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SO2衍生物对大蒜根尖细胞遗传损伤作用的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
研究SO2体内衍生物--亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠混合液(31,mol.L-1/mol.L-1)对大蒜幼根细胞的遗传损伤效应.结果表明SO2衍生物处理可导致根尖细胞分裂异常,中期染色体粘连、间期细胞微核和双核频率明显增高;此外还可引起根尖部分细胞核碎解及核固缩.SO2体内衍生物的上述效应具有明显的时间-效应和剂量-效应关系.  相似文献   

镉胁迫下大豆中镉的分布状况及其籽粒品质   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
溶液培养中0.5μmol·L-1镉胁迫浓度下,大豆表现出轻微受害症状,籽粒减产25 . 7%,而籽粒中粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量变化不大.镉在大豆中的积累分布状况为根>叶>籽>油,比例为32.100:1.690:1.000:0.003.大豆籽粒含镉4.89mg/kg,超过了国家环境标准规定的最高容许量.而大豆粗脂肪中含镉仅0.015mg/kg,远低于国家食品环境卫生标准.豆粕中含镉6.17mg/kg,表明大豆籽粒中的镉主要存在于粗蛋白和淀粉中.  相似文献   

利用土壤盆栽实验,研究了0、5、10、30、50、100mg·kg^-1的土壤加砷水平对大豆生长和氮、磷、钾养分含量的影响.结果表明,当土壤加砷水平达到50mg·kg^-1时,大豆出现中毒症状,叶片皱缩,叶色变暗,叶缘焦枯,植株矮化,成熟延迟.大豆株高随加砷水平的提高而降低,并呈极显著的负指数相关关系.土壤加砷达到10...  相似文献   

Ballooning is a form of aerial movement practiced by most immature and some adult spiders. Very few studies have investigated the composition and rate of spider ballooning in Australian agroecosystems. Water traps were used to compare ballooning rates in irrigated soybean crops and nearby non-crop areas in southeast Queensland over two summer seasons. The highest ballooning rate (14.8 spiders/m2 per day) was recorded in a soybean field, non-crop areas (7.0 spiders/m2 per day) and a dry land mungbean field (6.8 spiders/m2 per day) having similar rates. Spider ballooning in soybean increased throughout the season and showed three peaks and intervening troughs. A similar pattern in ballooning peaks was observed in non-crop areas however the numbers were lower. Peaks in ballooning activity where synchronised across habitat types and some spider groups. Composition of the ballooning fauna was different from that of the ground-dwelling fauna, some families being present in both. Ballooning is an important behaviour in terms of population dynamics for a number of spider groups in soybean and the implications for pest control are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an environmental impact assessment of biodiesel production from soybean in Brazil. In order to achieve this objective, environmental impact indicators provided by Emergy Accounting (EA), Embodied Energy Analysis (EEA) and Material Flow Accounting (MFA) were used. The results showed that for one liter of biodiesel 8.8 kg of topsoil are lost in erosion, besides the cost of 0.2 kg of fertilizers, about 5.2 m2 of crop area, 7.33 kg of abiotic materials, 9.0 tons of water and 0.66 kg of air and about 0.86 kg of CO2 were released. About 0.27 kg of crude oil equivalent is required as inputs to produce one liter of biodiesel, which means an energy return of 2.48 J of biodiesel per Joule of fossil fuel invested. The transformity of biodiesel (3.90E + 05 seJ J?1) is higher than those calculated for fossil fuels as other biofuels, indicating a higher demand for direct and indirect environmental support. Similarly, the biodiesel emergy yield ratio (1.62) indicates that a very low net emergy is delivered to consumers, compared to alternatives. Obtained results show that when crop production and industrial conversion to fuel are supported by fossil fuels in the form of chemicals, goods, and process energy, the fraction of fuel that can actually be considered renewable is very low (around 31%).  相似文献   

 报道了平阳霉素诱发紫竹梅四分体的微核效应以及与紫露草四分体和蚕豆根尖细胞微核效应间的相互关系。结果表明,平阳霉素浓度与微核率间呈线性剂量效应关系,与紫竹梅、紫露草四分体微核率相关非常显著(P<0.01);与蚕豆根尖细胞微核率间相关显著(P<0.05)。同时,紫竹梅四分体微核率和紫露草四分体、蚕豆根尖细胞微核率间相关非常显著(P<0.01),从而为紫竹梅四分体微核率测试系统的建立提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

基于耕地资源约束的中国大豆生产能力研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
论文首先在理论上系统分析了耕地资源约束与农产品生产能力之间的关系;以东北地区和黄淮海地区的大豆生产为重点,对主产区大豆生产的经济效益及影响大豆生产的资源、环境等其他问题进行了研究;并以县为基本单元,对中国大豆主产区未来大豆最大可能生产规模进行了预测;在分析大豆主产区大豆综合生产潜力基础上,研究提出了2020年之前中国大豆的最大可能生产能力在2800×104~3400×104t左右。但由于中国大豆生产和大豆加工存在严重的空间布局错位,应实施“南进北出”的大豆贸易战略;东北平原区的三江平原和松嫩平原是大豆增产潜力最大的地区,但该地区也是玉米主产区,扩大大豆种植面积必然带来玉米种植面积的下降,也将影响未来中国玉米的供求,所以,在耕地资源有限的情况下,应在“耕地资源-农产品”系统中研究耕地资源与农产品的综合平衡问题。  相似文献   

党的十八大把生态文明建设列入中国特色社会主义事业五位一体的总体布局,提出大力推进生态文明建设,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。随着市场经济的持续增长,环境污染、扰民问题愈加突出,人民群众对环境问题日益关注,环境保护工作面临的形势越来越严峻,任务和责任越来越繁重和艰巨,给基层环境保护工作提出更高的要求。基层环境监管在思想观念更新,工作思路调整,能力建设加强,管理机制完善等方面需进一步提高和发展。  相似文献   

西南地区全新世气候变化概述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文较为系统地分析了西南地区石笋、泥炭和湖泊沉积物等自然记录恢复古气候的其本原理,概述了西南地区全新世(近万年来)气候变化研究的主要进展。鉴于西南地区古气候研究的现状,未来应着重加强三个方面的研究:1)加强石笋、泥炭和湖泊沉积物等代用指标记录气候变化的机理研究,建立更为有效的古气候定量/半定量重建方法;2)加强高分辨率、多指标的综合对比研究,揭示重大气候变化事件(如8.2 ka事件4、.2 ka事件和小冰期等)的性质及其对西南地区生态环境的影响;3)加强不同区域气候变化的对比研究,为揭示气候变化驱动力和合理预测西南未来可能出现的气候变化提供科学基础。  相似文献   

哑铃湾网箱养殖自身污染状况   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
根据2002年4月、7月、10月和2003年1月对哑铃湾海域网箱养殖区的调查数据,分析该海域网箱养殖自身污染情况。结果表明,网箱养殖增加了水体中N、P的含量,改变了养殖水体中一些化学因子的垂直分布,加速了哑铃湾海域的有机污染和富营养化。随着养殖年限的增加,哑铃湾网箱养殖自身污染日趋严重。  相似文献   

After chorionic villus biopsy of human placenta, cell cultures were propagated with Ham's F10 medium or Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM). It was possible to study the morphology of the cells by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after a special culture of the cells in a collagen gel. The cells embedded in a collagen gel were able to contract the gel and to organize collagen fibres, as fibroblast cultures do. TEM showed vacuolization and well-developed cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, especially in the case of MEM culture. The aim was to determine whether cells cultivated from early placenta were able to synthesize enough collagen for a metabolic study. A high level of collagen biosynthesis could be quantified. Types I and III collagen can be determined which is useful for studying the abnormalities of collagen synthesis in suspected cases of osteogenesis imperfecta or Ehlers–Danlos type IV syndrome. The hydroxylation of lysine can also be studied with respect to Ehlers–Danlos type VI syndrome. Moreover, these cells, in contrast to fibroblast cultures, made it possible to study the biosynthesis of type IV collagen.  相似文献   

人工湿地生态根孔技术及其应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
人工湿地亚表层介质的堵塞问题一直是湿地系统持续有效运行的障碍,极大地限制了人工湿地技术的大规模工程应用.通过白洋淀自然湿地现场研究,发现由大型水生植物所形成的根孔异常发达,径级不等的死活根孔混合在一起,组成了庞大的湿地根孔网络.人工湿地生态根孔技术通过模拟白洋淀湿地自然的芦苇根孔系统,以人为填埋的植物秸秆作为湿地的填料/介质,有效地改变了土壤亚表层大孔隙结构,为人工湿地建设和应用开辟了一条新途径.通过构筑根孔和自然根孔之间的过渡和湿地根孔的不断更新,实现湿地填料/介质的自我更新,克服了一般潜流人工湿地其填料/介质易发生堵塞的缺点.构筑根孔有效填补了人工湿地运行初期大量自然根孔尚未形成的空白期.该技术在小试湿地中获得了成功应用.以玉米秸秆和地肤秸秆作为小试模拟湿地的填埋介质,其填埋量体积比为2%~4%.与未填埋秸秆的基质土壤处理单元相比,填埋秸秆处理单元其导水效率和营养盐去除能力都得到了有效提高.研究结果表明:填埋秸秆腐烂后形成的构筑根孔其水分侧向入渗率是基质土壤的20倍左右.在中、低营养盐负荷情况下,填埋秸秆处理单元对溶解性总氮(DTN)去除率平均提高4.5%~27.1%;对溶解性总磷(DTP)去除率平均提高7.0%~20.4%.  相似文献   

在综述分析前人关于网箱养殖污染负荷计算方法的基础上,借助网箱养殖物质平衡方程和实地监测实验数据,建立了哑铃湾网箱养殖污染负荷数学模型,并在模型中首次考虑了底泥累积污染影响.一方面为计算网箱养殖环境容量提供理论基础和计算参数,另一方面也为国内外相关的计算提供方法和参考.  相似文献   

The effect of mine tailings and sewage sludge was evaluated on sorption, desorption, availability and distribution of copper in two soils, one high (sandy soil) and one low in copper (clay soil). In both soils contaminated by mine tailings the copper sorption capacity and the affinity of the substrate for the metal decreased substantially compared to the uncontaminated soils, however, the sorption remained always high in the clay soil substrates. In the substrates with sandy soil, the high Cu content and lower clay content were determining factors in the lower magnitude of the sorption. Similarly, metal desorption was closely related to these two parameters, and it was higher in clay soil with lower pH. In general, the application of sewage sludge favored the sorption of Cu in soils contaminated and uncontaminated with mine tailings, and in all cases desorption decreased, an effect that remained for at least 30 days. Simple extraction of Cu with CaCl2 and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid gave contradictory results, so a careful choice of the procedure is required, depending on the level of metal in the soil and on the acting principle of the extracting agent. In that relation, more complete information on the changes in the metal forms was obtained by application of the sequential extraction procedure proposed by the European Community Bureau of Reference.  相似文献   

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