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九寨沟景区旅游环境容量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从不同的视角对九寨沟景区现状条件下的旅游生态环境容量、旅游空间容量、旅游服务设施容量和旅游社会环境容量进行了定量分析,获得了九寨沟景区现状条件下最大旅游环境容量和最佳旅游环境容量值;诊断出九寨沟旅游生态环境容量充分满足游客需求,但服务设施的不足限制了大量游人的进入。  相似文献   

在岷山山脉的崇山峻岭中,珍藏着一块世界绿宝石——九寨沟。翠海、飞瀑、奇幻、晶莹等美丽的词汇均不能表达它的美,神笔也难以画出它的神韵。正是因为这样,它才成为我国唯一拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界人与生物圈保护区”两项桂冠的圣地。九寨是自然美完整的集结,是天上人间的画卷,充满着童话世界的神奇。它是山岳、湖泊、溪流、草地、瀑布等各种自然形态的“名模”,也是一部最为丰富的生态教科书。它冲击着人的灵魂,增进人与自然的情感和亲和力。只要迈进九寨沟的山门,情感和灵感的闸门就会洞开。  相似文献   

基于ABC态度模型,利用多源互联网大数据对贵州省高级别景区网络形象类型及分异特征进行研究。结果发现:①贵州多数景区网络形象指数较低,网络形象指数较高的景区极少。②美誉度、知名度与景区级别有正向关联关系,贵州“良性”层级循环景区不足,“恶性”层级循环景区占比较高。③贵州景区景观质量、景区级别与服务质量不匹配,服务质量总体好于景观质量,景区资源和产品质量不高。  相似文献   

四川是旅游资源大省,其资源的独特性被海内外游客所公认,现有举世闻名的“童话世界”九寨沟、黄龙,有“峨眉天下秀”的峨眉山、有“世界第一大佛”的乐山大佛,和“青城天下幽”的青城山、“世界水利精典”都江堰等世界遗产四处;国家4A级旅游景区9处,国家级风景名胜区9处,国家级自然保护区11处,国家级森林公园11处,全国重点文物保护单位40处,中国历史文化名城7座,中国优秀旅游城市3座。尤其是世界遗产九寨沟、国宝大熊猫、古蜀文化三星堆的品位和价值在全世界旅游资源中具有垄断性、不可代替性和不可模仿性的特点。 四川旅游有…  相似文献   

蓝楠 《绿色视野》2013,(1):47-50
【案情】游客对于九寨沟的破坏主要来自三个方面:游客进入森林后,对林区土地的践踏,对树木的触摸等,这些是对景区生态环境最直接的破坏影响;其次,大量的游客到达九寨沟后,食、住、行所产生的废水、废气和生活垃圾,以及当地居民为了接待游客而过度地消耗当地自然资源,这些是间接的破坏影响;除此以外还有噪音等其他因素,也会对九寨沟的动植物正常生长有所影响。通过实地考察,发现九寨沟管理部门针对这些问题都采取  相似文献   

黄龙,位于四川阿坝州松潘县境内,整个景区与九寨沟相连,与九寨沟风景区联合被评为世界自然遗产。 进入景区,栈道沿池婉蜒而去,雾气流云扑面而来。绿荫掩映中,一组色彩缤纷、迷离幽深的彩池群,鳞次栉比,闪现出以天蓝色为主旋律的青、兰、黄、绿等色光谱。乳白色的钙华池  相似文献   

亚民 《环境教育》2011,(9):86-87
九寨沟风景名胜区,位于四川省阿坝县藏族羌族自治州南坪县。因为九个藏族村寨坐落在这片高山湖泊群中,因而被称为“九寨沟”。  相似文献   

自2000年四川乐山13家旅行社组建联合体后,今年7月,四川十大“青年”景区又结成利益共同体,联合促销、捆绑销售,以优势互补、发挥资源的整合效应。 “卖面粉的怎容得下卖石灰的”?一向鸡犬声相闻,老死不相往来的竞争对手,怎会握手言欢,共谋发展?  相似文献   

在新的时代背景下,诠释了农业现代化、新型工业化、新型城镇化和信息化的基本内涵.基于循环累积因果关系理论论证了“新四化”之间的互动关系,构建了协同发展状态下的“新四化”互动关系模型,分析了“新四化”之间的协同发展对社会经济发展的倍增效应,指出政府部门在“新四化”协同发展中的重要性.  相似文献   

旅游景区管理模式选择研究——基于景区资源产权关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
景区资源管理的责任是“保护”和“展示”辅之以“利用”,清晰界定各产权权能的主体以及各主体的责、权、利,有利于管理责任的实现,也有利于克服目前景区管理的无序状态。强调在进行各主体的权、利界定时应建立各主体配套的责任机制的重要性。景区资源的产权主要是所有权、管理权、经营权和监督权等。根据景区资源与旅游活动的特征,进一步提出了有助于管理责任实现的“基础管理权”和“经营管理权”相分离的主张,进一步完善了景区产权理论。  相似文献   

南京市房地产投资与GDP关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Eviews5.0为平台,运用计量经济模型对南京市GDP增长与房地产投资之间的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明,在短期内两者之间仅存在单向的因果关系,即南京市GDP增长是拉动房地产投资增长的原因,而房地产投资增长对GDP增长的影响并不显著;GDP增长波动对房地产波动具有即时的正影响。  相似文献   

Relationship between rainfall and spring discharge study is important to understand hydrological behaviour of springs and water resources management. In the Himalayan mountains springs are the freshwater sources for household consumption. We studied six springs of different recharge area characteristics in two micro-watersheds in western Himalayan mountains in India. Based on the recharge area geology these springs were divided into fracture/joint (FR/JT) and fracture/joint/colluvium (FR/JT/COLL). We found a strong positive relationship between rainfall and spring discharge. Peak spring discharge coincided with peak rainfall in two FR/JT/COLL springs, which was delayed by about one month in FR/JT springs. Mean annual discharge was about two times greater for FR/JT/COLL springs than the FR/JT springs (6.47 vs. 3.94 liter per minute). But spring discharge per 1000 L of rainfall in spring recharge area for FR/JT springs was about 2.3 times greater than the FR/JT/COLL springs (49 vs. 21 liter per minute). In the FR/JT springs, rainfall in spring recharge area and spring discharge were weakly related (r=0.174), while they were strongly related in FR/JT/COLL springs (r=0.595). In the former category of springs decline in discharge was gradual, while it was rapid in the latter category of springs. Therefore, with regard to sustained supply of water for household consumption FR/JT springs can be considered more suitable. Land use and land cover such as moderately grazed pasture, abandoned agricultural terraces and few trees but dense growth of bushes and oak forest in the spring recharge area were found conducive for spring discharge and may be promoted for long-term water resource conservation in this region.  相似文献   

水中典型致臭藻类培养浓度与吸光度、浊度关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晨  马晓雁  李军  张赟 《四川环境》2010,29(4):31-34
颤藻(Oscillatoria Vauch.)和硅藻(Hantzschia amphioxys)是常见的导致地表水体臭味的藻类,本文分别对颤藻和硅藻培养液的吸光特性等进行了研究。经过光谱扫描发现,颤藻和硅藻在紫外区均无明显吸收峰;颤藻液在可见光区波长为420、440、625和675nm处有吸收峰,硅藻液在420和675nm处有吸收峰,颤藻液的吸光特性优于硅藻。研究发现,在一定浓度范围内,培养液中藻浓度与吸光度均成正比;本文同时探讨了培养液中藻浓度与浊度的关系,两者为线性关系;研究结果表明吸光度或浊度可准确反映培养过程中的藻浓度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Treatment of a high strength acidic industrial chemical waste, which had a COD of about 3000 mg/1 and a pH of 3, was attempted by activated carbon adsorption to evaluate the feasibility of yielding effluents of reusable qualities. The experimental methods which were employed in this investigation included batch and column studies. The former was used to evaluate the rate and equilibrium of carbon adsorption while the latter was used to determine treatment efficiencies and performance characteristics. Parallel operations of fixed-bed and expanded-bed adsorbers were contrasted in the column study. Results of this investication indicate that activated carbon was very efficient in removing the COD of the chemical waste. Initial pH adjustments for the wastewater to 7.0 or 11.4 did not increase the COD removal efficiency. Turbidity and nitrogen (total Kjeldahl- and ammonia-N) were removed to some extents by the carbon bed adsorbers while phosphorus (total-and ortho-P) was totally unaffected by the carbon treatment.  相似文献   

采用GC/MS技术分析了炼厂隔油后污水的有机组成,并研究了不同混凝剂处理污水的效果,以及对有机构成的影响。结果表明,隔油后污水中的有机物质主要是C6–C8,其中酚类物质的含量最高;PAM和PAC混凝处理隔油后污水,可使污水中的有机物质总浓度及各物质的相对比例均发生变化,PAM降低烃类物质的效果好于PAC,而后者降低酚类物质的效果好于前者;在PAC处理污水时,同时投加少量活性炭可有效改变PAC脱除COD的性能。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Percent imperviousness is an important parameter in modeling the urban rainfall-runoff process and is usually determined using manual methods such as random sampling or conventional accounting methods. In this study two computerized methods are used for estimating the percent imperviousness of urban watersheds using high altitude remote sensing imagery. These methods include the Laser Image Processing Scanner and the Video-Tape Camera system. Imperviousness is directly estimated in the former method while in the latter it is estimated as a function of the statistics of the responses on emulsions of the imagery. The percent imperviousness computed by utilizing remote sensing imagery was used with the conceptual models of rainfall-runoff models. The models were applied to four urban watersheds and the runoff prediction results indicate that imperviousness determined by using remote sensing imagery was as accurate as that obtained by the manual methods, and that the use of remote sensing imagery requires significantly less time and money.  相似文献   

石油污染土壤原位生物修复的强化实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究添加营养物质和高效降解石油微生物对油污土壤生物修复的作用,通过分层土柱的方法,连续监测了不同条件下不同土层的含水率、石油烃含量、细菌数量及脱氢酶活性。结果表明:添加营养物质同时接种高效微生物可使降解效果明显改善,降解率比在自然条件下提高近50%,而单纯添加营养物质不接种高效微生物可使降解率比在自然条件下提高约25%。降解初期,上层土壤降解效果较好,而到中后期,中下层降解效果好于上层。微生物数量和脱氢酶活性与石油降解率之间存在良好的相关性,脱氢酶活性比微生物数量更能反映修复过程中微生物的存活状态。添加营养物质和高效降解石油微生物对油污土壤原位生物修复具有强化作用。  相似文献   

采用单一成分絮凝剂和多种成分絮凝剂按不同配比多种方法对污水进行处理。对所用药剂加以筛选,优化组合。结果表明用高分子絮凝剂成本低,沉降速度快。  相似文献   

Recent catastrophic floods in Viet Nam have been increasingly linked to land use and forest cover change in the uplands. Despite the doubts that many scientists have expressed on such nexus, this common view prompted both positive forest protection/reforestation programs and often-unwarranted blame on upland communities for their forest management practices. This study discusses the disparity between public perceptions and scientific evidences relating the causes of catastrophic floods. The former was drawn on the results of a questionnaire and focus groups discussions with key informants of different mountainous communities, whereas the latter was based on GIS and remote sensing analysis of land cover change, including a statistical analysis of hydro-meteorological data of the Huong river basin in Viet Nam. Results indicate that there is a gap between the common beliefs and the actual relationship between the forest cover change and catastrophic floods. Undeniably, the studied areas showed significant changes in land cover over the period 1989–2008, yet, 71% of the variance of catastrophic flood level in the downstream areas appeared related to variance in rainfall. Evidences from this study showed that the overall increasing trends of catastrophic flooding in the Huong river basin was mainly due to climate variability and to the development of main roads and dyke infrastructures in the lowlands. Forest management policies and programs, shaped on the common assumption that forest degradation in the upland is the main cause of catastrophic flood in the downstream areas, should be reassessed to avoid unnecessary strain on upland people.  相似文献   

在宁夏灌区选择设施菜田(n=4)和水旱轮作大田(n=4),通过田间多点取样观测和室内分析的方法,研究了2种类型农田土壤氮素累积与分布特点,以及其迁移对浅层地下水的影响。结果表明,设施菜田0~150 cm土壤剖面溶解性总氮(TSN)、硝态氮(NO3--N)和溶解性有机氮(SON)含量都显著高于大田,前者分别是后者的1.5~5.6、1.5~3.4倍和1.6~9.8倍。设施菜田土壤氮素主要累积在0~5 cm和5~20 cm土层,而大田主要在40~100 cm土体。设施菜田和大田土壤溶解性总氮占全氮比例分别在5.4%~11.5%和2.2%~4.9%之间,前者的淋失风险较高。设施菜田各形态氮素累积量表现为SON>NO3--N>NH4+-N,大田为NO3--N>SON>NH4+-N。设施菜田浅层地下水中TSN、NO3--N和SON含量也都显著高于大田,前者平均含量分别是后者的9.5、13.8倍和7.0倍。因此,硝态氮和溶解性有机氮都是2种类型农田氮素累积的主要形态,也是浅层地下水污染的重要来源。  相似文献   

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