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The uptake and metabolism of arsenate, As(V), as a function of time and concentration were examined in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. Lichen thalli were exposed to As(V) in the form of a solution. Exponential uptake of As(V) from 4 microg mL(-1) As(V) solution was accompanied by constant arsenite, As(III), excretion back into the solution. Arsenate taken up into the lichens from 0, 0.1, 1, 10 microg mL(-1) As(V) solutions was partially transformed into As(III), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and (mono)methylarsonic acid (MA). 48 h after exposure, the main arsenic compound in the lichens was DMA in 0.1, As(III) in 1 and As(V) in 10 microg mL(-1) treatment. The proportion of methylated arsenic compounds decreased with increasing arsenate concentration in the exposure solution. These results suggest that at least two types of As(V) detoxification exist in lichens; arsenite excretion and methylation.  相似文献   

Thirty six element signatures were compared in historical Parmelia sulcata samples from the Natural History Museum herbarium collected over the period 1797–1967 with those recorded in the same species and tree bark sampled in 2000 from Burnham Beeches, lying 40 km west of London. Nineteen elements reached highest concentrations in herbarium samples, consistent with a pollution legacy and dust contamination in the herbarium. Healthy Parmelia sampled east and down-wind of London at a farm during peak SO2 emissions in 1967 contained highest V, Ni, Zn, Cd, Se, Ge contents, supporting derivation from fuel combustion; the same sample was previously determined as having a low δ34S and high S and N contents. Lowest V, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sn, Ba, Pb, Mo, Sb, Li, B, Cs, U, Th, Ga contents were recorded in a sample with a high δ34S and low S content collected in 1887 from a remote region from Ross-shire, Scotland. Se and Cd enrichment, never-the-less suggest a transboundary pollution influence. Lichen Pb concentrations from Burnham Beeches were amongst the lowest recorded in spite of lichens being collected close to roads. Herbarium samples help interpret changes in element deposition where few data exist, in spite of dust contamination.  相似文献   

采用逐步多元回归和主成分分析的方法研究了德兴铜矿周边土壤中重金属和土壤酶活性的关系.结果表明:德兴铜矿周边各功能区均受到不同程度的Cu、Cd污染,Pb、Zn未超过《土壤环境质量标准》(GB 15618--1995)二级标准;各功能区土壤酶活性有显著差别,逐步回归分析表明土壤酶活性与Cu、Zn全量、生物可利用态Cu含量有显著线性关系,而与Cd、Pb无明显相关;土壤酶活性和生物可利用态Cu呈负线性关系,而与残渣态Cu有正线性关系.主成分分析显示,土壤酶信息系统的第1、第2主成分可反映酶活性总变异的96.27%,根据第1主成分对功能区酶活性的分类结果与土壤生物可利用态Cu含量的分类结果基本一致,提示土壤酶活性指标可以反映土壤生物可利用态Cu含量.  相似文献   

Soil chemical changes produced by metal smelters have mainly been studied on a large scale. In terms of plant survival, determination of small scale variability may be more important because less toxic microhabitats may represent safe sites for successful recruitment and thus for plant survival. Three dominant microhabitats (open spaces and areas below the canopy of Sphaeralcea obtusiloba and Baccharis linearis shrubs) were defined in a heavily polluted area near a copper smelter and characterised in terms of microclimate, general soil chemistry, total and extractable metal concentrations in the soil profile (A0 horizon, 0-5 and 15-20 cm depth), and seedling densities. Results indicated a strong variability in microclimate and soil chemistry not only in the soil profile but also among microhabitats. Air/soil temperatures, radiation and wind speed were much lower under the canopy of shrubs, particularly during the plant growth season. Soil acidification was detected on top layers (0-5 cm depth) of all microhabitats while higher concentrations of N, Cu and Cd were detected on litter and top soil layers below shrubs when compared to open spaces; however, high organic matter content below shrubs decreased bioavailability of metals. Plant recruitment was concentrated under shrub canopies; this may be explained as a result of the nursery effect exerted by shrubs in terms of providing a more favourable microclimate, along with better soil conditions in terms of macronutrients and metal bioavailability.  相似文献   

A pollution gradient was observed in precipitation, plants and soils sampled at different locations around a fluoride producing chemical plant in Germany. In all samples the influence of emissions was discernible up to a distance of 500 m from the plant. However, fluoride concentrations in plant bioindicators (leaves of birch and black berry) and in bulk precipitation showed a more pronounced relationship with the distance from the source than fluoride concentrations in soil. Vegetables sampled in the vicinity of the plant also had elevated concentrations of fluoride, but only the consumption of larger quantities of this material would lead to exceedances of recommended daily F-intake. The present study did not indicate the existence of low phytotoxicity thresholds for fluoride in the plant species used in the study. Even at very high fluoride concentrations in leaf tissue (963 ppm) plants did not show injury due to HF. Dust sampling downwind of the chemical plant confirmed that particulate fluoride was of minor importance in the study area.  相似文献   

Phosphate refineries are point sources for atmospheric Cr, Cd, Zn and P. Concentrations of these and other elements were determined in the lichen Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (Ram.) Leuck. and Poelt in relation to distance and direction from phosphate refineries northwest of Pocatello, Idaho. Elemental concentrations in lichens collected were measured using a multi-element Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES). Linear regression analysis revealed that concentrations of Cd, Cr, Zn, and P were negatively correlated with distance from the refineries. The concentrations of the elements Cd, Zn, Ca, Mn, B, and Pb were significantly different among four transects in different directions from the pollution source. Analysis of covariance indicated significant differences in concentrations of Cd, Cr, Zn, P, Cu, Ca, Mg, and K in lichens as a function of distance and direction from the pollution source. These results indicate that this lichen species may be used to determine deposition patterns of air pollutants in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

A field study near the copper smelter of a large industrial complex examined air pollution effects on vegetation and soil parameters in Cama?ari (northeast Brazil). Close to the smelter, soil pH-value was lower and total acidity as well as organic carbon contents were higher compared with a site far from the source and two reference sites. The acidification of top soil particularly and the drastically enhanced plant-available copper concentrations were caused by atmospheric deposition. High sulphur and copper deposition significantly reduced microbial biomass and altered functional diversity of soil microorganisms (arylsulphatase and xylanase). Large accumulations of sulphur, arsenic and copper were detected in mango leaves (Mangifera indica) growing downwind from the smelter suggesting potential food chain-mediated risk.  相似文献   

The effects of three cultivars, two water regimes and two rates of applying nitrogen fertilisers were tested when studying the performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) near to, and distant from, a fertiliser plant emitting atmospherically dispersed pollutants. The atmosphere near the fertiliser plant had average daily peak concentrations of 144 and 210 microg m(-3) of SO(2) and NO(2), respectively. Growth was less near to, than at a distance from, the fertiliser plant. On average it was decreased by water stress while the effects of different amounts of nitrogen fertiliser were variable. Whilst there were a number of interactions involving nitrogen and water treatments, the most consistent were associated with the responses of the three cultivars at the two locations. The three cultivars performed similarly at the unpolluted control site, but there were major differences at the polluted site. These were most clearly exemplified by changes in the proportion of dry matter allocated to yields of grain and straw. At the unpolluted site, grain accounted for about 30% of the combined yields of grain and straw. At the polluted site, grain accounted for 1, 23 and 31% of the combined grain and straw yields of cultivars CO 43 (the most sensitive), TKM 9 and GR 3 (the most tolerant). Grain yields were closely related to numbers of filled grains per plant. At the polluted site, 98% of grains failed to develop in CO 43, whereas in GR 3, the number of panicles, and therefore the potential number of grains, was significantly enhanced.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Pharmaceutically active substances are a class of emerging contaminants, which has led to increasing concern about potential environmental risks. After excretion, substantial amounts of unchanged pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are discharged into domestic wastewaters. The absence of data on the environmental exposure in Eastern Europe is significant, since use patterns and volumes differ from country to country. In Romania, the majority of wastewater, from highly populated cities and industrial complex zones, is still discharged into surface waters without proper treatment or after inefficient treatment. In respect to this, it is important to determine the environmental occurrence and behavior of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewaters and surface waters. The objective of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of selected PPCPs during the transport in the Somes River by mass flow analysis before and after upgrading a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Cluj-Napoca, which serves 350,000 inhabitants and is the largest plant discharging into the Somes River. The concentrations of PPCPs at Cluj-Napoca can be correlated with the high population and a high number of hospitals located in the catchment area leading to higher mass flows. The results of this study are expected to provide information, with respect to the Romanian conditions, for environmental scientists, WWTP operators, and legal authorities. The data should support the improvement of existing WWTPs and implementation of new ones where necessary and, therefore, minimize the input of contaminants into ambient waters.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope

Pharmaceutically active substances are a class of emerging contaminants, which has led to increasing concern about potential environmental risks. After excretion, substantial amounts of unchanged pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are discharged into domestic wastewaters. The absence of data on the environmental exposure in Eastern Europe is significant, since use patterns and volumes differ from country to country. In Romania, the majority of wastewater, from highly populated cities and industrial complex zones, is still discharged into surface waters without proper treatment or after inefficient treatment. In respect to this, it is important to determine the environmental occurrence and behavior of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewaters and surface waters. The objective of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of selected PPCPs during the transport in the Somes River by mass flow analysis before and after upgrading a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Cluj-Napoca, which serves 350,000 inhabitants and is the largest plant discharging into the Somes River. The concentrations of PPCPs at Cluj-Napoca can be correlated with the high population and a high number of hospitals located in the catchment area leading to higher mass flows. The results of this study are expected to provide information, with respect to the Romanian conditions, for environmental scientists, WWTP operators, and legal authorities. The data should support the improvement of existing WWTPs and implementation of new ones where necessary and, therefore, minimize the input of contaminants into ambient waters.

Materials and methods

The PPCPs were selected on the basis of consumption at the regional scale, reported aquatic toxicity, and the suitability of the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for the determination of the compounds at trace levels. The studied PPCPs, caffeine (stimulant), carbamazepine (antiepileptic), pentoxifylline (anticoagulant), cyclophosphamide (cytostatic), ibuprofen (analgesic), and galaxolide (musk fragrance), were determined in samples of the Somes River. The analytes were enriched by solid-phase extraction and subsequently determined by GC/MS. Caffeine, pentoxifylline, and galaxolide were determined underivatized, whereas the acidic pharmaceuticals carbamazepine, cyclophosphamide, and ibuprofen were determined after derivatization with N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide.

Results and discussion

The concentrations in the Somes River varied from below 10 ng/L up to 10 μg/L. A substantial decrease of the exposure in the Somes River could be observed due to the upgrade of the municipal WWTP in Cluj-Napoca. The loads in the river stretch between Cluj-Napoca and Dej (Somes Mic) varied strongly: caffeine (400–2,000 g/day), carbamazepine (78–213 g/day), galaxolide (140–684 g/day), ibuprofen (84–108 g/day). After the upgrade of the WWTP Cluj-Napoca, the concentrations in the Somes of caffeine, pentoxifylline, cyclophosphamide, galaxolide, and tonalide were significantly reduced (over 75%). One might be cautious comparing both studies because the relative efficiency of the WWTP’s removal of PPCP was not evaluated. However, the significantly lower concentrations of most compounds after the upgrade of the WWTP Cluj-Napoca allow one to infer that the technical measures at the source substantially reduced inputs of contaminants to the receiving river. Dej loads of the poorly biodegradable substance carbamazepine increased by a factor of 2–3 as a result of wastewater discharges into the river. The disproportionate increase in caffeine loads by a factor of 4 below Cluj-Napoca indicates inputs of untreated wastewater from the Somes Mare due to the discharge of untreated wastewater derived from Bistrita, Nasaud, and Beclean (115,000 inhabitants).


The relative contribution of treated and untreated wastewater in surface water might be assessed by measuring chemical markers. Recalcitrant pharmaceuticals like carbamazepine are suitable as chemical markers for estimating the relative contribution of wastewater in surface water. The easily degradable caffeine might be a good indicator for raw sewage and hardly treated wastewaters.

Recommendations and perspectives

Municipal WWTPs have the potential of a significant contribution in reducing the load of contaminants to ambient waters. The efficiency of the wastewater treatment in Cluj-Napoca improved considerably after the upgrade of the WWTP. Therefore, it is crucial that several WWTPs must be implemented or improved in the Somes Valley Watershed in order to reduce the discharge of contaminants in the Somes River from these point sources.



Background, aim, and scope

Pharmaceutically active substances are a class of emerging contaminants, which has led to increasing concern about potential environmental risks. After excretion, substantial amounts of unchanged pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are discharged into domestic wastewaters. The absence of data on the environmental exposure in Eastern Europe is significant, since use patterns and volumes differ from country to country. In Romania, the majority of wastewater, from highly populated cities and industrial complex zones, is still discharged into surface waters without proper treatment or after inefficient treatment. In respect to this, it is important to determine the environmental occurrence and behavior of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in wastewaters and surface waters. The objective of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of selected PPCPs during the transport in the Somes River by mass flow analysis before and after upgrading a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Cluj-Napoca, which serves 350,000 inhabitants and is the largest plant discharging into the Somes River. The concentrations of PPCPs at Cluj-Napoca can be correlated with the high population and a high number of hospitals located in the catchment area leading to higher mass flows. The results of this study are expected to provide information, with respect to the Romanian conditions, for environmental scientists, WWTP operators, and legal authorities. The data should support the improvement of existing WWTPs and implementation of new ones where necessary and, therefore, minimize the input of contaminants into ambient waters.

Materials and methods

The PPCPs were selected on the basis of consumption at the regional scale, reported aquatic toxicity, and the suitability of the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method for the determination of the compounds at trace levels. The studied PPCPs, caffeine (stimulant), carbamazepine (antiepileptic), pentoxifylline (anticoagulant), cyclophosphamide (cytostatic), ibuprofen (analgesic), and galaxolide (musk fragrance), were determined in samples of the Somes River. The analytes were enriched by solid-phase extraction and subsequently determined by GC/MS. Caffeine, pentoxifylline, and galaxolide were determined underivatized, whereas the acidic pharmaceuticals carbamazepine, cyclophosphamide, and ibuprofen were determined after derivatization with N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide.

Results and discussion

The concentrations in the Somes River varied from below 10 ng/L up to 10 μg/L. A substantial decrease of the exposure in the Somes River could be observed due to the upgrade of the municipal WWTP in Cluj-Napoca. The loads in the river stretch between Cluj-Napoca and Dej (Somes Mic) varied strongly: caffeine (400–2,000 g/day), carbamazepine (78–213 g/day), galaxolide (140–684 g/day), ibuprofen (84–108 g/day). After the upgrade of the WWTP Cluj-Napoca, the concentrations in the Somes of caffeine, pentoxifylline, cyclophosphamide, galaxolide, and tonalide were significantly reduced (over 75%). One might be cautious comparing both studies because the relative efficiency of the WWTP’s removal of PPCP was not evaluated. However, the significantly lower concentrations of most compounds after the upgrade of the WWTP Cluj-Napoca allow one to infer that the technical measures at the source substantially reduced inputs of contaminants to the receiving river. Dej loads of the poorly biodegradable substance carbamazepine increased by a factor of 2–3 as a result of wastewater discharges into the river. The disproportionate increase in caffeine loads by a factor of 4 below Cluj-Napoca indicates inputs of untreated wastewater from the Somes Mare due to the discharge of untreated wastewater derived from Bistrita, Nasaud, and Beclean (115,000 inhabitants).


The relative contribution of treated and untreated wastewater in surface water might be assessed by measuring chemical markers. Recalcitrant pharmaceuticals like carbamazepine are suitable as chemical markers for estimating the relative contribution of wastewater in surface water. The easily degradable caffeine might be a good indicator for raw sewage and hardly treated wastewaters.

Recommendations and perspectives

Municipal WWTPs have the potential of a significant contribution in reducing the load of contaminants to ambient waters. The efficiency of the wastewater treatment in Cluj-Napoca improved considerably after the upgrade of the WWTP. Therefore, it is crucial that several WWTPs must be implemented or improved in the Somes Valley Watershed in order to reduce the discharge of contaminants in the Somes River from these point sources.

Yoon JM  Oliver DJ  Shanks JV 《Chemosphere》2007,68(6):1050-1057
Biochemical and genetic studies of xenobiotic metabolism in the model plant Arabidopsis have significant potential in providing information for phytoremediation. This paper presents the toxicity of 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) to Arabidopsis under axenic conditions, the fate and transformation of 2,6-DNT after uptake by the plant, and the effect of a putative glutathione S-transferase (GST), which is highly induced by 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in the previous study, on the detoxification of 2,6-DNT. 2,6-DNT had toxic effects on the growth of Arabidopsis based on whole seedling as well as root growth assays. Using [U- 14C]2,6-DNT, the recovery was over 87% and less than 2% accounted for the mineralization of 2,6-DNT in axenic liquid cultures during the 14d of exposure. About half (48.3%) of the intracellular radioactivity was located in the root tissues in non-sterile hydroponic cultures. 2-Amino-6-nitrotoluene (2A6NT) and two unknown metabolites were produced as transformation products of 2,6-DNT in the liquid media. The metabolites were further characterized by proton NMR spectra and the UV-chromatograms when the plant was fed with either 2,6-DNT or 2A6NT. In addition, polar unknown metabolites were detected at short retention times from radiochromatograms of plant tissue extracts. The GST gene of the wild-type of Arabidopsis in response to 2,6-DNT was induced by 4.7-fold. However, the uptake rates and the tolerance at different concentrations of 2,6-DNT and TNT were not significantly different between the wild-type and the gst mutant indicating that induction of the GST gene is not related to the detoxification of 2,6-DNT.  相似文献   

Cloud water, rainwater and impactor aerosol samples were collected at a mountain top near the west coast of India during the summer monsoon and analysed for several trace constituents. The results reveal that there is considerable contribution to cloud nuclei from non-seasalt aerosols. Nearly half the sulphate in the cloud water is from sources other than seasalt. There is no evidence for absorption of gaseous halogens in cloud droplets. The chemical composition of cloud water is influenced by both large and giant aerosol particles. Gaseous iodine is not absorbed to any significant extent on raindrops. The results also indicate that there is no appreciable fractionation of Mg in the transfer from seawater to air.  相似文献   

Juvenoids are biologically active compounds, of relatively low toxicity to humans, that efficiently inhibit the fertility of insects. However, little attention has been paid to the stability and toxicity of products that may be generated by their biodegradation in the ecosystem. This study describes a simple comparison of the toxicity of the active compound and its degradation products generated by aerobic soil microbial isolates. Surprisingly we have found that toxicity of a biologically active carbamate juvenoid N-[2-[4-(2,2-ethylenedioxy-1-cyclohexylmethyl)-phenoxylethyl]carbamate (W328) was comparable with that of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT). The toxic effect was evaluated using the determination of the ATP/ADP content and viability of HeLa S3 cells exposed to various concentrations of the chemicals tested for various durations. DDT was used as a reference compound. Its toxicity was compared with two juvenile hormone analogs. The original compound, W328, was found to be the most toxic. The major product (W329) generated both by yeast isolates and the mixture of moulds lost its activity on reproduction of the tested insect. Its toxicity towards human cells was also decreased. Another two W328 degradation HPLC fractions exhibited significantly reduced toxicity compared to W328.  相似文献   

Eight soil samples from five wells of a former gas plant site differing in the contamination with BTEX and PAHs as well as the nutrient content were investigated by soil respiration measurements. The basal, glucose as well as NH4+ and PO4(3-) induced cumulative oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in 72 and 120 h were determined and additionally the maximal turnover rates and the limitation quotients were calculated. Without additional carbon source only one of five investigated samples was clearly nutrient limited. After glucose supplementation four of seven investigated samples showed nutrient limitation that was in accordance with the available ammonium and phosphorous content. BTEX and PAHs did not exhibit an inhibiting effect on the respiration rate. In contrast, BTEX containing samples exhibited the highest oxygen consumption indicating biodegradation of the contaminants. The results show that oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production as well as the kinetic of these processes are all informative parameters characterizing the whole microbial respiration potential and their nutrient limitation in soil samples. Therefore this fast respirometric method can be used for the decision if further detailed studies of the bioremediation are useful and if nutrient supplementation is recommended to enhance natural attenuation.  相似文献   

Cadmium, 100 μg/rat/day, was administered orally 100 times (total amount of Cd administered, 10 mg), under conditions of low protein intake. The total amount of Cd in the liver and kidneys was as follows: females fed 20% protein diets > females fed 5% protein diets > males fed 20% protein diets ≒ males fed 5% protein diets. A decreased Zn concentration was found in the liver of males and the pancreas of males and females fed with the 5% protein diet. The Cu concentration in the kidneys was markedly influenced by low protein intake.  相似文献   

There is a strong need for the development of relatively rapid and low-cost bioassays for the determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) in environmental and food samples. In this study, we applied a reporter gene assay using DR-EcoScreen cells (DR-cell assay), which is highly sensitive to dioxins, to the determination of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in fish and seafood samples. The PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs were extracted from homogenated samples (10 g) of 30 fish and shellfish, purified by clean-up procedure using a multilayered silica gel column and an alumina column, and applied to DR-cell assay. Interestingly, the bioanalytical equivalent (BEQ) values obtained from the DR-cell assay [<0.1 ∼ 5.4 pg BEQ g−1 wet weight (ww)] were closely correlated with the toxicity equivalent (TEQ) values from conventional high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS) analysis (r2 = 0.912), and the slope of regression line was 0.913. Therefore, we multiplied the BEQ values from the DR-cell assay by a conversion coefficient (1.095, the reciprocal of 0.913) to approximate the TEQ values from the HRGC-HRMS analysis. Furthermore, we used this DR-cell assay to perform a prescreening test of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs in 16 fish and seafood samples purchased from a supermarket, revealing that a sample from the fatty flesh of a bluefin tuna exceeded 8 pg TEQ g−1 ww (the European Union-tolerance limit). Taken together, these results suggest that the DR-cell assay might be applicable as a rapid and low-cost prescreening method to determine dioxin levels in fish and seafood samples.  相似文献   

Effects of traffic-related nitrogenous emissions on purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench) transplants, used here as a new biomonitoring species, were assessed along 500 m long transects orthogonal to roads located in two open areas in the Maurienne valley (French Alps). Leaves were sampled during summer 2004 and 2005 for total N-content and 15N-abundance determination while nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) concentrations were determined using passive diffusion samplers. A significant and negative correlation was observed between plant total N-content, and 15N-abundance and the logarithm of the distance to the road axis. The strongest decreases in plant N parameters were observed between 15 and 100 m from road axis. They were equivalent to background levels at a distance of about 800 m from the roads. In addition, motor vehicle pollution significantly affected vegetation at road edge, as was established from the relationship between leaf 15N-abundance, total N-content and road traffic densities.  相似文献   

Concentrations of nickel and copper, two principal metal pollutants of the 'Severonikel' smelter at Monchegorsk, NW Russia, were measured in unwashed leaves of mountain birch, Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovii, collected in eight study sites along the pollution gradient during 1991-2003. In spite of significant decline in metal emissions, concentrations of foliar metals in most of the study sites did not decrease, indicating that soil contamination remains extremely high. Multiyear mean values peaked at 6.6 km S of the smelter, where they were 20-25 times higher than in the most distant study site. Concentrations of both metals demonstrated pronounced annual variation, which was explained by the meteorological conditions of early summer: higher precipitation in May increased foliar concentrations of both metals, whereas higher precipitation in June resulted in lower foliar concentrations of nickel. These data suggest that ecotoxicological situation in metal-contaminated areas can be modified by the expected climate change. In heavily polluted sites individual birch trees generally retained their ranks in terms of metal contamination during 1995-2003, demonstrating that the use of the same set of trees can significantly increase the accuracy of the monitoring data.  相似文献   

Flotron V  Delteil C  Padellec Y  Camel V 《Chemosphere》2005,59(10):1427-1437
The use of the Fenton's reagent process has been investigated for the remediation of environmental matrices contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Laboratory experiments were first conducted in aqueous solutions, to study the kinetics of oxidation and adsorption of PAHs. Benzo[a]pyrene was more rapidly degraded than adsorbed, while only partial oxidation of fluoranthene occurred. In the case of benzo[b]fluoranthene, its adsorption prevented its oxidation. Besides competition effects between PAHs were found, with slower oxidation of mixtures as compared to single PAH solutions. Apparition of some by-products was observed, and a di-hydroxylated derivative of benzo[a]pyrene could be identified under our conditions. Consequently, application to solid environmental matrices (soil, sludge and sediment samples) was performed using large amounts of reagents. The efficiency of the Fenton treatment was dependent on the matrix characteristics (such as its organic carbon content) and the PAH availability (correlated to the date and level of contamination). However, no pH adjustment was required, as well as no iron addition due to the presence of iron oxides in the solid matrices, suggesting the potential application of Fenton-like treatment for the remediation of PAH-contaminated environmental solids.  相似文献   

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