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Three factors (canopy effect, lithology and seasonal variations) that may influence the concentrations of metals in terrestrial mosses were studied. The levels of 17 elements were determined in terrestrial mosses (Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr, and Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.) collected from 75 sites in Galicia at two sampling times, in 1995 and 1997. In addition, monthly samples of S. purum were collected throughout a period of one year from four sites in the same area, for analysis of levels of eight elements. The first studied factor, collection of mosses from areas under tree cover, did not influence significantly the levels of the elements analysed. The second factor studied was the dominant lithology in the sampling area (granite, slate and schist). No significant differences were found between samples from sites where granites and slates dominated. Significant differences were found in the levels of Co, Cr, Ni and Mn in both species growing in granite and slate substrate areas when compared with those growing in schist areas. This was also found for Al and Fe in S. purum and for As in H. cupressiforme. The third factor investigated, using the results from the monthly survey, was the seasonal effect. No significant differences were found in the concentrations of all elements in S. purum throughout the year.  相似文献   

Response of mosses to the heavy metal deposition in Poland--an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn) in Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt., a common moss species, were used to indicate relative levels of atmospheric deposition in Poland in the years 1975-1998. Spatial and temporal differences in the heavy metal concentrations in mosses were found. The highest concentration of heavy metals was recorded in the moss samples from the southern, most industrialised part of the country, and the lowest from north-eastern Poland. A significant decrease of heavy metals over 20 years (1975-1998) was found.  相似文献   

Rodríguez L  Macías F 《Chemosphere》2006,63(9):1598-1609
We calculated the sensitivity of Galician forest soils to eutrophication caused by atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds, using the Simple Mass Balance (SMB) method as described by [Posch, M., de Vries, W., Hettelingh, J.-P., 1995. Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen. In: Posch, M., de Smet, P.A.M., Hettelingh, J.-P., Downing, R.J. Calculation and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe. Status Report 1995, Coordination Center for Effects, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, pp. 31-42]. Deposition values were used to calculate critical loads exceedance. Galician natural forest ecosystems can support nitrogen deposition loads of more than 10 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1). The lowest critical loads (approximately 10 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1)) mainly occurred in forest stands in the interior zone, while highest critical load values (approximately 68 kg Nha (-1) yr (-1)) were observed in eucalyptus stands at low altitudes in the littoral area. Exceedances based on N deposition levels, calculated from data recorded in 2001, occurred in 40% of the forest soils, showing the need to control N emissions in these areas to prevent possible eutrophication of soils and waters. Analysis of rainfall bulk composition revealed that ammonium, probably derived from agricultural and cattle activities, was the main compound responsible for N deposition in Galicia.  相似文献   

A European survey of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in 2000-2001   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The background, administration and current status of the monitoring programme "European Survey of Atmospheric Heavy Metal Deposition" is described. All European states are invited to join the survey 2000-2001. The co-ordination and responsibility for the survey will gradually be transferred from the Nordic Council of Ministers to the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops (ICP Vegetation).  相似文献   

Concentrations of 48 elements in the ground growing mosses Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi have been compared with wet deposition data for the same elements at 13 Norwegian sites. Significant positive correlations were found for V, Fe, Co, As, Y, Mo, Cd, Sb, Ce, Sm, Er, Tl and Pb in Hylocomium splendens, and for Mg, V, Fe, Co, As, Se, Y, Mo, Cd, Sb, Tl and Pb in Pleurozium schreberi. Regression equations for transforming moss concentration data to absolute deposition rates have been calculated for those of the above elements which are of interest from a pollution point of view. The concentration levels of Li, Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Ge, As, Se, Sr, Y, Zr, Sn, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Ho, Yb, Hf, Ta and U were similar in the two moss species. Hylocomium splendens had highest concentrations of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Nb, Mo, Sb, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, Tm, Lu, W, Tl, Pb and Th, whereas V, Mn, Rb and Cd were highest in Pleurozium schreberi. No variations were observed in the concentrations of the studied elements during the sampling season.  相似文献   

Rapid and reliable detection of harmful algae in coastal areas and shellfish farms is an important requirement of monitoring programmes. Monitoring of toxic algae by means of traditional methods, i.e., light microscopy, can be time consuming when many samples have to be routinely analysed. Reliable species identification requires expensive equipment and trained personnel to carry out the analyses. However, all techniques for the monitoring of harmful algae usually require transportation of samples to specialised laboratories. In many monitoring laboratories, results are usually obtained within five working days after receiving the sample and therefore preventative measures are not always possible. Molecular technologies are rapidly improving the detection of phytoplankton and their toxins and the speed at which the results can be obtained. Assays are based on the discrimination of the genetic differences of the different species and species-specific probes can be designed. Such probes have been adapted to a microarray or phylochip format and assessed in several EU monitoring sites. Microarray results are presented for 1 year of field samples validated with cell counts from concentrated samples taken during toxic events from the weekly sampling of the Galician Monitoring Programme done by INTECMAR. The Galician monitoring laboratory does their own counting and their results are posted on their web site within 24 h. There was good correlation between cells present and microarray signals. In the few cases of false negatives, these can be attributed to poor RNA extraction of the target species, viz. Prorocentrum or Dinophysis. Where potential false positives were encountered, the smaller volume taken for cell counts as compared to the upto 300 times more volume taken for RNA extraction for the microarray is likely the cause for these differences, making the microarray more sensitive. The microarray was able to provide better species resolution in Alexandrium and Pseudo-nitzschia. In all cases, the toxins recovered by the toxin array were matched by target species in the array or in the cell counts.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Naturally growing mosses have been successfully used as biomonitors of atmospheric heavy metal (HM) deposition. In recent years, with rapid economic...  相似文献   

A network consisting of 17 sampling stations strategically distributed in the geographical area of Galicia (NW Spain) was set up in January 1999 in order to monitorice the ionic rainwater quality in this Spanish region which has an area approximately 29.575 km(2) and a population of 2.8 million. This paper presents the preliminary results of the exploratory study on the ionic rainfall composition in this area during the first year. In each rainwater sample collected chloride, sulphate, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and ammonium were measured, as were pH, conductivity and precipitation-volume. An univariate study according to the location of each sampling site was performed. Multivariate chemometric techniques, such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis, were applied to the complete data set (consisting of 630 observations) in order to elucidate the factors affecting the ionic composition of rainwater.  相似文献   

Sphagnum mosses received from a herbarium and collected recently from a peat bog surface, were used to assess the isotopic character of past and recent atmospheric Pb deposition in Switzerland and to constrain possible Pb sources. Lead removed from the moss surface was isotopically similar to that measured in the corresponding solid plant, suggesting that neither preservative actions for the herbarium samples nor dust had affected the isotopic composition of the samples. The addition of HCl to aqueous extracts to remove surface particles from the plants released more Pb compared to H2O alone. The changes in isotope ratios between Sphagnum collected during the past c. 130 yr were significantly greater than the small fluctuations between and among species collected at any one time. Three isotope ratio plots and emission inventories indicated that the most likely source of atmospheric Pb was coal-burning at the turn of the century, fly ash from waste incineration until approximately 1950, and gasoline combustion after that. The pollution record derived from the Sphagnum plants is in good agreement with other archives from Switzerland (peat, sediment, ice) and with other herbarium records in Europe.  相似文献   



Ambient air and bulk deposition samples were collected between June 2008 and June 2009. Eighty-three polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners were targeted in the samples.  相似文献   

In recent decades, mosses have been used successfully as biomonitors of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals. Since 1990, the European moss survey has been repeated at five-yearly intervals. Although spatial patterns were metal-specific, in 2005 the lowest concentrations of metals in mosses were generally found in Scandinavia, the Baltic States and northern parts of the UK; the highest concentrations were generally found in Belgium and south-eastern Europe. The recent decline in emission and subsequent deposition of heavy metals across Europe has resulted in a decrease in the heavy metal concentration in mosses for the majority of metals. Since 1990, the concentration in mosses has declined the most for arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead and vanadium (52-72%), followed by copper, nickel and zinc (20-30%), with no significant reduction being observed for mercury (12% since 1995) and chromium (2%). However, temporal trends were country-specific with sometimes increases being found.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate lichens as biomonitors of PAH atmospheric deposition; for that, an inter-comparison between the PAH profile and concentrations intercepted in lichens with those of air, soil and pine needles was performed. The study was conducted in a petro-industrial area and the results showed that PAH profiles in lichens were similar to those of the air and pine needles, but completely different from those of soils. Lichens accumulated higher PAH concentrations when compared to the other environmental compartments and its concentrations were significantly and linearly correlated with concentrations of PAHs in soil; we showed that a translation of the lichen PAHs concentrations into regulatory standards is possible, fulfilling one of the most important requirements of using lichens as biomonitors. With lichens we were then able to characterize the air PAHs profile of urban, petro-industrial and background areas.  相似文献   

A monitoring programme was carried out on wastewater, surface and drinking water on the NW area of Spain during the four seasons of a year period (November 2007-September 2008). This study covered a series of emerging pollutants of different classes, including pharmaceuticals, neutral and acidic organophosphorus flame retardant/plasticizers (OPs), triclosan, phenoxy-herbicides, insect repellents and UV filters. From the total set of 53 compounds, 19 were found in raw wastewater with median concentrations higher than 0.1 μg L−1. Among them, salicylic acid, ibuprofen and the UV filter benzophenone-4 (BP-4) were the most concentrated, exceeding the 1 μg L−1 median value. Subsequently, 11 of these contaminants are not efficiently enough removed in the small WWTPs tested and their median concentrations in effluents still surpassed the 0.1 μg L−1, so that they can spread through surface water. These chemicals are the pharmaceuticals naproxen, diclofenac and atenolol; the OPs tri(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), tri(chloropropyl) phosphate (TCPP), tri-n-butyl phosphate (TnBP), diphenyl phosphate (DPhP) and diethylhexyl phosphate (DEHP); and the sulphonate UV filters BP-4 and 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulphonic acid (PBSA). These OPs were then the dominant emerging pollutants occurring in surface and drinking water, where they are detected in the 20-200 ng L−1 range. Pharmaceuticals and UV filters are typically below the 10 ng L−1 level. Finally, herbicides were only detected in the last sampling campaign under the 100 ng L−1 drinking water European Union limit.  相似文献   

For the past few years, a strong and intensive combined study by analytical scientists and biologists on bioindication and biomonitoring has developed. To achieve a more public-related prophylactic healthcare feature derived from these biotechniques in the future, the collaboration between analytical scientists, ecotoxicologists and especially human toxicologists has to be strongly intensified and promoted. For this purpose, different forms of education and teaching of students on an international level combined with common research projects encompassing the different scientific fields and philosophies are important keys for common success.  相似文献   

The content of 21 organochlorine pesticides were studied in vegetation samples of a highly contaminated area by isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) located close to a former industrial area in Galicia (NW Spain). Five species of plants were collected at different points of the contaminated area and the different parts of the plants were separated in order to study differences in accumulation capabilities. Samples were extracted employing microwave energy followed by a clean-up step using solid phase extraction and finally determined by GC–ECD. The results obtained show that the most abundant pesticides are HCHs isomers, being the main isomers β-HCH and -HCH in all samples whereas δ-HCH and γ-HCH were at lower levels. Some other pesticides such as p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD and p,p′-DDE were also present in much lower amount in some of the samples. Several degradation products of HCH were also identified in some samples by GC–MS.  相似文献   

A biomonitoring survey using the moss species Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. was conducted in the surroundings of two steel plants located in the North of Spain. Levels of V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, Pb and N were determined. Very high concentrations in the areas of study were detected when compared to nearby unaffected regions. Similar trends were observed for all the elements in the differently orientated transects, showing an appreciable influence of the NW prevailing winds of the region in the dispersion of pollutants, as well as a clear decreasing gradient in the concentrations of metals in mosses within a distance of 1500 meters from the facilities. A differentiation between the elements emitted by the chimney as result of the industrial activity (V, Cr, Ni, Cu and As) and those with a high presence in steel slag deposits (Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb) was observed. The range of contamination was also established by means of the Contamination Factor, indicating a category 4 out of 6 categories, which shows the high levels reported in the areas of study. A different dynamic was registered for nitrogen regarding the rest of the heavy metals analysed except for Hg, probably due to the elevated volatility and mobility of both elements, as well as their high persistence in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The trace elements present at highest concentrations were Cr and Zn, which probably originated from the dumping of effluent from a tanning factory. High proportions of these two elements were associated with the residual fraction. Biodeposits and sediments showed high concentrations of Cd and Pb in the reactive fraction, with a high proportion of the concentration in the reactive fraction being associated with carbonates. Nickel showed a higher degree of pyritization than the previous elements, although most of the Ni was associated with the residual and reactive fractions. Arsenic, Hg and Cu showed high degrees of pyritization, particularly below a depth of 5 cm. The results demonstrate that those elements with a high degree of pyritization may be released into the water through oxidation of the metal sulphides that they form when in suspension in oxic sea water, with the subsequent risk of increased bioavailability to benthic fauna.  相似文献   

A study about topsoil antimony distribution and mobility from the soils to the biomass has been afforded in three abandoned Sb mining areas located at Extremadura. Physico-chemical characteristics of the soils and total antimony levels were measured in soils and autochthonous plant species (Cytisus striatus, Cistus ladanifer and Dittrichia viscosa). Comparison with corresponding values in reference areas isolated from the mining activities is discussed. Antimony mobility in the soils was estimated by measuring the water extractable fraction; low results were obtained for the three soil areas, with no statistical differences. Plant ability to accumulate antimony was estimated by use of plant accumulation coefficients (PAC). Seasonal (spring vs. autumn) effects on the antimony content in the plant species. Cytisus striatus from Mari Rosa mine presented antimony excluder characteristics, whereas Dittrichia viscosa specimens growing in San Antonio mine showed a significant antimony bioaccumulation.  相似文献   

Many authors have pointed out the need for simpler assessment and management procedures for avoiding overexploitation in small-scale fisheries. Nevertheless, models for providing scientific advice for sustainable small-scale fisheries management have not yet been published. Here we present one model; the case of the Barefoot Fisheries Advisors (BFAs) in the Galician co-managed Territorial Users Rights for Fishing. Based on informal interviews, gray literature and our personal experience by being involved in this process, we have analyzed the historical development and evolution of roles of this novel and stimulating actor in small-scale fisheries management. The Galician BFA model allows the provision of good quality and organized fisheries data to facilitate and support decision-making processes. The BFAs also build robust social capital by acting as knowledge collectors and translators between fishers, managers, and scientists. The BFAs have become key actors in the small-scale fisheries management of Galicia and a case for learning lessons.  相似文献   

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