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河流生态系统管理研究——以香溪河为例   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
香溪河是三峡水库湖北库区最大的支流,其健康与否对三峡水库水质有直接影响,因此开展香溪河生态系统管理研究具有重要意义。然而,由于河流生态系统管理是一个新兴的研究领域,如何开展相关研究值得探讨。简要介绍了该领域的研究现状,并重点结合香溪河主要受水电站建设、流域土地不合理开发、工业污染等因素影响的事实,认为应该以保证水量、水质作为河流生态系统管理研究和各种管理措施的出发点,并以维持健康的水生态系统,保证河流各项服务功能的正常发挥为最终管理目标。以该思路为基础,就香溪河而言,可以着重从流域土地利用的生态学规划、香溪河水电站的生态学管理、香溪河流域水质污染源控制、香溪河生态系统健康和服务功能的监测及评价等四方面开展该河流的生态系统管理研究。  相似文献   

河流健康研究进展与前瞻   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河流健康研究是目前河流生态学领域研究热点之一。首先介绍了河流健康概念的产生、发展及其不同的内涵,辨析了河流生态系统健康、流域生态系统健康概念与河流健康概念的区别与联系,认为河流健康是指河流既能保持河流生态系统完整性,又能维持其对人类社会提供的各种服务功能。在分析河流健康内涵的基础上,着重回顾分析了国内外河流健康评价的实践情况以及河流健康评价方法,根据河流健康评价方法的评价原理,河流健康评价方法主要分为预测模型法和多指标方法。针对目前河流健康研究领域存在的主要问题,提出了河流健康研究的发展方向,认为今后开展河流健康评价研究还需在评价指标选取、评价标准确定、评价尺度选取以及河流健康评价与河流管理集成等方面进一步加强。  相似文献   

从介绍河流生态系统及其服务价值出发,在系统总结前人研究成果的基础上,综合阐述了河流生态系统服务特征、服务功能和服务价值的内涵。结合河流生态系统服务功能特征,划分河流生态系统服务功能为淡水供给、物质生产、生态支持、生态调节和文化娱乐五大类,并根据服务价值与服务功能的对应关系,将河流生态系统服务价值划分为对应的5大类17种。详细阐述了17种服务功能价值的评价方法及计算公式,并对河流生态系统服务功能价值今后的研究提出展望,旨在为河流管理部门客观评价和有效利用河流生态系统服务价值提供科学依据。  相似文献   

城市的发展改变了许多河流的自然水文环境,并导致河流生态系统中水质、物理生境和生物完整性下降。评估受损河流水体修复的效果,需要结合物理、化学的参数,以及对生物结构、多样性和过程的影响。构建了包含河流水力、水质、水生生物、河岸带及物理结构5个方面15个指标的城市河流生态修复评估指标体系,运用群组决策的层次分析法(AHP),确定了各指标的权重,重要性排序前5位依次为:水质污染指数、鱼类IBI、水源补给量、藻类多样性、透明度。并以我国南方城市岐江河整治修复状况为例进行综合评价,结果表明,河流生态系统修复评估结果为可以接受,体现了河流整治工程使河流水质、生态的状况有所改善,但河流生态系统恢复需要较长的周期,修复初期生态系统仍处于受损状态。〖  相似文献   

基于内容分析法的河流健康内涵及表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用内容分析法对近10~15年中外文献中有影响力的36个河流健康概念进行分析,经过样本选取、指标提取、量化处理等过程提炼出最频繁出现的能代表其内涵的6个标准,即:维持结构完整性、自然生态功能发挥、满足人类社会合理需求、处于良好状态、河流管理工具和目标、建立河流基准状态。基于此,对河流健康概念进行了重新架构:河流健康是指河流生态系统特定的良好状况,可以作为河流基准状态以及河流管理的目标,在这一状态下,河流生态系统能够维持其生态系统结构完整性,充分发挥其自然生态功能,并满足人类社会合理需求,提供相应的社会服务功能。通过对30个有关河流健康表征指标及评价方法的文献进行分析,识别生物指标、水质参数、形态结构、河床底质、水文条件以及河岸带状况等是目前使用最广泛的6个指标,指出河流健康的表征指标及评价标准应根据区域特征、人类活动影响以及功能定位而有所差异。  相似文献   

长江干流典型区域河流生境健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流生境是河流生态系统中的重要组成部分,是维持河流健康的重要因素。河流生境健康的准确评估可以为河流生态系统的保护与修复提供重要依据。针对长江干流生境特点,从河流物理生境形态、河流岸边带生境和水环境特征3个方面选取了10个指标,构建了长江干流生境评价的指标体系。基于该评价体系,在2017年8~9月对长江干流的金沙江下游、三峡库区、长江中下游3个典型区域的127个调查断面进行河流生境综合评估。结果表明:金沙江下游、三峡库区、长江中下游河流生境综合指数(RHI)分值的分别为133.9、124.6、130.8,总体评价等级均为“良”。水流情势、受人类活动干扰是金沙江下游生境变化的主要驱动因子,河岸渠化硬化、河岸植被覆盖、河岸植被带宽则是三峡库区和长江中下游生境变化的主要驱动因子。建议长江上游区域强化水生生物重要栖息地完整性保护,中下游区域加强岸边带、洲滩的生态修复,恢复江湖连通性,构建长江流域生态廊道和生物多样性保护网络。  相似文献   

基于河流连通性的河流健康评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河流生态系统是生物圈物质循环的重要通道,河流健康则是全面审视河流生态系统的崭新概念。本文从河流健康概念出发通过对国内外河流健康评价进展的综合分析研究提出了包括水文特性、水质特性、河流地貌特性、生物以及河流连通性这5个具有一定代表性的指标来进行河流健康评价,探索性把河流连通性作为评价指标加入了这一评价标准。  相似文献   

河流型硅藻水华研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对硅藻水华发生机制相关文献的研究分析,对硅藻水华发生机制做了一般性探讨,并重点关注了河流型水华的发生机制的独特点。河流水华种类主要为中心硅藻纲,静水生态系统水华种类除中心硅藻纲还包括部分羽纹硅藻纲种类。河流水华硅藻种类对营养盐浓度、温度和光照等环境因子具有一定的适应范围。与静水生态系统相比,河流硅藻水华受气象和水文等物理指标的影响更为明显。河流硅藻水华中常具有时滞现象,其中由气象和水文因素引起的时滞现象最为明显。目前河流硅藻水华的防治仍然以上游水库下泄稀释为主,但是这种方法会造成一定的水资源浪费。河流水华硅藻的生理属性、硅藻水华对生态系统的影响、节水与抑制水华的统筹以及其他控制水华的方法都是未来河流硅藻水华研究的重点。  相似文献   

不发达地区产业经济生态化发展初论--以青海省为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青海作为我国主要河流的“江河源”和生态系统运行的“生态源”。其生态地位和生态效应已经超越了当地可持续发展的实现。基于生态经济理论和生态文明理念。文章以青海为例分析评价了该省产业经济生态化发展的基础、制约因素。认为发展生态产业经济、促进生态系统与经济系统的良性循环是实现不发达地区产业经济生态化发展的根本保证。提出从生态农业、生态工业和第三产业生态化等体系层面构建产业经济生态化发展的构想、政策建议和启示。  相似文献   

概括了国际河流开发和管理特征、存在的主要问题和“流域整体开发和管理”的演进过程 ,分析了系统理论和可持续发展理论的具体体现 ,提出国际河流整体开发和管理主要体现在以下三个方面内容 :(1)强调区域之间的联系 ,要求从全流域的角度 ,而不是仅仅从国家的角度来进行开发和管理。在资源开发和管理中兼顾各流域国的目标 ,体现公平合理性 ,要求一国的开发利用对其它流域国不造成重大损害 ;要求各流域国加强合作。 (2 )强调流域内各要素的相关性 ,要求资源的开发和管理中考虑相关资源的利用问题 ,如与水资源相关的土地资源利用问题 ,以及国家之间的制度协调等社会人文因素。 (3)要求考虑河道生态系统的可持续性 ,维护流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The use of cuprous fungicides in cocoa production in the southern part of the state of Bahia (Brazil) for decades has caused an accumulation of copper in various components of the cocoa plantations, and a contamination of regional freshwater ecosystems is suspected. Urban and industrial sources are supposed to contribute to water pollution and eutrophication of the Rio Cachoeira, the main river in this region. In order to study the metal contamination and nutritional status of this freshwater ecosystem, samples of the aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes were collected at seven sites along the river course. The samples were analysed for their copper, aluminium, chromium, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. The levels of heavy metals increased in the downstream direction, particularly in the roots of water hyacinth. A dramatic increase of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in water as well as in plant tissues was found in samples collected downstream from the city of Itabuna. Metal input and eutrophication were attributed to agricultural, industrial and urban sources in the region. Biomonitoring of the water quality using aquatic macrophytes as accumulative indicator plants is recommended in addition to chemical water analyses.  相似文献   

沿海滩涂垦殖对土壤氮总转化速率的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滩涂湿地在吸收、转化和滞留氮、磷等营养元素方面具有重要功能。选取江苏东部沿海典型滩涂区,分别对垦殖时间为0、3、6、17、30、60 a的沿海滩涂进行采样,对相应的土壤氮总转化速率指标进行实验测定。结果表明,滩涂垦殖后,表征氮素活化过程的指标,如总矿化率、总硝化率、净矿化率和净硝化率等有所增加,而有利于氮固持的铵态氮同化率指标无显著变化,硝态氮同化率指标变慢;围垦期限超过30 a后,各氮总转化速率指标渐趋稳定。相关性分析表明,净矿化率、总矿化率、铵态氮同化率、净硝化率、总硝化率与围垦年限呈显著正相关(p<0.01),相关性系数分别为0.966、0.929、0.819、0.800、0.798;硝态氮同化率与围垦年限呈显著负相关(p<0.01),相关性系数为-0.685;除铵态氮外,全氮、硝态氮、pH值、有机碳均与各氮总转化速率指标呈显著相关关系(p<0.01)。滩涂垦殖后土壤理化性质指标的改变带来土壤氮总转化速率的变化,一定程度上破坏了土壤氮生态系统平衡。  相似文献   

河流生态系统是地球上最为复杂的生态系统之一,它触及到自然环境所有部分,且几乎与各方面的人类活动均存在直接或间接的联系。河流生态学中最具活力的领域之一就是生态系统健康研究。鱼类是最早建立的生物完整性和健康评价的生物类群,一直以来被广为应用。在调查赣江流域17条一级支流和干流的不同江段的鱼类资源之后,首次通过鱼类完整性指数(F IBI)来评价赣江流域生态系统的健康状态。研究结果表明:赣江流域近70%调查样点鱼类群落完整性处于一般的状态,25%调查样点处于较好状态,5%调查样点则处于差的状态;赣江水系各河流的鱼类群落完整性均处于差-一般的水平。总之,流域支干流的水生态系统健康处于差-一般的状态。认为鱼类完整性受损与人工筑坝和蓄水等人类活动密不可分。建议开展系列补救措施,如增加鱼道或鱼梯等  相似文献   

富营养浅水湖泊的退化与生态恢复   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
初步讨论了富营养浅水湖泊的退化现象的造成退化的主要原因,对湖泊生态恢复的目标和对策等问题也作了探讨,以武汉东湖为例,提出以水源保护地为主要功能的富营养浅水胡泊的恢复和整体优化对策,即恢复沉水植被、建立控制面源污染的半自然的人工湿地生态系统,优化水产养殖结构和恢复湖泊生物多样性等。对生物操纵在长江中下游富营养浅水湖泊恢复中的作用也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We provide a global assessment, with detailed multi-scale data, of the ecological and toxicological effects generated by inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Our synthesis of the published scientific literature shows three major environmental problems: (1) it can increase the concentration of hydrogen ions in freshwater ecosystems without much acid-neutralizing capacity, resulting in acidification of those systems; (2) it can stimulate or enhance the development, maintenance and proliferation of primary producers, resulting in eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems; (3) it can reach toxic levels that impair the ability of aquatic animals to survive, grow and reproduce. Inorganic nitrogen pollution of ground and surface waters can also induce adverse effects on human health and economy. Because reductions in SO2 emissions have reduced the atmospheric deposition of H2SO4 across large portions of North America and Europe, while emissions of NOx have gone unchecked, HNO3 is now playing an increasing role in the acidification of freshwater ecosystems. This acidification process has caused several adverse effects on primary and secondary producers, with significant biotic impoverishments, particularly concerning invertebrates and fishes, in many atmospherically acidified lakes and streams. The cultural eutrophication of freshwater, estuarine, and coastal marine ecosystems can cause ecological and toxicological effects that are either directly or indirectly related to the proliferation of primary producers. Extensive kills of both invertebrates and fishes are probably the most dramatic manifestation of hypoxia (or anoxia) in eutrophic and hypereutrophic aquatic ecosystems with low water turnover rates. The decline in dissolved oxygen concentrations can also promote the formation of reduced compounds, such as hydrogen sulphide, resulting in higher adverse (toxic) effects on aquatic animals. Additionally, the occurrence of toxic algae can significantly contribute to the extensive kills of aquatic animals. Cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and diatoms appear to be major responsible that may be stimulated by inorganic nitrogen pollution. Among the different inorganic nitrogenous compounds (NH4+, NH3, NO2-, HNO2NO3-) that aquatic animals can take up directly from the ambient water, unionized ammonia is the most toxic, while ammonium and nitrate ions are the least toxic. In general, seawater animals seem to be more tolerant to the toxicity of inorganic nitrogenous compounds than freshwater animals, probably because of the ameliorating effect of water salinity (sodium, chloride, calcium and other ions) on the tolerance of aquatic animals. Ingested nitrites and nitrates from polluted drinking waters can induce methemoglobinemia in humans, particularly in young infants, by blocking the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. Ingested nitrites and nitrates also have a potential role in developing cancers of the digestive tract through their contribution to the formation of nitrosamines. In addition, some scientific evidences suggest that ingested nitrites and nitrates might result in mutagenicity, teratogenicity and birth defects, contribute to the risks of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and bladder and ovarian cancers, play a role in the etiology of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and in the development of thyroid hypertrophy, or cause spontaneous abortions and respiratory tract infections. Indirect health hazards can occur as a consequence of algal toxins, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, hepatoenteritis, muscular cramps, and several poisoning syndromes (paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning). Other indirect health hazards can also come from the potential relationship between inorganic nitrogen pollution and human infectious diseases (malaria, cholera). Human sickness and death, extensive kills of aquatic animals, and other negative effects, can have elevated costs on human economy, with the recreation and tourism industry suffering the most important economic impacts, at least locally. It is concluded that levels of total nitrogen lower than 0.5-1.0 mg TN/L could prevent aquatic ecosystems (excluding those ecosystems with naturally high N levels) from developing acidification and eutrophication, at least by inorganic nitrogen pollution. Those relatively low TN levels could also protect aquatic animals against the toxicity of inorganic nitrogenous compounds since, in the absence of eutrophication, surface waters usually present relatively high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, most inorganic reactive nitrogen being in the form of nitrate. Additionally, human health and economy would be safer from the adverse effects of inorganic nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

三峡库区支流富营养化及水华现状研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
三峡水库蓄水以来,库区支流水体营养状态、藻类生物量及群落结构发生明显改变,对不同蓄水阶段研究表明:库区支流富营养化程度加重,且时空差异显著,春、夏季富营养化程度严重,秋、冬季节相对较轻.整体上由蓄水前的贫 中营养状态转变为中 富营养状态。由于库区支流营养盐浓度高且蓄水前后相对稳定,对藻类生长不形成限制,因此支流富营养化加重的原因是蓄水后库区支流流速减缓,使得透明度增加,水体透光性增加,藻类生长环境改善,从而使生物量大幅度增加,库区支流藻类水华频繁发生,且优势种类趋向于多样化,硅藻、甲藻、隐藻、蓝藻、绿藻都可成为水华优势种,且整体组成呈现硅藻、甲藻下降,蓝藻、绿藻、隐藻上升的态势,演替趋势总体上由河流型向湖泊型转变。但随着蓄水位的上升,水华发生比率总体上有所降低  相似文献   

长江流域大型水库富营养化特征及成因分析   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:33  
在对长江流域27座大型水库营养状况调查评价的基础上,深入分析了大型水库富营养化的特征和成因。结果表明水库富营养化状况与水库类型、水库流域的位置和水库的功能存在着明显的关系,湖泊型水库富营养化程度高于河道型水库,以灌溉为主的水库富营养化程度高于以发电为主的水库;调查的14座河道型水库和13座湖泊型水库中,分别有21.4%的河道型水库和69.2%的湖泊型水库达到富营养化水平;以发电为主的水库30%已达到富营养标准,而以灌溉为主的水库中达到富营养的占53.8%。另外,水库的富营养化程度与水文情势的变化密切相关,通过水位或水滞留时间的调节,对营养物质、藻类组成和现存量进行调控,影响水库富营养化进程。最后,提出对水文情势的调控是控制水库富营养化的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

The present research investigated the relationship between nitrate–nitrogen (NO3–N) in river water and the land use/land cover (hereafter, land use) in the Teshio River watershed located in northern Hokkaido island to understand the effect of human activities such as agriculture, forestry, industry, and urbanization in the drainage basin on the river ecosystem quality and services. River water was sampled at nine points seasonally during a 2-year period and the nutrients concentration was measured. Land use profiles were estimated at two spatial scales, riparian and sub-catchment, for each sampling station. The spatial pattern of water quality in the Teshio River showed increased NO3–N levels associated with agriculture and urban expansion, and forest reduction in the watershed. Land use at the riparian scale closely reflected that at the sub-catchment scale, which masked the unique riparian buffer effect on the river water condition. The increased agricultural and reduced forest area in the riparian zone, especially in the upper middle reach, could be a possible reason for a decline of ecosystem service for the provisioning of clean water and habitat for aquatic organisms. Measures towards sustainable and more nature-friendly agricultural management are necessary in the area to protect the Teshio River ecosystem and its ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Segara Anakan is a mangrove-fringed lagoon in Java, Indonesia, which is affected by human activities in the lagoon and its hinterland. Nutrient and sediment input from the Citanduy River which drains an agriculture-dominated hinterland is thought to be an important factor for ecosystem degradation. From dry and rainy season investigations of dissolved inorganic nutrients between May 2004 and August 2006 we infer that the nutrient inventory of Segara Anakan is controlled by a complex mixture of anthropogenic and natural sources and processes. Maximum inputs into the western lagoon were supplied by the Citanduy during the rainy season while tidal exchange with the Indian Ocean dominated in the eastern lagoon with little freshwater input. During the dry season recycling in mangroves appeared to be an additional source of nutrients to the lagoon. Despite an extremely high population density and intensive agriculture in the hinterland nutrient pollution and eutrophication in the lagoon were low to moderate on a global scale. It is probably due to the short residence time of water in the shallow lagoon which indicates that major part of the land-derived nutrient input is rapidly exported to the sea. Although Segara Anakan is a highly perturbed system for decades, it appears that still natural processes exert major control on the nutrient inventory of the lagoon.  相似文献   

湖滨带湿地截磷研究进展及问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖滨带湿地是面源污染汇入湖泊的过渡区域,也是湖泊天然的保护屏障。磷素是面源污染的主要组成,同时也是水体中最难被去除的污染物之一,其过量输入是造成湖泊富营养化的重要原因。湖滨带湿地的截磷作用能大大削减进入湖泊的外源磷负荷,研究湖滨带湿地的截磷机制对于水污染防治和湖泊生态系统保护具有显著意义。简述了湖滨带湿地截磷研究进展,并分析了目前研究中的关键问题。采用宏观分析与微观机理研究相结合的方法,发展宏观大尺度分析、微观协同作用与模型研究,强化湖滨带湿地的截磷效率,提升湖滨带湿地的整体生态功能,是解决湖泊富营养化问题的关键。  相似文献   

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