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1政府对资源产业管理须进行宏观调控社会主义市场经济对促进资源合理配置和经济可持续发展具有“基础性”作用,但政府的宏观调控在资源产业发展中也必不可少,这是由以下因素决定的。1.1资源价值的特殊性资源与其它生产要素的区别在于它不仅具有经济价值,而且具有存在价值和环境价值,这些价值有着不同的功能、作用对象、影响的领域和表达方式。①存在价值。资源天然存在时所表现的生命支持能力和可持续能力,价值的作用对象是包括人类在内的生物圈,影响领域是生态学,本质是非价格型价值,价值表达方式基本是实物型的生态学特征量。②…  相似文献   

本文运用区域规划的基本原则,分析了当前区域规划工作的状况和特点,指出了规划工作和宏观调控的现实意义,并提出了加强规划工作的建议.  相似文献   

社会经济发展的最终目的是提高人民的生活质量,而环境质量是生活质量的重要组成部分,因此环境质量的优劣无疑应成为评价生活质量是否提高的标准之一.同时,保证资源具有可持续的支撑能力更是实现社会经济可持续发展的关键.因此,社会、经济发展规划中应体现出环境与资源因素的影响,这就需要开发现实可行的方法,以用于制定有利于实现可持续发展的区域规划.本文从物质平衡的角度出发,利用投入产出分析作为中介体,针对区域发展的特点提出了将环境成本和资源价值体现在区域投入产出分析中的方法,并探讨了如何将这种方法应用于区域规划研究中.  相似文献   

塔里木沙漠油田开发工程的环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木是一个内陆封闭盆地,是世界第二大流动沙漠,它具有丰富的油气资源,目前正在积极开发中。在油气田开发过程中必须做环境影响评价,文中介绍了沙漠环境及生态状况,在沙漠区域必须以水域和生态环境影响评价为重点,评价结果应提出固沙、防沙和保护自然生态等一系列防治措施和对策。  相似文献   

红色旅游是20世纪90年代以来在中国兴起的一种新型主题旅游形式。以国家公布的118个红色旅游经典景区为例,运用最邻近点指数、基尼系数,从空间分布、区域空间差异以及红色旅游资源分区等角度分析了中国红色旅游资源的空间结构特征。结果表明,中国红色旅游资源在全国和全国八大一级旅游分区两种尺度的测度中都呈集聚型分布,不同区域的红色旅游资源具有不同的历史主题。最后,提出在今后的红色旅游发展和新的红色旅游景区开发中做好规划和宣传工作,加强基础设施建设,对红色旅游资源进行区域整合,推进红色旅游产品向主题方向发展。  相似文献   

国家竞争优势论是我国目前较流行的国际贸易理论学说,它无论在国家层面还是在区域层面,均对制定相应的区域发展战略具有积极的作用。基于对波特关于国家竞争优势论的理解,阐述了它对我国开展泛珠三角区域合作的若干启示。  相似文献   

保康是全山区县,水能、矿产、林特资源十分丰富,具有明显的区域特点。多年来,我县依托资源优势,发展区域经济,初步形成了以小水电为主的能源结构体系。近两年,我县进一步突出优势特色,集中力量培植支柱产业,推动区域经济向规模化和集约化发展。到1995年,全县工农业总产值、财政收入和农民人均纯收入分别达到882亿元、3190万元和970元,小水电、磷化工和以烟、茶、菌为主的多种经营骨干产品提供的效益占县财政收入的74%,呈现出巨大发展前景。回顾保康区域经济发展历程,我县主要做到了“四个坚持”。1坚持区域规划,分层推进,分…  相似文献   

区域旅游协同发展是区域旅游合作的高级形式,应以系统理论、比较优势理论、资源赋存理论、梯度推移理论为基本理论依据。它是实现区域旅游规模经济的必要条件,解决地区旅游经济发展不平衡的重要途径,发挥地区旅游资源比较优势的有效手段,满足旅游者求异心理、提高游客满意度的重要方法。区域旅游整体形象建设的重要举措与旅游规划的重要指导思想对区域旅游发展在理论上与实践上都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

区域间产业结构的同构与异构取决于在市场调节和宏观调控中生产要素的结构与流动特征,其特征量的相似性导致产业结构的同构,产业同构在一定时空条件下具有合意性。随着区域经济一体化进程的加快,其非合意性愈显突出。区域产业同构优化的本质动力在于生产要素结构及其流动特征量的变化,通过不同层级区域产业规划战略和区域间经济合作实现生产要素的合理组合与流动,以产业集群化之路实现区域产业结构的高级化,使区域产业结构朝着优化、持续方向发展。  相似文献   

盘锦自然湿地在调节区域自然生态环境质量和推进区域经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。介绍了盘锦自然湿地现状及作用,全面分析了盘锦自然湿地持续发展面临的突出矛盾及其原因,并提出了建立自然湿地生态效益补偿机制的对策。  相似文献   

The mining industry can be critical to a nation's economic well-being. Impacts may be felt on a national or regional level, with their significance dependent in part on the resources under development as well as existing government policies. This paper examines typical economic consequences of mining and how such impacts are being felt in the so-called transitional economies of Asia and Europe. Clearly, while mining continues to play an important role in the economies of Russia, China, Vietnam and other transitional nations, the nature and impacts of mining are different by virtue of years of centralized planning in the industry and the use of non-economic measures of efficiency. The changing character of mining is today opening up new opportunities for foreign investment and technology assistance.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a number of benefits in identifying urban and regional planners as a public in public participation programs of water resources planning studies. A perspective on public participation is presented. Recent trends and developing concepts are identified: emphasis on the need to coordinate urban and regional planning activities with water resources planning, increasing system complexity, the goals and objectives orientation of planning, planning for multi-objectives, the evaluation of a broader range of alternatives, and the consideration of water alternatives as only one set of measures to further society's aspirations. One way to assist in capitalizing on these trends is to seek out participation of those in other planning efforts who are involved in planning but on a different level. Because of their intimate knowledge of an areas history, growth and development, political climate, local perceptions of needs and desires, and major problems and issues they are able to contribute a great deal of insight in making the water resources planning effort more responsive at the local level. The paper describes one of the first major efforts at working-level public-planner contact which was carried out as part of the Susquehanna River Basin Study. A regional survey team comprised of an engineer and an economist from a federal agency and a state water resources planner met informally with planners, city managers, and local planning commissions to discuss issues related to water resources and the growth and development of local areas. This effort while only part of the overall public participation program yielded a number of benefits and if expanded and refined would be a very useful experience in other studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As availability of funds in the federal budget for water development has decreased recently, pressure has increased for state and local governments to pay a larger share of the costs. In this situation a difficult question immediately arises-what is the capability of state and local governments to pay a larger share? Of course, there is no easy answer. Expenditures of public funds are policy outcomes of a government's political process in which political, economic, legal and other factors are involved in complex relationships. The traditional sources of capital funds for state and local governments include bond proceeds, tax revenues, and federal financial aid (state aid is also a major source of local government funds). The issuing of bonds is hampered by a variety of legal debt limitations, but there are means for circumventing the limitations. State and local governments vary widely in amounts of taxable resources available and in the extent to which these resources have been tapped. More effective use of revenue resources could be made in some cases. New sources of capital funds for water development ought to be considered-a fee on the use of water per se, for example. Costs associated with water use currently are imposed to cover development costs, but a state might impose additional use fees earmarked for a state water development fund.  相似文献   

Many government agencies and other organizations hold large tracts of surplus land. Some are investigating ways to lower expenses by selling the land or transferring management responsibility. There is no generally recognized process used to decide what land can be decommissioned and what future use would be best. This paper provides guidance for land‐use decisions in the form of a checklist. The checklist questions address both the socio‐economic resources and current land use in the region, and the ecological resources and suitability of the tract itself. The answers will clarify regional public needs and the economic and ecological values of the land.  相似文献   

While there has been sustained debate on the issue of provincial and state versus local government environmental planning, maintaining privately owned natural resources in the public interest is increasingly viewed as beyond the scope of local governments alone. This paper describes and compares province- and state-level mandates and options for local governments (i.e., city, county, or district) to regulate land uses of environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) in British Columbia in Canada and in Washington and Oregon in the United States. We define ESAs as landscape elements or places that are vital to the long-term maintenance of biological diversity, soil, water, and other natural resources, especially as they relate to human health, safety, and welfare, both on-site and in a regional context. Underlying similarities are that all three jurisdictions legally express the need for land-use planning by local governments in managing ESAs. Although all three jurisdictions exhibit similar problems in their attempt to accomplish this, ESA planning by local governments is an optional process in British Columbia and Washington but mandatory in Oregon. Furthermore, actual processes prescribed by each of the three jurisdictions are quite different. The information base upon which local regulation of privately held ESAs depends is variable, both within and between the province- and statelevel jurisdictions. Other than for some specific water-related resources, standard definitions and inventory methods for ESAs are lacking, as is coordination among local governments or among the province- and state-level governments. This study concludes that there is a need for a regional environmental information system in the Pacific Northwest based upon an integrated and scientific approach toward ESA structures and functions.  相似文献   

化工产业园区化是政府合理规范化工园区且将化工园区外化工生产企业关停并搬迁至化工园区内的产业集聚化,是解决目前中国化工产业安全事故频发、环境污染严重等问题,推进化工产业转型升级的重要政策之一。中国化工产业园区化的社会—生态系统框架刻画了化工园区、化工产品、化工园区管委会、企业和公众四个核心子系统的关联,在此基础上,中国化工产业园区化的博弈模型将参与者简化为政府(包括化工园区管委会)、企业(化工生产企业)和公众(化工生产企业现址影响半径内的居民群体),并分别构建了政府与企业间的博弈模型与公众参与下的政府与企业间的博弈模型。根据模型推论,此两类情景博弈的纳什均衡都可以为(政府行政政策,企业按期搬迁入园)或(政府经济政策,企业按期搬迁入园)。中国化工产业园区化的驱动机制,是在作为外在驱动主体的政府和公众的引导和监督下,作为内在驱动主体的化工生产企业,在各驱动因素的协同作用下,实现其"按期搬迁入园"的机制。进而得出化工生产企业与化工园区"按期匹配搬迁入园"、提升化工园区公共服务能力、差异化地一企一策及建立公众和企业与政府的三方对话机制的四点政策建议。  相似文献   

In order to improve the sustainability of the Asian concrete industry, it is important to understand the effect of regional context considering the widely varying socio-economic conditions present in Asia. This research in Mongolia and Singapore was conducted as a continuation of previous studies in Japan, Thailand and South Korea in order to further contribute to understanding regional context, particularly geographic, climate, and economic factors. Geography and climate were found to strongly affect the means by which durability should be assured in each country, as Singapore has a tropical climate whereas Mongolia experiences a large temperature variation with extremely cold winters. The ability to access construction materials and resources was also related to geography, as Singapore, while resource poor, is an international shipping center, whereas Mongolia has abundant resources but few access routes for imports. Quality control issues in Mongolia could be understood in the context of the lower level of economic development, whereas in Singapore the high level of development has lead to an emphasis on green construction, with the government taking the lead in implementing new systems and technologies.  相似文献   

China is confronted with the dual task of developing its national economy and protecting its ecological environment. Since the 1980s, China's policies on environmental protection and sustainable development have experienced five changes: (1) progression from the adoption of environmental protection as a basic state policy to the adoption of sustainable development strategy; (2) changing focus from pollution control to ecological conservation equally; (3) shifting from end-of-pipe treatment to source control; (4) moving from point source treatment to regional environmental governance; and (5) a turn away from administrative management-based approaches and towards a legal means and economic instruments-based approach. Since 1992, China has set down sustainable development as a basic national strategy. However, environmental pollution and ecological degradation in China have continued to be serious problems and have inflicted great damage on the economy and quality of life. The beginning of the 21st century is a critical juncture for China's efforts towards sustaining rapid economic development, intensifying environmental protection efforts, and curbing ecological degradation. As the largest developing country, China's policies on environmental protection and sustainable development will be of primary importance not only for China, but also the world. Realizing a completely well-off society by the year 2020 is seen as a crucial task by the Chinese government and an important goal for China's economic development in the new century, however, attaining it would require a four-fold increase over China's year 2000 GDP. Therefore, speeding up economic development is a major mission during the next two decades and doing so will bring great challenges in controlling depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution. By taking a critical look at the development of Chinese environmental policy, we try to determine how best to coordinate the relationship between the environment and the economy in order to improve quality of life and the sustainability of China's resources and environment. Examples of important measures include: adjustment of economic structure, reform of energy policy, development of environmental industry, pollution prevention and ecological conservation, capacity building, and international cooperation and public participation.  相似文献   

试论低碳经济背景下的政府职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济与社会的进步,能源短缺与环境污染正愈演愈烈,迫切需要由高碳经济转向低碳经济。中国目前的发展模式与消费结构仍处于高碳状态,因此发展低碳经济势在必行。政府作为经济活动的有机组成部分,应当在发展低碳经济的过程中履行好其对外交流、对内调控的政府职能。  相似文献   

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