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从耕地占有数量及利用效率、土地资源构成、村落农业生产技术以及村落布局4个方面,研究岷江上游4个典型村落农业资源利用变化特点,认为农业资源禀赋条件、科技进步程度、民族文化和历史因素、制度政策、市场因子以及生态环境状况是形成村落资源利用的基本动因。  相似文献   

以云南省师宗县黑尔壮族社区为例,收集整理了66种农业种质资源,分析了该社区农业种质资源多样性的变化及其原因,探讨了民族村落农业种质资源的保护策略。结果表明,1980年以前,黑尔壮族社区农业种质资源较为丰富,但由于现代农业和经济发展等因素的影响,地方品种严重丧失;被保留下来的地方品种大都与当地生产生活,尤其是与民族文化密切相关。以黑尔糯稻为例,分析了黑尔糯稻种质资源得以保留的原因及面临的威胁;同时,提出其他种质资源,如油菜、姜、花生等也是该社区保留下来的具有重要价值的地方种质资源。针对村落农业种质资源丧失的现状,建议通过生态补偿等措施,调动壮族村民的积极性,运用传统知识和传统文化的力量,充分发掘并开发利用村落农业种质资源,实施以社区为基础的农家保护策略,促进民族村落农业种质资源多样性的有效保护。  相似文献   

本文运用调查方法,定量分析不同地貌类型区(山区丘陵、山前平原、低平原和滨海平原)表征村落生态系统结构和功能的几个指标的变化。结果表明:1.平原地带的庭院面积大于丘陵山区,主要是由于地形及土地利用政策的影响;2.庭院经济收入取决于庭院面积与经营程度;3.村落规模、密度的变化与农田生产力变化一致;4.适当增加村落密度,控制村落规模,有利于缩短耕作半径,提高劳动生产率。  相似文献   

运用生态学原理,从结构元、结构链和结构网3个层次对石辛庄村级农业生态经济系统结构进行调控,并从生态效益、资源利用效益、环境效益和经济效益4个方面对该生态经济系统的调控效果作了评价.  相似文献   

运用生态学原理,从结构元、结构链和结构网3个层次对石辛庄村级农业生态经济系统结构进行调控,并从生态效益、资源利用效益、环境效益和经济效益4个方面对该生态经济系统的调控效果作了评价。  相似文献   

小麦垂直农场(vertical wheat farms,VWF)是在传统的二维农业模式基础上,近几十年发展起来的新型三维立体农业种植模式,具有单位土地面积利用效率高、环境友好、绿色无公害、资源利用率高、不受极端气候影响、智能化程度高等优点.本文从小麦垂直农场的发展历史、潜在优势、小麦研究的推动潜力以及发展面临的问题等4...  相似文献   

对我国农业废弃物资源化利用的思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对我国农业废弃物的资源化利用状况进行了综述分析与探讨,指出当前我国在农业废弃物利用方面尚存在诸多问题,包括农业废弃物产生量巨大且总量不清、农业废弃物粗放低效利用且闲置状况严重、农业废弃物利用技术与产业化水平滞后,以及农业废弃物利用相关的政策法规与社会化服务体系不健全等问题,同时,总结指出了我国农业废弃物资源化利用的几个发展方向,即向能源化、肥料化、饲料化、材料化、基质化和生态化发展.在此基础上提出了我国农业废弃物资源化发展的对策措施,包括:(1)建立与健全农业废弃物资源化利用与无害化处理相关的政策法规;(2)结合新农村建设,加大资金扶持力度,加强农业废弃物利用的基础设施建设;(3)加快推动农业废弃物资源化利用的产业化进程,大力发展循环经济;(4)鼓励和推动农业废弃物资源化利用技术的创新研究、示范与推广工作.  相似文献   

农业科技发展态势与面向2020年的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.至2020年农业领域科技发展新趋势新特点。世界农业科技发展新趋势将体现在如下5个方面:(1)植物种质资源与现代育种科技,如大规模植物种质资源发掘,光合作用研究的突破将加快现代育种大变革速度,系统生物学将为大规模基因资源发掘和利用提供系统的理论与技术基础,分子设计育种将产生突破性品种并催生智能品种诞生,第二代生物质原料生产将成为大农业的重要组成部分;(2)动物种质资源与现代育种科技,如大规模动物种质资源发掘,传统育种和基因工程相结合培育新品系是动物遗传育种发展方向,动物克隆技术和转基因动物将进一步取得突破,良种化和健康养殖科技发展迅速;(3)源节约型农业科技,如耕地资源集约利用与耕地质量定向培育科技发展,农田生态系统节水技术体系和建设流域水资源保障体系,高效新肥料研制和集成农田生态系统养分技术,低碳农业技术将成为未来的重要技术;(4)农业生产与食品安全科技,如支撑食品安全的生产技术发展迅速,更加关注营养保健功能食品的科技和食品安全监控技术,危险性快速评估技术体系技术得到广泛应用;(5)农业信息化和精准农业科技,如农业信息服务网络化科技和种养业管理信息化科技将加速发展,精准农业科技进入新的发展阶段,农业装备制造技术向大型和复式作业等方向发展。2.中国农业发展和粮食安全面临的挑战和对科技的重大需求。(1)农业发展面临新的挑战。在生产上,小规模经营与大市场和现代化的矛盾更加突出;耕地刚性下降和水资源短缺对农业形成的威胁越来越严峻;科技体系不能适应市场发展和农民对技术的需求;许多农业资源的利用和管理与农业食物系统的可持续性相悖。在市场上,对食品质量和安全将提出更高要求;整个农产品供应链系统正经历着历史性变化;贸易自由化使农产品进口压力进一步加大。(2)国家粮食安全面临的挑战:我国粮食安全于2008年已经突破了95%自给率目标,2010年更下降到90.6%;我们预测,我国粮食需求在2020年将达到6.7亿t,在现有政策下需求增长将高于生产增长,粮食自给率到2020年将下降到87%左右。(3)农业科技创新是发展农业和保障国家粮食安全的重大需求:面对农业发展和粮食安全的挑战,我国急需在植物种质资源利用与现代育种、动物种质资源利用与现代育种、资源节约型农业、农业生产与食品安全、农业信息化和精准农业等五大科技领域实现突破。为此,国家最近对农业科技发展提出了新的要求,特别是构建"生态高值农业"技术体系。中国科学院的优势在于多学科联合,能够在科技综合研究和集成基础上实现重大突破。如果把以上五大科技领域联合起来,在"生态高值农业"科技发展上将能起到国家科技发展的引领作用。3.面向2020的农业科技战略选择:构建我国生态高值农业产业体系。生态高值农业含义:所谓"生态",就是要体现农业既能为社会提供安全、优质的农产品,又能实现农业资源的永续利用;所谓"高值",就是要体现农业有很高的土地产出率、投入产出率、劳动生产率。因此,"生态高值农业"是集约化经营与生态化生产有机结合的现代农业。它以健康消费需求为导向,以提高农业市场竞争力和可持续发展能力为核心,是转变农业增长方式、提高农业综合生产能力的集中体现。生态高值农业科技的发展目标:到2020年,通过重点农业科技领域的重大创新突破,为不断满足日益增长的农产品总量、质量、安全和多功能的需求以及改善农业生产结构、生态环境和农业资源永续利用等生态高值农业体系提供科技支撑。生态高值农业研发内容:(1)提升"中国至2050年农业科技发展路线图"的理念与五大科技领域的研究水平;(2)建立生态高值农业的综合技术体系;(3)研发六大城市圈(如北京、上海、重庆、武汉、沈阳、南京等)、十大典型区域生态高值农业发展模式及其技术支撑体系(长三角城市群郊区生态高值农业模式,华中种养加一体化农业圈层模式,西南山地立体农业生态高值农业模式,南方亚热带特种农林果综合开发模式,滨海滩涂农业综合开发利用模式,黄土高原水土保持及农林果流域开发模式,黄淮海平原粮养加农业综合模式,东北平原粮食基地综合开发利用模式,西北寒旱区农牧综合开发模式,北部漠境盐湖综合整理开发模式);(4)建设农产品产业化、加工产业化和综合产业化三大体系。最后在上述4个层次研发基础上,全面建立我国生态高值农业产业化网络体系。我国生态高值农业技术体系的构建:根据我国的现状,目前应主要从以下几个方面进行技术创新,(1)无公害农产品种养殖技术;(2)农产品加工技术;(3)我国传统农业精华技术;(4)标准化生产技术;(5)高新农业技术。对中国科学院提出的建议:(1)将"生态高值农业"列为中国科学院"十二五"的重大研发项目;(2)组织"农业领域战略研究组"和中国科学院有关单位提出生态高值农业建设的项目规划,并通过院部将此项目向国家有关部委推荐;(3)组织全院农业科研力量,联合全国的有关力量,首先在城市郊区农业与经济相对发达的地区,建立我国"生态高值农业"模式及其配套技术体系。  相似文献   

东北漫岗区村落的分布特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对黑龙江省绥化市的6个村落、九三垦区鹤山农场的8个村落和嫩江县双山镇的蔡窑村进行实地考察。依据鹤山农场1980-1995年气温、日照时数、风速、降水量和≥5级风日数的气象资料,同时考虑到地形、土壤等因素,分析了东北漫岗区村落分布的特征,即:日照和太阳辐射影响了村落分布的坡向,就不同坡向而言,村落分布数量大小顺序为:东南坡、西南坡、东北坡、西北坡;风影响室温,并可能对房屋造成破坏,故大部分村落分布在坡中部以下;降水量和土壤特性决定了村落的分布下限;地理环境因素和人的选择性、能动性共同决定了东北漫岗区村落呈狭长形沿坡分布。  相似文献   

生物物种资源是国民经济可持续发展的战略性资源,研发生物物种资源信息系统对于合理保护和持续利用我国丰富的生物资源以及提高我国生物物种资源信息化管理水平具有重要意义。针对国家生物物种资源保护和管理工作的需求,利用地理信息系统(GIS)、信息网络和数据库技术,构建了基于县级行政单元的全国物种资源空间分布数据库,设计和开发了基于GIS的国家生物物种资源信息系统。信息系统从整体架构上包括4个子系统,分别是平台管理子系统、数据采集和管理子系统、数据查询和统计分析子系统以及综合分析子系统。利用该系统,用户可以有效地采集、管理和查询全国野生维管植物和脊椎动物数据和信息,利用统计分析和预测模型功能分析全国或区域生物物种资源的大尺度分布格局特征,综合评价全国生物物种资源状况、变化趋势和威胁因素,为国家生物物种资源保护与管理提供预测预警决策信息。在今后的系统升级中,应加强对我国重要生物物种资源野外调查和长期动态监测数据以及海洋生物多样性数据的收集和整理,进一步构建跨部门的生物物种资源信息共享机制,研发和集成物种资源预测预警模型,构建决策支持系统。  相似文献   


Despite the declining volumes of biotic resources flowing from natural ecosystems, no sustainable rural-based programmes have been put in place to stabilize habitats and diversify products to meet the needs and livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence that agricultural expansion and rising demands for forest resources are increasingly depleting the forests. Within these extremes, daily used wild plants that sustain rural communities are under threat of over-exploitation.

This study identified major daily used wild plants in rural environments, examined their use categories, and suggested suitable ways to conserve these plants in order to improve the biodiversity capital and stabilize rural livelihoods. Results of data analysis showed that: (i) about 96 species of wild plants were in daily use for food, energy, medicine, shelter and cultural festivals; (ii) the management and utilization of daily used wild plants were based on traditional knowledge that had become inefficient as a result of resource scarcity and loss of habitats. In these circumstances, resource utilisation is leading to the loss of species; (iii) the resource users were willing to conserve wild plants on private lands to meet their ways of life. The success of wild plant conservation however, hinges on the provision of infrastructures for smallholder farmers who are willing to plant trees on their lands. There is urgent need for those responsible for conserving the forests and the environment (Federal Ministry of Environment) to design and implement suitable programmes that will accommodate the needs of the rural people in conserving wild plants in daily use in the country.  相似文献   

贾树海  邱志伟  潘锦华 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1143-1150
采用GIS技术、地统计学分析和景观生态学方法对辽宁省农用地质量的空间分布规律及其多样性、均匀度、集中度、优势度等进行研究,结果表明:辽宁省农用地质量的区域分异明显,等别表现出由辽西低山丘陵区和辽东山地丘陵区向中部平原区的递增规律。探讨农用地质量空间格局的影响因素,发现农用地自然质量空间分布格局主要受到地带性因素与大尺度的非地带性因素的控制,农用地利用质量和经济质量空间分布格局受到人类活动的影响显著。  相似文献   

This study assesses the role of trees in adaptation strategies of rural households to local environmental change in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Change in tree cover was assessed by producing Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) maps using satellite remote sensing images, and household survey was conducted to generate socioeconomic data. The results show that tree cover has increased over the last 30 years, mostly in the form of eucalyptus woodlots around homesteads. Eucalyptus reportedly helps households pass through livelihood shocks and provide protection against negative effects of climate change and variability. Despite some concerns on the part of local agricultural experts that planting eucalyptus may affect future food production, farmers are converting their croplands into eucalyptus woodlots. We conclude that land use planning and proper allocation of land resource is important to improve local livelihoods while also supporting adaptation of communities to local environmental change in general and climate change in particular.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Suburban, exurban, and rural development in the United States consumes nearly 1 million hectares of land per year and is a leading threat to biodiversity. In response to this threat, conservation development has been advanced as a way to combine land development and land conservation while providing functional protection for natural resources. Yet, although conservation development techniques have been in use for decades, there have been few critical evaluations of their conservation effectiveness. We addressed this deficiency by assessing the conservation outcomes of one type of conservation development project: conservation and limited development projects (CLDPs). Conducted by land trusts, landowners, and developers, CLDPs use revenue from limited development to finance the protection of land and natural resources. We compared a sample of 10 CLDPs from the eastern United States with their respective baseline scenarios (conventional development) and with a sample of conservation subdivisions—a different conservation development technique characterized by higher-density development. To measure conservation success, we created an evaluation method containing eight indicators that quantify project impacts to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems at the site and in the surrounding landscape. The CLDPs protected and managed threatened natural resources including rare species and ecological communities. In terms of conservation benefits, the CLDPs significantly outperformed their respective baseline scenarios and the conservation subdivisions. These results imply that CLDPs can offer a low-impact alternative to conventional development and a low-cost method for protecting land when conventional conservation techniques are too expensive. In addition, our evaluation method demonstrates how planners and developers can incorporate appropriate ecological considerations when designing, reviewing, and evaluating conservation development projects.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes in Ethiopia have undergone unprecedented changes. The direction of change, however, is unsustainable as manifested in land degradation, biodiversity loss, and low agricultural productivity. The objective of this study is to examine the patterns and trends of agricultural landscape development and responses of the local people within the framework of the dynamics of demography, socioeconomic conditions, politics, and natural resources in the Chencha and Arbaminch areas, Southern Ethiopia, during the last century. Information on cultivated and grazing land areas was acquired by satellite image interpretation. Interviews and group discussions provided important information on agricultural land use systems. A review and an analysis of secondary sources and documents of past studies were also used for trend analysis as a baseline and a supplement to oral history. The results show that cultivated land was expanded by 39% from 1973 until 2006, but per capita farming land holdings decreased enormously. In the same period of time, grassland shrank by 69% thus causing a significant decrease in livestock. Cultivated land scarcity can mostly be related to demographic pressure, which was exacerbated by government policy, land tenure, and the nature of subsistence agriculture. The farmers, however, were resourceful and developed skills over millennia to cope with the problems associated with population density and scarce resources. However, these traditional land use activities and land management practices have been deteriorating recently. Land use planners and environmental managers should take local knowledge and innovation into account in order to make sound decisions for the future.  相似文献   

Long-term future development of European agriculture within the global market is highly uncertain, but can potentially have large impacts on the future of agricultural businesses, rural communities and amenities such as traditional landscapes and biodiversity. Despite great uncertainties it is of interest to explore the extent of these potential changes. This paper provides an explorative scenario of the European crop production in a liberalised world without European Union (EU) market interventions. The results do not form a prediction or a business as usual scenario, but rather a plausible and salient thought-experiment of a possible future based on the consistent integration of current conceptual and quantitative models.Future scenarios for climate, demography, technology and global demand for agricultural commodities are used to assess the competitiveness of European agriculture. Regional economic competitiveness is determined by combining indicators for the economic strength of farms in a region and population pressure on agricultural land, and subsequently used to determine where agricultural production is likely to sustain under the market liberalisation scenario. The method is illustrated for the 27 EU member state countries for three commodities: wheat, potato and milk (relying on grass).Results include maps of the dominant wheat, potato and milk producing regions across Europe as projected for 2050. They show that due to increased agricultural productivity, less agricultural land will be needed to supply the European demand for food and feed. In addition, production will concentrate in those regions which have a comparative advantage. This potentially leads to a strong polarisation between north-western Europe and southern Europe, which faces negative impacts of climate change and central and northern Europe where agricultural businesses lag in economic strength and farm size. A contrasting policy intervention scenario illustrates how differences in demand and productivity result in an expansion of the agricultural area, especially for the production of wheat.Although the complete liberalisation scenario may seem unlikely, and the underlying assumptions have great uncertainty, the results help identify and map market pressures on agricultural land use across regions in Europe. As such, it stimulates policy debate on the desired future for the European agricultural sector and the trade-offs between economic competitiveness under global market conditions and policy intervention. In addition, it provides a basis for the planning of alternative economic strategies for agriculturally less competitive regions.  相似文献   

试论我国乡村景观的特点及乡村景观规划的目标和内容   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
乡村景观是指乡村地域范围内不同土地单元镶嵌而成的嵌块体,以农业特征为主,是人类在自然景观的基础上建立起来的自然生态结构与人为特征的综合体。随着城镇化进程的加快,我国乡村景观将面临着前所未有的变化。如何保护乡村景观的特色和完整性,充分挖掘乡村景观的生态和文化旅游价值,使其形成高效、完整并具有传统特色的多功能的乡村地域,是21世纪乡村可持续发展的重要任务之一。文章首先界定了乡村景观的概念和内涵,指出了我国乡村景观的主要特征;然后探讨了乡村景观规划与土地利用之间的关系,认为乡村景观规划是未来我国乡村持续发展的重要手段;最后系统地讨论了我国乡村景观规划的目标和内容。  相似文献   

Exurbia, the rural area beyond the built-up urban and contiguous suburban area, is being developed rapidly with attendant losses in habitat and ecosystem services. This paper analyzes a spatial dynamic model with two production technologies for residential development—municipal sewer service for suburban development and septic systems for exurban development. In outlying agricultural areas, the additional sewer extension costs can significantly reduce the value of agricultural land in suburban use. Exurban development, while at lower density, can occur immediately and requires only the onsite conversion costs of septic systems. Hence, the willingness to pay for exurban use from households with higher preferences for lot size may exceed the agricultural landowner's reservation price on future suburban use for a range of distances from the city boundary. This results in a “feasible zone” for exurban leapfrog development and another fundamental reason for scattered development in the urban–rural fringe.  相似文献   

The most common form of building in coastal peri-urban area, in middle shoreline of Caspian Sea in North of Iran, is gated community with the exclusive ownership and restricted access to the public shoreline. This research aims to clear the main causes, motivations and mechanism of exclusive space production in North of Iran. In contrast to the fact that many studies revealed as gated communities rose from the service-base motivations of the residents such as safety and high quality of the environment, this research shows the market-base motivations for living inside the gates. The factors of maintaining and increasing the property capital and protecting the family prestige are the main motivations for residence in gated communities in North of Iran. Due to the privileged life style and importance of agricultural lands for building gated communities, the main incentive of land owners for selling the agricultural lands is to derive benefit from selling lands and saving financial capital in Banks, instead of agricultural activities. The negligence of regulations in guidance and control of agricultural lands and in the processes of land use changes, causes the effectiveness of informal relations and illegal production of exclusive space in the context of environmental lands.  相似文献   

The North China Plain is one of the most important production areas for wheat and maize in China, and also has the densest agricultural population in China. How to use and develop the limited land resources reasonably, and improve and protect them, have become issues of major concern. This paper is based on sustainability theory, reviewing the fundamental principles of sustainability, and developing an index system with which to evaluate the sustainability status of land use. We also use this method to evaluate the land-use status of the North China Plain and to analyze current factors affecting sustainable land use in this area. In addition, we propose a specific method for evaluating sustainable land use.  相似文献   

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