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介绍了稀有微藻葛仙米的生物学特征、营养价值及开发前景,并指出了当前制约葛仙米生产、开发存在的问题及应采取的措施。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外碳酸钙行业生产、应用技术发展现状和池州市碳酸钙资源开发现状,找出了池州市碳酸钙资源开发中存在的问题和解决措施,提出了池州市碳酸钙工业发展需要实施的各种措施。  相似文献   

通过调查研究,分析了金华佛手的生产现状,包括产销概况、存在问题等,提出了若干生产开发对策,以促进金华佛手这一地方传统名特产的产业化发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了宁南山区农业生产条件和存在的问题,认为宁南山区农业资源十分丰富,只要合理开发利用,宁南山区必将成为我区油料、大豆、畜产品的生产基地,并相应地提出了加速开发宁南山区农业资源的措施。  相似文献   

旅游商品发展对策思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
发展旅游商品是近年来中国旅游经济理论和实践中的热点问题之一,本文提出并论述了制定旅游商品发展规划,培育开发主体,在市场调研基础上科学开发,有效组织生产,市场建设与规范和宣传促销六大对策措施。  相似文献   

新疆土地资源的开发利用及对环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新疆土地面积占国土面积1/6,幅员辽阔的地域决定了土地资源自然类型和可利用类型的多样性,近几十年来,新疆土地的开发仍是以农业土地开发为主,其包括开荒扩大耕地面积和广度开发和集约化生产提高单位产量的深度开发,随着西部大开发战略逐渐实施,新疆城市规模不断扩大,工业加速发展,用地需求与日俱增,本文在总结以往的土地开发利用对环境产生的利与弊基础上,为未来土地利用提出了一些趋利避害的建议。  相似文献   

云南省拥有丰富的植物资源和多样的民族文化,使云南各族人民在长期的生产和生活中不但把植物作为生产和生活资料,而且还赋予植物许多人类文化的内涵,使植物成为传承民族文化的载体之一,因此研究云南文化植物及其资源开发与保护具有深远的意义。以云南民间常见的文化植物为例,从文化植物学的角度,阐述了云南文化植物的特征、分区及其资源的开发与保护价值。  相似文献   

攀枝花市资源开发与经济持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攀枝花市是我国西部重要的能源、原材料生产基地和资源开发型城市,矿产、水能和农业自然资源是其最具开发优势的资源。从20世纪60年代中期以来大规模的资源开发促进了现代钢铁工业基地和城市社会经济的快速发展,但同时也带来了严重的生态环境问题:地质灾害、环境污染与生态破坏。针对攀枝花市资源开发利用中存在的资源开发结构单一、资源综合利用程度低、生态环境问题突出等问题,作者提出了实现资源合理开发与经济持续发展的相应措施。  相似文献   

河北省青龙满族自治县是全国著名的“万两黄金县”之一。它地处燕山山脉东段,长城北侧,境内山峦起伏,沟壑纵横,黄金资源丰富·已探明的黄金值储量为60吨,分布于全县20多个乡(镇人改革开放以来,全县的黄金以得到了长足发展,到1995年底,共有大小矿山180余座,就业人数超过7000人,年产黄金逾两万两.黄金业成为全县经济支柱产业之一、随着黄金产业规模的扩大,矿产资源开发的逐渐加剧,落后的黄金生产方式、以及从业人员淡薄的环境意识给环境带来的威胁日益突出。黄金生产开发中的环境问题亟待解决。一、黄金生产开发中产生的主要环…  相似文献   

中国生态农业与绿色食品   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
傅宪 《四川环境》1994,13(2):61-64
本文从农业环境问题和食品安全性出发,阐述了中国生态农业的兴起及特点,绿色食品生产的要求,生态农业与绿色食品的关系。介绍了几种可用于开发绿色食品的优化生态模式。  相似文献   

Achieving sustainable development depends on comprehensive approaches which integrate consumption and production initiatives. At present, sustainable consumption is being overemphasized to the neglect of the more important production side. This paper examines the role of governments in promoting sustainable consumption and production to identify gaps in national schemes which reduce their overall effectiveness. Public policy tools promoting sustainable consumption and production are discussed in terms of whether they are aimed at correcting: 1) market failures (regulations, taxes, subsidies); or 2) systems failures (labels, communications, education, public procurement). The challenge for governments is to link sustainable consumption initiatives to policies aimed at increasing the sustainability of production in the private sector in both their national and international dimensions. In this way, governments can enlist the aid of consumers in pushing producers towards sustainability and to achieve the ultimate goal of sustainable development.  相似文献   

刘艳丽 《新疆环境保护》2010,32(1):37-39,47
介绍哈密地区矿山企业发展现状,对矿业生产中具有共性的环境问题做了重点分析。深入探讨了在矿业开采中,应加强对当地矿山企业的管理,学习和借鉴国外先进的管理经验,把循环经济、清洁生产等新理念应用于矿山生产的全过程。这将有利于预防或减轻矿业开采造成的环境污染,也是发展经济和保护环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

Differences between inland and coastal aquacultural production systems in Asia are discussed in terms of market orientation, resource allocation and property rights, and scale of operations. The production of shrimp grown in coastal brackish water ponds has featured prominently in aquacultural development programmes in Asia. Emphasis placed on capital-intensive shrimp production for export, however, has distracted attention from the potential of inland freshwater aquaculture to generate employment opportunities for rural people and food production for domestic consumers. The paper concludes with a discussion of an alternative policy direction for promoting aquacultural development on a socially sound basis, recognizing the need to balance equity and human nutrition with profitability and foreign exchange earnings.  相似文献   

东北地区粮食生产及其可持续性因子分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对东北地区耕地面积、粮食单产及总产的时间序列分析,揭示了该地区粮食生产发展趋势,并结合粮食生产发展的影响因子分析,探该区粮食生产可持续发展的影响因子,指出今后提高粮食生产的途径。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了清洁生产的概念及其产生、发展,通过对企业的环境污染成因、政策和法规等方面进行清洁生产分析,从原材料和能源替代、生产过程优化控制、工艺技术改进、废物处理与循环利用、科学量化管理等角度阐述了我国推行清洁生产的潜力与意义,并针对我国清洁生产实施状况提出对策。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期,我国进入了以降碳为重点战略方向、推动减污降碳协同增效的发展阶段。推进工业园区清洁生产审核能有效提升园区清洁生产水平,对于促进工业领域绿色低碳转型具有重要意义。本研究首先回顾了我国工业园区的发展历程,梳理了我国工业园区的发展现状,提出工业园区发展面临的问题及开展清洁生产审核的必要性;其次,分别从政策、研究、实践层面详细论述了工业园区推进清洁生产审核的进展;再次,分析推进工业园区清洁生产审核存在的问题;最后,建议下一步从完善政策支撑体系、加强方法学研究、强化试点示范作用三个方面推进工业园区清洁生产审核。本研究将为我国推进工业园区清洁生产审核提供理论依据和政策支持。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A comprehensive nationwide recognizance-level assessment of water needs for energy development over the 1985 to 2000 time frame and options for overcoming any actual or potential water supply problems are summarized. Water requirements for energy production and other uses are totaled for each geographic region of the United States and compared with available stream flow to identify regions with potentially inadequate water supplies to meet expanding energy needs. Water quality impacts and water-related institutional factors affecting energy development are also considered. It is concluded that, if proper planning measures are not initiated, water demands for energy production will not be satisfied by the year 2000, particularly in those areas with known fossil energy resources. No unmanageable water quality problems are foreseen, and water-related institutional factors will primarily delay rather than exclud energy development.  相似文献   

The sustainability implications of bioenergy development strategies are large and complex. Unlike conventional agriculture, bioenergy production provides an opportunity to design systems for improving eco-environmental services. Different places have different goals and solutions for bioenergy development, but they all should adhere to the sustainability requirements of the environment, economy, and society. This article serves as a brief overview of China’s bioenergy development and as an introduction to this special issue on the impacts of bioenergy development in China. The eleven articles in this special issue present a range of perspectives and scenario analyses on bioenergy production and its impacts as well as potential barriers to its development. Five general themes are covered: status and goals, biomass resources, energy plants, environmental impacts, and economic and social impacts. The potential for bioenergy production in China is huge, particularly in the central north and northwest. China plans to develop a bioenergy capacity of 30GW by 2020. However, realization of this goal will require breakthroughs in bioenergy landscape design, energy plant biotechnology, legislation, incentive policy, and conversion facilities. Our analyses suggest that (1) the linkage between bioenergy, environment, and economy are often circular rather than linear in nature; (2) sustainability is a core concept in bioenergy design and the ultimate goal of bioenergy development; and (3) each bioenergy development scheme must be region-specific and designed to solve local environmental and agricultural problems.  相似文献   

重庆环保产业发展现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了重庆市环保产业的发展现状、主要特点及存在的主要问题。并介绍了《重庆市“十一五”环保产业发展规划研究报告》提出的“十一五”环保产业发展目标、重点和任务,介绍了重庆环保产业发展的总体目标、发展趋势,2010年重庆市环保产业发展的经济目标和重点投资项目,以及保障环产业产业发展的政策措施。  相似文献   

在江苏油田西部新区,大部分油井均地处沙漠边缘或腹地,属于脆弱的沙漠生态环境。对新区试采初期不同施工环节中污染源、污染物进行了分析,针对各种污染物产生的环节,提出了试采初期实施清洁生产的管理和技术方法,并对探区的清洁生产长期规划提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

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