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固体废物全过程管理中固体废物鉴别研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对固体废物应进行全过程管理,固体废物鉴别是固体废物全过程管理的基础和关键,包括依据产生来源鉴别和过程鉴别两种方法,依据产生来源鉴别包括丧失原有利用价值的物质、在生产过程中产生的副产物、环境治理和污染控制过程中产生的物质、其他物质四类,在每一类中详细地列举了属于该产生来源的具体固体废物种类名称,便于理解和增强可操作性。过程鉴别包括在固体废物再生利用过程和处置过程中的固体废物鉴别两类,其中在再生利用过程的固体废物鉴别中明确指出了固体废物再生利用产物只有同时满足产品质量标准要求、国家污染控制标准要求以及有实际市场需求、固定用户等条件时,才不作为固体废物管理,在处置过程的固体废物鉴别中具体地列出了处置固体废物全过程中仍然作为固体废物管理的国际惯用处置方式。同时,给出了清晰的"原料—产品—固体废物—处置或产品"全过程中固体废物的产生节点和相应的固体废物类别图,为固体废物鉴别工作提供参考,使固体废物全过程管理有的放矢,有效防止固体废物对环境和人体健康造成的危害。  相似文献   

本文对美国油气田钻井固体废物和含油污泥废物的属性判断、处理处置方式、钻井固体废物和含油污泥的去向进行介绍,体现了美国对钻井固体废物和含油污泥处理处置的灵活多样性,这对我国钻井固体废物和含油污泥的处理处置管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,固体废物对环境的污染问题也日益增多。由于固体废物的产生和排放存在一定的必然性.而且其作为各种污染物终态,种类繁多,成份复杂,极易进人大气、水体和土壤中,参与生态系统的物质循环,因此.具有潜在的、长期的危害性。固体废物的上述特点,决定了从其产生到运输、处理、处置、贮存等环节都必须妥善控制,以减小其对环境的破坏。固体废物的管理工作,由于在较长的一段时间内.没有一个适用的法律来规范,使基层环保部门在固体废物管理问题上无从人手.造成固体废物的环境污染基本处于放任自流的状态。一些城市虽然已…  相似文献   

固体废物主要指工业固体废物、城市生活垃圾。其中还包括有毒有害的危险废物。解决固体废物问题最好的方式就是避免产生废物,但有些废物的产生又是不可避免的,因此就必须寻求资源化途径和研究无害于环境的处理处置技术,遵循对固体废物实施减量化、资源无害化的原则,对...  相似文献   

生命周期评价是评价产品、工艺或活动(服务)整个生命周期阶段有关环境负荷,进而辨识和评价减少环境影响机会的一种非常有用的工具。将生命周期评价应用于固体废物环境管理,无疑对于我国建立科学化的固体废物环境管理模式具有十分重要的作用。本文对生命周期评价的定义、主要阶段、应用工具、特点进行了阐述,并对生命周期评价如何应用于我国固体废物环境管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

工业园区内企业众多,副产品和固体废物排放量大,生产过程也复杂,采用生命周期对固体废物进行管理显得也复杂很多。该文从构建工业园区固体废物生命周期管理边界模型出发,并以电子信息产业园区为例,试着将固体废物与不同的企业或生产过程紧密耦合,构建可行的较稳定的生命周期管理边界模型。  相似文献   

第五届固体废物管理与技术国际会议日前召开。我国每年产生工业固体废物约15亿吨、工业危险废物约1000万吨、城市生活垃圾约1.484亿吨。固体废物管理将进一步完善固体废物管理法规、标准和制度建设,形成长效管理机制;加快基础设施建设和管理,尽快形成固体废物无害化处置能力;加强固体废物监督管理工作,重心下移,监管到位。  相似文献   

核事故与放射性废物安全管理是核电可持续发展的两大制约因素。本文针对目前核电厂面临的积存的低中放固体废物超出暂存库设计容量和时间的困境,分析核电持续发展带来的放射性固体废物的处置需求和放射性风险,深入探讨了我国低中放固体废物处置现状和存在的问题,认为问题存在的深层原因主要是废物处置责任划分不明确、核电发展与放射性废物管理的国家职能存在割离,在此基础上提出加快出台放射性固体废物处置选址规划、建立独立的放射性固体废物贮存和处置公司、建立和完善放射性废物管理基金制度等政策建议。  相似文献   

2015年7月,国务院印发《关于积极推进"互联网+"行动的指导意见》,鼓励利用物联网、大数据开展信息采集、数据分析、流向监测,跟踪废物流向,创新再生资源回收模式。我国固体废物种类多、数量大,部分废物具有一定的综合利用价值。从环境风险角度来看,需要关注固体废物生产、转移、利用、处置等多个环节,一直是环境管理的难点。但以大数据和云计算为代表的新技术为推动固体废物有效利用、提升环境风险防控能力提供了可能。文章介绍了新加坡利用大数据关联模型分析技术开展共生产业园区规划和建设,以及江苏省利用大数据和物联网技术开展危险废物转移动态监管的案例,分析了大数据应用在固体废物管理方面的优势和存在的挑战,为固体废物管理大数据建设提出了初步设想。未来固体废物大数据的建设应围绕《土壤污染防治行动计划》,首先要服务社会,实现数据共享和信息公开;其次要服务于日常管理,固体废物管理部门可以通过大数据应用辅助决策,落实简政放权,实现智慧管理;再次要服务于环境应急,通过对固体废物全生命周期的数据实时采集和动态分析,整合应急资源,服务应急救援。  相似文献   

在对国内兰炭生产工艺流程应用及现状介绍的基础上,概括总结了旧式低温干馏阶段和现阶段兰炭生产过程中固体废物的产生节点、种类、性质和主要处置方式。结果表明,旧式低温干馏阶段,兰炭生产过程中产生的固体废物主要包括煤筛分破碎工序产生的末煤和煤矸石、筛焦工序产生的焦粉、焦油冷却收集系统产生的焦油渣等;现阶段,兰炭生产过程中产生的固体废物主要包括煤筛分破碎工序产生的末煤和煤矸石以及破碎过程中经除尘器收集的煤尘、筛焦工序产生的焦粉、废水处理污泥、焦油冷却收集系统产生的焦油渣、脱硫工序产生的脱硫残液等。其中末煤、煤矸石、煤尘、焦粉作为一般工业固废全部综合利用,废水污泥、焦油渣、脱硫残液主要掺入原料煤中自行消化处置。  相似文献   

Solid waste is of serious concern in developing countries because of its high rate of generation and the low‐end quality of its management. Inefficient handling of solid wastes may result in deterioration of environmental quality, but it can also result in loss of potential resources. This study reviews current solid waste generation and management in Nigeria and the need for an effective collection, recovery, and recycling policy. Our review is based on literature searches and personal field surveys. Observations showed that uncontrolled electronic waste (e‐waste), agricultural‐waste (agro‐waste), scrap metals, waste polymers, and waste from the transportation sector are prevalent in Nigeria. Recent collection rates were less than 50% of the total solid waste generated (i.e., approximately 40% was collected). With an effective collection system and appropriate policies, the abundance of solid waste in the country could present material recovery and recycling opportunities that would boost the economy and move Nigeria closer to sustainable resource management.  相似文献   

高校实验室污染现状调查及排污管理方案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某高校各实验室污染现状进行调查分析。结果表明,在所调查的16个院系中,12个院系其下属实验室存在污染物的排放,比例为75%;污染物涉及废气、废液、固体废物、噪音,其中废液与固体废物的排放量合计约11.09t/a;危险废物占国家危险废物名录所认定的47大类中的28类,比例高达59、6%。针对实验室排污的基本情况及特点,提出了“源头控制、分类收集、定点贮存、合理处置”的实验室排污管理方案。  相似文献   

Industrial and medical wastes constitute a larger part on what is known as ‘hazardous wastes’. The production of these wastes is and will continue to be an on going phenomenon as long as human civilization persists. The health impacts of direct and indirect exposure to hazardous wastes include carcinogenic effects, reproductive system damage, respiratory effects, central nervous system effects, and many others. Today, many developed countries have legal provisions with regard to proper management of hazardous wastes. Tanzania, like many developing countries, has little emphasis on the proper handling and disposal of hazardous wastes. There is a serious inadequacy in handling industrial and medical solid wastes in the Dar es Salaam City. Improper waste deposition is increasingly becoming a potential public health risk and an environmental burden. Due to poor control of waste, industrialists and hospital owners are not well checked on how they handle and dispose of the wastes they produce with the result that many hazardous wastes reach the Vingunguti dumpsite without notice. Data on waste generation in Dar es Salaam is also inadequate, making it difficult to plan an efficient solid waste system. Promotion of public awareness, legislation and regulations enforcement and establishment of a proper sanitary landfill are considered to be principal remedial measures to ensure sound environmental maintenance. This paper summarizes the findings of the study on the practices of industrial and medical waste management in Dar es Salaam. The author aims to express the inadequacy in hazardous waste management and suggests possible measures to be applied in order to rectify the situation.  相似文献   

工业固废的妥善处置是我国经济实现可持续健康发展不可回避的重要环境问题之一。要保证工业固废最优的资源化利用和规范处置,确保管理部门对此过程中各责任主体的有效监控,需要确保工业固废利用处置与管理中的各类相关信息及时准确的被掌握。本文明晰了工业固废处置管理过程中各责任主体在信息采集流动中的责任与义务,各类相关信息在信息系统中流动的情况,为构建一个理想的工业固废处置与管理信息系统提供了一些基础条件。  相似文献   

Pistachio processing wastes create significant waste management problems unless properly managed. However, there are not well-established methods to manage the waste generated during the processing of pistachios. Anaerobic digestion can be an attractive option not only for the management of pistachio processing wastes but also producing renewable energy in the form of biogas. This study investigated anaerobic digestibility and biogas production potential of pistachio de-hulling waste from wet de-hulling process. Best to our knowledge, this is the first report on biogas production from pistachio de-hulling waste. The results indicated that (1) anaerobic digestion of pistachio de-hulling wastewater, solid waste, and their mixtures in different ratios is possible with varying levels of performance; (2) 1 L of de-hulling wastewater (chemical oxygen demand concentration of 30 g/L) produced 0.7 L of methane; (3) 1 L of de-hulling wastewater and 20 g of pistachio de-hulling solid waste produced 1.25 L of methane; and (4) 1 g of de-hulling solid waste produced 62.6 mL of methane (or 134 mL of biogas).  相似文献   

In Mauritius, solid waste disposal has been a cause for concern since the 1980s. Currently, there is no segregation of waste and some 1200 tonnes of solid waste are generated daily by the 1.24 million inhabitants of the island. As processes such as recycling and composting are still in their infancy stage, most of the waste generated have to be disposed of at the sole landfill. The solid waste management practices of 1980s and early 1990s are no longer compatible with the changing composition and quantity of wastes now generated. As a result, there is an urgency to review the whole waste management system and come forward with sustainable solutions.This paper presents an overview of the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste in Mauritius and provides recommendations for improving the current disposal system.  相似文献   

通过厘清固体废物、危险废物、副产物等的概念,分析上述物质及副产品的特性,阐述危险废物和副产品间的转换关系,从适用标准、企业实例两方面入手分析危险废物和副产品该如何界定,着重分析副产品在生产管理过程中的关注点,以期为生产企业及行政管理部门的固废管理工作提供参考.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hospital waste management practices used by eight randomly selected hospitals located in Damanhour City of El-Beheira Governorate and determined the total daily generation rate of their wastes. Physico-chemical characteristics of hospital wastes were determined according to standard methods. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire to collect information about the practices related to waste segregation, collection procedures, the type of temporary storage containers, on-site transport and central storage area, treatment of wastes, off-site transport, and final disposal options. This study indicated that the quantity of medical waste generated by these hospitals was 1.249 tons/day. Almost two-thirds was waste similar to domestic waste. The remainder (38.9%) was considered to be hazardous waste. The survey results showed that segregation of all wastes was not conducted according to consistent rules and standards where some quantity of medical waste was disposed of with domestic wastes. The most frequently used treatment method for solid medical waste was incineration which is not accepted at the current time due to the risks associated with it. Only one of the hospitals was equipped with an incinerator which is devoid of any air pollution control system. Autoclaving was also used in only one of the selected hospitals. As for the liquid medical waste, the survey results indicated that nearly all of the surveyed hospitals were discharging it in the municipal sewerage system without any treatment. It was concluded that the inadequacies in the current hospital waste management practices in Damanhour City were mainly related to ineffective segregation at the source, inappropriate collection methods, unsafe storage of waste, insufficient financial and human resources for proper management, and poor control of waste disposal. The other issues that need to be considered are a lack of appropriate protective equipment and lack of training and clear lines of responsibilities between the departments involved in hospital waste management. Effective medical waste management programs are multisectoral and require cooperation between all levels of implementation, from national and local governments to hospital staff and private businesses.  相似文献   

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