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GEMS is an established, operational fact, a fact that has been with us for ten years. In 1975, following the instructions of the UN Conference on the Human Environment, UNEP moved into the field of environmental monitoring by establishing at its Nairobi Headquaters a Programme Activity Centre for GEMS. The role given to this Programme Activity Centre is to co-ordinate the disparate international monitoring activities that are conducted thoughout the world, particulary within the UN system, and to advise the Environment Fund of UNEP on how best to support and stimulate the initiation of new activities or the expansion of ongoing ones through the allocation of financial resources to these activities.The data gathered within the GEMS networks are used for assessment of the state of the environment and its trends, for better, more rational management of the environment and its natural resources. Ten years after it began the United Nations GEMS effort can be seen to be both fully operational and global in scope.  相似文献   

城市水污染物排放信息是城市水环境保护决策和管理的依据,但城市水污染控制的外部性使城市水污染物排放信息产生失真风险,需要对城市区域水污染物排放信息核查。通过高质量数据对低质量数据的核查,用基于监测的水污染物入河量数据核查基于环境统计申报与排污系数的水污染物入河量数据,完善了城市区域水污染物排放核查方法。案例分析结果显示,环境统计COD入河排放量明显偏小。建议水污染物排放统计以入河量为核心,建立入河排污口监测体系,编制核查技术规范,实施区域污染物排放核查。  相似文献   

从环境监测工作的方针和职能论述了环境监测在实行污染物排放总量控制中的支持和保障作用;从实行总量控制的技术要求阐明了需要环境监测的支持和保障,并提出了总量控制要建立以环境监测为主体的技术支持和保障体系,以促进总量控制计划目标的实现  相似文献   

比较了大气污染排放清单与环境统计报表的数据采集思路和方法,基于2016年京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市的排放清单和同年环境统计数据,采用配对样本t检验和相关分析,在总体、城市和行业层面,对SO2、NOx、VOCs等3项污染物排放指标的差异性和一致性进行了比较分析.研究结果表明,排放清单与环境统计数据有显著差异,...  相似文献   

在ISO 14001:2004(环境管理体系一要求及使用指南》认证过程中,认证机构需要通过环境监测判断申请认证组织的污染物排放是否达到环境标准和总量控制指标的要求,指出在ISO 14001认证中的环境监测,存在着监测项目不充分、监测过程偏离技术规范、监测机构没有相应资质和审核员缺乏环境科学与技术知识等问题,以及认证机构不能有效利用环境监测这一手段评价申请认证组织的环境行为,提出了应充分识别环境监测要求、严格把好环境监测机构资质关和提高审核员环境科学与技术素质的一系列对策。  相似文献   

通过研究日本、美国、欧盟、联合国环境保护署关于杀虫剂类POPs的申报管理机制,分析我国关于化学品、污染物和固体废物的申报、登记制度,欲建立我国杀虫剂类POPs动态申报机制.我国杀虫剂类POPs动态申报以各级环保部门为管理主体,以杀虫剂类POPs的生产单位和流通机构、各级环保部门、知情群众为申报主体,以杀虫剂类POPs的...  相似文献   

环境统计面临依据排污许可数据估算工业污染排放总量的挑战.以某市4个行业6类污染物的排放数据为案例,讨论了在非重点源污染排放量估算问题上衔接排污许可和环境统计的可行性和存在的问题.研究结果表明:排污许可重点管理单位与环境统计重点调查单位存在显著差异,不能采用比率估算方法估算工业非重点源排污量;排污许可简化和登记管理单位排...  相似文献   

简述了当前污染物总量控制现状,从技术角度和管理角度分析了其存在的缺陷。以泰州市刷卡排污试点工程为例,介绍了企业刷卡排污总量控制设备、环保部门刷卡排污系统控制管理平台、刷卡排污具体工作流程等。指出,刷卡管理系统有效提高了总量控制指导性,确保数据的真实、准确,加强环保监控,促进企业转型升级;有效实现总量定额分配,实现浓度、总量双控制,实现定向监管,减少企业偷排、漏排,促进排污权交易制度顺利实施。  相似文献   

同位素技术在环境科学研究中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了近年来同位素技术在国内外环境科学研究中的应用状况,简要介绍了同位素技术的应用原理与分析方法。总结了放射性同位素技术和稳定同位素技术在环境史重建、污染物示踪及源解析等方面的应用,重点介绍了稳定同位素技术在水、大气和土壤污染物源解析中的应用进展。对未来同位素技术在环境科学研究中的应用进行了展望,提出了多种同位素联合解析、建立和完善定量源解析模型等建议。  相似文献   

随着中国环境问题特别是大气环境问题的凸显,环境承载能力研究成为国内各界关注的热点。采用大气污染物年均质量浓度与新的空气质量标准比较的方法即超标倍数法,对全国330个地级城市进行大气环境承载力评价。评价结果表明,有70%的城市大气环境超载,大气环境承载形势严峻。超载最严重地区为京津冀及周边区域,长三角地区、中部大部分地区。PM2.5为大多数重点城市超载的首要污染物。通过对比大气环境承载指数与污染物排放总量、污染排放强度、人口、第二产业、地形、气象等因素的相关关系发现,不同地区主要影响因素不同,应该采取分区域、季节等差别化手段控制污染物排放,提高环境承载能力。  相似文献   

简述了环境保护新特征的系统诊断,指出面对环境保护呈现的新特征,环境监测管理及建设存在环境监测的各项技术、标准、规范、管理措施滞后于社会经济基本现代化的发展要求,体制机制滞后于环境保护的发展要求,服务能力滞后于公共服务的需求,质量管理滞后于严格的环境管理需求等问题。提出,应从传统的环境监测向资源环境承载力监测预警转变,从条块管理向垂直管理的体制转变,从监测信息相对封闭向监测信息主动公开转变,由单纯依靠自身监测向依靠各部门和全社会监测转变,从污染物总量监测为主向污染物总量,环境质量监测并重转变,从实验室质控为主向全过程质控转变,从以生态,环境为核心的环境监测向以人为本的环境监测转变。  相似文献   

中国重点城市空气污染预报及其进展   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
为更好地反映大气环境污染变化趋势,加大环境污染控制力度,预防严重污染事件发生,开展城市空气质量报告及空气污染预报工作是十分必要的。文章概括地论述了开展此项研究的目的、意义、基本方法及其进展。  相似文献   

Given the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China, environmental problems have gradually become major constraints that hinder its sustainable economic development. Moreover, China's pollution abatement and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions have been severely affected by pressures coming from domestic environmental appeals and international environmental diplomacy. By using integrated data from the Chinese Industrial Enterprise and the Chinese Enterprise Environmental Survey and Reporting databases, this study constructs comprehensive indicators of pollutant discharge intensity and carbon emissions index at the enterprise level and uses the panel fixed effect model, Kaya identity, and mediation effect model to assess the effects of environmental regulations on pollution abatement and collaborative emissions reduction from the micro-perspective. Results show that these regulations can abate the pollution emissions of Chinese industrial enterprises and verify the effectiveness of environmental policies. These regulations can also efficiently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of enterprises through pollution abatement. In other words, environmental regulations facilitate a collaborative emissions reduction of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from enterprises. Such collaborative emissions reduction effect is also influenced by the energy structure and consumption of enterprises. This paper presents empirical evidence and policy basis for further improving China's environmental regulation policy system and achieving coordinated progress in China's economic development and environmental governance.  相似文献   

排污单位自行监测的质量管理,是环境管理部门关注的重点。针对排污单位自行监测工作中存在的质控措施不规范;监测结果公开不完整;样品交接记录、原始采样记录、样品分析原始记录不齐全;流量计未检定或过期等问题。从自行监测方案的制定、自行监测信息公开、企业手工监测、企业自动监测等4个方面提出:应实施具体的质控措施;将污染物排放方式及排放去向、未开展自行监测的原因等方面的内容全部公开;通过计量认证第三方环境监测机构制订相关的记录单;将流量计送至计量单位实验室检定或者请计量单位现场检定等建议,对今后促进排污单位提高自行监测工作水平有指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper first, introduces the concept of mainstreaming ecosystem services by showing its relevance for development planning. Second, it presents the role and importance of strategic environmental assessment in designing and implementation of development policy. Third, the paper sets-out the concept of economic valuation of ecosystem services by discussing what it means and what is at stake if valuation of ecosystem services is ignored in the process of development policy making. The methods of capturing economic contribution of ecosystem services at policy level are discussed with examples in the paper.The main focus of this paper is how ecosystem services can be used in policy scale environmental impact assessment. The paper argues that ecosystem services can be an appropriate indicator to weight developmental policies, programs and plans to ensure the consideration of environmental balancing at the policy level. The paper suggests that the roles of ecosystem services in macroeconomic policies including ecosystem accounting, poverty alleviation and employment generation can be used to link environmental policies and SEA with development policies for a successful impact assessment at policy and program levels. By building upon the various contemporary initiatives within UNEP and outside, the paper in its synthesis section, flags-up necessary knowledge gaps, challenges and lessons learned in integrating values of ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessments.  相似文献   

通过对基层环境统计部门工业源产排污系数实际应用调研,结合当前环境保护重点工作和相关资料查阅等,分析了工业污染源产排污系数存在的主要问题:部分工业源产排污系数缺失,部分工业源产排污系数与实际偏差较大等。针对存在的主要问题提出了有优先顺序的修订建议,以期对第二次全国污染源普查工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

环境管理与大气污染源清单对接的基础是环境管理数据体系。选取京津冀大气污染传输通道"2+26"城市中的14个城市实施访谈与问卷调查,普遍认为大气污染源清单的主要用途为大气污染应急、预警以及污染源解析,但由于环境统计、污染源监测和排污许可三大环境管理数据体系差异较大,导致环境管理数据的行业和工艺过程针对性不强,无法满足污染源清单的需求。造成该问题的主要原因在于基层生态环境部门技术储备不足、污染源信息分散以及数据管理任务分工不明确。促进环境管理与大气污染源清单的对接,重点在于污染源数据定期更新和环境管理数据的一体化,应着重形成多部门数据共享、全面和全过程环境管理以及人才和技术保障机制。  相似文献   

论水污染物排放统计指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水污染物排放统计指标体系包括水污染物排放统计指标以及排放管理指标,统计对象主要是规模以上点源。实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的。统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理;将排放指标细化为污染源排放量、入河排放量和通量使得排放概念更加清晰,有利于水环境管理。对入河排放量和污染源排放量的比较,可以确定纳入统计范围的污染源的代表性,对通量和入河排放量的比较可以推断非点源污染物排放状况。以流域为单元的,以通量、入河排放量和污染源排放量为主要概念的排放统计管理方式,有助于提高流域水污染防治的确定性和一致性。  相似文献   

紫露草微核监测不同于理化监测,它反映的是环境污染中诱度因子对生物细胞遗传物质DNA的作用强度。微核率的大小反映出污染物对生物体影响程度的大小,本文初探该法用于污水监测。  相似文献   

The objectives, development and current status of the WHO/UNEP Pilot Project on Assessment of Human Exposure to Pollutants through Biological Monitoring are described. The project is being carried out within the framework of UNEP's Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) and is supported by funds from UNEP. The long-term objective is to develop and strengthen national, regional and global biological monitoring programmes that will make it possible to accurately assess human exposure to selected toxic pollutants by measuring their concentrations in human tissues and body fluids. In this pilot project the levels of lead and cadmium in venous blood, cadmium in kidney cortex and certain organochlorine compounds in breast milk are being determined in selected population groups in 10–12 countries in different parts of the world. Each participating laboratory has been required to achieve satisfactory results in the quality assurance phase of the project before starting to analyse the human samples and quality assurance has been continued during the monitoring phase. The project started in 1978 and is scheduled for completion by July 1982.  相似文献   

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