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Atmospheric mercury emissions from polluted gold mining areas (Venezuela)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil, waste rock and mud from mercury-gold amalgamation mining areas of El Callao (Venezuela) are highly enriched in Hg (0.5–500 μg g−1) relative to natural background concentrations (<0.1 μg g−1). Mercury fluxes to the atmosphere from twelve polluted sites of this area were measured in situ (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) using a Plexiglas flux chamber connected to a portable mercury analyzer (model RA-915+; Lumex, St. Petersburg, Russia). Mercury fluxes ranged between 0.65 and 420.1 μg m−2 h−1, and the average flux range during the diurnal hours␣was 9.1–239.2 μg m−2 h−1. These flux values are five orders of magnitude higher than both reported world background Hg fluxes (1–69 ng m−2 h−1) and the regional values, which are in the range 2–10 ng m−2 h−1. The flux results obtained in this study are, however, similar to those measured at Hg polluted sites such as chloro-alkali plants or polymetallic ore mining districts (>100,000 ng m−2 h−1). The results from this study also show that Hg emissions from the soil are influenced by solar radiation, soil temperature and soil Hg concentration. Our data suggest that solar radiation may be the dominant factor affecting Hg° emission since the major species of mercury in polluted soil is Hg° (85–97% of total Hg). The simple release of Hg° vapor is probably the dominant process occurring with incident light in the field. The apparent activation energy for mercury emission indicates that the volatilization of mercury mainly occurred as a result of the vaporization of elemental mercury in soil. The degree of Hg emission differed significantly among the soil sites studied, which may be due to variations in soil texture, organic matter content and soil compaction.  相似文献   

The application of tree species (leaves) as biomonitoring devices is studies by the use of cluster analysis. It is shown that the chemical analysis of leaf samples should be accompanied by a careful chemometrical data treatment in order to obtain a reliable information on the behaviour of various tree species to heavy metal exposure (8 trees for three heavy metals in twelve different places) in fall and spring season. Additionally, the distribution of the sampling sites is studied by the same approach and a commentary on the urban aspects of sampling is given.  相似文献   

Repeated visual censuses of different categories (juveniles, females, territorial and group males) of the stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride, a protogynous hermaphrodite) over a 3-year period indicated a relatively stable size and structure of the adult population. This allowed estimates of size-specific mortality, sex change, and territory acquisition probabilities from previously reported growth rates. Comparison of the predicted number of survivors, sex changers, and territory take overs with field observations indicates that our estimates are quite reliable. However, rather large differences in mortality are obtained for the largest three size classes (>25 cm), which may be due to reduced accuracy of length estimates of large fish. A pooled mortality for these classes is therefore suggested as a more realistic estimate. The life-history implications of our findings are investigated by comparing the predicted survival and future reproductive success of fish that change sex at different sizes. Ten percent of the adults reach an age of ca. 17 years, once a length of 20 cm is attained, as predicted from the pooled estimates. Calculations based on these estimates indicate that the predicted reproductive output of a 15-year-old fish (2500 matings) is the same for early (i.e. at 20 cm) and late (>30 cm) sex changers and for an average fish subject to the estimated daily sex change and territory acquisition probabilities. These findings suggest that S. viride individuals are able to flexibly adjust the timing of sex change in an adaptive way to unpredictable local conditions. However, independent mortality estimates are needed to corroborate our present findings. Received: 2 January 1997 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

Acoustic displays are known to advertise aspects of male quality and to affect female choice of mates in a variety of birds, including not only songbirds but some seabirds as well. Male great frigatebirds (Fregata minor) produce a rapid warble vocalization that forms a prominent part of their courtship display. We investigated the relationships between aspects of this vocalization and male quality and pairing success in 103 great frigatebirds from a population in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. We found that across males, frequency bandwidth of the display was negatively related to repetition rate, enabling us to use deviation from the upper bound regression of bandwidth on rate (??vocal deviation??) as one measure of vocal performance. We used vocal consistency, defined as the coefficient of variation of the time interval between successive peaks in the warble, as a second measure of performance. Vocal deviation was significantly positively associated with body condition of male great frigatebirds, but vocal consistency was not. We found that peak frequency of the warble was not significantly associated with body size but was negatively associated with size of the gular pouch, the most prominent visual ornament. Male great frigatebirds showed significant individual differences in all three vocal measures??peak frequency, vocal deviation, and vocal consistency??but none of these measures was a significant predictor of pairing success in our study population. These results suggest that vocalizations provide honest information about male body condition and gular pouch size in great frigatebirds but do not influence male success in pairing with females.  相似文献   

Veneridae, a cosmopolitan and ubiquitous family in world-wide littoral environments, lists more than 500 species, many of which are often subject to intensive commercial exploitation due to their numerical dominance in benthic communities. Historically, the family has been divided into 12 subfamilies by M. Keen and, even though this taxonomical arrangement was adopted for convenience and does not necessarily reflect genetic relationships, as suggested by Keen herself, this classification is still accepted. To contribute to clarify the systematics and phylogeny of Veneridae, the portion of the nucleotide sequence corresponding to domains IV and V of the gene encoding the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA was analysed in 14 species representative of 10 genera belonging to 6 different subfamilies. The results obtained using the maximum-parsimony and neighbour-joining methods indicate that the current placement of the genera into subfamilies does not always reflect a natural subdivision. In addition, the six species of Tapetinae studied, though confirmed to be a monophyletic clade, do not exhibit a correct attribution at the genus level.  相似文献   

In Asturias (NW Spain) there are many abandoned mines, of which Hg mines are of particular significance from an environmental point of view, due to the presence of Hg and particularly As, which is found either in the form of specific (orpiment and realgar) or non-specific minerals (As-rich pyrite). The instability of these minerals leads to the presence of As-rich mine drainage and spoils heap leachates that enter surface waters or groundwaters. A study including the three most important Hg mines in the region (La Soterraña, Los Rueldos and El Terronal) has been conducted. Watercourses flowing through these mining areas are tributaries of the River Caudal, one of the most important rivers in the area. High concentrations of As were found in some of these waters, which were monitored over a period of three hydrological years and classified according to a water quality index. Those waters sampled close to the mines are generally of poor-to-bad quality, with low alkalinity and in some cases high metal content, but the quality of these waters improves with distance from the mines. The average mass load of As entering the River Caudal has been evaluated as: 200, 12 and 9,800 kg year?1 from La Soterraña, Los Rueldos and El Terronal mine sites, respectively. Despite the constant input of about 10 tonnes of As per year, the total As concentration remains below analytical detection thresholds on account of the river’s high water flow. Nevertheless, an important part of this As load is presumably retained in the river sediments, representing a potential risk of pollution of the aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

E. Walker  N. Bez 《Ecological modelling》2010,221(17):2008-2017
In the context of the expansion of animal tracking and bio-logging, state-space models have been developed with the objective to characterise animals’ trajectories and to understand the factors controlling their behaviour. In the fisheries community, the electronic tagging of vessels commonly designated by Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) is developing and provides a new insight for the understanding, the analysis and the modelling of the trajectories of vessels and their prospecting behaviour. VMS data are thus a clue for the proper definition of fishing effort which remains a fundamental parameter of tuna stock assessments. In this context, we used the VMS (recording of hourly positions) of the French tropical tuna purse-seiners operating in the Indian Ocean to characterise three types of movement (states) on the VMS trajectories (stillness, tracking, and cruising). Based on empirical evidences, and on the regular frequency of VMS acquisition, this was achieved by the development of a Bayesian Hidden Markov model for the speeds and turning angles derived from the hourly steps of the trajectories. In a second phase, states were related to activities disentangling stillness into fishing or stop at sea. Finally the quality of the model performances was rigorously quantified thanks to observers’ data. Confronting model prediction and true activities allowed estimating that 10% of the hourly steps were misclassified. The assumptions and model’ choices are discussed, highlighting the fact that VMS data and observers’ data having different time resolutions, the effective use of validating data was troublesome. However, without validation, these analyses remain speculative. The validation part of this work represents an important step for the operational use of state-space models in ecology in the broad sense (predators’ tracking data, e.g. birds or mammals trajectories).  相似文献   

Closely interacting groups, such as hosts and parasites, sometimes provide useful models to study evolution and adaptive processes. In Ovulidae, a widespread family of specialised browsing carnivorous molluscs that feed on polyps and tissues of Anthozoa, close association with the host has produced a plethora of adaptations affecting shell morphology, colour pattern and mantle shape. These morphological characters have been widely used in ovulid taxonomy, although putative differences are often based on trivial and inconsistent variations. In this work we used a molecular approach to generate the basal phylogeny of the family. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences of 32 species from 23 genera reveal unexpected taxonomic groupings from the genus up to the family level, as well as unexpected phenomena of homoplasy in conchological features. Since molecular phylogenies also provide an evolutionary framework where character transformations are polarised, we used this basal ovulid phylogeny to explore the specificity of the association and the degree of morphological adaptation to the host.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-1566-0.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Bryaninops, Gobiodon, Paragobiodon and Pleurosicya are the most abundant genera of coral-associated gobies. These genera are adapted to live among coral, while other small reef gobies (e.g., the genus Eviota) show no obligate association with this living substrate. Thirteen coral-associated species and two Eviota species were sampled from different regions of the Red Sea, along with four populations/species of Gobiodon from the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. A molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using partial sequences of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes, 1,199 base pairs in total. Several clades were consistently resolved in neighbor joining-, maximum parsimony-, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. While each of the four genera Gobiodon, Paragobiodon, Bryaninops and Pleurosicya proved to be monophyletic, their relative position in the phylogeny did not support an emergence of coral-associated gobiids as a monophyletic assemblage. Instead, two separate monophyletic sub-groups were discovered, the first comprising Gobiodon and Paragobiodon, and the second Bryaninops and Pleurosicya. Our molecular phylogenetic examinations also revealed one unassigned species of Gobiodon from the Maldives as a distinct species and confirmed three putative and yet unassigned species from the Red Sea. Moreover, the uniformly black colored species of Gobiodon are not monophyletic but have evolved independently within two distinct species groups. Genetic distances were large in particular within Pleurosicya and Eviota. Estimated divergence times suggest that coral-associated gobies have diversified in parallel to their preferred host corals. In particular, divergence times of Gobiodon species closely match those estimated for their typical host coral genus Acropora.  相似文献   

The Lophogastrida are primitive Mysidacea and comprise only six genera. One of these, Eucopia is considered as highly specialized and constitutes the family Eucopiidae; the other genera constitute the Lophogastridae. Among the latter family, the genus Gnathophausia is closely related to Eucopia, with two species (G. gracilis and E. sculpticauda) sharing similar morphological characteristics [i.e. ornamentation (spines) of the uropods, and the gastric mill]. This indicates that these species are phylogenetically related. To test this hypothesis, the partial 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene from various representative species of Gnathophausia and Eucopia were compared. The resulting phylogenetic tree suggests that each genus is monophyletic, and that Gnathophausia, which is the deepest-branching genus, is the most primitive, with the Eucopiidae originating from the Lophogastridae. The molecular results support the morphological hypothesis, and suggest an early separation of the two genera or a rapid divergence of Eucopia due to morphological specialization. Received: 29 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Artisanal and small-scale mining activities are most evident among communities surrounding the Acupan River in Itogon Benguet. The mining activities include...  相似文献   

Evaluated and compared are the results of various mathematical models to data from the uptake of methyl mercury in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Data were obtained from the direct uptake of methyl mercury from water in bluegill at 9°C and at a CH3HgCl concentration of 0.2 ppb. The models considered are: (1) linear uptake relationship; (2) first-order kinetics, one-compartment or single-exponential model; (3) combination of first-order kinetics and the linear uptake relationship, designated as slope-exponential model; (4) two-compartment or double-exponential model; (5) three-compartment model, including a storage compartment for the build up of contaminant, designated as storage model; (6) three-compartment model, allowing two routes of elimination, designated the “Y” model; (7) an empirical uptake relationship having the form of a rectangular hyperbola.A comparison of the nonlinear models showed that the empirical model had fewer convergence problems in obtaining parameter estimates and its parameter values had less variation. The best fit was made by the “Y” model, the empirical model gave one of the smaller values of the residual mean squares, and other nonlinear models had computational convergence difficulties. The lack of computational problems and the comparitively small residual mean squares resulted in the selection of and the preference for the empirical model for use in describing the individual and interactive effects of temperature and methyl mercury concentration on the direct uptake of methyl mercury from water by bluegill.  相似文献   

A total of 286 soil samples were collected in the Cova dos Mouros area. All samples were dry sieved into the <200 mesh size fraction and analysed for Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, Bi and Mn by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and for As, Se, Sb and Te by atomic absorption spectrometry-hydrid generation (AAS-HG). Only the results of arsenic are discussed in this paper although the survey was extended to all analysed chemical elements. The purpose of this study was to make a risk probability mapping for arsenic that would allow better knowledge about the vulnerability of the soil to arsenic contamination. To achieve this purpose, the initial variable was transformed into an indicator variable using as thresholds the risk-based standards (intervention values) for soils, as proposed by [Swartjes 1999. Risk based assessment of soil and groundwater quality in the Netherlands: Standards and remediation. J. Geochem. Explor.73 1–10]. To account for spatial structure, sample variograms were computed for the main directions of the sampling grid and a spherical model was fitted to each sample variogram (arsenic variable and indicator variables). The parameters of the spherical model fitted to the arsenic variable were used to predict arsenic concentrations at unsampled locations. A risk probability mapping was also done to assess the vulnerability of the soil towards the mining works. The parameters of the spherical model fitted to each indicator variable were used to estimate probabilities of exceeding the corresponding threshold. The use of indicator kriging as an alternative to ordinary kriging for the soil data of Cova dos Mouros produced unbiased probability maps that allowed assessment of the quality of the soil.  相似文献   

Spiny mice of the genus Acomys (Muridae) represent a very suitable mammalian model for studying factors influencing the secondary sex ratio (SSR). The maternal effort in these rodents is extremely biased in favour of the prenatal period and, therefore, maternal manipulation of the SSR is potentially more advantageous. We studied the SSR in four populations/species of spiny mice kept in family groups consisting of two closely related females, one non-relative male and their descendants. The groups were established from founding animals aged about 3 months (maturing age) and were allowed to breed freely for several months. Each litter was sexed after birth, and relevant data were thoroughly recorded. Altogether, data were collected on 1684 litters: 189 of Acomys sp. from Iran, 203 of A. cilicicus, 875 of A. cahirinus, and 417 of A. dimidiatus. We recorded the sex of 4048 newborns of which 1995 were males and 2053 were females. The overall sex ratio was close to 1:1 (49.2%). Generalized linear mixed models and/or generalized linear models were constructed to evaluate the effect of four life history and eight social variables on the sex ratio. No consistent effects of these variables on the sex ratio were found and, interestingly, none of the variables associated with maternal life history had any effect on the sex ratio. Three factors associated with group composition (i.e. the number of immature males, the number of immature females and the number of breeding females) did have significant effects on the sex ratio, but these effects were not consistent across the studied species. In conclusion, our evaluation of this large dataset revealed that the sex ratio in spiny mice is surprisingly stable.  相似文献   

We describe and apply a method of using tree-ring data and an ecosystem model to reconstruct past annual rates of ecosystem production. Annual data on merchantable wood volume increment and mortality obtained by dendrochronological stand reconstruction were used as input to the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) to estimate net ecosystem production (NEP), net primary production (NPP), and heterotrophic respiration (Rh) annually from 1975 to 2004 at 10 boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. From 1975 (when sites aged 41-60 years) to 2004 (when they aged 70-89 years), all sites were moderate C sinks except during some warmer than average years where estimated Rh increased. Across all sites and years, estimated annual NEP averaged 57 g Cm−2 yr−1 (range −31 to 176 g Cm−2 yr−1), NPP 244 g Cm−2 yr−1 (147-376 g Cm−2 yr−1), and Rh 187 g Cm−2 yr−1 (124-270 g Cm−2 yr−1). Across all sites, NPP was related to stand age and density, which are proxies for successional changes in leaf area. Regionally, warm spring temperature increased NPP and defoliation by jack pine budworm 1 year previously reduced NPP. Our estimates of NPP, Rh, and NEP were plausible when compared to regional eddy covariance and carbon stock measurements. Inter-annual variability in ecosystem productivity contributes uncertainty to inventory-based assessments of regional forest C budgets that use yield curves predicting averaged growth over time. Our method could expand the spatial and temporal coverage of annual forest productivity estimates, providing additional data for the development of empirical models accounting for factors not presently considered by these models.  相似文献   

Current aquaculture practices have a detrimental impact on the environment, in particular due to the release of high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus that can induce eutrophication. This study investigates and compares the capacity of three microalgae species Tetraselmis suecica, Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliella tertiolecta, in the bioremediation of grey mullet Mugil cephalus wastewater. The experiment was conducted in batch conditions for 7 days using completely mixed bubble column photobioreactors. After two days, T. suecica and D. tertiolecta were able to remove more than 90% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP), whereas I. galbana removed only 32% and 79% of DIN and DIP, respectively. A higher biomass yield resulted for T. suecica (603?±?34?mg/L, mean?±?SE). This study confirms the potential to employ T. suecica in an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture system for bioremediation of wastewater and identifies D. tertiolecta as another valid candidate species. Moreover, these species can growth in unsterilized culture media, and this reduces energy consumption, costs and efforts.  相似文献   

Uptake of contaminants by plants and their mechanisms have been the subjects of several studies, but reports on the analysis of metal translocation in hardwood trees are limited. The main objective of this study is to compare metal accumulation and translocation in red maple (Acer rubrum) and trembling aspen (Poplar tremuloides) growing in Northern Ontario. Results show that P. tremuloides leaf tissues accumulate more nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) than roots. The concentrations of these elements in A. rubrum were low in leaf, branch, and roots tissues compared to the bioavailable levels of these metals in soil. The translocation factors (TFs) of metals from roots to leaves were low for copper (Cu) and high for iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), Ni, and Zn in P. tremuloides. They varied from 0.52 to 3.26 for Fe, 3.39 to 5.47 for Mg, 2.6 to 16.4 for Ni, and 1.41 to 4.1 for Zn. For A. rubrum the TF was low for all the elements except Mg. For this species, the TF values from roots to leaves varied from 0.08 to 0.17 for Fe, 2.62 to 4.13 for Mg, 0.26 to 0.81 for Ni, and 0.71 to 0.90 for Zn. Overall, Cu does not accumulate in P. tremuloides and A. rubrum tissues, and the two species have different mechanisms in dealing with the other main contaminants in the region, specifically Ni and Zn. P. tremuloides is an accumulator for Ni and Zn while A. rubrum is an excluder for Zn and it uses the avoidance strategy to deal with soil Ni contamination.  相似文献   

The results presented in this report are based on analyses of 16,721 days of data downloaded from 96 archival tags recovered from bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus; 54–159 cm in length, 0.97–5.44 years of age) at liberty from 31 to 1,508 days in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Analyses of daily timed depth and temperature records resulted in the classification of the data into three daily behavior types: characteristic, associative (associated with floating objects), and other. There is a significant positive correlation between the proportion of time fish exhibit characteristic behavior and increasing length, and significant negative correlations between the proportion of time bigeye exhibit associative and other behavior with increasing length. For the smallest (54–80 cm) to largest (100–159 cm) length classes, the vertical habitats utilized when exhibiting non-associative behaviors were 99 and 98% of the time above the thermocline depth (60 m) during the night, at the same average depth of 34 m, and 60 and 72% of the time below the thermocline during the day at average depths of 163 and 183 m, respectively. For the same smallest to largest length classes, when exhibiting associative behavior, the average nighttime and daytime depths were 25 and 21, and 33 and 37 m, respectively. The apparent effects of the environment on the behavior of the fish are discussed.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,167(3):233-246
The cohort development of poikilotherms under favorable temperature conditions may be described by the time-invariant distributed delay models that require three parameters, i.e. the thermal threshold T0, the thermal constant W and the variability parameter H representing distributed maturation times, also known as time distributed or stochastic development. Here, a parsimonious method is developed that uses stage-frequency matrices obtained under controlled conditions. The analysis of these matrices permits the estimation of the three parameters, while the incorporation of both developmental threshold and thermal constant into the time-invariant distributed delay model permits the representation of stochastic cohort development under constant temperatures. The evaluated parameters can also be used in time-varying distributed delay models that are particularly useful for a wide range of fluctuating temperature conditions.We consider stage-frequency matrices obtained from cohorts of eggs and larvae of Oulema duftschmidi Redthenbacher at different constant temperatures. A visual inspection of the matrices clearly shows the temperature dependent as well as the time distributed passage from the egg to the larval stage. Under the current range of temperatures, a linear model for developmental rate satisfactorily describes egg development, and estimates the thermal threshold (T0=11.2 °C), the thermal constant (W=81.3 day-degrees) and the delay order parameter (H=70). The resulting model can be used to represent the development of cohorts of O. duftschmidi eggs in a favorable temperature range.  相似文献   

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