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Environmental endocrine disruption in wildlife has primarily focused on estrogenic/androgenic end points and their antagonists. We describe here the work that has occurred within the Great Lakes of North America that has used the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) as a sentinel species of the effects of environmental toxicants, including endocrine disruption. Our data suggests that population level effects of hormone disrupting chemicals, not necessarily estrogen/androgen mimics and their antagonists, have been associated with reproductive and teratogenic effects observed in the bald eagle population within the Great Lakes Basin. Additional laboratory and field studies are necessary to further clarify the role of environmental endocrine disruptors on reproduction in avian populations. The use of sea eagles (Haliaeetus spp.) as biosentinels of pollution in other regions of the world is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bowerman WW  Stickle JE  Giesy JP 《Chemosphere》2000,41(10):1575-1579
Hematology constituents and serum biochemistries were determined in blood collected from 55 nestling bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) from nest sites within the lower peninsula of Michigan in 1992. Hematological values were comparable to published ranges for birds for all but eosinophils, which were greater than normal. Serum chemistry values were similar to those of other birds for all but six parameters, uric acid, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, globulin, and urea nitrogen, which were greater and glucose which was less. Samples of blood collected from wild bald eagles can be used for hematologic parameters and serum chemistry. It is important for other studies of endangered species to obtain baseline data from healthy, wild animals in their natural environment, and for comparison of animals living in environments of greater exposure to those living in areas of lesser exposure to xenobiotics. We caution that arrangements for rapid analysis be done in advance of sample collection.  相似文献   

Eggs of five species of grebe were collected from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta during 1982-1987: red-necked (Podiceps grisegena), horned (P. auritus), eared (P. caspicus), western (Aechmophorus occidentalis) and pied-billed (Podilymbus podiceps). DDE and PCBs were present in all samples analyzed, whereas dieldrin, mirex and oxychlordane were occasionally present at low levels. Mercury was present at low levels in all samples for which it was analyzed. Red-necked grebes nesting in Manitoba had the highest contaminant levels and, assuming that contaminant burdens were accumulated principally on the wintering grounds, the mean PCB:DDE ratio (3.1) indicated that these birds and those from sites in central and eastern Saskatchewan probably wintered on the Atlantic coast. Overall low contaminant levels and a low mean PCB:DDE ratio (1.4) in the eggs of red-necked grebes breeding in Alberta and western Saskatchewan suggested that these birds wintered on the Pacific coast. A similar pattern was apparent in horned and eared grebes. Concentrations of DDE and PCB were both significantly correlated with Ratcliffe index (shell thickness), and were strongly correlated with each other. Ratcliffe indices were determined for historical collections of red-necked grebe eggs. Eggshell thickness of grebes nesting in Manitoba declined significantly during the years following the introduction of DDT (post-1947) and has only recovered partially since it was banned in 1972. The Alberta-breeding population did not appear to have undergone any significant decrease in shell thickness.  相似文献   

The ability of aquatic macrophytes to accumulate lead was examined in the context of sample site, sample date, depth, organ and species. Considerable variations in lead concentrations were found between the 11 species of macrophytes studied. The mean lead concentration for all species sampled was 16 microg/g (dry weight) ranging from 0-78 microg/g. Analysis of variance indicated that there were significant differences in the mean lead content of macrophytes collected from different sample sites. Similarly, significantly higher values were observed for plants collected from the upper 2m of water. Seasonal trends in lead accumulation were not observed for Shoal Lake macrophytes.  相似文献   

Prenatal and early-life exposure to lead (Pb) is hypothesized to have adverse effects on childhood health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prenatal exposure to Pb and its adverse effects on mothers and their infants who are residents of industrial (exposed) and domestic areas (referents) in Karachi, Pakistan. The biological samples (scalp hair and blood) of mother–infants pairs were analyzed for Pb levels by atomic absorption spectrometry after microwave-assisted acid digestion method. The Pb levels in scalp hair and blood samples of exposed mothers were found in the range of 7.52–8.70 μg/g and 115–270 μg/L, respectively, which were significantly higher than those values obtained for referent mothers (p?<?0.001). The Pb levels in the blood (umbilical cord) and hair of neonates of exposed mother that were found in the range of 83–178 μg/L and 4.95–7.23 μg/g, respectively, were significantly higher than the obtained values of referent neonates (p?>?0.001). The correlation between maternal and cord blood of both groups was found in the range of 0.708–0.724 (p?<?0.01). It was observed that there were higher Pb burdens in exposed mothers and their infants as compared to referent mothers–neonates.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ca, P, Mg and S were measured in tissues of mink (Mustela vision) and river otter (Lutra canadensis) from five areas of Ontario, Canada. Bone Pb levels in both species were lowest in animals from the collection site most remote from industrial activity and atmospheric deposition of pollutants. Mean liver and kidney Cd levels were also different between collection sites and may reflect natural and/or anthropogenic sources. Copper levels in liver, but not kidney, were elevated in mink and otter from the heavily Cu-contaminated Sudbury region. However, tissue levels did not reflect environmental loading of other metals, such as Fe, Ni and Zn, in the Sudbury area. This may be a function of effective homeostatic regulation in mammals, or low potential for biomagnification of these elements.  相似文献   

Mouthpart deformation in chironomid larvae is induced by exposure to chemical contaminants and is becoming an established bio-indicator in sediment assessment programmes. However, concentration-response relationships with causal agents have only been established occasionally and with varying success. In this laboratory study, instar II and III larvae were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of lead, mercury and beta-sitosterol. A significant deformation response was induced in the pecten with lead and mercury. Deformation frequencies of the mentum after metal exposures were not significantly different from the control. Moulting was retarded by both metals and was well correlated with mouthpart deformation. The beta-sitosterol is an endocrine disruptor, which was used to test the hypothetical cause-effect relation between disruption of ecdyson functioning and chironomid deformation. In the present study, exposure to sublethal concentrations of beta-sitosterol did not result in any effect on deformation or moulting. As such, the proposed hypothesis of endocrine disruptors as primary causal agents of chironomid deformation could not be substantiated. Acetone, which was used as a solvent to apply beta-sitosterol caused a significant increase of mentum deformation. The ground filtration paper used as substrate seemed to induce deformities as well. Substrate contamination, acetone and (especially) inbreeding were most probably responsible for the high deformation frequencies in the control conditions.  相似文献   

Eleven new cars were driven around a 35 km route comprising heavily trafficked roads in and around London, and the concentrations of carbon monoxide inside and immediately outside the vehicles were continuously monitored. Average levels of CO between 12 and 60 parts per million were found inside the cars, and these levels were between 30 and 80% of the external concentrations. The internal levels varied according to external changes but the changes were greatly damped by the buffering effect of the ventilation system. Differences in internal CO levels were more marked between vehicles than for different runs in the same vehicle and were probably due to differences in the ventilation systems.

Blood carboxy-hemoglobin concentrations which would arise from the CO exposures were calculated. Published data suggest that carboxy-hemoglobin concentrations within the range found (1.5-3.0%) would not be expected to produce an adverse effect on health; there are conflicting views as to whether driving performance would be impaired.  相似文献   

This article presents evidence demonstrating that the historical use of leaded gasoline and lead (Pb) in exterior paints in Australia has contaminated urban soils in the older inner suburbs of large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne. While significant attention has been focused on Pb poisoning in mining and smelting towns in Australia, relatively little research has focused on exposure to Pb originating from inner-city soil dust and its potential for childhood Pb exposures. Due to a lack of systematic blood lead (PbB) screening and geochemical soil Pb mapping in the inner cities of Australia, the risks from environmental Pb exposure remain unconstrained within urban population centres.  相似文献   

Metal (Pb, Cu and Zn) partitioning in six separated sediment size fractions (<8, 8-12, 12-19, 19-31, 31-42, 42-60 microm) of river bed sediment have been analyzed by sequential extraction. The concentrations of some major elements (Si, Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn and P), and organic and inorganic C were determined to correlate the elemental composition of the sediment with metal speciation and grain size. Results show that Zn and Pb concentrations increase with decreasing grain size. For Big Creek and Big Otter Creek, respectively, the highest concentrations of Zn (326 and 230 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (158 and 67 mg kg(-1)) were found in the smallest (<8 microm) fraction, whereas the Cu levels (619 and 1281 mg kg(-1)) were most abundant in the second smallest (8-12 microm) fraction. The major accumulative phases for Cu, Zn and Pb were carbonates, Fe/Mn oxides and organic matter, but the relative importance of each phase varied for individual metals and grain sizes. The extraction data show increasing potential bioavailability of metals with decreasing grain size. Estimates of metal yields in the study catchments suggest that over 80% of the metal yield in sediment smaller than 63 microm is associated with solids smaller than 31 microm.  相似文献   

We assess lead contamination of Greenland seabirds killed with lead shot having studied thick-billed murre and common eider, the two most important species in the diet. The lead concentration is very high in meat of eiders killed with lead shot (mean 6.1 microg/g-wet wt, 95% CL 2.1-12). This level is about 44 times higher than in drowned eiders and eight times higher than in shot murres. Analyzing whole breasts instead of sub-samples reveals about seven times higher lead levels in birds' meat. We conclude that in some cases the lead intake by Greenland bird eaters will largely exceed the FAO/WHO tolerable lead intake guideline and that lead shot is a more important source of lead in the diet than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Eleven species of Neotropical migrant passerines collected in Illinois (USA) during May 1996, were analyzed for the presence of organochlorine (OC) pesticides. At least one of five OC pesticide residues was detected in 66 of 72 birds, representing all species examined. The contaminants most frequently detected were p,p'-DDE, dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide, all of which were present in the 10-30 ng/g range. Insectivores had significantly higher levels of these compounds than did non-insectivores, while there was no significant main effect of winter habitat (forest and scrub). Future research on OC pesticide contamination in resident New World passerines may allow more accurate predictions regarding the sources of contamination in Neotropical migrants.  相似文献   

研究了Pb在水蕴草中的积累、亚细胞分布和赋存形态,以期揭示水蕴草对Pb的耐性机制。结果表明,在9 d的水培实验中,水蕴草对Pb的富集量随着Pb处理浓度的升高而增加,最大可富集103.55 mg/g DW,可以修复较高Pb污染( 细胞器与膜 > 可溶性部分,其中细胞壁是Pb的主要贮存部位。采用化学试剂逐步提取法分析Pb存在的化学形态表明,水蕴草体内的Pb主要以盐酸提取态为主,其次为醋酸和氯化钠提取态,其他Pb提取态的含量则较少。而细胞壁中Pb的赋存形态主要以盐酸提取态和醋酸提取态为主,细胞器和膜中的Pb主要以氯化钠和醋酸提取态为主。综上表明,水蕴草主要通过将Pb与草酸盐和磷酸盐相结合,从而将其束缚在细胞壁中,限制了Pb进入细胞内部,从而减轻了Pb对水蕴草的毒害,增强了水蕴草对Pb的耐性。  相似文献   


Recent epidemiological studies have consistently shown that the acute mortality effects of high concentrations of ambient particulate matter (PM), documented in historic air pollution episodes, may also be occurring at the low to moderate concentrations of ambient PM found in modern urban areas. In London in December 1952, the unexpected deaths due to PM exposure could be identified and counted as integers by the coroners. In modern times, the PM-related deaths cannot be as readily identified, and they can only be inferred as fractional average daily increases in mortality rates using sophisticated statistical filtering and analyses of the air quality and mortality data. The causality of the relationship between exposure to ambient PM and acute mortality at these lower modern PM concentrations has been questioned because of a perception that there is little significant correlation in time between the ambient PM concentrations and measured personal exposure to PM from all sources (ambient PM plus indoor-generated PM).

This article shows that the critical factor supporting the plausibility of a linear PM mortality relationship is the expected high correlation in time of people's exposure to PM of ambient origin with measured ambient PM concentrations, as used in the epidemiological time series studies. The presence of indoor and personal sources of PM masks this underlying relationship, leading to confusion in the scientific literature about the strong underlying temporal relationship between personal exposure to PM of ambient origin and ambient PM concentration. The authors show that the sources of PM of non-ambient origin operate independently of the ambient PM concentrations, so that the mortality effect of non-ambient PM, if any, must be independent of the effects of the ambient PM exposures.  相似文献   

人工湿地植物对重金属铅的抗性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着含铅废水污染引起的生态安全问题日益加重,以及处理要求的日益严格,含铅废水的处理已成为目前研究和工程实践的重点。由于植物修复技术操作管理方便,成本低廉,处理效率高和选择性强等优点,植物修复已成为处理含铅废水的较有潜力的和行之有效的优化技术。实验参照水体重金属污染现状,模拟设置不同铅浓度的水体,通过盆栽水培实验及实验室分析测试,分别研究了重金属铅对芦苇、香蒲、鸭跖草这3种植物生长的影响、分析各种植物对铅的抗性的表现及重金属在植物体内的积累和分布,为人工湿地植物的选择提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In developing countries, the management of environmental toxicants is inadequate, thus, humans may be exposed to levels higher than normal levels (background levels). Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the exposure level of Mexican children to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), lead, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [using 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) as exposure biomarker] and to assess the percentage of children exposed to these four compounds at concentrations higher than normal in each community studied. We performed random sampling in eight communities in Mexico (five communities in Chiapas State and three communities in San Luis Potosi State). DDT and DDE were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the quantification of lead in blood was performed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and 1-OHP analyses were performed using HPLC with a fluorescence detector. Elevated DDT, DDE, and 1-OHP levels were found in children living in the indigenous communities of Chiapas State, while higher blood lead levels were found in two communities in San Luis Potosí. Approximately 30 % of children living in Chiapas were exposed to all four compounds at concentrations above the guidelines for each compound, whereas 48 % of children studied were exposed to all four contaminants at concentrations higher than normal in a community in San Luis Potosí State. As expected, our results showed that in hot spots, children are exposed to levels higher than normal. Therefore, child environmental health programs are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The stage dependent susceptibility to lead in amphibian development was studied by exposing Bufo arenarum embryos during neurulae, neuromuscular activity and gill circulation stages for twenty hours to 1 ppm Pb(2+). Survival, malformations and behavioral disorders were evaluated. The embryonic susceptibility to lead was markedly stage dependent. The survival at the neuromuscular activity stage was approximately half that of the other two periods; concerning malformations, the gill circulation stage was the least sensitive. The observed malformations consisted of failed closure of neural tube, hydropsy, small and cylindrical tails, reduced body size and incurvations in the body axis. Some alterations occurred in all experimental groups and therefore were considered non-dependent on the period of treatment. In all experimental embryos, neurological disorders such as trembles and loss of equilibrium were observed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lead acid battery (LAB) scrap management is an important issue both environmentally and economically. The recovery of lead from battery scrap leads to...  相似文献   

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