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This study is aimed to investigation of the effect of modulated 450 MHz microwave radiation on the EEG inter-hemispheric asymmetry. Ten cycles of the microwave exposure (1 min off and 1 min on) at fixed modulation frequency were applied on two groups of healthy volunteers. The first group of 13 subjects was exposed to microwave radiation modulated at 14 Hz and the second group of 15 subjects at 40 Hz frequency. The peak specific absorption rate (SAR) average over 1 g was 0.303 W/kg. Differences in SAR between hemispheres were up to 20 dB. Rod antenna was located from the left side of the head. Differences of relative changes in EEG energy between symmetric channels FP1–FP2, T3–T4, P3–P4 and O1–O2 in exposed and sham conditions were analysed. The results showed increase in EEG energy from the left side caused by microwave exposure. Statistical analysis done for the whole group of subjects didn’t reveal significant differences in inter-hemispheres asymmetry between exposed and sham conditions. However, statistical analysis performed for individual subjects detected significant differences in asymmetry caused by exposure for 15–35% of individuals.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate the changes in the human electroencephalographic (EEG) signal caused by modulated low-level microwaves. The 450 MHz microwave exposure modulated at 40 Hz and 70 Hz frequencies was applied to a group of 15 volunteers. The field power density at the scalp was 0.16 mW/cm2. Ten cycles of the exposure (1 min on and 1 min off) at both modulation frequencies were applied. Analysis of the EEG signal was performed using three different methods: nonlinear method of scaling analysis for length distribution of low variability periods (LDLVP), relative changes in EEG energy (S-parameter) and beta ratio (H-parameter). The analysis revealed significant changes caused by microwave for the whole group (H-parameter method). The exposure caused increase of the EEG beta power (S-parameter method). Statistically significant changes in EEG were detected for four subjects (26.7%) at 40 Hz modulation frequency (LDLVP method).  相似文献   

Summary This study focuses on an origin of interaction mechanism of microwave radiation with nervous system—quasi-thermal field effect. The microwave field can cause fluctuations and vibration of the charged particles and membranes in tissues. The hypothesis is, that this phenomenon is similar to the effect caused by Brown motion initiated by temperature and results in the same effects without rise in temperature. The electric field of 1 V/cm can introduce disturbance of the thermal equilibrium inside a cell of 10 μm radius, which is equivalent to disturbance produced by temperature rise of 1 K. The hypothesis, that microwave heating should cause an effect independent of the microwave modulation frequency, while field effect depends on modulation frequency, was examined experimentally. The 450 MHz microwave radiation, modulated at 7, 14 and 21 Hz frequencies, power density at the skin 0.16 mW/cm2, was applied. The experimental protocol consisted of two series of five cycles of the repetitive microwave exposure at fixed modulation frequencies. Relative changes in EEG theta, alpha and beta rhythms of the group of 13 healthy volunteers were analysed. Analysis of the experimental data shows that: (1) statistically significant changes in EEG rhythms depend on modulation frequency of the microwave field; (2) microwave stimulation causes an increase of the EEG energy level; (3) the effect is most intense at beta1 rhythm and higher modulation frequencies. These findings confirm the quasi-thermal origin of the effect, different from average heating.  相似文献   

Summary This study focuses on discrimination of changes, produced by low-level microwave exposure in intensity and time variability of the human EEG at rest. The power spectral density (PSD) method and nonlinear scaling analysis of the length distribution of low variability periods (LDLVP) were selected for analysis of the EEG signal. During the study, 19 healthy volunteers were exposed to a microwave (450 MHz) of 217 Hz frequency on-off modulation. The field power density at the scalp was 0.16 mW/cm2. The experimental protocol consisted of ten cycles of repetitive microwave exposure. Signals from frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital EEG channels on EEG theta, alpha and beta rhythms were analysed. Exposure to microwave causes average increase of EEG activity. LDLVP analysis discriminated significant effect in time variability for 2 subjects (11%). PSD method detected significant changes in intensity for 4 subjects (21%). The effect of low-level microwave exposure is stronger on EEG beta rhythm in temporal and parietal regions of the human brain.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by cellular phones on human electroencephalogram (EEG) were studied during an auditory memory task. The experimental method and the experimental setup are introduced as a credible measurement method of EEG. 19 normal subjects (10 women and 9 men) performed the memory task both with and without exposure to a 900 MHz signal, emitted by a dipole antenna placed near the subjects' head. The energy of the EEG signals was calculated at the time domain. A Fourier transform of the EEG signals was done and the EEG energy was also calculated at the frequency domain. As the Parseval's theorem anticipates the energies were identical. The EEG energy was found concentrated at the four basic bands (α (8–13 Hz), β(14–30 Hz), δ (0–4 Hz) and θ(5–7 Hz)). The primary concern of the present study was the gender related influence of EMF on the spectral energy of EEG. The results show evidence of a strong gender—radiation interaction effect on the EEG energy and on the peak amplitudes within each of the four rhythms. Without radiation the spectral power of males is greater than of females, while under exposure the situation is reversed. Under the influence of EMF the spectral power of the males EEG is decreased while that of the females is increased. In conclusion both the baseline EEG and the changes effected to the EEG power spectrum under the influence of EMF seem to be gender dependent.  相似文献   

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