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Soil carbon (C) models are important tools for examining complex interactions between climate, crop and soil management practices, and to evaluate the long-term effects of management practices on C-storage potential in soils. CQESTR is a process-based carbon balance model that relates crop residue additions and crop and soil management to soil organic matter (SOM) accretion or loss. This model was developed for national use in U.S and calibrated initially in the Pacific Northwest. Our objectives were: (i) to revise the model, making it more applicable for wider geographic areas including potential international application, by modifying the thermal effect and incorporating soil texture and drainage effects, and (ii) to recalibrate and validate it for an extended range of soil properties and climate conditions. The current version of CQESTR (v. 2.0) is presented with the algorithms necessary to simulate SOM at field scale. Input data for SOM calculation include crop rotation, aboveground and belowground biomass additions, tillage, weather, and the nitrogen content of crop residues and any organic amendments. The model was validated with long-term data from across North America. Regression analysis of 306 pairs of predicted and measured SOM data under diverse climate, soil texture and drainage classes, and agronomic practices at 13 agricultural sites having a range of SOM (7.3–57.9 g SOM kg−1), resulted in a linear relationship with an r2 of 0.95 (P < 0.0001) and a 95% confidence interval of 4.3 g SOM kg−1. Using the same data the version 1.0 of CQESTR had an r2 of 0.71 with a 95% confidence interval of 5.5 g SOM kg−1. The model can be used as a tool to predict and evaluate SOM changes from various management practices and offers the potential to estimate C accretion required for C credits.  相似文献   

The Brazilian government has already acknowledged the importance of investing in the development and application of technologies to reduce or prevent CO2 emissions resulting from human activities in the Legal Brazilian Amazon (BA). The BA corresponds to a total area of 5 × 106 km2 from which 4 × 106 km2 was originally covered by the rain forest. One way to interfere with the net balance of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions is to increase the forest area to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere. The single most important cause of depletion of the rain forest is cattle ranching. In this work, we present an effective policy to reduce the net balance of CO2 emissions using optimal control theory to obtain a compromising partition of investments in reforestation and promotion of clear technology to achieve a CO2 emission target for 2020. The simulation indicates that a CO2 emission target for 2020 of 376 million tonnes requires an estimated forest area by 2020 of 3,708,000 km2, demanding a reforestation of 454,037 km2. Even though the regional economic growth can foster the necessary political environment for the commitment with optimal emission targets, the reduction of 38.9% of carbon emissions until 2020 proposed by Brazilian government seems too ambitious.  相似文献   

The role of disturbance and climate factors in determining the forest carbon balance was investigated at a Japanese cypress forest in central Japan with eddy flux measurements, tree-ring analyses, and a terrestrial biosphere model. The forest was established as a plantation after intermittent harvesting and replanting between 1959 and 1977, and acted as a strong carbon sink of approximately 500 g C m−2 year−1 for the measurement years between 2001 and 2007. A terrestrial biosphere model, BIOME-BGC, was validated using the eddy flux data at daily to interannual timescales, and the tree-ring width data at interannual to decadal timescales. According to the model simulation, during the observation period 270 ± 55 g C m−2 year−1 was additionally sequestered due to the indirect effects of the harvesting and planting, whereas the increase of CO2 concentration and the change in climate increased the sink of 110 ± 40 and 30 ± 80 g C m−2 year−1, respectively. The model simulation shows that the forest is now recovering from harvesting, and that harvesting is a more important determinant of the current carbon sink than either interannual climate anomalies or increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. We found that harvesting with long rotation length could be effective management activity in order to increase carbon sequestration, if the harvested timber is converted into products with long lifecycles.  相似文献   

Turnover rates of soil carbon for 20 soil types typical for a 3.7 million km2 area of European Russia were estimated based on 14C data. The rates are corrected for bomb radiocarbon which strongly affects the topsoil 14C balance. The approach is applied for carbon stored in the organic and mineral layers of the upper 1 m of the soil profile. The turnover rates of carbon in the upper 20 cm are relatively high for forest soils (0.16–0.78% year−1), intermediate for tundra soils (0.25% year−1), and low for grassland soils (0.02–0.08% year−1) with the exception of southern Chernozems (0.32% year−1). In the soil layer of 20–100 cm depth, the turnover rates were much lower for all soil types (0.01–0.06% year−1) except for peat bog soils of the southern taiga (0.14% year−1). Combined with a map of soil type distribution and a dataset of several hundred soil carbon profiles, the method provides annual fluxes for the slowest components of soil carbon assuming that the latter is in equilibrium with climate and vegetation cover. The estimated carbon flux from the soil is highest for forest soils (12–147 gC/(m2 year)), intermediate for tundra soils (33 gC/(m2 year)), and lowest for grassland soils (1–26 gC/(m2 year)). The approach does not distinguish active and recalcitrant carbon fractions and this explains the low turnover rates in the top layer. Since changes in soil types will follow changes in climate and land cover, we suggest that pedogenesis is an important factor influencing the future dynamics of soil carbon fluxes. Up to now, both the effect of soil type changes and the clear evidence from 14C measurements that most soil organic carbon has a millennial time scale, are basically neglected in the global carbon cycle models used for projections of atmospheric CO2 in 21st century and beyond.  相似文献   

Zero tillage is recognized as a potential measure to sequester carbon dioxide in soils and to reduce CO2 emissions from arable lands. An up-scaling approach of the output of the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model with the information system SLISYS-BW has been used to estimate the CO2-mitigation potential in the state of Baden-Württemberg (SW-Germany). The state territory of 35,742 km2 is subdivided into eight agro-ecological zones (AEZ), which have been further subdivided into a total of 3976 spatial response units. Annual CO2-mitigation rates where estimated from the changes in soil organic carbon content comparing 30 years simulations under conventional and zero tillage. Special attention was given to the influence of tillage practices on the losses of organic carbon through soil erosion, and consequently on the calculation of CO2-mitigation rates. Under conventional tillage, mean carbon losses through erosion in the AEZ were estimated to be up to 0.45 Mg C ha−1 a−1. The apparent CO2-mitigation rate for the conversion from conventional to zero tillage ranges from 0.08 to 1.82 Mg C ha−1 a−1 in the eight AEZ, if the carbon losses through soil erosion are included in the calculations. However, the higher carbon losses under conventional tillage compared to zero tillage are composed of both, losses through enhanced CO2 emissions, and losses through intensified soil erosion. The adjusted net CO2-mitigation rates of zero tillage, subtracting the reduced carbon losses through soil erosion, are between 0.07 and 1.27 Mg C ha−1 a−1 and the estimated net mitigation rate for the entire state amounts to 285 Gg C a−1. This equals to 1045 Gg CO2-equivalents per year with the cropping patterns in the reference year 2000. The results call attention to the necessity to revise those estimation methods for CO2-mitigation which are exclusively or predominantly based on the measurements of differential changes in total soil organic carbon without taking into account the tillage effects on carbon losses through soil erosion.  相似文献   

For policy decisions with respect to CO2-mitigation measures in the agricultural sector, national and regional estimations of the efficiency of such measures are required. The conversion of ploughed cropland to zero-tillage is discussed as an option to reduce CO2 emissions and promises at the same time effective soil and water conservation. Based on the upscaling of simulation results with the soil and land resources information system SLISYS-BW, estimations of CO2-mitigation rates in relation to crop rotations and soil type have been made for the state of Baden-Württemberg (Germany). The results indicate considerable differences in the CO2-mitigation rates between crop rotations ranging from 0.48 to 0.03 Mg C ha−1 a−1 for winter cereals–spring cereals–rape rotations and winter cereals–spring cereals–corn silage rotations, respectively. The efficiency of the crop rotations is strongly related to the total carbon input and in particular the amount of crop residues. Among the considered soil types, highest CO2-mitigation rates are associated with Cumulic Anthrosols (0.62 Mg C ha−1 a−1) and the lowest with Gleysols (−0.01 Mg C ha−1 a−1). An agricultural extensification scenario with conventional plowing but conversion of the presently applied intensive crop rotations to a clover–clover–winter cereals rotation indicated a CO2-mitigation potential of 466 Gg C a−1. However, the present high market prices for cereals and increasing demand for energy production from biomass encourages an intensification of the agricultural production and an excessive removal of biomass which in future will seriously reduce the potential for carbon sequestration on cropland.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in south-western Nova Scotia streams, sampled at weekly to biweekly intervals, varied across streams from about 3 to 40 mg L−1, being highest mid-summer to fall, and lowest during winter to spring. A 3-parameter model (DOC-3) was proposed to project daily stream DOC concentrations and fluxes from modelled estimates for daily soil temperature and moisture, year-round, and in relation to basin size and wetness. The parameters of this model refer to (i) a basin-specific DOC release parameter “kDOC, related to the wet- and open-water area percentages per basin, (ii) the lag time “τ” between DOC production and subsequent stream DOC emergence, related to the catchment area above the stream sampling location; and (iii) the activation energy “Ea”, to deal with the temperature effect on DOC production. This model was calibrated with the 1988-2006 DOC concentration data from three streams (Pine Marten, Moosepit Brook, and the Mersey River sampled at or near Kejimkujik National Park, or KNP), and was used to interpret the biweekly 1999-2003 DOC concentrations data (stream, ground and lake water, soil lysimeters) of the Pockwock-Bowater Watershed Project near Halifax, Nova Scotia. The data and the model revealed that the DOC concentrations within the streams were not correlated to the DOC concentrations within the soil- and groundwater, but were predictable based on (i) the hydrologically inferred weather-induced changes in soil moisture and temperature next to each stream, and (ii) the topographically inferred basin area and wet- and open-water area percentages associated with each stream (R2 = 0.53; RMSE = 3.5 mg L−1). Model-predicted fluxes accounted 74% of the hydrometrically determined DOC exports at KNP.  相似文献   

Land use change, natural disturbance, and climate change directly alter ecosystem productivity and carbon stock level. The estimation of ecosystem carbon dynamics depends on the quality of land cover change data and the effectiveness of the ecosystem models that represent the vegetation growth processes and disturbance effects. We used the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS) and a set of 30- to 60-m resolution fire and land cover change data to examine the carbon changes of California's forests, shrublands, and grasslands. Simulation results indicate that during 1951-2000, the net primary productivity (NPP) increased by 7%, from 72.2 to 77.1 Tg C yr−1 (1 teragram = 1012 g), mainly due to CO2 fertilization, since the climate hardly changed during this period. Similarly, heterotrophic respiration increased by 5%, from 69.4 to 73.1 Tg C yr−1, mainly due to increased forest soil carbon and temperature. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was highly variable in the 50-year period but on average equalled 3.0 Tg C yr−1 (total of 149 Tg C). As with NEP, the net biome production (NBP) was also highly variable but averaged −0.55 Tg C yr−1 (total of -27.3 Tg C) because NBP in the 1980s was very low (-5.34 Tg C yr−1). During the study period, a total of 126 Tg carbon were removed by logging and land use change, and 50 Tg carbon were directly removed by wildland fires. For carbon pools, the estimated total living upper canopy (tree) biomass decreased from 928 to 834 Tg C, and the understory (including shrub and grass) biomass increased from 59 to 63 Tg C. Soil carbon and dead biomass carbon increased from 1136 to 1197 Tg C.Our analyses suggest that both natural and human processes have significant influence on the carbon change in California. During 1951-2000, climate interannual variability was the key driving force for the large interannual changes of ecosystem carbon source and sink at the state level, while logging and fire were the dominant driving forces for carbon balances in several specific ecoregions. From a long-term perspective, CO2 fertilization plays a key role in maintaining higher NPP. However, our study shows that the increase in C sequestration by CO2 fertilization is largely offset by logging/land use change and wildland fires.  相似文献   

We describe and apply a method of using tree-ring data and an ecosystem model to reconstruct past annual rates of ecosystem production. Annual data on merchantable wood volume increment and mortality obtained by dendrochronological stand reconstruction were used as input to the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3) to estimate net ecosystem production (NEP), net primary production (NPP), and heterotrophic respiration (Rh) annually from 1975 to 2004 at 10 boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada. From 1975 (when sites aged 41-60 years) to 2004 (when they aged 70-89 years), all sites were moderate C sinks except during some warmer than average years where estimated Rh increased. Across all sites and years, estimated annual NEP averaged 57 g Cm−2 yr−1 (range −31 to 176 g Cm−2 yr−1), NPP 244 g Cm−2 yr−1 (147-376 g Cm−2 yr−1), and Rh 187 g Cm−2 yr−1 (124-270 g Cm−2 yr−1). Across all sites, NPP was related to stand age and density, which are proxies for successional changes in leaf area. Regionally, warm spring temperature increased NPP and defoliation by jack pine budworm 1 year previously reduced NPP. Our estimates of NPP, Rh, and NEP were plausible when compared to regional eddy covariance and carbon stock measurements. Inter-annual variability in ecosystem productivity contributes uncertainty to inventory-based assessments of regional forest C budgets that use yield curves predicting averaged growth over time. Our method could expand the spatial and temporal coverage of annual forest productivity estimates, providing additional data for the development of empirical models accounting for factors not presently considered by these models.  相似文献   

This article reports the design of 13C-dating, the first method to calculate the relative age of molecular substance homologues occurring in fractions from the same soil sample. Soil is a major carbon pool impacting modern climate by CO2 release and uptake. Molecular substances that sequester carbon in soils are poorly known due to the absence of methods to study molecular-level C dynamics over agricultural time scales, e.g., 0–200 years. Here, I design a method to calculate the relative age of the plant-derived C31 n-alkane occurring in 6 fractions from a soil sample naturally 13C-labelled by maize cropping during 23 years. Soil fractions are the bulk soil extract, two humin-encapsulated fractions and three particle-size fractions. Results show that C31 n-alkane homologues have relative ages ranging from −6.7 years for the humin-encapsulated homologue to +25.1 years for the 200–2,000-μm fraction homologue. Such a wide variation of 31.8 years evidences temporal pools of molecular substances in soil. This finding also reveals that physical encapsulation can strikingly change the dynamics of a single molecular substance. 13C-dating thus allows to assess the carbon storage potential of molecular substances from crop soils. Such knowledge will help to identify molecular compounds, associated soil pools and agricultural practices that favour carbon sequestration. 13C-dating is further applicable to any environmental sample containing organic matter subjected to a 13C isotope shift with time. 13C-dating will also help to study the sequestration and delayed release of chemicals in various disciplines, such as pollutants in environmental sciences, pharmaceuticals in medicine, and nutrients in food science.  相似文献   

Global emissions trading allows for agricultural measures to be accounted for the carbon sequestration in soils. The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model was tested for central European site conditions by means of agricultural extensification scenarios. Results of soil and management analyses of different management systems (cultivation with mouldboard plough, reduced tillage, and grassland/fallow establishment) on 13 representative sites in the German State Baden-Württemberg were used to calibrate the EPIC model. Calibration results were compared to those of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) prognosis tool. The first calibration step included adjustments in (a) N depositions, (b) N2-fixation by bacteria during fallow, and (c) nutrient content of organic fertilisers according to regional values. The mixing efficiency of implements used for reduced tillage and four crop parameters were adapted to site conditions as a second step of the iterative calibration process, which should optimise the agreement between measured and simulated humus changes. Thus, general rules were obtained for the calibration of EPIC for different criteria and regions. EPIC simulated an average increase of +0.341 Mg humus-C ha−1 a−1 for on average 11.3 years of reduced tillage compared to land cultivated with mouldboard plough during the same time scale. Field measurements revealed an average increase of +0.343 Mg C ha−1 a−1 and the IPCC prognosis tool +0.345 Mg C ha−1 a−1. EPIC simulated an average increase of +1.253 Mg C ha−1 a−1 for on average 10.6 years of grassland/fallow establishment compared to an average increase of +1.342 Mg humus-C ha−1 a−1 measured by field measurements and +1.254 Mg C ha−1 a−1 according to the IPCC prognosis tool. The comparison of simulated and measured humus C stocks was r2 ≥ 0.825 for all treatments. However, on some sites deviations between simulated and measured results were considerable. The result for the simulation of yields was similar. In 49% of the cases the simulated yields differed from the surveyed ones by more than 20%. Some explanations could be found by qualitative cause analyses. Yet, for quantitative analyses the available information from farmers was not sufficient. Altogether EPIC is able to represent the expected changes by reduced tillage or grassland/fallow establishment acceptably under central European site conditions of south-western Germany.  相似文献   


In the context of global warming and the energy crisis, emissions to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) should be reduced, and biomethane from landfill biogas should be recycled. For this, there is a need for affordable technologies to capture carbon dioxide, such as adsorption of biogas on activated carbon produced from industrial wastes. Here we converted glycerol, a largely available by-product from biodiesel production, into activated carbon with the first use of potassium acetate as an activating agent. We studied adsorption of CO2 and CH4 on activated carbon. The results show that activated carbon adsorb CO2 up to 20% activated carbon weight at 250 kPa, and 9% at atmospheric pressure. This is explained by high specific surface areas up to 1115 m2g−1. Moreover, selectivity values up to 10.6 are observed for the separation of CO2/CH4. We also found that the equivalent CO2 emissions from activated carbon synthesis are easily neutralized by their use, even in a small biogas production unit.


Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to study the loss of particles from agricultural fields, and the role of suspended particles in carrying pesticides in surface runoff and drainage water. Propiconazole, a widely used fungicide was applied to experimental fields located at Askim, SE-Norway. Samples from surface runoff and drainage water were collected and analyzed for sediment mass, pesticides, particulate and dissolved organic carbon through a whole year. The surface soil and the runoff material were characterized by its particle size distribution, organic carbon content in size fractions and its ability to bind propiconazole. The results show that (1) particle runoff mostly occurred during the rainfall event shortly after harrowing in autumn. The highest particle concentration observed in the surface runoff water was 4600 mg l–1, and in the drainage water 1130 mg l–1; (2) the erosion of surface soil is size selective. The runoff sediment contained finer particle/aggregates rich in organic matter compared to its original surface soil; (3) the distribution coefficient (K d) of propiconazole was significantly higher in the runoff sediment than in the parent soil. According to our calculation, particle-bound propiconazole can represent up to 23% of the total amount of propiconazole in a water sample with a sediment concentration of 7600 mg l–1, which will significantly influence the transport behavior of the pesticide.  相似文献   

Boreal forest soils such as those in Sweden contain a large active carbon stock. Hence, a relatively small change in this stock can have a major impact on the Swedish national CO2 balance. Understanding of the uncertainties in the estimations of soil carbon pools is critical for accurately assessing changes in carbon stocks in the national reports to UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. Our objective was to analyse the parameter uncertainties of simulated estimates of the soil organic carbon (SOC) development between 1994 and 2002 in Swedish coniferous forests with the Q model. Both the sensitivity of model parameters and the uncertainties in simulations were assessed. Data of forests with Norway spruce, Scots pine and Lodgepole pine, from the Swedish Forest Soil Inventory (SFSI) were used. Data of 12 Swedish counties were used to calibrate parameter settings; and data from another 11 counties to validate. The “limits of acceptability” within GLUE were set at the 95% confidence interval for the annual, mean measured SOC at county scale. The calibration procedure reduced the parameter uncertainties and reshaped the distributions of the parameters county-specific. The average measured and simulated SOC amounts varied from 60 t C ha−1 in northern to 140 t C ha−1 in the southern Sweden. The calibrated model simulated the soil carbon pool within the limits of acceptability for all calibration counties except for one county during one year. The efficiency of the calibrated model varied strongly; for five out of 12 counties the model estimates agreed well with measurements, for two counties agreement was moderate and for five counties the agreement was poor. The lack of agreement can be explained with the high inter-annual variability of the down-scaled measured SOC estimates and changes in forest areas over time. We conclude that, although we succeed in reducing the uncertainty in the model estimates, calibrating of a regional scale process-oriented model using a national scale dataset is a sensitive balance between introducing and reducing uncertainties. Parameter distributions showed to be scale sensitive and county specific. Further analysis of uncertainties in the methods used for reporting SOC changes to the UNFCCC and Kyoto protocol is recommended.  相似文献   

Spatially and temporally distributed information on the sizes of biomass carbon (C) pools (BCPs) and soil C pools (SCPs) is vital for improving our understanding of biosphere-atmosphere C fluxes. Because the sizes of C pools result from the integrated effects of primary production, age-effects, changes in climate, atmospheric CO2 concentration, N deposition, and disturbances, a modeling scheme that interactively considers these processes is important. We used the InTEC model, driven by various spatio-temporal datasets to simulate the long-term C-balance in a boreal landscape in eastern Canada. Our results suggested that in this boreal landscape, mature coniferous stands had stabilized their productivity and fluctuated as a weak C-sink or C-source depending on the interannual variations in hydrometeorological factors. Disturbed deciduous stands were larger C-sinks (NEP2004 = 150 gC m−2 yr−1) than undisturbed coniferous stands (e.g. NEP2004 = 8 gC m−2 yr−1). Wetlands had lower NPP but showed temporally consistent C accumulation patterns. The simulated spatio-temporal patterns of BCPs and SCPs were unique and reflected the integrated effects of climate, plant growth and atmospheric chemistry besides the inherent properties of the C pool themselves. The simulated BCPs and SCPs generally compared well with the biometric estimates (BCPs: r = 0.86, SCPs: r = 0.84). The largest BCP biases were found in recently disturbed stands and the largest SCP biases were seen in locations where moss necro-masses were abundant. Reconstructing C pools and C fluxes in the ecosystem in such a spatio-temporal manner could help reduce the uncertainties in our understanding of terrestrial C-cycle.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils are an important source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Biochar application to such soils has the potential of mitigating global anthropogenic GHG emissions. Under irrigation, the topsoils in arid regions experience repeated drying and wetting during the crop growing season. Biochar incorporation into these soils would change the soil microbial environment and hence affect GHG emissions. Little information, however, is available regarding the effect of biochar addition on carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural soils undergoing repeated drying and wetting. Here, we report the results of a 49-day aerobic incubation experiment, incorporating biochar into an anthropogenic alluvial soil in an arid region of Xinjiang Province, China, and measuring CO2 and N2O emissions. Under both drying–wetting and constantly moist conditions, biochar amendment significantly increased cumulative CO2 emission. At the same time, there was a significant reduction (up to ~20 %) in cumulative N2O emission, indicating that the addition of biochar to irrigated agricultural soils may effectively slow down global warming in arid regions of China.  相似文献   

Water vapor flux and carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in croplands are crucial to water and carbon cycle research as well as to global warming evaluation. In this study, a standard three-layer feed-forward back propagation neural network technique associated with the Bayesian technique of automatic relevance determination (ARD) was employed to investigate water vapor and CO2 exchange between the canopy of summer maize and atmosphere in responses to variations of environmental and physiological factors. These factors, namely the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (T), vapor pressure deficient (VPD), leaf-area index (LAI), soil water content in root zone (W), and friction velocity (U*), were used as inputs in neural network analysis. Results showed that PAR, VPD, T and LAI were the primary factors regulating both water vapor and CO2 fluxes with VPD and W more critical to water vapor flux and PAR and T more crucial to CO2 exchange. Furthermore, two time variables “day of the year (DOY)” and “time of the day (TOD)” could also improve the simulation results of neural network analysis. The important factors identified by the neural network technique used in this study were in the order of PAR > T > VPD > LAI > U* > TOD for water vapor flux and in the order of VPD > W > LAI > T > PAR > DOY for CO2 exchange. This study suggests that neural network technique associated with ARD could be a useful tool for identifying important factors regulating water vapor and CO2 fluxes in terrestrial ecosystem.  相似文献   

The monitoring of chemical properties, including heavy metals, in soils is necessary if better management and remediation practices are to be established for polluted soils. The National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology initiated a monitoring study that investigated fertility and heavy metal contents of the benchmarked soils. The study covered paddy soils, upland soils, and horticultural soils in the plastic film houses, and orchard soils throughout the Korea from 1990 to 1998. Likewise,4047 samples of paddy and 2534 samples of plastic house in 1999 and 2000 were analyzed through the Soil Environment Conservation Act. Soil chemical properties such as pH, organic matter, availablephosphate and extractable calcium, magnesium and potassium contents, and heavy metal contentssuch as cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, arsenic, mercury, and cobalt contents were analyzed. The studyshowed that the average contents of organic matter, available phosphate, and extractable potassiumrapidly increased in plastic house soils than in upland or paddy soils. Two kinds of fertilizer recommendation systems were established for the study: the standard levels by national soil average data for 77 crops and the recommendation by soil test for 70 crops. Standard nitrogen fertilizer application levels for cereal crops changed from 94 kg/ha in 1960s, 99 kg/ha in 1970s, 110 kg/ha in 1980s to 90 kg/ha in 1990s. The K2O-fertilizer also changed from 67 kg/ha in 1960s, 76 kg/ha in 1970s, 92 kg/ha in 1980s, andonly 44 kg/ha in 1990s. In rice paddy fields, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in surface soils(0–15 cm depth) were 0.11 mg kg–1(ranged from 0 to 1.01), 4.70 mg kg–1(0–41.59), 4.84 mg kg–1(0–66.44), and 4.47 mg kg–1(0–96.70), respectively. In the uplands, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn,and As in surface soils (0–15 cm depth) were 0.135 mg kg–1(ranged from 0 to 0.660), 2.77 mg kg–1(0.07–78.24), 3.47 mg kg–1(0–43.00), 10.70 mg kg–1(0.30–65.10), and 0.57 mg kg–1(0.21–2.90), respectively. In plastic film houses, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in surface soil were 0.12 mg kg–1(ranging from 0 to 1.28), 4.82 mg kg–1(0–46.50), 2.68 mg kg–1(0–46.50), 31.19 mg kg–1(0.19–252.0), and 0.36 mg kg–1(0–4.98), respectively. In orchard fields, the averagecontents of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, and Hg in surface soils (0–20 cm depth) were 0.11 mg kg–1(ranged from 0–0.49), 3.62 mg kg–1(0.03–45.30), 2.30 mg kg–1(0–27.80), 16.60 mg kg–1(0.33–105.50),0.44 mg kg–1(0–4.14), and 0.05 mg kg–1(0.01–0.54), respectively. For polluted soils with over thewarning content levels of heavy metals, fine red earth application, land reconsolidation and soilamelioration such as lime, phosphate, organic manure, and submerging were recommended. For the countermeasure areas, cultivation of non-edible crops such as garden trees, flowers, and fiber crops; landreformation; and heavy application of finered earth (up to 30 cm) were strongly recommended. Landuse techniques should be changed to beharmonious with the environment to increase yield andincome. Soil function characteristics should betaken into account.  相似文献   

Meeting environmental, economic, and societal targets in energy policy is complex and requires a multicriteria assessment framework capable of exploring trade-offs among alternative energy options. In this study, we integrated economic analysis and biophysical accounting methods to investigate the performance of electricity production in Finland at plant and national level. Economic and environmental costs of electricity generation technologies were assessed by evaluating economic features (direct monetary production cost), direct and indirect use of fossil fuels (GER cost), environmental impact (CO2 emissions), and global environmental support (emergy cost). Three scenarios for Finland's energy future in 2025 and 2050 were also drawn and compared with the reference year 2008. Accounting for an emission permit of 25 €/t CO2, the production costs calculated for CHP, gas, coal, and peat power plants resulted in 42, 67, 68, and 74 €/MWh, respectively. For wind and nuclear power a production cost of 63 and 35 €/MWh were calculated. The sensitivity analysis confirmed wind power's competitiveness when the price of emission permits overcomes 20 €/t CO2. Hydro, wind, and nuclear power were characterized by a minor dependence on fossil fuels, showing a GER cost of 0.04, 0.13, and 0.26 J/Je, and a value of direct and indirect CO2 emissions of 0.01, 0.04, and 0.07 t CO2/MWh. Instead, peat, coal, gas, and CHP plants showed a GER cost of 4.18, 4.00, 2.78, and 2.33 J/Je. At national level, a major economic and environmental load was given by CHP and nuclear power while hydro power showed a minor load in spite of its large production. The scenario analysis raised technological and environmental concerns due to the massive increase of nuclear power and wood biomass exploitation. In conclusion, we addressed the need to further develop an energy policy for Finland's energy future based on a diversified energy mix oriented to the sustainable exploitation of local, renewable, and environmentally friendly energy sources.  相似文献   

This article examines the utility of a digitally derived cartographic depth-to-water (DTW) index to model and map variations in drainage, vegetation and soil type and select soil properties within a forested area (40 ha) of the Swan Hills, Alberta, Canada. This index was derived from a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) derived digital elevation model (DEM), with at least 1 ground return per m2. The resulting DTW pattern was set to be zero along all DEM-derived flow channels, each with a 4 ha flow-initiation threshold. Soil type (luvisol, gleysol, mesisol), drainage type (very poor to excessive), vegetation type (hydric to xeric) and forest floor depth were determined along hillslope transects. These determinations conformed more closely to the DEM-derived log10(DTW) variations (R2 > 60%) than to the corresponding variations of the widely used topographic wetness index (TWI) (R2 < 25%). Setting log10(DTW) thresholds to represent the wet to moist to dry transitions between vegetation, drainage and soil type enabled a high-resolution mapping of these types across the study area. Also determined were soil moisture content, coarse fragment and soil particle composition (sand, silt, clay), pH, total C, N, S, P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, and available Ca, Mg, K, P and NH4, by soil layer type and depth. Most of these variables were also more correlated with log10(DTW) than with TWI, with and without soil layer depth as an additional regression variable. These variables are, therefore, subject to topographic controls to at least some extent, and can be modelled and mapped accordingly, as illustrated for soil moisture, forest floor depth and pH across the study area, from ridge tops to depressions. Further examinations revealed that the DEM-produced DTW and TWI patterns complemented one another, with DTW delineating soils in relation to local water-table influences, and with TWI delineating where the water would flow and accumulate.  相似文献   

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