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Samples of PM(2.5) were collected to measure the concentrations of its chemical constituents at two rural locations, Potsdam and Stockton, NY from November 2002 to August 2005. These samples were collected on multiple filters at both sites, every third day for a 24-h interval with a speciation network sampler. The Teflo(R) filters were analyzed for PM(2.5) mass by gravimetry, and elemental composition by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Nylasorb(R) filters and Teflo(R) filters were leached with water and analyzed for anions and cations, respectively, by ion chromatography (IC). Fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) mass and its inorganic component measurements were statistically characterized, and the temporal behavior of these species were assessed. Over the entire study period, PM(2.5) mass concentrations were lower at Potsdam (8.35 mug/m(3)) than at Stockton (10.24 mug/m(3)). At both locations, organic matter (OM) was the highest contributor to mass. Sulfate was the second highest contributor to mass at 27.0% at Potsdam, and 28.7% at Stockton. Nitrate contributions to mass of 8.9 and 9.5% at Potsdam and Stockton, respectively, were the third highest. At both locations, fine PM mass exhibited an annual cycle with a pronounced summer peak and indications of another peak during the winter, consistent with an overall increase in the rate of secondary aerosol formation during the summer, and increased partitioning of ammonium nitrate to the particle phase and condensation of other semi-volatiles during the winter, respectively. An ion-balance analysis indicated that at both locations, during the summers as well as in the winters, the aerosol was acidic. Lognormal frequency distribution fits to the measured mass concentrations on a seasonal basis indicated the overall increase in particle phase secondary aerosol (sulfate and SOA) concentrations during the summers compared to the winters at both locations.  相似文献   

The Po valley in northern Italy is renowned for its high air pollutant concentrations. Measurements of air pollutants from a background site in Modena, a town of 200 thousand inhabitants within the Po valley, are analysed. These comprise hourly data for CO, NO, NO(2), NO(x), and O(3), and daily gravimetric equivalent data for PM(10) from 1998-2010. The data are analysed in terms of long-term trends, annual, weekly and diurnal cycles, and auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions. CO, NO and NO(2) exhibit a strongly traffic-related pattern, with daily peaks at morning and evening rush hour and lower concentrations over the weekend. Ozone shows an annual cycle with a peak in July due to local production; notwithstanding the diurnal cycle dominated by titration by nitrogen oxide, the decreasing long term trend in NO concentration did not affect the long term trend in O(3), whose mean concentration remained steady over the sampling period. PM(10) shows a strong seasonality with higher concentration in winter and lower concentration in summer and spring. Both PM(10) and ozone show a marked weekly cycle in summer and winter respectively. Regressions of PM(10) upon NO(x) show a consistently greater intercept in winter, representing higher secondary PM(10) in the cooler months of the year. There is a seasonal pattern in primary PM(10) to NO(x) ratios, with lower values in winter and higher values in summer, but the reasons are unclear.  相似文献   

The relationship between indoor and outdoor particulate air pollution was investigated at an urban background site on the Payambar Azam Campus of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in Sari, Northern Iran. The concentration of particulate matter sized with a diameter less than 1 μm (PM1.0), 2.5 μm (PM2.5), and 10 μm (PM10) was evaluated at 5 outdoor and 12 indoor locations. Indoor sites included classrooms, corridors, and office sites in four university buildings. Outdoor PM concentrations were characterized at five locations around the university campus. Indoor and outdoor PM measurements (1-min resolution) were conducted in parallel during weekday mornings and afternoons. No difference found between indoor PM10 (50.1 ± 32.1 μg/m3) and outdoor PM10 concentrations (46.5 ± 26.0 μg/m3), indoor PM2.5 (22.6 ± 17.4 μg/m3) and outdoor PM2.5 concentration (22.2 ± 15.4 μg/m3), or indoor PM1.0 (14.5 ± 13.4 μg/m3) and outdoor mean PM1.0 concentrations (14.2 ± 12.3 μg/m3). Despite these similar concentrations, no correlations were found between outdoor and indoor PM levels. The present findings are not only of importance for the potential health effects of particulate air pollution on people who spend their daytime over a period of several hours in closed and confined spaces located at a university campus but also can inform regulatory about the improvement of indoor air quality, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

In this study, the characteristics of total water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and isolated WSOC fractions were examined to gain a better understanding of the pathway of organic aerosol production. 24 h PM(2.5) samples were collected during the summer (July 28-August 28, 2009) at an urban site in Korea. A glass column filled with XAD7HP resin was used to separate the filtered extracts into hydrophilic (WSOC(HPI)) and hydrophobic (WSOC(HPO)) fractions. The origins of air mass pathways arriving at the sampling site were mostly classified into three types, those originating over the East Sea of Korea that passed over the eastern inland urban and industrial regions (type I); those from the marine (western/southwestern/southern marine) and passed over the national industrial complex regions (type II); and those from northeastern China that passed through North Korea and metropolitan areas of South Korea (type III). Measurements showed an increase in the average WSOC fraction of total OC from the type II to III air mass (53 to 64%) periods. Also, higher SO(4)(2-)/SO(x) (=SO(2) + SO(4)(2-)) was observed in the type III air mass (0.70) than those in the types I (0.49) and II (0.43). According to the average values of WSOC/OC and SO(4)(2-)/SO(x), measurements suggest that the aerosols collected during the type III air mass period were more aged or photo-chemically processed than those during the types I and II air mass periods. The relationship between the SO(4)(2-)/SO(x) and WSOC/OC (R(2) = 0.64) suggests that a significant fraction of the observed WSOC at the site could be formed by an oxidation process similar to SO(4)(2-) aerosols, probably the oxidation process using OH radicals, or in-cloud processing. The photochemical production of WSOC(HPO) was also observed to significantly contribute to the total OC.  相似文献   

The concentrations of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Pb) associated with PM10 and PM2.5 at the crossroads and the background sites have been studied in Zabrze, Poland, during smog episodes. Although the background level was unusually elevated due to both high particulate emission from the industrial and municipal sources and smog favorable meteorological conditions, significant increase of the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 as well as associated heavy metals in the roadside air compared to the urban background has been documented. The average daily difference between the roadside and corresponding urban background aerosol concentration was equal to 39.5 μg m???3 for PM10 and 41.2 μg m???3 for PM2.5. The highest levels of the studied metals in Zabrze appeared for iron carried by PM10 particles: 1,706 (background) and 28,557 ng m???3 (crossroads). The lowest concentration level (in PM10) has been found for cadmium: 7 and 77 ng m???3 in the background and crossroads site, respectively. Also the concentrations of heavy metals carried by the fine particles (PM2.5) were very high in Zabrze during the smog episodes. Concentrations of all studied metals associated with PM10 increased at the roadside compared to the background about ten times (one order) while metals contained in PM2.5 showed two to three times elevated concentrations (except Fe—five times and Cr—no increase).  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of C6-C8 aromatic hydrocarbons and n-heptane, determined by gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection, are presented from a winter campaign during January 1999 at a rural site near Leeds. Absolute concentrations are significantly lower than those obtained from the only designated UK rural site (Harwell) in the automated UK hydrocarbon network. Both absolute and relative concentrations of hydrocarbons measured at the site have been interpreted in terms of the arriving back-trajectories. The site is subject to two main airflows during the winter months; relatively polluted air from the southwest and much cleaner air from the northwest. Ratios of hydrocarbon concentrations show evidence of significant chemical processing consistent with chemical removal by OH. Uncertainties in the ages of the trajectories prevent a reliable estimation of the average OH concentration over the trajectory. The dependence of the variance of the hydrocarbon concentrations with their lifetime with respect to removal by OH does not show the expected behaviour.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at a sanitary sewage sludge(biosolids) disposal site in Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. todetermine if biological denitrification played a significantfactor in attenuation of ground water nitrate values. The siteselected for this study is a 23 ha (57 acre) dedicatedbiosolids disposal facility located adjacent to a 75.7 millionliter per day (20 million gallons per day) municipal treatmentplant that uses anaerobic solids stabilization for treatment ofgenerated biosolids material. Biosolids have been disposed of byfixed-point spray applicators at the site since 1976, which hascaused ground water nitrate levels to increase significantlyabove background levels. A method was developed using aconservative chemical tracer to simulate the biosolidsapplication process and monitor the ground water directly beneaththe simulated disposal site. Results demonstrated a net declineof nitrates that could not be attributed to dilution alone.While the monitoring methodology developed for this study didnot directly estimate the denitrification rate, a rate foroverall nitrate reduction was calculated that could be consideredto take into account all transport and reduction mechanisms suchas denitrification, advection, dispersion and dilution.  相似文献   

The study to generate the baseline of natural radiation and radioactivity in East and West Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya, India was conducted to determine the different radiation dose in selected stations. Twenty stations were selected in both the district, which include Shillong the capital of Meghalaya and the Domiasiat area, which has been identified as one with a Uranium ore deposit. The dose was measured using a Micro-R-Survey meter and from the measurement it was found out that the absorbed dose in both the districts ranges from 0.04 to 1.66 microGy h(-1). The maximum dose was observed in Kylleng (0.72 microGy h(-1)) and the minimum in Mawphlang (0.06 microGy h(-1)). Average absorbed dose and equivalent dose were found to be higher than the Indian and world average values by several orders. The radiation levels distribution was found to be non-uniform through out the selected study area.  相似文献   

Airborne particles in fugitive emissions have been measured at a slagging fixed-bed coal-gasification pilot plant using lignite. Sampling was conducted during shutdown operations and opening of the gasifier following an aborted startup. Aerosol collected with a Sierra high-volume impactor was subjected to analysis by gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and scanning electron microscopy; aerosol collected with an Andersen low-volume impactor was subjected to flameless atomic absorption analysis. The data show that the bulk of the trace organic material is associated with small particles: these data are similar to data on ambient air reported in the literature. Particle morphologies resemble those of fly ash from coal combustion, including smooth spheres, vesicular spheres, and crystalline material. Trace element size distributions are bimodal and resemble data for ambient air. Pb-containing particles are generally submicron, while particles containing Al, Fe, and other crustal species are mostly of supermicron size. Aluminum-based aerosol enrichment factors calculated from the lignite composition show that the composition of the aerosol resembles that of the coal, with the exception of modest enrichments of Mg, Na, As, and Pb in the submicron size range. Aerosol enrichment factors based on the earth's crustal composition are somewhat greater than those based on coal composition for several elements, suggesting potential errors in using crustal enrichment data to investigate chemical fractionation during aerosol formation.  相似文献   

Daily gas and particle phase samples were collected during winter and summer seasons in Bolu, which is located in the high altitude Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Samples were analyzed to determine the concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Concentrations of endosulfan sulfate and methoxychlor were found to be highest in the summer and winter periods, respectively. The measured average concentration of endrin was considerably higher (10-50 fold) than the values reported in the literature for similar sites. The agricultural areas located to the south, south-east and south-west of the sampling point were identified as source regions. PCBs were found predominantly in the gas phase in both seasons and 3-chlorinated biphenyls were found to be abundant in the winter period, due to pollutants transported from the city centre and a waste incineration plant by southerly and easterly winds. The concentrations of PCB-180 and PCB-194 were found to be higher than values reported in the literature. The correlation between atmospheric concentrations and temperature was obtained by using Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) plots. The CC plots for most of the OCPs showed shallow negative slopes with low r(2) values, which might be due to the presence of local sources, i.e., agricultural areas around the sampling site and the dominance of evaporation. The CC plots showed steep positive slopes for most of the PCB compounds. Most of the PCB compounds were carried from the ongoing local sources.  相似文献   

A high PM10 episode observed at a coastal site nearby Shanghai during 18–19 January 2007 was analyzed in this study. The maximum hourly averaged PM10 concentrations for the 2 days were 0.58 and 0.62 mg/m3, respectively. The meteorological condition during the episode was favorable for air pollution with large-scale stagnation. There was no dispersing effect by high wind, no scavenging function by precipitation, and no diluting process by clean marine air during the episode. The trajectories for 16–19 January all came from the northern region and kept in low levels, and during the episode peak time, from the morning of 18 to the morning of 19 January, trajectories all came from the northern inland areas and had passed over the coastal region of Jiangsu province before arriving at the site. The variation of the air pollution indexes (APIs) in the cities located in the upwind direction of the site during the episode days clearly shows a process of large-scale air pollution from north to south. The liner correlation coefficient for PM10 and SO2 concentrations is 0.774 during the episode, while for PM10 and CO, it even reaches 0.995, which indicated that the high PM10 was mainly emitted from the coal burning for domestic heating in winter. Therefore, the observed episode was caused by the transport of domestic heating pollutants accumulated in the boundary layer from northern continental areas.  相似文献   

Surface ozone is one of the most important photochemical pollutants in the low atmosphere, causing damage to human health, vegetation, materials and climate. The weather (high temperatures and high solar radiation), orography (presence of the Guadalquivir valley) and anthropogenic (the cities of Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Seville and two important industrial complexes) characteristics of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula make this region ideal for the formation and accumulation of ozone. To increase the knowledge of ozone behaviour in this area, the monthly, daily and weekly variations of ozone and its precursors, nitrogen oxides (NOx?=?NO?+?NO2), were analysed over a 4-year period (2003 to 2006). Using the k-means cluster technique, 12 representative stations of five different areas with different ozone behaviour were selected from a total of 29 monitoring sites. This is the first time that the analysis of these atmospheric pollutants has been carried out for the whole area, allowing therefore a complete understanding of the dynamics and the relationships of these compounds in this region. The results showed an opposite behaviour among ozone and NO and NO2 concentrations in urban and suburban zones, marked by maximums of ozone (minimums NOx) in spring and summer and minimums (maximums) in autumn and winter. A seasonal behaviour, with lower amplitude, was also observed in rural and industrial areas for ozone concentrations, with the NO and NO2 concentrations remaining at low and similar values during the year in rural zones due to the absence of emission sources in their surroundings. The daily cycles of ozone in urban, suburban and industrial sites registered a maximum value in the early afternoon (14:00–17:00 UTC) while for NOx two peaks were observed, at 7:00–10:00 UTC and 20:00–22:00. In the case of rural stations, no hourly peak of ozone or NOx was registered. The weekend effect was studied by using a statistical contrast tests (Student’s t). The results indicated that only areas influenced by important traffic emissions presented a weekend effect for NO and NO2, whereas an ozone weekend effect was not detected in any case.  相似文献   

Precipitation is the best scavenger for the particulates and dissolved gaseous pollutants present in the atmosphere. The chemical composition of precipitation is dominated by a number of in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging processes. The present study is aimed at analyzing the chemical composition of rainwater in the relatively less industrialized part of Mumbai. The pH of rainwater in this region ranges from 4.8 to 6.4. The percentage contributions of ions were calculated and the major contributing ions were calcium (28%), chloride (23%), sodium (18%), sulfate (14%), magnesium (11%), ammonium (4%), potassium (1%), and nitrate (1%). The correlation coefficient is highest for Na and Cl (r 2?=?0.99), giving a clear indication of contribution from sea salt. Sulfate and nitrate ions also show a very good correlation (r 2?=?0.90), which may be due to their coemission from fossil fuel combustion. Acidification caused by these ions is neutralized by Ca, Mg, and NH4 ions. The neutralization effect due to these ions is validated by calculating the neutralization factor (NF). The NF values are in the order Ca > Mg > NH4. The major source contributors for the ions in precipitation are sea salt (Na, Cl, and K) and fossil fuel combustion (SO4 and NO3). These assumptions are supported by the values of wet-only ratio, enrichment factor, and percent sea salt fraction.  相似文献   

In this work we present the results of extensive characterization and optimization of the Ambient Ion Monitor-Ion Chromatograph (AIM-IC) system, an instrument developed by URG Corp. and Dionex Inc. for simultaneous hourly measurements of the water-soluble chemical composition of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) and associated precursor gases. The sampling assembly of the AIM-IC consists of an inertial particle size-selection assembly, a parallel-plate wet denuder (PPWD) for the collection of soluble gases, and a particle supersaturation chamber (PSSC) for collection of particles, in series. The analytical assembly of the AIM-IC consists of anion and cation IC units. The system detection limits were determined to be 41 ppt, 5 ppt, and 65 ppt for gas phase NH(3(g)), SO(2(g)), and HNO(3(g)) and 29 ng m(-3), 3 ng m(-3), and 45 ng m(-3) for particle phase NH(4)(+), SO(4)(2-), and NO(3)(-) respectively. From external trace gas calibrations with permeation sources, we determined that the AIM-IC is biased low for NH(3(g)) (11%), SO(2(g)) (19%), and HNO(3(g)) (12%). The collection efficiency of SO(2(g)) was found to strongly depend on the composition of the denuder solution and was found to be the most quantitative with 5 mM H(2)O(2) solution for mixing ratios as high as 107 ppb. Using a cellulose membrane in the PPWD, the system responded to changes in SO(2(g)) and HNO(3(g)) within an hour, however for NH(3(g)), the timescale can be closer to 20 h. With a nylon membrane, the instrument response time for NH(3(g)) was significantly improved, becoming comparable to the responses for SO(2(g)) and HNO(3(g)). Performance of the AIM-IC for collection and analysis of PM(2.5) was evaluated by generating known number concentrations of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate particles (with an aerodynamic diameter of 300 nm) under laboratory conditions and by comparing AIM-IC measurements to measurements from a collocated Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) during a field-sampling campaign. On average, the AIM-IC and AMS measurements agreed well and captured rapid ambient concentration changes at the same time. In this work we also present a novel inlet configuration and plumbing for the AIM-IC which minimizes sampling inlet losses, reduces peak smearing due to sample carryover, and allows for tower-height sampling from the base of a research tower.  相似文献   

Changes in the fringing coral reef community of a small island (Ko Nok) at Pattaya Bay, Gulf of Thailand, were examined at the beginning and at the end of a 3-year period using 7m×7m permanent quadrats for benthic organisms, and visual census along 100m transects for fish. The coral community was dominated by Porites lutea in terms of colony number and areal cover throughout the period. Variations in the community structure parameters on opposite sides of the island indicated increasing dissimilarity with time. Little variation in live coral cover was noted, but colony number and species diversity declined on both sides. The abundance of edible fish species dropped while that of non-edible species increased over the 3-year period, indicating selective removal of the former category through fishing. Impacts from both human and natural influences are implicated in these changes.  相似文献   

Using observations from two remote sites during July 2004 to March 2005, we show that at Akdala (AKD, 47° 06′ N, 87° 58′ E, 562 m asl) in northern Xinjiang Province, there were high wintertime loadings of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble (WS) ${\rm SO}_{4}^{2-}$ , ${\rm NO}_{3}^{2-}$ , and ${\rm NH}_{4}^{+}$ , which is similar to the general pattern in most areas of China and East Asia. However, at Zhuzhang (ZUZ, 28° 00′ N, 99° 43′ E, 3,583 m asl) in northwestern Yunnan Province, the aerosol concentrations and compositions showed little seasonal variation except for a decreasing trend of OC from August to autumn–winter. Additionally, the OC variations dominated the seasonal variation of PM10 (particles ≤10 μm diameter) level. Chemical characteristics combined with transport information suggested sea salt origin of ionic Na?+?, Mg2?+?, and Cl??? at ZUZ. At AKD, ionic Ca2?+?, Mg2?+?, Na?+?, and Cl??? primarily originated from salinized soil. Furthermore, the WS Ca2?+? contributions (5.4–6%) to the PM10 mass during autumn, winter, and early spring reflected a constant dust component. The results of this study indicated that both sites were regionally representative. However, the representative regions and scales of these background sites may vary seasonally as the regional atmospheric transport patterns change. Seasonal variations in the background aerosol levels from these two areas need to be considered when evaluating the regional climate effects of the aerosols.  相似文献   

This study established a cause–effect relationship between ground-level ozone and latent variables employing partial least-squares analysis at an urban roadside site in four distinct seasons. Two multivariate analytic methods, factor analysis, and cluster analysis were adopted to cite and identify suitable latent variables from 14 observed variables (i.e., meteorological factors, wind and primary air pollutants) in 2008–2010. Analytical results showed that the first six components explained 80.3 % of the variance, and eigenvalues of the first four components were greater than 1. The effectiveness of this model was empirically confirmed with three indicators. Except for surface pressure, factor loadings of observed variables were 0.303–0.910 and reached statistical significance at the 5 % level. Composite reliabilities for latent variables were 0.672–0.812 and average variances were 0.404–0.547, except for latent variable “primary” in spring; thus, discriminant validity and convergent validity were marginally accepted. The developed model is suitable for the assessment of urban roadside surface ozone, considering interactions among meteorological factors, wind factors, and primary air pollutants in each season.  相似文献   

Is identification of seed bank (SB) species useful for sustainable management of vegetation restoration on Cu-contaminated soils? How does Cu contamination of the soil affect the SB and can incorporating compost into Cu-contaminated soils counter the effects of Cu? The topsoil SB was investigated at seven contaminated sub-sites of a wood preservation site. The germination parameters of the seeds were recorded using three substrates: a washed river sand (Sand), the same sand spiked with CuSO4 to reach the same Cu concentrations as in the soil pore water (0.3 to 3.2 mg Cu/L) (Cu), and the same Cu-spiked sand amended with compost (CPM). The total number of germinated seeds (NGS) was 1,081. The whole seedling dataset enabled 12 plant species and eight families to be identified in the SB. Species richness and Shannon indexes were low. The addition of Cu in the germination substrate enhanced total NGS at one sub-site and the addition of CPM increased plant diversity at three sub-sites. SB composition varied with the sub-site but did not correlate with total soil Cu or with the Cu concentration in the soil pore water. Three species belonging to the Poaceae family dominated. In terms of total NGS, the dominant species were Portulaca oleracea and Agrostis capillaris. Similarities between SB and established vegetation were low but increased when the soil bulk density was reduced. The Cu-tolerant species P. oleracea and A. capillaris dominated in both the SB and the established vegetation. However, the pattern of SB and established vegetation differed and consequently SB was not a sufficient indicator to predict the future vegetation.  相似文献   

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