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《Ecological modelling》2005,185(1):93-103
The effect of the seed abscission process on the dispersal distance of seeds has never been studied explicitly and is often ignored in studies that aim to estimate the seed shadows of species. To examine the importance of the abscission process for the seed shadow we used a seed trajectory model that keeps track of the release threshold dynamics of the individual seeds on mother plant. We defined the release threshold as the critical wind speed that induces a mechanical force that is just large enough to release a seed from its mother plant. The model used real wind speed sequences and seed appearance over time on the mother plant.Several calculations were performed to investigate the effect of release thresholds dynamics on seed shadow of two herbaceous species with contrasting terminal velocity values (Vt): Centaurea jacea (Vt = 4.1 m s−1) and Hypochaeris radicata (Vt = 0.49 m s−1).Release thresholds were responsible for a two-fold increase of median dispersal distances in both species. Tails of the seed shadows, the fraction of seeds that travel furthest, were even more sensitive and increased with a factor 4.5 for Centaurea and 7.0 for Hypochaeris. Our work indicates that the abscission process appears to be very important and suggests that dispersal distance of plants is currently severely underestimated, which, in turn, has major consequences for our current understanding of the distribution, metapopulation dynamics and survival of plant species.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main factors impacting the plug flow pattern of a clearwell were investigated by integrating pilot-scale, full-scale clearwell tracer testing and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. It was found that pilot tracer testing, full-scale tracer testing and CFD simulation all demonstrated that the correlation between the ratio of t 10/T and L/W can be approximately expressed by: t 10/T = 0.189 4ln(L/W)-0.049 4. This study confirmed that the installation of baffles within clearwells is an efficient way to optimize their configuration. In addition, the inlet velocity has a minimal contribution to the ratio of t 10/T. However, the ratio of turning channel width to channel width (d/W) significantly contributes to the ratio of t 10/T. The optimal ratio of d/W is 0.8–1.2 for maintaining better plug flow pattern. The number of turning channels is one of the main factors that impact the ratio of t 10/T. When increasing the number of turning channels, a lower ratio of t 10/T is obtained.  相似文献   

A certain number of tagged fish is liberated and assumed to be distributed randomly among a natural fish population. The fish are subjected to a number of fishing experiments within relatively short periods, and lie between equal intervening periods of durationT. Untagged fish are retained, while tagged fish are released during the fishing experiments. Denoting the catchability of untagged fish byq u and that for tagged fish byq t , it is assumed that they are related by the equation “q u =cq t ” wherec is a constant. Denoting the survival rates of tagged fish and the effective fishing effort of commerical fisheries per unit time from the (k-1)th to thek th experiments by t S k andf k , respectively, it is assumed that they vary from period to period. Assuming that during thek th experiment, the number of untagged fish captured and the experimental fishing rate of tagged fish are denoted by u X k and t P k , respectively, then $$\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\frac{{(_u X_k )^2 }}{{[_u X_{(k - 1)} ][_u X_{(k + 1)} ]}} = \frac{{_t S_k }}{{_t S_{(k + 1)} }} \cdot \frac{{e^{ - (1 - c)q_t f_{(k + 1)} T} }}{{e^{ - (1 - c)q_t f_k T} }} \cdot } \\ {\frac{{1 - c_t P_{(k - 1)} }}{{1 - c_t P_k }} \cdot \frac{{(_t P_k )^2 }}{{[_t P_{(k - 1)} ][_t P_{(k + 1)} ]}}.} \\ \end{array}$$ The above equation containsc as a single unknown, while all other terms are supplied by the capture-recapture experiments, exceptf k andf (k+1) which may be obtained from fisheries statistics. A number of the above equations are obtained from several experiments and can be combined into a single equation to obtain an overall estimate forc which can be used to derive estimates for experimental fishing rates, abundance, and instantaneous natural and fishing mortality rates for natural fish populations. These estimates are free from type (A) tagging errors, and have the advantage of taking into consideration the probable different behaviour of tagged and untagged fish.  相似文献   

Animals interact with their habitat in a manner which involves both negative and positive feedback mechanisms. We apply a specific modeling approach, “multi-scaled random walk”, for the scenario where a spatially explicit positive feedback process emerges from a combination of a spatial memory-dependent tendency to return to familiar patches and a consequently objective or subjective improvement of the quality of these patches (habitat auto-facilitation). In addition to the potential for local resource improvement from physically altering a patch, primarily known from the ecology of grazing ungulates, auto-facilitation from site fidelity may also embed more subtle subjective, individual-specific advantages from patch familiarity. Under the condition of resource superabundance, fitness gain from intra-home range patch fidelity creates a self-reinforcing use of the preferred patches on expense of a broader foraging in a priori equally favorable patches. Through this process, our simulations show that a spatially fractal dispersion of accumulated locations of the individual will emerge under the given model assumptions. Based on a conjecture that intra-home range patch fidelity depends on spatial memory we apply the multi-scaled random walk model to construct a spatially explicit habitat suitability parameter Hij, which quantifies the dispersion of the generally most constraining resource from the individual's perspective. An intra-home range set of observed H-scores, Hobs, can then be estimated from a simple 2-scale calculation that is derived from the local dispersion of fixes. We show how the spatially explicit habitat utilization index Hobs not necessarily correlates positively with the local density fluctuations of fixes. The H-index solves some well-known problems from using the pattern of local densities of telemetry fixes - the classic utilization distribution - as a proxy variable for relative intra-home range habitat quality and resource selection. A pilot study on a set of telemetry fixes collected from a herd of free-ranging domestic sheep with overlapping summer home ranges illustrates how the H-index may be estimated and interpreted as a first-level approach towards a more extensive analysis of intra-home range habitat resource availability and patch preferences. Spatial memory in combination with site fidelity requires a modeling framework that explicitly describes the property of positive feedback mechanism under auto-facilitation in a spatio-temporally explicit manner.  相似文献   

We consider the numerical approaches for the least squares estimation of the parameter vector p in the initial value problem y′ = g(t, y, p), y(t0) = y0(p) when observations are available on some or all components of the vector y(t). Special attention is paid to the development of techniques which, although not global, are less sensitive to initial parameter estimates than the standard approach employing the sensitivity equations. Experience indicates that interactive approaches can be very valuable when good starting parameter approximations are unavailable. We describe the main features of our interactive parameter fitting package PARFIT. This package contains standard techniques employing the sensitivity equations as well as special algorithms designed to improve poor parameter estimates. These special algorithms have been selected and developed with user interaction in mind. We describe in detail one special approach designed for the case when observations are not available on all state variables. An example (using computer generated observations) is presented to illustrate this approach. Finally, the power of an interactive approach is demonstrated with two examples involving attempts to model physically observed phenomena.  相似文献   

The paper reports results of large eddy simulations of lock exchange compositional gravity currents with a low volume of release advancing in a horizontal, long channel. The channel contains an array of spanwise-oriented square cylinders. The cylinders are uniformly distributed within the whole channel. The flow past the individual cylinders is resolved by the numerical simulation. The paper discusses how the structure and evolution of the current change with the main geometrical parameters of the flow (e.g., solid volume fraction, ratio between the initial height of the region containing lock fluid and the channel depth, ratio between the initial length and height of the region containing lock fluid) and the Reynolds number. Though in all cases with a sufficiently large solid volume fraction the current transitions to a drag-dominated regime, the value of the power law coefficient, α, describing the front position’s variation with time (x f  ~ t α , where t is the time measured from the removal of the lock gate) is different between full depth cases and partial depth cases. The paper also discusses how large eddy simulation (LES) results compare with findings based on shallow-water equations. In particular, LES results show that the values of α are not always equal to values predicted by shallow water theory for the limiting cases where the current height is comparable, or much smaller, than the channel depth.  相似文献   

The parameter K of the von Bertalanffy equation, as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957), is first estimated by the relation $$\log _e \left( {dL_t /dt} \right) = A - Kt$$ where dLt/dt denotes growth increments per a unit of age, t denotes age, and A is a constant. The K estimate is used to evaluate L∞; $$L_\infty = \left( {e^K \sum\limits_2^n {L_t - \sum\limits_1^{n - 1} {L_t } } } \right)/\left( {n - 1} \right)\left( {e^K - 1} \right)$$ The L∞ estimate is used to estimate t o, and to obtain a better estimate for K; $$\log _e \left( {1 - L_t /L_\infty } \right) = - Kt + Kt_0 $$ The K estimate may be used to obtain another estimate for L∞. Solved examples show that a single iteration is sufficient to obtain fitted equations which are, on the average, as precise as equations fitted by the least squares method shown by Tomlinson and Abramson (1961). This new method can be used, with a slight modification, for the second equation given above, if growth data have unequal age intervals. The variance of K, t o and log e L∞ can be estimated by applying the simple methods used in the case of straight-line relationships.  相似文献   

Denoting a fish length or weight at age t by X t , a reference age by t m , and the corresponding fish length or weight by X m , the relation between age and length or weight may be described by a parabola as follows: $$\left| {X_t } \right. - X_m \left| = \right.a + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ or $$X_t = A + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ where a, b and c are constants. Each of the above Eqs. describes one curve at ages older than t m and another one at younger ages, which is made possible by means of the transformation of t to (|t-t m |). In 2 cases out of 10, the parabola takes the form of a cubic equation. Evidence is given that, as the growth data become fewer, the better fit of the parabola or cubic equation will probably be less in comparison to the von Bertalanffy equation (1938, 1949) as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) and the power-growth equation (Rafail, 1971), and vice versa. This growth equation is used to derive models for estimating the optimum age and yield for fish populations.  相似文献   

Quantifying dispersal is crucial both for understanding ecological population dynamics, and for gaining insight into factors that affect the genetic structure of populations. The role of dispersal becomes pronounced in highly fragmented landscapes inhabited by spatially structured populations. We consider a landscape consisting of a set of habitat patches surrounded by unsuitable matrix, and model dispersal by assuming that the individuals follow a random walk with parameters that may be specific to the habitat type. We allow for spatial variation in patch quality, and account for edge-mediated behavior, the latter meaning that the individuals bias their movement towards the patches when close to an edge between a patch and the matrix. We employ a diffusion approximation of the random walk model to derive analytical expressions for various characteristics of the dispersal process. For example, we derive formulae for the time that an individual is expected to spend in its current patch i, and for the time that it will spend in the matrix, both conditional on the individual hitting next a given patch j before hitting any of the other patches or dying. The analytical formulae are based on the assumptions that the landscape is infinitely large, that the patches are circularly shaped, and that the patches are small compared to interpatch distances. We evaluate the effect of these assumptions by comparing the analytical results to numerical results in a real patch network that violates all of the three assumptions. We then consider a landscape that fulfills the assumptions, and show that in this case the analytical results are in a very good agreement with the numerical results. The results obtained here allow the construction of computationally efficient dispersal models that can be used as components of metapopulation models.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2004,180(1):73-87
Spatial modeling of forest patterns can provide information on the potential impact of various management strategies on large landscapes over long time frames. We used LANDIS, a stochastic, spatially-explicit, ecological landscape model to simulate 120 years of forest change on the Nashwauk Uplands, a 328,000 ha landscape in northeastern Minnesota that lies in the transition between boreal and temperate forests. We ran several forest management scenarios including current harvesting practices, no harvests, varied rotation ages, varied clearcut sizes, clustered clearcuts, and landowner coordination. We examined the effects of each scenario on spatial patterns of forests by covertype, age class, and mean and distribution of patch sizes. All scenarios reveal an increase in the spruce-fir (Picea-Abies) covertype relative to the economically paramount aspen-birch (Populus-Betula) covertype. Our results also show that most covertypes occur in mostly small patches <5 ha in size and the ability of management to affect patch size is limited by the highly varied physiography and landuse patterns on the landscape. However, coordination among landowners, larger clearcuts, and clustered clearcuts were all predicted to increase habitat diversity by creating some larger patches and older forest patches. These three scenarios along with the no harvest scenario also create more old forest than current harvesting practices, by concentrating harvesting on some portion of the landscape. The no harvest scenario retained large, fire-regenerated aspen-birch patches. Harvests fragment large aspen-birch patches by changing the age structure and releasing the shade-tolerant understory species. More sapling forest, and larger sapling patches resulted from the shortened rotation scenario.  相似文献   

Few researchers have developed large-scale habitat models for sympatric carnivore species. We created habitat models for red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), coyotes (Canis latrans) and bobcats (Lynx rufus) in southern Illinois, USA, using the Penrose distance statistic, remotely sensed landscape data, and sighting location data within a GIS. Our objectives were to quantify and spatially model potential habitat differences among species. Habitat variables were quantified for 1-km2 buffered areas around mesocarnivore sighting locations. Following variable reduction procedures, five habitat variables (percentage of grassland patches, interspersion–juxtaposition of forest patches, mean fractal dimension of wetland patches and the landscape, and road density) were used for analysis. Only one variable differed (P < 0.05) between red fox and coyote sighting areas (road density) and bobcat and coyote sighting areas (mean fractal dimension of the landscape). However, all five variables differed between red fox and bobcat sighting areas, indicating considerable differences in habitat affiliation between this pair-group. Compared to bobcats, red fox sightings were affiliated with more grassland cover and larger grassland patches, higher road densities, lower interspersion and juxtaposition of forest patches, and lower mean fractal dimension of wetland patches. These differences can be explained by different life history requirements relative to specific cover types. We then used the Penrose distance statistic to create habitat models for red foxes and bobcats, respectively, based on the five-variable dataset. An independent set of sighting locations were used to validate these models; model fit was good with 65% of mesocarnivore locations within the top 50% of Penrose distance values. In general, red foxes were affiliated with mixtures of agricultural and grassland cover, whereas bobcats were associated with a combination of grassland, wetland, and forest cover. The greatest habitat overlap between red foxes and bobcats was found at the interface between forested areas and more open cover types. Our study provides insight into habitat overlap among sympatric mesocarnivores, and the distance-based modelling approach we used has numerous applications for modelling wildlife–habitat relationships over large scales.  相似文献   

Experiments are reviewed in which a two-layer salt-stratified tank of water was mixed by turbulence. The density profile began as a single step and evolved to a smooth mixed profile. The turbulence was generated by many excursions of a horizontally moving vertical rod with Richardson number Ri >  0.9 and Reynolds Number Re  >  600. There was almost perfect collapse of all the profiles to one universal profile as a function of a similarity variable. We develop a theoretical model for a simple mixing law with a buoyancy flux that is a function of internal Richardson number Rii. A similarity equation is found. A flux law that increases with small Rii and decreases with large Rii is considered next. Since no analytical solution is known, the similarity concept is tested by numerically integrating the equations in space and time. With buoyancy flux monotonically increasing with internal Richardson number, the similarity approach is valid for a profile starting from a slightly smoothed step. However, a shock forms for a mixing law with higher initial Rii (so that buoyancy flux decreases with Richardson number) and the similarity approach is invalid for those initial conditions.  相似文献   

Bumblebees have been found to observe and copy the behaviour of others with regard to floral choices, particularly when investigating novel flower types. They can also learn to make nectar-robbing holes in flowers as a result of encountering them. Here, we investigate handedness in nectar-robbing bumblebees feeding on Rhinanthus minor, a flower that can be robbed from either the right-hand side or the left-hand side. We studied numerous patches of R. minor spread across an alpine landscape; each patch tended to be robbed on either the right or the left. The intensity of side bias increased through the season and was strongest in the most heavily robbed patches. We suggest that bees within patches learn robbing strategies (including handedness) from one another, either by direct observation or from experience with the location of holes, leading to rapid frequency-dependent selection for a common strategy. Primary robbing was predominantly carried out not only by a specialist robbing species, Bombus wurflenii, but also by Bombus lucorum, a widespread generalist. Both species adopted the same handedness within particular flower patches, providing the first evidence for social learning crossing the species boundary in wild insects.  相似文献   

An integrated process-based model was used to study how the changing climate affects the availability of water and nitrogen, and consequently the dynamics of productivity of Norway spruce (Picea abies) on sites with different initial soil water conditions in southern Finland over a 100-year period. The sensitivity of the total stem volume growth in relation to short-term availability of water and nitrogen was also analyzed. We found that a high proportion (about 88–92%) of the total precipitation was lost in total evapotranspiration (incl. canopy evaporation (Ec), transpiration (Et) and ground surface evaporation (Eg)), under both current and changing climate. Furthermore, under the changing climate the cumulative amount of Ec and Eg were significantly higher, while Et was largely lower than under the current climate. Additionally, the elevated temperature and increased expansion of needle area index (L) enhanced Ec. Under the changing climate, the increasing soil water deficit (Wd) reduced the canopy stomatal conductance (gcs), the Et, humus yield (H, available nitrogen source) and nitrogen uptake (Nup) of the trees. During the latter phases of the simulation period, the canopy net photosynthesis (Pnc) was lower due to the reduced Nup and soil water availability. This also reduced the total stem volume production (Vs) on the site with the lower initial soil moisture content. The growth was slightly more sensitive to the change in precipitation than to the change in nitrogen content of the needles, when the elevated temperature was assumed. According to our findings, drought stress episodes may become more frequent under the changing climate. Thus, adaptive management strategies should be developed to sustain the productivity of Norway spruce in these conditions, and thus, to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Precisely how ecological factors influence animal social structure is far from clear. We explore this question using an agent-based model inspired by the fission–fusion society of spider monkeys (Ateles spp). Our model introduces a realistic, complex foraging environment composed of many resource patches with size varying as an inverse power law frequency distribution with exponent β. Foragers do not interact among them and start from random initial locations. They have either a complete or a partial knowledge of the environment and maximize the ratio between the size of the next visited patch and the distance traveled to it, ignoring previously visited patches. At intermediate values of β, when large patches are neither too scarce nor too abundant, foragers form groups (coincide at the same patch) with a similar size frequency distribution as the spider monkey’s subgroups. Fission–fusion events create a network of associations that contains weak bonds among foragers that meet only rarely and strong bonds among those that repeat associations more frequently than would be expected by chance. The latter form subnetworks with the highest number of bonds and a high clustering coefficient at intermediate values of β. The weak bonds enable the whole social network to percolate. Some of our results are similar to those found in long-term field studies of spider monkeys and other fission–fusion species. We conclude that hypotheses about the ecological causes of fission–fusion and the origin of complex social structures should consider the heterogeneity and complexity of the environment in which social animals live.  相似文献   

Two species of butterflies, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe, coexist as two metapopulations in a 38-patch network in Hebei Province, China. A Markovian model, whose transition matrix is the product of two matrices which represent the local extinction and recolonization process respectively, is used to describe the metapopulation dynamics. The application of this model to the metapopulation, consisting of 12 local populations in the northern subregion, shows that the expected life times of E. aurinia and M. phoebe are 160 and 121 years respectively and usually nearly half of the patches are occupied by E. aurinia, while only 1–3 patches are occupied by M. phoebe. We claim that E. aurinia can persist for a long time while M. phoebe faces relatively big extinction risk. By comparing the population dynamics with and without migration, we find M. phoebe benefits much more from migration than E. aurinia. Most patches are occupied mainly by local populations for E. aurinia, while by immigrants from the 8th patch for M. phoebe, meaning that E. aurinia has a classical metapopulation structure while M. phoebe has a source–sink metapopulation structure.  相似文献   

Rhodamine B can be degraded using Prussian blue as a photo-Fenton like reagent under λ > 420 nm visible irradiation. Kinetic studies show ln(C o/C t ) is linearly proportional to the reaction time during the photo-degradation process; thus, the degradation reaction obeys a pseudo-first order kinetic law. It is very interesting that the presence of salinity such as 0.1 M KCl can speed up greatly the degradation rate: the time to achieve 90.0% degradation ratio is shortened from 120.0 to 40.0 min under comparable conditions, which is very useful in the treatment of wastewaters with high content of salinity.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,182(1):49-65
Environmental heterogeneity frequently induces spatial variability in somatic growth, which can cause inter-population differences in reproductive output among organisms for which fecundity is dependent upon body size. Mean asymptotic body size, L, varies among populations of several reef fish species. Deterministic models suggest L has little effect on population growth, so subpopulations with larger L may not have disproportionate effects in sustaining an open system. We used a stochastic simulation model to examine the potential role of a larger L subpopulation in aspects of population dynamics beyond population growth under a range of assumptions about the prevailing recruitment relationships. We compared dynamics of a demographically homogeneous system with a system that included one subpopulation with 20% larger L. Despite the magnitude of the increase in L, mean population size and average time at large population sizes differed little between the homogenous system and that with the larger L subpopulation. However, including the larger L subpopulation did result in less time spent at very small population sizes, which could reduce extinction risks. Effects of the larger L subpopulation were most pronounced when a deterministic recruitment cycle was imposed in combination with high stochastic variability in recruitment. This was due to regular series of poor recruitment years shifting the population structure toward older cohorts where differences in body size (and reproductive output) between the larger L subpopulation and the other subpopulations were greatest. Differences were also greater when recruitment variability was regionally correlated. When recruitment variability was locally independent, the probability of system-wide declines was reduced because declines of individual populations at one time were replenished by unaffected neighbors in subsequent years. Our study suggests that variation in L within a network of interconnected subpopulations may not be an important determinant of population behavior under certain conditions, but might be important in coping with periods of persistent, system-wide recruitment failure.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test a process-based model (hydrological model combined with forest growth model) on the simulation of seasonal variability of evapotranspiration (ET) in an even-aged boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand over a 10 year period (1999-2008). The water flux components (including canopy transpiration (Et) and evaporation from canopy (Ec) and ground surface (Eg) were estimated in order to output the long-term stand water budget considering the interaction between climate variations and stand development. For validation, half-hourly data on eddy water vapor fluxes were measured during the 10 growing seasons (May-September). The model predicted well the seasonal course of ET compared to the measured values, but slightly underestimated the water fluxes both in non-drought and drought (2000, 2003 and 2006) years. The prediction accuracy was, on average, higher in drought years. The simulated ET over the 10 years explained, on average, 58% of the daily variations and 84% of the monthly amount of ET. Water amount from Et contributed most to the ET, with the fractions of Et, Ec and Eg being, on average, 67, 11 and 23% over the 10-year period, respectively. Regardless of weather conditions, the daily ET was strongly dependent on air temperature (Ta) and vapor pressure deficit (Da), but less dependent on soil moisture (Ws). On cloudy and rainy days, there was a non-linear relationship between the ET and solar radiation (Ro). During drought years, the model predicted lower daily canopy stomatal conductance (gcs) compared with non-drought years, leading to a lower level of Et. The modeled daily gcs responded well to Da and Ws. In the model simulation, the annual LAI increased by 35% between 1999 and 2008. The ratio of Ec: ET correlated strongly with LAI. Furthermore, LAI reduced the proportion of Eg as a result of the increased share of Ec and Et and radiation interception. Although the increase of LAI affected positively Et, the contribution of Et in ET was not significantly correlated with LAI. To conclude, although the model predicted reasonably well the seasonal course of ET, the calculation time steps of different processes in the model should be homogenized in the future to increase the prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

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