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Since the early 1970's, remote sensing has been used to study ocean dumping at some of the hearshore ocean dump sites off the coast of the United States, but little remote sensing had been done over the deep water ocean disposal sites. This report summarizes what has been learned from the remote sensing of ocean dumping by the Landsat satellites at Deep Water Dumpsite 106. Of the three major types of waste material discharged at Deep Water Dumpsite 106, only the titanium pigment process acid waste has been sighted. From early in 1977 to May 1979, 11 acid dumps were observed by Landsat. All five of the dumps sighted in 1977 occurred within warm core Gulf Stream eddies and the plumes moved clockwise within the eddies. Four of those dumps were seen to be located northeast of the original dump location while the fifth one was sighted south of the original dump location. The six remaining observed dumps, discharged in the absence of an eddy, were seen to be located generally south of the original dumping locations. The average speed of the dump movement was 0.68 kt with a range from 0.17 to 1.17 kts. Plume dispersion showed a tendency toward greater dispersion as the plume got older with the widest plume cross section measured on the order of 2100 m.  相似文献   

Thane district is one of the most industrialized districts in Maharashtra. The heavy industrialization and the increasing urbanization are responsible for the rapidly increasing stress on the water and soil environment of the area. Therefore, an attempt has been made through comprehensive study on the groundwater contamination and soil contamination due to heavy metals in Thane region of Maharashtra. The area undertaken for the study was Thane and its suburbans Kalwa, Divajunction, Dombivali, Kalyan, and Ulhasnagar. Industrialization and urbanization lead to generation of large volumes of wastewater from domestic, commercial, industrial, and other sources, which discharged in to natural water bodies like river and creek in this region. Groundwater samples and soil samples were collected from residential, commercial, agriculture, and industrial areas. Groundwater samples were analyzed for various water quality parameters. The analytical data shows very high concentration of total dissolved solids, total hardness, total alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand, chloride etc. Groundwater and soil samples were analyzed for ten heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma (ICPE-9000) atomic emission spectroscopy. The analytical data reveal that, very high concentration level of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and nickel throughout the industrial area. The random dumping of hazardous waste in the industrial area could be the main cause of the groundwater and soil contamination spreading by rainwater and wind. In the residential areas the local dumping is expected to be the main source for heavy metals. A comparison of the results of groundwater with WHO guidelines show that most of the groundwater sampling station are heavily contaminated with organic matter and heavy metals. Groundwater samples are heavily contaminated by arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and nickel. Similarly, the results of heavy metals in soil compared with Swedish soil guideline values for polluted soil show that soil samples collected from residential, commercial and industrial areas are heavily contaminated by arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and nickel.  相似文献   

This study presents the salient results of the oceanographic investigations carried out along the west coast of India to locate a dumping site for the dredged material generated from the capital of the proposed development of the all weather port. Based on the results of movement of disposed material obtained from a 2 dimensional coastal circulation model and considering the possibility of having a navigational channel later on in line with the port, a dumping site is recommended at the 15 m water depth contour with coordinates: Latitude 11 degrees 07.00'; Longitude 75 degrees 45.60', where the environmental impacts on the ecosystem due to dumping operations is considered to be minimum.  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating two numerical methods for 3D simulation of marine pollutant dispersion problems: the random walk particle tracking (RWPT) method and an explicit second-order finite difference method (FDM) for assessing produced water discharges from offshore oil platform. Test cases in a steady flow field were used to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of simulating pollutant concentration profiles obtained using both the FDM and RWPT method in comparison with an analytical solution. Additionally, a field study was conducted to simulate the lead concentration distribution of produced water discharged from an oil platform off Canada’s east coast, based on the Princeton Ocean Model modeling the ocean flow in the study area with field verifications. Results indicate that, with proper configuration of grid resolution and particle resolution, both FDM and RWPT method can provide accurate results with reasonable computational costs for complex field cases. Particularly, the satisfactory 3D simulations of marine pollutant dispersion in the far field by both FDM and RWPT numerical methods enable effective assessment and management of offshore waste discharges.  相似文献   

Data referring to an approximately 8-year period (1999–2007) are analyzed in order to estimate the trend of the daily maximum hourly value of ozone concentration at the east coast of central Greece, where the summer background ozone concentration is high. A Kolmogorov–Zurbenko filter is applied to remove the short-term component from the raw time series of ozone and meteorological variables. Regression models are developed in order to produce meteorologically adjusted ozone time series, involving the noise-free temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed as independent variables. The analysis verifies that the meteorological adjustment provides better results on estimating ozone’s trend, which is found to be increasing (α?=?0.001) with an annual rate of 1.34?±?0.07?μg/m3. This trend could mainly be attributed to policy and changes in the emissions of ozone’s precursors. Additionally, the short-term component of ozone concentration is also meteorologically adjusted and its impact on the trend is examined. The analysis shows that its contribution is of minor importance when the ozone trend is adjusted by temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. Moreover, the sea breeze circulation system that is frequently developed in the area influences the short-term and seasonal ozone variation, and therefore, it should be taken into account when producing meteorologically adjusted time series. The study’s conclusions could be exploited by environmental and agricultural authorities in order to develop their long-term strategies towards the air quality management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to design and test a monitoring protocol for marine waterfowl in the central Alaskan Beaufort Sea. The study provides an important case-study of how a long-term monitoring program may be affected by unanticipated human disturbances.Because of its overwhelming and widespread abundance, relatively sedentary behavior, ease in counting, and the extensive historical database, the long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) was selected as the focal species. Two null hypotheses were formulated concerning potential changes in the numbers and distribution of long-tailed ducks in relation to disturbance in an industrial study area, compared to a reference study area located about 50 km to the east.A 9-year historical database (1977–1984, 1989) of long-tailed duck densities and other important data recorded during systematic aerial surveys was analyzed retrospectively using multiple regression techniques. The retrospective analyses determined which of several predictor variables recorded were significantly related to long-tailed duck density. Separate analyses were conducted for two periods: (1) the overall period when long-tailed ducks were present in the lagoon study areas, and (2) the shorter adult male molt period. The results of the two analyses indicated that 57% and 68%, respectively, of the total variation in long-tailed duck density during the two periods could be explained by variables recorded during the surveys. Predictor variables representing habitat, day of the year, time of day, amount of ice, and wave height recorded on-transect during surveys were most closely associated with long-tailed duck density. Measurement error during the surveys, and influences outside the study area such as nesting success in tundra habitats and mortality during migration and in over-wintering areas likely also had strong influences on the results, but these factors were not measurable in our study.Based on results of the retrospective analyses, a long-term monitoring protocol consisting of a program of systematic aerial surveys and an analyses of variance and covariance (ANOVA and ANCOVA) statistical procedure was designed and initially tested in 1990 and 1991. This 2-year testing phase resulted in several revisions to the monitoring protocol. Refinements were made to the original sampling procedures, to the survey schedule, and to the recommended statistical analysis procedures. Results of the ANOVA and ANCOVA indicated that there was no evidence of a change in long-tailed duck densities that could be attributable to disturbance (from any source) in the industrial study area relative to a reference area with no industrial development. Other analyses indicated that the sampling and analysis procedures would be adequate to detect long-term trends in long-tailed duck density and localized disturbance effects, but that the monitoring program should be continued well beyond two years to detect statistically significant changes. As a result, additional aerial surveys of both study areas were conducted again during 1999–2001.Results of the revised ANOVA and ANCOVA of the 1990–1991 and 1999–2001 survey data indicated that the density of long-tailed ducks had significantly declined in coastal lagoons along the central Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast during the study period. In addition, disturbances throughout the barrier island-lagoon systems used by these ducks, including both the industrial and the reference study areas, had significantly increased over the same period. However, because unanticipated disturbances from a variety of anthropogenic sources, and not just industry sources, increased in both study areas, the reference study area was not an effective statistical control. As a result, the decline in long-tailed duck density in both study areas was not attributable to industry-related activities. Although the monitoring protocol described here is an effective method to detect statistically significant changes in long-tailed duck distribution and abundance in the nearshore Alaskan Beaufort Sea, many more years of sampling would be necessary to attribute observed changes to industry-related disturbances.  相似文献   

Studies on quantitative soil contamination due to heavy metals were carried out in Katedan Industrial Development Area (KIDA), south of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India under the Indo-Norwegian Institutional Cooperation Programme. The study area falls under a semi-arid type of climate and consists of granites and pegmatite of igneous origin belonging to the Archaean age. There are about 300 industries dealing with dyeing, edible oil production, battery manufacturing, metal plating, chemicals, etc. Most of the industries discharge their untreated effluents either on open land or into ditches. Solid waste from industries is randomly dumped along roads and open grounds. Soil samples were collected throughout the industrial area and from downstream residential areas and were analysed by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for fourteen trace metals and ten major oxides. The analytical data shows very high concentrations of lead, chromium, nickel, zinc, arsenic and cadmium through out the industrial area. The random dumping of hazardous waste in the industrial area could be the main cause of the soil contamination spreading by rainwater and wind. In the residential areas the local dumping is expected to be the main source as it is difficult to foresee that rain and wind can transport the contaminants from the industrial area. If emission to air by the smokestacks is significant, this may contribute to considerable spreading of contaminants like As, Cd and Pb throughout the area. A comparison of the results with the Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines (SQGL) show that most of the industrial area is heavily contaminated by As, Pb and Zn and local areas by Cr, Cu and Ni. The residential area is also contaminated by As and some small areas by Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. The Cd contamination is detected over large area but it is not exceeding the SQGL value. Natural background values of As and Cr exceed the SQGL values and contribute significantly to the contamination in the residential area. However, the availability is considerably less than anthropogenic contaminants and must therefore be assessed differently. The pre- and post-monsoon sampling over two hydrological cycles in 2002 and 2003 indicate that the As, Cd and Pb contaminants are more mobile and may expect to reach the groundwater. The other contaminants seem to be much more stable. The contamination is especially serious in the industrial area as it is housing a large permanent residing population. The study not only aims at determining the natural background levels of trace elements as a guide for future pollution monitoring but also focuses on the pollution vulnerability of the watershed. A plan of action for remediation is recommended.  相似文献   

烟台西港倾倒区海域浮游生物的群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了倾倒活动结束后烟台西港倾倒区海域浮游生物的群落结构特征。结果表明,浮游植物群落具有硅藻为主、甲藻为次的特征,生态性质以温带近岸性物种为主。倾倒区停用后,硅藻数量大幅增加。桡足类、浮游幼虫及毛颚类的强壮箭虫是浮游动物群落的主要组成。浮游动物丰度、生物量与浮游植物丰度变化趋势大体一致。多样性分析表明,浮游生物群落结构比较稳定,倾倒区海域生态环境质量尚好。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of Bayesian spatial models to develop the concept of a spatial–temporal mask for the purpose of identifying regions in which before and after drilling effects are most clearly defined and from which the consequences of exposure of macrofauna and meiofauna to the release of drilling discharges can be evaluated over time. To determine the effects of drilling fluids and drill-cuttings on the marine benthic community, it is essential to know not only where discharged materials ended up within the possible impact area, but also the chemical concentrations to which biota were exposed during and after drilling. Barium and light hydrocarbons were used as chemical tracers for water-based and non-aqueous-based fluids in a shallow water site in the Campos Basin, off the coast of Brazil. Since the site showed evidence of exposure to waste material from earlier drilling, the analysis needed to take into account the background concentrations of these compounds. Using the Bayesian models, concentrations at unsampled sites were predicted and regions altered and previously contaminated were identified.  相似文献   

Shoreline change analysis of Vedaranyam coast, Tamil Nadu, India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The coastal zone is one of the nation’s greatest environmental and economic assets. The present research aims at studying the shoreline changes along Vedaranyam coast using conventional and modern techniques including field sampling, remote sensing, and geographical information system (GIS). The study area was divided into three zones. Dynamic Land/Sea polygon analysis was performed to obtain the shore line changes at different time periods between 1930 and 2005. From the multidate shoreline maps, the rate of shoreline change was computed using linear regression rate and end point rate. Further, the shoreline was classified into eroding, accreting, and stable regions through GIS analysis. The eroding, accreting, and stable coastal stretch along Vedaranyam is observed as 18 %, 80.5 %, and 1.5 %, respectively. Net shoreline movement is seaward, i.e., the coast is progressive with an average rate of 5 m/year. A maximum shoreline displacement of 1.3 km towards the sea is observed near Point Calimere. During the Asian Tsunami 2004, the eastern part of the study area showed high erosion. Sediment transport paths derived from the grain size analysis of beach sediments collected during different seasons help to identify the major sediment source and sinks. Point Calimere acts as the major sink for sediments whereas Agastiyampalli and Kodiakkarai are found to be the major sources for the sediment supply along the Vedaranyam coast. Shoreline change study from field and satellite data using GIS analysis confirms that Vedaranyam coast is accreting in nature.  相似文献   

As a result of increasing environmental concerns on offshore dumping, dredging spoils arising from reclamation and harbour works will create another problem of disposal. The spoils are usually not suitable for use as landfill materials as they have little bearing capacities. The disposal problem could, however, be reduced if there is an alternative use for it. This paper describes a laboratory study on the use of dredging spoils together with limestone as raw materials for the production of cementitious building materials. Different compositions of the raw materials were ground and incinerated to produce cement. The cementitious material produced after incineration was also mixed with ordinary Portland cement for use as blended cement. The study shows that dredging spoils could be used to produce cement satisfying the strength requirements for masonry cement. When used as blended cement, it can replace up to 30% by weight of ordinary Portland cement without reducing the strength.  相似文献   

A longstanding critique of project-level environmental assessment is that it is weak at addressing cumulative effects, and because of this many argue that cumulative effects are best managed at a regional scale. However, in the absence of regional management it is important that project-level assessment supports cumulative effects management as best as possible. In this paper we present case study socio-economic impact assessments of liquefied natural gas development on Aboriginal groups on Canada's west coast. The case studies use an analytical structure modified from typical Canadian practice including unambiguous and non-arbitrary significance thresholds grounded in stakeholder values to focus baselines, impact assessment, and significance determination on cumulative effects. This approach is found to be more capable of informing decision-makers on cumulative effects as well as more rigorous and transparent than typical assessments. Much of this approach is not conceptually new, but at least in western Canada such an approach is not typically used or meaningfully implemented by practitioners. As such, the case studies serve to illustrate how practice can bolster project-level assessment.  相似文献   

Copper, Zn, and Cd were analyzed in the soft tissues of the edible gastropod Hexaplex trunculus collected from seven localities along the Tunisian coast. The body concentration of these metals was significantly different depending on the gender and site. Copper and Zn varied, respectively, from 47.70 to 343.64 μg/g dry weight (dw) and 149.46 to 530.44 μg/g dw, being higher in males. Cadmium varied from 0.22 to 18.95 μg/g dw and was always higher in females. Overall, the highest concentrations of the three metals were all recorded in Gabès fishing harbor. Comparison of metal concentrations with the European standards compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization showed that values exceeded standards in several localities. Imposex had been previously recorded in H. trunculus along the Tunisian coast; however, it does not seem to be related with Cu, Zn, and Cd pollution because the body concentration of these metals is not correlated with imposex degree. Nevertheless, interactive effects resulting from the combination of different pollutants and other stressors cannot be disregarded.  相似文献   

滇池东南岸农业和富磷区入湖河流地表径流及污染特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用聚类分析与因子分析方法,通过8次常规监测,对滇池东南岸10条以农业面源和受磷矿开采区影响的入湖河流的地表径流及其水质污染特征进行了分析,并探讨了其空间差异性。在南岸选取降雨过程相同的3条河流,开展暴雨径流监测,探讨污染物在降雨过程中的流失特征。结果表明,新宝象河的平均流量为2.6 m3/s,占总入湖流量的26.5%;总氮、总磷、化学需氧量、悬浮物是滇池的主要污染指标,许多河流均已严重超标。河流水质在空间上可分为3类,具有明显的空间差异性。总氮、总磷、溶解磷、硝态氮对水质污染的贡献率达到了53.636%,氮、磷含量是河流水质污染的主要贡献因子。降雨条件下化学需氧量、悬浮物浓度增长迅速,流量、悬浮物与大多数水质指标均有相关性,磷矿开采对河流水质的影响在降雨条件下更加明显,其悬浮物浓度在降雨条件下比只受农业面源影响的河流最高高出1.9倍。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to assess changes in land use/land cover patterns in the coastal town of Silivri, a part of greater Istanbul administratively. In the assessment, remotely sensed data, in the form of satellite images, and geographic information systems were used. Types of land use/land cover were designated as the percentage of the total area studied. Results calculated from the satellite data for land cover classification were compared successfully with the database Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE). This served as a reference to appraise the reliability of the study presented here. The CORINE Program was established by the European Commission to create a harmonized Geographical Information System on the state of the environment in the European Community. Unplanned urbanization is causing land use changes mainly in developing countries such as Turkey. This situation in Turkey is frequently observed in the city of Istanbul. There are only a few studies of land use–land cover changes which provide an integrated assessment of the biophysical and societal causes and consequences of environmental degradation in Istanbul. The research area comprised greater Silivri Town which is situated by the coast of Marmara Sea, and it is located approximately 60 km west of Istanbul. The city of Istanbul is one of the largest metropolises in Europe with ca. 15 million inhabitants. Additionally, greater Silivri is located near the terminal point of the state highway connecting Istanbul with Europe. Measuring of changes occurring in land use would help control future planning of settlements; hence, it is of importance for the Gretaer Silivri and Silivri Town. Following our evaluations, coastal zone of Silivri was classified into the land use groups of artificial surfaces agricultural areas and forests and seminatural areas with 47.1%, 12.66%, and 22.62%, respectively.  相似文献   

On the Kola Peninsula, the mining and concentration industry exerts anthropogenic impact on the environment. Tailing dumps cause airborne pollution through dusting, and waterborne pollution due to direct dumping and accidental releases. The objectives were: (1) to analyse multidate satellite imagesfor 1964–1996 to assess the environmental pollution from themining and concentration activity in the Kola in temporal perspective; (2) to evaluate remote sensing methods for integrated environmental impact assessment. The area of mining and industrial sites steadily expands and amounted to 94 km2 in 1996. The polluted water surface amounted to at least 150 km2 through dumping in 1978 and to 106 km2 in1986 due to dusting. Thus, the impact from the mining and concentration activity should be reconsidered as more significant than it was officially anticipated. In the past the main mechanism of pollution wasdirect dumping into the lakes. Currently and in future, airborne pollution after dusting storms will dominate. The effective recultivation of the tailing dumps will be a long-term process. For effective assessment of impacts from the mining and concentration industry, remote sensing methods should be complemented by in-situ measurements, fieldwork, and mathematical modelling.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in inter-tidal sediments of the Kenting coast, Taiwan, to assess the levels and origin of PAHs, and to provide useful information on the potential ecological risk of PAHs to benthic organisms. The total concentrations of 38 PAHs ranged from 0.2 to 493 ng/g dry weight. The high variation in total PAH concentrations was caused by the sand content of the sediment in the area. Compared with other coasts and bays in the world, the concentrations of PAHs in the inter-tidal surface sediment of the Kenting coast is low to moderate. Based on the sediment quality guidelines, the total PAH concentrations were below the effects range low value, indicating that the PAH levels in the Kenting area were within minimal effects ranges for benthic organisms. Principal component analysis and isomer ratios were analyzed to identify the contamination source in the inter-tidal surface sediment of the Kenting coast. The results of compounds’ pattern and origin analysis suggest that the source of PAHs in the inter-tidal surface sediment of the Kenting coast is the combustion of petroleum and biomass.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the first critical examination of time series of riverine nutrient-load data for the entire Baltic Sea drainage area. Water quality data collected by or for the different national environmental agencies were compiled and analysed statistically to identify and remove inconsistent or obviously incorrect observations. Moreover, sampling tours were undertaken to acquire additional information about the present nutrient concentrations in the largest rivers in the study area. Gaps in the time series of approved data were then filled in by employing statistical interpolation and extrapolation methods. Thereafter, the concentration and runoff data were combined to obtain estimates of monthly nutrient loads for the time period 1970–93. The results of the calculations showed that although there had been substantial changes in land use, atmospheric deposition and wastewater treatment in many parts of the study area, the total riverine loads of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to the Baltic Sea have been fairly constant since 1980, and most likely also since 1970. Moreover, the interannual variation was clearly correlated to the runoff. The mean annual loads for the time period 1980–93 were found to be about 825 000 tonnes N and 41 000 tonnes P, respectively. This implies that (i) several other investigators have strongly underestimated the riverine loads of nutrients, especially the nitrogen, and that (ii) the riverine loads by far exceed the input to the Baltic Sea from other sources, {i.e.} atmospheric deposition, direct emissions from cities and industries along the Baltic Sea coast and nitrogen fixation by marine algae.  相似文献   

In order to monitor changes in the concentrations of metals in the soil, different microbial indices such as BIOLOG®, microbial carbon (Cmic), basal respiration, and culturable microbe’s most probable number were used. We compared these methods and wanted to discover which method was the best at measuring slight changes in the amounts of heavy metals. Factor analyses were applied to the BIOLOG® data and metal concentrations so the combined effects of heavy metals on microbes could be analyzed via statistical data reduction and the distribution patterns of metal concentration could also be revealed. The results showed that the BIOLOG® method could barely detect subtle characteristic changes in the soil samples, while the Cmic method was more sensitive. Furthermore, different heavy metals did not have the same origin/source, and their effects on microbial indices should be analyzed separately. Significant positive correlations between Cmic and metals were observed and suggested the limitation of using traditional microbial parameters as metal pollution indicators. Among all the soil characteristics in our study, pH seemed to be the most active abiotic factor that affected microorganisms.  相似文献   

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