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Leaf-cutting ants of the genus Atta use trunk trails during foraging which may persist for months or years. The time and energy costs of trail construction and maintenance were estimated for colonies of Atta columbica on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, to determine if these costs are likely to constrain new trail construction and promote persistence of existing trails. Large workers 2.2-2.9 mm in headwidth participated in trail-clearing significantly more frequently than typical leaf-carriers, indicating that they may form a distinctive task group within the foraging force. Small litter items were carried off trails, while large ones were cut up before removal, greatly increasing the costs of removing large litter items. The average time cost of removing a kilogram of litter was estimated at 3,359 ant-hours, and energy costs at 4.6 kJ. Colonies maintained trail systems 267 m in length and 16.5 m2 in area, and built an estimated 2.7 km of trail with an area of 134 m2 during a year. Based on litter standing crop and estimates of litterfall rates, total costs to colonies averaged 11,000 ant-days of work and the energy equivalent of 8,000 leaf burdens. These costs are small relative to the number of available workers and rates of mass harvest, suggesting that costs do not significantly constrain trail construction. Instead, trails may persist because they provide access to high-quality resources or because only a few trails are required to fully exploit the foraging territory.  相似文献   

Foragers of many ant species use pheromone trails to guide nestmates to food sources. During foraging, individual workers can also learn the route to a food source. Foragers of the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger use both pheromone trails and memory to locate a food source. As a result, an experienced forager can have a conflict between social information (trail pheromones) and private information (route memory) at trail bifurcations. We tested decision making in L. niger foragers facing such an informational conflict in situations where both the strength of the pheromone trail and the number of previous visits to the food source varied. Foragers quickly learned the branch at a T bifurcation that leads to a food source, with 74.6% choosing correctly after one previous visit and 95.3% after three visits. Pheromone trails had a weaker effect on choice behaviour of naïve ants, with only 61.6% and 70.2% choosing the branch that had been marked by one or 20 foragers versus an unmarked branch. When there was a conflict between private and social information, memory overrides pheromone after just one previous visit to a food source. Most ants, 82–100%, chose the branch where they had collected food during previous foraging trips, with the proportion depending on the number of previous trips (1 v. 3) but not on the strength of the pheromone trail (1 v. 20). In addition, the presence of a pheromone trail at one branch in a bifurcation had no effect on the time it took an experienced ant to choose the correct branch (the branch without pheromone). These results suggest that private information (navigational memory) dominates over social information (chemical tail) in orientation decisions during foraging activities in experienced L. niger foragers.  相似文献   

1.  Colonies of Pheidole dentata employ a complex strategy of colony defense against invading fire ants. Their responses can be conveniently divided into the following three phases: (1) at low stimulation, the minor workers recruit nestmates over considerable distances, after which the recruited major workers (soldiers) take over the main role of destroying the intruders; (2) when the fire ants invade in larger numbers, fewer trails are laid, and the Pheidole fight closer to the nest along a shorter perimeter; (3) when the invasion becomes still more intense, the Pheidole abscond with their brood and scatter outward in all directions (Figs. 1, 4).
2.  Recruitment is achieved by a trail pheromone emitted from the poison gland of the sting. Majors can distinguish trail-laying minors that have just contacted fire ants, apparently by transfer of the body odor, and they respond by following the trails with more looping, aggressive runs than is the case in recruitment to sugar water. Majors are superior in fighting to the minors and remain on the battleground longer.
3.  The first phase of defense, involving alarm-recruitment, is evoked most strongly by fire ants and other members of the genus Solenopsis; the presence of a single fire ant worker is often sufficient to produce a massive, prolonged response (Figs. 2, 5, 6). In tests with Solenopsis geminata, it was found that the Pheidole react both to the odor of the body surface and to the venom, provided either of these chemical cues are combined with movement. Fire ants, especially S. geminata, are among the major natural enemies of the Pheidole, and it is of advantage for the Pheidole colonies to strike hard and decisively when the first fire ant scouts are detected. Other ants of a wide array of species tested were mostly neutral or required a large number of workers to induce the response. The alarm-recruitment response is not used when foragers are disturbed by human hands or inanimate objects. When such intrusion results in a direct mechanical disturbance of the nest, simulating the attack of a vertebrate, both minor and major workers swarm out and attack without intervening recruitment.

This study investigated the relative importance of pheromone trails and visual landmarks on the ability of Lasius niger foragers to relocate a previously used food source. Colonies formed foraging trails to a 1-M sucrose feeder. Sections of this trail were then presented back to the same colony after variable time intervals. Individual outgoing foragers were observed to determine if they walked for 15 cm in the direction of the feeder or not. On newly established pheromone trails formed by 500 ant passages, 77% of the foragers walked in the correct direction vs 31% for control foragers (no trail pheromone). Pheromone trails decayed to the control levels in 20–24 h. Trails formed with fewer ant passages (125 or 30) decayed quicker. The use of visual landmarks was investigated by using trails with outgoing foragers from the colony that established the trail, either in the same room or in a different room, with different visual landmarks, to that used during trail establishment. Approximately 20% more ants walked in the correct direction in the same room vs the different room. This difference decreased to around 10% 2 h after trail establishment, indicating that the ants in the different room were learning the new visual cues to navigate by. Our results show that visual landmarks and pheromone trails are approximately equally useful in initially guiding L. niger foragers to food locations and that these two information sources have a complementary function.  相似文献   

Communication of feeding locations is widespread in social animals. Many ants use pheromone trails to guide nestmates to food sources, but trail properties and how they are used vary. The ant Pheidole oxyops retrieves prey cooperatively using multiple workers. The recruited workers are guided to the prey by a pheromone trail laid by the initial discoverer. In comparison to other ants, this trail has extreme properties. Despite being laid by just one ant, freshly laid trails are followed very accurately (84.4?% correct choices at a bifurcation), but decay in only 5–7?min. This extreme accuracy and short duration probably reflect adaptations to underlying differences in feeding ecology. In particular, P. oxyops needs to rapidly recruit nestmates to a precise location in a competitive environment. Rapid decay combined with a natural walking speed of 1.4?m/min should set an upper limit of 4?m (an 8-m round trip) on recruitment range. However, experimentally placed food items up to 8?m from the nest entrance were cooperatively retrieved. This greater range is due to the trail having a dual recruitment role. It not only recruits from the nest but also intercepts ants already outside the nest, causing them to join the trail. Seventy-five per cent of ants joining the trail then followed it towards the food item. Even when direct recruitment from the nest was prevented, this secondary recruitment action resulted in seven times as many ants locating a food source than by chance discovery and in items being moved 46?% sooner.  相似文献   

Summary Tandem leaders of Pachycondyla tesserinoda mark their way during nest moving. While scouting and foraging for food in an unknown area, chemical orientation is used as well. The origin of the trail substance could not be identified. Secretions of gastral exocrine glands did not induce trail following behavior. Nor do these secretions elicit tandem-following reactions; rather the latter is released by the general body surface odor. The trail substance and the substance used for marking the nest entrance are colony-specific. Moreover, individual tandem leaders recognize and show a preference for their own trails. This extraordinary effect is independent of the age of the trail. P. tesserinoda workers search individually for food and new nest sites. Targets which are important for the colony are directly shown to nestmates by tandem running. Due to this type of foraging and scouting individual-specific trails may be advantageous for this ant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the food-correlated search behavior observed in foraging ants returning to a previously rewarding site to study information transfer during recruitment in the ant Lasius niger. We hypothesized that, if information about the characteristics of the food is conveyed during recruitment, food-correlated search tactics should also be observed in recruited workers. Our results show that the characteristics of the trajectories of recruited workers are comparable to those of scout ants returning to a site or prior food find and depend more on the type (prey/sugar) than on the quality (sugar concentration) of the food discovered by the scouts. Independent of sugar concentration, workers recruited to a source of sugar search with a greater sinuosity than workers recruited to a prey. Experimental manipulation of the recruitment signals (chemical trail and contact between ants) shows that the trail pheromone laid down by recruiting ants does not play a role in the modification of trajectory sinuosity. This change appears to be most likely triggered by a direct perception of the residue of sugar smeared on the body of the recruiting workers coming back to the nest.Communicated by J. Heinze  相似文献   

The controversy concerning the extent to which the organization of division of labor in social insects is a developmental process or is based on task allocation dynamics that emerge from colony need independent of worker age and endocrine or neural state has yet to be resolved. We present a novel analysis of temporal polyethism in the ant Pheidole dentata, demonstrating that task attendance by minor workers does not shift among spatially associated sets of behaviors that minimally overlap but rather expands with age. Our results show that the number of tasks performed by older minors increases through the addition and retention of behaviors, with up to a sixfold increase in repertoire size from day 1 to day 20 of adult life. We also show that older minors respond to colony needs by performing significantly more brood care as its demand increases, indicating that they can quickly upregulate nursing according to labor requirements. This level of plasticity was absent in younger siblings. The breadth of responsiveness to task-related olfactory stimuli increased with age. In a binary choice test in which young and old minor workers could orient toward odorants from brood or food, older workers responded to both brood and food, whereas young workers responded only to brood. These dissimilar responses to stimuli associated with nursing and foraging indicate age-related differences in sensory ability and provide a physiological basis for the age-related repertoire expansion model. We discuss repertoire expansion in P. dentata in light of behavioral development and caste flexibility in ants.  相似文献   

Summary The emigration and raiding behavior of the SE Asian ponerine ant Leptogenys sp. 1, which resembles L. mutabilis, were observed in the field (Ulu Gombak, Malaysia). The ants formed monogynous colonies that consisted of up to 52 100 workers. The bivouac sites of this species were found in leaf litter, rotten logs, ground cavities, etc., and were rarely modified by the ants. The colonies stayed in these temporary nests for several hours to 10 days; afterwards, they moved to a new nest site. The emigration distances ranged from 5–58 m. Since nest changing takes place at irregular intervals, and pupae and larvae are always present in the nest relocations of Leptogenys sp. 1, the emigration behavior is not linked to a synchronized brood development. Leptogenys sp. 1 is a nocturnal forager; in our study, up to 42 600 workers participated in each raid. The ants move forward on a broad front; behind the swarm a fan-shaped network of foraging columns converges to form a main trunk trail. A new system of foraging trails is developed in each raid. The workers search for their prey collectively; they attack and retrieve the booty together. The diet of Leptogenys sp. 1 consists mainly of arthropods. Army ant behavior is characterized by (1) formation of large monogynous colonies, (2) frequent emigrations, and (3) mass raids in which all foraging activities are carried out collectively. Since Leptogenys sp. 1 performs these typical army ant behavior patterns, this species represents the army ant ecotype. However, this species differs considerably from army ant species that have synchronized broods and huge colonies with dichthadiiform queens.Dedicated to Professor Dr. M. Lindauer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

I explored the thermal ecology of Eciton burchellii, a New World army ant, in primary forest and forest fragments in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica in 2002 and 2003. My primary objective was to determine whether high surface temperatures in pastures surrounding forest fragments posed a thermal barrier to ant colonies within those fragments; secondarily, I assessed whether thermal gradients within continuous moist forest were sufficient to elicit avoidance reactions from foraging colonies. E. burchellii colonies in forest fragments avoided entering open pasture in full sun (51.3 degrees C) on 100% of all edge interactions; however, edges were readily crossed where artificial shaded areas had previously been installed. Ant raids in primary forest avoided artificially established temperatures >43 degrees C but tolerated 45.5 degrees C in the presence of prey baits. Captive ants held at 43 degrees C survived 18.5 min; at temperatures of 51.3 degrees C survival time was only 2.8 min. Ants running on established foraging trails increased running velocity by 18% when substrate temperature was raised from 28.4 degrees to 38.0 degrees C, and they abandoned trails at temperatures >43 degrees C. The standard deviation (s) of temperatures on active raid trails in continuous forest was 2.13 degrees C, while nearby systematic sampling revealed a greater background standard deviation of 4.13 degrees C. E. burchellii colonies in this region appear to be living surprisingly near their upper limits of thermal tolerance. The heat of open pastures alone is sufficient to prevent their exiting forest fragments, or entering similarly hot areas within continuous forest. Shaded vegetative corridors are sufficient to permit mobility between isolated fragments, and their preservation should be encouraged. Despite views that tropical lowland moist forests have an essentially homogenous microclimate, army ants appear to avoid local hot spots on the forest floor, steering daily foraging trails to follow cooler routes than would be expected by chance. As deforestation remakes tropical landscapes worldwide, it is important to consider the thermal consequences of these actions and their effect on keystone organisms such as army ants. Changes in global climate patterns are likely to affect even evergreen tropical systems whose organisms may be sensitive to finer microclimatic variation than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Summary Leptogenys processionalis Jerdon forages on termites and other arthropods by raiding in branched trails. Growth and topology of these search trails were studied using Horton's (1945) technique orginally developed to analyze the branching pattern of river systems. Branching was always a bifurcating process and branches emerged symmetrically on either side of the main trail. Branching coefficients (R b ) were similar to those of a few biological branching systems, such as lungs, that are considered to be non-random in their branching pattern. The R b values indicated that the rate of branching and growth of trails remained constant within each foraging bout. The length of trails became shorter as they grew out and branched. The branching process was a function of the spatial separation of food patches in the terminal search field. Ants in the terminal search field send signals on encountering prey. The recruits cannot discriminate between these signals if they arise from two food patches situated <40 cm from each other, and hence converge on them in a single trail. However, discrimination is possible when food patches are >40 cm apart and hence recruits congregate on them separately in two trails, resulting in branching. Thus, the branching process is a result of independent decision by the ants conforming to certain simple rules and not a collective decision of the whole colony. We argue that mass recruiting ants selected to forage by branching pattern of trails because of its efficiency over other topologies (Stevens 1973) in minimizing the cost of travel, both from the nest to the food patches and between food patches. Further, the branch angles appear to be a trade-off to minimize travel cost and the resistance to the flow of ants comprising the column.Offprint requests to: T. Veena  相似文献   

Chemotactile cues unintentionally left by animals can play a major role in predator–prey interactions. Specialized predators can use them to find their prey, while prey individuals can assess predation risk. However, little is known to date about the importance of chemotactile cues for generalist predators such as ants. Here, we investigated the response of a generalized predatory ant, Formica polyctena, to cues of two taxonomically distinct prey: a spider (Pisaura mirabilis) and a cricket (Nemobius sylvestris). In analogy, we studied whether crickets and spiders showed antipredator behavior in response to ant cues. When confronted with cues of the two prey species, Formica polyctena workers showed increased residence time and reduced movement speed, which suggests success-motivated searching behavior and thus increased foraging effort. The ants’ response did not differ between cues of the two prey species, coinciding with similar aggression and consumption rates of dead prey. However, the cuticular hydrocarbons, which likely resemble part of the potential cues, differed strongly between the species, with only few methyl-branched alkanes in common. This suggests that ants respond to multiple compounds left by other organisms with prey-search behavior. The two prey species, in turn, showed no detectable antipredator behavior in response to ant cues. Our study shows that ants can detect and respond to chemotactile cues of taxonomically and ecologically distinct prey species, probably to raise their foraging success. Using such chemotactile cues for prey detection may drastically increase their foraging efficiency and thus contribute to the high ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

Summary When deprived of minor workers under expermental conditions, major workers of the ant Pheidble pubiventris dramatically increase their repertory and rate of activity, and the change is due in good part to the greater attention they pay the brood. When minor workers are reinstated in appropriate numbers, the majors reduce their attention to the immature stages to the ordinary, low levels. Their response consists of the active avoidance of minors while in the vicinity of the immature stages. However, majors do not turn from other majors near the brood as much as they do from the minors, and they do not avoid minors at all while in other parts of the nest. In addition, minors do not avoid either minors or majors anywhere in the nest. The result is a striking division of labor with reference to brood care.  相似文献   

Summary. Worker ants of Camponotus socius employ multicomponent signals during group recruitment to food sources and nest emigrations. The chemical signals consist of trail orientation pheromones that originate from the hindgut. Two components that elicit trail orientation behavior were identified: (2S,4R,5S)-2,4-dimethyl-5-hexanolide and 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methylpyran-4-one. Although both compounds release trail following behavior, in choice tests the former compound is preferred significantly. The major recruitment signal appears to be formic acid discharged from the poison gland. Compounds identified in the Dufour gland secretions do not seem to be involved in the recruitment process.  相似文献   

Summary. Colonies of two species of Metapone (M. madagascarica, M. new species.) were collected in Madagascar and established in laboratory nests. It could be demonstrated that both species are specialist predators of termites (Cryptotermes kirbyi). During hunting the ants sting the termites and thereby paralyze and preserve the prey alive. In this way prey can be stored in the ant nest for extended periods. During foraging and colony emigrations the ants lay chemical trails with poison gland secretions. Among the seven compounds identified in the venom only methyl pyrrole-2-carboxylate elicits trail following behavior in both Metapone species. Received 11 February 2002, accepted 23 February 2002.  相似文献   

Summary. The African stink ants (Pachycondyla tarsata) lay recruitment trails with secretions from sternal glands. The glandular secretions consist of 10 compounds, 9 of which have been chemically identified. One of the substances, 9-heptadecanone, elicits trail following behavior in P. tarsata workers that have before been stimulated by a sucessful scout ant. Received 7 August 1998; accepted 24 November 1998.  相似文献   

Abstract: Underwater trails are intended as interpretative tools in marine parks, but concentrating divers and snorkelers in defined areas may negatively affect the surrounding environment. We examined spatial and temporal patterns in the effects of use of underwater trails on coral reef flats in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. Changes in benthic assemblages were assessed on two new trails used by snorkelers, two unused (control) trails, and two undisturbed areas. Total percent coral cover, numbers of broken colonies, and living coral fragments were counted 6 months before and 6 months after the new trails began to be used. Spatial patterns of effects around concentrated nodes of use were determined by stratified sampling around and away from the interpretative signs within each trail. Despite comparatively low levels of use (approximately 15 snorkelers per trail per week), snorkelers caused significant damage to corals along the trails. Branching corals (non- Acropora branching corals and Millepora spp.) were most affected. More damage occurred near the interpretative signs than elsewhere on the trails. The numbers of broken branches and damaged coral colonies in the snorkeling trails increased rapidly but stabilized within 2 months of the commencement of use. There was no significant change in overall benthic assemblages within the trails after 6 months of use by snorkelers. Although concentrating snorkelers within confined trails caused increased damage to corals, the effects can be mitigated by appropriate design and placement of the trails and by managing the behavior of snorkelers. Interpretative information should warn users about the damage they may cause when swimming along the trails. Managing the behavior of snorkelers in the water is likely to be more effective in reducing damage than simply applying fixed limits to the amount of use the trails receive.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus, adjust the direction and length of foraging trails in response to the foraging behavior of their conspecific neighbors. In the absence of any interaction with its neighbor, a mature colony expands its foraging range at a rate of 0.85 ± 0.15 m per day. Exclusion experiments show that if a colony is prevented from using its foraging trails, the neighbors of that colony will enter its foraging range within 10 days. Exclusion experiments were performed with three age classes of colonies: young (1 year old), intermediate (3–4 years old), and old (5 years old or more). Colonies 3–4 years old are most likely to expand foraging ranges, and to retain newly-gained areas. To examine the relation of colony age (in years) and colony size (in numbers of workers), colonies of known age were excavated. Colonies increase greatly in size in years 3 and 4. Foraging area may be of greater current or prospective value for younger, smaller, quickly growing colonies than for older, larger ones of stable size. Correspondence to the second address  相似文献   

Encounter rate and task allocation in harvester ants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As conditions change, social insect colonies adjust the numbers of workers engaged in various tasks, such as foraging and nest work. This process of task allocation operates without central control; individuals respond to simple, local cues. This study investigates one such cue, the pattern of an ant's interactions with other workers. We examined how an ant's tendency to perform midden work, carrying objects to and sorting the refuse pile of the colony, is related to the recent history of the ant's brief antennal contacts, in laboratory colonies of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. The probability that an ant performed midden work was related to its recent interactions in two ways. First, the time an ant spent performing midden work was positively correlated with the number of midden workers that ant had met while it was away from the midden. Second, ants engaged in a task other than midden work were more likely to begin to do midden work when their rate of encounter per minute with midden workers was high. Cues based on interaction rate may enable ants to respond to changes in worker numbers even though ants cannot count or assess total numbers engaged in a task. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effect of crowding on the selection of a path in the mass-recruiting ant Lasius niger. In our experiment, ants had to go from their nest to a food source by crossing a diamond-shaped bridge, giving the choice between two paths. Two types of bridges were used: the first had two branches of equal length but different width while the second had two branches of different length and width. Experiments at high traffic volume always ended up with the selection of the wider branch, even if it was longer. This result shows that overcrowding on the narrow branch plays an essential role in the mechanism underlying the choice of route in ants. A mathematical model was developed to evaluate the importance of two mechanisms that could account for this result. The first is based on the difference in travel duration between the two paths. The second is based on the repulsive interactions between workers making head-on encounters. The model shows that travel duration per se is not sufficient to explain path choice. Rather, it is the interplay between trail following behaviour and repulsive interactions that allows ants to choose the path that minimizes their travel time. When choosing a path ants thus prefer to trade time against energy. Our results demonstrate that any environmental constraint that alters the dynamics of trail recruitment can lead to the emergence of adaptive foraging decisions without any explicit coding of information by the foragers at the individual level.  相似文献   

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