mtDNA haplotype. Analysis of the only specimens from the eastern North Atlantic right whale population ever to be examined revealed that eastern and western North Atlantic right whales may not have been genetically differentiated populations. Loss of gene diversity experienced by North Atlantic right whales over the last century has been modest, and the six decades of protection have been successful in maintaining much of the maternal lineage diversity that was present in the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

We determined the fatty acids in the blubber of 10 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the Norwegian Sea and 12 minke whales from the North Sea. The composition of the fatty acids differed between the inner and outer blubber layer. The saturated, the monounsaturated with 20 and 22 carbon atoms and the polyunsaturated fatty acids had higher relative amounts in the inner than in the outer blubber, and the short-chain monounsaturated acids, i.e. with 14, 16 and 18 carbon atoms, had the highest relative amounts in the outer layer. The change in relative concentration was steeper in the outer parts of the blubber than in the inner parts. Whales from the two areas had different fatty-acid profiles in both inner and outer blubber layer, although these differences were smaller than the difference between inner and outer layer. The difference between the whales from the two areas corresponds to the management stocks defined by the International Whaling Commission. Determination of the fatty-acid profile may be used for identification of whale populations. The composition of the fatty acids in the blubber differed from that of the main prey of the whales: sand eel for the North Sea whales and herring for the Norwegian Sea whales. These differences between prey and blubber fatty acids were larger for the outer blubber layer than for the inner.  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are managed by the International Whaling Commission as 7 primary populations that breed in the tropics and migrate to 6 feeding areas around the Antarctic. There is little information on individual movements within breeding areas or migratory connections to feeding grounds. We sought to better understand humpback whale habitat use and movements at breeding areas off West Africa, and during the annual migration to Antarctic feeding areas. We also assessed potential overlap between whale habitat and anthropogenic activities. We used Argos satellite‐monitored radio tags to collect data on 13 animals off Gabon, a primary humpback whale breeding area. We quantified habitat use for 3 cohorts of whales and used a state‐space model to determine transitions in the movement behavior of individuals. We developed a spatial metric of overlap between whale habitat and models of cumulative human activities, including oil platforms, toxicants, and shipping. We detected strong heterogeneity in movement behavior over time that is consistent with previous genetic evidence of multiple populations in the region. Breeding areas for humpback whales in the eastern Atlantic were extensive and extended north of Gabon late in the breeding season. We also observed, for the first time, direct migration between West Africa and sub‐Antarctic feeding areas. Potential overlap of whale habitat with human activities was the highest in exclusive economic zones close to shore, particularly in areas used by both individual whales and the hydrocarbon industry. Whales potentially overlapped with different activities during each stage of their migration, which makes it difficult to implement mitigation measures over their entire range. Our results and existing population‐level data may inform delimitation of populations and actions to mitigate potential threats to whales as part of local, regional, and international management of highly migratory marine species. Cuantificación de los Movimientos de Gran Amplitud y el Traslape Potencial con Actividad Antropogénica y las Ballenas Jorobadas en el Océano Atlántico Sur  相似文献   

Entanglement in fixed fishing gear affects whales worldwide. In the United States, deaths of North Atlantic right (Eubalaena glacialis) and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) have exceeded management limits for decades. We examined live and dead whales entangled in fishing gear along the U.S. East Coast and the Canadian Maritimes from 1994 to 2010. We recorded whale species, age, and injury severity and determined rope polymer type, breaking strength, and diameter of the fishing gear. For the 132 retrieved ropes from 70 cases, tested breaking strength range was 0.80–39.63 kN (kiloNewtons) and the mean was 11.64 kN (SD 8.29), which is 26% lower than strength at manufacture (range 2.89–53.38 kN, mean = 15.70 kN [9.89]). Median rope diameter was 9.5 mm. Right and humpback whales were found in ropes with significantly stronger breaking strengths at time of manufacture than minke whales (Balaenoptera acuturostrata) (19.30, 17.13, and 10.47 mean kN, respectively). Adult right whales were found in stronger ropes (mean 34.09 kN) than juvenile right whales (mean 15.33 kN) and than all humpback whale age classes (mean 17.37 kN). For right whales, severity of injuries increased since the mid 1980s, possibly due to changes in rope manufacturing in the mid 1990s that resulted in production of stronger ropes at the same diameter. Our results suggest that broad adoption of ropes with breaking strengths of ≤7.56 kN (≤1700 lbsf) could reduce the number of life‐threatening entanglements for large whales by at least 72%, and yet could provide sufficient strength to withstand the routine forces involved in many fishing operations. A reduction of this magnitude would achieve nearly all the mitigation legally required for U.S. stocks of North Atlantic right and humpback whales. Ropes with reduced breaking strength should be developed and tested to determine the feasibility of their use in a variety of fisheries.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic right whale (NARW) (Eubalaena glacialis) is one of the world's most threatened whales. It came close to extinction after nearly a millennium of exploitation and currently persists as a population of only approximately 500 individuals. Setting appropriate conservation targets for this species requires an understanding of its historical population size, as a baseline for measuring levels of depletion and progress toward recovery. This is made difficult by the scarcity of records over this species’ long whaling history. We sought to estimate the preexploitation population size of the North Atlantic right whale and understand how this species was distributed across its range. We used a spatially explicit data set on historical catches of North Pacific right whales (NPRWs) (Eubalaena japonica) to model the relationship between right whale relative density and the environment during the summer feeding season. Assuming the 2 right whale species select similar environments, we projected this model to the North Atlantic to predict how the relative abundance of NARWs varied across their range. We calibrated these relative abundances with estimates of the NPRW total prewhaling population size to obtain high and low estimates for the overall NARW population size prior to exploitation. The model predicted 9,075–21,328 right whales in the North Atlantic. The current NARW population is thus <6% of the historical North Atlantic carrying capacity and has enormous potential for recovery. According to the model, in June–September NARWs concentrated in 2 main feeding areas: east of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and in the Norwegian Sea. These 2 areas may become important in the future as feeding grounds and may already be used more regularly by this endangered species than is thought.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The exploitation and sale of wildlife species that are endangered in only part of their range present regulators with the critical challenge of separating legal from illegal takes. Wildlife DNA registers created from tissue samples of legally obtained individual wildlife specimens can address this problem by allowing managers to identify unregistered (presumably illegally obtained) specimens. We tested the effectiveness of the only current, fully operational wildlife DNA register of individual genetic profiles collected from legally caught minke whales ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ). Twenty minke whale tissue samples collected at markets in Norway and 2 additional samples collected from beached minke whales in Denmark were genotyped at 12 loci used by the Norwegian minke whale DNA register. Genetic profiles of these samples then were compared against the 2676 individual profiles deposited in the Norwegian register. The high number of genetic markers used to identify individuals in our study allowed consistent matching of sample and reference profiles despite an overall error rate (due to experimental and interlaboratory data standardization) estimated at 0.015 per locus. Of the 22 test samples only the 2 Danish samples failed to match an existing profile in the Norwegian minke whale DNA register. Our results show that the basic principle of wildlife DNA registers can work in a real-life situation. The strength of wildlife DNA registers lies in their ability to unambiguously identify unregistered specimens with the aid of sensitive genetic methods that enable analysis of highly processed or degraded tissue samples. Our study also highlights a number of methodological problems such as laboratory errors and interlaboratory data standardization, which need be addressed to ensure a successful implementation of wildlife DNA registers.  相似文献   

The coastal waters of the Moray Firth in northeast Scotland (57o41’N 2o40’W) provide rich, inshore feeding grounds for minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) during the summer and autumnal months. In order to better understand the habitat selection, movements and feeding ecology of the animals utilising this North Sea region, distribution data from the southern coastline of the outer Moray Firth were subsequently examined with respect to the marine physiography of the area, specifically the environmental variables water depth, slope, aspect and sediment-type. A total of 305 minke whale encounters – collected from dedicated boat surveys conducted between May and October 2001 to 2006 inclusive – were used in the construction of a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the 860 square-km study site. The subsequent analysis revealed a strong spatial preference by whales in this location for water depths between 20 and 50 metres (mean 46.9 m, SD = 30.9), steep slopes (mean 75.7 degrees, SD = 8.9), a northerly-facing aspect and sandy-gravel sediment type. Kruskal-Wallis tests for variance confirmed that the distribution of B. acutorostrata was significantly different across each of these physiographic features examined (P < 0.05). In particular, water depth and sediment type were shown to be highly correlated with the frequency of whales observed (Spearman’s Rank Correlation P < 0.05 for depth and sediment respectively). From these results, we conclude that sea bottom characteristics may be used to predict the fine-scale distribution of minke whales on their feeding grounds; the physiographic features identified providing valuable proxies for inferring prey distributions in the absence of fisheries data. However, an appreciation of both abiotic and biotic factors (using a combination of GIS and remote sensing outputs) is clearly desirable for ecosystem-based management approaches for the coastal conservation of these whales. The application of GIS capacities to ecological studies based largely on field data of these marine mammals is highly recommended in the present study to cetologists, environmental modellers and conservation managers alike.  相似文献   

The red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (L.), is a protogynous sparid associated with reefs and hard bottom habitat throughout the warm-temperate Atlantic Ocean. In this study, the degree of geographic population differentiation in Atlantic populations was examined with microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers (mtDNA). Six microsatellite loci were amplified and scored in 690 individuals from the eastern North Atlantic (Crete, Madeira, and Azores), western North Atlantic (North Carolina to Florida, and the eastern Gulf of Mexico), and Brazil. At two loci, fixed allelic differences were found among the three major geographic areas, while frequency differences were observed at three other loci. The DNA of 371 individuals was amplified at the mtDNA control region, and 526 bp were sequenced. Tamura–Nei’s D was used as a measure of nucleotide diversity and divergence: diversity averaged 0.011 within samples, while the corrected divergence averaged 0 between samples within the same area and 0.061 between samples from different areas. Transversion haplotype minimum spanning networks, nucleotide divergence, and F ST values all show that the western Atlantic samples were more closely related to each other than any was to samples from the eastern North Atlantic. Within the western North Atlantic, no significant population differentiation was observed, and within the eastern North Atlantic, only the Azores sample showed detectable differences from Crete and Madeira. These data indicate general homogeneity within large areas, and deep divisions between these areas. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The ocean quahog, Arctica islandica (Linnaeus, 1767), is a commercially important bivalve found on continental shelves throughout much of the North Atlantic. To assess genetic subdivision in this species, we sequenced 385 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene from 83 specimens collected from 12 localities between September 1998 and July 1999 (based on preliminary data, the Internal Transcribed Spacers, ITS, of the nuclear ribosomal repeat were not useful). The cyt b data delimited 11 haplotypes with 0.26 to 8.1% nucleotide difference (coded by 36 variable nucleotide positions) among them. Only three haplotypes were detected in 39 specimens collected along the USA coastline, compared to five haplotypes from nine Icelandic individuals. The western Atlantic populations ranging from Penobscot Bay (Maine, USA) to southern Virginia showed relatively low diversity and appeared genetically similar in that region. Based on the presence of shared haplotypes, AMOVA analyses, and phylogenetic reconstructions, Icelandic populations appear to be more genetically similar to western Atlantic populations than eastern Atlantic populations. Specimens from the Faroe Islands (n=4) show mixed affinities. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a warm Holocene climatic optimum (ca. 7,500 years BP), and not glacial refugia, shaped the present-day genetic structure in A. islandica. Received: 18 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 June 2000  相似文献   

Photo identification is an important tool for estimating abundance and monitoring population trends over time. However, manually matching photographs to known individuals is time-consuming. Motivated by recent developments in image recognition, we hosted a data science challenge on the crowdsourcing platform Kaggle to automate the identification of endangered North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). The winning solution automatically identified individual whales with 87% accuracy with a series of convolutional neural networks to identify the region of interest on an image, rotate, crop, and create standardized photographs of uniform size and orientation and then identify the correct individual whale from these passport-like photographs. Recent advances in deep learning coupled with this fully automated workflow have yielded impressive results and have the potential to revolutionize traditional methods for the collection of data on the abundance and distribution of wild populations. Presenting these results to a broad audience should further bridge the gap between the data science and conservation science communities.  相似文献   

In the North Atlantic, 14 regional subpopulations have been proposed for the harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Linnaeus, 1758). To what degree these populations experience genetic interchange is relatively unknown, particularly on the larger scale of the North Atlantic as a whole. With the recent completion of several regional genetic studies on population structure of the harbor porpoise in the North Atlantic, came the opportunity to combine datasets in an effort to broaden the geographic scope of focus. Three datasets comprised of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences, representing the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic regions were pooled and reanalyzed to examine the degree of trans-Atlantic exchange among harbor porpoise populations, and to examine the evolutionary history of the species in the North Atlantic. The movement of harbor porpoises across the Atlantic appears to occur at a low level. Genetic variability in the Northeast Atlantic is significantly lower than in the Northwest Atlantic, and may indicate a more recent recolonization for the Northeast Atlantic. The star phylogeny of northeastern haplotypes, with a number of rare haplotypes closely related to the most abundant type, indicates a recent population expansion. A disjunction in haplotypic frequencies between the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic probably occurs east of Greenland, but the exact location and source of the disjunction has yet to be determined. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) is a highly migratory pelagic species distributed in all tropical and temperate oceans. Recent analyses using both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA markers have demonstrated genetic subdivision within and between Atlantic and Pacific populations. However, although numerous biological differences have been reported for Atlantic and Mediterranean albacore, the genetic differentiation for these basins has not been demonstrated. We characterized 373 base pairs of nucleotide sequence from the mitochondrial DNA control region of 134 individuals collected in the Pacific (n=30), the northeast (NE) Atlantic (n=54) and the Mediterranean (n=50). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a small, but highly significant, proportion of genetic variation separating these three regions (st =0.041; P=0.009), a pattern also supported by pairwise comparisons. These results demonstrate for the first time the genetic distinctiveness of the Mediterranean albacore from the NE Atlantic population giving support to the current management practices based on separate units. This outcome is concordant with reported migratory movements related to reproductive behavior between the NE Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, the phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences revealed the presence of a shallow genetic discontinuity with no geographic association. These two phylogroups are more likely the result of the demographic history of this species (i.e. long demographic stable history) as opposed to historical vicariance as has been proposed for other highly migratory fishes.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Abstract: Ocean‐going vessels pose a threat to large whales worldwide and are responsible for the majority of reported deaths diagnosed among endangered North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Various conservation policies have been implemented to reduce vessel‐strike mortality in this species. The International Maritime Organization adopted the Roseway Basin Area to be avoided on the Scotian Shelf as a voluntary conservation initiative to reduce the risk of lethal vessel strikes to right whales. We initiated the Vessel Avoidance & Conservation Area Transit Experiment to evaluate the efficacy of this initiative because the effectiveness of the avoidance scheme in reducing risk without the imposition of vessel‐speed restrictions depends entirely on vessel‐operator compliance. Using a network of automatic identification system receivers, we collected static, dynamic, and voyage‐related vessel data in near real time from the Roseway Basin region for 12 months before and 6 months after the implementation of the area to be avoided. Using pre‐ and post‐implementation vessel navigation and speed data, along with right whale sightings per unit effort data, all resolved at 3′N latitude by 3′W longitude, we estimated the post‐implementation change in risk of lethal vessel strikes. Estimates of vessel‐operator voluntary compliance ranged from 57% to 87% and stabilized at 71% within the first 5 months of implementation. Our estimates showed an 82% reduction in the risk of lethal vessel strikes to right whales due to vessel‐operator compliance. We conclude that the high level of compliance achieved with this voluntary conservation initiative occurred because the area to be avoided was adopted by the International Maritime Organization. Our results demonstrate that international shipping interests are able and willing to voluntarily alter course to protect endangered whales.  相似文献   

Patterns of (female) mitochondrial DNA diversity were investigated in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Mytilus edulis is a ubiquitous member of contemporary North Atlantic hard-substrate communities and well represented in studies of this region. Mytilus edulis was surveyed in North America and Europe, as well as mid-Atlantic sites in Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands. Mitochondrial DNA sequences revealed considerable population structure but no monophyly of haplotypes between any major regions. Coalescent analyses suggest that migration across the Atlantic Ocean has prominently been from North American source populations and that Greenland was colonized recently and exclusively from North America. In North America, there was support for two regional groups along the North American coastline. Surprisingly, we also found evidence of recombination between some Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis female mtDNA sequences, particularly in northern Europe. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839) are a commercially important species of tuna found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans. To initiate an analysis of bigeye tuna population-structure, three PCR–RFLP assays were developed based on the published mtDNA control-region sequences of four bigeye tuna. Population analyses using these three restriction assays on a total of 248 individuals resulted in an array of 13 composite haplotypes. A total of 347 nucleotides of mtDNA control-region sequence was characterized for 11 of the 13 composite haplotypes. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the DNA sequences belong to two monophyletic clades. However, only one of the three restriction assays was able to discriminate between the two clades. The other two assays were confounded by excessive homoplasy. Both parallel (independent occurrences of the same nucleotide change) and convergent (different nucleotide changes within the same restriction site) changes of restriction sites were observed. These results emphasize the importance of DNA sequence-analysis for the interpretation of restriction-site polymorphism data. Analyses of the frequency distribution indicated that samples of bigeye tuna from the Atlantic Ocean were genetically distinct from those found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Thus, these results reject the null hypothesis of a single global population of bigeye tuna. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1998  相似文献   

The patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity were investigated in Cucumaria frondosa, the most abundant sea cucumber in the North Atlantic, to assist in the management and conservation of this ecologically important marine invertebrate, which is the target of an emerging fishery. Mitochondrial DNA COI sequences of 334 C. frondosa were obtained and analyzed, mainly from its western North Atlantic range, where the commercial fishery is being developed, with complementary sampling in the mid- and eastern North Atlantic. Analysis of molecular variance showed no significant (P > 0.05) differences among subpopulations in the western region suggesting that it constitutes one panmictic population. The same analysis showed low, but significant differences between eastern and western Atlantic populations. Coalescent analyses using isolation with migration models and a Bayesian skyline plot indicated historical divergence and a general increase in population size prior to the last glacial maximum and highly asymmetric gene flow (nearly 100 times lower from west to east) between sea cucumbers from North America and Norway. Results suggest that subpopulations of C. frondosa within the western North Atlantic have been highly connected. We propose that aided by the high-connectivity local subpopulations can recover rapidly from natural (i.e., ice ages) or anthropogenic (i.e., overfishing) population declines through recruitment from deep refugia.  相似文献   

Species' conservation relies on understanding their seasonal habitats and migration routes. North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, migrate from the southeastern U.S. coast to Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, a federally designated critical habitat, from February through May to feed. The whales then continue north across the Gulf of Maine to northern waters (e.g., Bay of Fundy). To enter Cape Cod Bay, right whales must traverse an area of dense shipping and fishing activity in Massachusetts Bay, where there are no mandatory regulations for the protection of right whales or management of their habitat. We used passive acoustic recordings of right whales collected in Massachusetts Bay from May 2007 through October 2010 to determine the annual spatial and temporal distribution of the whales and their calling activity. We detected right whales in the bay throughout the year, in contrast to results from visual surveys. Right whales were detected on at least 24% of days in each month, with the exception of June 2007, in which there were no detections. Averaged over all years, right whale calls were most abundant from February through May. During this period, calls were most frequent between 17:00 and 20:00 local time; no diel pattern was apparent in other months. The spatial distribution of the approximate locations of calling whales suggests they may use Massachusetts Bay as a conduit to Cape Cod Bay in the spring and as they move between the Gulf of Maine and waters to the south in September through December. Although it is unclear how dependent right whales are on the bay, the discovery of their widespread presence in Massachusetts Bay throughout the year suggests this region may need to be managed to reduce the probability of collisions with ships and entanglement in fishing gear.  相似文献   

We model the points of the detection along the transect line by a Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP). The MMPP can accommodate the spatial cluster structure typical of many line transect surveys. The basic idea is that animal density switches between a low and a high level according to a latent Markov process. The MMPP is attractive from a mathematical point of view, as it provides an explicit expression for the likelihood function and other important quantities. We focus on estimating the level of overdispersion in the number of detected animals, as this is important for quantifying the precision of the line transect estimator of animal abundance. The approach is illustrated using both simulated data and data from a minke whale sighting survey conducted in the North Atlantic. Received: August 2004 / Revised: August 2005  相似文献   

Cover Caption     
Cover : A blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) raises its fluke before making a deep dive on its winter feeding grounds, Sea of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico. Although blue whales are the largest animals on Earth, they are rare, and their abundance is difficult to estimate. On pages 526‐535, Williams et al. demonstrate an application of spatial modeling to estimate abundance of blue whales off the coast of Chile. Their comparison of these estimates of abundance with those for Antarctic blue whales allowed them to infer that Chilean and Antarctic blue whales are separate populations. Additionally, the methods allowed assessment of current abundance of Chilean blue whales relative to abundance before intensive hunting in the 1900s. Photographer : Tui De Roy ( http://www.tuideroy.com ) is a founding fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers. Her work has been published in over 30 countries. She has published 7 large‐format books on the Galápagos Islands and other books on the Andes, Antarctica, New Zealand, and the world's albatrosses. Tui founded Th e Roving Tortoise Nature Photography ( http://www.rovingtortoise.co.nz ) in partnership with Mark Jones. She has spent most of her life in the Galápagos Islands, is a former member of the board of directors of the Charles Darwin Foundation, and works in close association with Galápagos National Park to document the islands and their rare species. Tui currently lives in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) is a large, mesopelagic fish that inhabits tropical and temperate seas throughout the world, and is a common bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries that target tuna and swordfish. Few studies have explored the biology and natural history of escolar, and little is known regarding its population structure. To evaluate the genetic basis of population structure of escolar throughout their range, we surveyed genetic variation over an 806 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region. In total, 225 individuals from six geographically distant locations throughout the Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico, Brazil, South Africa) and Pacific (Ecuador, Hawaii, Australia) were analyzed. A neighbor-joining tree of haplotypes based on maximum likelihood distances revealed two highly divergent clades (δ = 4.85%) that were predominantly restricted to the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific ocean basins. All Atlantic clade individuals occurred in the Atlantic Ocean and all but four Pacific clade individuals were found in the Pacific Ocean. The four Atlantic escolar with Pacific clade haplotypes were found in the South Africa collection. The nuclear ITS-1 gene region of these four individuals was subsequently analyzed and compared to the ITS-1 gene region of four individuals from the South Africa collection with Atlantic clade haplotypes as well as four representative individuals each from the Atlantic and Pacific collections. The four South Africa escolar with Pacific mitochondrial control region haplotypes all had ITS-1 gene region sequences that clustered with the Pacific escolar, suggesting that they were recent migrants from the Indo-Pacific. Due to the high divergence and geographic separation of the Atlantic and Pacific clades, as well as reported morphological differences between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific specimens, consideration of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific populations as separate species or subspecies may be warranted, though further study is necessary.  相似文献   

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