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Juvenile bivalves may be dispersed by entering a bysso-pelagic phase where they drift through the water mass aided by a long thread. The ability to resuspend and control the specific weight in two bivalve species, the cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.) and the Japanese clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeves), was documented with juveniles through flume and still-water experiments. Cockle juveniles initially placed on an unsuitable substratum were exposed to two shear velocities (u *). At the end of the experiment, 42 (±15)% (for u *=0.51 cm s−1) and 79 (±9)% (for u *=0.99 cm s−1) of individuals were retrieved from the sand area which represents only 8% of the total flume surface. Most juveniles (70.5%) with shell lengths <2.5 mm migrated from the unsuitable Plexiglas substratum to the sand array by resuspension in the water column. The percentage was lower (21.5%) for larger individuals. The same experimental design was applied to clams, which immediately adhered to the Plexiglas substratum and remained attach to it. Sinking rates of live and dead specimens of both species were measured in a 1 m long transparent PVC tube. Cockle fall velocities showed severe deceleration, probably due to byssus secretion (up to 15-fold slower than dead cockles), sometimes interrupted by brutal acceleration probably due to byssal rupture. Cockles were able to reduce their sinking rate for shell lengths up to 4.25 mm. By contrast, clam sinking rates were constant, and similar to dead clam sinking rates. Specific weights of all experimental juveniles were calculated in relation to their lengths, and their passive motion into the boundary layer was theoretically assessed with Shields curve. In short, C. edule and R. philippinarum can both exhibit dense populations in the field with a good capacity to colonize, although juveniles display different abilities to resuspend in the water column. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 13 February 1997  相似文献   

For potentially cannibalistic animals such as spiders, the ability to recognize and avoid kin and/or preferentially cannibalize non-relatives would permit exploiting conspecifics as prey while minimizing loss of inclusive fitness. We investigated the effects of relatedness and availability of alternative food on cannibalism tendency in pairs of juvenile Hogna helluo (Walckenaer), a North American wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). For second-instar spiderlings (dispersing stage), cannibalism was more likely among pairs of non-sibs than pairs of sibs and, interestingly, was also more likely when other prey were available. We found no evidence of increased cannibalism in pairings involving broods of greatest average size disparity, indicating that size differences are unlikely to explain differences in cannibalism tendency. Additionally, the relative number of deaths from cannibalism or other causes did not increase with increasing risk of starvation. For third-instar spiderlings, which had lived independently of their mother and sibs following dispersal, cannibalism rates were very high in all treatments and there were no significant effects of relatedness or food availability. Our results suggest that spiders with predominantly solitary lifestyles may bias cannibalism toward non-kin during the juvenile associative period, and that this effect is lost in the subsequent instar. Results are discussed in the context of several potential mechanisms that might result in differential cannibalism.Communicated by M. Elgar  相似文献   

Summary This study compares time budgets of males and females of two sympatric species of bee flies, Lordotus pulchrissimus and L. miscellus. These species occur synchronously in sand dune habitat on the north shore of Mono Lake, Mono Co., California, and feed almost exclusively on the flowers of a composite shrub, Chrysothamnus nauseosus. The two closely related species, with similar ecological requirements and in an identical environment, allocate time and energy in very different ways, even when accomplishing the same ecological goals. L. pulchrissimus males and females engage respectively in aggressive interactions and feeding primarily in the morning. In contrast, L. miscellus males and females intersperse brief periods of resting with flying when defending territories and feeding, and they keep up these activities until later in the day. Similarly within species, males are involved in aggressive interactions for a shorter period each day, and females feed over a longer period. Flies in all sex-species classes but male pulchrissimus allocate their time energetically in similar ways. Male pulchrissimus spend more time each day in energetically costly activities; they engage in continuous hovering flight and intense interactions in aerial aggregations. While male miscellus feed little, male pulchrissimus spend a large portion of their time feeding, approximately as much as females, contrary to the expectation that males should be foraging-time minimizers. This study corroborates the conclusions of previous studies on bee-fly communities by showing that nectar and pollen are important resources for adult bee flies, at least for some species: Individuals of these two species spend a large proportion of their adult lifetimes feeding.  相似文献   

The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   

Food availability is expected to influence the relative cost of different mating tactics, but little attention has been paid to this potential source of adaptive geographic variation in behavior. Associations between the frequency of different mating tactics and resource availability could arise because tactic use responds directly to food intake (phenotypic plasticity), because populations exposed to different average levels of food availability have diverged genetically in tactic use, or both. Different populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in Trinidad experience different average levels of food availability. We combined field observations with laboratory “common garden” and diet experiments to examine how this environmental gradient has influenced the evolution of male mating tactics. Three independent components of variation in male behavior were found in the field: courtship versus foraging, dominance interactions, and interference competition versus searching for mates. Compared with low-food-availability sites, males at high-food-availability sites devoted more effort to interference competition. This difference disappeared in the common garden experiment, which suggests that it was caused by phenotypic plasticity and not genetic divergence. In the diet experiment, interference competition was more frequent and intense among males raised on the greater of two food levels, but this was only true for fish descended from sites with low food availability. Thus, the association between interference competition and food availability in the field can be attributed to a genetically variable norm of reaction. Genetically variable norms of reaction with respect to food intake were found for the other two behavioral components as well and are discussed in relation to the patterns observed in the field. Our results indicate that food availability gradients are an important, albeit complex, source of geographic variation in male mating strategies.  相似文献   

M. Tupper  K. W. Able 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):1049-1058
 There has been much recent interest in restoration of salt-marsh habitats to their natural structure and function. However, the criteria for success of such restorations are not well-defined. As part of a larger program to evaluate the restoration of a former salt-hay farm bordering Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA, we monitored the response of a large predator, the striped bass Morone saxatilis, to the restoration. During June to October 1998 we compared tidal and diel movements and food habits of juvenile and adult striped bass (n = 82, 212 to 670 mm fork length) between a restored marsh and an adjacent reference marsh with similar physical characteristics (depth, salinity, temperature). Striped bass movements at both sites were characterized by ultrasonic tracking with small, surgically implanted tags (21 d rated battery-life). Striped bass (n = 23, 421 to 610 mm fork length) were tagged and released near the main creek mouths at both the restored (n = 14) and reference (n = 9) marshes. At both sites, striped bass tended to move up the main creek during ebb tide. At the restored site, ebb tide upstream-movements ranged from 0.1 to 3.5 km from the main creek mouth (mean = 1.2 km). During the upstream movement, the fish typically stopped every 200 to 300 m (presumably to feed) for 1 to 2 h. At the reference site, few of the tagged fish moved farther than 100 to 200 m upstream from the main channel mouth at ebb tide, perhaps in response to somewhat lower dissolved oxygen at this site. During flood tide, tagged fish at both sites moved out into Delaware Bay, where they remained within 200 to 500 m of the creek mouth. Striped bass were sampled with gill nets to determine additional aspects of habitat use and food habits. Striped bass in both marshes were much more abundant at creek mouths (catch per unit effort, CPUE = 1.17) than in the upper reaches of the creeks (CPUE = 0.13). In the creek mouths, CPUE was greater at the restored site (CPUE = 1.8) than at the reference site (CPUE = 0.5). At both sites, most fish (approx. 80%) were collected on the late ebb or early flood tides, i.e. around low tide, when prey were presumably concentrated at the creek mouths. Stomach contents of bass from both restored and reference marshes (n = 59, 212 to 670 mm fork length) revealed that striped bass were eating mostly blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), grass shrimp (Palaemonetes vulgaris), sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa), mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), and various unidentifiable fishes (probably anchovies, Anchoa mitchilli, and Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia). In conclusion, the restored marsh supported larger numbers of striped bass than the reference marsh, but there was little difference in the pattern of creek utilization or food habits at either site. Thus, the restored marsh appears to be functioning in a similar manner to the reference marsh for these large predators. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 August 2000  相似文献   

This study investigates proximate factors influencing dispersal behaviour in the subsocial spider Amaurobius ferox. Dispersal of spiderlings from the natal web occurred as a progressive sigmoidal function (mean duration of dispersal period=31 days), with considerable individual variability in developmental instar and body mass within the clutch at the time of dispersal. The spiderlings showed a significant decrease in group cohesion on the 6th day after their second moult, which corresponded to the beginning of the dispersal period. Mutual aggressiveness appeared when the spiderlings began to show predatory behaviour (4th day post-second moult) and increased over the course of the dispersal period. While lack of prey in the maternal nest accelerated dispersal behaviour, the addition of prey items lengthened the dispersal period in previously non-fed clutches. Individuals that dispersed were smaller than the remaining individuals when measured on the day 50% of the clutch had dispersed. Timing of the appearance of the developmental characters (second moult, predation activity, agonistic behaviour against siblings, reduction of group cohesion, dispersal) suggests that the dispersal trait might have evolved in consequence of these different functional behaviours. Received: 10 August 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Streblospio benedicti (Webster) from Tar Landing North Carolina (NC), USA with either planktotrophic or lecithotrophic development were reared under two food levels and three temperature regimes (two mimicking seasonal cycles in NC and one at constant 20°C). During the eight-month experiment no females switched reproductive mode and no significant differences in survivorship or reproductive activity were observed between reproductive types. However, reproductive activity and fecundity-related parameters were subject to influence by food and temperature. Survivorship, body size, and larval production was greater in winter-spring than summer-fall regimes. Higher food levels produced increased survivorship, reproductive activity and egg production in adults with lecithotrophic development but no change in those with planktotrophic development. Body size, egg size, egg number, numbers of larvae per brood pouch, and brood size were strongly correlated in female S. benedicti and most correlation coefficients were similar (or identical) in individuals having planktotrophic and lecithotrophic development. A comparison of egg size and brood size in females from Tar Landing suggests that individuals with the two forms of development package offspring differently but expend approximately equivalent reproductive effort. Larval trophic mode is best viewed as a genetic polymorphism in S. benedicti. Individuals with planktotrophic and lecithotrophic development exhibit similar reproductive responses to environmental variation and there is no evidence for speciation.  相似文献   

The effects of daily light period on diurnal growth patterns of a green macroalga [Caulerpa cupressoides v.lycopodium f.elegans (J. Agardh) Weber-van Bosse] and a seagrass (Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld) were investigated in Salt River submarine canyon in the US Virgin Islands in summer 1984. The daily light period, in which quantum irradiance exceeded the light saturation point for photosynthesis of the macroalga and seagrass, was manipulated in situ using lamps and shades. Plant growth was measured every 6 h for 7 d under natural and experimental daily light periods.C. cupressoides grew at the same rate day and night.H. decipiens grew more during the day than at night, a pattern that persisted under continuous light and dark treatments, indicating endogenous control of diurnal growth. Growth vs daily light period curves indicate thatC. cupressoides grew faster thanH. decipiens in short daily light periods, consistent with the observation that the macroalga penetrates to deeper water than the seagrass in Salt River canyon. Overall growth (day + night) ofH. decipiens was unaffected in lengthened light periods and reduced in shortened light periods. Chlorophyll content ofC. cupressoides was not correlated with light availability, while that ofH. decipiens was positively correlated. The alga and seagrass had different diurnal growth patterns but similar overall growth responses to daily light periods. This study shows that diurnal growth patterns are probably under endogenous control, while overall growth is a response to in situ light conditions.Contribution#193 from West Indies Laboratory and the National Undersea Research Program  相似文献   

The buffalo weavers, Bubalornis spp., are unique amongst birds in possessing a phalloid organ, a phallus-like structure anterior to the cloaca. We studied the red-billed buffalo weaver Bubalornis niger, to determine whether the phalloid organ has evolved in response to sperm competition. The phalloid organ was significantly longer in males that were resident at nests than in non-resident males, and among resident males was significantly longer in those males with a harem than in those without. Red-billed buffalo weavers bred colonially and had either a cooperatively polygynandrous (usually two unrelated males and several females) or a polygynous (one male and several females) mating system. Cooperative polygynandry provided females with the opportunity to copulate with more than one male and paternity analyses using DNA fingerprinting revealed that 63% of 16 multiple-offspring broods, comprising 43 offspring, had multiple sires, which included both nest-owning males and extra-group males. Sperm competition was therefore intense. Observations and experiments with buffalo weavers in captivity revealed that the phalloid organ was not intromittent during copulation, but functioned as a stimulatory organ which necessitated protracted copulation in order to induce male 'orgasm' and ejaculation, a feature apparently unique to this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the fledging probability of oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus, chicks as a function of hatching order, brood size, territory quality and food availability. Sibling dominance was related to the hatching order in both low- (’leapfrogs’) and high-quality (’residents’) territories. Differences in hatchling mass might have aided the establishment of a dominance hierarchy, since breeders produced small late eggs and hatchlings. These mass differences were most pronounced in leapfrogs, and in large broods in years with lower food availability (’poor’ years). Late hatchlings fledged less often and with lower body masses compared to early hatchlings in all situations. Leapfrogs produced smaller broods and hatched their broods more asynchronously in poor years than leapfrogs breeding in years with more available food (’good’ years) and residents breeding in both poor and good years. Large brood sizes resulted in lower survival of hatchlings in poor years. These results favour the ’brood reduction’ hypothesis. However, contrary to the expectations of this hypothesis, hatching order also affected fledging success in residents. Moreover, large brood size resulted in higher survival of hatchlings in good years, particularly in residents. Thus, although large broods experienced losses due to sibling competition in some years, they nevertheless consistently produced more fledglings per brood in all years, both as leapfrogs and residents. We believe this effect is due to parental quality correlating with initial brood size. Most leapfrogs, at best, fledged one chick successfully each year, losing chicks due to starvation. Nevertheless, leapfrog broods were reduced in size after hatching significantly less quickly than resident broods. These results suggest that breeders lay and hatch insurance eggs to compensate for unpredictable losses due to the high predation rates on both nests (ca 50%) and chicks (ca 90%), in accordance with the ’nest failure’ hypothesis. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 27 September 2000 / Accepted: 10 June 2000  相似文献   

A variety of bioacoustics distance metrics have been used to assess similarities in the vocalizations of different individuals. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of several acoustic similarity indices, some of which have been developed with the specific aim of characterizing the sensory coding of auditory stimuli. We compare different approaches through the analysis of begging calls of several passerine species and specialist brood parasitic cuckoos that putatively evolved to mimic their hosts. The different bioacoustics distances did not provide consistently correlated similarity patterns, implying that they are sensitive to different sound features. However, the encoded spectrogram alignment method was correlated with all other acoustic distance metrics, suggesting that this method provides a consistent approach to use when the perceptually salient sound parameters are unknown for a particular species. Our analyses confirm that statistical similarity of begging calls can be detected in a New Zealand pair of host and specialist parasite species. We also show detectable similarity in two other Australasian host–parasite pairs and another New Zealand system, but to a more limited extent. By examining phylogenetic patterns in the begging call diversity, we also confirm that specialist cuckoos have evolved to mimic the begging calls of their hosts but host species have not co-evolved to modify their calls in response to begging call similarity by the parasite. Our results illustrate that understanding the function and mechanism of behavioral copying and mimicry requires statistically consistent measures of similarity that are related to both the physical aspects of the particular display and the sensory basis of its perception.  相似文献   

Histological sections of starved cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) and jelly cats (Lycichthys denticulatus Kröyer, 1844) with similar water contents are compared. Starvation causes the white muscle fibres of cod to shrink into irregular shapes inside their connective tissue matrix, while those of jelly cats of similar water content are seen to be rounded. It appears to be less important for jelly cat muscle to be packed tightly with contractile fibres than for the muscle of cod, so the former may be adapted to a permanent state of unusually high hydration.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations implicate food availability and intrusion pressure as important determinants of territory size, but empirical studies have led to contradictory conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships among these three variables. To investigate this problem, we provided patches of electronically controlled artificial flowers, which were defended by male Calypte anna. Food availability was experimentally manipulated, and intrusion rate and territory size were calculated from behavioral observations of the territory owner. Changes in both food availability and intrusion rate were found to be significantly correlated with changes in territory size under certain conditions. Intrusion rate, which was influenced by food availability, was negatively associated with territory size so long as food availability was high. This association persisted even after possible effects of food availability were controlled statistically. Food availability was negatively correlated with territory size only when intrusion rates were high and after owners had been defending territories for 3 days. As food availability and intrusion rate increased, owners increasingly restricted their defense to the patch itself; partial regressions revealed a significant association for intrusion rate but not food availability. When intrusion rate was low and food availability varied from low to high levels, no relationship was observed between food availability and territory size, apparently because of opposing influences of food abundance on territory size. Correspondence to: P.W. Ewald  相似文献   

The toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), produced naturally in an oxygenated environment, led to the development of antioxidant defenses by aerobic organisms to prevent tissue damage. Polar marine waters are regarded as a strongly prooxidant ecosystem, due to the high dissolved oxygen level and intense UV radiation during summer, while the deep waters are considered refuges against oxidative stress. In order to further elucidate the prooxidant and antioxidant forces associated with cold-water ecosystems and the implications of UV radiation, we sampled three amphipod species living at three different depths in the same water mass of the Arctic Ocean, characterized by low temperature (ca. 0°C), high oxygen level, and high ROS concentration in the surface water. The three species were the deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, the benthic sublittoral amphipod Anonyx nugax and the surface-water species Gammarus wilkitzkii inhabiting the ice pack. The total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) was measured in the cytosolic fraction of the digestive gland and in the cell-free hemolymph of the three amphipod species. A significantly low TOSC toward peroxyl and peroxynitrite radicals (P<0.05) in E. gryllus compared with the shallow-water species (A. nugax) can be explained by the low metabolism of the deep-sea species. In the cell-free hemolymph, TOSC values are similar between E. gryllus and A. nugax, while in G. wilkitzkii a lower and higher TOSC toward hydroxyl and peroxynitrite, respectively, indicate specific adaptation to oxidative stress. Experimental exposure of A. nugax and G. wilkitzkii to H2O2 resulted in a significant change in TOSC (P<0.05) measured in the digestive gland and in the cell-free hemolymph of A. nugax, while no change (P>0.05) was noted in G. wilkitzkii. These data suggest that A. nugax is highly susceptible to oxidative stress and that G. wilkitzkii is characterized by a mechanism that prevents the diffusion of exogenous ROS through the gills or allows excretion of internal H2O2 through the gills to the environment.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

Ocean acidification, as a result of increased atmospheric CO2, is predicted to lower the pH of seawater to between pH 7.6 and 7.8 over the next 100 years. The greatest changes are expected in polar waters. Our research aimed to examine how echinoid larvae are affected by lower pH, and if effects are more pronounced in polar species. We examined the effects of lowered pH on larvae from tropical (Tripneustes gratilla), temperate (Pseudechinus huttoni, Evechinus chloroticus), and a polar species (Sterechinus neumayeri) in a series of laboratory experiments. Larvae were reared in a range of lower pH seawater (pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8 and ambient), adjusted by bubbling CO2 gas. The effect of pH on somatic and skeletal growth, calcification index, development and survival were quantified, while SEM examination of the larval skeleton provided information on the effects of seawater pH on the fine-scale skeletal morphology. Lowering pH resulted in a decrease in survival in all species, but only below pH 7.0. The size of larvae were reduced at lowered pH, but the external morphology (shape) was unaffected. Calcification of the larval skeleton was significantly reduced (13.8–36.9% lower) under lowered pH, with the exception of the Antarctic species, which showed no significant difference. SEM examination revealed a degradation of the larval skeletons of Pseudechinus and Evechinus when grown in reduced pH. Sterechinus and Tripneustes showed no apparent difference in the skeletal fine structure under lowered pH. The study confirms the need to look beyond mortality as a single endpoint when considering the effects of ocean acidification that may occur through the 21st century, and instead, look for a suite of more subtle changes, which may indirectly affect the functioning of larval stages.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions between pairs of shrews on a foraging grid were analysed to test for the effects of prior residence, food density and differences in competitive ability between individuals on the outcome.Prior residence was an important factor influencing the outcome of interactions but the degree of resident advantage varied both with food density on the grid and the difference in competitive ability between shrews.Payoff and resource holding power (R.H.P.) asymmetry effects can be implied from the influence of food density and competitive ability differences but prior residence may operate as an uncorrelated asymmetry only under certain conditions determined by combinations of the other two asymmetries.  相似文献   

This work is focused on hemocyanin (Hc) heterogeneity at population level and on the biochemical characterization of the different subunit patterns. Two different approaches have been used: we have characterized Hc subunit composition to describe the subunit polymorphism. Then, we have measured the Hc oxygen-binding affinity to disclose the physiological implications of such heterogeneity. In order to evaluate the intra- and inter-specific variability, different populations of Liocarcinus depurator, Liocarcinus marmoreus, Liocarcinus holsatus, Necora puber (Crustacea: Portunidae), from British Isles and Adriatic Sea, have been sampled. Results indicate that Hc polymorphism normally occurs at both intra- and inter-specific levels and involves the protein subunit type. These evidences extend to the portunid Hc the concept of molecular heterogeneity within species that have been previously reported for other decapod and amphipod crustaceans. Besides, the results support the view that subunit composition of crustacean Hcs is almost species-specific, but also that closely related species share a common pattern. Furthermore, this heterogeneity corresponds to different stability of the native oligomers quaternary structure and different oxygen affinity. The results are discussed in relation with the environmental regimes that characterize the different sampling areas. In addition to Hc, the hemolymph collected in specimens from different sampling areas contained also a non-respiratory pseudo-Hc. This paper reports for the first time the occurrence of pseudo-Hc at the level of population. Declaration: All the experiments comply with the current laws of Italy.  相似文献   

Because of increasing transport and trade there is a growing threat of marine invasive species being introduced into regions where they do not presently occur. So that the impacts of such species can be mitigated, it is important to predict how individuals, particularly passive dispersers are transported and dispersed in the ocean as well as in coastal regions so that new incursions of potential invasive species are rapidly detected and origins identified. Such predictions also support strategic monitoring, containment and/or eradication programs. To determine factors influencing a passive disperser, around coastal New Zealand, data from the genus Physalia (Cnidaria: Siphonophora) were used. Oceanographic data on wave height and wind direction and records of occurrences of Physalia on swimming beaches throughout the summer season were used to create models using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and Na?ve Bayesian Classifier (NBC). First, however, redundant and irrelevant data were removed using feature selection of a subset of variables. Two methods for feature selection were compared, one based on the multilayer perceptron and another based on an evolutionary algorithm. The models indicated that New Zealand appears to have two independent systems driven by currents and oceanographic variables that are responsible for the redistribution of Physalia from north of New Zealand and from the Tasman Sea to their subsequent presence in coastal waters. One system is centred in the east coast of northern New Zealand and the other involves a dynamic system that encompasses four other regions on both coasts of the country. Interestingly, the models confirm, molecular data obtained from Physalia in a previous study that identified a similar distribution of systems around New Zealand coastal waters. Additionally, this study demonstrates that the modelling methods used could generate valid hypotheses from noisy and complicated data in a system about which there is little previous knowledge.  相似文献   

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