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垃圾焚烧烟气净化处理技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张记市  谢刚  王华 《环境技术》2002,20(6):26-30
为了避免城市生活垃圾焚烧对环境产生二次污染,必须对垃圾焚烧烟气进行净化处理才能排放。而二恶英的存在又对烟气净化技术提出更高的要求。因此采用先进的烟气净化处理技术和和高效的运行管理方式是防止二次污染的关键。  相似文献   

刘光秀 《四川环境》2001,20(4):40-42,46
本文通过对城市生活垃圾的产生、处理现状的分析,看到垃圾处理的严峻性和刻不容缓的态势,提出我国城市垃圾处理必须走市场化道路的对策。领先全民参与、人人动手解决垃圾污染问题,促进城市垃圾蛄量化、无害化、资源化进程。尽快稳步提高我国城市垃圾处理水平,实现我国城市处理的市场化、产业化。  相似文献   

浅论城市生活垃圾的资源化系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨庆龙 《四川环境》2001,20(1):43-45
现在社会产生越来越多,组份越来越复杂的生活垃圾,已成为严重的环境和社会问题。本文通过对垃圾成份和数量的分析,结果国内外垃圾处理的发展现状,针对四川省省情,提出了加强垃圾分类收集、分选回收,以堆肥、焚烧、再生等手段实现垃圾的资源化系统。并且,对目前的垃圾处理所涉及到的政府职能和社会意识等软环境作了简单描述。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的改善,产品的更新换代速度也加快了,从而导致我国大件废物的产量逐年上升。本文简要概述了国内外大件废物管理的现状,通过比较发现我国大件废物管理方面存在的问题,并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Due to the lack of appropriate policies in the last decades, 60% of Brazilian cities still dump their waste in non-regulated landfills (the remaining ones dump their trash in regulated landfills), which represent a serious environmental and social problem. The key objective of this study is to compare, from a techno-economic and environmental point of view, different alternatives to the energy recovery from the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in Brazilian cities. The environmental analysis was carried out using current data collected in Betim, a 450,000 inhabitants city that currently produces 200 tonnes of MSW/day. Four scenarios were designed, whose environmental behaviour were studied applying the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, in accordance with the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards. The results show the landfill systems as the worst waste management option and that a significant environmental savings is achieved when a wasted energy recovery is done. The best option, which presented the best performance based on considered indicators, is the direct combustion of waste as fuel for electricity generation. The study also includes a techno-economical evaluation of the options, using a developed computer simulation tool. The economic indicators of an MSW energy recovery project were calculated. The selected methodology allows to calculate the energy content of the MSW and the CH4 generated by the landfill, the costs and incomes associated with the energy recovery, the sales of electricity and carbon credits from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The studies were based on urban centres of 100,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants, using the MSW characteristics of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. Two alternatives to recovering waste energy were analyzed: a landfill that used landfill biogas to generate electricity through generator modules and a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) facility also with electricity generation. The results show that power generation projects using landfill biogas in Brazil strongly depend on the existence of a market for emissions reduction credits. The WtE plant projects, due to its high installation, Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs, are highly dependent on MSW treatment fees. And they still rely on an increase of three times the city taxes to become attractive.  相似文献   

泸州市城市生活垃圾现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李尚科 《四川环境》2003,22(1):40-43
本文简要介绍了泸州市城市生活垃圾现状,对生活垃圾排放规律和特征作了扼要的分析,提出了适合市情的措施与对策。  相似文献   

一种城市生活垃圾产量预测的改进方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王文梅  刘丹 《四川环境》2005,24(1):106-108,114
将灰色系统理论与多元线性回归分析方法相结合,是研究城市生活垃圾产量预测的一种改进方法。以成都市为例。运用灰色关联度分析确定影响城市生活垃圾产量的4个主要因子:城市非农业人口、气化率、城市人均消费性支出、清扫面积。利用GM(1,1)模型预测上述4个因子的变化情况。建立一个包含这些因子的垃圾产量的多元线性回归分析预测模型,并对2004~2010年的垃圾产量进行预测。该模型预测精度高,实用性强,可为垃圾产量预测提供一种可靠的方法。  相似文献   

Solid Waste Management in Nigeria: Problems and Issues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
/ This paper is a presentation of the problems of solid waste management in Nigeria and certain important issues that must be addressed in order to achieve success. At the core of the problems of solid waste management are the absence of adequate policies, enabling legislation, and an environmentally stimulated and enlightened public. Government policies on the environment are piecemeal where they exist and are poorly implemented. Public enlightenment programs lacked the needed coverage, intensity, and continuity to correct the apathetic public attitude towards the environment. Up to now the activities of the state environmental agencies have been hampered by poor funding, inadequate facilities and human resources, inappropriate technology, and an inequitable taxation system. Successful solid waste management in Nigeria will require a holistic program that will integrate all the technical, economic, social, cultural, and psychological factors that are often ignored in solid waste programs.KEY WORDS: Solid waste; Management; Problems; Solutions; Nigeria  相似文献   

Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Municipal solid waste management in Accra, Ghana, is at present delivered in an unsustainable manner. Due to uncontrolled urbanisation, large quantities of waste are generated daily in Accra, and this exerts much pressure on an over strained solid waste management system. Coupled with weak institutional capacity, and lack of resources, both human and capital, the city authorities face difficulties in ensuring that all the waste generated in the city is collected for disposal. Home collection of waste is limited to high and, some middle income areas while the poor are left to contend with the problem on their own. This leads to indiscriminate disposal of waste in surface drains, canals and streams, creating unsanitary, and unsightly environments in many parts of the city.  相似文献   

Solid waste management practices in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia are reviewed. The officials of various municipalities and agencies responsible for collecting and disposing of municipal waste were interviewed. The refuse generation rate found is in the range of 1.61–2.72 kg per capita per day. The refuse composition data indicate a high percentage of glass, metals, and wood. For storage purposes, 0.2-m3 barrels are used in residential areas and 0.75 to 1.50 m3-capacity containers are used in commerical areas. The present solid-waste collection system is labor-intensive, and a significant part of the budget is spent on collection and haul operations. The unit collection and haul cost is much higher than the unit disposal cost of refuse. The direct haul of refuse is the common practice, and the use of transfer stations has not yet been considered. It is also observed that the disposal methods used at these sites are not in line with modern techniques for refuse disposal. Landfilling and combined burning and landfilling are the common disposal methods at all the sites.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey was conducted in 2002 on 1365 households in two prefectural-level cities in the Pearl River Delta, Jiangmen and Zhongshan. Three groups of issues are covered in this paper: 1) waste management literacy, concerns, and public participation; 2) waste recycling practices and the potential for waste avoidance; and 3) public environmental literacy. This study confirms findings from previous surveys and provides new information on important issues such as imposing monetary charges on waste and environmental activities, littering, source separation programs (SSPs), and public participation and expectations in local waste management. Saving up recyclable materials for redemption in waste depots is commonly practiced in mainland China regardless of the level of development of a city, although at the household level, high-income families tend to place less value on the revenues to be gained from redemption than lower income groups do. Data from the previous and the present studies indicate that such voluntary but largely economically driven waste recovery behavior diverts at least 10% of the household waste from the waste stream. Although uncompensated SSP is less appealing in the two cities than compensated SSP, it was found that when the median per capita income of a city reaches RMB2000 per month, a high participation rate for uncompensated waste recovery is more likely to occur. Education and income levels are the chief factors affecting littering behavior and the potential for waste avoidance. Contrary to general belief, the local Chinese community is active in microwaste management. The concern, however, is over the inability of the grassroots bureaucracy to deal with rising expectations for waste collection services and neighborhood cleanliness.  相似文献   

固体废物全过程管理中固体废物鉴别研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对固体废物应进行全过程管理,固体废物鉴别是固体废物全过程管理的基础和关键,包括依据产生来源鉴别和过程鉴别两种方法,依据产生来源鉴别包括丧失原有利用价值的物质、在生产过程中产生的副产物、环境治理和污染控制过程中产生的物质、其他物质四类,在每一类中详细地列举了属于该产生来源的具体固体废物种类名称,便于理解和增强可操作性。过程鉴别包括在固体废物再生利用过程和处置过程中的固体废物鉴别两类,其中在再生利用过程的固体废物鉴别中明确指出了固体废物再生利用产物只有同时满足产品质量标准要求、国家污染控制标准要求以及有实际市场需求、固定用户等条件时,才不作为固体废物管理,在处置过程的固体废物鉴别中具体地列出了处置固体废物全过程中仍然作为固体废物管理的国际惯用处置方式。同时,给出了清晰的"原料—产品—固体废物—处置或产品"全过程中固体废物的产生节点和相应的固体废物类别图,为固体废物鉴别工作提供参考,使固体废物全过程管理有的放矢,有效防止固体废物对环境和人体健康造成的危害。  相似文献   

以1979—2020年我国中央政府颁发的411份城市生活垃圾治理政策文本作为研究对象,运用共词与聚类分析方法研究了我国不同时期城市生活垃圾治理公共政策焦点的演变规律。结果发现:纵观我国城市生活垃圾治理公共政策焦点的演变轨迹,在"技术路线"、"垃圾属性"、"管理手段"、"治理结构"和"保障机制"方面发生了显著的政策主题变迁,呈现出垃圾治理朝更加绿色、更加经济方向发展的趋势。未来,应从监管体系、资源评估、财政补贴、空间布局4个方面保障生活垃圾零污染、高价值资源化治理。  相似文献   

罗欢  李鸿江  温致平  王石 《四川环境》2010,29(4):19-23,28
我国南方某城市主要采用焚烧法处理生活垃圾,已建7个焚烧厂日产生飞灰量为101.62 t/d。文章分析了各个垃圾焚烧厂飞灰的化学组成和重金属浸出毒性,其主要成分为CaO、SiO2、MgO、Al2O3、Fe2O3、Na2O、SO3和Cl,所有焚烧飞灰都有至少一种重金属浸出浓度超标,属于危险废物。在飞灰处置出路亟待解决的背景下,实验探讨了飞灰稳定化工艺,结果表明10%的水泥添加量可以使飞灰中超标重金属(Cd、Pb和Zn)的浸出浓度满足危险废物鉴别浓度限值和安全填埋场入场浓度限值。同时,通过人体健康风险评价分析了飞灰豁免管理的可行性,并对近期和远期该城市焚烧厂飞灰的处理处置及管理提出建议。  相似文献   

通过循环利用,减少吸收性卫生用品产量和废弃量的陡增所带来的碳排放量,将加速碳中和进程。日本提供了吸收性卫生用品回收体系构建的先行经验,即以“政府引导—企业运作—社会团体协作”为顶层架构,明确制度、完备设施、完善渠道、宣传到户等。建议我国取长补短,在夯实法律法规和优化主体协同机制的基础上,重点着眼于突破技术壁垒、推动智慧化监管、深化绿色理念,以点带面推进吸收性卫生用品的回收循环试点,进一步推动垃圾分类精细化治理的进程。  相似文献   

广州市生活垃圾的综合处理与利用探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了广州市现行垃圾处理方式存在的主要问题,并结合广州市垃圾的产出特点,就如何实现该市生活垃圾的综合处理,尤其是资源化利用作了探讨。  相似文献   

2019年6月,《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法(修订草案)》(以下简称草案)经国务院审议通过,并初次提请全国人大常委会审议。草案修订力度之大,值得充分肯定。同时,草案还存在不少提升空间,需要进一步深入研究。本文以习近平生态文明思想为引领,按照中央全面依法治国委员会第二次会议提出的加强立法统筹、立改废释并举要求,剖析了当前我国固体废物环境管理及其立法修法中面临的挑战,以及存在的突出问题;并从明确固废污染防治立法原则、强化政府统筹管理、明确各部门职责、强化区域统筹、完善跨区域转移监管机制、统筹国内外相关法律法规及政策文件等方面提出了完善草案的建议,以期为我国固废管理决策和草案修改提供参考。  相似文献   

王巡华 《四川环境》2021,40(1):249-253
以成都市生活垃圾分类治理政策为研究对象,以史密斯的政策执行过程模型为理论基础,从政策制定、执行机构、目标群体和政策环境四大要素出发,对成都市相关政策执行情况进行逐一分析.并结合成都市实际情况,从完善政策内容,增强政策执行机构的执行力,调动目标群体积极性和优化政策执行环境4个方面提出相应的意见和建议,以期为推动成都市生活...  相似文献   

Japan’s national park system constitutes a potentially viable mechanism for securing local community participation and building stakeholder consensus for sustainable park management, although the potential of this system is yet to be fully maximized. This article gives an overview of the system of protecting natural resources in Japan, focusing on the national park system. Parks are managed by zoning and regulation, which is unique in that land is not “set aside” for nature conservation, but designated as national park wherever the need to preserve “scenic beauty” has been recognized, regardless of land ownership or land use. Although resource conservation under this system has been problematic, it has advantages, especially in terms of community participation. This article demonstrates that in order to reach the system’s potential, the park authority must act as coordinator of stakeholders and facilitator of bottom-up approaches to decision-making. In order to do this, steps that must be taken include the following: identifying the various stakeholders in park management and defining the “local community”; clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder; and supporting consensus-building among stakeholders regarding the objectives and long-term vision of each park. By taking these steps, it would be possible to build a park management system that overrides government boundaries and involves local communities. This will enable the park authority to address the challenges facing Japan’s complex system of conserving natural resources, and move towards sustainable management of natural resources in Japan.  相似文献   

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