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为了探测资源整合矿井采空区的分布情况,采用无线电波透视技术探测了山西乡宁焦煤集团通合煤矿2101工作面中存在的小窑和老窑开采形成的采空区。在对比无线电波透视技术中常用的定点法与同步法后,选用定点法,探测频率选用88 k Hz,该频率穿透距离相对较大且具有较高精度。在研究无线电波透视探测原理和数据分析数学模型的基础上,应用SIRT算法对探测结果进行了反演,圈定了2101工作面8处较为集中的异常区。一号异常区为煤层夹矸或破碎区,二号和三号异常区为小断层或煤层采空导致的破碎带,四号、五号、六号和八号异常区是煤层采空导致的破碎带,七号异常区为小窑采空破坏区。根据各处异常区相对周围区域的能量衰减程度,YC1~YC3三处异常区地质解释的可靠性一般,YC6、YC8两处异常区地质解释的可靠性中等,YC4、YC5、YC7三处异常区地质解释的可靠性较高。对2101工作面运输、回风巷揭露采空情况进行了统计,运输巷和回风巷掘进揭露的采空区情况验证了无线电波透视结果,表明应用无线电波透视技术探测资源整合矿井采空区是可行的。  相似文献   

综合物探技术在矿井工作面底板含水构造探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了查明汾源煤业文明矿5-101首采工作面底板岩层赋水情况和煤层地质异常体情况,并对其进行突水危险性区域划分及评价,采用瞬变电磁法、直流电法和无线电波透视法三种物探方法综合勘探,综合分析三种物探方法探查结果,并结合揭露情况和钻孔验证。结果表明:位于切眼往外(0~250)m范围内,工作面底板相对破碎、裂隙岩溶发育或富水性强,导高大,且煤层内部较不均匀,存在多条5m以上落差含水断裂破碎带,此区域突水危险性最大;切眼往外(300~380)m范围内存在局部富水区域,导高较小,但不存在构造破碎带,突水可能性较小;工作面其他区域都较安全。综合物探比单一物探更具有准确性和可靠性,更符合工程实际情况,为采取针对性的治理措施从而实现安全回采提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为掌握分段留巷Y型通风工作面流场及瓦斯浓度在三维空间上的分布规律及采空区高瓦斯浓度区域分布范围,采用现场试验、数值分析和理论分析的方法,分别在检修班和采煤班对工作面、沿空留巷内的流场和瓦斯浓度进行了三维实测,同时借助自主研发的"一种采空区瓦斯浓度区域分布三维实测装置"对靠近留巷侧采空区瓦斯空间分布进行了三维实测和重构。研究结果表明:两进风巷道在靠近工作面煤壁交叉口拐角处风速减小而瓦斯浓度升高,工作面内高瓦斯浓度区域为靠近煤壁上方区域和与沿空留巷交叉口靠近采空区侧,沿空留巷内靠近采空区上角位置瓦斯浓度较高;近留巷侧采空区在距工作面垂直距离35~45 m和距沿空留巷垂直距离25~50 m范围内的采空区上部空间形成瓦斯集聚;工作面采用Y型通风方式时,工作面上隅角瓦斯集聚的问题能够得到很好的解决,但在靠近留巷的采空区内部一定范围内形成高瓦斯浓度区域。  相似文献   

承压水上开采煤层底板构造及富水性综合物探技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物探技术对于煤矿水灾害防治具有重要作用。以霍州煤电汾源煤业某矿井为试验矿井,采用瞬变电磁、直流电法、无线电透视技术对煤层底板构造及富水性进行综合性探测,并对底板突水性进行了分析。研究结果表明:采用瞬变电磁,得出工作面底板存在三个低电阻异常区,且与巷道底板最小垂距为19m;采用直流电法,得出两巷道底板均存在三个低电阻异常区,且与巷道底板最小距离为0m;采用无线电透视,得出勘探范围内存在两个异常区,且电磁波能量衰减强烈、异常幅值很高,分布不均匀。  相似文献   

基于通风网络理论模型演化得到采空区走向及倾向的漏风阻力系数分布,综合考虑了采面的回采速度、顶板岩性以及采空区倾向上顶板的沉降量不同等因素影响.采用专业的流体力学计算软件Fluent对桃园矿1033工作面及其采空区进行了流场数值模拟,得到了工作面的漏风量分布及采空区漏风流场分布.模拟结果表明,工作面向采空区漏风区域主要发生在倾回上靠进风侧0~10m范围,并有部分漏风量在工作面倾面从中间点前流回至工作面,采空区内的流场等值线并不完全呈对称分布. 采用工作面埋管取气分析采空区内氧气体保分数,得到了采空区内氧气体积分数分布规律.试验结果表明,沿着采空区走向,氧气体积分散逐渐下降;在采空区倾向上,回风卷氧气体积分数下降最快,进风巷氧气体积分数下降最慢.综合考虑采空区内的滤流速度和氧气体积分数分布,得到了采空区自燃“三 带”范围.在采空区回风巷,氧化带距离工作而范围为11~ 38 m;在采空区进风巷,距离工作面范围为23 ~ 76 m;在中部,距离工作面范围为12~66m.最后,计算得到工作面安全回采速度为2.2m/d.  相似文献   

小构造附近是瓦斯灾害容易发生的危险地带,探明煤层小构造对煤矿的安全生产至关重要。基于古汉山矿二1煤层瓦斯抽采工程特点,分析利用瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔进行地质构造探测的可行性,根据试验工作面、底抽巷、瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔空间关系,建立煤层小构造预测数学模型及预测方法。结合试验工作面瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔现场施工数据特点,分析钻孔误差及校正方法,绘制煤层底板三维曲面图、煤层底板等高线图、煤层底板趋势面残差图及煤层厚度等值线图。根据煤层底板预测图件,对小构造分布做出了综合判断:在工作面走向通尺360~390 m、倾向上距离运输巷35 m处,可能存在落差1. 5 m、走向N45°W、延伸长度20 m左右的小断层。现场实际揭露地质情况与理论预测结果基本吻合,工作面推进与小构造距离小于20 m时,瓦斯突出危险程度明显增大。  相似文献   

高抽巷现已被广泛用于治理工作面采动裂隙带及采空区瓦斯,而现场实际实施存在一定经验性,影响了高抽巷的瓦斯治理效果。针对现场高抽巷抽采流量低、工作面瓦斯易超限等问题,为提高高抽巷的瓦斯抽采效果,以余吾煤业为例,通过理论计算、现场考察、数值模拟、抽采效果分析,系统地研究了综放面高抽巷抽采瓦斯的布置层位。研究结果表明:综放面顶板冒落带高度约为18 m,裂隙带高度约为40 m,同时结合现场抽采效果分析,高抽巷宜布置在距煤层顶板40 m,与回风顺槽平距30 m处。研究结论对于综放面高抽巷的合理布置、提高瓦斯抽采效果具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了研究“U+I”型工作面进风量和顶板巷抽采负压对工作面瓦斯浓度与采空区氧化带宽度的影响,协调瓦斯抽采和浮煤自燃之间的关系。以2306综放面为工程背景,基于“U”型冒落岩层孔隙率分布公式和流体通用控制方程建立采空区数值模拟解算模型。采用CFD软件对不同进风量、不同抽采负压下的工作面瓦斯浓度和采空区氧化带宽度进行模拟,结果表明:随着工作面风量的增加,工作面和顶板巷瓦斯浓度减小,但工作面处浓度减幅逐渐变小而顶板巷浓度减幅几乎不变;提高顶板巷抽采负压,对减少工作面瓦斯浓度效果明显,顶板巷自身瓦斯浓度先增加再减小,采空区进风侧氧化带宽度变窄,回风侧和采空区中部氧化带宽度增加,总体上增加了采空区浮煤自燃的危险性但影响程度有限。  相似文献   

为掌握沿空留巷围岩活动规律,以谢桥矿12418工作面轨道顺槽为工程背景,采用多点位移计及钻孔窥视仪等设备进行实测研究,并结合数值模拟对其进行分析.结果表明:沿空留巷巷道表面围岩变形具有典型的近场效应,留巷前距工作面60 m以外的巷道基本无表面位移,随工作面的推进,巷道表面位移逐渐增大,距工作面10~15m范围内,表面位移变化速率显著增加,留巷后巷道表面位移与留巷前变形趋势类似,但表面位移量较留巷前有明显增加;从顶板钻孔窥视结果可以看出,留巷前仅在孔深2 m处发育单一离层裂隙,留巷后在孔深1.2m、2.4 m、3.8m和5.3m处发育多层离层裂隙,且随滞后工作面距离增加裂隙逐渐增大;尾巷充填体应力在充填材料固结后逐渐升高,并一直维持较高应力状态,因此,巷旁充填体既要确保有一定的强度和刚度,又要有一定的适应变形能力.  相似文献   

为深入研究顶板巷瓦斯抽采量对漏风流场的扰动效应,以河南义马耿村煤矿13190工作面实际情况为例,通过数值模拟与实测相结合的方法分析瓦斯抽采诱导漏风规律。首先,对现场实际工况下的漏风流场进行数值模拟及分析;其次,根据示踪气体实测结果,验证了模拟的有效性;最后,分析不同抽采量下工作面的漏风分布情况。研究结果表明:漏风风流进入采空区后呈现立体迁移和"一源两汇"的分布特征;随着顶板巷抽采量的增加,工作面向采空区的漏风区域逐渐向回风巷方向扩展,最低风量点位置向回风巷方向移动,采空区气体向工作面的涌出效应逐渐减弱,工作面向采空区的漏风量逐渐加大。  相似文献   

The 20L sphere is one of the standard devices used for dust explosivity characterization. One concern about the effectiveness and reliability of this test is related to the particle size variation due to particles' agglomeration and de-agglomeration. These phenomena are related to the turbulent regime of the dust cloud during the dispersion. This variable must be considered since it determines the uncertainty level of the ignitability and severity parameters of dust combustion. In this context, this study describes the influence of the cloud turbulence on the dust segregation and fragmentation through a study combining both, experimental and computational approaches. The behavior of the gas-solid mixture evidenced with the standard rebound nozzle was compared with that observed with six new nozzle geometries. Thereafter, the time-variation of the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) within the 20L sphere was analyzed for two different powders: carbon-black and wheat starch. On the one hand, the turbulence levels and PSD variations were characterized by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tests and granulometric analyses, respectively. On the other hand, a computational approach described the dispersion process with CFD-DEM simulations developed in STAR-CCM + v11.04.010. The simulation results established that the homogeneity assumption is not satisfied with the nozzles studied. Nonetheless, the particles segregation levels can be reduced using nozzles that generate a better dust distribution in the gas-solid injections. Subsequently, an additional first-approach CFD model was established to study the behavior of the combustion step for a starch/air mixture. This model considers the gas-phase reactions of the combustible gases that are produced from the devolatilization of wheat starch (CO,CH4,C2H4,C2H6,C2H2, and H2) and allowed to establish the approximate fraction of the particle mass that devolatilizes, as well as to confirm that the modeling of the pyrolysis stage is essential for the correct prediction of the maximum rate of pressure rise.  相似文献   

Influence of super-absorbent polymer on the growth rate of gas hydrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth rate of hydrate and morphology of methane hydrate formation were studied in a visual pressure cell at 5.5 MPa. The gas hydrate formation was carried out (coal mine methane (CMM) + tetrahydrofuran (THF) + sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) + H2O) with and without SAP. Experimental data on the hydrate growth rate and induction time were obtained for three different CMM samples. The influence of SAP on hydrate growth rate was determined. Results showed that after the addition of SAP, with the methane concentration increased in CMM, the induction time was reduced by 9 min, 10 min and 3 min, and the growth rate was shortened by 0.56 × 10−6/m3 min−1, 0.53 × 10−6/m3 min−1 and 1.42 × 10−6/m3 min−1, respectively. This study could be useful for the recovery of methane from CMM by forming hydrate in the chemical and mining industry.  相似文献   

The safety issue of ethanol gasoline and the methods to control or weaken its explosion have attracted attention. To clarify the effect of C6F12O (perfluoro(2-methyl-3-pentanone)) on the explosion of ethanol gasoline-air mixtures and intrinsic mechanism, the explosion overpressure and flame propagation behavior under different equivalence ratios (φ = 0.6–0.8) and C6F12O concentrations (χinh = 0–4.0%) were experimentally obtained. The detailed inhibitor reaction process was also obtained by CHEMKIN based on a new assembly kinetic mechanism. The results show that the effects of C6F12O on the explosion characteristics of ethanol gasoline varied with χinh and φ. For rich flames, C6F12O is more effective than and heptafluoropropane (C₃HF₇) and nitrogen (N2) in suppressing explosions; for lean and equivalence ratio flames, the addition of C6F12O may result in more severe explosions. The decrease in chemical reactivity is mainly because the mole fractions of OH and H radicals and the proportion of paths H radicals involved decrease after adding C6F12O, and R1500: CF3COF + H = CF3CO + HF, R965: CF2:O + H = CF:O + HF, R863: CF3 + H = CF2 + HF are main suppressing reactions.  相似文献   

Explosion characteristics of micron- and nano-size magnesium powders were determined using CSIR-CBRI 20-L Sphere, Hartmann apparatus and Godbert-Greenwald furnace to study influence of particle size reduction to nano-range on these. The explosion parameters investigated are: maximum explosion pressure (Pmax), maximum rate of pressure-rise (dP/dt)max, dust explosibility index (KSt), minimum explosible concentration (MEC), minimum ignition energy (MIE), minimum ignition temperature (MIT), limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) and effect of reduced oxygen level on explosion severity. Magnesium particle sizes are: 125, 74, 38, 22, 10 and 1 μm; and 400, 200, 150, 100, 50 and 30 nm. Experimental results indicate significant increase in explosion severity (Pmax: 7–14 bar, KSt: 98–510 bar·m/s) as particle size decreases from 125 to 1 μm, it is maximum for 400 nm (Pmax: 14.6 bar, KSt: 528 bar·m/s) and decreases with further decrease of particle size to nano-range 200–30 nm (Pmax: 12.4–9.4 bar, KSt: 460–262 bar·m/s) as it is affected by agglomeration of nano-particles. MEC decreases from 160 to 30 g/m3 on decreasing particle size from 125 to 1 μm, its value is 30 g/m3 for 400 and 200 nm and 20 g/m3 for further decrease in nano-range (150–30 nm). MIE reduces from 120 to 2 mJ on decreasing the particle size from 125 to 1 μm, its value is 1 mJ for 400, 200, 150 nm size and <1 mJ for 50 and 30 nm. Minimum ignition temperature is 600 °C for 125 μm magnesium, it varies between 570 and 450 °C for sizes 38–1 μm and 400–350 °C for size range 400–30 nm. Magnesium powders in nano-range (30–200 nm) explode less violently than micron-range powder. However, likelihood of explosion increases significantly for nano-range magnesium. LOC is 5% for magnesium size range 125–38 μm, 4% for 22–1 μm, 3% for 400 nm, 4% for 200, 150 and 100 nm, and 5% for 50 and 30 nm. Reduction in oxygen levels to 9% results in decrease in Pmax and KSt by a factor of 2–3 and 4–5, respectively, for micron as well as nano-sizes. The experimental data presented will be useful for industries producing or handling similar size range micron- and nano-magnesium in order to evaluate explosibility of their magnesium powders and propose/design adequate safety measures.  相似文献   

Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The vulnerability of real-life networks subject to intentional attacks has been one of the outstanding challenges in the study of the network safety. Applying the real data of the US power grid, we compare the effects of two different attacks for the network robustness against cascading failures, i.e., removal by either the descending or ascending orders of the loads. Adopting the initial load of a node j to be Lj=[kjmΓjkm)]α with kj and Γj being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighboring nodes, respectively, where α is a tunable parameter and governs the strength of the initial load of a node, we investigate the response of the US power grid under two attacks during the cascading propagation. In the case of α<0.7, our investigation by the numerical simulations leads to a counterintuitive finding on the US power grid that the attack on the nodes with the lowest loads is more harmful than the attack on the ones with the highest loads. In addition, the almost same effect of two attacks in the case of α=0.7 may be useful in furthering studies on the control and defense of cascading failures in the US power grid.  相似文献   

Attention has been focused on the treatment of lignite-fired flue gas in order to use lignite in an environmentally friendly way – (i) low-CO2 emission, (ii) production of a valuable by-product, (iii) no discharge of wastewater, (iv) direct removal of SO3 (strong toxicity), and (v) treatment of high SO2 concentration. Based on these criteria, electron beam irradiation with ammonia injection was tested on a semi-pilot scale: 800 Nm3 h?1 flow rate, 5500 ppm SO2, 70 ppm NOx, 22% flue gas moisture, and 75–80 °C at the reactor outlet.As an energy-saving measure, a low dose (5 kGy) of irradiation was applied: the problem lay in the by-product quality. It is considered that (NH4)2SO3 and NH4HSO3 produced by thermal reactions are oxidized to form (NH4)2SO4 (fertilizer) by an electron beam. However, not all reactions were complete because the by-product contained small amounts of H2SO4 and NH2SO3NH4 (herbicide), so a vegetable pot test was performed to study the by-product quality: no adverse effect was observed. It is inferred from the pot test that slightly acidic soil may protect vegetables from disease and a small amount of NH2SO3NH4 probably affects woody species and not herbaceous species.It is concluded that the electron beam system is noted as a multi-component pollution control process (removal of NOx, SO3, SO2 and dioxins) and this system will contribute to environmentally friendly use of lignite as well as agricultural productivity via fertilizer supply.  相似文献   

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