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本文阐述了高等学校实行物资竞标采购制度的必要性,概述了物资竞标采购过程中必须遵循的原则,介绍了物资竞标采购的基本程序,同时对改进物资竞标工作提出了两点问题.对改进高等学校及事业单位的物资采购工作有一定的 启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

在我国现有的生态毒理学教学体系中,相对于理论教学,其实验教学体系的构建和实践相对滞后,阻碍了相关领域的人才培养。斑马鱼是国际上广受瞩目的小型模式鱼,本文在目前已成功开发并应用于科研的一系列斑马鱼毒性测试策略和方法的基础上,初步构建较为完整的水生生态毒理学实验内容和案例。虽然仅基于斑马鱼这一实验物种,但包括了致死效应、致畸效应、神经毒性、内分泌干扰效应、免疫毒性、遗传毒性等,涵盖不同生物学层面的多个毒理学终点,有助于充分训练学生的实验技能,巩固所学的理论知识。此外,在学生初步掌握上述实验手段的基础上,设置综合性或者设计性实验,可进一步培养学生的创造性思维和科研能力。本文对于现有的生态毒理学实验教学有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

由于学院高度重视科研工作 ,2 0 0 2年全院教职员工在学术上取得了可喜的成绩 .据统计 ,正在进行的科研项目 5 5项 ;批准立项课题 2 5项 ,其中国家级课题 1项 ;获省级教育教学成果奖 1项 ;成果鉴定 1项 ;出版著作 4部 ;撰写各类科研论文 2 4 3篇 ,其中 68篇论文在不同层次、不同级别的科研与教学改革论文评选中获奖 ,其中获湖南省自然科学优秀论文奖 8个 ,获衡阳市自然科学优秀论文奖 1 2个 ,获湖南省高职教育教学优秀论文奖 7个2002年科研简讯$湖南环境生物职业技术学院科研处…  相似文献   

正目前,不少高校在生态毒理学科研领域人才济济、成绩斐然,但对生态毒理学教学却重视不够,有的学校甚至还没有开设生态毒理学课程。相对于科研的日新月异,教学的发展却较为缓慢,教学与科研之间的不平衡势必会造成科研发展的后续动力不足。为推动生态毒理学教学的发展,提高课程的教学质量,让更多的高校开设生态毒理学课程,借助"第五届生态毒理学学术研讨会"的平台,《生态毒理学报》编辑部于2018年4  相似文献   

要减少/消除危险物资和产品的生成,世界需要更多的资源.发达国家一直在增加的危险废物生成需要靠强制手段来缩减.当前实行的危险废物再生办法是不可持续的.当今最重要的两种危险废物贸易,一是废船解体业(经常出现在亚洲拆解厂),二是电子垃圾从大多数高度工业化国家出口到发展中国家处理.这每一种活动,都对人类健康和环境有严重影响.  相似文献   

要减少/消除危险物资和产品的生成,世界需要更多的资源.发达国家一直在增加的危险废物生成需要靠强制手段来缩减.当前实行的危险废物再生办法是不可持续的.当今最重要的两种危险废物贸易,一是废船解体业(经常出现在亚洲拆解厂),二是电子垃圾从大多数高度工业化国家出口到发展中国家处理.这每一种活动,都对人类健康和环境有严重影响.  相似文献   

要减少/消除危险物资和产品的生成,世界需要更多的资源.发达国家一直在增加的危险废物生成需要靠强制手段来缩减.当前实行的危险废物再生办法是不可持续的.当今最重要的两种危险废物贸易,一是废船解体业(经常出现在亚洲拆解厂),二是电子垃圾从大多数高度工业化国家出口到发展中国家处理.这每一种活动,都对人类健康和环境有严重影响.  相似文献   

实践教学是高等职业技术教育的培养目标,也是高等职业技术教育的优势.本文主要探讨《花卉学》专业课程实践教学体系的结构、实践教学基地建设和专业课程实践教学体系的实施办法.  相似文献   

应用Tail-PCR扩增蓝猪耳T-DNA侧翼序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝猪耳是一种重要的具有观赏和科研价值的花卉植物.采用TAIL-PCR成功扩增了转基因蓝猪耳T-DNA插入位点的侧翼序列,扩增片断长度为200~2 000 bp,大多数片段在400 bp和800 bp左右,其中36%的序列含有植物的同源序列.通过与GenBank数据库比对,确定了部分T-DNA插入位点周边序列编码的可能蛋白,并提交序列7条;另外还对T-DNA转化植物时整合的位点进行了分析,发现断裂位点集中在距右边界15~18 bD和右边界外234 bp处,分别占总扩增片段的47.62%和38.10%.这为利用T-DNA标签进行蓝猪耳基因克隆和功能分析提供了实验技术上的保证.图2表2参24  相似文献   

为培养学生创新能力,结合《园艺产品贮藏加工》教学,通过改革传统的教学模式,构建理论为实践服务的实践教学主体教学体系;理论教学融入创新教育,培养学生的创新意识;实验实训,提高学生熟练的操作能力;设计综合实验、培养学生创新能力;结合科学研究、培养学生创新能力.结果表明,能较好地提高学生的综合开发及创新能力.  相似文献   

台湾职业技术教育的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
台湾普通教育体系与职业技术教育体系衔接紧密,职业技术教育与终身教育相结合,定位准确,培养目标清晰,坚持职业证书制度,建立了多元文凭价值体系,政策优惠,课程开发时考虑配合整体经济发展并兼顾地区发展及学生未来适应生活的需求,力求职业技术课程体系的完整与连贯性,学校本位课程具有机动弹性,人才培养途径是加强建教合作、充实实践教学环节,师资队伍建设采取直接从企业聘请教师或者聘请资深的企业界技术人员到校兼职教授,强调师资的高学历和实务导向并鼓励在职实务进修,运用行业分析编制组织结构严谨教材.当然,台湾教育界同样存在重学轻术、招生困难、投资捉襟见肘、师资设备仍显不足、与全球经济一体化不相适应、就业难等问题.  相似文献   

Since 1977, the US Army Corps of Engineers Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS) has monitored New England's offshore dredged material disposal sites. DAMOS has shown that by using monitoring information to make management decisions, open water disposal of dredged sediments is possible with minimal environmental impact. Over the past two decades, DAMOS has answered many of the key questions about dredged material impacts. Yet the need for such a programme remains strong from both the technical and public interest perspectives. the programme continues to monitor projects that are extending our knowledge in the areas of deeper water capping, geotechnical behaviour of capping and capped materials, and biological response to contaminants. These investigations, along with the need for specific disposal site surveys, will continue to provide valuable technical information needed by the public, policy makers, and regulators to make critical decisions on dredged sediment management.  相似文献   

Abstract: An ecosystem management program and assessment process was developed to standardize an ecosystem-based approach to protecting the ecological integrity of Ontario's national parks. The elements of the ecosystem management program collectively represent the dominant planning and technical aspects of ecosystem management. Within the program, 11 specific products—ecosystem conservation plan, greater park ecosystem inventory and analysis, greater park ecosystem scope, area of cooperation, stakeholder analysis, partnership group management guidelines, scientific research program, ecological indicators, ecological integrity monitoring program, information network, and communication strategy—are considered requisite tools to improve the scientific understanding required for park management within the context of greater park ecosystems and to increase communication and coordination among governments and citizens to improve decision making. The formal process uses evaluation criteria associated with the 11 products to assess progress in developing an ecosystem management program and the content of the related products. The assessment process, which provides comprehensive identification of a park's specific ecosystem management needs, has been applied to all national parks in Ontario in the past year, which has had the immediate effect of refining their ecosystem management programs.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the fundamental problems of defining and achieving sustainable development. A common core of the various definitions of sustainability circulating is identified. Economic and scientific approaches to operationalize sustainability generally lead to management rules, which — if obeyed — should guarantee sustainability. Since it is not possible to precisely predict the future, this scientific—technical—economic route to sustainability may fail. A second, ethical way, to sustainability which interprets sustainability as an ideal for fair play is introduced. How the two different ways may complement one another with a three-step hierarchy of political goals is elucidated.  相似文献   

文章介绍了在环境工程中运用技术经济学的方法和内容,对环境工程项目的技术可行性和经济合理性进行综合评价,从而使环境工程投资决策建立在科学分析的基础上。  相似文献   

松嫩盆地资源环境信息系统空间数据库的设计与开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章介绍了松嫩盆地资源环境信息系统空间数据库的设计思路,总体目标、构成及功能以及系统建立的关键技术。该系统的建立,使得对松嫩盆地资源开发管理和相关信息的查询、检索更方便,同时对松嫩盆地资源合理开发利用和管理决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

苏格兰农业非点源污染管理措施评述及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业是苏格兰非点源污染的主要来源,也是苏格兰水体污染的主要原因。介绍了苏格兰农业非点源污染的管理措施,包括:制定治理农业非点源污染的法律法规,并实施财政补贴的经济措施,以激励农场主采取科学的生产方式;通过修建人工湿地、缓冲带等技术措施减少农业非点源污染的影响,从而使河流水质得到提高。最后,探讨了对于苏格兰控制农业非点源污染的管理措施,中国可借鉴的经验,指出中国可从立法、经济措施、技术措施等方面完善农业非点源污染的管理,保护水环境。  相似文献   

Yellow phosphorous is an important raw material in the chemical industry. However, during the production of yellow phosphorous, high concentrations of carbon monoxide and other impurities are released. Without appropriate purification and removal, this off gas has potential to cause severe pollution problems once released. Purified yellow phosphorous off gas can be beneficially reused as a raw material in chemical production for synthesis of high value-added chemical reagents. In this paper, the significance of purification and reutilization of yellow phosphorous off gas are explored. The principles, processes, and main characteristics of the technologies for purification and reuse of yellow phosphorus off gas (including technical measurements of impurity reduction, relevant engineering cases, and public acceptance of the technologies) are summarized. In view of the existing problems and scientific development requirements, this paper proposes several recommendations for green production based on the concept of recycle economics. We conclude that advanced purification and comprehensive reutilization can be an effective solution for heavy pollution resulting from yellow phosphorous off gassing.  相似文献   

This paper examines how scientific literature and policy documents frame the ecosystem concept and how these frames have shaped scientific dialogue and policy making over time. This was achieved by developing a frame typology, as a basis for organizing relevant value expressions, to assess how different frames have altered perspectives of the ecosystem concept. The frame typology and analysis is based on a semi‐grounded and longitudinal document analysis of scientific literature and policy documents using the ecosystem concept. Despite changing discourses and public priorities (e.g., cultural constructs of biodiversity) both science and policy documents are characterized by stable value systems that have not changed substantially since the 1930s. These value systems were defined based on ethical principles that delineate 6 core frames: humans first, dual systems, eco‐science, eco‐holism, animals first, and multicentrism. Specific crises (e.g., climate change) and cross‐disciplinary uptake and re‐uptake of, for example, the ecosystem services concept, have brought new perspectives to the forefront of public discourse. These developments triggered changes in the core frames that, rather than being value based, are based on how the ecosystem is conceptualized under fixed value systems and over time. Fourteen subframes were developed to reflect these longitudinal changes. There are as such clear framing effects in both scientific literature and in policy. Ecosystem research is for instance often characterized by unstated value judgments even though the scientific community does not make these explicit. In contrast, policy documents are characterized by clear value expressions but are principally management driven and human centered.  相似文献   

A major justification of environmental management research is that it helps practitioners, yet previous studies show it is rarely used to inform their decisions. We tested whether conservation practitioners focusing on bird management were willing to use a synopsis of relevant scientific literature to inform their management decisions. This allowed us to examine whether the limited use of scientific information in management is due to a lack of access to the scientific literature or whether it is because practitioners are either not interested or unable to incorporate the research into their decisions. In on‐line surveys, we asked 92 conservation managers, predominantly from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, to provide opinions on 28 management techniques that could be applied to reduce predation on birds. We asked their opinions before and after giving them a summary of the literature about the interventions’ effectiveness. We scored the overall effectiveness and certainty of evidence for each intervention through an expert elicitation process—the Delphi method. We used the effectiveness scores to assess the practitioners’ level of understanding and awareness of the literature. On average, each survey participant changed their likelihood of using 45.7% of the interventions after reading the synopsis of the evidence. They were more likely to implement effective interventions and avoid ineffective actions, suggesting that their intended future management strategies may be more successful than current practice. More experienced practitioners were less likely to change their management practices than those with less experience, even though they were not more aware of the existing scientific information than less experienced practitioners. The practitioners’ willingness to change their management choices when provided with summarized scientific evidence suggests that improved accessibility to scientific information would benefit conservation management outcomes. El Efecto de la Evidencia Científica sobre las Decisiones de Manejo de Quienes Practican la Conservación  相似文献   

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