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Temporal dynamical analysis in fire sequences recorded from 1992 to 2005 in a fire-vulnerable area of Patagonia (Argentina) was performed by using the Allan Factor statistics. Three typologies of fires were investigated: forest, steppe and urban. The obtained results show the presence of annual periodicities, superimposed to a time-scaling behaviour, which characterize the point processes of fires as fractal time processes with a rather high degree of time-clusterization of the events.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The sudden increase in air temperature associated with strong gusty winds of northerly direction is a phenomenon occasionally observed during the cold season in the...  相似文献   

The perennial bryozoan Flustra foliacea L. has annual growth-checks which leave lines across the fronds. These growth-checks have been used to determine the age and the pattern of growth of the colonies in terms of height and numbers of zooids. Monthly samples have been used to find the annual growth cycle. Heavy encrustations of epizoites on the F. foliacea colonies reduce growth rate. As the fronds increase in height, frontal budding of zooids thickens, and thereby strengthens, the holdfast.  相似文献   

6种苯系物对球等鞭金藻和新月菱形藻的生长抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋环境中苯系物污染主要来源于海洋溢油事故以及沿海石油化工企业的废水排放。为探究苯系物对海洋微藻的毒性作用,选择球等鞭金藻和新月菱形藻作为受试生物,分别考察了苯、甲苯、乙基苯、邻-二甲苯、间-二甲苯和对-二甲苯6种苯系物对2种海洋微藻生长的影响。结果表明,在0.25~64.0 mg·L-1暴露浓度下,6种苯系物对2种微藻生长具有显著的抑制作用,随着暴露浓度的升高,抑制作用明显增强。苯、甲苯、乙基苯、邻-二甲苯、间-二甲苯、对-二甲苯对球等鞭金藻的24 h的半数效应浓度(24 h-EC50)分别为:17.07、12.88、7.58、0.55、0.36、0.27 mg·L-1;对新月菱形藻的24 h-EC50值分别为:1.03、0.68、0.46、0.40、0.42、0.38 mg·L-1。上述研究结果为确定苯系物海洋环境质量标准、保护海洋生态环境提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

This paper reports the successful culture of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) suspension cells in a bioreactor. In vitro culture of this Chinese herb has potential as an alternative production method for industrial applications. Calli of P. lobata obtained from leaf explants were cultured in a 5.0 L bioreactor for two weeks. During this period, the pH of the medium declined from 5.8 to 4.5. By the end of the run about 70% of the sugars and reducing sugars and about 50% of nitrate was consumed. Almost 70% of inorganic phosphate and about 80% of the iron was exhausted. The bioreactor results indicated an isoflavone yield of 328.9 microg/ml, with an increase of about 1.77 fold. The yield of puerarin increased about 2.42 fold and reached 73.4 microg/ml in the bioreactor culture.  相似文献   

刘展眉  崔英德 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1266-1270
喜树(Camptotheca acuminate)可产生具有抗癌作用的喜树碱,有许多用细胞培养方法制备喜树碱的尝试,但都因极低的产率而无从深入。植物毛状根培养的应用将成为一种生物碱生产的替代方法。以发根农杆菌(Agrobacterium rhizogenes)A41.2556感染喜树诱导产生毛状根,建立喜树碱毛状根产生体系。甘露碱检测及PCR结果证实发根农杆菌Ri质粒的rolB基因已在喜树毛状根基因组中整合并得到表达。确定了用RP-HPLC测定发根培养基中喜树碱的的方法,比较了不同的吸附树脂对培养基中喜树碱的富集能力,从培养30d的喜树培养基中获得喜树碱干质量分数为0.14mg·g-1。  相似文献   

The euphausiid fauna of the Rockall Trough has been sampled in time series at approximately two-monthly intervals between 1973 and 1976 between surface and depths greater than 2000 m. Length/frequency histograms have modes that are coherent for periods of at least 4 to 6 mo, indicating that populations are being sampled. Rates of growth were determined for six species. Epipelagic species have winter checks to the growth rates, but such checks are absent in the growth of Thysanopoda acutifrons, Nematobranchion boöpis and Stylocheiron maximum. Ratios of annual production: biomass were determined and are all within the previously determined range of values for epipelagic and coastal populations. Lack of a winter check to the growth rate in deep-living species enables these potentially to have overall rates of growth comparable to those of temperate, epipelagic, shelf and coastal species.  相似文献   

K. Gold 《Marine Biology》1971,8(2):105-108
A vigorous strain of Tintinnopsis beroidea was established in vitro by mixing several isolates obtained during the period January to March, 1969. More than 1,000 cells/ml were routinely obtained within a few weeks. On one occasion 3,000 cells/ml were obtained in just over a month. The period required for ciliate populations to double was 2.5 to 6 days. Growth curve data has been obtained with cultures receiving single doses of food at the time the flasks were inoculated with protozoa. The initial concentration of food had a noticeable effect on ciliate growth. Excessive amounts of food were somewhat inhibitory; insufficient amounts resulted in rapid starvation. Conjugation patterns characteristic of wild populations of tintinnids were not observed. However, there was evidence of sexual activity in the cultures: (1) pairing of cells occurred; (2) protrusions were seen in the oral region indicative of preconjugation activity; (3) very high cell yields and rapid division rates were obtained after more than 1.5 years in culture.This work was supported by a contract with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Ref. No. NYO-3658-24.  相似文献   

Instantaneous relative growth rates, (d-1), were measured for juveniles of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera transplanted to study sites in Southern California kelp forests between 1978 and 1982. Growth rates ranged from negative values (indicating loss of tissue) to 0.03 (doubling of total frond length every 19 d). Multiple regression analysis of growth versus irradiation, temperature, nitrogen concentration and amount of fouling revealed that all these factors had significant effects, together accounting for about 50% of the total variance. Elevated irradiation and nitrogen levels had strongly stimulatory effects (tissue nitrogen may have been more critical than ambient nitrogen for growth), while high temperature and fouling had strongly inhibitory effects. Irradiation was the most important factor influencing growth in 6 of the 8 transplant experiments. During these 6 experiments, the compensating irradiation level (below which there was no growth) was between 0.4 and 0.7 E m-2 d-1, and saturating irradiation was between 2 and 3 E m-2 d-1. During two of the experiments, growth was apparently limited by extremely high temperatures or low nitrogen levels. Quantum irradiation levels in the kelp forest were generally between the compensation and saturation levels. However, irradiation levels occasionally dropped below the compensation point for several months. Irradiation was occasionally low enough to limit the distribution of juvenile kelp by inhibiting growth, especially in the deeper portions of the kelp forest and under dense canopies formed by adult plants.  相似文献   

Growth and grazing loss rates of naturalPhaeocystis sp. single cells were measured using a seawater dilution technique. Measurements were performed during an intensePhaeocystis sp. bloom in the North Sea between 19 April and 5 May 1988. Experimental results yielded rapid carbon turnover rates. Population growth rates varied from 0.033 to 0.098 h–1, grazing loss rates from 0.037 to 0.174 h–1. From measured growth rates, average doubling rages of 1.3 doublings d–1 were calculated. The growth rates would have resulted in maximum carbon production rates of 146 mg C m–3 d–1. Grazing rates increased in the course of the bloom and exceeded growth rates at the end. Grazing loss was caused primarily by microzooplankton feeding. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates were identified as the major potential consumers of single cells ofPhaeocystis sp. at the beginning of the bloom. The grazing impact of larger microzooplankton species appeared to increase during the progressing bloom.  相似文献   

Rates of net photosynthesis and nocturnal respiration by individual blades of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh in southern California, were determined in situ by measuring oxygen production in polyethylene bags during spring/summer of 1983. Mature blades from different depths in the water column exhibited different photosynthetic characteristics. Blades from the surface canopy (0 to 1 m depth) exhibited higher photosynthetic capacity under saturating irradiance and higher photosynthetic efficiency at low irradiances than blades from 3 to 5 or 7 to 9 m depths. Saturating irradiance was lower for canopy blades than for deeper blades. Canopy blades showed no short-term photoinhibition, but photosynthetic rates of deeper blades were significantly reduced during 1 to 2 h incubations at high irradiances. Results of 1 to 2 wk acclimation experiments indicated that differences between photosynthetic characteristics of blades from different depths were primarily attributable to acclimation light conditions. Vertical displacement of blades within the kelp canopy occurred on a time-scale of 1 min to 1 h. Blades continually moved between the unshaded surface layer and deeper, shaded layers. Vertical movement did not maximize photosynthesis by individual blades; only a small proportion of blades making up a dense surface canopy maintained light-saturated photosynthetic rates during midday incubations. The relatively high photosynthetic rates exhibited by canopy blades over the entire range of light conditions probably resulted from acclimation to intermittent high and low irradiances, a consequence of vertical displacement. Vertical displacement also reduced the afternoon depression in photosynthesis of individual canopy blades. The overall effect of vertical displacement was optimization of total net photosynthesis by the kelp canopy and, therefore, optimization of whole-plant production.  相似文献   

The lethal levels of mercuric, lead and zinc chlorides were determined for the marine ciliated protozoan Uronema marinum Dujardin; the 24 h LC50 values were 0.006, 60 and 400 mg l-1, respectively. A factorial experiment was used to study the inhibition of cell division in U. marinum cultures by mixtures of mercury, lead and zinc. The three metals were found to interact in their effects. A regression model was fitted to the experimental results and the response surface was plotted. The addition of mercury, lead or zinc at concentrations which inhibited cell division did not appear to affect the duration of the lag phase or the yield of cells. A culture of U. marinum was maintained for 18 weeks in a medium containing mercury, lead and zinc in an attempt to acclimatise the ciliates to heavy metals. A subsequent factorial experiment which examined the cell division rate indicated that a prolonged exposure did not induce in the ciliates a measurable tolerance to the metals.  相似文献   

Specimens of Corallina officinalis L. were grown in the laboratory for 6 and 8 weeks at temperatures of 6°, 12°, 18°, and 25°C. After 6 weeks, the mean growth rates of main axes were 2.8 mm at 18°C, 2.9 mm at 12°C, and 0.2 mm at 5°C; no growth occurred at 25°C. At 6°C, growth increased with lower light intensities. The mean total increase in length of branchlets present when the plants were collected did not vary significantly at 12° and 18°C. At 12°C, axial intergenicula formed in culture produced more new branchlets than did field-grown intergenicula. Also, the production of these branchlets on cultured intergenicula was higher at 12°C than at 18°C.Based on a dissertation completed at Clark University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree by B. J. Colthart.  相似文献   

Growth and moulting of Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth and moulting of Neomysis integer (Leach) was investigated in the field and the laboratory. In the Ythan estuary, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, monthly samples taken from November 1976 to October 1978 revealed that the summer generation juveniles and mature individuals grew at a rate of 4 to 5 mm and 1 to 2 mm monthly, respectively. The winter generation had a growth rate of 3 to 4 mm monthly for juveniles and about 1 mm for mature individuals; during the winter there was a period of 3 mo when growth was almost completely stopped. Mysids reared in the laboratory on Artemia sp. nauplii had an average daily growth rate of 0.06 mm at 9°C and 0.09 mm at 16°C. The growth factors of N. integer ranged from 3 to 17% for mature and immature individuals, respectively. Intermoult periods ranged from 3 to 7 d in immature mysids to 12 to 18 d in mature mysids. Average laboratory growth curves calculated from information on growth factors and intermoult periods indicate that at 9°C (winter generation) it takes N. integer 277 d to grow to be a 15 mm mature individual, whereas at 16°C (summer generation) it takes 188 d. N. integer moults 24 times as it grows from a juvenile to a mature individual.  相似文献   

A. L. Suer 《Marine Biology》1984,78(3):275-284
Growth and spawning of the large, infaunal echiuran worm Urechis caupo Fisher and MacGinitie were studied at Bodega Harbor on the coast of central California, USA, from 1978 through 1981. In situ growth rates of marked worms were negatively related to initial size. Short-term, summer growth rates (volmo–1) of small worms (<80 ml) were greater than longer-term growth rates measured over several seasons (asesonal). Size-frequency distributions of worms sampled from two sites also suggested a seasonal growth pattern with relatively fast spring-summer growth and slower winter growth. However, larger worms sometimes lost volume during in situ growth experiments, and the loss was most pronounced during short-term, summer growth periods. It is suggested that energy used in burrow construction may have contributed to volume loss during short-term growth experiments. In contrast, longer-term, aseasonal growth rates were nearly always positive, and indicated that reproductive size (about 56 ml) could be reached within about 1.5 yr of recruitment, and a large size (about 158 ml) could be reached within about 6 yr. A seasonal pattern of spawning was observed during three consecutive years, as indicated by ripeness indices (storage organ dry weight ÷ body wall dry weight). At least two spawning episodes occurred annually: ripe gametes that accumulated in the storage organs during the summer and fall were spawned during the winter; gametes that accumulated during late winter and early spring were spawned during the spring or early summer. Worms were spawned-out by mid-summer.  相似文献   

Growth and age of Chaetodon larvatus were studied using growth bands in otoliths and length-frequency analyses. Otoliths of 180 C. larvatus were extracted and measured. Polished sections of sagittae revealed alternating opaque and translucent bands corresponding with a seasonal growth pattern. Both mass and size of the otoliths continue to grow steadily throughout life. Length-at-age data revealed very fast growth during the first year. Growth proceeded at a decreasing rate during the second and the third year; fishes older than 3 years did not grow noticeably. No difference in growth patterns between males and females could be detected. The growth parameters obtained for the whole population are: the asymptotic length (L )=10.64 cm, growth constant (K)=1.14 year−1 and the theoretical age at length zero (t 0)=−0.30 year. The maximum age recorded was 14 years. Length frequency data collected at a recruitment site confirmed the fast growth of juveniles.  相似文献   

A recent study in our laboratory has demonstrated that tetrachloroethylene (TCE) is acutely toxic to Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) larvae with a 96 hr-LC50 of 18 (17-19) mg/mL (Spencer et al., 2002). In the present study we hypothesize that TCE exposure induces a developmental effect in Japanese medaka. Growth and age specific sensitivity of Japanese medaka larvae were studied with four age groups (7, 14, 21 and 28 days old) to determine tetrachloroethylene effects on these parameters. The medaka larvae were exposed for 96 hours in a single concentration (10 mg/mL) of TCE. The toxic endpoints evaluated were larvae weight, length, water content and protein concentration. The study revealed that exposure of medaka larvae to this sub-acute concentration of TCE significantly reduced length and weight in the treated group. The difference in growth between control and treated groups was more obvious in age versus length, than in age versus weight. The dry weight-fresh weight ratio (dw/fw) was shown to be higher in the control group. Water content in TCE-treated medaka was higher than in the control group, and younger fry had more water content than older ones. A higher protein concentration was also observed in TCE-treated medaka compared to the control group. These results indicate that TCE has a profound effect on the growth and development of Japanese medaka larvae.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of Pycnogonum litorale Ström was observed under laboratory conditions. At 15?°C and a 16?h light:8?h dark photocycle, the duration of embryonic development from oviposition to egg-hatching varied from 32 to 111?d. The onset of egg hatching ranged from 32 to 81?d after oviposition in different egg batches, and the period between the first and the last hatch within a single egg batch varied between 16 and 57?d. The larval period, consisting of five larval instars, lasted between 66 and 113?d. Juvenile development required seven (exceptionally 8 or 9) moults and lasted between 263 and 400?d. The average interval between successive moults in juveniles increased with increasing size from 24 to 82?d. Though females did not moult more often than their male conspecifics, they reached a size from 8.5 to 11.0?mm (average 10.1?mm) while adult males measured only 7.0 to 8.5?mm (average 7.7?mm). At low temperatures (2?°C) moulting was almost completely inhibited. After raising the temperature to 6?°C, the moulting frequency increased to a rate almost as high as at a constant temperature of 15?°C. Moulting was also retarded by starvation and accelerated by subsequent feeding. Adults lived for up to 9?years without further moults, with several periods of mating and oviposition at irregular intervals. In combination with previous long-term field observations, the present results provide a more complete picture of the life cycle of P. litorale in a natural habitat. The great variation in the duration of the different developmental stages, the ability to survive periods of cold and starvation, and the longevity of the adults are important for the survival of pycnogonid populations under changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

近年来,内陆和近海水体中的一种典型环境激素邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)含量显著上升,但其对海洋生态系统的影响并不明确。本研究选取7种海洋微藻为实验材料,包括1种甲藻(东海原甲藻Prorocentrum donghaiense),2种定鞭藻(小普林藻Prymesium parvum和球形棕囊藻Phaeocystis globosa),2种硅藻(中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum和三角褐指藻Phaeodactylum tricornutum),以及1种隐藻(红胞藻Rhodomonus salina)和1种绿藻(海洋小球藻Chlorella sp.),设置5个DBP暴露浓度(5、10、20、50、100μg·L-1),研究其对海洋微藻生长的影响,并探索DBP暴露对微藻抗氧化系统和光合系统的影响。结果表明:在所有暴露组中,球形棕囊藻、小普林藻、东海原甲藻、红胞藻、海洋小球藻生长速率显著增加;5~20μg·L-1的DBP暴露下中肋骨条藻不受影响,50、100μg·L-1下受到抑制;所有DBP暴露组对三角褐指藻没有显著影响。在50μg·L-1DBP暴露下,随着时间的延长,球形棕囊藻的SOD、CAT、MDA均表现出先升高后下降的趋势,第7天藻的叶绿素a、叶绿素b,类胡萝卜素含量较对照组分别增加了23%、10%、48%,球形棕囊藻光系统II(PSII)的最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)、PSII的潜在活性(Fv/F0)、光合性能指数PI分别增加了4.8%、16%、69%。研究发现DBP对海洋微藻的影响具有种间差异性,能够显著促进有害赤潮藻球形棕囊藻的生长,近岸水体DBP含量的增加可能改变浮游植物群落组成,进而增加有害藻华暴发的风险。  相似文献   

Caprella danilevskii Czerniavski, an epifaunal amphipod crustacean, was successfully reared for two generations under laboratory conditions. Amphipods were maintained in pairs or fours in a Petri dish. Temperature and photoperiod were maintained at 20°C, and 14 h light: 10 h dark, respectively. Colonies of the diatomCylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reumann and Lewin were provided as food source. The red algaGelidium amansii (Lamouroux) Lamouroux was used to provide an attachment substrate for the caprellids. Juveniles that emerged from the brood pouch were described as instar I. Subsequent instars were identified by molts. Juveniles molted successively at 2.5 to 6.5 d intervals. The body length of males at each instar increased exponentially, while that of females followed a sigmoid curve. A different pattern of flagellar segment addition in the antenna I of males and females was revealed. At the age of 20.8 d, females reached instar VII, and produced their first embryos. After 5.1 d, juveniles emerged from the brood pouch. On average, females produced 5.4 clutches successively at 5.0 d intervals. The number of offspring per spawning increased from 6.3 at instar VII to 22.0 at instar XII. The total number of offspring was 69.0 for a female throughout her life span.  相似文献   

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