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Six different species of lichens (Parmelia sulcata Tayl., Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach., Ramalina farinacea, Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf., Usnea sp. and Lobaria pulmonaria (Schreb.) Hoffm.) were collected in two mountain valleys in Central Pyrenees: the Aspe and Aragon valleys. Two multivariate techniques have been applied with different purposes, ANOVA and Discriminant Analysis (DA), to evaluate the data. The PAHs spatial distribution was studied in the three more abundant and widespread species in the area: P. sulcata, E. prunastri (L.) Ach. and R. farinacea in terms of total PAHs, PAHs related to the combustion processes and toxicity. Different behaviour of each lichen species to trap PAHs was found, being P. sulcata the best one to monitor the most persistent PAHs of pyrogenic origin and E. prunastri the most appropriate to provide information about pyrogenic and petrogenic PAHs. Traffic was the most relevant influence in PAHs bioaccumulation in lichen species.  相似文献   

Red Sea corals have been found to be biomonitors of trace metal pollution. A comparative study was undertaken on three species from a polluted area near a desalination plant at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and from an unpolluted area. The results show that corals take-up trace elements from their aquatic environment and thereby act to record changes in the composition of that environment. Variations in the composition of skeletons and soft tissues of corals have been correlated with changes in sea water composition. Three coral species, Porites lutea, Goniastrea retiformis and Pocillopora verrucosa have been analysed for Hg, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, V, Al, Cr, Mg, B, Ca, and Sr in both skeletal and soft tissues. Results show that corals in the polluted areas have significantly higher concentrations of trace elements compared to that of corals from unpolluted areas.  相似文献   

The transfer of lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, copper and molybdenum from soil to the tissues of small mammals inhabiting differently polluted areas in Slovenia was investigated. Metals were determined in soil samples and in the livers of 139 individuals of five small mammal species, collected in 2012 in the vicinity of a former lead smelter, the largest Slovenian thermal power plant, along a main road and in a control area. The area in the vicinity of former lead smelter differs considerably from other study areas. The soil from that area is heavily polluted with Pb and Cd. The mean metal concentrations in the liver, irrespective of species, varied in the following ranges—Pb: 0.40–7.40 mg/kg fw and Cd: 0.27–135 mg/kg fw and reached effect concentrations at which toxic effects can be expected in a significant proportion of the livers of the small mammal specimens (Pb 40 %, Cd 67 %). These findings indicate that the majority of small mammals trapped in the area of the former lead smelter are at risk of toxic effects due to the very high bioaccumulation of Pb and Cd in the organism. On the contrary, Pd and Cd concentrations in the livers of small mammals sampled in the vicinity of the thermal power plant and along the main road were comparable with reference values and considerably lower than effect concentrations. Additionally, the study suggests that Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus are very suitable biomonitors of metal pollution.  相似文献   

The results of a biomonitoring survey carried out in the town of Pistoia (central Italy) using the biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and the accumulation of heavy metals in thalli of Parmelia caperata as indicators of air pollution are reported. Compared to previous surveys, the overall situation generally improved, with higher lichen diversity at most stations and lower metal concentrations in P. caperata thalli. However, the general picture according to a calibrated scale of environmental naturality/alteration was substantially negative, with about 87% of the study area classified as `altered' (including the lichen desert) or `semi-altered'. To explain this apparent contradiction, it has been suggested that lichen colonization is determined by declining SO2 concentrations, while major injuries to lichen communities are caused by the constantly high levels of NOX. In spite of the low levels of Pb measured in P. caperata thalli, vehicular traffic was excluded as the main source of atmospheric pollution. Domestic heating seems to be the main cause of changes in the diversity of epiphytic lichens in the study area.  相似文献   

Some higher plant species or varieties are very sensitive to certain gaseous air pollutants, and the resulting effects show sometimes more or less specific, well-visible and measurable symptoms.On this basis several species and varieties of natural and cultivated plants have been selected to serve as biological indicators for the possible presence of certain air polluting substances. But these indicator plants may also be used for the quantitative determination of the effect intensities of the air pollutants involved.Besides, some plant species or varieties may accumulate certain components of air pollution, without changing these substances, in such a way that after accumulation in the plants these substances may be analyzed physicochemically (qualitatively and quantitatively).Definitions are proposed and examples are given of both indicator and accumulator plants. Also information is displayed on the methods for the use of plants as indicators and accumulators of air pollutants (standardized system of plant cultivation and exposure). Some applications of biomonitoring the effects of air pollution with plants are discussed and illustrated with data from The Netherlands.Paper presented at a Symposium held on 14 and 15 October 1982, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Lichens collected in an unpolluted forest (background) in November 2004, transplanted at 41 sampling sites along the Madina-Tetteh Quarshie road, retrieved in February 2005 and analysed were found to contain higher concentrations of Manganese (Mn), Vanadium (V), lead, Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Nickel (Ni) than in the background area. Observations showed that of all the heavy metals studied, Manganese concentrations were highest at all sampling points with maximum values around a traffic light, an intersection and car fitting/mechanic workshops. Significant correlations were found between Ni and Mn, Mn and Cr and Mn and V. Statistical analysis also revealed a relatively even dispersion of the studied elements on the eastern side of the road than on the western side.  相似文献   

The study illustrates the response of epiphytic lichens to changing atmospheric conditions in Central Europe, where the emission of air pollutants has significantly decreased from 1990, in the area in and around Bratislava City. Variation in concentrations of seven metal elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the thalli of Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia sulcata is assessed. Samples of these species were exposed in lichen bags in 39 sites throughout the territory of the city (more than 300 km(2)) during the period December 2006-February 2007. The samples were analyzed by AAS for metal element contents prior to and after exposure. The decrease in air pollution (for all studied elements by more than 90%) corresponded to a decrease in the accumulation of elements in lichen thalli, e.g. the contents of Pb decreased by 69% and of Cd by 34% on average. The results show also variations in accumulation between with different lichen species. The background values of metal element contents in thalli of H. physodes growing in situ were measured in semi-natural sites in Slovakia. It is suggested that these can be used as a reference in large-scale monitoring studies in Central Europe. Analysis of compatible data from the current study, and the study performed at the end of 1990s shows a significant decrease of metal elements in the air pollution load.  相似文献   

突发性大气污染事故调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对突发性大气污染事故带来的环境影响 ,进行大气污染物和生态环境监测调查 ,分析判断所受症状与污染物之间的对应关系 ,并对生态环境调查提出建议  相似文献   

Mosses are used as biomonitors on a regular basis to study trends in the atmospheric deposition of trace elements in Norway. In this paper the analytical scheme used so far, based on a combination of instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrometry (INAA/AAS) is compared with inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-ES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). ICP-ES provided satisfactory data for nearly 20 elements, but detection limits were inadequate for some elements of importance. For ICP-MS quantitative data were obtained for 33 elements including the heavy metals of key interest in air pollution studies. In most cases where comparison was possible the ICP-MS data compared favourably with data obtained by the reference scheme or by ICP-ES. On the basis of this study ICP-MS is considered to be an equivalent alternative to INAA/AAS in multielement studies using mosses as biomonitors. In addition ICP-MS offers some promise for the study of elements such as Be, Ga, Mo, Te, Tl, and Bi, for which very little information exists regarding their behaviour as air pollutants.  相似文献   

The analysis of pollution data was the support for the proposed remodelation of the network and allowed an estimation of the Air Quality evolution since 1968.The most important pollution sources in Oporto area are the motor traffic, one oil refinery and one petrochemical complex.Strong acidity levels are generally small, but black smoke concentrations are similar to that observed in several European cities.The interpretation of the temporal evolution of network yearly averages, is sometimes not reliable, in consequence of not being possible to get the mean validation of every sites for all years.The network should be increased installing stations in the oldest commercial areas where sulfur dioxide, black smoke, nitrogen oxides, hidrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead and ozone should be measured. Sulfur dioxide and black smoke should be measured too, in six more areas of the metropolitan Oporto.  相似文献   

The basic premise underlying the approach presented in the paper is the assumption that humans are unique beings that can evaluate. The environment is described as a system of resources satisfying human needs. The assessment of the effects of environmental pollution derives from the fact that there is, or will be, non-satisfaction of needs resulting from a reduction in environmental resources.  相似文献   

Air pollution due to small scale industries have been found tocause serious occupational health hazards and adverse effects on vegetation and heritage. The study for air pollution impactassessment for brick kiln industries was undertaken. The stackmonitoring exercise was carried out to estimate the pollution level of SPM, SO2, and NOx. The ambient air quality was also measured in the vicinity of brick kilns to assess the impact of stack emission on ground level concentration. Characterisation of SPM for toxic metals were studied. Modelling exercise was carried to predict the impact of emission of brick kiln on surrounding environment. To minimise the emission level and ground level concentration, airpollution mitigation measures are suggested.  相似文献   

The economics of transboundary air pollution in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acid rain is causing substantial damage in all Eastern and Western European countries. This article presents a stepwise linear optimisation model, that places transboundary air pollution by SO2 and NOx in a game theoretical framework. The national authorities of 28 countries are perceived as players in a game in which they can choose optimal strategies. It is illustrated that optimal national abatement programmes may be far from optimal if considered from an international point of view. Several scenarios are discussed, including a reference case, full cooperation, Pareto optimality and a critical loads approach. The need for international cooperation and regional differentiation of abatement programmes is emphasised.  相似文献   

Potential for reducing air pollution from oil refineries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Islamic Republic of Iran has to invest 95 billion US$ for her new oil refineries to the year 2045. At present, the emission factors for CO(2), NO( x ) and SO(2) are 3.5, 4.2 and 119 times higher than British refineries, respectively. In order to have a sustainable development in Iranian oil refineries, the government has to set emission factors of European Community as her goal. At present CO(2) per Gross Domestic Production (GDP) in the country is about 2.7 kg CO(2) as 1995's USD value that should be reduced to 1.25 kg CO(2)/GDP in the year 2015. Total capital investment for such reduction is estimated at 346 million USD which is equal to 23 USD/ton of CO(2). It is evident that mitigation of funds set by Clean Development Mechanism (3 to 7 USD/tons of CO(2)) is well below the actual capital investment needs. Present survey shows that energy efficiency promotion potential in all nine Iranian oil refineries is about 165,677 MWh/year through utilization of more efficient pumps and compressors. Better management of boilers in all nine refineries will lead to a saving of 273 million m(3) of natural gas per year.  相似文献   

For more than 12 years, systematic observations of background air pollution have been carried out in accordance with the WMO Programme using the network of USSR stations located in sparsely populated settlements and in a number of neighbouring cities. The parameters involved include spectral radiation measurements, determination of chemical composition of precipitation and the concentrations of a number of atmospheric pollutants. Analysis of the data obtained allows conclusions to be drawn on the capabilities of the current system and to evaluate methods of improving it.In order to further improve the monitoring system, it is recommended that the system should perform the same observations on air pollution and precipitation as carried out by other international and national programs, and also to create centralized laboratories to deal with the analysis of samples from these monitoring stations. Additionally, solid sorbents are emerging as an effective means of sampling certain air pollutants. They may be sent by post, they increase the accuracy of measurements and allow air sampling intervals of up to 7–10 days, thus synchronizing this period with the interval of precipitation sampling.  相似文献   

Four methods for estimating the uncertainties in air pollution measurements are outlined. The approaches are: analytical solution-approximation; application of distribution theory; experimentation; and simulation. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are illustrated using data from High-Volume air samplers, the instrument most commonly used for monitoring ambient concentrations of airborne particles.Dr Evans is Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Mr Kinney is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Environmental Science and Physiology, Harvard School of Public Health. Dr Cooper is at the Manufacturing Research Laboratory, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY.  相似文献   

Heavy metals released from different sources in urban environment get adsorbed on respirable particulate matter less than 10 μm in size (PM10) and are important from public health point of view causing morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the ambient air quality monitoring was carried out to study the temporal and special pattern in the distribution of PM10 and associated heavy metal content in the atmosphere of Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India during 2001 as well as in 2006. PM10 fraction was observed to exceed the stipulated standards in both years. It was also observed that minimum range of PM10 was observed to be increased in 2006 indicating increase in human activity during nighttime also. Six heavy metals were analyzed and were observed to occur in the order Zn > Fe > Pb > Ni > Cd > Cr in 2006, similar to the trend in other metro cities in India. Lead and Nickel were observed to be within the stipulated standards. Poor correlation coefficient (R 2) between lead and PM10 indicated that automobile exhaust is not the source of metals to air pollution. Commercial and industrial activity as well as geological composition may be the potential sources of heavy metal pollution. Total load of heavy metals was found to be increased in 2006 with prominent increase in zinc, lead, and nickel in the environment. Public health impacts of heavy metals as well as certain preventive measures to mitigate the impact of heavy metals on public health are also summarized.  相似文献   

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