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高渗液强行注射技术现状和前景郎家文,童风,李翠兰1树干注射施肥技术现状补给植物营养元素的方法通常分为土壤根施法、叶面喷施法和树干注射法。土壤恨施法和叶面喷施法研究深入,技术成熟,生产上已广泛应用,不足之处是存在营养元素的土壤吸持固定和大气喷雾散失,对...  相似文献   

本文采用树干深层埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”对金川雪梨缺铁黄叶病进行了同株异枝的对比试验,结果表明经过埋植处理的缺铁黄化叶15天均匀复绿,叶绿素、叶厚、百叶重、百叶体积和百叶面积等叶片生理、生长指标比对照增加显著或极显著,黄化叶、褐变叶发病率和黄化、褐变指数等生理病害指标下降到0值。  相似文献   

矫正果树缺铁症的简易方法:树干木质部埋植法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
童风  李翠兰 《资源开发与市场》1995,11(3):112-113,123
矫正果树缺铁症的简易方法──树干木质部埋植法童风,李翠兰,郎家文(四川省自然资源研究所,成都610015)我国各种果树的缺铁症状都十分突出,除常见于北方干旱、半干旱地区的石灰性土壤外,从京津地区向南延伸到江苏省北部,向西延伸到甘肃的兰州、青海的西宁都...  相似文献   

本文测定了成都市龙泉山缺铁失绿症果树埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”三年后叶片的叶绿素含量、厚度、100叶重、100叶体积、100叶面积等叶片生理和生长指标的变化。结果表明,树干深层埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”对供试桃、李、樱桃和柑桔树具有持续的后效.  相似文献   

本文测定了成都市龙泉山缺铁失绿症果树埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”1年后叶片的叶绿素含量、厚度、100叶重、100叶体积、100叶面积等叶片生理和生长指标的变化。结果表明,树干层埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”对供试树、李、樱桃和柑桔树具有持续的后效。  相似文献   

在我守望的庄稼地边沿与森林交界之处,高高地长着三株箭毒木。旁边的树干大多是灰色、棕色、褐色、绿色、暗黑色,只有它们厚厚的皮是皑白色。天生与众不同。它的椭圆形叶子浓密如发,婆娑如盖,遮住了一片天空,在草地上留下一片淡淡的阴影。耸起如矮墙的板根,紧紧咬住大地的泥土,稳重而从容。它们骄傲地、直挺挺地站立在森林边沿,有一种凛然不可侵犯的气势。可是,我看见,其中一株的树干在一米高的部位被斜斜地砍过几斧头,留下了一个碗口大的锐角伤疤。它流出的胶液已经风干,变成灰黑色,表面光滑,反射着点点天光。我觉得这伤疤没有损伤它的形象…  相似文献   

李翠兰 《资源开发与市场》2004,20(4):278-278,289
提出和采用树干输液方法提高大树移栽成活率.该方法具有简便、实用、操作容易、能显著提高移栽成活率等优点,介绍了树干输液方法、输液时期和输液剂量以及营养液的研制等内容.  相似文献   

葱兰是近年来被广泛种植的园林观赏植物,易成活,花朵繁多,花期特长。近年来发现几种危害严重的叶部病害严重影响其观赏价值和经济价值,其中以叶枯病、炭疽病、赤斑病、黄化病最为常见。针对这些病害症状的识别特点、病原和防治措施进行了介绍,旨在为优良园林作物葱兰的健康管理提供参考。  相似文献   

本文简单评述了果树缺铁失绿症的多种矫治方法及其效果,以供各地在矫治果树失绿症时参考。  相似文献   

袋装控释铁肥压根法矫治桃树黄叶病的效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了袋装控释铁肥压根法矫治桃树缺铁黄叶病的效果。该法具有大幅度增加叶绿素含量.提高果实产量,改善果实品质,降低矫治成本,安全可靠,效果好的特点。  相似文献   

主要介绍了高浓度长袋低压脉冲收尘器在济钢1750m^3高炉喷煤系统中的设计与应用,从本体结构、工作原理、安全防燃防爆性能及自动控制等多方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

The onshore CO2-storage site Ketzin consists of one CO2-injection well and two observation wells. Hydraulic tests revealed permeabilities between 50 and 100 mD for the sandstone rock units. The designated injection well Ktzi 201 showed similar production permeability. After installation of the CO2-injection string, an injection test with water yielded a significantly lower injectivity of 0.002 m3/d kPa, while the observation wells showed an injection permeability in the same range as the productivity. Several possible reasons for the severe decline in injectivity are discussed. Acidification of the reservoir interval, injection at high wellhead pressure, controlled mini-fractures and back-production of the well are discussed to remove the plugging material to re-establish the required injectivity of the well. It has been decided to perform a nitrogen lift and analyse the back-produced fluids. Initially during the lift, the back-produced fluids were dark-black. Chemical and XRD analyses proved that the black solids consisted mainly of iron sulphide. Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were detected in fluid samples with up to 106 cells/ml by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) indicating that the formation of iron sulphide was caused by bacterial activity. Organic compounds within the drilling mud and other technical fluids were likely left during the well completion process, thus providing the energy source for strong proliferation of bacteria. During the lift, the fraction of SRB in the whole bacterial community decreased from approximately 32% in downhole samples to less than 5%. The lift of Ktzi 201 succeeded in the full restoration of the well productivity and injectivity. Additionally, the likely energy source of the SRB was largely removed by the lifting, thus ensuring the long-term preservation of the injectivity.  相似文献   

The direct injection of CO2 into the deep ocean is one of the ways for the mitigation of the global warming. There is, however, a concern about its environmental impact near the injection point. To minimize its biological impact, it is necessary to make CO2 disperse as fast as possible and it is thought that injection with pipes towed by moving-ships is effective for this purpose. Because the injection ships are planned to move in the site, the order of magnitude of which is 102 km, a mesoscale model is required to predict CO2 fate in seawater. At the same time, it is required to predict the concentration precisely near the injection points, which move with the ships in the mesoscale domain. In this study, a multi-scale ocean model was developed to analyze the dispersion of CO2 in the deep ocean: the model consists of a fixed mesoscale domain and 5 small-scale domains nesting in the mesoscale domain. Each small-scale domain involves 6 pipes and moves along with the trajectories of the injection ships. From the results of the present numerical simulation, the developed technique demonstrated its applicability as a tool to optimise the system to dilute CO2 below some criterion of biological impact.  相似文献   

论述了钢铁工业污染防治设施的"投资-运营"模式的发展概况,介绍了该模式的优越性以及实施方式,并从交易结构的角度分析了钢铁企业污染防治设施采用"投资-运营"模式可能会出现的风险以及规避方法。  相似文献   

塔里木油田三甘醇脱水装置参数优化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过三甘醇脱水工艺的第三套三甘醇注醇量调整,第三套再生温度的调节、汽提气注入量调整、贫液进塔温度调整运行参数的优化,得出:当三甘醇脱水工艺循环量在3840kg/h左右时,再生效果最好,贫液浓度最高,所获得的干气水露点最低;三甘醇脱水工艺再生温度在190~200℃之间温度越高,再生效果越好;三甘醇脱水工艺再生装置在汽提气量30Nm3/h左右时,再生效果最好,贫液浓度最高,所获得的干气水露点最低。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A few years ago, many water quality administrators were convinced that large regional sewerage systems, consisting of one large treatment plant and long trunk sewers extending out to various communities, represented the only efficient and economical means of assuring water quality control. In communities favoring rapid development, the provision of sewer service and encouragement of development of new centers along the trunk sewers offered an additional advantage. More recently quite different points of view are arising in certain areas. In parts of New Jersey strong environmental and community resistance has arisen to proposed central plant-trunk sewer systems. The facilitation of new development along the trunk sewers is viewed as a menace by townships not wanting intensive development of these areas. The diversion of effluent flows to trunk sewers rather than septic tanks would dry up the streams which water quality programs are supposed to protect. Both sides to the controversy have mobilized engineering, environmental, economic, and legal expertise and some critical policy issues have developed. Reconsideration of regional sewerage management and particularly trunk sewer policy is required. The decision as to extent of sewerage service areas involves complex and sensitive planning issues. Because of potential conflicts of interest, such decisions should not be left to staffs of sewerage authorities and their design engineers.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s the Kédia mines have been the main source of iron ore for Mauritania. In the 1970s SN1M, the Mauritanian state enterprise responsible for the mining of the country's iron ore, concerned about the eventual depletion of its reserves at Kédia, and at the urging of its European customers, undertook to develop new iron-ore deposits at the Guelbs. The deposits at the Guelbs, however, were low-grade magnetite ore as opposed to the high-grade hematite ore at Kedia, and were much more costly to mine and process. The cost of the Guelbs project and its failure to meet production targets have strained the resources of SNIM to a financial and technical breaking point. The paper suggests that one solution to SNIM's difficulty may be to mothball the Guelbs project and to develop instead other deposits in the vicinity of the Guelbs.  相似文献   

随着近30年来中原油田高强度、大面积的石油开采,高强度注水采油和超采地下水造成的负面效应日益凸现。通过地下水位下降,地下漏斗面积增大,地面沉降,地裂缝,土壤、水体污染五个方面阐述了注水采油带来的生态环境问题,以及由此导致的对公共设施和建筑物的破坏、水土污染等严重后果。  相似文献   

管道线路优化中的环境问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油工业干线管道的建设和运营给沿线周围环境带来了诸多不利影响。针对管道系统的主要破坏原因及其环境影响,提出在考虑环境保护前提下优选线路的经济分析模式,并推荐了环境损害的估算方法。  相似文献   

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