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The influence of 10 wt.% mature compost was tested on the heavy metal leachate emissions from a calcium-rich municipal solid waste incineration air pollution control residue (MSWI APC). Apart from elongated columns (500 and 1250 mm), an otherwise norm compliant European percolation test setup was used. More than 99% of the metals Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe and Ni were left in the APC residue after leaching to a liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of 10. Apparent short-term effects of elevated leachate DOC concentrations on heavy metal releases were not detected. Zn and Pb leachate concentrations were one order of magnitude lower for L/S 5 and 10 from the pure APC residue column, which suggests a possible long-term effect of compost on the release of these elements. Prolonging the contact time between the pore water and the material resulted in elevated leachate concentrations at L/S 0.1 to L/S 1 by a factor of 2. Only Cr and Pb concentrations were at their maxima in the first leachates at L/S 0.1. Equilibrium speciation modelling with the PHREEQC code suggested portlandite (Ca(OH)2) to control Ca solubility and pH.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal temperature variations exist in a compost pile. This study demonstrates that systematic temperature sampling of a compost pile, as is widely done, tends to underestimate these variations, which in turn may lead to false conclusions about the sanitary condition of the final product. To address these variations, a proper scheme of temperature sampling needs to be used. A comparison of the results from 21 temperature data loggers randomly introduced into a compost pile with those from 20 systematically introduced data loggers showed that the mean, maximum and minimum temperatures in both methods were very similar in their magnitudes. Overall, greater temperature variation was captured using the random method. In addition, 95% of the probes introduced systematically had attained thermophilic sanitation conditions (?55 °C for three consecutive days), as compared to 76% from the group that were randomly introduced. Furthermore, it was found that, from a statistical standpoint, readings from at least 47 randomly introduced temperature loggers are necessary to capture the observed temperature variation. Lastly, the turning of the compost pile was found to increase the chance that any random particle would be exposed to the temperature ?55 °C for three consecutive days. One turning was done during the study, and it increased the probability from 76% to nearly 85%. Using the Markov chain model it was calculated that if five turnings had been implemented on the evaluated technology, the likelihood that every particle would experience the required time–temperature condition would be 98%.  相似文献   

Compost leachate forms during the composting process of organic material. It is rich in oxidizable organics, ammonia and metals, which pose a risk to the environment if released without proper treatment. An innovative method based on the membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology was developed to treat compost leachate over 39 days. Water quality parameters, such as pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured daily. Concentrations of caffeine and metals were measured over the course of the experiment using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) respectively. A decrease of more than 99% was achieved for a COD of 116 g/L in the initial leachate. Ammonia was decreased from 2720 mg/L to 0.046 mg/L, while the nitrate concentration in the effluent rose to 710 mg/L. The bacteria in the MBR system adjusted to the presence of the leachate, and increased 4 orders of magnitude. Heavy metals were removed by at least 82.7% except copper. These successful results demonstrated the membrane bioreactor technology is feasible, efficient method for the treatment of compost leachate.  相似文献   

The performance of products arising from the stabilization/solidification of slags from lead batteries recycle into a Portland cement matrix has been evaluated not only in order to get a stabilized waste to be disposed of according to the current legislation, but also to obtain a recyclable material, with both economic and environmental benefits. Under this respect a detailed characterization of raw slags has been performed and different slag-cement samples have been prepared by varying the slag content. The parameters related to the cementation process have been evaluated and a series of tests on the final waste forms have been carried out, aimed at assessing both mechanical performance and leaching behaviour. In spite of the acceptable values for flexural, compressive and tensile strength, however, the high release of lead from the solidification products seems to be a limiting factor for a reusable material. While explanations of such phenomenon are given (high alkalinity of Portland cement; early "doping" of cementitious components by lead in the amorphous state), the main conclusion of the research work is that further efforts should be addressed to the adoption of a different or a modified incorporation matrix.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impact of nitrate injection on a full scale landfill bioreactor through the monitoring of gaseous releases and particularly N2O emissions. During several weeks, we monitored gas concentrations in the landfill gas collection system as well as surface gas releases with a series of seven static chambers. These devices were directly connected to a gas chromatograph coupled to a flame ionisation detector and an electron capture detector (GC-FID/ECD) placed directly on the field. Measurements were performed before, during and after recirculation of raw leachate and nitrate-enhanced leachate. Raw leachate recirculation did not have a significant effect on the biogas concentrations (CO2, CH4 and N2O) in the gas extraction network. However, nitrate-enhanced leachate recirculation induced a marked increase of the N2O concentrations in the gas collected from the recirculation trench (100-fold increase from 0.2 ppm to 23 ppm). In the common gas collection system however, this N2O increase was no more detectable because of dilution by gas coming from other cells or ambient air intrusion. Surface releases through the temporary cover were characterized by a large spatial and temporal variability. One automated chamber gave limited standard errors over each experimental period for N2O releases: 8.1 ± 0.16 mg m?2 d?1 (n = 384), 4.2 ± 0.14 mg m?2 d?1 (n = 132) and 1.9 ± 0.10 mg m?2 d?1 (n = 49), during, after raw leachate and nitrate-enhanced leachate recirculation, respectively. No clear correlation between N2O gaseous surface releases and recirculation events were evidenced. Estimated N2O fluxes remained in the lower range of what is reported in the literature for landfill covers, even after nitrate injection.  相似文献   

According to the European Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC and the related Italian Legislation (“D. Lgs. No. 36/2003”), monitoring and control procedures of landfill gas emissions, migration and external dispersions are clearly requested. These procedures could be particularly interesting in the operational circumstance of implementing a temporary cover, as for instance permitted by the Italian legislation over worked-out landfill sections, awaiting the evaluation of expected waste settlements.A possible quantitative approach for field measurement and consequential evaluation of landfill CO2, CH4 emission rates in pairs consists of the static, non-stationary accumulation chamber technique. At the Italian level, a significant and recent situation of periodical landfill gas emission monitoring is represented by the sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste of the “Fano” town district, where monitoring campaigns with the static chamber have been annually conducted during the last 5 years (2005-2009). For the entire multiyear monitoring period, the resulting CO2, CH4 emission rates varied on the whole up to about 13,100 g CO2 m−2 d−1 and 3800 g CH4 m−2 d−1, respectively.The elaboration of these landfill gas emission data collected at the “Fano” case-study site during the monitoring campaigns, presented and discussed in the paper, gives rise to a certain scientific evidence of the possible negative effects derivable from the implementation of a temporary HDPE cover over a worked-out landfill section, notably: the lateral migration and concentration of landfill gas emissions through adjacent, active landfill sections when hydraulically connected; and consequently, the increase of landfill gas flux velocities throughout the reduced overall soil cover surface, giving rise to a flowing through of CH4 emissions without a significant oxidation. Thus, these circumstances are expected to cause a certain increase of the overall GHG emissions from the given landfill site.  相似文献   

The objective of the present paper has been to study the effect of pig slurry waste type, fresh or anaerobically digested, and the effect of initial pH on ammonia air stripping from pig slurry waste at high temperature (80 degrees C). Stripping process as pre- or post-treatment to anaerobic digestion has been also evaluated. Treatment performances differ according to pig slurry type. When fresh pig slurry is used, despite working at 80 degrees C, a high initial pH (11.5) is required for complete ammonia removal. On the other hand, for digested pig slurry, complete ammonia removal without pH modification is possible and organic matter significantly less contaminates recovered ammonia salt. Batch anaerobic tests showed that ammonia air stripping is not an advisable pre-treatment to pig slurry anaerobic digestion.  相似文献   

Mill tailings dumps at Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, are creating environmental problems. One of the solutions to these problems is to use the mill tailings for some useful purpose. This study examined the possibility of making bricks from the mill tailings with some additives in laboratory experiments. Samples of the mill tailings and the additives were analysed for particle size distribution, Atterberg limits and specific gravity. The plasticity index of the mill tailings being zero, they could not be used directly for making bricks. Therefore some additives that had plasticity or binding properties were mixed with the mill tailings. Ordinary Portland cement, black cotton soils and red soils were selected as additives. Each of the additives was mixed separately with the mill tailings in different proportions by weight and a large number of bricks were prepared using metallic moulds. The bricks were termed as cement-tailings bricks or soil-tailings bricks, depending on the additives used. The cement-tailings bricks were cured for different periods and their corresponding compressive strengths were determined. The bricks with 20% of cement and 14 days of curing were found to be suitable. The soil-tailings bricks were sun-dried and then fired in a furnace at different temperatures. The quality of bricks was assessed in terms of linear shrinkage, water absorption and compressive strength. The cost analysis revealed that cement-tailings bricks would be uneconomical whereas the soil-tailings bricks would be very economical.  相似文献   

Germination tests on the Komatsuna (Brassica rapa var. peruviridis) seed using water extract from compost has often been performed in Japan to evaluate compost maturity; however, most of the germination tests have been carried out without using any rationally defined experimental criteria to determine germination and to explain the influence of cultivars. Here, we performed a series of germination tests to examine the applicability of the experimental criteria for germination and the influence of cultivars on germination rate. Germination rate varied according to the criteria introduced in this paper, and two criteria, "seed size (3)" and "5?mm (2)", were selected for testing. In addition, two types of inhibitory influence, stop and slowness, were observed and compared with the criteria. The logistic regression curve of Logit, a function of germination rate to logarithmic value of the dilution ratio of the water extract was parameterized to compare the effects of the cultivars on germination rate. The statistical analysis of the parameters showed that dilution ratio greatly influenced germination rate, and the cultivar itself also influenced the rate. Consequently, the specific experimental criteria for germination and determining the influence of cultivars were proven to be indispensable for evaluating compost maturity using the germination test.  相似文献   

Incorporation of organic waste amendments to a horticultural soil, prior to expected risk periods, could immobilise mineral N, ultimately reducing nitrogen (N) losses as nitrous oxide (N2O) and leaching. Two organic waste amendments were selected, a fresh green waste (FGW) and green waste compost (GWC) as they had suitable biochemical attributes to initiate N immobilisation into the microbial biomass and organic N forms. These characteristics include a high C:N ratio (FGW 44:1, GWC 35:1), low total N (<1%), and high lignin content (>14%). Both products were applied at 3 t C/ha to a high N (plus N fertiliser) or low N (no fertiliser addition) Vertisol soil in PVC columns. Cumulative N2O production over the 28 day incubation from the control soil was 1.5 mg/N2O/m2, and 11 mg/N2O/m2 from the control + N. The N2O emission decreased with GWC addition (< 0.05) for the high N soil, reducing cumulative N2O emissions by 38% by the conclusion of the incubation. Analysis of mineral N concentrations at 7, 14 and 28 days identified that both FGW and GWC induced microbial immobilisation of N in the first 7 days of incubation regardless of whether the soil environment was initially high or low in N; with the FGW immobilising up to 30% of available N. It is likely that the reduced mineral N due to N immobilisation led to a reduced substrate for N2O production during the first week of the trial, when soil N2O emissions peaked. An additional finding was that FGW + N did not decrease cumulative N2O emissions compared to the control + N, potentially due to the fact that it stimulated microbial respiration resulting in anaerobic micro sites in the soil and ultimately N2O production via denitrification. Therefore, both materials could be used as post harvest amendments in horticulture to minimise N loss through nitrate-N leaching in the risk periods between crop rotations. The mature GWC has potential to reduce N2O, an important greenhouse gas.  相似文献   

Bottom ash is the main solid residue (in weight) which is produced by municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) facilities. This material is composed of a mineral matrix and may be used as secondary raw material for construction purpose. However, for this specific application the leaching behavior of the environmentally relevant elements under field conditions is different from the predicted behavior based on results obtained from the standardized leaching test. Therefore, a 70-day simulative experiment has been carried out in this study to investigate the release of major heavy metals (Cu and Pb) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from several particle fractions of bottom ash under a static leaching condition, where bottom ash was immersed in water at different initial pH values. Results showed that: (1) the leaching behavior of Cu and Pb was much similar with that depicted by the standardized leaching tests, and fit well with the solubility-controlling mechanism; (2) the sorption mechanism on the neoformed phases may control the solubility of Pb, whereas the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may play an important role in the solubility of Cu; and (3) the leached PAHs were degraded during the later period of leaching process.  相似文献   

Establishing plausible predictive scenarios represents a challenge for the long-term evolution of waste such as municipal solid waste bottom ash. These systems are characterized by complex and sometimes poorly understood physico-chemical mechanisms. The long term prediction of the evolution of such systems must be based on a dynamic approach involving their study in space and time. A preliminary outline of a model integrating chemistry and mass transfer is currently being tested by BRGM on the results obtained from a 16-month monitoring survey of a pilot bottom ash heap subjected to meteoric weathering. The model is based on a simplified coupled chemistry-transport approach using mass action laws and Kinetics chemical model (the Networks of Chemical Reactors approach). This modelling approach is used to monitor the evolution in chemical composition of a column of meteoric water percolating through the pilot bottom ash heap. The system is divided into representative elementary volumes (chemical reactors) on the basis of the major chemical and mineralogical zonations identified in the system.  相似文献   

A small study was undertaken to examine the microbiological characteristics of spent mushroom compost (SMC), which is the major waste by-product of the mushroom industry and which is regularly disposed off by application to agricultural land. The primary aim of this study was to examine SMC for the presence of faecal bacterial pathogens, including Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Secondly it was desirable to quantify bacterial and fungal populations within SMC, and also qualitatively identify the diversity of bacterial populations within SMC, through employment of rDNA PCR and direct sequencing techniques on the culturable microflora. Conventional microbiological analyses of SMC material (n=30) from six commercial operations in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, failed to detect Salmonella spp, Listeria spp. or Campylobacter spp. in any of the SMC material examined. Total aerobic plate counts gave a mean count of log10 7.01 colony forming units (cfu) per gram SMC material (range: log10 6.53-7.52 cfu/g). Fungal counts gave a mean count of log(10) 4.57 cfu per gram SMC material (range: log10 3.93-4.98 cfu/g). From a total of greater than 50 colony picks, a total of 12 bacterial morphotypes were identified and were further examined by employment of partial 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing techniques, yielding several genera and species, including Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella/Enterobacter sp. Microbacterium sp. Paenibacillus lentimorbus, Pseudomonas mevalonii, Sphingobacterium multivorum and Stenotrophomonas sp. This is the first preliminary report on the microbial diversity of SMC waste and demonstrates the presence of several species that have not been previously described in SMC, in addition to two potentially novel species within the genera Microbacterium and Stenotrophomonas. It is thereby important to examine the ecological microbe-microbe and plant-microbe interactions that are occurring between the native bacterial soil flora and those added annually (theoretically estimated at approximately 10(18) cells) through the application of SMC. Such studies would be beneficial in helping to ascertain the ecological consequences involved in the disposal of SMC waste on agricultural land.  相似文献   

Changes in environmental legislation and standards governing healthcare waste, such as the Hazardous Waste Regulations are expected to have a significant impact on healthcare waste quantities and costs in England and Wales. This paper presents findings from two award winning case study organizations, the Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust and the Cornwall NHS Trust on 'systems' they have employed for minimizing waste. The results suggest the need for the development and implementation of a holistic range of systems in order to develop best practice, including waste minimization strategies, key performance indicators, and staff training and awareness. The implications for the sharing of best practice from the two case studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Shortly after promulgation of the Hazardous Waste Combustor MACT rule established regulatory limits for polychlorinated dioxins and furans (dioxins/furans) in incinerator stack gas, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) announced that facilities could still be required to demonstrate that stack emissions do not present an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment. Guidance for conducting this risk assessment activity, which was to be required under RCRA omnibus authority, was developed by the agency and released in 1998. The guidance represented an increase in complexity over previous documents developed by the agency and contains multiple chemical, fate and transport, and toxicological parameters which are to be used as default deterministic parameters in a complex series of algorithms which ultimately lead to numerical estimates of risk. As these changes were occurring, USEPA was also moving towards completion of its reassessment of dioxin. That series of documents has been the subject of considerable controversy and has, in several of its various drafts, proposed a number of changes, including modification of the existing toxic equivalency factor (TEF) approach and of the cancer potency factor of 2,3,7,8-tetachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. At this time it is unclear what the impact of these changes will be on facilities progressing through the permitting process, because it is not intuitively obvious how changes in the risk assessment input parameters will impact the magnitude of the dioxinlfuran risk. In this paper, the receptor usually associated with the highest potential risk from dioxins/furans in a combustion risk assessment, the Subsistence Farmer, will be subjected to a sensitivity analysis to determine which of the multiple default input parameters will have the greatest influence on the potential cancer risk.  相似文献   

The effects of amendment with municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) and anaerobically digested sewage sludge (SS) on the compositional and structural features of soil humic acids (HAs) were investigated. For this purpose, HAs were isolated from MSWC, SS, and two different Portuguese soils, a sandy Haplic Podzol and a clay loam Calcic Vertisol, which were either unamended or amended with MSWC or SS at a rate of 60tha(-1). The isolated HAs were analyzed for elemental and acidic functional group composition, and by ultraviolet/visible, Fourier transform infrared (FT IR), and fluorescence spectroscopies. The application of MSWC and especially SS to soils determined an increase of C, N, H, and S contents and E(4)/E(6) ratios (i.e., ratios of absorbances at 465 and 665nm), and a decrease of O, COOH, and phenolic OH contents and C/N, C/H, and O/C ratios of soil HAs. The FT IR and fluorescence results showed that the organic amendments, especially SS, caused an increase of the aliphatic character and a decrease of the degrees of aromatic polycondensation, polymerization, and humification of amended soil HAs. Both MSWC and SS affected more markedly the clayey soil HAs than the sandy soil HAs, possibly due to less extended mineralization processes and the protective action of clay minerals on amended soil HAs.  相似文献   

This study employed contingent valuation method to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of the households to improve the waste collection system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of this study is to evaluate how household WTP changes when recycling and waste separation at source is made mandatory. The methodology consisted of asking people directly about their WTP for an additional waste collection service charge to cover the costs of a new waste management project. The new waste management project consisted of two versions: version A (recycling and waste separation is mandatory) and version B (recycling and waste separation is not mandatory). The households declined their WTP for version A when they were asked to separate the waste at source although all the facilities would be given to them for waste separation. The result of this study indicates that the households were not conscious about the benefits of recycling and waste separation. Concerted efforts should be taken to raise environmental consciousness of the households through education and more publicity regarding waste separation, reducing and recycling.  相似文献   

Endosulfan is an economically important insecticide and widespread environmental pollutant, originating from a wide range of agricultural activities. The major implication from the feasibility study described was that endosulfan I can be remediated by natural attenuation processes in cotton-farming soil, in which concentrations were relatively low, as well as heavily contaminated soil, from an agricultural chemical waste (evaporation) pit. Endosulfan I, the major isomer of endosulfan, was present in agricultural soils with low (2.2 mg/kg) and high (417 mg/kg) concentrations of technical-grade endosulfan. The half-lives of the major isomer of endosulfan were 94 and greater than 350 days in the low-level (cotton farming soil) and high-level (contaminated soil), respectively. Even under conditions of minimal intervention, as in the current study, endosulfan concentrations in contaminated soils can be substantially reduced. The nonbiological process of soil binding was predominantly responsible for the natural attenuation of endosulfan I in both soils. Low levels of mineralization of the chlorinated ring 14C-labelled carbons were also reported, but mineralization did not play an important role in natural attenuation of endosulfan I in either soil studied.  相似文献   

Incineration has undergone several technology improvements, reducing air emissions and increasing the efficiency of energy and material recovery; however, there is still a long way to go. To analyze the environmental impacts of waste incineration, this study assessed 15 waste fractions that compose municipal waste in Spain, which are grouped as non-inert materials (plastics, paper, cardboard and organic matter), unburned materials (glass and Al) and ferrous materials. Additionally, this paper evaluates the valorization of bottom ash (BA) to produce steel, aluminum and cement in these recycled/recoverable waste fractions. The results depend on the input waste composition and the heating value (HHV) and showed that ferrous and unburned materials had the worst environmental performance due to the null HHV. The valorization of BA in steel, Al and cement production significantly reduced the environmental impact and the consumption of resources. BA recycling for secondary steel and Al production would improve the environmental performance of the combustion of unburned materials and ferrous materials, whereas the use of BA in cement production diminished the consumption of NR for non-inert materials. This is of great interest for organic matter and PC, waste with a low energy production and high heavy metal and sulfur content.  相似文献   

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