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Considerable doubt surrounds the nature of processes by which 137Cs is deposited in marine sediments, leading to a situation where 137Cs geochronology cannot be always applied suitably. Based on extrapolation with Weibull distribution, the maximum concentration of 137Cs derived from asymptotic values for cumulative specific inventory was used to re-establish 137Cs geochronology, instead of original 137Cs profiles. Corresponding dating results for cores in Tokyo Bay and Ise Bay, Japan, by means of this new method, are in much closer agreement with those calculated from 210Pb method than the previous method.  相似文献   

To study the role of zooplankton in the transport of (137)Cs in the ocean, zooplankton samples were collected in October 2005 and June 2006 in the western North Pacific Ocean. The peak zooplankton biomass was observed in the surface layer, and gelatinous plankton was more abundant in October 2005 than in June 2006 reflecting exchange of water masses. The concentrations of (137)Cs in zooplankton varied from 11 to 24 mBq kg wet(-1) and were higher in October 2005 than in June 2006. The elevated abundance of gelatinous zooplankton probably led to higher concentration of (137)Cs in zooplankton in October 2005. Annual export fluxes of (137)Cs by ontogenetic vertical migrant copepods were estimated to be 0.8 and 0.6 mBq m(-2) year(-1) at 200 and 1000 m depths, respectively; this suggested that transport of (137)Cs by zooplankton may be no trivial pathway.  相似文献   

This study focuses on radiocesium storage in soil microbial biomass of undisturbed alpine meadow sites and its relation to the soil-to-plant transfer. Soil and plant samples were taken in August 1999 from an altitude transect (800-1600m.a.s.l.) at Gastein valley, Austria. Soil samples were subdivided into 3-cm layers for analyses of total, K(2)SO(4)-extractable and microbially stored (137)Cs. Microbial biomass was measured by the fumigation extraction method, and fungal biomass was quantified using ergosterol as biomarker molecule. In general, the quantity of (137)Cs stored in the living soil microbial biomass was relatively small. At the high-altitude meadows, showing high amounts of fungal biomass, microbially stored (137)Cs amounted to 0.64+/-0.14kBqm(-2) which corresponds to about 1.2-2.7% of the total (137)Cs soil inventory. At lower altitudes, microbial (137)Cs content was distinctly smaller and in most cases not measurable at all using the fumigation extraction method. However, a positive correlation between the observed soil-to-plant aggregated transfer factor, microbially stored (137)Cs and fungal biomass was found, which indicates a possible role of fungal biomass in the storage and turnover of (137)Cs in soils and in the (137)Cs uptake by plants.  相似文献   

Concentrations of (137)Cs were determined in 747 lynxes killed in Norway during the period 1986-2001. Highly variable (137)Cs concentrations and aggregated transfer coefficient values were observed, probably caused by variable (137)Cs concentrations in prey and the lynx's extensive home ranges and roaming distances. Adult lynxes had higher (137)Cs concentrations than sub-adults, and lynxes killed in regions with extensive reindeer grazing areas were more contaminated than others. A model with (137)Cs deposition density, the year lynxes were killed, age, and extent of reindeer grazing area accounted for 50% of the variability in observed (137)Cs concentrations. The analyses were equivocal regarding the influence of stomach content on (137)Cs concentrations in lynx muscle, i.e., on the lynx's specialization in prey species. Gender was not significant. Information on caesium retention in lynx and better estimates of deposition densities in lynxes' home ranges are important for further elucidation of factors influencing (137)Cs contamination in lynxes.  相似文献   

We investigated the vertical profiles of 239+240Pu, 137Cs, and excess 210Pb (210Pbex) in sediment core samples obtained from two freshwater lakes and two brackish lakes situated near the first commercial spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho, Japan, before the final test of the plant using actual spent nuclear fuel. The inventory of 239+240Pu in those lakes was larger than that in soil in Rokkasho, which indicated the inflow of 239+240Pu from the catchment area in addition to direct deposition on the lake surfaces. The 137Cs inventory in sediments of the brackish lakes was lower than that in the soil, which showed that part of the 137Cs was removed from the sediments by the brackish water or that it was not deposited into the sediments, because of the high solubility of Cs in brackish water. The 137Cs inventory in sediments of the freshwater lakes was higher than that of the brackish lakes, and comparable with that in soil except for one core sample out of four. The 239+240Pu/137Cs ratio in freshwater lake sediments was higher than that in soil, and that indicated that part of the 137Cs was lost from the sediments. The low inventory of 137Cs may be attributable to competition for absorption sites in sediments with ammonium ions formed in the reducing environment which occurs from summer to fall in the sediments. Those data will be used as background data on the artificial radionuclides in the lakes to assess the effect of released radionuclides on their concentrations.  相似文献   

The 137Cs inventories in undisturbed soils were measured for 292 locations across the territory of Vietnam. The logarithmic inventory values were regressed against characteristics of sampling sites, such as geographical coordinates, annual rainfall and physico-chemical parameters of soil. The regression model containing latitude and annual rainfall as determinants could explain 76% of the variations in logarithmic inventory values across the territory. The model part was interpreted as the logarithmic 137Cs deposition density. At the 95% confidence level, 137Cs deposition density could be predicted by the model within +/- 7% relative uncertainty. The latitude mean 137Cs deposition density increases northward from 237 Bq m(-2) to 1097 Bq m(-2), while the corresponding values derived from the UNSCEAR (1969) global pattern are 300 Bq m(-2) and 600 Bq m(-2). High 137Cs inputs were found in high-rainfall areas in northern and central parts of the territory.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of 137Cs, 134Cs, 131I and 103Ru were determined separately in honey and pollen samples collected from a single bee colony during several months after the deposition of Chernobyl fallout. The source of each honey and pollen sample was determined by pollen analysis. Although the activity concentrations in honey and pollen varied with time, the concentrations of 137Cs and 134Cs were, in general, higher in pollen than in honey. For 103Ru and 131I, these differences were comparatively small. The mean 131 I/137Cs and 103Ru/137Cs ratios were about one order of magnitude higher in honey than in pollen. The mean 131I/103Ru ratio was about the same for honey and pollen. This observation, in the light of the corresponding nuclide ratios found in the deposition, suggests that 137Cs, 134Cs, 131I and 103Ru were taken up by the plant leaves and transported to nectar and pollen. The higher activity concentrations of 137Cs and 134Cs in pollen, relative to honey, indicate that these radionuclides behave analogously to potassium, which is also found in higher quantities in pollen.  相似文献   

In this study, soil to plant transfer factor values were determined for 137Cs and 60Co in radish (Raphanus sativus), maize (Zea mays L.) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) growing in gibbsite-, kaolinite- and iron-oxide-rich soils. After 3 years of experiment in lysimeters it was possible to identify the main soil properties able to modify the soil to plant transfer processes, e.g. exchangeable K and pH, for 137Cs, and organic matter for 60Co. Results of sequential chemical extraction were coherent with root uptake and allowed the recognition of the role of iron oxides on 137Cs behaviour and of Mn oxides on 60Co behaviour. This information should provide support for adequate choices of countermeasures to be applied on tropical soils in case of accident or for remediation purposes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and behaviour of the global fallout (137)Cs in the tropical, subtropical and equatorial soil-plant systems were investigated at several upland sites in Brazil selected according to their climate characteristics, and to the agricultural importance. To determine the (137)Cs deposition density, undisturbed soil profiles were taken from 23 environments situated between the latitudes of 02 degrees N and 30 degrees S. Sampling sites located along to the equator exhibited (137)Cs deposition densities with an average value of 219Bqm(-2). Extremely low deposition densities of 1.3Bqm(-2) were found in the Amazon region. In contrast, the southern part of Brazil, located between latitudes of 20 degrees S and 34 degrees S, exhibited considerably higher deposition densities ranging from 140Bqm(-2) to 1620Bqm(-2). To examine the (137)Cs soil-to-plant transfer in the Brazilian agricultural products, 29 mainly tropical plant species, and corresponding soil samples were collected at 43 sampling locations in nine federal states of Brazil. Values of the (137)Cs concentration factor plant/soil exhibited a large range from 0.020 (beans) to 6.2 (cassava). Samples of some plant species originated from different collecting areas showed different concentration factors. The (137)Cs content of some plants collected was not measurable due to a very low (137)Cs concentration level found in the upper layers of the incremental soils. Globally, the soil-to-plant transfer of (137)Cs can be described by a logarithmic normal distribution with a geometric mean of 0.3 and a geometric standard deviation of 3.9.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of 137Cs have been determined in vegetation-soil cores obtained from 30 different locations around two underground nuclear explosion sites--"Crystal" (event year - 1974) and "Kraton-3" (event year - 1978) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia. In 2001-2002, background levels of 137Cs surface contamination densities on control forest plots varied from 0.73 to 0.97 kBq m(-2) with an average of 0.84+/-0.10 kBq m(-2) and a median of 0.82 kBq m(-2). 137Cs ground contamination densities at the "Crystal" site ranged from 1.3 to 64 kBq m(-2); the activity gradually decreased with distance from the borehole. For "Kraton-3", residual surface contamination density of radiocaesium varied drastically from 1.7 to 6900 kBq m(-2); maximal 137Cs depositions were found at a "decontaminated" plot. At all forest plots, radiocaesium activity decreased throughout the whole vertical soil profile. Vertical distributions of 137Cs in soil for the majority of the plots sampled (n=18) can be described using a simple exponential function. Despite the fact that more than 20 years have passed since the main fallout events, more than 80% of the total deposited activity was found in the first 5 cm of the vegetation-soil cores from most of the forested landscapes. The low annual temperatures, clay-rich soil type with neutral pH, and presence of thick lichen-moss carpet are the factors which may hinder 137Cs transport down the soil profile.  相似文献   

The alpine regions of Austria were among the most contaminated territories outside of the former USSR after the Chernobyl accident. In the investigated province of Salzburg the median (137)Cs surface deposition was 31.4 kBq m(-2) with maximum values exceeding 90 kBq m(-2) (May 1986). To quantify the transfer of (137)Cs and (90)Sr from vegetation to milk in these seminatural conditions nine seasonally grazed alps were identified and vegetation and milk sampled during summer 2002 and summer 2003. Mean+/-SD milk transfer coefficients (fm) for (137)Cs and (90)Sr were 0.0071+/-0.0009 d l(-1), and 0.0011+/-0.0004 d l(-1), respectively; which for (137)Cs is markedly higher than those fm values found in intensive agricultural systems. Transfer kinetics for (137)Cs into cow milk were approximated using a 2-compartment model with a short and a long-term component. Fitting the model to empirical data results in reliable estimates of the time constant of the short-term component, biological half-life 1.06+/-0.28 d, whereas the estimates of the long-term component are subject to high uncertainties.  相似文献   

Analyses of Umbilicaria species collected from southwest Poland in August 1986 have shown there to be significant increases in levels of various radionuclides since previous analyses based on fieldwork in 1978–1979. The composition and ratio of the various radionuclides, particularly in respect of 134Cs and 137Cs, exhibit a characteristics signature consistent with contamination derived from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in April 1986. Intraspecific variation in levels of 137Cs in Umbilicaria is related to such factors as location, altitude and, to a lesser degree, aspect; interspecific variation in levels is related to ecological requirements and geographical pattern, and hence the same factors, although morphological differences in thalli may be implicated.  相似文献   

Radiological assessment of the impact of nuclear weapons testing on the local population in the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) requires comprehensive site-specific information on radionuclide behaviour in the environment. However, information on radionuclide behaviour in the conditions of the STS is rather sparse and, in particular, there are no data in the literature on parameters of radionuclide transfer from feed to rabbit products which have been identified as contributors to internal dose to the inhabitants. The transfer of (137)Cs and (90)Sr to rabbit meat was studied under laboratory conditions in a controlled experiment with 32 locally bred rabbits maintained in the Kazakh Agricultural Research Institute. The equilibrium transfer coefficients for (137)Cs and (90)Sr from feed to rabbit meat were estimated to be 0.4 d kg(-1) and 0.15 d kg(-1), respectively. The biological half-lives were estimated to be 0.1 d for (137)Cs and 0.14 d for (90)Sr. Whereas for (137)Cs the distribution in the body is relatively homogeneous, there are large differences between the organs and tissues for (90)Sr for which, as expected, the highest concentrations were found in bone.  相似文献   

The transfer of 137Cs and 60Co from fodder to meat and other organs was studied in growing pigs. The influence of two different feeding methods (potato and grain) commonly used in Germany was investigated. The radionuclides were transferred into plants by root uptake and these were fed once a day, all at once, to young pigs until they reached maturity. In this manner, the radioactivity was administered to the pigs in a similar chemical form as would occur after radioactive contamination of soil. It is demonstrated that the two feeding practices have only a minor influence on transfer coefficients, which were determined to be ≤0·002 days/kg for 60Co in meat and in the ranges 0·18–0·26 (potato-feeding) and 0·17–0·33 days/kg (grain-feeding), respectively, for 137Cs in different components of the meat: the transfer coefficients for 137Cs into different organs range from 0·06 to 0·24 days/kg after potato-feeding and from 0·12 to 0·29 after grain-feeding.  相似文献   

We collected fish and mammals in several radioactively contaminated locations in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and analyzed them for 137Cs content. Frequency distributions were built for populations of channel catfish, yellow-necked mice and bank voles. We combined our data with similar data from several other studies to demonstrate the relationship between the standard deviations and means of 137Cs of fish and mammal populations. The frequency distributions of 137Cs in populations of fish and mammals are not normal, as indicated by the strong relationship between standard deviation and mean. Distributions for mammals are more skewed than those for fish. Fish and mammals probably use their environments in fundamentally different ways. The highest concentrations and thus greatest risks are therefore confined to relatively few individuals in each population.  相似文献   

Specific features of 137Cs accumulation, transformation, and migration in humus-peaty and peaty-gley soils of transitional bogs are discussed with reference to the southwestern part of the Russian Federation, which was most heavily contaminated after the Chernobyl accident. The influence of physicochemical soil properties and concentrations of typomorphic elements on these processes is characterized. It is concluded that bog soils accumulate 137Cs in the form of hardly movable compounds and, as a consequence, transitional bogs are transformed into critical ecosystems.  相似文献   

The contamination and depth distribution of 137Cs in soil due to the fallout from atmospheric weapons' tests were measured at 29 sites in the 9th and 10th administrative regions in Chile located in the 40 degrees latitude in the southern hemisphere. The depth distribution in most of the sites follows no systematic pattern in the upper few centimetres, but below this depth an exponential decline could be deduced. The calculated relaxation depth appears to be a good indicator for estimating the long-term 137Cs distribution in these soil profiles. It ranges from 4.4 +/- 1.9 cm in Palehumults to 8.4 +/- 4.4 and 9.7 +/- 5.1 cm in Hapludands and Psamments, respectively. For these soil types the value for the relaxation depth tends to increase with decreasing clay content and increasing volume of coarse pores. 137Cs activity densities at the selected sites ranged from 450 to 5410 Bq m(-2) and correlate significantly (r = 0.791) with the mean annual rainfall rate of the sampling sites. 137Cs concentration ratios of prairie plants/soil were found to be in the range 0.008-2.3 and could be related to relaxation depths in undisturbed soils.  相似文献   

Levels of 137Cs in total atmospheric deposition have been measured in the Cienfuegos region (Cuba) between 1994 and 2002. Samples were collected every three months, evaporated to dryness to obtain residual samples, and measured by gamma spectrometry. The 137Cs mean concentration in total deposition was 0.24 Bq m(-2) and data ranged between < 0.05 and 0.62 Bq m(-2). Precipitation rates and raintime have proved to be the most important factors controlling the concentration and depositional flux of 137Cs in the atmosphere over Cienfuegos, showing a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.93).  相似文献   

Atmospheric depositional fluxes of the naturally occurring 7Be of cosmogenic origin and 137Cs from fallout of the Chernobyl accident were measured over a 6-year period (January 1987-December 1992) at Thessaloniki, Greece (40 degrees 38'N, 22 degrees 58'E). Total precipitation accumulation during 1987-1992 varied between 33.7 cm and 65.2 cm, reflecting a relatively dry (precipitation-free) climate. The activity concentrations of 7Be and 137Cs in rainwater depended on the precipitation rate, being higher for low precipitation rates and lesser for high precipitation rates. 137Cs was removed by rain and snow more efficiently than 7Be. Snowfall was more efficient than rainfall in removing the radionuclides from the atmosphere. The annual bulk depositional fluxes of 7Be varied between 477 and 1133 Bq m(-2) y(-1) and this variability was attributed to the amount of precipitation and the variations of the atmospheric concentrations of 7Be. The annual bulk depositional fluxes of 137Cs showed a significant decrease over time from 1987 to 1992, resulting in a removal half-life of 1.33 years. The presence of 137Cs in air, and therefore in rainwater and snow, long after the Chernobyl accident (26 April 1986) was mainly due to the resuspension process. The normalized depositional fluxes of both radionuclides showed maximal values during the spring season where the maximum amount of precipitation occurred. The relatively high positive correlation between 7Be and 137Cs normalized depositional fluxes indicates that the scavenging process of local precipitation controlled the fluxes of both radionuclides. The dry depositional flux of 7Be was less than 9.37% of total (wet and dry) depositional flux. The fraction of dry-to-total depositional flux of 137Cs was much higher than that of 7Be, due to the resuspended soil.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray spectra from more than 50 samples of food products available in stores of Buenos Aires city were measured using a germanium detector. Activity concentrations of 137Cs up to 10 Bq/kg were found in tea and yerba mate manufactured in Apóstoles, Argentina. Further measurements of tea leaves, yerba mate leaves and soils, all coming from a cultivated area in that region, also show the presence of 137Cs contamination. The results suggest that the area was fertilized with a product that originated in a region affected by the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident.  相似文献   

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