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We show that uloborid spiders, which lack the poison glands typical of nearly all other spiders, employ thousands of wrapping movements with their hind legs and up to hundreds of meters of silk line to make a shroud that applies substantial compressive force to their prey. Shrouds sometimes break the prey’s legs, buckle its compound eyes inward, or kill it outright. The compressive force apparently results from the summation of small tensions on sticky lines as they are applied to the prey package. Behavioral details indicate that wrapping is designed to compact prey; in turn, compaction probably functions to facilitate these spiders’ unusual method of feeding. This is the first demonstration that prey wrapping by spiders compacts and physically damages their prey, rather than simply restraining them.  相似文献   

The intertidal midge Clunio, which reproduces on exposed rocky seashores, becomes enclosed in an irregularly shaped air bubble during short submersion by incoming waves. This water-repellent property of Clunio’s cuticle is caused by a complete cover of hydrophobic microtrichia offering an effective surf tolerance. These microtrichia not only trap a thin air layer above the cuticle but also maintain a larger air bubble between the insect’s ventral side and legs. The effectiveness of the water repellence was quantitatively characterised on the basis of a known model (Crisp and Thorpe, Discuss Faraday Soc 3:210–220, 1948). The parameters of the model are the contact angle θ (>90°) at the contact line of air/water/microtrichia and the distance between individual microtrichia and their radius. When the microtrichia are 1.1 μm apart and have a radius of 0.1 μm and an estimated contact angle θ of 140°, the air layer is stable against hydrostatic pressures of up to 3 m water column. As shown by a modified version of the model, considerably larger air bubbles can be trapped by the microtrichia cover of the legs up to distances of 0.5 mm from the body. The widely spaced (about 8 μm apart) and longer setae of Clunio are not involved in the formation of air layers and air bubble.  相似文献   

目的 针对某濒海大型钢结构设施表面涂层大面积粉化、失光、变色现象,研究钢结构在役涂层老化失效后几种面漆重涂的配套性和再涂性。方法 进行面漆重涂试验,完成涂层体系的配套性和再涂性测试,评价在役涂层重涂后的性能。首先,将几种典型的钢结构在役防护涂层体系打磨掉老化的面漆后,作为初始涂层(涂层A);然后,选取在循环盐雾和氙灯老化加速试验中表现较好的涂层面漆作为涂层B,将涂层B涂敷在涂层A上,制备成新的涂层体系;最后,完成涂层配套性和再涂性测试,分析30组涂层配套组合的附着力、压痕长度、杯突试验结果,提出面漆重涂时的涂层优化配套方案。结果 涂层体系再涂后,所有试验件的涂层拉拔附着力测试均大于5 MPa,30组涂层体系组合中有9组(占30%)再涂涂层压痕长度降低,杯突试验测试值多在1.5~4.5 mm。结论 涂层体系再涂后,满足涂装防护涂层附着力的一般要求,抗压痕性能有所提高,延展性较好。在进行涂层再涂性和配套性评价时,应重点考虑附着力满足使用要求,提高涂层体系涂层的粘结力,其次才是考虑硬度和延展性。  相似文献   

从涂装过程的润湿、吸附、扩散及化学反应等涂装界面作用机理分析了导致电镀锌涂装性能差的原因,并针对电镀锌层和有机涂料的特点,从电镀锌层结构及其表面处理两个方面介绍了目前能够有效改善电镀锌层涂装性能的一些方法,其中磷化处理是目前最成熟、应用最多的处理方式,不仅能提高涂层结合力,还能进一步提高对基体的防护性能。  相似文献   

Zelus annulosus is an assassin bug species mostly noted on Hirtella physophora, a myrmecophyte specifically associated with the ant Allomerus decemarticulatus known to build traps on host tree twigs to ambush insect preys. The Z. annulosus females lay egg clutches protected by a sticky substance. To avoid being trapped, the first three instars of nymphs remain grouped in a clutch beneath the leaves on which they hatched, yet from time to time, they climb onto the upper side to group ambush preys. Long-distance prey detection permits these bugs to capture flying or jumping insects that alight on their leaves. Like some other Zelus species, the sticky substance of the sundew setae on their forelegs aids in prey capture. Group ambushing permits early instars to capture insects that they then share or not depending on prey size and the hunger of the successful nymphs. Fourth and fifth instars, with greater needs, rather ambush solitarily on different host tree leaves, but attract siblings to share large preys. Communal feeding permits faster prey consumption, enabling small nymphs to return sooner to the shelter of their leaves. By improving the regularity of feeding for each nymph, it likely regulates nymphal development, synchronizing molting and subsequently limiting cannibalism.  相似文献   

环氧云铁与聚氨酯涂层间剥离原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的剖析沿海某大型工程钢结构环氧云铁与聚氨酯涂层间剥离的原因。方法采用质谱分析仪剖析该聚氨酯涂料的成分,采用离子色谱仪及电导率仪检测所形成聚氨酯氟碳涂膜表面的铵基盐分,环境扫描电镜对剥离涂膜表面观察。结果聚氨酯涂料中含有高沸点溶剂三甲苯、四甲苯,在聚氨酯氟碳复合涂膜与环氧云铁界面之间存在铵基盐物质,通过电镜微观观察发现涂膜固化不完全和微孔存在。结论聚氨酯氟碳涂膜发生可剥离的原因有以下方面,由于聚氨酯涂料中含有高沸点溶剂,挥发时在涂膜中形成微孔;环氧云铁由于低温下环氧固化反应滞缓,与环境中的CO2,H2O反应,生成了氨基甲酸铵盐;氨基甲酸盐在海洋环境下形成水溶物,富集于环氧云铁涂膜和聚氨酯涂膜相粘结的界面处,降低了附着力,从而产生聚氨酯氟碳涂膜严重可剥离现象。  相似文献   

Chemical signals emitted by insects and their hosts are important for sexual communication and host selection. Plant volatiles facilitate the location of suitable hosts for feeding and oviposition, and may moderate responses to sex and aggregation pheromones. While mating has been shown to moderate behavioral responses to pheromones in a number of insects, little is known about the effects of mating on behavioral responses of insects to plant attractants, and even less is known about the mechanisms involved. In this study, mating was shown to decrease behavioral responses of the Colorado potato beetle to a host kairomone within 24 h, and attraction to the kairomone recovers only after 72 h. This decrease in responsiveness also occurs when only contact with the opposite sex is allowed; the effect is not observed with contact among individuals of the same sex. Peripheral olfactory responses to a component of the kairomone correlate with the observed behavioral responses and suggest involvement of antennal receptors in the behavioral change.  相似文献   

Leaf beetles are able to climb on smooth and rough surfaces using arrays of micron-sized adhesive hairs (setae) of varying morphology. We report the first in vivo adhesive force measurements of individual setae in the beetle Gastrophysa viridula, using a smooth polystyrene substrate attached to a glass capillary micro-cantilever. The beetles possess three distinct adhesive pads on each leg which differ in function and setal morphology. Visualisation of pull-offs allowed forces to be measured for each tarsal hair type. Male discoidal hairs adhered with the highest forces (919?±?104?nN, mean?±?SE), followed by spatulate (582?±?59?nN) and pointed (127?±?19?nN) hairs. Discoidal hairs were stiffer in the normal direction (0.693?±?0.111?N?m?1) than spatulate (0.364?±?0.039?N?m?1) or pointed (0.192?±?0.044?N?m?1) hairs. The greater adhesion on smooth surfaces and the higher stability of discoidal hairs help male beetles to achieve strong adhesion on the elytra of females during copulation. A comparison of pull-off forces measured for single setae and whole pads (arrays) revealed comparable levels of adhesive stress. This suggests that beetles are able to achieve equal load sharing across their adhesive pads so that detachment through peeling is prevented.  相似文献   

Prey species show specific adaptations that allow recognition, avoidance, and defense against predators. This study was undertaken to investigate the processing of a chronic, life-threatening stimulus to Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus). One hundred forty-four Norway rats were tested by repeated presentation of cat urine for 1 h at different days in a defensive withdrawal apparatus. Rats exposed to urine for short periods showed significantly larger defensive behavioral and medial hypothalamic c-fos messenger RNA (mRNA) responses than other groups. These defensive responses habituated shortly after the presentation of cat urine. Serum levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone and corticosterone increased significantly when animals were repeatedly exposed to cat urine. However, the hormonal responses took longer to habituate than the behavioral and molecular responses did. We conclude that the behavioral and c-fos mRNA responses are “primed” for habituation to repeated exposures to cat urine, while the hormonal responses show “resistance.” The results support our hypothesis that the strongest anti-predator responses at three levels would occur during short-term exposure to cat urine and that these responses would subsequently disappear on prolonged exposure. This study assists understanding the way in which the different levels of defensive responses are integrated and react during chronic stress.  相似文献   

目的对比研究3种不同除锈方式(打磨除锈、先除锈后磷化、除锈-磷化一体化)处理Q235钢表面后,对涂层的耐腐蚀性能的影响。方法在3种除锈方式处理后的Q235钢表面喷涂石墨烯环氧富锌底漆,测试涂层的附着力,通过中性盐雾试验测试涂层的耐腐蚀性能。结果Q235钢经过除锈-磷化一体化处理后,表面性能变优,涂层附着力达到13.6MPa,1000h中性盐雾试验后,涂层不起泡、不脱落,腐蚀程度小。结论除锈-磷化处理Q235钢表面可有效提高防腐涂层的耐蚀性能,与先除锈后磷化相比,简化了工艺过程。  相似文献   

The discovery of a novel silk production system in a marine amphipod provides insights into the wider potential of natural silks. The tube-building corophioid amphipod Crassicorophium bonellii produces from its legs fibrous, adhesive underwater threads that combine barnacle cement biology with aspects of spider silk thread extrusion spinning. We characterised the filamentous silk as a mixture of mucopolysaccharides and protein deriving from glands representing two distinct types. The carbohydrate and protein silk secretion is dominated by complex β-sheet structures and a high content of charged amino acid residues. The filamentous secretion product exits the gland through a pore near the tip of the secretory leg after having moved through a duct, which subdivides into several small ductules all terminating in a spindle-shaped chamber. This chamber communicates with the exterior and may be considered the silk reservoir and processing/mixing space, in which the silk is mechanically and potentially chemically altered and becomes fibrous. We assert that further study of this probably independently evolved, marine arthropod silk processing and secretion system can provide not only important insights into the more complex arachnid and insect silks but also into crustacean adhesion cements.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior in nectar-feeding insects is triggered by a sugar-receptor response in contact chemosensilla. The contact chemosensilla are distributed not only on tarsi and the outside of the proboscis but also on the inside of the food canal in Lepidoptera. Although the chemosensilla inside the food canal are assumed to detect sweet taste during the passage of nectar through the food canal, their electrophysiological function has received little attention. In the nectar-feeding Asian swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), we found 15- to 30-μm-long sensilla neatly lined up along the inside galea wall, which forms the food canal in the proboscis. The receptor neurons of these sensilla responded to sucrose. We hypothesized that starch and sucrose compete with each other for a taste receptor site on the sensilla. When we added starch and sucrose to the food-canal sensilla, the electrophysiological responses of food-canal sensilla were inhibited in parallel with the food-sucking behavior of the butterflies. These results suggest that the food-canal sensilla are involved in the behavioral control of nectar-sucking in this butterfly species.  相似文献   

The activities of the disaccharidases maltase and sucrase in 4 amniotic fluid from cystic fibrosis (CF) pregnancies have been compared to those of 120 non CF-pregnancies. Very low levels were found in 3 of the CF-fluids. The fourth CF-fluid was normal in all measured microvillar enzyme activities. Elevated levels of disaccharidases in meconium from one of the patients born with CF, supports the idea that these enzymes are trapped in the intestinal cavity by sticky meconium.  相似文献   

目的研究典型气候环境对两类有机玻璃胶接接头老化性能的影响。方法在重庆、青岛和拉萨三地开展两类有机玻璃胶接接头的户外自然暴露试验,研究其拉剪强度和剥离强度随老化时间的变化规律,分析气候环境因素对胶粘剂老化的作用机理,及胶接结构的老化失效模式。结果高温、高湿及紫外光辐射等气候环境因素是影响胶粘剂粘接性能的主要外在因素,其中高温高湿环境因子对其性能影响较大,而紫外光辐射引起的光降解速度并不像理论预测那样快,胶粘工艺是影响胶接接头性能的主要内在因素。结论优选出了耐候性较好,且适合航空有机玻璃和涤纶带粘接的胶粘剂,可为该胶接接头的防老化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于纳米TiO2添加的新型航空涂料性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的解决纳米TiO_2在涂料中的团聚问题,同时实现增强涂层防腐蚀、疏水性能和耐紫外老化性能。方法以氯醚树脂为航空涂料的主要成膜物质,以经氟硅烷改性后的金红石型纳米TiO_2颗粒为主要吸光剂和疏水剂,配合其他合适填料和颜料制备一种新型航空涂料,通过拉拔法、硬度测试法、电化学极化曲线法、接触角测试法和人工紫外加速老化等测试手段分别对涂层的力学性能、电化学性能、疏水性能和耐紫外老化性能进行研究。结果改性后的金红石型纳米TiO_2颗粒的分散性及与氯醚树脂的相容性得到改善。当添加量为2%~3%时,涂层腐蚀防护性能、表面疏水性、耐紫外老化性能达到最佳,附着力、硬度等力学性能达到航空涂料的基本使用要求。结论该涂料有效地解决了纳米TiO_2在涂料中的团聚问题,提高了涂层的防腐蚀、疏水性能和耐紫外老化性能。  相似文献   

目的研究不同环境因素对硅烷环氧杂化树脂涂层/LY12铝合金间附着力时效性的影响规律。方法制备涂层厚度为30μm的样板,采用拉拔测试仪测试不同环境因素(温度、湿度及酸碱溶液)、不同时间段下涂层/基体间的附着力值,研究环境因素对该涂层/基体间附着力时效性的影响。结果低温或高温环境下,涂层暴露时间越长,其附着力下降程度越大;在湿热环境下,随着试验周期的增加,涂层的附着力明显削弱;酸碱溶液对于涂层体系破坏较为严重。结论环境因素对于硅烷环氧杂化树脂涂层/LY12铝合金间附着力的影响时效性,较为严重的是高低温、酸盐溶液。  相似文献   

Natural sources for novel insecticide molecules hold promise in view of their eco-friendly nature, selectivity, and mammalian safety. Recent progress in understanding the biology of insect olfaction and taste offers new strategies for developing selective pest control agents. We have isolated two natural insecticidal molecules from edible roots of Decalepis hamiltonii named Decalesides I and II, which are novel trisaccharides, highly toxic to household insect pests and stored-product insects. We have experimentally shown that insecticidal activity requires contact with tarsi on the legs but is not toxic orally. The insecticidal activity of molecules is lost by hydrolysis, and various sugars modify toxic response, showing that the insecticidal activity is via gustatory sites on the tarsi. Selective toxicity to insects by virtue of their gustatory site of action and the mammalian safety of the new insecticides is inherent in their chemical structure with 1-4 or 1-1 α linkage that is easily hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes of mammals. Decalesides represent a new chemical class of natural insecticides with a unique mode of action targeting tarsal chemosensory/gustatory system of insects.  相似文献   

Leg loss is a common phenomenon in spiders, and according to the species 5% to 40% of the adults can present at least one missing leg. There is no possibility of regeneration after adult moult and the animal must manage with its missing appendages until its death. With the loss of one or more legs, female orb-weaving spiders can be penalized twice: firstly, because the legs are necessary for web construction and secondly, the legs are essential for the control of the prey after its interception by the web. During development, spiders may be also penalized because regeneration has energetic costs that take away resources for survival, growth and reproduction. All these consequences should influence negatively the development of the spider and thus its fitness. We investigated the impact of leg loss in the orb-weaving spider, Zygiella x-notata by studying its frequency in a natural population and web building and prey capture behaviours in laboratory. In field populations, 9.5% to 13%, of the adult females presented the loss of one or more legs; the majority of individuals had lost only one leg (in 48% of cases, a first one). Leg loss seems to affect all the adult spiders, as there is no difference of mass between intact spiders and those with missing leg. Data obtained with laboratory-reared spiders, showed that the loss of legs due to the moult is rare (less than 1%). Considering changes in web design, spiders with missing legs decreased their silk investment, increased the distance between spiral turns but did not change the capture surface of the web. Under our laboratory experimental conditions, spiders with one or two lost legs did not present any difference in prey capture efficiency. In laboratory conditions, spiders with lost leg(s) did not show any difference in egg sac production or in longevity (adult lifespan) compared to intact spiders.  相似文献   

云母钛珠光颜料的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种不使用有机溶剂获得云母钛珠光颜料、水性金属效果云母钛珠光浆、珠光涂料的环保型制备工艺和性能.采用液相沉积法获得了不同厚度的纳米TiO2薄膜包覆层而显示银白、金、红、紫、蓝、绿等各种色彩的系列珠光云母颜料;应用珠光云母颜料与分散剂等水性助剂混合,获得了水性金属效果云母钛珠光浆的制备工艺;应用云母钛珠光浆与乳液配合,获得了云母钛珠光涂料的制备工艺.制备的云母钛珠光涂料系列多彩,白度高、反射率大、珠光效果好,硬度、附着力、耐候性等指标优异.  相似文献   

目的 提高H13热作模具钢表面的显微硬度及耐磨性。方法 通过多弧离子镀技术,分别对未经热处理的H13钢、淬火H13钢以及氮化H13钢的表面进行多弧离子镀沉积CrAlN涂层,并分别对这3种基体上的CrAlN涂层的显微硬度和摩擦磨损性能进行研究。结果 涂层表面均较为平整,且出现了白色小颗粒。经过淬火和氮化处理后,H13钢CrAlN涂层的显微硬度达到3 300HV以上,达到基体的14倍多。与基体的摩擦系数相比,淬火和氮化处理后,H13钢的摩擦系数比基体低,镀膜后的摩擦系数比基体高。氮化H13钢表面CrAlN涂层的磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损和黏着磨损共同作用,淬火H13钢的CrAlN涂层磨损机理主要是黏着磨损;淬火和氮化后H13钢基体上CrAlN涂层的耐磨性均得到较大的提高。  相似文献   

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