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Summary Females of all social and many solitary bees dehydrate nectar before storing it or adding it to larval provisions. Nectar dehydration by males has rarely been documented. We report on the neotropical facultatively social carpenter bee Xylocopa nigrocincta, in which the nest constant males are fed nectar by their female nestmates. Males dehydrate the nectar at the nest entrance before leaving the nest for mating territories. We show that males thereby minimize their water load, resulting in an improvement of their energy budget during hovering flights in their territories. Males can prolong the duration of territorial flights if they cany highly concentrated nectar. We assume that nectar dehydration as a pre-mating behavior is not correlated with the social organization in Xylocopa species. However, the behavior is particularly weil-developed in X. nigrocincta, where during the mating period males remain integrated in the nest society and are fed by their mothers and sisters.  相似文献   

Summary Females of the solitary eumenid wasps Ancistrocerus adiabatus and Euodynerus foraminatus control the adult size of their offspring by the amount of food provded to the larvae. For both species, larger females provision more offspring and collect more food than smaller females. Males of E. foraminatus, upon emergence as adults, fight for control of the nest area. The winning brother remains at the nest and mates with his sisters as they emerge several days later. Males of A. adiabatus are not as agonistic as males of E. foraminatus so that a number of males may remain near the natal nest. When females nest near each other, male-male interactions increase, and the likelihood of sibling mating decreases. Under conditions of clumped nesting, females make larger offspring and invest more in males than when nesting in isolation.  相似文献   

Although external sexually dimorphic traits are commonly found in males of combtooth blenny species, little is known about the benefit they can convey to male mating success. Indeed, while female preferences for large males have been demonstrated in some species, the possible role played by dimorphic ornaments has been neglected. We now report on the tentacled blenny, Parablennius tentacularis, a species where males are characterized by bulb glands on the anal fin and both sexes exhibit a dark spot on the dorsal fin and orbital tentacles. Males are territorial, make nests in empty bivalve shells, and provide solitary parental care for the eggs. Using morphometric analysis and field collected data on male and female external features, nest characteristics and number of eggs in the nests, we have assessed the development of dimorphic traits in both sexes and male mating success. The results reveal that orbital tentacles of males are more developed and more variable in size than those of females. Larger males exhibit longer orbital tentacles and larger anal glands but do not necessarily occupy larger nests. Male mating success is significantly correlated with the inner nest surface area and with orbital tentacle size but not with body size. These results provide support for a primary role of male ornaments in enhancing blenny male mating success and are discussed in the context of mate choice for direct and indirect benefits.  相似文献   

Summary Several aspects of nest defence behavior were investigated in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in eastern Ontario. Two independent tests were made of the hypothesis that the increase in nest defence observed through a nesting attempt is due to the birds becoming familiar with the nest threat, rather than because the nest contents increase in value to the parents. Neither test supported the hypothesis. As predicted by life history theory for species with age-independent mortality, males did not defend their nest more vigorously as they become older. Parents defended their nests less vigorously through the breeding season, contrary to the expected pattern of increased nest defence in response to declining renesting potential. This result may be attributable to a decline in offspring value through the breeding season. Nest defence behavior of mated individuals was positively correlated, independent of factors such as offspring age, renesting potential and brood size. From this result it is proposed that a source of variation in nest defence behavior may be individuals basing their own response on their mate's response in a positive feedback fashion. Males defended nests less vigorously than females, consistent with the expectation that males have lower certainty of parentage in the offspring. It is proposed that variation in paternal uncertainty could contribute to the unexplained variation reported in nest defence studies.  相似文献   

Studies of antiparasite defences against cuckoo parasites have largely neglected the possibility that behavioural components of host defence may correlate giving rise to a behavioural syndrome. Furthermore, the different contribution of the host’s sex in nest defence has traditionally been disregarded. Here, we studied magpie (Pica pica) mobbing behaviour towards dummies of great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and non-harmful hoopoes (Upupa epops) and egg rejection of parasite eggs in a population of colour-banded magpies. We predicted a positive correlation between the intensity of nest defence and egg rejection within each sex and that females respond more intensely than males to the threat of brood parasitism as they undertake incubation. Magpie males, but not females, defended their nests more intensely in those nests in which cuckoo model eggs were rejected. Individual magpies did significantly differ in their baseline level of nest attentiveness; however, there were no individual differences once pair identity was considered. Males and females defended their nests more intensely when it was exposed to the presence of a great spotted cuckoo dummy. Males, but not females, were more prone to appear at their nests, and females, but not males, were more prone to defend more intensely when their nests were challenged by a parasite threat. Our results thus agree with the view that mobbing behaviour and egg rejection in magpies may actually constitute a pseudosyndrome and highlight the necessity to integrate interindividual variation and the sex of the host in studies of the evolution of host defences.  相似文献   

Summary Although a few male longear sunfish nest solitarily, most territorial males excavate their nest in dense aggregations. The importance of sexual selection in the evolution of this breeding system was evaluated by 1) examining the influence of certain male and nest characteristics on spawning success and 2) by comparing the success of social and solitary nesters. Among group nesters, females spawned preferentially with males nesting early within a spawning period and occupying central nests. Male size and nest diameter were negatively correlated with nesting day and hence spawning success. However, female discrimination using these traits directly could not be demonstrated. The reproductive success of social and solitary males was compared by counting the larvae in their nests several days after spawning. Successful males (with larvae) were more likely than males without larvae to be encountered later in the breeding season and to nest in small groups or solitarily. Spawning period (of which there were 5 or 6 in a season) was significantly correlated with larval abundance in the nest, while male size was not. Social and solitary males were equally successful, but aggregations may nonetheless result from sexual selection: males unlikely to attract females may nest around more attractive males to steal fertilizations from them. High spawning synchrony may prevent attractive males from renesting elsewhere once other nesters aggregate around them.  相似文献   

Colonial breeding can evolve in response to benefits afforded by clumped individuals, such as reduced predation and increased ease of assessing potential mates. However, colonial breeding can also impose costs such as increased disease transmission or increased cuckoldry. Here, we investigate solitary nesting as a potential alternative breeding tactic in colonial breeding bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Most male bluegill, termed parentals, compete for nesting sites in colonies and then court and spawn with females and provide sole care of the eggs. Although nesting in a colony results in reduced predation and fungal infection of broods, it comes at a cost of increased parasitism by specialized cuckolder males that do not nest. We found that 4.5% of parentals forgo spawning in a colony and instead construct nests solitarily. Solitary males were of similar size and age to colonial males, but were in significantly better condition. Solitary males obtained as many eggs as males nesting in the center of colonies, and significantly more than males nesting on the periphery of colonies. Thus, females do not appear to discriminate against solitary males. Solitary males had smaller ear tabs, a presumed sexually selected character used by parental males in intrasexual competition, than colonial males. Tracking data revealed consistency in nesting tactic (but not nest position within the colony) between spawning attempts. We suggest that solitary nesting represents either a facultative decision made by parental males in top condition at the onset of breeding, or a life history decision to forgo spawning in colonies.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   

Thirteen pairs of blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii) were observed on their colony. Pairs courted frequently and, on average, copulated 24 times during the 30 days before laying, with 38% of those copulations occurring in the last 5 days (presumed fertile period). Males and females increased attendance at the nest site as laying approached. Seven females performed an average seven extra-pair copulations, with 1–2 paired male neighbors, but these were less concentrated in the presumed fertile period than within-pair copulations, and the last two copulations of all 7 females were with their social mates. Rates of female extra-pair copulations were six times lower when their social mate was present, and during the presumed fertile period, no female performed an extra-pair copulation in the presence of her mate. Males did not respond to infidelity of social mates with aggression, prompt copulation, retaliatory copulation, or increase in copulation. Seven of 13 males performed an average of five extra-pair copulations, with 1–3 paired female neighbors, before their own mates began egg-laying. The males' extra-pair copulations represented only 4% of their total copulations during their own mates' presumed fertile periods. Females, the larger sex, apparently control sexual access and copulate with extra males to achieve extra-pair fertilization. Males pursue a mixed strategy: they copulate with extra females, mostly outside their own mate's presumed fertile period, and they copulate increasingly with their social mate as laying approaches, probably assuring some paternity by mate guarding, involving attendance and courtship. Behavior of males and females is also consistent with other hypotheses for extensive joint nest site attendance: pairbonding, copulation access, and territory acquisition. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 16 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary Field observations were made on the mating behavior of two congeneric species of solitary bees, Anthidium porterae in an arid grassland and A. palliventre in a coastal sand dune habitat. Males of both species exhibited resource defence polygyny and defended hostplants to gain access to females foraging for nectar and pollen. The mating frequencies of marked and measured resident (territorial) males were monitored during periods of continuous observation, following which measurements of territory size and floral resources were obtained. Mating success of A. palliventre males was strongly influenced by territory characteristics: Males that defended small areas with a few rich hostplant patches mated more often than males that held larger territories containing many hostplant patches of low floral density. Large males generally held high-quality sites and thus had a mating advantage over smaller individuals. In A. porterae, on the other hand, male mating success was unrelated to any measure of territory quality. Copulation frequency and male size were positively correlated, however, apparently due to the increased ability of large males to seize and hold females for mating. The two species also differed in the incidence of non-territorial, sneaky males. While absent in A. palliventre, sneaky males accounted for 12% of all mating observed in A. porterae. Males of A. porterae that displayed sneaky tactics mated, on average, as often as resident males. Offprint requests to: E.M. Villalobos  相似文献   

Summary Ten experimental broods of red-winged black-bird (Agelaius phoeniceus) nestlings, experimentally manipulated to contain two males and two females of similar age, were observed with the aid of video cameras to determine (a) which nestling characteristics were most important in influencing its chances of being fed and (b) if males and females differed with respect to these characteristics. Nestlings that could reach highest while begging were most successful at obtaining food from parents during individual feeding bouts. However, while there was a tendency for nestlings that begged earlier to be offered food first, a nestling's position in the nest during these bouts did not influence its feeding success. Males begged more than often females and were offered more food by parents. Males were also more likely to be fed when they begged. This was most likely because males, being larger than females, were able to reach higher while begging. Neither sex was more likely to beg sooner or occupy certain positions in the nest. However, while males that had been transferred from other nests received less food than natal males, there were no differences in food acquisition between transferred and natal females. Differences in the relative success of males and females under different conditions may help explain differences in fledgling sex ratios observed in many dimorphic species.  相似文献   

In many taxa, parental strategies can vary among individuals. This is especially true in species with biparental care, with males, more often than females, deserting their mates. While there is an abundance of theoretical predictions and empirical data on factors inducing mate abandonment by males, much less is known about what consequences this may have on female behaviour, particularly in the field and in non-avian systems. Here, we compared brood defence rate, behavioural defence types, and brood success of solitary and paired females in two species of Neotropical cichlid fish in their natural habitat. In terms of the rate of territorial aggression towards potential brood predators, solitary females were able to fully compensate in the absence of a male but, in so doing, ended up maintaining smaller territories, which appeared to compromise offspring fitness in at least one of the two species. Hence, our results suggest that even extensive quantitative compensation in parental effort by solitary females may not be enough to ensure adequate qualitative compensation for the lack of male participation, highlighting the importance of distinguishing between these two aspects of compensatory parental care.  相似文献   

Female cannibalism and male courtship tactics in threespine sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Female threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) frequently raid male nests and eat all the eggs therein. We tested the hypothesis of Vickery et al. (1988) that females prefer to raid nests containing large numbers of eggs than ones with smaller numbers of eggs. This hypothesis is based on the finding that females spawning in nests containing many eggs will have reduced hatching success because of egg crowding. By consuming the male's eggs and forcing him to rebuild his nest, raiding females might obtain a new opportunity to spawn under better conditions. Our results were consistent with the first prediction of this hypothesis that females were more likely to spawn in nests containing fewer eggs than in nests with many eggs. However, this may be the result of males becoming less receptive to females as the number of eggs in their nests increases. Prediction 2 was that females should raid those nests containing the most eggs. Contrary to this prediction, males defending only one clutch were as likely to have their nests raided by groups of females as males defending several clutches of eggs. Female cannibalism is therefore unlikely to have evolved as a means of gaining access to a male defending a small number of eggs. We also examined the tactics used by males to counter female raids. Most raids occur when the male is courting, and nests are more vulnerable to shoals of females than to single females. Therefore, we hypothesized that males with eggs preferentially court a single female rather than large groups of females, and that males without eggs court both groups indiscriminately. We also predicted that males restrict the number of females they mate with when risk of having their nest raided is high. Our results indicate that: (1) both males with eggs and those without eggs minimize the risk of female cannibalism by courting solitary females rather than groups of females and (2) males limit the number of females that lay eggs in their nest when several potentially raiding females are present. Offprint requests to: G.J. FitzGerald  相似文献   

The primates of Madagascar (Lemuriformes) deviate from fundamental predictions of sexual selection theory in that polygynous species lack sexual dimorphism, have even adult sex ratios and often live in female-dominated societies. It has been hypothesized that intrasexual selection in these species is either reduced or primarily focused on traits related to scramble competition. The goal of this study was to examine these hypotheses by studying the mating system of a solitary nocturnal species, Mirzacoquereli. During a 4-year field study in western Madagascar, I captured and followed 88 individually marked animals. I found that adult males were significantly larger than females, providing the first evidence for sexual size dimorphism in lemurs. In addition, the adult sex ratio was biased in favour of females in 3 out of 4 years. There was no significant sex difference in canine size, however. Males showed pronounced seasonal variation in testis size with a 5-fold increase before and during the short annual mating season. During the mating season, males had more injuries than females and more than quadrupled their home ranges, overlapping with those of more than ten females, but also with about the same number of rivals. Only about one social interaction per 10 h of observation was recorded, but none of them were matings. Together, these results indicate that these solitary lemurs are clearly subject to intrasexual selection and that male-male competition is primarily, but not exclusively, of the scramble type. In addition, they suggest that the above-mentioned idiosyncracies may be limited to group-living lemurs, that social systems of solitary primates are more diverse than previously thought, and that the temporal distribution of receptive females is responsible for this particular male mating strategy. Received: 11 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

The capacity to recognise a conspecific intruder was investigated in Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Liostenogaster flavolineata and L. vechti, three species of primitively social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. Results of behavioural experiments carried out in the field showed that females of all three species react pacifically if presented with female nestmates, but aggressively reject an intruder from a conspecific colony. As L. flavolineata and L. vechti both build large clusters of nests, often very close to each other, the recognition capacity among females from different nests, but in the same conspecific cluster, was also investigated. Females of both species were more aggressive towards females from a different colony in the same cluster than towards their female nestmates. Additional experiments on L. flavolineata showed that there was no difference in reaction towards females from colonies nearer or further from the tested colony but within the same cluster, nor towards females from a different cluster. The capacity to recognise an alien conspecific nest containing immature brood was investigated in P. jacobsoni. Adult females of this species, invited to land on an alien nest which had experimentally been exchanged for their own, accepted the new nest and partially destroyed the immature brood. The behaviour of the females when they land on an alien nest, however, suggests that they do recognise the nest as foreign. Acceptance of foreign nests coupled with low immature brood destruction is probably due to the high energetic costs of egg-deposition and larval rearing in stenogastrine wasps. These results suggest that nestmate recognition in these wasps is very efficient, even though they belong to the most primitive subfamily of social wasps. Received: 16 April 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

In hypercarnivorous species, females have large spatial requirements to meet their nutritional needs, and food competition among females is intense. As a result, females are typically solitary and territorial, and solitary males compete for access to dispersed females. Yet, largely anecdotal reports indicate that facultative male sociality may be more common in solitary carnivores than previously thought. We studied spatial interactions among fossas (Cryptoprocta ferox), Madagascar's largest carnivore, using simultaneous GPS tracking of 13 adult individuals to determine patterns of sex-specific spatial distribution and sociality. Male home ranges were larger than those of females, male home ranges overlapped more with those of other males than those of females with other females. Whereas some males were solitary, a subset of adult males was found to have very high home range overlap, high rates of co-location within <50 m, low minimum inter-individual distances, and significantly positive “dynamic interaction”. These associated dyads sometimes, but not always, were close relatives. The fact that solitary and associated males coexist in this population raises interesting questions concerning constraints and flexibility of social tolerance. This study yielded preliminary indications that female distribution appears to be primarily structured by resource competition, whereas male sociality seems to depend on demographic chance events, yet unknown proximate determinants of social tolerance, and it is associated with somatic and reproductive advantages. Male associations among carnivores are therefore more widespread and appear to be based on a wider range of factors than previously thought.  相似文献   

Nest and territory defence are risky and potentially dangerous behaviours. If the resolution of life history trade-offs differs between individuals, the level of defence may also vary among individuals. Because melanin-based colour traits can be associated with life history strategies, differently coloured individuals may display different nest and territory defence strategies. We investigated this issue in the colour polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco) for which plumage varies from dark to light reddish melanic. Accordingly, we found that (1) our presence induced a greater response (flying around) from dark-coloured than light-coloured females and (2) dark reddish males suffered lower nest predation rates than light-coloured males. In experimentally enlarged broods, the probability that females reacted after we played back the hoot calls of a stranger male was higher if these females were lighter reddish; the opposite pattern was found in experimentally reduced broods with dark parents being more reactive than light parents. Finally, darker females alarmed more frequently when paired with a light than with a dark male, suggesting that partners adjust their behaviour to each other. We also tested whether colouration is used as a signal by conspecifics to adjust the level of their defensive behaviour. Accordingly, breeding females responded more vigorously to a dark than a light reddish stuffed tawny owl placed beside their nest. We conclude that melanin-based colouration is a signal of alternative nest and territory defence behaviour that depends on ecological factors.  相似文献   

Hypotheses about the evolution of gregariousness and social organisation in primates are based on ecological explanations as well as on social factors such as conspecific threat (especially infanticide by males). The social explanation fits well with the conditions found in strepsirrhine primates and furthermore explains why infanticide in anthropoid primates living in one-male groups mainly occurs when the resident male (protector) is replaced. However, whether it likewise fits to the conditions in multimale groups will depend on the role of resident males as infant protectors, which has rarely been examined. We investigated long-term data of wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) inhabiting a forest near the village of Ramnagar (southern Nepal). Twenty-two eye-witnessed attacks on infants by males were analysed in connection with male residency, paternity (DNA analyses) and sexual behaviour. Adult males played a major role in infant defence (65%). Only the genetic father or males who had been residents when the infant was conceived were observed to protect infants. Males who immigrated after a female had conceived may later attack her infant and were never observed to defend it. lt seems that the males took only copulations with potentially fertile females but not with pregnant females as clues for paternity. In the light of these results it seems likely that the risk of infanticide is an important determinant in female-male associations even in anthropoid primate multimale groups. Received: 22 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 1 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary If no female is present, male burying beetles Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae) co-operate in the burial of a corpse. Once a female has arrived, the males fight with one another. The defeated male stays near the corpse and to copulate with the female. Laboratory experiments using sterilised males showed that the defeated male was able sometimes to father some of the offspring raised on the corpse. Male N. vespilloides almost always participate in defence and feeding of the brood. This is not affected by the size of the male. Males quickly leave or are driven from 5 g corpses. Males feed the larvae as often as females do, and larvae raised by males alone are not significantly different in weight from larvae raised by females alone or by both parents. Males which cared for a succession of broods in the laboratory did not differ significantly in median lifespan from males which were removed from their corpses after eggs had been laid. Non-caring males weighed significantly more than caring males over a sequence of corpses, but the caring males did not differ significantly in weight from non-breeding controls.  相似文献   

Summary Inbreeding may have important consequences for the genetic structure of social insects and thus for sex ratios and the evolution of sociality and multiple queen (polygynous) colonies. The influence of kinship on mating preferences was investigated in a polygynous ant species, Iridomyrmex humilis, which has within-nest mating. When females were presented simultaneously with a brother that had been reared in the same colony until the pupal stage and an unrelated male produced in another colony, females mated preferentially with the unrelated male. The role of environmental colony-derived cues was tested in a second experiment where females were presented with two unrelated males, one of which had been reared in the same colony until the pupal stage (i.e., as in the previous experiment), while the other had been produced in another colony. In this experiment there was no preferential mating with familiar or unfamiliar males, suggesting that colony-derived cues might not be important in mating preferences. Inbreeding was shown to have no strong effect on the reproductive output of queens as measured by the number of worker and sexual pupae produced. The level of fluctuating asymmetry of workers produced by inbreeding queens was not significantly higher than that of non-inbreeding queens. Finally, colonies headed by inbreeding queens did not produce adult diploid males. Based on the current hypotheses of sex-determination the most plausible explanations for the absence of diploid-male-producing colonies are that (i) workers recognized and eliminated these males early in their development, and/or (ii) there are multiple sex-determining loci in this species. It is suggested that even if inbreeding effects on colony productivity are absent or low, incest avoidance mechanisms may have evolved and been maintained if inbreeding queens produce a higher proportion of unviable offspring. Correspondence to: L. Keller at the present address  相似文献   

Summary The roles of sexes in the nest defence behavior of monogamous willow tit (Parus montanus) were studied near Oulu, northern Finland, in 1988–1990. The relative roles of the sexes changed during the breeding cycle: females defended their nests more vigorously before hatching and males defended more after hatching. This sexual asymmetry was studied by means of the cost/benefit model of optimal parental investment (PI). Because of the monogamous breeding system, sexual differences in future benefits were not a likely explanation for the asymmetry. This was also supported by preliminary results of DNA-fingerprinting analyses. Behavioral observations — sex-role reversal, high correlation between the mates, and equal variations in male and female behavior — indicated the same. In the beginning of the breeding cycle, higher female defence was related to renesting potential. The extra costs of renesting are considerably higher for females than for males, and therefore, females appeared to benefit more than males in keeping the first clutch alive while renesting was still possible. Such a female strategy was possible in this northern population, since the time for renesting was rather short and never lasted beyond the hatching of the first nests. After this point, the male can only invest in the present clutch. By the end of the breeding cycle, increased defence of the nest by males may be a consequence of males being larger and/or in better condition than females. Therefore, in the latter half of the breeding cycle, the sexual differences in nest defence did not indicate any sexual difference in PI. The asynchronous arrival of the parents at the nest also affected individual responses, indicating that defending the nest is a dynamic process.  相似文献   

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