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Western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook) encroachment into mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle) steppe has reduced livestock forage production, increased erosion risk, and degraded sagebrush-associated wildlife habitat. Western juniper has been successfully controlled with partial cutting followed by prescribed burning the next fall, but the herbaceous understory and sagebrush may be slow to recover. We evaluated the effectiveness of seeding perennial herbaceous vegetation and sagebrush at five sites where juniper was controlled by partially cutting and prescribed burning. Treatments tested at each site included an unseeded control, herbaceous seed mix (aerially seeded), and the herbaceous seed mix plus sagebrush seed. In the third year post-treatment, perennial grass cover and density were twice as high in plots receiving the herbaceous seed mix compared to the control plots. Sagebrush cover and density in the sagebrush seeded plots were between 74- and 290-fold and 62- and 155-fold greater than the other treatments. By the third year after treatment, sagebrush cover was as high as 12 % in the sagebrush seeded plots and between 0 % and 0.4 % where it was not seeded. These results indicate that aerial seeding perennial herbaceous vegetation can accelerate the recovery of perennial grasses which likely stabilize the site. Our results also suggest that seeding mountain big sagebrush after prescribed burning encroaching juniper can rapidly recover sagebrush cover and density. In areas where sagebrush habitat is limited, seeding sagebrush after juniper control may increase sagebrush habitat and decrease the risks to sagebrush-associated species.  相似文献   

Federal land managers in the western United States are interested in the potential of prescribed fire as a tool to decrease fuel loads, increase vegetational heterogeneity, and increase faunal diversity in various ecosystems. I tested whether implementation of a prescribed fire program by the US Forest Service in a watershed in the central Great Basin had significant effects on butterfly species richness and composition. I monitored butterfly communities during the first two years after implementation in five to seven burn units and controls in the watershed. To estimate baseline spatial and temporal variation in butterfly communities in the greater ecosystem, I also monitored butterflies in five untreated canyons outside the project area. Butterfly species richness and butterfly species composition (measured as community similarity) did not differ significantly between burn units and controls. Geographic location had statistically significant effects on species richness. Butterfly species composition of individual locations varied over time, as did the magnitude of that variation. These results emphasize that standardized, repeatable monitoring protocols are vital for evaluating the effects of experimental management treatments and for predicting and assessing the effects of future management strategies and environmental changes.  相似文献   

Addressing the need for reference sites that permit wetland managers to evaluate the relative success of wetland restoration efforts, this project examines the early successional properties of a chronosequence of 17 forested wetlands that have been clear-cut and allowed to naturally revegetate. Ordinations performed on the data using CANOCO software indicated three general types of communities—one dominated by bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), one dominated by black willow (Salix nigra), and one with a species composition similar to that of a mature stand of bottomland hardwoods. These divisions were correlated with the percentage of stems originating as coppice on stumps leftover from the clear-cut. In particular, the bottomland hardwood stands were regenerating predominantly as coppice, while the cypress/tupelo and black willow stands were regenerating primarily as seedlings. As indicated by the earlier development of overstory basal area, coppice sites were also regenerating much faster. The hydrology of a site also exhibited a strong impact on the rate of regeneration, with the semipermanently to permanently flooded portions of sites often exhibiting little or no regeneration. The results indicate that, because of the overwhelming reliance on coppice sprouts as the main source of stems and the concomitant enhanced rates of regeneration, certain vegetative parameters of clear-cut bottomland hardwood stands would not be effective benchmarks by which to judge the relative success of creation and restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is a common site preparation practice in forest management in southern China. However, the effect of fire on soil properties and N transformations is still poorly understood in this region. In this study, soil properties and N transformations in burned and unburned site of two vegetation types (Eucalyptus plantation and shrubland) were compared in rainy and dry seasons after 2 years’ prescribed fire. Soil pH and soil NH4-N were all higher in the burned site compared to the unburned control. Furthermore, burned sites had 30–40 % lower of soil total phosphorus than conspecific unburned sites. There was no difference in soil organic matter, total N, soil exchangeable cations, available P or NO3-N. Nitrogen mineralization rate of 0–5 cm soil in the unburned site ranged from 8.24 to 11.6 mg N kg?1 soil month?1 in the rainy season, compared to a lower level of 4.82–5.25 mg N kg?1 soil month?1 in the burned sites. In contrast, 0–5 cm layer nitrification rate was overall 2.47 mg N kg?1 soil month?1 in the rainy season, and was not significantly affected by burning. The reduced understory vegetation coverage after burning may be responsible for the higher soil NH4-N in the burned site. This study highlights that a better understanding the effect of prescribed burning on soil nutrients cycling would provide a critical foundation for management decision and be beneficial to afforestation in southern China.  相似文献   

Coastal sandplains provide habitat for a suite of rare and endangered plant and wildlife species in the northeastern United States. These early successional plant communities were maintained by natural and anthropogenic disturbances including salt spray, fire, and livestock grazing, but over the last 150 years, a decrease in anthropogenic disturbance frequency and intensity has resulted in a shift towards woody shrub dominance at the expense of herbaceous taxa. This study quantified the effects of more than a decade of dormant season disturbance-based vegetation management (mowing and prescribed fire) on coastal sandplain plant community composition on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, USA. We used time-series plant cover data from two similar sites to evaluate the effectiveness of disturbance management for restoring herbaceous species cover and reducing woody shrub dominance. Our results indicate that applying management outside of the peak of the growing season has not been effective in maintaining or increasing the cover of herbaceous species. While management activities resulted in significant (P < 0.01) increases in herbaceous species immediately after treatment, woody species recolonized and dominated treated sites within 3-years post treatment at the expense of graminoids and forbs. These results highlight the difficulties associated with directing ecological succession using disturbance-based management to maintain rare, herbaceous species in coastal sandplain systems that were once a prevalent landscape component under historically chronic anthropogenic disturbance. Further experimentation with growing season disturbance-based management and different combinations of management techniques could provide insights into management alternatives for maintaining herbaceous conservation targets in coastal sandplains.  相似文献   

Mechanical and prescribed fire treatments are commonly used to reduce fuel loads and maintain or restore sagebrush steppe rangelands across the Great Basin where pinyon (Pinus) and juniper (Juniperus) trees are encroaching and infilling. Geospatial technologies, particularly remote sensing, could potentially be used in these ecosystems to (1) evaluate the longevity of fuel reduction treatments, (2) provide data for planning and designing future fuel-reduction treatments, and (3) assess the spatial distribution of horizontal fuel structure following fuel-reduction treatments. High-spatial resolution color-infrared imagery (0.06-m pixels) was acquired for pinyon and juniper woodland plots where fuels were reduced by either prescribed fire, tree cutting, or mastication at five sites in Oregon, California, Nevada, and Utah. Imagery was taken with a Vexcel UltraCam X digital camera in June 2009. Within each treatment plot, ground cover was measured as part of the Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project. Trimble eCognition Developer was used to classify land cover classes using object-based image analysis (OBIA) techniques. Differences between cover estimates using OBIA and ground-measurements were not consistently higher or lower for any land cover class and when evaluated for individual sites, were within ±5 % of each other. The overall accuracy and the K hat statistic for classified thematic maps for each treatment were: prescribed burn 85 % and 0.81; cut and fell 82 % and 0.77, and mastication 84 % and 0.80. Although cover assessments from OBIA differed somewhat from ground measurements, they are sufficiently accurate to evaluate treatment success and for supporting a broad range of management concerns.  相似文献   

高等学校人员密集,珍贵文献、标本、贵重仪器多,蜡烛、烟头、违章用电等可引起高校火灾的发生.一旦发生火灾,容易造成众多人员伤亡和重大财产损失.高校要通过加强消防宣传教育,完善校内消防器材设施等来开展消防工作.  相似文献   

Forest fires are an integral part of the ecology of the Mediterranean Basin; however, fire incidence has increased dramatically during the past decades and fire is expected to become more prevalent in the future due to climate change. Fuel modification by prescribed burning reduces the spread and intensity potential of subsequent wildfires. We used the most recently published data to calculate the average annual wildfire CO(2) emissions in France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain following the IPCC guidelines. The effect of prescribed burning on emissions was calculated for four scenarios of prescribed burning effectiveness based on data from Portugal. Results show that prescribed burning could have a considerable effect on the carbon balance of the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector in Mediterranean countries. However, uncertainty in emission estimates remains large, and more accurate data is needed, especially regarding fuel load and fuel consumption in different vegetation types and fuel layers and the total area protected from wildfire per unit area treated by prescribed burning, i.e. the leverage of prescribed burning.  相似文献   

邓小平与毛泽东的现代化发展目标是一脉相承的,但邓小平对毛泽东的现代化发展目标又进行了超越,他继承了毛泽东的现代化思想及分步骤进行现代化建设的设想,扩展了现代化的内涵,提出了分“三步”实现现代化的科学构想,从而促进了中国现代化的发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚矿产和能源部(DME)根据所处地区的环境敏感性、钻屑处置方式和钻井液的环境性能评估钻井液的使用及其废物排放。环境性能的标准包括基液和整个钻井液的生物毒性、可生物降解性和生物累积性。申请人有责任明确活动的环境领域和可能的环境影响。油基钻井液(OBF)的芳烃含量不超过1%,附在钻屑上的基液干重限值为10%。大钻屑堆可能是海洋低水平烃类渗漏到海洋环境的来源之一,对钻屑堆的移除和处置问题,需要慎重考虑。  相似文献   

Vegetation fires have become an increasing problem in tropical environments as a consequence of socioeconomic pressures and subsequent land-use change. In response, fire management systems are being developed. This study set out to determine the relationships between two aspects of the fire problems in western Indonesia and Malaysia, and two components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. The study resulted in a new method for calibrating components of fire danger rating systems based on satellite fire detection (hotspot) data. Once the climate was accounted for, a problematic number of fires were related to high levels of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code. The relationship between climate, Fine Fuel Moisture Code, and hotspot occurrence was used to calibrate Fire Occurrence Potential classes where low accounted for 3% of the fires from 1994 to 2000, moderate accounted for 25%, high 26%, and extreme 38%. Further problems arise when there are large clusters of fires burning that may consume valuable land or produce local smoke pollution. Once the climate was taken into account, the hotspot load (number and size of clusters of hotspots) was related to the Fire Weather Index. The relationship between climate, Fire Weather Index, and hotspot load was used to calibrate Fire Load Potential classes. Low Fire Load Potential conditions (75% of an average year) corresponded with 24% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 30% of the largest cluster. In contrast, extreme Fire Load Potential conditions (1% of an average year) corresponded with 30% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 58% of the maximum. Both Fire Occurrence Potential and Fire Load Potential calibrations were successfully validated with data from 2001. This study showed that when ground measurements are not available, fire statistics derived from satellite fire detection archives can be reliably used for calibration. More importantly, as a result of this work, Malaysia and Indonesia have two new sources of information to initiate fire prevention and suppression activities.  相似文献   

胡迟 《绿色视野》2010,(5):55-57
我花了很长时间才明白什么是“火老虎”。因为作为申报项目,最初的文本里,图片模糊不清,只能看见一个上身赤裸的男子绑着框状的木架在跑,旁边立着几只呆头呆脑的狮子。说是民间舞蹈,却无一点肢体美感。我觉得,这个项目拿来申报,简直是开玩笑。  相似文献   

结合工程实际,介绍了太阳能产业用多晶硅片切割过程中产生的割液废液的处理工艺及回收工艺,并分析了它的投资成本和经济效益。  相似文献   

Poterium spinosum, competitive under conditions of overgrazing and fire, accounted for 70%–85% of the total plant cover in all sites, except Santorini, where participation of spiny species was very low. In the recently abandoned sites, annuals accounted for 50%–60% of the standing biomass, but constituted only a tiny fraction in those abandoned for 30 years or more. This was not paralleled by any remarkable increase of the total plant cover. In fact, the yearly produced green biomass decreased with the years after abandonment. The productivity of old fields abandoned for a long time is insufficient to support the grazing animals present. This shortfall, given the animals' requirements, is most dramatic in Symi. The nonrecovering vegetation in the old fields of these mountainous islands constitutes a severe environmental threat; remedial measures appear imperative.  相似文献   

由大连东泰环保锅炉制造有限公司开发、大连市环境保护产业协会推荐的水火管正反对流燃烧锅炉适用于企事业单位生产、生活供热、供暖。主要技术内容一、基本原理利用烟气正反对流原理在燃烧室内设置了不同形式的立拱,使烟气在燃烧室中形成气化燃烧流程,高温烟气快速向前拱区流动,利于燃料的引燃和炉膛温度的提高,改善了燃烧条件,提高了传热效率。由于立拱结构合理,覆盖面积小,使锅炉辐射受热面相应增加,同时使高温烟气在炉膛内的滞留时间延长一倍以上,烟气中的可燃物在炉内得以充分燃尽。同时在立拱之间形成烟尘沉降室。经过几次沉降,大大降…  相似文献   

简要介绍固体非金属材料燃烧性等级的定义、评级和测试方法,分别针对国家标准GB 8898-2011《音频、视频及类似电子设备安全要求》的第20章和国家标准GB 4943.1-2011《信息技术设备安全第1部分:通用要求》的第4.7章的内容进行说明和分析,并列举V-1级材料的两种试验方法进行比对,总结了我国强制认证产品对防火防护外壳的要求。  相似文献   

钻屑、钻井液固化处理及对环境的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
钻屑和废钻井液的固化处理是现阶段钻井废物无害化处理的主要研究方向,研究利用固化剂对钻屑和废泥浆进行固化处理,优选配方(水泥+粉煤灰+添加剂)进行固化处理;同时考查了钻屑、钻井液固化填埋后对周围环境的影响。结果表明,固化物浸出液的分析结果符合国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3-1996)和国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996),对周围环境水质调查监测,环境水质未受到污染,与填埋前的监测指标变化不大。  相似文献   

Fire and grazing are common management schemes of grasslands globally and are potential drivers of reptilian and amphibian (herpetofauna) metacommunity dynamics. Few studies have assessed the impacts of fire and cattle grazing on herpetofauna assemblages in grasslands. A patch-burn grazing study at Osage Prairie, MO, USA in 2011–2012 created landscape patches with treatments of grazing, fire, and such legacies. Response variables were measured before and after the application of treatments, and I used robust-design occupancy modeling to estimate patch occupancy and detection rate within patches, and recolonization and extinction (i.e., dispersal) across patches. I conducted redundancy analysis and a permuted multivariate analysis of variance to determine if patch type and the associated environmental factors explained herpetofauna assemblage. Estimates for reptiles indicate that occupancy was seasonally constant in Control patches (ψ ~ 0.5), but declined to ψ ~ 0.15 in patches following the applications of fire and grazing. Local extinctions for reptiles were higher in patches with fire or light grazing (ε ~ 0.7) compared to the controls. For the riparian herpetofaunal community, patch type and grass height were important predictors of abundance; further, the turtles, lizards, snakes, and adult amphibians used different patch types. The aquatic amphibian community was predicted by watershed and in-stream characteristics, irrespective of fire or grazing. The varying responses from taxonomic groups demonstrate habitat partitioning across multiple patch types undergoing fire, cattle grazing, and legacy effects. Prairies will need an array of patch types to accommodate multiple herpetofauna species.  相似文献   

陈灵 《环境技术》2004,22(6):7-10
当电工电子产品陷入火灾后会产生含有毒性物质的燃烧产物,受害者吸入后会导致窒息或使感官或上呼吸道受到刺激,从而降低或失去逃生的能力,造成伤害或死亡。中毒危险评估是以毒物学、燃烧试验、化学分析等方法所获得的数据资料为依据,评估电工电子产品燃烧时使人体产生中毒危险的可能性。  相似文献   

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