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While emerging markets have obtained powerful growth for foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, they are facing severe smog pollution, and this contradiction has become increasingly prominent since the financial crisis. Assessing the influence of FDI on pollutant emissions is of great significance for determining how to attract FDI to promote environmental sustainability. The present study simultaneously investigates the direct and indirect effects of FDI on PM2.5 contamination for emerging countries spanning the period 2010–2016. Due to the features of the nonlinear analysis, a generalized panel smooth transition regression (GPSTR) model was introduced, and cross-sectional dependence, heterogeneity, nonlinear unit root, nonlinear cointegration tests and non-parametric kernel density estimation were applied to achieve this goal. The results reveal that FDI directly contributes to decreasing PM2.5, but indirectly has on increasing PM2.5 emissions. The total effect of FDI on PM2.5 concentrations is proven to be negative, which confirms the pollution halo hypothesis. Moreover, the connection between FDI inflows and PM2.5 emissions displays a threshold and dynamic characteristic and is “S-shaped”. At lower levels of FDI, the inflows of FDI exert a positive effect on reducing PM2.5 concentrations, whereas when FDI exceeds the threshold of 23.2981, such influence is gradually weakened with an increase in its own accumulation. The study provides new assessments on FDI's contribution to pollutant emissions and evidence for environmental sustainability in the post-financial crisis era.  相似文献   

随着工业化和城市化进程的加速,大气气溶胶污染日趋严重,由气溶胶细粒子PM2.5污染造成的能见度恶化事件越来越多,中国东部地区灰霾天气迅速增加.灰霾天气的本质是细粒子气溶胶污染,与光化学污染相关联,形成灰霾天气的气溶胶组成非常复杂.近年来由于灰霾天气日趋严重引发的环境效应问题,以及气溶胶辐射强迫引发的气候效应问题,已引起科学界、政府部门和社会公众的广泛关注,成为热门话题.在此背景下,国家出台了新版《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095-2012),增设PM2.5浓度限值,对环境监测、环境管理和环境评价提出了新的要求.通过分析中国大气污染背景、国际组织和其他国家的PM2.5标准,及近期热点问题,提出在环境监测、环境管理和环境评价过程中实施新标准,监控PM2.5的策略.  相似文献   

利用2017—2018年全国7个区域10个典型城市环境空气O3和PM2.5浓度数据,统计污染物累积速率,进而采用回归方法拟合污染物浓度及其累积速率的时间序列模型,分析不同区域污染物时序变化特征差异。结果表明:不同区域O3浓度时序曲线拟合程度总体高于PM2.5,石家庄O3拟合程度最高,西安PM2.5拟合程度最高。以07:00、14:00分别作为O3、PM2.5模拟起点是24 h中的最优模型。不同城市夏季O3小时浓度时序变化曲线均为单峰形态,O3浓度及累积速率峰值出现时间可能由城市所处经度决定,太原O3累积最快,西安O3消解最快。各城市间冬季PM2.5小时浓度及其累积速率时序变化曲线形态差异较大,沈阳PM2.5累积和消解均最快。与浓度相比,城市环境空气O3和PM2.5累积速率与光照、扩散条件等有更好的时间相关性。  相似文献   

研究采用空气质量指数法对2014—2018年洛阳市大气污染变化特征进行了分析,构建了空气污染物浓度的影响指标体系,采用灰色关联法研究了空气污染物浓度与影响因子之间的关联度,得到了影响空气污染物浓度的主要指标因子,并提出了改善洛阳市空气质量的措施。结果表明:洛阳市空气质量指数类别主要为良和轻度污染。2014—2018年空气质量为优良的天数主要出现在春季、夏季和秋季,重度污染和严重污染主要出现在冬季。2018年PM10、PM2.5、NO2、SO2和CO这5项污染物浓度随时间变化呈"V"型,污染主要集中在1—5月和11—12月。O3浓度随时间变化呈倒"V"型,污染主要集中在4—9月。研究期内PM2.5、PM10和O3是主要污染物。市区总人口、工业(综合)能源消耗量、人均生产总值、城市机动车总数、城市房屋施工面积、人均公园绿地面积、建成区绿化覆盖率和一般工业固体废物产生量等8项指标因子与PM2.5、PM10和O3的浓度表现出高关联度或较高关联度。  相似文献   

中国各城市细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))环境空气质量差异较大,呈现明显的区域污染特征。合理划分PM_(2.5)污染防治区域、开展区域性大气环境管理,是改善区域空气质量的重要途径。根据2015年全国108个重点城市大气PM_(2.5)的日均浓度数据,使用系统聚类方法对各城市的PM_(2.5)全年污染变化特征进行分析,从而划分出不同防治区域。依据聚类分析的3项原则,综合比较4种不同聚类方法及结果,最后提出可以划分出8个PM_(2.5)污染防治区域:a赣鄂湘接壤地区(长株潭及周边城市),b成渝及周边地区,c粤桂地区,d闽浙沿海城市群,e东三省地区,f长三角地区,g山东及周边地区,h京津冀、山西中北部、陕西关中城市群。  相似文献   

上海市秋季典型PM2.5污染过程数值预报分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
基于2012年10月上海出现的一次典型PM2.5污染案例,验证评估上海市空气质量数值预报系统Model-3/CMAQ预报性能,采用过程分析技术,定量评估不同大气物理化学过程对上海代表性点位PM2.5浓度变化的作用规律。结果表明:Model-3/CMAQ模式系统能较好地反映PM2.5的浓度变化趋势与特点。对于上海市区点位(徐汇上师大)和东南部点位(奉贤海湾和浦东惠南),PM2.5浓度上升主要受本地源排放影响,其贡献比例超过40%,其次是区域大气传输作用的影响。对于西北部点位(崇明监测站和青浦淀山湖),区域大气传输是PM2.5浓度上升的主要原因,贡献比例超过70%,其次是源排放。各点位PM2.5浓度的主要去除途径均为大气传输,贡献比例均超过70%,其次是干沉降。气溶胶过程对PM2.5主要起二次颗粒物生成的作用,特别是市区及东南部点位,贡献比例较西北部点位更高。  相似文献   

为研究杭州PM2.5污染来源特征,利用2013—2019年杭州市PM2.5监测数据和气象观测数据,分析了杭州市2013—2019年PM2.5浓度变化,选取本地积累型和输入型2种PM2.5污染过程,结合单颗粒气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪(SPAMS)和在线离子色谱数据,探讨杭州市PM2.5化学组分和污染来源。结果表明:每年秋冬季(11月至次年3月)杭州以东北风、西北风及偏南风为主,风速低于4 m/s时,大气扩散条件差,受本地污染物积累影响,PM2.5浓度容易出现超标;风速较大且为东北风和西北风时,受上游污染输入影响,易出现PM2.5重度污染。本地积累型和输入型案例中,PM2.5化学组分中占比最大的为NO3-、SO42-和NH4+;PM2.5浓度上升过程中,二次NO3-和SO42-转换率明显上升,其中NO3-上升更为显著,二次气溶胶污染严重。2次案例中,PM2.5来源贡献占比前3位均为机动车尾气源、燃煤源和工业工艺源,其中本地积累型PM2.5浓度上升阶段,机动车尾气源占比会明显上升;输入型案例中,输入阶段机动车尾气源占比显著上升,燃煤源贡献也小幅上升。  相似文献   

2016—2017年武汉市城区大气PM2.5污染特征及来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2016年1月至2017年9月湖北省环境监测中心站大气复合污染自动监测站的在线监测数据,对武汉市城区PM2.5的污染特征及主要来源进行解析。结果表明,武汉市城区PM2.5质量浓度呈现出明显的季节差异,季节变化规律为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季。水溶性离子的主要成分SO42-、NO3-和NH4+占总离子质量浓度的82.0%。PM2.5中阴离子相对阳离子较为亏损,颗粒整体呈碱性。夏季气态污染物的氧化程度较高且SO2较NO2氧化程度高。后向轨迹分析结果表明,区域传输是武汉市PM2.5的一个重要来源,在4个典型重污染阶段,武汉市分别受到局地、东北、西北及西南方向气团传输的影响。PMF模型解析出武汉市PM2.5五大主要来源及平均贡献率:扬尘22.0%、机动车排放27.7%、二次气溶胶21.6%、重油燃烧14.9%和生物质燃烧13.8%。  相似文献   

Severe particulate matter (PM, including PM2.5 and PM10) pollution frequently impacts many cities in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) in China, which has aroused growing concern. In this study, we examined the associations between relative humidity (RH) and PM pollution using the equal step-size statistical method. Our results revealed that RH had an inverted U-shaped relationship with PM2.5 concentrations (peaking at RH = 45–70%), and an inverted V-shaped relationship (peaking at RH = 40 ± 5%) with PM10, SO2, and NO2. The trends of polluted-day number significantly changed at RH = 70%. The very-dry (RH < 45%), dry (RH = 45–60%) and low-humidity (RH = 60–70%) conditions positively affected PM2.5 and exerted an accumulation effect, while the mid-humidity (RH = 70–80%), high-humidity (RH = 80–90%), and extreme-humidity (RH = 90–100%) conditions played a significant role in reducing particle concentrations. For PM10, the accumulation and reduction effects of RH were split at RH = 45%. Moreover, an upward slope in the PM2.5/PM10 ratio indicated that the accumulation effects from increasing RH were more intense on PM2.5 than on PM10, while the opposite was noticed for the reduction effects. Secondary transformations from SO2 and NO2 to sulfate and nitrate were mainly responsible for PM2.5 pollution, and thus, controlling these precursors is effective in mitigating the PM pollution in the YRD, especially during winter. The conclusions in this study will be helpful for regional air-quality management.  相似文献   

Continuous aerosol measurements were made at a regional background station (Mukteshwar) located in a rural Himalayan mountain terrain from December 2005 to December 2008 for a period of 3 years. The average concentrations of particulate matter less than or equal to 10 μm (PM10), particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and black carbon (BC) are 46.0, 26.6 and 0.85 μg/m3 during the study period. Majority of the PM10 values lie below 100 μg/m3 while majority of the PM2.5 values lie below 30 μg/m3. It is further seen that during the monsoon months, especially July and August, the average values are comparatively low. It is also noted that the PM2.5/PM10 ratios between 0.50 and 0.75 have the maximum frequency distribution in the data set. Furthermore, the monthly mean ratio of BC to PM2.5 mass lies between 3.0 and 7.5 % during the study period. Though the average PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations during the study period are less than the respective Indian ambient air quality standards, however, they are still above the WHO guidelines and would have adverse health impacts. This shows that even in rural/background regions that are far away from major pollution sources or urban areas, the aerosol concentrations are significant and require long-term monitoring, source quantification and aerosol model simulations.  相似文献   

中国城市细颗粒物(PM_(2.5))空气质量达标率低,且城市间的污染程度差异较大。为了整体改善PM_(2.5)空气质量,需要针对不同污染程度的城市,制定分阶段改善目标加以考核和管理,研究探讨了城市PM_(2.5)空气质量改善目标体系及不同污染程度城市各阶段目标值。首先运用文献综述法、国内外对比分析法梳理评述了WHO、欧美等发达国家PM_(2.5)的空气质量标准和达标要求,提出中国城市PM_(2.5)空气质量改善的考核目标体系,包括PM_(2.5)浓度目标值或下降率、严重污染天数上限、达标天数下限等指标。通过历史数据分析法研究了2000—2013年美国、日本一些城市和2013—2016年中国74个环保城市PM_(2.5)年均浓度的变化趋势,推论出中国城市PM_(2.5)年均浓度年均下降5%~8%是可能实现的;结合环境保护部及各省市PM_(2.5)污染防治规划,提出PM_(2.5)空气质量改善目标的设定原则和达标天数的回归计算方法;以2014年114个城市PM_(2.5)年均浓度为基数,计算得出不同污染程度城市2020、2025、2030年PM_(2.5)年均浓度年下降率和达标天数的目标值。  相似文献   

宁波市区冬季大气颗粒物及其主要组分的污染特征分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
为了更好地研究影响宁波市区环境空气质量的污染物变化特征,于2010年1月20—30日进行了加强监测。研究结果表明,宁波市区大气中PM10和PM2.5质量浓度较高,其中PM2.5/PM10为0.5~0.85。对PM10和PM2.5采样膜分析,水溶性粒子和含碳组分分别占PM10和PM2.5质量浓度的56.7%和66.9%,其中二次污染的水溶性离子SO42-、NO3-和NH4+是PM10和PM2.5中浓度较高的离子组分;PM2.5样品中OC与EC的相关性较好,表明OC与EC的来源相对一致,可能主要来自机动车尾气的贡献;但PM10样品中OC与EC的相关性较差,表明其来源相对复杂;其中SOC的浓度占OC的13%~35%,说明宁波市区冬季导致二次污染的光化学反应不活跃。  相似文献   

为了解襄阳市秋冬季PM2.5的污染特征及来源,基于2020年11月至2021年1月在线监测数据,对PM2.5质量浓度、气象因素、化学组分、来源及潜在源区进行了分析。结果表明,襄阳市秋冬季污染天首要污染物均为PM2.5,且随污染程度加重,PM2.5与PM10质量浓度比呈上升趋势,二次颗粒物的形成对PM2.5的贡献更高。在PM2.5化学组分中,水溶性离子占比最大,随着污染程度加重,二次离子(SNA)快速增长,二次离子的生成转化是污染的重要成因。轻度、中度污染时,湿度高、风速小、气温低,有利于污染的积累,重度污染时湿度大、风速回升,有利于上游污染的输送与二次转化。PMF模型解析出襄阳市PM2.5主要来源及贡献率为二次源58.0%、工业企业源22.6%、机动车源10.7%、扬尘源8.7%。襄阳市潜在源区主要分布在河南省中北部、河北省南部、山东省西部、安徽省北部、江汉平原东部及南部区域,极少量分布在襄阳区域,长距离区域传输...  相似文献   

The relationship between indoor and outdoor particulate air pollution was investigated at an urban background site on the Payambar Azam Campus of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in Sari, Northern Iran. The concentration of particulate matter sized with a diameter less than 1 μm (PM1.0), 2.5 μm (PM2.5), and 10 μm (PM10) was evaluated at 5 outdoor and 12 indoor locations. Indoor sites included classrooms, corridors, and office sites in four university buildings. Outdoor PM concentrations were characterized at five locations around the university campus. Indoor and outdoor PM measurements (1-min resolution) were conducted in parallel during weekday mornings and afternoons. No difference found between indoor PM10 (50.1 ± 32.1 μg/m3) and outdoor PM10 concentrations (46.5 ± 26.0 μg/m3), indoor PM2.5 (22.6 ± 17.4 μg/m3) and outdoor PM2.5 concentration (22.2 ± 15.4 μg/m3), or indoor PM1.0 (14.5 ± 13.4 μg/m3) and outdoor mean PM1.0 concentrations (14.2 ± 12.3 μg/m3). Despite these similar concentrations, no correlations were found between outdoor and indoor PM levels. The present findings are not only of importance for the potential health effects of particulate air pollution on people who spend their daytime over a period of several hours in closed and confined spaces located at a university campus but also can inform regulatory about the improvement of indoor air quality, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

利用山西省11个地级市大气环境监测站的PM2.5、PM10和O3浓度数据,分析了2015—2020年山西省PM2.5、PM10和O3浓度时空变化特征,采用空间计量模型和岭回归方法,分析了空气污染对公众健康的空间影响。结果表明:PM2.5和PM10年均质量浓度总体下降,两者在2017年最高,2020年最低;O3年均浓度总体增加。在季节尺度上,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度在冬季的12月和1月最高,夏季的8月最低;O3浓度在6月最高。空间上,相较2015年,2020年山西省各地级市PM2.5污染程度均有改善,其中长治改善效果最好;2020年山西各地级市PM10污染兼有加重和减轻的情形,所有地级市PM2.5和PM10污染水平均超过国家二级污染浓度限值;2020年山西多数地级市O3浓度升高。山西公众健康水平具有明显的空间离散特征,PM2.5和PM10浓度的局部空间自相关特征高度一致,呈现"南高北低"的格局,O3浓度分布呈"南部高,中北部低"的格局。大气环境质量和经济发展水平均对医疗机构诊疗人数和健康体检人数的变化有正向影响,每万人卫生技术人员数量和公共财政支出比例对公众健康均有负向影响,其中经济发展水平和大气环境质量的影响最显著。山西省PM2.5治理取得一定成效,但大部分城市PM2.5和PM10达标率较低,O3浓度有持续升高的趋势,PM10和O3污染改善缓慢,深度减排仍面临挑战。PM2.5和PM10是危害山西公众健康的主要大气污染物,未来需要加强PM2.5、PM10和O3的精细化管理及协同治理。  相似文献   

This research paper aims at establishing baseline PM10 and PM2.5 concentration levels, which could be effectively used to develop and upgrade the standards in air pollution in developing countries. The relative contribution of fine fractions (PM2.5) and coarser fractions (PM10-2.5) to PM10 fractions were investigates in a megacity which is overcrowded and congested due to lack of road network and deteriorated air quality because of vehicular pollution. The present study was carried out during the winter of 2002. The average 24h PM10 concentration was 304 μg/m3, which is 3 times more than the Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and higher PM10 concentration was due to fine fraction (PM2.5) released by vehicular exhaust. The 24h average PM2.5 concentration was found 179 μg/m3, which is exceeded USEPA and EU standards of 65 and 50 μg/m3 respectively for the winter. India does not have any PM2.5 standards. The 24 h average PM10-2.5 concentrations were found 126 μg/m3. The PM2.5 constituted more than 59% of PM10 and whereas PM10-PM2.5 fractions constituted 41% of PM10. The correlation between PM10 and PM2.5 was found higher as PM2.5 comprised major proportion of PM10 fractions contributed by vehicular emissions.  相似文献   

基于2014—2020年重庆市中心城区北碚区环境监测数据及地面观测气象要素,分析了北碚区大气污染特征,利用KNN算法建立大气污染的评估模型,对空气质量改善效果进行评估。结果表明,重庆市中心城区北碚区的PM2.5浓度逐年呈明显下降趋势,O3浓度除夏季有一个弱的下降趋势外,其余3个季节和年平均值整体均呈上升趋势。全年以优良天气为主且呈增加趋势。O3与气温、日照时间呈正相关,与相对湿度呈负相关性,PM2.5与气温、降水及风速呈负相关。基于KNN算法对空气质量改善状况评估表明,减排对O3污染平均贡献率在-4.7%左右,对PM2.5污染平均贡献率为-52%,气象条件对O3污染的平均贡献率在17%左右,对PM2.5污染的平均贡献率在-7%左右。该大气污染评估模型能够有效地评估空气改善效果。  相似文献   

Tehran, the capital city of Iran, is an important industrial and commercial center. This city is one of the worst cities in the world in terms of air pollution, which is mostly due to mobile sources rather than stationary sources. Particulate matter (PM), which is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets, is considered as an important source of air pollution in Tehran. In this study, our objective was to study PM10, PM2.5, and PM1.0 mass and number concentrations and find the correlations of these two parameters in the west-central parts of Tehran during two consecutive warm and cold seasons. The particles collected from five stations were analyzed for their mass and number simultaneously by a laser-based Grimm dust monitor. In general, it was found that the accumulation of the PM in this region is more in the cold season. PM10 mass concentration increases almost twofold and PM2.5 and PM1.0 almost three times in this season. The mean number concentration of the particles (0.3–20 μm) was found to be almost 4.8 times in the cold season. It was also noticed that the average dimensions of the particles decrease in that season.  相似文献   

利用2015—2017年春节期间东北地区主要大气污染物(PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、SO_2、NO_2、CO和O3)质量浓度监测资料及相应气象因子(温度、湿度、风速和气压)观测资料,分析了春节期间烟花爆竹禁燃对东北地区空气质量的影响。结果表明:随着东北地区主要城市禁燃力度的增强,空气质量逐年提升,PM_(2.5)和SO_2浓度逐年大幅度下降。禁燃可明显降低城区PM_(2.5)浓度,而由于春节期间污染源整体减少,城区和城郊监测点PM_(2.5)浓度值差异减小。烟花爆竹对PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)浓度影响高于对气体污染物SO_2、NO_2和CO的影响。此外,气象条件对东北地区春节期间禁燃改善空气质量的效果也有明显影响。因此,结合春节期间的气象条件,在东北地区实施禁燃政策动态调整非常必要。  相似文献   

根据2015年广州城区磨碟沙、内陆郊区天湖和近海郊区万顷沙不同环境空气PM2.5中金属元素(Pb、Cd、Cr、Ni、As等23种)监测数据,分析其污染特征与富集程度,并评估潜在生态风险和健康风险,为大气污染风险防控提供支持。结果显示:广州大气PM2.5中金属K、Na、Fe、Ca、Al和Zn含量相对较高。总元素浓度总体呈冬季最高、夏季最低的特征,且随PM2.5污染加重而升高,但总元素在PM2.5中的占比下降。Cd、Se、Zn、Cu、Mo、Pb和Na富集严重(富集因子>100),体现了人类活动的重要影响,磨碟沙城区站富集因子通常高于另2个站点。广州大气总金属元素潜在生态危害程度为"很强",Cd贡献为主,Pb、Cu和As元素贡献分别在天湖、磨碟沙和万顷沙位列第二。As、Cr和Mn是大气金属元素健康风险的主要贡献者;磨碟沙的总致癌效应风险高于万顷沙和天湖,但万顷沙的总非致癌效应风险最高。  相似文献   

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