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Forest productivity is strongly affected by seasonal weather patterns and by natural or anthropogenic disturbances. However weather effects on forest productivity are not currently represented in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3 used in national forest C accounting programs. To evaluate different approaches to modelling these effects, a model intercomparison was conducted among CBM-CFS3 and four process models (ecosys, CN-CLASS, Can-IBIS and 3PG) over a 2500 ha landscape in the Oyster River (OR) area of British Columbia, Canada. The process models used local weather data to simulate net primary productivity (NPP), net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and net biome productivity (NBP) from 1920 to 2005. Other inputs used by the process and inventory models were generated from soil, land cover and disturbance records. During a period of intense disturbance from 1928 to 1943, simulated NBP diverged considerably among the models. This divergence was attributed to differences among models in the sizes of detrital and humus C stocks in different soil layers to which a uniform set of soil C transformation coefficients was applied during disturbances. After the disturbance period, divergence in modelled NBP among models was much smaller, and attributed mainly to differences in simulated NPP caused by different approaches to modelling weather effects on productivity. In spite of these differences, age-detrended variation in annual NPP and NEP of closed canopy forest stands was negatively correlated with mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September (Tamax) in all process models (R2 = 0.4-0.6), indicating that these correlations were robust. The negative correlation between Tamax and NEP was attributed to different processes in different models, which were tested by comparing CO2 fluxes from these models with those measured by eddy covariance (EC) under contrasting air temperatures (Ta). The general agreement in sensitivity of annual NPP to Tamax among the process models led to the development of a generalized algorithm for weather effects on NPP of coastal temperate coniferous forests for use in inventory-based models such as CBM-CFS3: NPP′ = NPP − 57.1 (Tamax − 18.6), where NPP and NPP′ are the current and temperature-adjusted annual NPP estimates from the inventory-based model, 18.6 is the long-term mean daily maximum air temperature during July-September, and Tamax is the mean value for the current year. Our analysis indicated that the sensitivity of NPP to Tamax was nonlinear, so that this algorithm should not be extrapolated beyond the conditions of this study. However the process-based methodology to estimate weather effects on NPP and NEP developed in this study is widely applicable to other forest types and may be adopted for other inventory based forest carbon cycle models.  相似文献   

Few researchers have developed large-scale habitat models for sympatric carnivore species. We created habitat models for red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), coyotes (Canis latrans) and bobcats (Lynx rufus) in southern Illinois, USA, using the Penrose distance statistic, remotely sensed landscape data, and sighting location data within a GIS. Our objectives were to quantify and spatially model potential habitat differences among species. Habitat variables were quantified for 1-km2 buffered areas around mesocarnivore sighting locations. Following variable reduction procedures, five habitat variables (percentage of grassland patches, interspersion–juxtaposition of forest patches, mean fractal dimension of wetland patches and the landscape, and road density) were used for analysis. Only one variable differed (P < 0.05) between red fox and coyote sighting areas (road density) and bobcat and coyote sighting areas (mean fractal dimension of the landscape). However, all five variables differed between red fox and bobcat sighting areas, indicating considerable differences in habitat affiliation between this pair-group. Compared to bobcats, red fox sightings were affiliated with more grassland cover and larger grassland patches, higher road densities, lower interspersion and juxtaposition of forest patches, and lower mean fractal dimension of wetland patches. These differences can be explained by different life history requirements relative to specific cover types. We then used the Penrose distance statistic to create habitat models for red foxes and bobcats, respectively, based on the five-variable dataset. An independent set of sighting locations were used to validate these models; model fit was good with 65% of mesocarnivore locations within the top 50% of Penrose distance values. In general, red foxes were affiliated with mixtures of agricultural and grassland cover, whereas bobcats were associated with a combination of grassland, wetland, and forest cover. The greatest habitat overlap between red foxes and bobcats was found at the interface between forested areas and more open cover types. Our study provides insight into habitat overlap among sympatric mesocarnivores, and the distance-based modelling approach we used has numerous applications for modelling wildlife–habitat relationships over large scales.  相似文献   

Forest growth simulators go beyond a mere tabulation of empirical measurements by employing biometric models that functionally describe the dependence of forest growth of the initial forest structure, growth conditions and management regime. This makes them very flexible and allows predicting growth reactions for unknown and/or complex forest growth scenarios. When simulation outcomes are to be used in silvicultural strategic planning, the results are of direct and delicate importance, and the correct simulator performance must be ascertained. This is especially so when the considered forest situation differs from the forest data used to parameterise the model (e.g. different geographical region).In this article, the forest growth simulator SILVA (version 2.2) was validated for 55 long-term experimental plots of mature mixed Silver fir–Norway spruce stands in southwest Germany (Picea abies, Abies alba). The evaluation was restricted to the upper canopy trees during the survey period 1989–2004. Following the general evaluation criteria for ecological models from [Vanclay, J.K., Skovsgaard, J.P., 1997. Evaluating forest growth models. Ecol. Mod. 98, 1–12], a specific methodology was developed to evaluate the simulated height and diameter growth on the basis of forest growth principles.The qualitative analysis proved the SILVA growth algorithms to be in accordance with physiologically based standard growth equations. The quantitative evaluation was limited by incomplete knowledge of the site conditions. To overcome this problem, the experimental plots were regarded as a “heterogeneous growth series” which allows analysing the growth behaviour in a more general way. It could be shown that for the given data set, the SILVA simulations produced an overestimation of height growth (median: +61% spruce, +12% fir), and an underestimation of diameter growth and competition sensitivity (median: ?16% spruce, ?70% fir). The errors partially compensated in the volume growth resulting in an overall over-/underestimation of +9% for spruce and ?58% for fir (median).The unbalanced height and diameter growth cannot be compensated by a change in the site conditions because this affects both height and diameter growth either positive or negative. Hence, an adjustment of selected parameterisation values appears to offer the best solution to adapt SILVA to the considered forest situation. This approach of adaptive parameterisation is discussed against a more general background of deductive vs. inductive forest growth modelling.  相似文献   

Species distribution models have often been developed based on ecological data. To develop reliable data-driven models, however, a sound model training and evaluation procedures are needed. A crucial step in these procedures is the assessment of the model performance, with as key component the applied performance criterion. Therefore, we reviewed seven performance criteria commonly applied in presence-absence modelling (the correctly classified instances, Kappa, sensitivity, specificity, the normalised mutual information statistic, the true skill statistic and the odds ratio) and analysed their application in both the model training and evaluation process. Although estimates of predictive performance have been used widely to assess final model quality, a systematic overview was missing because most analyses of performance criteria have been empirical and only focused on specific aspects of the performance criteria. This paper provides such an overview showing that different performance criteria evaluate a model differently and that this difference may be explained by the dependency of these criteria on the prevalence of the validation set. We showed theoretically that these prevalence effects only occur if the data are inseparable by an n-dimensional hyperplane, n being the number of input variables. Given this inseparability, different performance criteria focus on different aspects of model performance during model training, such as sensitivity, specificity or predictive accuracy. These findings have important consequences for ecological modelling because ecological data are mostly inseparable due to data noise and the complexity of the studied system. Consequently, it should be very clear which aspect of the model performance is evaluated, and models should be evaluated consistently, that is, independent of, or taking into account, species prevalence. The practical implications of these findings are clear. They provide further insight into the evaluation of ecological presence/absence models and attempt to assist modellers in their choice of suitable performance criteria.  相似文献   

The impact of 2 × CO2 driven climate change on radial growth of boreal tree species Pinus banksiana Lamb., Populus tremuloides Michx. and Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP growing in the Duck Mountain Provincial Forest of Manitoba (DMPF), Canada, is simulated using empirical and process-based model approaches. First, empirical relationships between growth and climate are developed. Stepwise multiple-regression models are conducted between tree-ring growth increments (TRGI) and monthly drought, precipitation and temperature series. Predictive skills are tested using a calibration–verification scheme. The established relationships are then transferred to climates driven by 1× and 2 × CO2 scenarios using outputs from the Canadian second-generation coupled global climate model. Second, empirical results are contrasted with process-based projections of net primary productivity allocated to stem development (NPPs). At the finest scale, a leaf-level model of photosynthesis is used to simulate canopy properties per species and their interaction with the variability in radiation, temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Then, a top-down plot-level model of forest productivity is used to simulate landscape-level productivity by capturing the between-stand variability in forest cover. Results show that the predicted TRGI from the empirical models account for up to 56.3% of the variance in the observed TRGI over the period 1912–1999. Under a 2 × CO2 scenario, the predicted impact of climate change is a radial growth decline for all three species under study. However, projections obtained from the process-based model suggest that an increasing growing season length in a changing climate could counteract and potentially overwhelm the negative influence of increased drought stress. The divergence between TRGI and NPPs simulations likely resulted, among others, from assumptions about soil water holding capacity and from calibration of variables affecting gross primary productivity. An attempt was therefore made to bridge the gap between the two modelling approaches by using physiological variables as TRGI predictors. Results obtained in this manner are similar to those obtained using climate variables, and suggest that the positive effect of increasing growing season length would be counteracted by increasing summer temperatures. Notwithstanding uncertainties in these simulations (CO2 fertilization effect, feedback from disturbance regimes, phenology of species, and uncertainties in future CO2 emissions), a decrease in forest productivity with climate change should be considered as a plausible scenario in sustainable forest management planning of the DMPF.  相似文献   

Several studies have proven the importance of field margins in sustaining biodiversity and other work has been done on the effect of field management on field margin flora. However few models have been built to predict the effects of field management on the flora. Our project addresses this need for a model capable of predicting the effect of cropping techniques and their timing on the flora of field margins. Primula vulgaris is a biodiversity indicator, characteristic of undisturbed flora and found in field margins and woodlands: its population has been declining for several years. We created a temporal matrix model of P. vulgaris populations on field margins, taking into account the effects of field, field margin and roadside management based on literature and expert knowledge. We then analysed its sensitivity to demographic parameters by comparing lambda (growth rate) sensitivity and elasticity. We compared the management parameter effect using the relative growth rate of the population after 6 years of simulation. Sensitivity analysis to biological parameters showed the importance of adult survival and seed production and germination. Results show that P. vulgaris is particularly sensitive to broad-spectrum herbicides and that other management techniques like early mowing, scything and scrub-killer (diluted broad-spectrum herbicide or specific herbicide) are less aggressive. Our simulations show that management of cash crops in Brittany is too aggressive for P. vulgaris populations and that 4-5 years of grassland in the adjacent field are necessary to maintain populations.  相似文献   

The persistence of species in reserves depends in large part on the persistence of functional ecological interactions. Despite their importance, however, ecological interactions have not yet been explicitly incorporated into conservation prioritization methods. We develop here a general method for incorporating consumer–resource interactions into spatial reserve design. This method protects spatial consumer–resource interactions by protecting areas that maintain the connectivity between the distribution of consumers and resources. We illustrate our method with a conservation planning case study of a mammalian predator, American marten (Martes americana), and its two primary prey species, Red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus) and Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). The conservation goal was to identify a reserve for marten that comprised 12% of a forest management unit in the boreal forest in Québec, Canada. We compared reserves developed using analysis variants that utilized different levels of information about predator and prey habitat distributions, species-specific connectivity requirements, and interaction connectivity requirements. The inclusion of consumer–resource interactions in reserve-selection resulted in spatially aggregated reserves that maintained local habitat quality for the species. This spatial aggregation was not induced by applying a qualitative penalty for the boundary length of the reserve, but rather was a direct consequence of modelling the spatial needs of the interacting consumer and resources. Our method for maintaining connectivity between consumers and their resources within reserves can be applied even under the most extreme cases of either complete spatial overlap or complete spatial segregation of consumer–resource distributions. The method has been made available via public software.  相似文献   

In the past 35 years, various kinds of dynamic models have been used to study vegetation development during primary or secondary succession. Typically, one specific model or models with the same conceptual background were employed. It remains largely unknown to what extent such model-based findings, e.g., on the speed of succession, depend on the specific model approach.To address this issue, we estimated the time elapsing during secondary succession in subalpine conifer forests of the Swiss National Park using three models of different conceptual background: (i) a forest gap model, (ii) a Markov chain model, and (iii) a minimum spanning tree model.Starting from a 95- to 125-year-old mountain pine (Pinus montana Miller) forest, all three models predicted a similar successional development. Even though the forest gap model and the Markov chain model are based on totally different approaches and were calibrated using different data sets, they both forecasted that it would take 500–550 years to reach a late-successional forest stage. The minimum spanning tree model, which only reveals a certain number of time steps yielding a minimum time estimate, showed a development of tree density (stems/ha) that was similar to the results of the forest gap model, but a strict quantitative comparison is not feasible.Our study shows that modeling forest development using three different approaches is quite powerful to obtain a robust estimate of the speed of forest succession. In our case, this estimate is higher than what has been suggested in previous studies that investigated secondary forest succession. The use of several approaches allows for a more comprehensive analysis in terms of variables covered (e.g., relative forest cover in the Markov approach vs. stand-scale species composition in the forest gap model). We recommend that in studies focusing on the speed of succession, several models should be employed simultaneously to identify inconsistencies in our knowledge and to increase confidence in the results.  相似文献   

A model is presented to predict sanitary felling of Norway spruce (Picea abies) due to spruce bark beetles (Ips typographus, Pityogenes chalcographus) in Slovenia according to different climate change scenarios. The model incorporates 21 variables that are directly or indirectly related to the dependent variable, and that can be arranged into five groups: climate, forest, landscape, topography, and soil. The soil properties are represented by 8 variables, 4 variables define the topography, 4 describe the climate, 4 define the landscape, and one additional variable provides the quantity of Norway spruce present in the model cell. The model was developed using the M5′ model tree. The basic spatial unit of the model is 1 km2, and the time resolution is 1 year. The model evaluation was performed by three different measures: (1) the correlation coefficient (51.9%), (2) the Theil's inequality coefficient (0.49) and (3) the modelling efficiency (0.32). Validation of the model was carried out by 10-fold cross-validation. The model tree consists of 28 linear models, and model was calculated for three different climate change scenarios extending over a period until 2100, in 10-year intervals. The model is valid for the entire area of Slovenia; however, climate change projections were made only for the Maribor region (596 km2). The model assumes that relationships among the incorporated factors will remain unchanged under climate change, and the influence of humans was not taken into account. The structure of the model reveals the great importance of landscape variables, which proved to be positively correlated with the dependent variable. Variables that describe the water regime in the model cell were also highly correlated with the dependent variable, with evapotranspiration and parent material being of particular importance. The results of the model support the hypothesis that bark beetles do greater damage to Norway spruce artificially planted out of its native range in Slovenia, i.e., lowlands and soils rich in N, P, and K. The model calculation for climate change scenarios in the Maribor region shows an increase in sanitary felling of Norway spruce due to spruce bark beetles, for all scenarios. The model provides a path towards better understanding of the complex ecological interactions involved in bark beetle outbreaks. Potential application of the results in forest management and planning is discussed.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization and winter pruning are commonly used to control crop production in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] orchards. They are also known to affect the dynamics of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) aphid populations via bottom-up regulation processes. Interactions between crops and pests can cause complex system behaviour in response to management practices. An integrated approach will therefore improve the understanding of the effects of these two cultural practices on aphid and peach performances.We developed a simulation model that describes the cultural control of interacting peach tree and aphid population dynamics. It uses the principles of common trophic models while gathering available knowledge and explicit assumptions on peach and aphid functioning and the effects of cultural practices.The model was able to qualitatively reproduce the system behaviour observed in the field. It accounted for actions and feedback such as stimulation of foliar growth by winter pruning, consecutive aphid population increase, subsequent damage to foliage, and partial compensatory growth of foliage. The model also reproduced low losses in fruit production due to aphid infestations. However, it called for further integration of ‘long-term’ effects. Analysis of the model showed the complexity of peach tree and aphid responses to leaf N × winter pruning interactions. Simulations indicated that fruit production losses remained low within a range of realistic values of leaf N and pruning intensity, whereas manipulating peach and aphid dynamics, their interactions and their relationships to practices could result in higher losses.The model is useful to evaluate the relevance of cultural practices for a bottom-up regulation of aphid dynamics in crop-pest management. After considering other control methods and fruit quality, it can be used to find a combination of practices that optimises trade-offs between fruit production and environmental conservation goals. A modelling approach that links crop growth and pest population dynamics and integrates management practice effects has strong potential for improving crop-pest management in an integrated crop production context.  相似文献   

More complex models of forest ecosystems are required to understand how land-cover changes can impact vegetation dynamics and spatial pattern. In order to document spatio-temporal modelling abilities, the observations conducted in the declined climax mountain Norway spruce forest during the recovery period (1995-2006) are used for simulation and spatial analysis in the GIS environment. The developed spatio-temporal model is used for simulation of forest vegetation dynamics in a mountain spruce forest in the framework of regeneration processes after stress from air pollution. In order to explore the spatial and temporal phenomena of regeneration processes, the spatio-temporal model is based on a large set of ordinary differential equations that solve dynamic processes in sets of microsites arranged in grids for each ground vegetation species and each age group of Norway spruce seedlings. The spatial extent of the explored site is composed of a set of 50 × 50 microsites. Each microsite is represented by a square with dimensions of 1 m × 1 m. The presented simulation studies are mainly focused on seedlings from the seed year 1992, in order to explore the longest monitored time series of survival. It is based on exponential growth models that are related to the environmental conditions for each microsite. The canopy gaps based on estimates of the local crown projected area, the soil type layer, and the dominant grass density are used to provide case simulation studies. The first case study simulates the influence of microsite positions in relation to the local tree crown projections on the survival of spruce seedlings. It is assumed that the density of the trees is the main factor that determines the light and heat supply to the ground level of the Norway spruce seedlings. The second case study extends the previous study to include terms that determine the growth ratio in dependence on the crown projection area. The third case study provides further extensions in order to simulate growth ratio relations to the local soil type. The fourth case study demonstrates the local influence of the dominant grasses, such as Avenella flexuosa and Calamagrostis villosa, on the natural regeneration of Norway spruce. Starting from the conditions at the sites before the recovery period, the case simulation studies are able to project the short-term succession for a regeneration decade and the approximate long-term development. In addition to the standard simulation procedures based on solution of ordinary differential equations, spatio-temporal modelling in the GIS environment is able to provide spatial data management, analysis and visualization of the data.  相似文献   

Two types of demographic analyses, perturbation analysis and uncertainty analysis, can be conducted to gain insights about matrix population models and guide population management. Perturbation analysis studies how the perturbation of demographic parameters (survival, growth, and reproduction parameters) may affect the population projection, while uncertainty analysis evaluates how much uncertainty there is in population dynamic predictions and where the uncertainty comes from. Previously, both perturbation analysis and uncertainty analysis were conducted on the long-term population growth rate. However, the population may not reach its equilibrium state, especially when there is management by harvesting or hunting. Recently, there has been an increased interest in short-term transient dynamics, which can differ from asymptotic long-term dynamics. There are currently techniques to conduct perturbation analyses of short-term transient dynamics, but no techniques have been proposed for uncertainty analysis of such dynamics. In this study, we introduced an uncertainty analysis technique, the general Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST), to study uncertainties in transient population dynamics. The general FAST is able to identify the amount of uncertainty in transient dynamics and contributions by different demographic parameters. We applied the general FAST to a mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) matrix population model to give a clear illustration of how uncertainty analysis can be conducted for transient dynamics arising from matrix population models.  相似文献   

Most fish farming waste output models provide gross waste rates as a function of stocked or produced biomass for a year or total culture cycle, but without contemplating the temporality of the discharges. This work aims to ascertain the temporal pattern of waste loads by coupling available growth and waste production models and developing simulation under real production rearing conditions, considering the overlapping of batches and management of stocks for three widely cultured species in the Mediterranean Sea: gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). For a similar annual biomass production, the simulations showed that waste output and temporal dumping patterns differ between the three species as a result of the disparities in growth velocity, nutrient digestibility, maintenance metabolic budget and husbandry. The simulations allowed the temporal patterns including the periods of maximum discharge and the dissolved and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus content in the wastes released to be determined, both of which were seen to be species-specific.  相似文献   

The modelling of processes that occur in landscapes is often confronted to issues related to the representation of space and the difficulty of properly handling time and multiple scales. In order to investigate these issues, a flexible modelling environment is required. We propose to develop such a tool based on a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that capitalises on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm. The modelling framework around the DSL is composed of a model building environment, a code generator and compiler, and a program execution platform. The DSL introduces five language elements (entity, service, relation, scenario and datafacer) that can be combined to offer a wide range of possibilities for modelling in space and time at different scales. When developing a model, model parts are either built using the DSL or taken from libraries of previously built ones, and adapted to the specific model. The practical usage of the DSL is illustrated first with the Lotka–Volterra model, and then with a landscape modelling experiment on the spread of a mosquito-borne disease in the Sahelian region of West Africa. An interesting characteristic of this approach is the possibility of adding new elements into an existing model, and replacing others with more appropriate ones, thus allowing potentially complex models to be built from simpler parts.  相似文献   

Coastal swamps are among the rapidly vanishing wetland habitats in Louisiana. Increased flooding, nutrient and sediment deprivation, and salt-water intrusion have been implicated as probable causes of the decline of coastal swamps. We developed a two-species individual-based forest succession model to compare the growth and composition of a cypress-tupelo swamp under various combinations of flooding intensity and salinity levels, using historical time-series of stage and salinity data as inputs. Our model simulates forest succession over 500 years by representing the growth, mortality, and reproduction of individual Taxodium distichum (baldcypress) and Nyssa aquatica (water tupelo) trees in a 1-km2 spatial grid of 10 m × 10 m cells that vary in water levels and salinity through differences in elevation. We independently adjusted the elevations of each cell to obtain different grid-wide mean elevations and standard deviations of elevation; this affected the temporal and spatial pattern of flooding. We calibrated the model by adjusting selected parameters until averaged basal area, stem density and wood production rates under two different mean elevations (partially versus highly flooded) were qualitatively similar to comparable values reported for swamps in the literature. Corroboration involved comparing model predictions to four well-monitored contrasting habitat sites within the Maurepas Basin, Louisiana, USA. Model predictions of both species combined showed the same patterns among sites as the data, but the model overestimated wood production and the dominance of T. distichum. Exploratory simulations predicted that increased flooding leads to swamps with reduced basal areas and stem densities, while increased salinity resulted in lower basal areas at low salinity concentration (∼1-3 psu) and complete tree mortality at higher salinity concentrations (∼2-6 psu). Our model can provide insight into the succession dynamics of coastal swamps and information for the effective design of restoration actions.  相似文献   

Toona ciliata Roem. (Australian red cedar) requires a nurse-tree overstory to prevent damage from drought and irradiation in some regions of north-eastern Argentina. T. ciliata was planted in the understory of Pinus taeda L. (625 stems/ha), Pinus elliottii Engelm. × Pinus caribaea Morelet (625 stems/ha), and Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. (833 stems/ha) nurse trees, which were thinned to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the initial densities. We measured initial T. ciliata mortality and growth as well as Leaf Area Index (LAI) based on light transmission. T. ciliata soil water availability and its effect on early growth and mortality were examined by modelling drought stress using the two-dimensional forest hydrology model ForWaDy. Simulated patterns in T. ciliata water stress for the different overstory treatments were consistent with observed patterns of mortality. Early mortality was lowest with a G. robusta overstory, with corresponding lowest drought stress values and high modelled soil water contents in the top soil layer in intermediate and high overstory densities. Mortality was highest with a P. elliottii × P. caribaea overstory in treatments with the highest modelled drought stress values in the most open treatments. The model supported our field observations by indicating that water stress was an important limitation to T. ciliata survival and growth on our study sites. The linkage between T. ciliata establishment success, early growth and soil water availability as indicated by ForWaDy, leads us to conclude that the model is a suitable stand management tool for guiding establishment of T. ciliata plantations.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Increasing background concentrations of ground-level tropospheric ozone and more frequent and prolonged summer drought incidences due to climate change are supposed to increase the stress on Bavarian forests. For such scenarios growth reduction and yield losses are predicted. Sustainable forest management in Bavaria aims to significantly increase the proportion of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) because of its broad ecological amplitude. In our regional study different approaches for calculating ozone impact were used to estimate the risks for Bavarian forests in the average climatic, rather moist year 2002 and the extremely dry year 2003.Materials and methods Measurements were conducted for eleven forest ecosystem sites and two forest research sites representing typical Bavarian forest stands under different climatic conditions and situated in different altitudes. For risk assessment currently used approaches were applied either based on the calculation of the cumulative ozone exposure (external dose; MPOC maximal permitted ozone concentration; critical level AOT40phen? accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 nl [O3] l–1, for the effective phenolgy of beech) or based on the calculation of the phytomedically relevant ozone flux into the stomata (internal dose, critical level AFst>1,6, accumulated stomatal flux above a flux threshold of 1.6 nmol O3?m–2 PLA; PLA = projected leaf area). For calculations continuously recorded ozone concentrations and meteorological and phenological data from nearby rural open field background measuring stations from the national air pollution control and from forested sites were used. Additionally ozone induced leaf symptoms were assessed.Results The exposure-based indices AOT40phen and MPOC as well as the flux-based index AFst>1.6suggest that Bavarian forests are at risk from O3 during a rather moist average year concerning climate conditions (2002) as well as in an extreme dry year (2003). Thus, growth reductions of 5?% are predicted when thresholds are exceeded. Threshold exceedance occurred in both years at all plots, mostly already at the beginning of the growing season and often even many times over. Ozone induced leaf symptoms could be detected only on a few plots in a very slight occurrence.Discussion The results for the applied critical level indices differed depending on climatic conditions during the growing seasons: Regarding exposure-based indices, the highest degree of threshold exceedance occurred in the dry year of 2003 at all plots; the flux-based approach indicated the highest stomatal ozone uptake and thus an increased risk at moist sites or during humid years, whereas the risk was decreasing at dry sites with prolonged water limitation. Hence, soil and accordingly plant water availability was the decisive factor for the flux-modelled internal ozone uptake via stomata. Drought and increased ozone impact can generate synergistic, but also antagonistic effects for forest trees. At water limited rather dry forest sites restricted transpiration and thus production, but concurrently lower ozone uptake and reduced risk for damage can be expected.Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives For realistic site-specific risk assessment in forest stands the determination of the internal ozone dose via modeling flux based internal stomatal ozone uptake is more appropriate than the calculation of the external ozone dose. The predicted 5?% growth reductions are in discrepancy with the frequently observed increment increase during the last decades in forest stands. Comprehensive and significant statistical verification for ozone induced forest growth reduction as well as the systematic validation of thresholds for ozone in the field is still lacking. However, a multiplicity of different specific new and retrospective growth analysis data should allow closing the gap. Moreover, the determination of canopy transpiration with sap flow measurements is a novel approach to provide cause-effect related, site specific results for the effective internal ozone dose as well as for canopy water supply and consecutively for regional risk estimation. A further future objective is the refinement of O3 flux modelling by further consideration of soil/water budget characteristics and the above mentioned improved estimations of crown and canopy transpiration. Further, the introduction of threshold ranges for forest trees in view of their specific regional climatic conditions and their validation in real forest stands is necessary for developing meaningful ozone risk predictions for forests.  相似文献   

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