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干旱地区的城市亦被称为绿洲。从其发生与生境状况分析,注意到近期城市的扩展已脱离绿洲型的发展轨道,而与全球城市模式类同,亦具城市化的共有弊病。又因所处区位受到荒漠气候的强烈影响,较其它地带的城市,其生境更加恶劣。干旱区居民长期凭借绿洲生境而生息劳动,早期出现的城市亦脱胎于绿洲。目前仍沿用绿洲以称城市,但与绿洲的生境相比较已面目全非,实质是以现代设施在荒漠中建立的水泥荒漠。目前全球范围正展开以改善城市生境为目标的生态城市建设,位处干旱区的城市应从其所在区位出发,以绿洲化作为生态城市建设目标,切实改善居民生存环境质量。应仿照绿洲,在外围营造阻隔荒漠气候侵袭的防护林,在市区通过营造片林与行道树,形成类似条田林网格局,以一定植被规模重构绿洲化城市,形成绿洲生境以改善城市居民生存条件,回归干旱区居民世世代代依存的绿洲空间。  相似文献   

Urban area expansion is happening at much faster rates in Asian and African cities than elsewhere in the world. This study uses multi-temporal Landsat images to map the urban extent of six small to large cities in West Africa at four different time steps from the early 1970s–2010. The selected cities are Kumasi of Ghana, Daloa of Cote d’Ivoire, Abuja and Kano in Nigeria, Kindia of Guinea, and Ouagadougou of Burkina Faso. All cities revealed significant urban growth in both urban area and population; however, it was apparent that there was a lot of variability in urban area development. Exponential urban growth rates in the cities were measured as ranging between 0.026 and 0.077, with allometric scaling factors matching those of other countries.  相似文献   

张军民 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1328-1332
普遍的生态敏感性和整体的生态退化趋势,使干旱区成为社会适应和经济适度极端脆弱区,其生态安全问题的典型性和突出性,为完善区域生态安全评价理论体系提供了理想靶区。根据生态安全评价的一般原理和目标,通过剖析新疆绿洲区生态安全问题的驱动、压力和响应机理,主要利用地带性共扼和非地带性耦合分析方法,从哲学观和生态系统、景观生态、土地类型及其稳定性格局层面,初步构建了干旱区生态安全评价的基本原理,得出确保有效的生态需水和生态水位,协调水生态及水安全功能,是干旱区生态安全评价的基础;基于生态承载和再生恢复禀赋的合理、适度利用优势资源,是绿洲开发的生态安全保障;维护天然绿洲和荒漠的“生态标本”价值,引导土地利用的生态化转向,是绿洲生态安全评价的客观依据;通过系统的生态规划和景观设计,保持异质景观的竞争性统一和生态圈层结构的动态稳定性,是干旱区生态安全评价的核心内容。  相似文献   

As one of the six megalopolitan regions in the world, the Yangtze River Delta is one of the most populated and developed regions of China. The spatial and temporal dynamic pattern of the urbanization process of the megalopolitan region is investigated. This work compared the spatial and temporal dynamic pattern of the urban growth for the five urban areas (Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou) in this region. During the 15 years, urban growth patterns were dramatically uneven over three 5-year periods. The size distribution of the five urban areas became more even with the rapid urbanization process. The patterns of urban expansion reflected policy adjustment and economic development throughout the time. Landscape metric analysis across concentric buffer zones was conducted to elucidate the area, shape, size, complexity and configuration of urban expansion. The study indicates the coalescence process occurred during the rapid urban growth from 1990 to 1995 and the moderate growth period from 2000 to 2005, but different urban growth period between 1995 and 2000. The urban growth pattern was coalesced for the Nanjing and Wuxi metropolitan areas and diffused for Shanghai, Suzhou and Changzhou. This approach indicates that the coalescence process was the major growth model for this region in the recent 15 years despite their different size, economic growth and population growth. The diffusion-coalesce dichotomy represent endpoints rather than alternate states of urban growth. This work will be beneficial in understanding the size distribution and urbanization process of the megalopolitan region in China.  相似文献   

There are always conflicts between the need for conservation and economic growth in the developing countries. Planning plays a primary role in balancing these conflicts. This is particularly obvious in Chinese cities since China adopted its open door policy in 1978. Foreign investment has been a major driving force for rapid growth of the Chinese economy. Planners in China have been facing the dilemma of protecting the natural environment on the one hand while, on the other hand, supporting the overall national goal of attracting foreign investment to maintain continuous economic growth. The planning system in China, which has been largely based on a planned economy, soon found itself handicapped in safeguarding the environment from rapid industrialization and urbanization fostered by market forces. This paper takes Guangzhou as an example to study challenges to the planning system in Chinese cities in the past two decades of rapid economic growth and urbanization. By means of a case study on an industrial development within a protected orchard area in Guangzhou, this study illustrates the conflict between the need for rural conservation and the pressure for economic development in the Chinese cities. In particular, it analyzes the pressures on the present urban planning system in China in terms of the following categories: the emergence of private investors in urban development; the goal of pursuing a high economic growth rate; the implications of a transitional economy for urban planning; and the weakness of the present urban planning system. It concludes that the role of urban planning in China should change from simply providing guidelines on board land-use strategy, to a combination of a strategic plan with specific development control laws at the operational level. Finally, some recommendations are suggested as to how to improve the planning system in China.  相似文献   

李广宇  陈爽  余成  王肖惠 《生态环境》2014,(7):1102-1107
随着我国城镇化进程的快速推进,城镇密集区城市扩张带来的负面生态环境问题得到广泛关注。森林生态系统具有固碳释氧等多种生态服务功能,对减小城市化的负面效应、改善生态环境具有积极作用。近年来我国植树造林成效明显,森林资源总量和质量持续提升,科学评估森林生物量动态对理解碳源汇变化及制定森林保护政策具有重要的意义,但当前对快速城市化地区长时期生物量变化及影响因素研究较少。苏南地区处于我国最大的城镇密集区长江三角洲的中心,近年来该地区森林面积和质量不断增加,而受中低卫星遥感数据分辨率影响,以往对该地区生态系统生物量研究未探测到这种变化。利用1990、2005年江苏省森林资源调查数据及2010年江苏省森林覆盖监测数据,采用换算因子连续函数法和平均生物量法等计算苏南地区三个时期森林生物量,研究20年来苏南快速城市化地区森林植被生物量的时空变化,并结合社会经济数据探讨了生物量变化与经济人口的关联。结果表明:20年来,苏南地区森林植被面积、生物量和生物量密度总体呈显著增加趋势,生物量从7.15 Tg增长到16.72 Tg,乔木林的生物量密度由29.32 t·hm-2上升至39.82 t·hm-2,但远低于同期全国的均值;各市生物量分布不均匀,2010年生物量总量从大到小依次是南京、无锡、镇江、常州和苏州;各市森林生物量总量主要由森林面积和地形决定,森林面积增加是生物量增加的主要因素,阔叶林比例和林龄的增长也促进了生物量增加,随着区域森林林龄不断增长,森林生物量仍将不断增加;政府政策和经济利益等影响下的森林建设是区域森林生物量增加的主要原因,较高的经济发展水平促进了各市森林资源数量增长,而高人口密度未对森林面积和生物量未产生显著负面?  相似文献   

Urbanization has created a significant gap between the Three Northeast Provinces (TNP) and the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) since China’s reform and opening-up. In this study, we explain this problem by employing an urban expansion index, spatial hierarchical clustering, the Zipf-PLE model, fractal theory, and time-series analysis. Statistical data on the built-up area, population, and gross domestic product were downloaded from the National Bureau of Statistics of China. The results revealed the following. (1) During the stage of the planned economy, as a result of the significant government investment in development, the urban built-up areas in the TNP and the YRD reached 1867 and 757 km2, respectively, in 1984. (2) During the stage of the socialist market economy, the urban built-up area of the YRD experienced rapid growth over the 30 years from 1984 to 2014 with a rate of increase of 668.8%, which was higher than that of the TNP (139.9%). In 2014, the urban built-up areas of the TNP and the YRD were 4479 and 5820 km2, respectively. (3) Locational advantages had significant effects on urban development after China’s economic reform. The coastal cities of the YRD had higher rates of increase of the built-up areas. By contrast, the border cities of the TNP had lower rates of increase. Finally, this paper finds that the socialist market economy exhibited more efficiency in promoting urban expansion and economic development. The results are significant for generating balanced and sustainable regional development strategies in the future.  相似文献   

The impact of large-scale urban development on land resources has long been debated by urban planners and designers. This study investigated the extent to which different urban characteristics are associated with land-cover change. The Yangtze River Delta region in China, forming one of the largest sprawling urban landscapes among the regions around the world, was chosen for the study area. Spatial analysis and multiple regression methods were applied to empirically investigate the pattern of resource sites lost to urban development in the area between the 1950s and 2017. The results showed that contrary to the widespread notion that large-sized cities are predominantly responsible for a region’s environmental degradation, city size was not a significant factor in determining the rate of resource loss. Large-sized cities gained their populations with far lesser impacts on land than small-sized cities and towns if normalized to the same number of populations. One explanation for the diminishing effect of city size on land-cover change relates to the degree of spatial dispersion of urban development and local differences in social valuation of diversified lands by cities.  相似文献   

Urban and exurban expansion results in habitat and biodiversity loss globally. We hypothesize that a coupled-model approach could connect urban planning for future cities with landscape ecology to consider wildland habitat connectivity. Our work combines urban growth simulations with models of wildlife corridors to examine how species will be impacted by development to test this hypothesis. We leverage a land use change model (SLEUTH) with structural and functional landscape-connectivity modeling techniques to ascertain the spatial extent and locations of connectivity related threats to a national park in southern Arizona, USA, and describe how protected areas might be impacted by urban expansion. Results of projected growth significantly altered structural connectivity (80%) when compared to current (baseline) corridor conditions. Moreover, projected growth impacted functional connectivity differently amongst species, indicating resilience of some species and near-complete displacement of others. We propose that implementing a geospatial-design-based model will allow for a better understanding of the impacts management decisions have on wildlife populations. The application provides the potential to understand both human and environmental impacts of land-system dynamics, critical for long-term sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two important issues for large Mediterranean city regions: the differential impact of compact urban ‘growth’ and low-density ‘sprawl’ on land cover changes (LCCs), and their final effect on changing land cover relationships (LCRs). The urban expansion of Rome (Italy) during the last 50 years and the related LCCs were investigated as a paradigmatic example of compact versus dispersed urban development. LCCs were assessed over 5 years (1960, 1974, 1990, 2000, 2006) by analysing diachronically the distribution of 12 land cover categories derived from digital land cover maps covering the entire Nuts-3 prefecture of Rome (5353 km2). LCRs were studied using multi-way data analysis. LCCs were found to have relative differences during ‘growth’ (1960–1990) and ‘sprawl’ (1990–2006) phases. Conversion to urban land uses concentrated in the 1960s and 1970s at the urban fringe, while expanding progressively far from the city in the 1990s and 2000s. During the ‘growth’ phase, the land cover classes with the highest probability of being converted to urban uses were arable lands, annual crops, vineyards and pastures. During the ‘sprawl’ phase, olive groves, orchards and forest surfaces also decreased due to the development of low-density built-up areas and infrastructure. Planning suggestions aimed at mitigating the alteration of the rural landscape through sprawl conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

北京市城近郊区人口密集,经济活动频繁,作为改善城市空气质量的重要环境资源之一,园林绿地提供了不可或缺的生态服务功能。针对研究区降尘大、SO_2浓度高以及生产生活耗氧量大等主要环境问题,以满足城市居民环境质量基本要求为目标,通过一系列决策变量与约束条件的设定,建立起北京城近郊区园林绿地多目标线性规划模型。应用Lingo 8.0软件对规划模型求解,结果表明,规划期(2020年)不同种类园林绿地面积分配较基期(2000年)更为合理,强调通过乔灌草相结合提高园林绿地整体生态服务功能,为北京建设生态城市提供了规划依据。  相似文献   

城市生态系统的格局和过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市生态系统是人类活动影响下的复合生态系统。人为的开发利用活动和局地的生物物理条件形成了城市特有的景观格局。城市发展改变了自然的生物栖息环境,从根本上改变了生态系统的结构、过程、功能,以及所提供的各种服务。这种改变最终又会影响人类自身的健康生存。文章综述了国内外有关城市景观格局和和重要生态过程之间相互作用机制的研究进展。通过研究发现,在大尺度上,净初级生产力是衡量城市发展对区域物流、能流影响的有效指标;在小尺度上,城市物流、能流过程和城市内部的景观结构、格局有很强的相关性。城市发展显著的改变了自然的栖息地及生物生长过程,本地植被种类减少,外来种增加,外来种的数量和人口数量有显著的相关性;而城市动物群落主要由一些小型哺乳动物、无脊椎动物、鸟类、两栖爬行类动物组成,其中,鸟类是研究城市化过程的有效指示物种。城市生态系统特有的景观格局及生态等过程显著的改了局部区域的微气候和水文过程,城市气温增加,风速降低,云、雾量增加,地表径流增加,流速加大,污染负荷增强等。因此,控制人类活动,优化土地利用的结构和空间格局,是改善城市生态系统结构和过程,保证可持续发展的基本出发点。但是,目前有关城市-格局-过程之间的影响机制还不十分清楚,尤其是定量研究较少。因此,结合传统的城市生态学,景观生态学的理论和其他相关学科领域的发展,为深入分析城市格局-过程之间的关系提供了重要的研究前景。  相似文献   

作为全国性的两个"两型社会"综合改革实验区之一,长株潭城市群发展面临着经济增长、资源短缺、环境保护之间相互制约的困境,是湖南省城市化发展中急需解决的问题。通过分析长株潭城市群发展现状,认为做大做强静脉产业是建立资源节约型和环境友好型社会的重要保障,并从发展体系、经营模式、物流体系、教育体系等几个方面对长株潭城市群静脉产业一体化发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Urban expansion in areas of active and legacy mining imposes a sustainability challenge, especially in arid environments where cities compete for resources with agriculture and industry. The city of Copiapó, with 150,000 inhabitants in the Atacama Desert, reflects this challenge. More than 30 abandoned tailings from legacy mining are scattered throughout its urban and peri-urban area, which include an active copper smelter. Despite the public concern generated by the mining-related pollution, no geochemical information is currently available for Copiapó, particularly for metal concentration in environmental solid phases. A geochemical screening of soils (n = 42), street dusts (n = 71) and tailings (n = 68) was conducted in November 2014 and April 2015. Organic matter, pH and elemental composition measurements were taken. Notably, copper in soils (60–2120 mg/kg) and street dusts (110–10,200 mg/kg) consistently exceeded international guidelines for residential and industrial use, while a lower proportion of samples exceeded international guidelines for arsenic, zinc and lead. Metal enrichment occurred in residential, industrial and agricultural areas near tailings and the copper smelter. This first screening of metal contamination sets the basis for future risk assessments toward defining knowledge-based policies and urban planning. Challenges include developing: (1) adequate intervention guideline values; (2) appropriate geochemical background levels for key metals; (3) urban planning that considers contaminated areas; (4) cost-effective control strategies for abandoned tailings in water-scarce areas; and (5) scenarios and technologies for tailings reprocessing. Assessing urban geochemical risks is a critical endeavor for areas where extreme events triggered by climate change are likely, as the mud flooding that impacted Copiapó in late March 2015.  相似文献   

Time series data on population change, economic development, climate change, water volume and quality and oasis land-use change were collected to study the interactions between these factors in the arid Tarim River Basin, China. The study reveals that precipitation and stream flow in headwater streams increased, but stream flow in the main Tarim River had reduced significantly over the past three decades. This implies that human activity, rather than climate change, dominated the recent environmental changes in the river basin. As a result of population growth and cultivated land expansion in the upper and middle reaches of the river, severe problems of water shortage, water pollution, death of natural vegetation, soil salinization, desertification and sand-dust storms have occurred, particularly in downstream areas of the river basin. These problems have had serious negative effects on the health of local people and sustainable social economic development in the region. Some development strategies are proposed to deal with these problems.  相似文献   

城市化地区人的生态及其产业活动强度大、范围广,对氧的收支关系反应敏感。空气中氧的平衡能力及其可持续性,是促进城市社会经济与环境协调发展的基本条件,按南京总体规划确定的主城.中心城市围及市域三个层次的格局,主城的氧亏可从城乡结合部的制氧空间得到足够的补偿。中心城市圈自身耗氧低,对主城的外延发展,卫呈城镇的工业化,新增大型耗能企业的布点均有较强的氧平衡能力,维护城市生态氧平衡的关键措施是建设城市生态防  相似文献   

为识别生境质量优劣的具体区域,揭示土地利用变化下生境质量时空演变特征,对集大农村、大库区于一体的三峡库区(重庆段)开展生境质量研究.以2000、2010及2020年土地利用数据为基础,运用InVEST模型对三峡库区(重庆段)2000—2020年生境质量进行定量评价,并结合转移矩阵方法挖掘了生境质量退化的具体区域.结果表...  相似文献   

Since Turkey is located on a region that is prone to the risks of natural disasters like earthquake, flooding, and avalanche; a majority of the residential areas are facing these risks at various levels. Before determination of these risks, taking action in order to decrease the vulnerability levels of the residential areas will help keep the damage at the minimum level in case of a disaster. Urban planning decisions which are made in accordance with vulnerability studies aiming to determine natural disaster risks will not only help prevent loss of life but also help decrease negative social and economic effects of disasters. The Zonguldak city has been chosen as a case study area since Zonguldak metropolitan area has endured almost all kinds of threats that a city can face. In this study disaster-producing factors in the area are primarily considered which can be named as topography, destruction of forest lands, geological and karstic structure, mining activities, and misuse of the land, and later risk assessment is conducted with geographic information system (GIS). It has been assessed that more than half of the buildings within the study area were constructed in areas not suitable for housing. It is concluded that there is a need for urgent urban development plan for the city.  相似文献   

通过回顾新加坡城市发展过程,分析了新加坡城市规划、建设、管理、发展四位一体的低碳生态化发展模式。在此基础上,对中国城市发展提出了以低碳生态为规划导向、以增强城市载体功能和绿色发展为建设目的、以完备立法、严格执法、全民参与为管理手段,以"两型社会"为发展目标的建议,推进低碳生态城市发展。  相似文献   

Land-use change in oases of arid zones play a significant role in the sustainable development and stability of oases. This paper presents a typical case of successful efforts to mitigate land-use change, its drivers and effects on the oasis eco-environment at Keriya Oasis in the western arid zone of China using remotely-sensed data, official statistics, and data collected by field investigation. Mathematical models were developed to quantify important elements related to land-use change, including net change and total change. The results indicate that: (1) approximately 17% of land-use types of Keriya Oasis changed between 1991 and 2002; (2) socioeconomic development, climate change, and economic polices contributed to land-use change in the oasis; (3) inappropriate human activities were the main cause of land-use change and eco-environmental degradation in the oasis; and (4) the stability of the oasis is threatened by land-use change and unexpected eco-environmental changes in the oasis and oasis–desert ecotone. The study suggests irrational human activity in arid zones, and that caution should be exercised to maintain stability and sustainable development of oases.  相似文献   

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