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雪女 《绿色视野》2014,(2):66-67
黄山是天下名山,去过黄山的人都知道,“奇松、怪石、温泉、云海”乃黄山四绝。这黄山四绝不但让天下游人如临仙境,一饱眼福,而且还孕育出了幽香怡人的天下名茶,让人一饱口福。明代茶人许次杼的《茶疏》中记载:“天下名山,必产灵草,江南地暖,故独宜茶。”清代江澄云《素壶便录》记述:“黄山有云雾茶,  相似文献   

黄山以“奇松、怪石、温泉、云海”闻名天下,被联合国列入世界自然与文化遗产,与黄河、长江、长城齐名,成为我国壮丽河山和中华民族的又一象征。古往今来,黄山绝美的风光、奇特的景致,引来了无数的骚人墨客,人们以诗歌、书画和其它文艺形式来赞美它,歌颂它。1996年9月,联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心主任冯·德罗斯特,在考察黄山后留言称赞:“黄山,具有伟大的文化意义,拥有无与伦比的美丽,是特别的世界遗产”。  相似文献   

列为世界文化与自然遗产的黄山, 被认为是中国第一奇山,从世界范围来看,也是顶级奇山。许多欣赏过中国水墨画的人认为, 那种悬崖绝壁、突兀而起的山峰是画家空想出来的,但是来到黄山,人们会惊讶地发现世间竟真有其山。被誉为中华民族象征的世界名山——黄山是一座雄伟、险峻、奇幻的山。万丈山峰直插云霄,千寻谷壑深不可测。峰峦叠嶂在云雾中时隐时现,姿  相似文献   

随着徽杭高速公路的开通,打造大黄山旅游圈成了当前发展安徽省旅游的一个热点.锻造大黄山旅游圈概念,将黄山的文化优势转化为经济优势,并将黄山-九华山-太平湖以及周边众多人文景观和自然景观等旅游景点由单一的观光旅游转化为复合型、立体型的旅游,提升黄山旅游的档次和品位.在提升世界双遗产黄山观光产品的基础上,着力开发世界文化遗产皖南古村落的徽州文化体验与皖南山水休闲度假产品.加强区际协调,实行"东进北拓西联"战略,以旅游产业接轨为突破口,以旅游经济一体化为先导,借助杭州、苏州和上海大都市建设平台,主动融入长江三角洲经济圈,把黄山建成著名的旅游目的地和"长三角"的后花园.  相似文献   

久闻江西省石城县通天寨有“石怪、洞幽、泉美、茶香、佛盛”之称,更有名的是通天寨有“三特”:一是生态环境特别优美,“一泉一石,无不旖奇”,丹山、碧水、绿树、红花和白雾浑然一体,美不胜收。二是丹霞地貌独特,有关专家认为中国丹霞地貌300余处,只有通天寨才有典型的岩面龟裂地貌。  相似文献   

正雁荡山坐落于浙江省温州乐清东北,是环太平洋东海边的一座白垩纪流纹质古火山,作为中国历史悠久的"寰中绝胜"、"天下奇秀"的名山,雁荡山自有其自身的山水美学特色。雁荡山很奇,奇在流纹岩特有的造型上;奇在自然景观非同寻常、出人意料、变幻莫测之美  相似文献   

保康地处鄂西北荆山腹地,素有“扼荆襄之险要,据川陕之咽喉”之称。境内一山(荆山主脉)盘据,三河(南河、沮水、蛮河)纵横,既有峨眉之秀,又有九寨之幽;既有武陵之奇,又有黄山之雄,旅游资源富集广博。特别是以野生蜡梅、原始牡丹、古桩紫薇、云锦杜鹃为代表的野生珍稀花卉,以富含多种微量元素、流量丰富、温度适宜、被誉为“华中第一泉”的汤池峡温泉,以卞和得玉、荆山风情、皮影地戏为代表的地方文化,以五道峡、九路寨、望佛山为代表的自然山水,更是保康的“活名片”和保康经济社会发展的潜力与优势。随着中国加入世贸组织,作为处在山区开放前沿的旅游业只有抢抓机遇、迎接挑战,进行战略性调整,才能适应新形势,解决新问题,争取新发展。  相似文献   

正黄山是天下名山,去过黄山的人都知道,"奇松、怪石、温泉、云海"乃黄山四绝。这黄山四绝不但让天下游人如临仙境,一饱眼福,而且还孕育出了幽香怡人的天下名茶,让人一饱口福。明代茶人许次杼的《茶疏》中记载":天下名山,必产灵草,江南地暖,故独宜茶。"清代江澄云《素壶便录》记述:"黄山有云雾茶,产高山绝顶,烟云荡漾,雾露滋培,其柯有历百年者,气息恬雅,芳香扑鼻,绝无  相似文献   

正人间最美四月天,最美之地在黟县。四月的安徽省黄山市黟县,春雨初霁山色新鲜,粉墙黛瓦云雾中若隐若现,古树群新枝竞发,原始林绿荫葱郁。青山古村离不开绿水映衬润泽,近两年来,黟县举全县之力保供水、治污水、防洪水、抓节水,擦亮人文自然景观资源雄厚的古城生态旅游名片,为大美黄山赋予绿色化发展新内涵。护水衍生师生佳话让百姓喝上安全干净的水是环保部门基本职责,也是  相似文献   

黄山地区野生蔬菜资源丰富,约有300多种,且蕴藏量大。对黄山地区野生蔬菜资源的利用状况进行了分析,并对其合理开发利用提出了建议,以期为黄山地区的生态旅游和经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Domestic gardens offer immense potential as sites for native biodiversity conservation. In urban areas they often comprise the largest land use, thus presenting an accessible and immediate way for urban dwellers to connect with nature and to support and enhance native biodiversity. This paper presents findings from a study of 55 domestic gardens undertaken in Dunedin, New Zealand, which explores householders' relationships with their gardens. The study data was derived from two interviews with householders, two photo exercises (approximately a year apart), together with a number of biological studies of the gardens. Gardens proved to be very important for our householders; for physical and mental health, as an expression of ownership and identity, as sites for social relationships, for connecting with nature and as site of domestic produce production. Householders' connections with nature were idiosyncratic, multifaceted and exhibited in ways that are more complex and varied than those usually considered by those working in the natural sciences and indeed biophilia supporters. We emphasize the importance of the people side of nature in seeking to build and support positive ecological change in the urban environment and the value of combining natural and social science approaches.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between people and nature has rarely incorporated a definition of natural environments. This exploratory project was designed to uncover underlying themes which comprise conceptualization of natural environments. Fourteen interviews were conducted with adult respondents, combining a biographical section with a picture sorting exercise. Content analysis revealed a myriad of dimensions and attributes which can be organized into four meta-level themes used to categorize environments as natural or not natural. The meta-themes included: (1) people as separate from nature; (2) assessment of natural elements; (3) human impact on nature; and (4) the human place within natural environments. Further analysis of the meta-level themes led to hypothesis generation about possible subcategories of natural environments, including ‘totally natural’, ‘civilized natural’, ‘semi-natural’ and ‘quasi-natural’. ‘Non-natural’ environments were also included in this schema, as they define the boundary of natural environments. A kaleidoscope model is used to illustrate how nature is defined through a complex web of interrelationships.  相似文献   

Natural resource abundance and economic growth revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Resources Policy》2005,30(2):107-130
An analysis using reserves as a measure of resource abundance suggests that natural resource abundance has not been a significant structural determinant of economic growth in the seventies and eighties. The story behind the effect of natural resources on economic growth is a complex one that typical growth regressions do not capture well. Preliminary evidence suggests that natural resources may affect economic growth through both ‘positive’ and ‘negative channels.’ Potential reverse causality running from these ‘channels’ to fuel and mineral reserves further complicates the analysis. I conjecture that, as economic historians suggest, the ability of a country to exploit its resource base depends critically on the nature of the learning process involved.  相似文献   

In this article a model is proposed that could be used as a basis for ecological planning of natural resources. The role of people as part of the ecosystem is emphasized, and the various factors that should be considered in such planning are discussed. An understanding of ecological planning is dependent on the study of human activities in, and the nature of, natural ecosystems. It also depends on the fact that people are a part of nature, and as a result nature is of value to humans. Realizing the importance of this principle is a prerequisite to studying nature and also for an understanding of the various steps in the ecological planning approach. Realization of these values is often through a series of activities that may result in a negative environmental impact. Nature is described as an interacting group of natural features and processes. In this study both the features and processes are described as natural resources. The use of these natural resources obviously affects them, and if this use is to continue over a long period, both the activity and the resource must be understood if they are to be maintained in a productive state. In order to limit impact and maintain value, a planning aid called zoning is used to assist in the understanding of the processes involved.  相似文献   

For over a century the development industry has been less than mindful of the laws of nature and ecology. Among the negative side effects of this development track is the accumulation of nutrients in our soils and water, and greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. There is already evidence that this increased concentration is going to fundamentally change our Earth's climate and natural environment beyond recognition and predictability. The two superstorms that struck the southern United States in 2005 are an indication of the strength and frequency with which similar disasters might afflict other communities in the future. The time for celebrating the small fixes and innovations of a few industry leaders is over. Global collaboration and collective will are needed now if we are to reshape the future of our planet. New tools, economic constructs and political awareness provide the impetus and wherewithal to take on this challenge.  相似文献   

Increasingly, many youth are disconnected from the natural world; rather, they inhabit a technological world. Although experiences in nature have long been a source of fascination, little is known about how youth independently access and make sense of nature. We focus on the experiences of youth who chose to use marijuana in nature. A substance such as marijuana is often viewed as a “gateway” leading to “harder” drug use; rarely do we consider how marijuana might be a gateway to positive experiences. Narrative analysis was used to explore how young people, aged 14–18, describe their marijuana use in nature, an important aspect of the culture and context of marijuana use. Youth's constructions of nature are revealed in four narratives in which they situate themselves: freedom in nature, the pleasure of leisure, in awe of the natural world and making meaning of the world. One subnarrative, flowing through space, was also uncovered. The findings point to the importance of these nature experiences for youth who expressed how they were able to be in nature in new ways. Participants articulated their yearning for and ability to establish a connection within their natural world.  相似文献   

The term natural is effective in the marketing of a wide variety of foods. This ambiguous term carries important meaning in Western culture. To challenge an uncritical understanding of natural with respect to food and to explore the ambiguity of the term, the development of Western ideas of nature is first discussed. Personification and hypostasization of nature are given special emphasis. Leo Marx’s idea of the pastoral design in literature is then used to explore the meaning of natural as applied to food, emphasizing Marx’s distinction between a sentimental and a complex pastoral. The latter is applied to natural as a means of collapsing a dichotomy of man and nature to the idea of second nature. From this perspective an understanding of the industrialization of the food system and the importance of local and organic food are considered. The extent to which processed foods might properly be considered natural is raised and discussed for several common foods. Although marketing of natural foods might make us think that we consume nature, I suggest that what is consumed is more appropriately second nature. I suggest that in order to maintain a critical perspective about one’s relationship to the natural world, everyone should make an attempt to experience the complex pastoral with respect to at least something that is consumed as food. When nature is understood as second nature in the context of a complex pastoral, the question of whether a food or ingredient is to be considered natural is replaced by deliberative thought based on our best knowledge and judgment, and the result will be less constrained by ideology.  相似文献   


For over a century the development industry has been less than mindful of the laws of nature and ecology. Among the negative side effects of this development track is the accumulation of nutrients in our soils and water, and greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. There is already evidence that this increased concentration is going to fundamentally change our Earth's climate and natural environment beyond recognition and predictability. The two superstorms that struck the southern United States in 2005 are an indication of the strength and frequency with which similar disasters might afflict other communities in the future. The time for celebrating the small fixes and innovations of a few industry leaders is over. Global collaboration and collective will are needed now if we are to reshape the future of our planet. New tools, economic constructs and political awareness provide the impetus and wherewithal to take on this challenge.  相似文献   

The Allende–Piedras Negras (APN) aquifer is located between the states of Texas (United States [U.S.]) and Coahuila (Mexico). The Rio Grande crosses the aquifer, acting as a natural and political divide between the countries. However, it remains unclear whether the APN aquifer can be considered a truly transboundary aquifer flow system, which would potentially require joint management by two different administrative jurisdictions. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the transboundary nature of this aquifer. This was achieved by developing a detailed hydrogeological model to analyze the direction of volumetric fluxes within the APN aquifer using Visual MODFLOW. The model simulated a spatially averaged cumulative drawdown of 0.76 m for the entire aquifer over an 18‐year modeling period (2000–2017). The flow convergence zone, previously located below the Rio Grande, has shifted to the U.S. side in most locations, driven by higher pumping rates of the wells located near the river. This shift of the convergence zone from one country to the other means that groundwater recharge from one side flows underneath the river to the other side. This qualifies the APN aquifer as a “transboundary groundwater flow system.” The procedure followed in this study may be applied to other aquifers that straddle the U.S.–Mexico border and may motivate future modeling studies on other poorly studied transboundary aquifers around the world and thereby enable bi‐national aquifer management.  相似文献   

俄罗斯年产天然气5000×108m3,年输天然气2400×108m3,输气干线多采用多管线并列埋设方式。大量的长输管道、加压站和地下储气库的设计和施工都必须解决相应的环境保护问题。在河床处多采用埋管的办法;在沙漠地带要尽可能避开流沙地区;在永冻地区应注意输气管道的加热效应;过铁路的交叉口应设计自动监测系统;在确定管道线路时,必须注意生态保护;用植树绿化等方法尽量减轻加压站内燃气轮机发出的噪音危害;地下储气库的环境保护重点是回注水的处理。最后阐述了管道等输气工程的工作程序及所使用的法规和标准等。  相似文献   

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