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李小雷  陈华知 《安全》2018,39(4):4-5
本文针对冶金企业煤气系统的生产设备及工艺特点,采用预先危险性分析方法和LEC法,对冶金企业煤气系统的潜在风险进行了分析,提出了针对性的事故风险防范措施和建议,对于类似企业煤气风险预知预防预控具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

工厂供配电系统运行和维护的安全技术要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工厂供配电系统触电事故以及电气火灾和爆炸事故时有发生,不但影响生产,还造成巨大的经济损失甚至人员伤亡。介绍了工厂供配电系统运行和维护的安全要求,主要包括变配电所的运行和维护、电力线路的运行和维护及其他安全管理要求。  相似文献   

刘彤 《安全》1995,16(5):19-20
煤气,作为近代大都市的生活能源,占据着主要地位。 城市能源主要是电力、煤气和石油。其中电能使用方便、卫生而安全;石油价格便宜;然而煤气兼有许多优点。首先是效率高。它可以将其70—80%的能转换为热量而被利用,而且传送损耗小,几乎可以百分之百地送到用户。其次是抗灾能力强。煤气的供气管道埋在地下,能有效地抵抗许多自然灾害,即使是台风、暴雨等灾害天气,仍可正  相似文献   

李世军 《安全》1996,17(6):15-18
城市煤气安全技术探讨李世军(安徽省蚌埠市劳动局)城市使用煤气一方面可以节约能源、改善环境,另一方面可以方便生活、促进生产。煤气发热量高,使用方便,是生产、生活的优质燃料,但又是有毒、易燃、易爆的气体。因而必须重视对煤气的安全管理工作,要尊重科学,实事...  相似文献   

张继娜  陈辉 《安防科技》2008,(4):35-37,32
本文论述了建筑物供配电系统电涌及其防护,并较详细地阐述了内部防雷系统中电涌保护器的选型、使用和安装的一些注意事项.  相似文献   

邯钢焦化厂现有焦炉6座,其中4.3m焦炉4座,6m焦炉2座。除3#焦炉以外,其余5座焦炉均采用高炉煤气加热。自2005年1月以来,1#、2#焦炉加热用高炉煤气含尘严重超标,对焦炉加热系统造成了很大负面影响,严重时导致焦炉不能正常加热,因此,迫切需要采取措施,解决高炉煤气质量差对焦炉加热造成的影响。  相似文献   

转炉煤气是唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司(以下简称唐钢)老区主要能源之一。唐钢原转炉煤气系统有2座5万m^3威金斯煤气柜,分别于1995年和2000年建成投产。自投入运行后,公司一直没有对煤气柜本体进行彻底检修,尤其是1^#煤气柜,柜体出现多处泄漏煤气现象,存在严重安全隐患。为满足安全生产的需求,公司决定拆除原1^#煤气柜,在原址西侧新建了一座8万m^3转炉煤气柜。  相似文献   

介绍了金川公司内部供电系统的概况,对供电系统的故障、事故类型及原因进行了简要分析,对降低故障率、减少一般事故、杜绝重大事故和人身伤亡事故的对策进行了探讨和实践。从企业的人──机──环境的角度提出:①依靠科技进步,提高系统装备安全可靠性;②加强管理,使员工具有较强的安全意识和行为。这两点是供电系统安全可靠运行的两个同等重要条件。  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the influential safety factors that governed the success of a safety management system for construction sites. The number of incidences among construction workers and the level of awareness on matters concerning safety were also determined. The study involved a self-administered three-part questionnaire among the workers and interviews with industry experts involved in brick-laying, concreting and in related assorted trades. Part A of the questionnaire concerned personal particulars, Part B involved training and experience and Part C was based on 28 industry-accepted safety factor elements. The construction sites ranged from high rise buildings, landed houses and infrastructure renovation. The sample size was 275. From the survey it was found that the most influential safety factor was personal awareness followed closely by communication. Suggestions and recommendations on equipment design and improved work practices and procedures to improve the efficiency and productivity of construction workers were proposed. Management was urged to get their workers better informed about safety matters.  相似文献   

Urban safety is significantly impacted by the complexity of urban gas accidents. Although China has put forward the goal of “zero fatalities in accidents” for urban gas, unfortunately, the root causes of the unsound safety culture and imperfect safety management system of urban gas enterprises remain unresolved. Therefore, statistical analysis and 24Model analysis of 160 urban gas accidents in mainland China were performed to investigate the proximate causes of the accidents and the current situation of urban gas safety. The CCPS's risk-based process safety elements were used to identify potential deficiencies in the current urban gas process safety management (UG-PSM). During the analysis, it was observed that insufficient implementation of concealed danger investigation and rectification accounted for 76%, which is the primary proximate cause of urban gas accidents. Stakeholder outreach is the most under-represented competency in urban gas safety management. Based on the results, a novel framework for the UG-PSM system was constructed, and the theory of urban gas safety management was further improved. Furthermore, we evaluated the matching degree between UG-PSM elements and the existing measures of the government, urban gas associations, third-party organizations, and urban gas enterprises. Finally, we analyzed the feasibility, challenges, and development directions of the UG-PSM system. This study establishes a foundation for researchers and practitioners in the future research and practice of urban gas process safety and provides theoretical guidance for preventing high-incidence accidents of urban gas in China.  相似文献   

浅析建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍职业安全卫生管理体系的由来及发展趋势,论述国内部分企业已经具备了建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系的条件,分析建立、实施职业安全卫生管理体系对企业安全管理工作的促进作用。  相似文献   

阐述了劳动安全卫生标准体系研究的目的与意义,分析比较了劳动安全卫生标准分类的几种可能方案,着重讨论并提出整个劳动安全卫生标准体系的层次结构方框图。  相似文献   

安全管理决策支持系统及其最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,是实现安全生产的有力保证.决策支持系统是实现安全管理定性与定量分析有机结合的有效手段.该文结合安全管理,简要阐述了决策支持系统产生的背景、内容和发展趋势.介绍了作者在企业安全管理决策支持系统研制方面的主要结果和进一步工作的构想.  相似文献   

The safety issues of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in production, storage, loading/unloading, transportation/shipping, and re-gasification have became a major concern, since an accident in the LNG industry would be very costly. Understanding the threat of LNG not only contributes to the process safety and reliability in the research and development (R&D) system, but improves the efficiency of loss prevention, fire protection and emergency responses. As of April 2019, in order to obtain the present status and trend of LNG safety research, basing 1122 documents of the Web of Science database about safety research of LNG as a data source, CiteSpace and VOS viewer were used for network knowledge map analysis. A comprehensive knowledge map of LNG safety field was obtained from several research aspects including scientific research power, research hot spots and trends, research knowledge base and frontier. According to the study results, the development of LNG safety research was divided into four stages from 1970s to 2019, China and South Korea made a lot of contributions, and the United States is the most influential. Among them, the research from 2005 to 2019 was the most representative. Current research results indicate that a combination of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) methodology and Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) will fully identify risks; The PHAST and TerEx programs quickly define safety zones. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package can provide accurate quantitative data for the study of LNG safety. Research on quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and LNG evaporated gas (BOG) has been a hot topic and trend in this field. The application of expansion foam in LNG accident mitigation covers most of the research content in this field, and the optimization of LNG liquefaction process has a great influence on this industry. As the international demand for LNG energy output increases, floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) will have considerable development, and increasingly researchers attach vital importance to the safety of LNG offshore production integrated unit.  相似文献   

我国安全生产标准体系的现状和对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从安全标准总数、领域分布、级别划分、标准性质、类别构成以及采标情况几方面分析了我国安全生产标准的总体状况;结合国民经济行业分类,分析了安全标准在基础通用和社会事业、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业,以及在各产业所属领域和行业的分布情况;阐述了目前我国安全生产标准体系现状以及框架构成状况。提出了我国安全标准及体系存在的标准分布不均衡、关键标准缺失和滞后、采标率偏低、标龄过长和标准体系覆盖面窄五个问题,并给出了加强关键和缺失标准的研制,加大先进技术成果标准化、建立和完善安全生产标准体系、建立标准维护机制、加强安全生产标准国际化工作四项建议措施。  相似文献   

Occupational health and safety represents a set of technical, medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical and other measures with the aim to detect and eliminate hazards that threaten the lives and health of employees. These measures should be applied in a systematic way. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review occupational health and safety legislation in Serbia and the requirements that airports should fulfill for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series certification. Analyzing the specificity of airport activities and injuries as their outcomes, the article also proposes preventive measures for the health and safety of employees. Furthermore, the airport activities which are the most important from the standpoint of risks are defined, as the goals for occupational health and safety performance improvement.  相似文献   

管道运输是油气运输的主要方式,为了研究油气管道本质安全的影响因素和薄弱环节,通过分析美国和加拿大油气管道的事故原因,识别了3种影响因素和7个薄弱环节;通过统计管道工程各阶段的事故和影响因素的数量,分析了每个阶段存在的本质安全问题。结果表明:施工阶段的事故和影响因素的数量远多于其他阶段;施工和制管阶段的影响因素种类多,事故原因分散,本质安全提升难度较大;设计和运营阶段的影响因素种类少,事故原因相对集中,本质安全提升难度相对不大;各阶段都存在技术和管理的不足。根据油气管道本质安全影响因素分析结果,得出管道本质安全5个方面的启示。  相似文献   

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