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Agroforestry systems and environmental quality: introduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investments in agroforestry research during the past three decades-albeit modest-have yielded significant gains in understanding the role of trees on farmlands, and the ecological and economic advantages of integrated farming systems. While early research focused mostly on farm or local levels, broader-level ecosystem services of agroforestry systems (AFS) have raised high expectations in recent years. The nine papers included in this special collection deal with three of such environmental benefits of AFS: water-quality enhancement, carbon sequestration, and soil improvement. These benefits are based on the perceived ability of (i) vegetative buffer strips (VBS) to reduce surface transport of agrochemical pollutants, (ii) large volumes of aboveground and belowground biomass of trees to store high amounts of C deeper in the soil profile, and (iii) trees to enhance soil productivity through biological nitrogen fixation, efficient nutrient cycling, and deep capture of nutrients. The papers included have, in general, substantiated these premises and provided new insights. For example, the riparian VBS are reported to increase the reservoir life, in addition to reducing transport of agrochemicals; the variations in C storage in different soil-fraction sizes suggest that microaggregate (250-53 μm) dynamics in the soil could be a good indicator of its C-storage potential; and the use of vector analysis technique is recommended in AFS to avoid consequences of inaccurate and overuse of fertilizers. The papers also identified significant knowledge gaps in these areas. A common theme across all three environmental quality issues covered is that more and varied research datasets across a broad spectrum of conditions need to be generated and integrated with powerful statistical tools to ensure wide applicability of the results. Furthermore, appropriate management practices that are acceptable to the targeted land users and agroforestry practitioners need to be designed to exploit these environmental benefits. The relative newness of research in environmental quality of AFS will pose some additional challenges as well. These include the lack of allometric equations for tree-biomass determination, absence of standardized norms on soil sampling depth, and limitations of fixed-effect models arising from issues such as pseudo-replication and repeated measures that are common in studies on preexisting field plots. Overall, this special collection is a timely effort in highlighting the promise of AFS in addressing some of the environmental quality issues, and the challenges in realizing that potential.  相似文献   

从土地利用总体规划与城市总体规划的关系和矛盾出发,指出了两个规划协调的必要性,并提出在实际协调过程中的核心问题是城市用地规模的确定,建议从两个规划的编制规范、标准、方法、审批、实施、管理等多个方面进行协调,以保障城乡统筹的协调发展。  相似文献   

关于高校人才引进工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才资源是第一资源。人才问题始终是高等学校改革与发展的核心问题和头等大事,谁先引进具有较高竞争能力的高层次人才,谁就抓住了发展的先机。引进优秀人才势在必行。人才引进要遵循与学科发展相适应的原则、择优的原则、“不求所有、但为所用”的原则。同时人才引进过程中,要处理好引进人才与学科建设的关系、引进人才和现有人才的关系、人才发展和团队建设的关系、人才的短期工作绩效与长期作用的关系。  相似文献   

This paper suggests a way of classifying human physical environment according to its location and function. Environmental science is viewed as a branch of ecology, and the concept of the complex ecosystem is introduced. By using differential equations, the author draws attention to four factors that must be considered when evaluating the effect of any environmental agent on a human subject: the agent's extensive quality of rate of flow, its intensive quality of concentration or intensity, duration of the subject's exposure, and the uniformity of agent's stress in space and time. The environmental agents, individually or in jointly acting groups, produce environmental stress, which acts on the subject to produce strain and its contingent symptoms. The microclimate in this setting can be classified according to the type of stress involved. The human physical environment may be evaluated in three ways: objectively, subjectively, and from the standpoint of regulations or standards. The benefit or advantage of using this equation in evaluating or measuring the human physical environment is discussed.  相似文献   

卷首语拥抱春天/孟范例.............................30 1青蛙无语/马能源.............................31 1短暂的时空与永恒的文明/孟范例................32 1教育不能远离自然/程文忠.....................33 1让绿色之花开遍校园/孟范例....................34 1致读者/本刊编辑部...........................35 1本刊特稿教育部官员谈环境教育/本刊记者................30 4寻找地球的故事/邹晶.........................31 4物我同舟 天人共泰/邹晶.....................32 4沟通与合作/邹晶...........................…  相似文献   

Life cycle inventory (LCI) is becoming more widely used as a tool to evaluate the resource and energy use and the environmental releases associated with various products. The methodology for handling different recycling scenarios is also becoming increasingly important. Several different methods exist for handling recycling in an LCI. The method described in this paper uses mathematical models to show that the same basic equations can be used to handle a variety of recycling options for multi-product systems.  相似文献   

杨少之 《四川环境》1993,12(1):15-18
本文针对目前中小学环境教育大起大落的现状,就普通环境教育的内涵,完成环境教学的关键环节作了概述,并提出了学校环境教育评价的现实可行性和评价的方法,希望这一面向全球而又迫在眉睫的教育落到实处。  相似文献   

In the last part of the twentieth century, recognition became widespread of the important effect of agricultural runoff on the health of aquatic ecosystems in the Lake Erie basin and elsewhere. Because of the efforts to remediate Lake Erie, the "dead lake" among the Laurentian Great Lakes, a number of research and demonstration projects were undertaken in the Lake Erie basin to evaluate and foster adoption of conservation tillage and other farming techniques that would reduce runoff while maintaining productivity. In addition, intensive water quality studies of long duration were begun on major tributaries to Lake Erie during this time. The Lake Erie Agricultural Systems for Environmental Quality (LEASEQ) project examined governmental programs, changes in agriculture, and changes in water and soil quality during the period 1975-1995, and sought to evaluate the linkages among these factors. The study area is characterized by extensive agricultural land use of soils developed from glacial materials deposited on Paleozoic sedimentary bedrock, mostly limestone. Tile drainage is extensive, particularly in slow-draining clay-rich lacustrine soils in the lower reaches of the watersheds. This paper introduces the study area, its geology, geography, soils, and agricultural history. In addition, we provide an overview of the LEASEQ concept and introduce the 11 other papers in this series, which provide a detailed exposition of the results of our studies.  相似文献   

安全、健康与环境风险识别和评价概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
安全,健康与环境(HSE)管理的根本目的是最大限度地降低风险,防止人员伤害,财产损失及环境破坏,而风险识别和评价是搞好风险管理的关键所在。文中就风险识别和评价的目的、过程、方法等做了简单论述。  相似文献   

洗毛碳化废水处理是一项难度较大的科研课题,目前国内外尚无突破性进展。本文介绍从改革洗毛碳化工艺入手,采用多系统综合处理废水的试验结果。实验证明,经除泥渣和提取油脂后的废水,可循环使用至三天,节约了软水、蒸汽、洗剂、助剂,减少了排放量,降低了废水中有机物含量,费用支出略有盈余。最终将废水纳入二级处理系统,力争使废水达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   

正无锡市通用机械厂有限公司是江苏省科技创新型企业,是2008年新认定的江苏省高新技术企业,通过了质量管理体系、环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系三大标准体系认证,2007年公司获得江苏省著名商标。同时,公司是中国环保产业协会常务理事单位;分离机械行业协会理事单位;中国水污染防治装备专业委员会主任单位;国家定点生产城市污水处理和工业废水处理成套设备及分离机械的重点企业。公司的经营范围主要是  相似文献   

无锡市通用机械厂有限公司是江苏省科技创新型企业,2008年新认定的江苏省高新技术企业,通过了质量管理体系、环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系等三大标准体系认证,2007年公司获得江苏省著名商标,2010年建立江苏省尾水污泥处理机械工程技术研究中心。公司是中国环保产业协会常务理事单位、分离机械行业协会理事单位,是国家定点生产城市污水处理和工业废水处理成套设备及分离机械的重点企业。  相似文献   

正厦门水务中环污水处理有限公司是中环保水务投资有限公司与厦门水务集团有限公司合资兴办的中外合资企业,注册资本6.13亿元,其中中环保水务投资有限公司占注册资本的55%,厦门水务集团有限公司占注册资本的45%。公司成立于2004年12月24日,主要从事污水处理及污泥处理处置相关业务,拥有厦门市行政辖区内的污水收集系统和污水处理设施的建设、运营、维护的特许经营权。公司设立董事会和监事会,内设综合管理部、计划财务部、生产设备部、排水管理部、物资采购部、  相似文献   

Coastal and freshwater eutrophication continues to accelerate at sites around the world despite intense efforts to control agricultural P loss using traditional conservation and nutrient management strategies. To achieve required reductions in nonpoint P over the next decade, new tools will be needed to address P transfers from soils and applied P sources. Innovative remediation practices are being developed to remove nonpoint P sources from surface water and groundwater using P sorbing materials (PSMs) derived from natural, synthetic, and industrial sources. A wide array of technologies has been conceived, ranging from amendments that immobilize P in soils and manures to filters that remove P from agricultural drainage waters. This collection of papers summarizes theoretical modeling, laboratory, field, and economic assessments of P removal technologies. Modeling and laboratory studies demonstrate the importance of evaluating P removal technologies under controlled conditions before field deployment, and field studies highlight several challenges to P removal that may be unanticipated in the laboratory, including limited P retention by filters during storms, as well as clogging of filters due to sedimentation. Despite the potential of P removal technologies to improve water quality, gaps in our knowledge remain, and additional studies are needed to characterize the long-term performance of these technologies, as well as to more fully understand their costs and benefits in the context of whole-farm- and watershed-scale P management.  相似文献   

The US Soil Conservation Service has developed an agricultural land evaluation and site assessment (LESA) system. The LESA system is being used by the US Department of Agriculture and other federal agencies to implement the Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981. The LESA system and three case studies from the Pacific North-west are introduced in this article.Scientific Paper no. 7166, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Research Paper. Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Project no. 0010.  相似文献   

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