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Environmental indicators for long-range atmospheric transported heavy metals have been developed. The indicators are based on data for Pb and Cd from national moss surveys which are performed regularly in Norway. The interpolation programme kriging has been used to transform the data from irregular grids to regular grids. Contour maps have been produced, and areas above estimated background levels for Pb and Cd in mosses have been calculated. The indicators are used to characterise the atmospheric deposition of long-range atmospheric transported heavy metals and monitor the changes with time.  相似文献   

Monitoring the condition of natural resources in US national parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Park Service has developed a long-term ecological monitoring program for 32 ecoregional networks containing more than 270 parks with significant natural resources. The monitoring program assists park managers in developing a broad-based understanding of the status and trends of park resources as a basis for making decisions and working with other agencies and the public for the long-term protection of park ecosystems. We found that the basic steps involved in planning and designing a long-term ecological monitoring program were the same for a range of ecological systems including coral reefs, deserts, arctic tundra, prairie grasslands, caves, and tropical rainforests. These steps involve (1) clearly defining goals and objectives, (2) compiling and summarizing existing information, (3) developing conceptual models, (4) prioritizing and selecting indicators, (5) developing an overall sampling design, (6) developing monitoring protocols, and (7) establishing data management, analysis, and reporting procedures. The broad-based, scientifically sound information obtained through this systems-based monitoring program will have multiple applications for management decision-making, research, education, and promoting public understanding of park resources. When combined with an effective education program, monitoring results can contribute not only to park issues, but also to larger quality-of-life issues that affect surrounding communities and can contribute significantly to the environmental health of the nation.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals in the bottom sediment and interstitial water collected from two reservoirs in Singapore was found to be enriched. A distribution coefficient,K d , was used to assess the chemical stability of heavy metals in the sediments. Numerical models were used to assess (1) the redistribution of heavy metals in a changing environment, and (2) long-term self clean-up capabilities of a reservoir.  相似文献   

Equilibrations were performed with complexing reagent(s) to mobilise Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn from a contaminated urban soil. The metal-laden aqueous extract was treated with zero-valent magnesium (Mg0) or bimetallic mixture (Pd0/Mg0 or Ag0/Mg0) to precipitate the heavy metals from solution while liberating the chelating reagent(s). Post precipitation, the pH of aqueous supernatant fraction was readjusted to approximately 5 and the solution was re-combined with the soil particulates to extract more heavy metal pollutants. A sparing quantity of EDTA (10 mmoles) mobilised 32-54% of the 5 mmoles of heavy-metals from the soil with three cycles but only 0.1% of the iron was removed. Three successive extractions with a mixture of complexing reagents (3 mmoles), 1:1 EDTA plus HEDC [bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-dithiocarbamate], mobilised approximately 49% of the Pb, approximately 18% of the Zn and approximately 19% of the Mn burden but only 7% of the Cu, and 1% of the Fe from this soil. An appreciable fraction of the mobilised Pb and Cu and a portion of the Zn was cemented to the surfaces of the excess magnesium whereas virtually all of the Fe and Mn was removed from solution as insoluble hydroxides.  相似文献   

Heavy metal mobility was studied in overbank sediments of the Grote Beek river in Central Belgium. The geochemical signature of heavy metals in fine-scale sampled overbank sediments was compared with data on heavy metal emission into the river. The influence of acidification, organic and inorganic complexation on heavy metal mobility in overbank sediments was studied by single and sequential extractions and leaching tests. As confirmed by these tests, the elevated CaCl(2) content of the river water significantly enhanced the mobilisation of especially Cd, while Zn was mobilised to a lesser extent. The mobilisation of As on the other hand decreased in the presence of elevated CaCl(2) concentrations. Based on the results of single extractions, two highly contaminated zones with a different Cd mobility were observed in one of the overbank profiles. A detailed investigation of Cd leaching behaviour in the zone of Fe-accumulation during pH(stat) leaching tests, suggested that it was related to the association of Cd with Fe-oxides, while adsorption was the dominant binding form of Cd in the clay-rich part of the overbank sediment profile.  相似文献   

Sediments affect the water quality substantially. The metal concentrations in sediments often reflect the degree of pollution of the aquatic environment. The sediments of Thane Creek near Bombay were analyzed for nine metals Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn on twenty stations. The average metal concentrations in the sediments were 2.29, 37.25, 39.89, 103.38, 69825.0, 860.15, 105.08, 54.08, and 169.60 g g-1 dwt respectively. The metal concentrations at certain stations were relatively higher than those of uncontaminated sediments, possibly due to industrial activity in the former area.  相似文献   

Fuels like coal and rubber are frequently used for brick burning. However, both coal and rubber contain heavy metals. These heavy metals may elutriate in the wake of fly ash or may adsorb or absorb in the product. The present work deals with the analysis of heavy metals in some samples collected from brick burning industries located in the vicinity of a metropolitan city, Peshawar, Pakistan. Samples from raw clay, product, chimney scale and fossil fuel & rubber were collected and leached with acid mixture. The leachates were concentrated and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer for the determination of chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and antimony (Sb). It was observed that heavy metals are present in clay, brick and chimney scale. However, significant amount of these metals was observed in chimney scale. It is inferred that such emanations laden with heavy metals are accompanying the stack gases which are being dumped in to the environment. In order to avoid environmental problems, strict environmental regulations shall be enforced and a constant check on these emanations to the environment must be made to ensure clean air act.  相似文献   

To estimate exposure to cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) through cigarette smoking, the concentrations of both metals in the blood or/and urine of smokers (20 cigarettes or more per day for 10 years or longer) and their non-smoking counterparts inhabiting an environmentally unpolluted area (Bialystok, Poland) were evaluated, as well as Cd and Pb contents in the cigarette brands (produced in Poland) smoked by the participants, including intact cigarettes, pre-smoking (tobacco, paper and filter) and post-smoking (butt, ash and smoke) cigarette components. Blood and urinary Cd concentrations in the smokers have been already reported by us to be 2–4 times higher than in the non-smokers (Galażyn-Sidorczuk et al. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 13 (Suppl.1):91–95, 2004). All the other measurements are the subject of the present paper. Pb concentration in the blood of the cigarette smokers (52.12 ± 15.51 μg l−1) was higher by 29% than in the non-smokers (40.42 ± 11.19 μg l−1). The mean Cd and Pb contents in the cigarettes were 0.6801 ± 0.1765 and 0.6853 ± 0.0746 μg per cigarette, respectively. Under cigarette burning, performed using a machine for self-acting burning, on average 33% of Cd and 11% of Pb present in the whole cigarette was released into the smoke. For Cd, unlike Pb, there was a high positive correlation between the metal content in cigarettes and tobacco and its release into the smoke. Moreover, the subjects smoking cigarettes containing the highest Cd amount had higher blood Cd concentration than smokers of other cigarette brands. The results give clear evidence that in the case of inhabitants of areas unpolluted with Cd and Pb habitual cigarette smoking, due to tobacco contamination, creates a serious source of chronic exposure to these metals, especially to Cd.  相似文献   

Legally protected national parks provide an appropriate substrate for essential long-term study of ecosystem structure and function, and for detecting trends in natural and human-induced stress. The absence of unplanned site manipulation in such areas is especially valuable for such research. Our present research has two major components. The first is the long-term ecosystem-level study of the effects of atmospheric contaminants on ecosystem processes. The overall objective is to evaluate ecosystem aquatic/terrestrial linkages and their role in establishing aquatic ecosystem sensitivity to anthropic atmospheric inputs. Four watershed/lake ecosystems, representative of much of the region's diversity, are under study. Two mature boreal sites on Isle Royale are characterized by first-order perennial surface stream input and lake outflow. Two additional mainland northern hardwood sites, one with shallow soils and one with soils derived from glacial till, are characterized by sensitive aquatic systems. One site is in a private reserve and the other in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Surface outflow is gaged by Parshall flume and stage height recorder. Meteorological stations record variables for estimating evapotranspiration. One-tenth ha plots have been established in all watersheds and three sites have had intensive study of precipitation modification by canopy and forest soil. Five-year mean maximum and minimum lake pH varies from 6.85 to 4.94, Ca2+ from 1070 to 54 eq l-1, K+ from 5.42 to 8.35 eq l-1, NH 4 + from 10.12 to 3.23 eq l-1, HCO 3 sup- from 635 to 24 eq l-1, NO 3 sup- from 3.27 to 1.54 eq l-1, and SO 4 sup2- from 110 to 52.7 eq l-1. The relatively high NO 3 sup- values observed in one lake are the result of stream drainage from a watershed dominated by Alnus rugosa, and another has high seasonal NO 3 sup- inputs during spring runoff. However, owing to periodic winter thaws, significant snowpack release of nutrients generally precedes maximum spring stream runoff. Water chemistry in both sensitive and non-sensitive lakes appears to be primarily reflecting how the conterminous terrestrial system is retaining atmospheric inputs more than the quality of direct lake atmospheric input. This is especially evident for H+, NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- .The second component is the assessment of watershed acidification, SO 4 sup2- output and soil retention across an input gradient. An anthropic deposition gradient provides the opportunity for intersite time-trend analyses as to the effects of inputs. Our study objective was to see if the decreasing west to east input/output values for SO 4 sup2- , noted in small first-order watersheds in national parks from Minnesota to Ohio, might be related to present atmospheric inputs, potential and total soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption, or soil SO 4 sup2- desorption from earlier higher inputs. Precipitation pH ranged from 5.05 at Fernberg, Minnesota to 4.24 at Wooster, Ohio. Minimum and maximum concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 3 sup- , SO 4 sup2- and Cl- were also found at these stations. Stream water concentrations of NO 3 sup- and SO 4 sup2- increase in a similar but sharper gradient. Streams are well buffered. Cation, HCO 3 sup- , NO 3 sup- and especially SO 4 sup2- output increase west to east, but H+ output decreases. At the eastern site stream SO 4 sup2- concentration and output exceed HCO 3 sup- . Potential soil SO 4 sup2- adsorption capacity increases eastward, but this capacity is filled. Crystalline Fe hydrous oxides appear more effective than amorphous Fe hydrous oxides at adsorbing SO 4 sup2- . High anthropic anion inputs, inability of forest soil to adsorb additional inputs and perhaps SO 4 sup2- desorption appear responsible for the replacement of HCO 3 sup- by SO 4 sup2- in stream water. The major cation accompanying SO 4 sup2- is Ca2+.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress—Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

土壤中重金属形态的化学分析综述   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
土壤中重金属的赋存形态决定其在土壤中的迁移性、生物可利用性以及毒性.土壤中重金属形态的化学分析法是依据不同浸取能力的提取剂分别提取出与土壤颗粒有着不同结合力的化学形态并测定其浓度而建立起来的.文章对土壤重金属形态分析中选用的提取试剂以及分析流程进行了综述,比较了各种试剂和方法的优缺点.同时对形态分析的土壤样品的前处理方式进行了简要概述.  相似文献   

A method aimed at decreasing the toxicity of heavy metals [namely, Zn(II) and Cr(III)] in real polluted residues by immobilisation has been developed. The residues were processed either with two cement-type stabilisers or lime. The cement-type stabilisers were Portland cement and Depocrete SM/2 at the self-generated pH (ca. 11) which afforded physical as well as chemical potential for the immobilisation of heavy metals. The other stabiliser, lime, reduced organic compounds, thus favouring the decrease of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and endowing the residue with better mechanical properties for transport. After leaching the stabilised residues using the standard leaching test [Order 13/10/89, Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) 270 10/11/89], three ways for establishing the toxicity of the treated residues were used, namely: (1) the ecotoxicity test using Photobacterium phosphoreum (DIN 38 412); (2) determination of the concentration of heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS); (3) determination of the COD or oxygen required for complete chemical oxidation of a water sample. Portland cement (20%) blended with Depocrete SM/2 (3%) acted as an effective stabiliser for residues containing heavy metals as it increased the ecotoxicity index (EC50) by more than five times. Thus the heavy metal concentration in the leaching liquid was lowered to less than 0.1 mg l-1. The addition of 5% of lime afforded a residue easily transportable from the place of treatment to the landfill. The precision of the method was studied in terms of both repeatability and reproducibility. The values found with respect to EC50 and expressed as the relative standard deviation (RSD) were 1.6% and 5.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of heavy metals concentrations in river estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multivariate statistical techniques such as multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied for analyzing the data obtained from two rivers in the Penang State of Malaysia for the concentration of heavy metal ions (As, Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Hg) using a flame atomic absorption spectrometry (F-AAS) for Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb, As and cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) for Hg. The two locations of interest with 20 sampling points of each location were Kuala Juru (Juru River) and Bukit Tambun (Jejawi River). MANOVA showed a strong significant difference between the two rivers in terms of heavy metal concentrations in water samples. DA gave the best result to identify the relative contribution for all parameters in discriminating (distinguishing) the two rivers. It provided an important data reduction as it used four parameters (Zn, Pb, Cd and Cr) affording 100% correct assignations. Results indicated that the two rivers were different in terms of heavy metals concentrations in water, and the major difference was due to the contribution of Zn. A negative correlation was found between discriminate functions (DF) and Cr and As, whereas positive correlation was exhibited with other heavy metals. Therefore, DA allowed a reduction in the dimensionality of the data set, delineating a few indicator parameters responsible for large variations in heavy metal concentrations. Correlation matrix between the parameters exhibited a strong evidence of mutual dependence of these metals.  相似文献   

Abstract Industrial development and consumption of petroleum products leads to increase air pollution levels especially in urban and industrial areas. Heavy metal components associated with air pollutants have far reaching effects with respect to economic and ecological importance of pollens. The pollens are male reproductive organs of the plant and travel through air from flower to flower for pollination purpose. During this period they are exposed to air pollutants. Present investigation thus pertains to study of effect of air pollutants on pollens especially biosorption and bioaccumulation of heavy metals. The pollens of three commonly occurring plants namely Cassia siamea, Cyperus rotundus, Kigelia pinnata have been studied from the NH-6 of Nagpur city, India. The pollens exposed to polluted air showed the presence of higher concentrations of Ca, Al and Fe as compared to unexposed pollens. Higher concentration of these metals was observed in Cyperus rotundus followed by Cassia siamea and Kigelia pinnata. These results indicate that pollens act as good indicator of air pollution giving results in short time of exposure of 5–10 h. Apart from this, it is also reported that some of these metals play crucial role in the metabolic activity in pollens for example Calcium is necessary for growth of pollen tube and other metabolic activities in pollens. The presence of these metals in pollens may also enhance the allergenicity of the pollens. Similarly accumulation of heavy metals may also deteriorate the quality of pollen for their economical use. The viability of pollen is also affected by these pollutants in sensitive species leading to impairment of their fertility.  相似文献   

The present research study investigates bioremediation potential of biostimulated microbial culture isolated from heavy metals waste disposal contaminated site located at Bhayander (east), Mumbai, India. The physicochemical and microbial characterization including heavy metal contaminants have been studied at waste disposal site. The microorganisms adapted at heavy metal-contaminated environment were isolated, cultured, and biostimulated in minimal salt medium under aerobic conditions in a designed and developed laboratory bioreactor. Heavy metals such as Fe, Cu, and Cd at a selected concentration of 25, 50, and 100?μg/ml were taken in bioreactor wherein biostimulated microbial culture was added for bioremediation of heavy metals under aerobic conditions. The remediation of heavy metals was studied at an interval of 24?h for a period of 21?days. The biostimulated microbial consortium has been found effective for remediation of Cd, Cu, and Fe at higher concentration, i.e., 100?mg/l up to 98.5%, 99.6%, and 100%, respectively. Fe being a micronutrient was remediated completely compared to Cu and Cd. During the bioaccumulation of heavy metals by microorganisms, environmental parameters such as pH, total alkalinity, electronic conductivity, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, etc. were monitored and assessed. The pilot scale study would be applicable to remediate heavy metals from waste disposal contaminated site to clean up the environment.  相似文献   

The present study on heavy metal contamination in soil and their accumulation in edible part (leaves) and roots of Spinacia oleracea (Spinach) on irrigation with paper mill effluent (PME)/sewage revealed that there was significant increase in the nickel (Ni, +227.17 %) content of the soil irrigated with PME, whereas in the soil irrigated with sewage chromium (Cr, +274.84 %), iron (Fe, +149.56 %), and cadmium (Cd, +133.39 %), contents were increased appreciably. The value of enrichment factor (EF) for Ni (3.27) indicated moderate enrichment in PME-irrigated soil. The EF of Fe, zinc (Zn), Cd, and Cr were <2 in PME effluent-irrigated soil which showed deficiency of minimal enrichment. In sewage irrigated soil, EF value for Cr, Fe, and Cd indicated moderate enrichment, while the values for Zn and Ni indicated deficiency of minimal enrichment. Among various metallic concentrations, the maximum concentration of Fe was observed in leaves (400.12?±?11.47 mg/kg) and root (301.41?±?13.14 mg/kg) of S. oleracea after irrigation with PME, whereas the maximum concentrations of Fe was found in leaves (400.49?±?5.97 mg/kg) and root (363.94?±?11.37 mg/kg) of S. oleracea after irrigation with sewage for 60 days. The bioaccumulation factor value was found maximum for Cd (2.23) in the plants irrigated with PME while that of Fe (0.90) in the plants irrigated with sewage. The undiluted use of PME/sewage for irrigation increased the concentration of Cr, Cd, Zn, Ni, and Fe metals which were accumulated in S. oleracea, posing a potential threat to human health from this practice of irrigation.  相似文献   

A survey of the methods of boindication of heavy metals in terrestrial ecosystems and their effectiveness for predicting the consequences of environmental stress on organisms is presented. Two main inputs of heavy metals for terrestrial ecosystems have been considered: airborne and soil-borne. Airborne metals can be monitored due to physical adsorption on plant surfaces or due to chemical exchange processes in cell walls. Active biomonitoring widely uses both aspects, however, without predictive values. Meaningful bioindication of soilborne heavy metals can only be achieved by passive monitoring. Due to the different functions of heavy metals in organisms-micronutrients and trace elements-the knowledge of natural background values is important, considering the qualitative aspects of metals in the soil. In exceptional situations morphological and anatomical changes of plant organs will facilitate bioindication; in every case chemical analysis of the concentration of heavy metals is an essential part of the monitoring program. A long-term exposure of organisms to heavy metals will influence the genetic structure of populations. Therefore measurement of heavy metal tolerance of plants has to be a standard procedure in monitoring programs.  相似文献   

The Croatian part of the Danube River extends over 188 km and comprises 58 % of the country’s overall area used for commercial freshwater fishing. To date, the heavy metal contamination of fish in the Croatian part of the Danube has not been studied. The main purpose of this study was to determine heavy metal levels in muscle tissue of sampled fish species and to analyze the measured values according to feeding habits of particular groups. Lead ranged from 0.015 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium from 0.013 μg?1 dry weight in herbivorous to 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury from 0.191 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous to 0.441 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arsenic from 0.018 μg?1 dry weight in planktivorous to 0.039 μg?1 dry weight in omnivorous fish. Among the analyzed metals in muscle tissue of sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maximal level (0.5 mg kg?1) permitted according to the national and EU regulations determining maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, indicating a hazard for consumers of fish from the Danube River.  相似文献   

Seafood containing heavy metals as a result of environmental contamination causes toxicity in human beings. To evaluate such kind of contamination, our study targeted the analysis of metals such as lead, copper, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic in muscle tissue of the fish. The fish commonly consumed such as Brama brama (Pomfret), Rachycentron canadus (Surmai/King Fish), Rastrelliger kanagurta (Mackerel), Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Ravas/Indian salmon), and Metapenaeus monoceros (Brown Prawn) were collected from four different docks in the city. The heavy metals in tissue samples of fish were estimated using voltammeter and cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Heavy metal concentration in the tissues varied significantly depending upon the locations from where the fish were collected. Although the concentration of arsenic, copper, cadmium, and lead were in normal range, the concentration of mercury was found to exceed the daily permissible levels (1 μg/g) as a food source for human consumption. We have analyzed heavy metals from different locations in Mumbai—Versova dock, Sassoon dock, Navi Mumbai dock, and Mazgaon dock.  相似文献   

Cadmium and lead were determined simultaneously in seawater by differential pulse stripping voltammetry (DPSV) preceded by adsoptive collection of complexes with 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) on to a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE). In preliminary experiments the optimal analytical condition for oxine concentration was found to be 2.10−5 M, at pH 7.7, the accumulation potential was −1.1 V, and the initial scannig potential was −0.8 V. The peak potentials were found −0.652 V for Cd and −0.463 V for Pb At the 60 s accumalation time. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitatification (LOQ) were found to be by voltammetry as 0.588 and 1.959 μg l−1 (RSD, 5.50%) for Cd and 0.931 and 3.104 μg l−1 (RSD, 4.10%) for Pb at 60 s stirred accumulation time respectively. In these conditions the most of the seawater samples are amenable for direct voltammetric determination of cadmium and lead using a HMDE. An adsorptive stripping mechanism of the electrode reaction was proposed. For the comparison, seawater samples were also analysed by ICP-atomic emission spectrometry method (ICP-AES). The applied voltammetric technique was validated and good recoveries were obtained.  相似文献   

洪泽湖溧河洼水生植物体内重金属调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对洪泽湖溧河洼区域的水生植物进行了Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr和Cd等重金属元素的污染调查与监测分析,结果表明:水生植物对重金属元素的吸收与积累反映了环境中的重金属污染水平,不同水生植物对各种重金属元素的吸收富集状况具有相对一致性,即Zn>Cu>Cr>Pb>Cd。水生植物对各种重金属元素的平均富集系数大小顺序为:Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr>Pb,这与各元素迁移性强弱的顺序也是相一致的,Cd、Cu、Zn等各元素较易为植物所吸收,而Pb的移动性较差。大部分水生植物根部的重金属含量比茎叶部分高。研究表明:可以从中筛选出具有高富集作用的植物,作为修复水体或土壤重金属污染的实验植物,为植物修复作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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