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Environment, Development and Sustainability - The growth of secondary and tertiary sectors in the peri-urban villages results in development strain and causes demographic, socio-economic, and...  相似文献   

This paper describes the informal groundwater market existing in the urban–peri-urban interface of Chennai. The private water tanker suppliers and packaged water industries utilize the land and water resources of the peri-urban villages. Thus, the groundwater sources in peri-urban areas play a significant role in meeting the growing urban demand. The villages that are experiencing the groundwater market are highly influenced by the urbanization and its related activities, due to their proximity to the city. The transfer of groundwater from the peri-urban villages not only deprives the peri-urban areas of their water rights but also leads to environmental damage. Agriculture declined in the water marketed villages in the range of 20–95 per cent during 1990–2007. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon groundwater level fluctuation varied from 2–6 m to 0–5 m, respectively, during 1971–2007. The declining trend of the groundwater table and agriculture is highly significant in the water marketing villages. Moreover, the present groundwater quality is also in a susceptible state due to over extraction. Hence, strengthening the legal and institutional framework to ensure an equitable access to water for both urban and peri-urban areas is urgently required. This paper also describes the characteristics of the groundwater transfer, quantification of the marketed water, the role of the existing regulatory framework, and the institutional mechanisms. Many stakeholder’s meeting and focus group discussions have been conducted in the villages under study for understanding the socio-economic implications of the water market. The study ultimately emphasized a sustainable groundwater extraction/market which will safeguard the interests of the peri-urban and urban communities.  相似文献   

利用ENVI4.8和Arcgis9.3软件对2001~2010年的遥感影像数据进行处理和分析,计算得出各年份的生态承载力。结合相关年份的社会经济数据,同时根据滇池流域的实际情况提取18个分析指标,运用相关分析和回归分析方法,对滇池流域生态承载力以及其与生态环境系统、资源环境系统、社会经济系统3个子系统要素的耦合关系进行分析。结果表明:(1)2001~2010年滇池流域的总生态承载力和人均生态承载力呈快速下降趋势,降幅达37.3%;耕地生态承载力呈下降趋势最明显,下降幅度达52.61%,但建设用地的生态承载力上升幅度达27.08%。(2)滇池流域生态承载力与三大系统要素相关性较好,其耦合形态呈"J"、"L"型、"U"型和倒置的"S"型等。(3)对耦合形态的形成机理进行分析,其结果表明:城镇化、社会经济的发展以及流域内粗放型的经济增长方式对形成这种耦合形态的影响较大。  相似文献   

Aggregated consideration of both climate and socio-economic change in a coarse spatial resolution is a central feature for scenario development in global change research. Downscaling of the supposed aggregated changes is a necessary prerequisite for the assessments of global change at the regional scale. The present paper describes the method and results of an approach to develop and to apply scenarios of socio-economic change at a sub-national level, which are consistent with global change scenarios. National and regional models of economic and demographic development are used to regionalise drivers of socio-economic change. Scenario results are subsequently applied in order to analyse the impacts of socio-economic and climatic changes on water management issues in the Elbe river basin. Starting from global IPCC-Emissions Scenarios and taking up their key points, we formulate two scenarios for the German and Czech parts of the Elbe catchment areas. We present a system of demographic and economic models, designed to consistently project socio-economic developments at a national and sub-national level and, thus, to quantitatively illustrate our scenarios. The results show that in a scenario that assumes continued globalisation and emphasis on economic growth, export orientation will result in a comparatively high share of manufacturing. Growth spreads from centres to peripheral regions. Still, at the national level, the increase in population and employment will be modest and create little additional pressure, but water stress will be considerably stronger on a regional basis, namely in metropolitan areas such as Prague, Berlin and Hamburg. In a scenario where economic goals are balanced with ecologic and social ones, growth is weaker and the weight of the service sector increases more rapidly, thus easing the driving forces for overall water demand and pollution. However, as in this scenario regional metropolitan centres develop at the cost of peripheral regions, regional development is more selective and the driving forces for potential water stress will diverge spatially.  相似文献   

城市化的快速推进,在城市建成区边缘和资源禀赋条件较好的农村地区产生了大量半城市化地区。在城市化、工业化等多重影响下,半城市化地区经历着从单一农村社会向城乡多元社会的转变。以姜堰市城郊结合部为例,分析半城市化对农村地区社会和空间变化的影响。结果表明:半城市化地区就业结构和居民家庭收入来源的非农化水平不断提高,农业在就业结构和家庭收入来源中的重要性逐渐下降;空间结构和功能呈现出更多的城市特征,居住空间正在由传统的自然村落向城市社区过渡。同时,半城市化地区存在着土地利用混杂低效、基础设施和公共设施服务匮乏、原住居民就业和社保形势严峻等亟待破解的问题。最后,针对姜堰市城郊结合部现状提出建议,推进城市化的健康发展  相似文献   

长江经济带是世界最大的内河产业带和制造业基地,在我国社会经济发展中占有重要的战略地位。建设长江生态屏障是长江经济带可持续发展的基本保障,以金沙江区段为主的长江上游地区在流域生态屏障建设中更是起着至关重要的作用。结合实地调研,以地处云南省东北部、金沙江下游、滇川黔3省结合部的昭通市为例,分析了地区产业发展与生态屏障建设的互动机理。首先分析了昭通市生态—经济系统存在的主要问题,进而指出优化产业结构是昭通市生态-经济系统协调发展的必然选择,在此基础上提出昭通市应通过高效生态农业、环境友好型工业以及生态旅游业的发展实现经济发展与生态屏障建设的有机结合。  相似文献   

应用层次分析法,测算出贵州每个年度全部县域的经济社会发展综合实力排序值及其排序位次。由此得出排在前列的一部分县域,列为该年度经济强县,排在末尾的另一部分县域,列为经济弱县。贵州经济弱县一般特征是:人均GDP较低;农村贫困面较大;边际地理区位;属于民族自治的经济弱县较多;山地面积较广。当前分布格局为:东部经济弱县较多,西部较少。相对集中的经济弱县,形成4个片区。从每个片区的自然条件出发,论述维护生态环境与发展经济的有利和不利因素,揭示片区差异,提出必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

城市边缘带土地利用特征与土壤资源压力   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
城市边缘带作为城乡交互作用界面,根据其形成机制可划分为不同类型,而土地利用/覆被空间结构的高度复杂性、土地利用形式在时间序列上的强烈可变性是所有边缘带类型的重要共有特征。在快速城市化背景下,城市边缘带土壤资源压力日趋严峻,一方面,土地利用的非农流转导致土壤资源特别是耕地资源面积快速萎缩,直接威胁农业生产和区域粮食安全;另一方面,“三废”物质向城市边缘带的扩散和集聚导致土壤环境容量明显下降,土壤质量严重退化,不仅影响农产品品质,而且对区域生态环境支撑能力产生严重影响。因此,开展城市边缘带土地利用变化及其土壤资源与环境的影响研究刻不容缓。  相似文献   

基于2000年和2010年湖北省102个县级行政区的规模以上工业总产值和县际迁入人口数据,采用空间自相关分析方法,探讨工业经济和迁入人口的空间格局及变化,以及两者之间的空间关联性;采用面板数据拟合联立方程模型,实证检验人口迁入与工业集聚之间的互动机制。结果表明:湖北省迁入人口和规模以上工业的县际分布之间存在显著的空间正向关联性,武汉市及其邻近县区一直是迁入人口和工业经济的高高集聚区,鄂西地域则是低低集聚区。人口迁入与工业集聚之间存在相互决定的互动关系,地区工业集聚度提高1%,其全部迁入人口和省内迁入人口分别增加 0.544 9% 和 0.602 3%;全部迁入人口或省内迁入人口增加1%,其工业集聚度则分别提高 0.294 0% 和 0.267 8%。社会经济发展水平相对落后的中西部省区应通过推进人口和非农产业协同集聚,培育地区经济增长极,促进地区经济增长和区域协调发展。 关键词: 人口迁入;工业集聚;空间关联性;互动关系;湖北省  相似文献   

Much academic research and industrial development explores new ways to create greener and environmentally friendlier chemicals and materials for a variety of applications. A significant part of this work focuses on the development, processing and manufacturing, recycling and disposal of green plastics, adhesives, polymer composites, blends and many other industrial products from renewable resources. Natural fibres offer the potential to deliver greater added value, sustainability, renewability and lower costs especially in the automotive industry. Further research involves the fibre crop production. The ever-increasing volume of scientific literature refers with enthusiasm to the potential of natural fibres in technological, economic and ecological terms. This enthusiasm tends to also expand to the areas of human life and socio-economic development for the fibre crop growers and their communities. However, there is very little debate or evidence to support statements about the assumed advantages for the affected population in rural areas. We argue that despite the predicted new boom in the demand of natural fibres, it is unlikely that this will represent a real improvement in the quality of life of crop fibre growers and their communities. This paper examines the experience of Mexico as a case study and argues that only through consistent political will and co-operation between governments, industry, scientists, consumer groups and local communities, as well as a suitable economic strategy such as local subsidies, a truly sustainable economic development, social equity and improved environmental quality will be achieved for tens of thousands of natural fibre growers.  相似文献   

都市农业发展的功能定位体系研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国城市化进程加速迫切需要人们重新认识农业发展的特点与作用。20世纪80年兴起的都市农业变传统农业单一生产模式向多功能化发展。它有助于在城市社会来临之际,重新对农业进行定位,为城乡协调发展提供途径。鉴于我国都市农业发展急需理论指导,本文从都市农业相关的学科背景出发,详细评述和总结了各学科对都市农业价值功能的认识,提出了要从社会、经济、环境和空间的综合系统对都市农业发展进行定位。并建议应遵循整体功能的阶段性和适宜的发展形式,推动我国都市农业的发展。要注意发挥和协调各功能间的相互作用与演进,将都市农业纳入到城乡统筹规划之中。  相似文献   


On the basis of applying quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as GIS technology, this paper established an index system to make a comprehensive evaluation on socioeconomic development of minority areas in China. The result showed that socio-economic development in minority area presents a series of characteristics that the north is high and the south is low, center-margin pattern is obvious and the areas with middle and lower development indices are distributed centrally and continuously. However, the causes of the socioeconomic characteristics mainly include natural conditions, economic development basic, population cultural quality, regional combination and development conditions of mineral and energy resources, informal institutional factors and distribution of major traffic lines.  相似文献   

植被是陆地表面主要的覆盖物,也是许多地球系统过程的重要变量.人类活动对植被的影响在区域尺度上是显著的.以重庆市为例,使用滑动平均和SG滤波对SPOT/VGT-NDVI时间序列数据进行了平滑处理,结合GDP和人口栅格化数据,从时间序列和空间相关场两个方面分析了植被与人类活动因子之间的时空相关性.结果表明,从1998到2005年,植被的分布和生长状况并没有随GDP和人口的持续增加而增加.在时间序列上,植被覆盖与GDP和人口之间总体上呈显著的负相关关系;在空间上,这种相关关系表现出了较强的异质性.空间相关场表明:较强的负相关主要发生在相对发达的主城区周围,反映了快速的经济发展和城市化使得植被面积和生产力降低;然而在偏远的山区,由于经济落后同时植被覆盖较少,出现了正相关.  相似文献   

结合山区实际情况,建立山区聚落宜居性评价指标体系。利用山区聚落宜居性评价模型对川西南山区26个区县进行系统评价,计算出川西南山区聚落宜居性指数。在此基础上通过ESDA分析和相关性分析,研究川西南山区聚落宜居性的空间差异,结果表明:(1)川西南山区聚落宜居性存在正的相关性,表现出很强的空间集聚特征;(2)在空间格局上,川西南山区聚落宜居性呈现东南-西北两极分化格局,并且以西昌、攀枝花、石棉为3个核心呈核心-边缘梯级结构模式特点;(3)H H空间关联模式集中连片分布在安宁河谷一带,L L空间关联模式集中连片分布于大小凉山一带,西昌、石棉呈现H L空间关联模式;(4)川西南山区聚落宜居性与自然环境宜居度、经济宜居度、社会宜居度均具有极显著的相关性  相似文献   

On the basis of applying quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as GIS technology, this paper established an index system to make a comprehensive evaluation on socioeconomic development of minority areas in China. The result showed that socio-economic development in minority area presents a series of characteristics that the north is high and the south is low, center-margin pattern is obvious and the areas with middle and lower development indices are distributed centrally and continuously. However, the causes of the socioeconomic characteristics mainly include natural conditions, economic development basic, population cultural quality, regional combination and development conditions of mineral and energy resources, informal institutional factors and distribution of major traffic lines.  相似文献   

植被是陆地表面主要的覆盖物,也是许多地球系统过程的重要变量。人类活动对植被的影响在区域尺度上是显著的。以重庆市为例,使用滑动平均和SG滤波对SPOT/VGT NDVI时间序列数据进行了平滑处理,结合GDP和人口栅格化数据,从时间序列和空间相关场两个方面分析了植被与人类活动因子之间的时空相关性。结果表明,从1998到2005年,植被的分布和生长状况并没有随GDP和人口的持续增加而增加。在时间序列上,植被覆盖与GDP和人口之间总体上呈显著的负相关关系;在空间上,这种相关关系表现出了较强的异质性。空间相关场表明:较强的负相关主要发生在相对发达的主城区周围,反映了快速的经济发展和城市化使得植被面积和生产力降低;然而在偏远的山区,由于经济落后同时植被覆盖较少,出现了正相关。  相似文献   

研究洞庭湖区血吸虫病人水相互作用关系及传染防控,是推进湖区社会经济稳定健康发展的重要保障。从水文情势、产业发展、居民行为、城乡建设四方面探讨了洞庭湖区血吸虫病疫水人水相互作用关系,并运用系统动力学模型,设置教育优先方案、生态保护优先方案和城镇化推进方案对其防控方案进行系统仿真模拟和对比分析,研究结果表明:(1)水文等生态因素对于人水接触的影响逐步减少,而社会经济因素则显得越来越重要。(2)系统动力学模型能有效展示血吸虫病各影响因素之间的关系,是研究血吸虫病防控的有效方法之一。(3)依据仿真模拟结果,城镇化推进方案是经济增长、城乡协调、环境友好的最优血防方案。  相似文献   

基于对城市化概念的认识,通过测算中国各城市的人口、经济和空间城市化率及其增长速度,运用Arcgis93支持下的热点分析方法,考察2000~2008年中国城市单元城市化水平增长的空间分布特征,揭示了中国城市化的空间模式,认为2000年以来中国的城市化发展热点仍然在东部沿海,主要围绕环渤海和珠三角两大城市化热点城市群,向东北、西北、西南等冷点区中心辐射、梯度推移;城市化的发展速度与地区经济发展水平有一定的空间相关性,但与经济增长格局有较大偏差,现有经济发展水平对于城市化的拉动作用相对经济增长更为明显;城市化空间格局的形成受自然、历史、政策、经济、人口等诸多因素的影响,其作用机制主要包含政府主导的“自上而下”和市场主导的“自下而上”两种道路,未来政府作用将逐渐弱化,推力的主动力地位将进一步强化  相似文献   

Groundwater is the major drinking water source both in urban and rural area. Mostly in urban and peri-urban areas of developing countries, groundwater is more susceptible to contamination due to urbanization. Therefore, the awareness of usage of groundwater has to be analysed to frame the policy measures and to suggest proper intervention programs. The community residing around Perungudi dumpsite, Tamil Nadu, India, has been chosen to assess the awareness on usage of groundwater using regression model. The groundwater flow and quality analysis assessed technically is in line with people’s perception on groundwater quality. The model results clearly indicate that the socio-economic status (β = 0.167) and distance (β = 0.305) play a major role in groundwater usage. Though 31.2 % of respondents reported that the water quality is bad within 1 km in the contaminated area, 45 % of low socio-economic categories depend on well water. This shows the unawareness of health issues due to the usage of contaminated water. Proper policies have to be framed, especially for the contaminated site to get rid of adverse health impacts due to long-term exposure of contaminated water.  相似文献   

Because watershed collaborations connect economic and environmental concerns, they are of interest to students of sustainable economic development. The economic outcomes of such collaborations are difficult to study because socio-economic data collection areas do not generally correspond to collaboration boundaries and also because of the simultaneity of economic stimuli and restrictions in collaborative arrangements. This case study of New York City’s Watershed Collaboration in its Catskill Delaware Watershed used a mapping program to create a database of Watershed residents from the 1990 and 2000 census. It provides a heretofore unavailable socioeconomic portrait of the Watershed and trends in indicators relevant to Collaboration effectiveness such as age, demographic pressures, and economic welfare. Through the use of national, state, regional and rural controls, the study also explores the impact of the agreement on the Watershed. Results do not provide evidence of a net negative impact and are consistent with a net positive impact. Several trends which work against agreement effectiveness are identified.  相似文献   

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